Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Paul C Bressloff Department of Mathematics, University of Utah December 7, 2008 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Protein transport neurodegeneration learning and memory protein trafficking synaptic plasticity cortical development synaptogenesis I I I Proteins must be transported long distances along dendrites and axons Protein transport crucial in synapse formation and plasticity Certain neurodegenerative diseases involve a breakdown in protein transport Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Outline I Protein receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity I Cable theory of receptor trafficking I Motor transport of mRNA Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Dendritic spines I I Most excitatory synapses are located in small mushroom–like appendages called dendritic spines which are rich in actin. Associated neurotransmitter is glutamate (Glu). Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Glutamate (Glu) receptors I Two major types of Glu receptor: AMPA and NMDA I Binding of Glu receptors opens AMPA ion channels leading to depolarization I Binding of Glu + sufficient depolarization opens NMDA ion channels leading to influx of calcium Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Long-term potentiation/depression I High frequency (100 Hz) stimulus induces LTP I Low frequency (1Hz) stimulus induces LTD Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Separation of time-scales I I I Induction: Calcium signal via NMDA induces action of kinases and phosphotases Expression: (De)Phosphorylation of AMPAR receptors regulates their trafficking and their conductance state Maintenance: Persistent changes require protein synthesis Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Regulation of AMPAR trafficking I A major expression mechanism for LTP/LTD is a Ca2+ -induced change in the number of synaptic AMPARs Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Various mechanisms of receptor trafficking 4 1 2 3 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Newly synthesized proteins inserted in cell surface Lateral surface diffusion along dendrite Surface entry into spine Recycling with intracellular pools/binding to scaffolding proteins 5. Motor transport of mRNA and local synthesis of AMPAR Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Single-particle tracking (Choquet and Triller, Nat Rev. Neurosci. 2003) I Sub-µm latex bead is bound to a receptor using ligands (antibodies or scaffolding proteins) and imaged using lasers I GFP tags reveal regions of high receptor concentration coincide with confinement domains (red) Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Inactivation and recovery of surface receptors Passafaro et al (Nature 2001) I Transfect AMPAR with an immunoflourescent tag (HA/T) I Reduce temperature to temporarily stop trafficking I Treat neuron with thrombin to eliminate surface staining of HA/T I Washout thrombin and return to normal temperatures: surface expression of HA/T recovers in 30 min. Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Outline I Protein receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity I Cable theory of receptor trafficking I Motor transport of mRNA Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Single–spine model B A Q END EXO DEG ω+ ω− β α k σdeg R C σrec synaptic membrane σ intracellular pool AMPA receptor scaffolding protein R, Q: free and bound receptor concentrations in synapse C: number of intracellular receptors k, σrec, σdeg, σ: rates of endo/exocytosis, deg/syn ω±: hopping rates in and out of synapse α, β: rates of binding/unbinding to scaffolding proteins Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Kinetic equations dR = ω+ U − ω− R − kR + σ rec C − α[Z − Q]R + βQ dt dQ a = α[Z − Q]R − βQ dt dC = −σ rec C − σ deg C + kR + σ dt a I U is dendritic receptor concentration at spine boundary I Z is concentration of scaffolding proteins I a is area of synapse Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Adiabatic approximation Q(t) = I Reduced single-spine model a I αZR(t) αR(t) + β dR = ω+ U − ω− R − kR + σ rec C dt dC = −σ rec C − σ deg C + kR + σ dt Strength of a synapse W = a[gR R + gQ Q] where gR , gQ are conductances of free and bound AMPARs Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Multi-spine diffusion–trapping model3 receptor scaffolding protein EXO END DEG Js x=0 spine x=L I Consider a dendritic cable of circumference l and length L. I Somatic flux Js at x = 0. Reflecting BC at x = L 3 Bressloff et. al. PRE 2007, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 2008 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons 1D Continuum model4 I Assume uniform concentration around circumference of cable I Represent fluxes between spines and cable using Dirac delta functions: ∂2U ∂U = D 2 − ρ(x)[ω+ U(x, t) − ω− R(x, t)] , ∂t ∂x with ρ(x) = N 1 X δ(x − xj ) 2πl j=1 I 4 Continuum approximation: take ρ(x) to be a smooth function so that we obtain a 1D cable equation. Earnshaw and Bressloff J. Comp Neurosci 2008, Bressloff 2009 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons A. J(x,t) U(x,t) JS x=0 x=L B. σdeg k J(x,t) C(x,t) R(x,t) σrec synaptic membrane I σ intracellular pool Transverse current J(x, t) = ω+ U(x, t) − ω− R(x, t) I Basal parameter values k = 10−3 µm2 s −1 , σ rec = 10−3 s −1 , σ rec = 10−5 s −1 , D = 0.1µm2 s −1 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Steady–state cable equation I Uniform spine density ρ0 = N/Ll: ρ0 ω d 2U − [U − R] = 0 2 dx D with ω= I ω+ k(1 − Λ) , ω− + k(1 − Λ) R= ω− Λσ , ω+ k(1 − Λ) Λ= σ rec . σ rec + σ deg Solution is U(x) = ZJS cosh(γ[x − L]) +R sinh(γL) where Z is characteristic impedance of cable and ξ ≡ γ −1 is a diffusive space constant: r ρ0 ω 1 , Z= . γ= D lDγ Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons 350 ω± = ω =10−3 180 160 140 120 300 250 σ = 10-3 s-1 γ−1[µm] concentration [µm-2] 200 100 80 60 200 150 100 40 50 σ=0 20 0 D σdeg ω 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 distance from soma [mm] 0 0.1 1 10 parameter value [x baseline] I Diffusion from soma is insufficient to supply distal synapses with receptors I Source at soma favors proximal synapses. Synaptic democracy requires non-uniform spines Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Given solution U(x) to cable equation, the free synaptic receptor concentration is R(x) = I ω+ U(x) + Λσ ω− + k(1 − Λ) The steady–state synaptic weight is then α(x)Z (x)R(x) W (x) = a(x) gR R(x) + gQ α(x)R(x) + β(x) Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Heterosynaptic interactions I Spine parameters can be classified according to whether or not they have a nonlocal effect on steady-state receptor numbers mediated by diffusion I Synaptic parameters are purely local: rates of binding/unbinding, number of binding sites, area of synapse I Parameters of constitutive recycling are nonlocal: rates of exo/endocytosis, local production and degradation I If the expression of LTP/LTD involves changes in number of binding sites, then receptor diffusion unlikely to mediate heterosynaptic plasticity Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Local increase in σ receptor number or concentration [µm-2] Local increase in σdeg 80 240 70 200 60 160 120 80 50 intracellular spine dendrite 40 30 20 40 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] I Increasing local production rate σ for spines between 90µm and 110µm leads to a global increase in receptor numbers. I Increasing degradation rate σ deg leads to a global reduction in receptor numbers Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Local decrease in σrec Local increase in k receptor number or concentration [µm-2] 120 100 120 intracellular spine dendrite 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] I 100 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] Increasing rate of endocytosis k or decreasing rate of recycling σ rec for spines between 90µm and 110µm leads to a global decrease in receptor numbers. Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Green’s functions I Response to a time–dependent surface current source I(x, t) switched on at t = 0: Z tZ L A(x, t) = GA (x, y ; t − t 0 )I(y , t 0 )dydt 0 0 0 for A = U, R, C and A(x, 0) = 0. I Green’s function GA (x, x0 ; t) is probability density that at time t a single labeled receptor is at position x and in state A given that at t = 0 it was injected into dendritic surface at x0 I Can be generalized to a time–dependent modification of constitutive recycling induced by synaptic activity. Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Plots of Green’s functions for x0 = L/2: 0.08 18 receptors [µm-1] x 10-3 t = 200 s t = 1000 s t = 2000 s t = 6000 s 0.04 0.02 10 12 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 -3 GC 12 14 0.06 0 0 distance from soma [µm] 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] Dependence of GU on diffusive coupling ω. 0.08 ω = 10-3 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 ω = 10-4 0.09 0.07 receptors [µm-1] I 14 x 10 GR 16 GU t = 200 s t = 1000 s t = 2000 s t = 6000 s 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] ω=0 0.01 0.01 0 0.09 0.08 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] Paul C Bressloff 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 distance from soma [µm] Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Let PA (t) denote probability to be in state A at time t: L Z PA (t) = GA (x, L/2; t)dx 0 σdeg = 10−5 s−1 1 σdeg = 10−3 s−1 1 1 U 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.5 0 0.4 0.7 10 20 time [103 sec] 30 R 0.3 C 0.2 0 0.4 0.1 0 3000 4000 time [sec] 5000 Paul C Bressloff 6000 0 10 20 time [103sec] 30 R 0.3 0.2 2000 0.5 0.5 0 1000 U 0.6 0.1 0 1 0.9 probability 0.8 probability probability 0.9 probability I C 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 time [sec] 5000 6000 Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons “Sum–over–trips” on dendritic trees dendrites B soma T I Each branch is uniform I All terminal nodes are closed I Continuity of receptor concentration at branch nodes I Conservation of current at branch nodes Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Use Laplace transforms on jth branch ej e d 2U ej (x, s) = − Ij (x, s) − Ξj (s)U 2 dx D I Perform the rescalings x → X = γj (s)x, Lj → Lj (s) = γj (s)Lj p with γj (s) = Ξj (s) so that ej e d 2U ej (X , s) = − Ij (X , s) − U dX 2 D Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I At each branch node ei (0, s) = U ej (0, s) U for all pairs (i, j) radiating from the node and ej X ∂U = 0, zj (s) = lj Dγj (s), zj (s) ∂X j X =0 where the sum is over all branches j connected to the node. I At all terminal modes ej ∂U ∂X Paul C Bressloff = 0. X =Lj Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I General solution is of the form X Z Lj (s) e Ui (X , s) = Gij (X , Y ; s)Iej (Y , s)dY j∈T I 0 The Green’s function Gij (X , Y ; s) satisfies the homogeneous equation d 2 Gij (X , Y ; s) 1 − Gij (X , Y ; s) = − δi,j δ(X − Y ), 2 dX D ei (X , s) for fixed j, Y . with the same boundary conditions as U Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Using the “sum–over–trips” method5 it can be shown that X Gij (X , Y ; s) = Atrip (s)G∞ (Ltrip (i, j, X , Y , s)), trips where G∞ (X ) is Green’s function for an infinite cable: G∞ (X ) = e−|X | , 2D and Ltrip (i, j, X , Y , s) is the length (in rescaled coordinates) of a path along the tree starting at the point X on branch i and ending at the point Y on branch j. I Sum restricted to a special class of paths or trips 5 Abbott et. al. 1991; Bressloff et. al. 1996; Coombes et. al. 2007, Bressloff 2009 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Definition: A trip from (X , i) to (Y , j) may start out in either direction along branch i but it can subsequently change direction only at a branch or terminal node. A trip is always reflected back at a terminal node, whereas at a branch node it may be transmitted to another branch or reflected back. A trip may pass through the points (X , i) and (Y , j) an arbitrary number of times as long as it starts at (X , i) and ends at (Y , j). n A. 2pn m 2pm−1 B. ±1 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons For each trip, the associated amplitude Atrip is calculated according to the following rules: 1. Initially take Atrip (s) = 1. 2. For every branch node at which the trip passes from an initial segment m to a different segment n, n 6= m, multiply Atrip (s) by a factor 2pn (s) 3. For every branch node at which the trip is reflected back along the same segment m, multiply Atrip (s) by a factor 2pm (s) − 1 4. For every closed (open) terminal node, multiply Atrip (s) by a factor +1 (−1) The factor pm is given by zm (s) , pm (s) = P n zn (s) where sum is over all branches n radiating from branch node. Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Future directions 1. How is receptor trafficking regulated following the induction of synaptic plasticity? 2. How are stable synaptic memories maintained given rapid protein turnover? Roles of protein synthesis and actin cytoskeleton? 3. What is the effect of intrinsic noise (small receptor numbers) on receptor trafficking and plasticity? Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Outline I Protein receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity I Cable theory of receptor trafficking I Motor transport of mRNA Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Protein synthesis required for persistent LTP6 I I I 6 (A) Single train of tetanic stimulation produces decremental potentiation Early-phase LTP insensitive to translational inhibition (anisomycin) and transcriptional inhibition (actinomyosin-D) (B) Repeated stimulation induces persistent potentiation that is sensitive to both translational and transcriptional inhibition Kelleher et. al. Neuron 2004 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Motor transport of mRNA7 I I 7 Newly transcribed mRNA granules are transported into the dendrite by kinesin motors on microtubules. Following synaptic activation, mRNA is localized to spines by the actin-based myosin Bramham and Wells Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2007 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Motile mRNA particles in cultured hippocampal cells exist in 3 states: oscillatory, anterograde and retrograde I KCL-induced depolarization increases anterograde motion Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Intermittent search8 I Many problems in nature require search for a randomly hidden target: foraging animals, a protein searching for a specific target site on DNA, microtubular transport of mRNA I An efficient stochastic search strategy is to alternate between (A) a slow motion (diffusive), intensive search phase and (B) a fast (motor-assisted) ballistic non-search phase 8 Loverdo et. al. Nat. Phys. 2008 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Stochastic model of directed intermittent search9 Target βv0 α α β+ v+ x X L I Particle injected into dendrite at x = 0 and t = 0. Fixed hidden target (dendritic spine) at x = X . I Particle exists in 3 states: anterograde with velocity v+ , retrograde with velocity −v− , and stationary. I In stationary state particle can be absorbed at a rate k if within a distance a of target I Absorbing boundary at x = L 9 Bressloff and Newby 2009 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I I Let pm (x, t) denote probability density for anterograde (m = +), retrograde (m = −) and stationary (m = 0) states Master equation of the form ∂p+ ∂p+ = −v+ + αp0 − β+ p+ ∂t ∂x ∂p− ∂p− = v− + αp0 − β− p− ∂t ∂x ∂p0 = −2αp0 + (β+ p+ + β− p− ) − kχ(x − X )p0 ∂t I where χ(x) = 1 if |x| < a and is zero otherwise. Initial and boundary conditions: v− p− (0, t) = v+ p+ (0, t), I p− (L, t) = 0, pm (x, 0) = δ(x)δm,+ Bias in anterograde direction β+ /v+ < β− /v− Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Optimization problem I Probability of finding target after time t is Z ∞ Z X +a p0 (x, τ )dxdτ γ(t) = k t X −a I Define hitting probability Π and conditional MFPT T according to Z ∞ γ(t) dt Π = γ(0), T = γ(0) 0 I Determine hitting probability Π and MFPT T by solving backwards equation or using Laplace transforms I Optimization problem: find parameter values that minimize search time and maximize hitting probability? Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Plots of Π and T for β− = 1s −1 (solid black), β− = 2.5s −1 (dashed) and unidirectional (gray) Hitting Probability MFPT 5000 1 4000 0.9 3000 Π 0.8 T 2000 0.7 0. 0 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Π 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1000 β+ = 1s-1 0.2 0.4 0.6 α (sec-1) 0.8 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 α (sec-1) 0.8 1 0.4 0.6 β+(sec-1) 0.8 1 1200 1000 800 T 600 400 α = 0.5 s-1 0.2 0.4 0.6 β+(sec-1) 0.8 200 1 Paul C Bressloff 0 0 0.2 Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Determine minimal MFPT for a given hitting probability I For finite β− (partially biased) there exists a minimum of T as a function of α I Unidirectional transport gives smaller MFPT than bidirectional transport 1400 1000 1000 Π = 0.8 800 increasing β− T(sec) T (sec) 1200 800 600 400 increasing β− 200 400 200 600 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 α(sec-1) 0.8 Paul C Bressloff 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 Π 0.6 0.8 1 Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Multiple targets First Target Second Target β α v 0 I I X1 X2 x Unidirectional search and n + 1 identical targets Hitting probability of finding most downstream target is b = (1 − Π)n Π Π I b is maximized when Π I ln 1 + n1 v (α + k). βmax (α) = 2ka The maximum hitting probability is b max = Π Paul C Bressloff nn . (n + 1)n+1 Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons ˆ Π 0.25 (a) Π̂max 0.25 (b) 0.2 0.2 n =1 n =3 0.1 0.1 n =5 n =7 0 0 2 α 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n βmax α k βmax < 1 α k < k* (1, α* ) 1 βmax > 1 α k > k* k* (c) 0 0 k* α Paul C Bressloff (d) 0 0 α Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Quasi–steady–state approximation I Fix units of space and time: x = 1mm and t = 104 s I Then v± = O(1) and transition rates α, β± 1 I Introduce small parameter ε= 1 1 1 + + β− β+ α and set a = εα, b± = εβ± I Have linear reaction-hyperbolic system 1 (∂t + v+ ∂x )p+ = (−b+ p+ + ap0 ) 1 (∂t − v− ∂x )p− = (−b− p− + ap0 ) 1 (∂t + k(x))p0 = (b+ p+ + b− p− − 2ap0 ) Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I Using projection methods one can show that p0 (x, t) ∼ q(x, t) , a p± (x, t) ∼ q(x, t) b± where q satisfies advection–diffusion equation ∂q ∂2q ∂q k(x) =− q − veff + Deff 2 ∂t a ∂x ∂x where veff = γ− ≡ Deff = 1 1 − b+ b− 1 − γ− 1 + γ− + 2 2 b+ b− Paul C Bressloff . Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons I If k ≡ 0 then one can write the solution in the form x − vt √ ,t pm (x, t) = ηm Qε ε I Can prove that10 Qε (s, t) → q(s, t) as ε → ∞ where q(s, t) is solution of heat equation. 10 cf. Reed et. al. 1990, Friedman and Hu 2007 Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons Acknowledgements I AMPAR trafficking: Berton Earnshaw (Utah), Michael Ward (UBC) I mRNA transport: Jay Newby (Utah) I Movies: Mike Ehlers (Duke University) I National Science Foundation Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons References 1. B. A. Earnshaw and P. C. Bressloff. J. Neurosci. 26 12362 (2006). 2. P. C. Bressloff and B. A. Earnshaw. Phys. Rev. E. 75 041916 (2007) 3. P. C. Bressloff, B. A. Earnshaw and M. J. Ward. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 68 1223-1246 (2008) 4. B. A. Earnshaw and P. C. Bressloff. J. Comput. Neurosci. 25 366-389 (2008) 5. P. C. Bressloff and B. A. Earnshaw. Biophys. J. In press. 6. P. C. Bressloff and J. Newby. Phys. Rev. Lett. Submitted. Paul C Bressloff Mathematical models of protein trafficking in neurons