Expressive Power of Logic Frameworks with Certainty Constraints Nematollaah Shiri

Expressive Power of Logic Frameworks with
Certainty Constraints
Nematollaah Shiri
Concordia University
Dept. of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Uncertainty reasoning has been a challenging issue in AI and database research. During the last
two decades, numerous frameworks have been proposed by extending the standard logic programming and deductive database systems. These
frameworks vary in different ways including the
way in which uncertainties are associated with the
facts and rules in programs. On the basis of this,
we have classified the approaches of these frameworks into ”annotation based” (AB) and ”implication based” (IB). In the AB approach, uncertainties are associated with the atoms whereas in
the IB approach they are associated with implications. Except for some particular cases, the exact relationship between the two approaches has
not been studied previously, in that, the two are
treated as somewhat orthogonal and unrelated. In
this paper, we investigate this issue and introduce
the notion of certainty constraint. The purposes
are two fold. First, this notion supports the operations of selection and join by certainty, which are
often useful in query formulation and processing
in the context of uncertainty. Second and more
importantly, this notion ”relates” the expressive
power of the two approaches. To be precise, we
propose a transformation technique which establishes that the AB and IB approaches are equally
expressive when the rule bodies are extended with
certainty constraints. A consequence of this result is that, using the transformation technique,
we can adopt and use successful developments in
either approach.
Many real-life applications require an ability to represent, manage, and reason with uncertain information.
Uncertainty arises when the information is of limited reliability, i.e., the truth of information is not established
definitely. Uncertainty is measured by some individual
or device, and is represented by associating with the
information a value coming from an appropriate domain. Silberschatz et al. (Silberschatz, Stonebraker, &
c 2005, American Association for Artificial InCopyright telligence ( All rights reserved.
Ullman 1991) identified uncertainty management as an
important challenge: “further research in uncertainty is
essential, as we must learn not only to cope with data
of limited reliability, but do so efficiently with massive
amounts of data.”
Logic database programming with the advantage of
being declarative and modular, and with its powerful
top-down and bottom-up query processing techniques
has been a primary choice for modeling uncertainty
for which numerous frameworks have been proposed
by extending the standard logic programming and
deductive databases with uncertainty (Shapiro 1983;
van Emden 1986; Subrahmanian 1987; Kifer & Li 1988;
Ng & Subrahmanian 1992; Dubois, Lang, & Prade 1991;
Fitting 1991; Kifer & Subrahmanian 1992; Lakshmanan
& Sadri 1994; ; Lakshmanan & Shiri 1996).
These proposals typically offer a framework in which
deduction is combined with some form of uncertainty,
including certainty values, fuzzy, probabilities, possibilities, hybrid of numeric and symbolic formalisms, etc.
As in the standard case, these frameworks offer a declarative semantics of programs. On the operational side,
this is supported by a sound and complete (or weakly
complete) proof theory and a corresponding fixpoint semantics. On their approaches, these frameworks may
differ in several ways, e.g., (i) in the mathematical foundation of the underlying uncertainty notion, (2) in the
way they manipulate uncertainties, and (3) in the way
uncertainties are associated with the facts and rules in
a program. On the basis of the third, these frameworks
are classified into annotation based (AB, for short) and
implication based (IB) approaches, as described below
(Lakshmanan & Shiri 2001b).
Two operations often useful in the context of uncertainty for query formulation and processing are selection by certainty and join by certainty. For example,
the first operation may be used in queries such as: “list
all objects whose degree of redness is at least 0.8”. For
the join by certainty operation, an example would be restricting the joins in a rule body to tuples whose certainties stand in particular relationships. To support these
two operations, we introduce the notion of certainty
constraint, which may be added to rule bodies to restricts their evaluations. In addition to support the two
useful operations, it turns out that this notion is more
important in that it “relate” the expressive power of the
AB and IB approaches, which were viewed as somewhat
orthogonal and not so related formalisms so far, except
in some special cases (For instance, the generalized AB
framework (GAP) can simulate, through the annotation variables, the computation of the IB framework of
van Emden.) In this paper, we investigate the relative
expressive power of the AB and IB approaches. For our
result to be general in this study, we take a framework
independent approach by first introducing two generic
AB and IB frameworks, each of which would include the
main characteristics and common features of the corresponding approach it represents. We will then extend
these generic frameworks with certainty constraints in
the rule bodies. As our main contribution in this paper, we show that the generic AB and IB frameworks
are equally expressive, when extended with certainty
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We
next review the basic concepts and techniques of logic
programming and deductive databases and introduce
some notations. In section 3, we introduce two generic
AB and IB frameworks, and then extend both certainty
constraints in the rule bodies. In section 4, we introduce a transformation technique, using which we establish the equivalence of these generic AB and IB frameworks which allow certainty constraints in the rule bodies. This is followed by a discussion on the continuity
of the fixpoint operators. We conclude the paper with
some remarks and and future work.
Background and Notations
In this section, we review basic of logic programming
and deductive databases with uncertainty. This also
helps introducing the concepts and notations we use
in this paper. We assume the reader is familiar with
the foundations of logic programming (Lloyd 1987) and
deductive databases (Ceri, Gottlob, & Tanca 1989).
In his seminal work on quantitative deduction, van
Emden (van Emden 1986) proposed an IB framework,
by considering the subset of Prolog language (without negation) in which the implications are associated
with certainty factors. Examples of some IB frameworks include Fitting (Fitting 1988; 1991), Dubois et
al. (Dubois, Lang, & Prade 1991), and Lakshmanan
and Sadri (Lakshmanan & Sadri 1994; ). Each rule r
in an IB framework is an expression of the form
r : A ←− B1 , . . . , Bn .
where A and Bi ’s are atomic formulas, and α ∈ (0, 1] is
the rule certainty. As in the standard case, when n = 0,
we call r as fact. Intuitively, rule r asserts that “the certainty that the rule body implies the head is α.” In a
sense, α controls the “propagation” of truth from the
rule body to the head. Rule evaluation in (van Emden
1986) is as follows. Given an assignment of certainties to the Bi ’s, we first obtain the certainty of the rule
body as a whole, using min. This certainty is then multiplied by the rule certainty α, which yields a certainty
of the ground atom defined by the rule. Using max,
alternate derivations of this atom are combined into a
single certainty. This basically explains the notion of
rule evaluation in IB frameworks, modulo the fact that
the certainty domain and/or certainty functions could
be different from one framework to another. For rule
r above, we associate the triplet of certainty functions
hfd , fp , fc i in which fd is the disjunction, fp is the propagation, and fc is the conjunction function. The order
of functions listed in this triplet indicates, from right to
left, the order in which the functions are applied when
evaluating the rule, as described above. We will refer to
the collection of these functions as certainty functions.
In the AB approach, on the other hand, implication is
similar to the standard case, however, each atom in the
rule is associated with a certainty value or variable. To
be precise, a rule in an AB framework is an expression
of the form:
r : A : f (β1 , . . . , βn ) ← B1 : β1 , . . . , Bn : βn .
where f is a computable n-ary function, which plays the
role of conjunction and propagation functions in the IB
frameworks mentioned above, and βi ’s are annotation
constants or variables ranging over an appropriate certainty domain. This rule asserts “the certainty of A is
at least (or is in) f (β1 , . . . , βn ), whenever the certainty
of Bi is at least (or is in) βi , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.” Examples of the AB frameworks include the annotated logic
programming of Subrahmanian (Subrahmanian 1987),
Kifer and Li (Kifer & Li 1988), the probabilistic logic
programming of Ng and Subrahmanian (Ng & Subrahmanian 1992; 1993), and the generalized theory of annotated logic programming (GAP) of Kifer and Subrahmanian (Kifer & Subrahmanian 1992).
We do not enter into a debate of which approach is
the best. Rather, we emphasize that different frameworks may be appropriate for different applications.
Furthermore, different forms of manipulating uncertainty may be required in some applications. See (Lakshmanan & Shiri 2001a) for a survey of uncertainty in
logic programming and deductive databases. Further
remarks on the AB and IB approaches are as follows.
While the way implication is treated in the AB approach is similar to the standard case, the way rules
are fired in the IB approach has a definite intuitive appeal (Kifer & Subrahmanian 1992). The AB approach
in general is strictly more expressive than the IB. For
instance, as shown in (Kifer & Subrahmanian 1992),
the GAP framework can simulate the IB framework of
van Emden, through annotation variables. The down
side is that query processing (particularly resolution
and fixpoint evaluation) in the AB approach is more
complicated than the IB approach. For instance, unlike in the IB approach, unification is more involved
in the AB approach, and resolution requires constraint
solving. With respect to the fixpoint computation, we
remark that the fixpoint operator in the IB approach
is continuous while it is not necessarily the case in the
AB. We will further comment on the continuity issue
later when we present our results.
Generic AB and IB Frameworks
As different AB or IB frameworks may have different
mathematical foundation of uncertainty and different
combination functions, for their comparison to make
sense, we introduce two generic frameworks, and AB
and an IB, each of which includes common features of
the corresponding framework it represents. We refer
to these generic frameworks as GAB and GIB, respectively. We will introduce the notion of certainty constraint and further extend the GAB and GIB frameworks to allow certainty constraints in the rule bodies.
We will then establish that these extended frameworks
are equally expressive – an important result which “connects” the AB and IB approaches.
A useful operation in deductive databases and logic
programming with uncertainty is to select from a relation, every tuple whose associated certainty value is not
“less” than a specified threshold, e.g., as in the query
“find all the red objects whose degree of redness is at
least 0.75.” We call this operation as selection by certainty. Another useful operation in this context is join
by certainty, which amounts to prescribing that a pair of
tuples from two relations can be joined provided their
associated certainties stand in a certain relationship.
We can view the selection/join by certainty as filtering
mechanisms, by which we determine a (possibly empty)
subset of tuples to be considered for the selection/join
Neither of these operations is supported by any IB IB
framework, including the parametric framework. The
AB frameworks on the other hand enjoy a limited form
of these operations through annotation constants and
variables. We thus extend the AB and IB frameworks
to support these operations. This is done by allowing certainty constraints in the rule bodies, defined formally as follows. Borrowing the syntax proposed by
Halpern (Halpern 1990), given an atom A, we use the
term wt(A), read as weight of A, to denote the certainty
of A. A certainty constraint is a boolean expression or
a conjunction of such expressions each of which is of
the form “wt(A) θ ν” or “wt(A) θ wt(B)”, where A
and B are atoms, ν is a certainty constant or variable
over the certainty domain, and θ ∈ {≺, , =, 6=, , }.
We can think of wt(A) as a function call, returning the
“current” certainty value associated with A, as the rule
evaluation continues.
As is customary, we assume that the underlying certainty domain, denoted T , is a complete lattice, partially ordered by ; we may also use its dual . Also
some frameworks, e.g., (Kifer & Li 1988), use multiset
as the semantics structure. A multiset M is an annotated set whose elements are of the form x : k, where
k denotes the multiplicity of x in M . Obviously, M reduces to a set if k ∈ {0, 1}. We will use {|· · ·|} to denote
multisets. Following our development of the parametric framework (Lakshmanan & Shiri 1996), the semantics of the generic AB and IB frameworks we introduce
here is based on multisets. Furthermore, in order for
the comparison of the AB and IB frameworks to be fair
and make sense, we further assume that the certainty
functions employed are subject to the same collection of
reasonable properties, including monotonicity, continuity (w.r.t. Scott’s topology), associativity, and commutativity. See (Lakshmanan & Shiri 1996) for the complete list of these properties and their justifications.
A Generic IB Framework
As the generic IB framework in this paper, we consider
the parametric framework (Lakshmanan & Shiri 1996),
which unifies and/or generalizes all the IB frameworks.
We further extend this generic language with certainty
constraints, denoted Cr , and defined below. Let us refer
to this extended generic IB framework as EGIB. Each
rule r in EGIB is an expression of the form:
r : p(Y ) ←−
q1 (Y 1 ), . . . , qn (Y n ), Cr ; hfd , fp , fc i.
where p and q’s are atoms, αr ∈ T is the rule certainty,
Cr is (a possibility empty) conjunction of certainty constraints in the rule, and the combination functions from
right to left indicate conjunction, propagation, and disjunction functions.
The notion of program satisfaction is similar to that
of the parametric framework except that here certainty
constraints should also be taken into account. Let P
be a program in the EGIB framework. A valuation v
of P is a mapping from the Herbrand base BP of P to
the certainty domain T , which assigns to each ground
atom A in BP , a certainty value in T , that is, v(A) ∈
T . We use P ∗ to denote the ground instantiation of
P , i.e., the collection of variable-free instances of every
rule in P . Let Cr ≡ C1 , . . . , Ck be the conjunction of
certainty constraints specified in the body of a rule r ∈
P , where C` , 1 ≤ ` ≤ k, is either an expression of the
form (1) wt(qi (Y i )) θ σ or (2) wt(qi (Y i )) θ wt(qj (Y j )),
θ is a comparison operator, and σ ∈ T .
Given a valuation v, we say v satisfies a certainty
constraint Ci , denoted |=v Ci , provided v(Bi ) θ σ is true
in case (1), and v(Bi ) θ v(Bj ) is true in case (2), where
Bi is a ground instance of the atomic formula qi (Y i ).
We say that v satisfies C1 , . . . , Ck , provided |=v C` , for
all `, 1 ≤ ` ≤ k. We use these definitions to formalize
the notion of program satisfaction, as follows.
Let r be any rule in an EGIB program P and v
be any valuation of P . For any ground instance ρ
of r, we say that v satisfies ρ, denoted |=v ρ, iff
fp (αr , fc ({|v(B1 ), . . . , v(Bn )|})) v(A) and |=v Cr . We
say that v satisfies r, denoted |=v r, iff v satisfies every
instance of r. Finally, we say v satisfies P , denoted
|=v P , iff (1) ∀r ∈ P : |=v r, and (2) ∀A ∈ BP : v(A) fd (X), where X = {|fp (αr , fc ({|v(B1 ), . . . , v(Bn )|})) |
(A ←−
B1 , . . . , Bn , Cr ; hfd , fp , fc i) ∈ P ∗ and |=v Cr }| .
Unlike in standard logic programming and deductive
databases, when uncertainty is present, it is possible
that a rule r in P is satisfied by a valuation v while P
itself is not satisfied. The last condition above is concerned with this case stating that in order for v to also
satisfy for P , the certainty assigned to any ground atom
A by v is not less than A’s certainty derived from P ,
which is obtained by applying the disjunction function
fd to the multiset X of certainties derived from every
instance ρ of r ∈ P whose head is A such that |=v ρ.
A Generic AB Framework
In this section we introduce a generic AB framework,
GAB, that includes essential features of the AB approach. To this end, following our approach in the development of the parametric framework (Lakshmanan
& Shiri 2001b). In order for the comparison of GAB and
GIB to make sense, we require that the GAB framework
uses multiset as its underlying semantics structure. We
further assume that the combination functions allowed
in GAB are subject to the same postulates in the GIB.
Note that the annotation function used in the rule head
in an AB framework plays the role of both conjunction
and propagation functions. Also note that the GAB
framework so defined does not exactly correspond to
any existing AB framework. A technical issue here to
note is that while the immediate consequence operator
TP used to define the fixpoint semantics of logic programs P is continuous in standard logic programming
and IB frameworks, it is not the case for almost all AB
frameworks, indicating that the least fixpoint evaluation of programs in AB frameworks may not terminate
in finite time. We elaborate on this issue in the closing
Next we allow certainty constraints in the GAB
framework. The syntax of a rule r in the extended
GAB framework, called EGAB, is an expression of the
p(Y ) : f (V1 , . . . , Vn )←q1 (Y 1 ) : V1 , . . . , qn (Y n ) : Vn , Cr .
where Vi is a certainty constant or variable, for 1 ≤ i ≤
n, and the constraint Cr is a conjunction of boolean
expression of the form Vi θ Vj or Vi θ σ, where θ is a
comparison operator, and σ is a certainty value in T .
The following example, adopted from (Lakshmanan
1994), illustrates the use of certainty constraints.
Consider a medical application where uncertain
knowledge about particular diseases and symptoms is
represented as the following program, in which we assume the triplet of certainty functions associated with
each rule is hmax, ∗, mini.
r1 : disease(X, D) ←− has(X, S), symptom(D, S),
wt(has(X, S)) 0.8,
wt(symptom(D, S)) 0.9.
nism. For instance, the likelihood of X having disease
D is computed (by r1 ) only when X has a symptom
S with certainty 0.8, and S is associated with D
with certainty 0.9. In particular, conclusions with
“insignificant” certainties are automatically pruned.
Note that the extended GAB framework so defined
is strictly more expressive than the GAB, and hence
more expressive that any basic AB framework. This
is because in the former, we can express a relationship
between two annotations, while this could not be done
in existing AB frameworks. For instance, suppose we
want to perform a join operation on relations q and r
for those tuples tq ∈ q and tr ∈ r such that the certainty
of tq is not “less” than the certainty of tr . While this
cannot be expressed in any existing AB framework, it
can be expressed as the following rule in the extended
p(Y ) : f (V1 , V2 )←q(Y 1 ) : V1 , r(Y 2 ) : V2 , V1 V2 .
where f is any allowable annotation function that satisfies the postulates.
Equivalence of EGAB and EGIB
In this section, we show that the generic EGAB and
EGIB frameworks with certainty constraints are equally
expressive. This is formally stated as follows. We use
D to denote the input set of facts, also called extensinal database, which is essentially a collection of atomcertainty pairs. For a program P and input collection
of facts D, we use P (D) to denote the set of atomcertainty paris obtained by a fixpoint evaluation of P
on D.
Theorem: Given any program PA in the EGAB
framework, there exists a program PI in EGIB such
that for every input database D, program PI computes
the same atom-certainty pairs as PA computes on D.
That is, PA (D) = PI (D), for all input database D.
Proof Sketch. The idea of the proof is based on simulation of programs in one formalism within the other.
We use a transformation technique to establish this
equivelence. That is, given any rule r in EGAB or
EGIB, our transformation yields an equivalent rule r
in the other framework, in the sense that on every in0
put database D, r and its transformed expression r
define the same multiset of atom-certainty pairs. This
is done in two parts, by first assuimg r is in EGAB and
then consider the case where r is a rule in EGAB. The
transformation procedure is defined as follows.
First, consider the EGAB rule r in PA defined earlier,
repeated here for convenience.
r2 : disease(X, D) ←− f amily history(X, D),
wt(f amily history(X, D)) 0.8,
wt(hereditary(D)) 0.7.
The use of constraints is viewed as a filtering mecha-
r : p(Y ) : f (V1 , . . . , Vn )←q1 (Y 1 ) : V1 , . . . , qn (Y n ) : Vn , Cr .
This rule can be expressed as the following EGIB rule
in which > is the top value in the certainty domain T .
r : p(Y ) ←− q1 (Y 1 ), . . . , qn (Y n ), Cr0 ; hfd , fp , fc i.
where Cr0 is Cr with annotation variable Vi replaced
by wt(qi (Y i )), for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Here fd is the disjunction function associated with the predicate p defined
by r, and fp is any propagation function satisfying the
postulates which, among others, is required to satisfy
fp (α, >) = α, ∀α ∈ T .
Now suppose r is the following EGIB rule in PI .
r : p(Y ) ←−
q1 (Y 1 ), . . . , qn (Y n ), Cr ; hfd , fp , fc i.
This rule can be expressed as the EGAB rule:
p(Y ) : fp (αr , fc (V1 , . . . , Vn ))← q1 (Y 1 ) : V1 , . . .
qn (Y n ) : Vn , Cr0 .
is the certainty constraint Cr in which the
weight term wt(qi (Y i )) replaced by the annotation variable Vi , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
It follows from the transformation above that the resulting rule is equivalent to the given rule, in the sense
that they compute the same atom-certainty pairs. Similarly, given any r in a EGIB program, we can express r
as a rule in EGAB in which the annotation of each atom
can be extracted from the weight terms wt in the constraints in r, the rest of constraints in r would become
the constraints in the EGAB rule, and the annotation
function in the rule is determined from the conjunction and propagation functions together used to define
the head constraints. This equivalence at the rule level
implies equivalence at the program level, since, by construction, the disjunction function associated with the
head predicate in r and r are identical.
The following example illustrates the transformation
procedure. Let P be the following program in EGAB.
r1 : disease(X, D) : 0.8 ∗ min(V1 , V2 ) ←
has(X, S) : V1 , symptom(D, S) : V2 ,
V1 0.8, V2 0.9.
r2 : disease(X, D) : 0.9 ∗ min(V1 , V2 ) ←
f amily history(X, D) : V1 ,
hereditary(D) : V2 , V1 0.8, V2 0.7.
Following the transformation method proposed
above, P would be transformed into an equivalent program in EGIB defined in Example ??, assuming that
max is the disjunction function associated with every
predicate in P .
Note that although query processing in the AB
framework of Kifer and Subrahmanian (Kifer & Subrahmanian 1992) may in general call for constraint
solvers, constraints are not explicitly allowed in users’
programs. Recall that a restricted form of constraints
is implicitly allowed in the basic AB framework, i.e., associating the same annotation variable with more than
one atom in the rule body, or associating an annotation constant. Adding constraints strictly increases the
expressive power of the parametric and the AB frameworks. This also provides us with a common ground for
comparing EGAB and EGIB. Our result above shows
that when constraints are added, the extended GAB
and GIB have the same expressive power.
Concluding Remarks and Future Work
In this paper we studied the expressive power of the AB
and IB frameworks with uncertainty. As these frameworks differ in various ways, we first developed a generic
framework that possess common features of AB frameworks. Similarly, we proposed a generic IB framework
that includes common features of IB frameworks. We
then extended these generic frameworks with certainty
constraints, mainly to support the operations of selection/join by certainty. More importantly, this extension shed light on the expressive power of the AB and
IB frameworks. More precisely, we showed the AB and
IB approaches are equally expressive, when they are
extended with certainty constraints.
While the fixpoint operator of the IB frameworks
are continuous, the increased expressive power gained
by allowing certainty constraints comes at the expense
of continuity; the fixpoint operator of the EGIB is no
longer continuous. This is true even for the majority of
the proposed AB frameworks. The following example
illustrates this point.
Let us now consider the following EGIB program P ,
in in which T = [0, 1] is the underlying certainty lattice.
r1 : p(X, Y ) ←− e(X, Y ); hfind , ∗, mini.
r2 : p(X, Y ) ←− e(X, Z), p(Z, Y ); hfind , ∗, mini.
r3 : r(X, Y ) ←− p(X, Y ), q(X, Y ), wt(p(X, Y )) wt(q(X, Y )); hfind , ∗, mini.
where find (α, β) = α+β −αβ is the independence function, in the probabilistic sense. Suppose D = {e(1, 1) :
0.5, e(1, 2) : 0.5, q(1, 2) : 1} is the set of input facts.
Using a fixpoint evaluation of P , the certainty associated with atom r(1, 2) will be 0, obtained only at the
limit (after ω steps). This is denoted as TPω (r(1, 2)) = 0.
However, we can see that TPω+1 (r(1, 2)) = 1, which is
different than its certainty at the limit. This indicates
that the fixpoint operator TP is not continuous, a desired property that is lost.
Another impact of adding constraints to rule bodies
is on the termination and complexity properties. We
can give examples of programs in the EGIB framework
whose evaluation terminates, while the corresponding
programs with the constraints dropped may not terminate. This is illustrated in the following example.
Consider a program in EGIB that includes the rules
r1 and r2 defined in the above example. The fixpoint
evaluation of this program does not terminate on the
input set D introduced above. Now consider the EGIB
program in which rule r2 is replaced with r2 :
r2 : p(X, Y ) ←− e(X, Z), p(Z, Y ), wt(e(X, Y )) 1,
wt(p(X, Y )) 1; hfind , ∗, mini
That is, Q = {r1 , r2 }. It can be easily verified that
the fixpoint evaluation of Q on D terminates in two
iterations. This is because the first certainty constraint
in r2 ensures that this rule never fires.
More work is required to characterize the termination
and complexity of these frameworks, when recursive
predicates are associated with disjunction functions,
such as find , which tend to increase indefinitely unless
supplied with the top certainty value. Another interesting direction to explore is to study the containment
problem in the presence of the certainty constraints
along our development in the context of the parametric
framework (Lakshmanan & Shiri 2001b).
An implementation of the EGIB is underway by extending our implementation (Shiri & Zheng 2004) of
a fragment of the parametric framework. Query processing and unification here are more complicated due
to the presence of the certainty constraints in the rule
The author would like to thank Dr. Laks Lakshmanan
and anonymous reviewers for helpful discussions and
valuable comments.
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