III INTERNAL REPORT 97 VEGETATION AND STEM MAPPING OF WATERSHED 10 H. J. ANDREWS EXPERIMENTAL FOREST Glenn M. Hawk Oregon State University 11 E is This internal report contains information of a preliminary nature, prepared primarily for NOTICE: internal use in the US/IBP Coniferous Forest Biome program. This information is not for use prior to publication unless permission is obtained in writing from the author. l VEGETATION AND STEM MAPPING OF WATERSHED NO. 1Oj H. J. ANDREWS EXPERIMENTAL FOREST Glenn M. Hawk Stem mapping of all trees greater than 15 cm dbh has ABSTRACT: been completed on the 10.24 hectare watershed (No. 10) at H. J. Using a 25 m grid system, mapping Andrews intensive study site. of vegetation into 7 plant communities and then into 4 habitat types has also been completed. Descriptions of these communities based on field notes and extrapolation from reference stands located in the Andrews Experimental Forest are included along with structural characteristics of the communities and habitat types. Size class distributions of living trees greater than 15 cm dbh are also included for the whole watershed, for communities, and for habitat types. INTRODUCTION: Watershed 10 has been selected for current modeling efforts of the IBP Coniferous Forest Biome project at the Oregon This intensive study site, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. report supplies a necessary input for calculating standing crop of vegetation in all strata from trees to mosses. A community description approach has been used with tables and appendices furnishing data concerning trees, shrubs, herbs and mosses occurring within the watershed. J Watershed 10 contains representatives of communities common to the lower elevation regions of the Tsuga hetero h lla Zone of communities Franklin and Dyrness (1969). Within watershed Major emphasis of this are identified, which are discussed below. Some comparisons report is placed on description of the vegetation. of communities with each other and with other portions of the Tsuga heterophylla Zone near the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest are also included. Watershed 10 is a 10.24 hectare watershed that drains to the west. It is located near to but outside of the southwestern boundary of the Experimental Forest. The elevation of the watershed ranges The entire watershed lies from 1425 feet (435 m) to 2,275 feet (695 m). Tsuga heterophylla.Zone of Franklin and Dyrness. within the Preliminary surveying of watershed 10 with staff compass, METHODS: chains and Abney levels was completed in 1970. During this surveying three base lines running north and south were established at equal intervals within the watershed. These base lines served as reference points during the establishment of a 25 m grid system in 1971-1972. Using staff compass, chains, and Abney levels, the 25 m grid system was established with correction for slope over the entire watershed During spring, 1972, aluminum corner stakes were installed (figure 1). and labeled to mark the 25 meter grid corners. Grid sections were numbered, for referencing positions in the watershed. N R 2100 PAAV contour interval = 100 feet 500 25 10 1. Watershed 10,N.J,A.Exp.Foresblbb- 1600 figure 59 meters 1900 04 7 1Q0 LI 4eo 9 LI I MD 7 1 ills LI tree meters sIump l c=g figure 2. stream sample section of stem map, Watershed -3- 10, H.J.A. Exp.For, During spring and early summer, 1972, stem mapping was completed on all trees with a diameter breast high (dbh)of 15 cm or greater, Stem and each tree was marked with an aluminum number tag. mapping included the recording of tree species, dbh, grid section number, x and y coordinates within the watershed, and notes on the vigor and crown condition of each tree over 15 cm dbh. Stem mapping was completed by one or more teams of two people. Using this method, it is felt that most trees are within 1-2 meters of their actual location, however, this is harder to assess on steeper slopes. In addition to the standing crop measurements, data were recorded on downed logs and stumps within the watershed. An attempt was made to accurately locate logs and stumps on the stem map. -A portion of the stem map is shown in figure 2. The finished stem map was photoreduced to a workable size and used as base maps for several investigations during the summer of 1972. A limited number of copies of the stem maps are available on request. During early stem mapping and throughout the summer and fall optical dendrometer crews made linear measurements on trees, including heights within watershed 10 and reference stands in the H. J. Andrews. Vegetation mapping was started in early summer, 1972, using a reconnaissance technique and an open legend mapping system. Species and cover class combinations were listed for four strata within each spatially delimited area. The 4 strata include; 1) the mature overstory canopy (primary tree strata) which included mature to old-growth trees of any species, 2) the understory tree stratum (secondary tree stratum) containing young second-growth and older reproductive sapling; size classes of species normally obtainin tree stature in the community, 3) the tall shrub stratum, and 4}q the low shrub stratum. Herbaceous species were noted in a few instances where it was felt this information would be helpful in final classification of the map unit to a community or habitat type. Cover of species within the four strata mentioned above was estimated using a series of cover classes adapted from Daubenmire (1959) as follows: 0 = 0% cover, 1 = 1-5% cover, 2 = 6-25% cover, 3 - 26-50%, 4 = 51-75% cover, 5 = 76-95% cover, and 6 = 96-100% cover. The major plants in each stratum were listed in order of dominance followed by a single digit indicative of the combined cover class of that stratum within the map unit. An example of a map symbol follows: 235 Psme 1 Tshe - Cach 3 Rhma 4 Gash - Bene 4 where Psme, Tshe, Cach, Rhma, Gash, and Bene are alpha codes for Pseudotsu a menziesii, Tsuga heterophylla, Castanopsis chrysophylla, Rhododendron macrophyllum, Gaultheria shallop, and'Berberis nervosa, -4- respectively (Garrison, Skovlin, and Poulton, 1967). Note that there are four lines in this symbol. Each line represents a different stratum within the individual map unit (number 235 in this case). The single digit following each line in the symbol indicate the combined cover class of the vegetation within that stratum. For example, line two in the above symbol reads "Tshe - Cach 3". This means that the secondary tree stratum of this map unit consists of between 25 and 50 percent cover that is made up of both Tsuga heterophylla second growth or reproductive size classes and Castano sis chryscphh lla. 1 Since T. heterophylla preceeds C. ch sophylla it is known that the cover of Tsuga is greater than that of Castano sis. Individual map units were identified visually and delimits once stem map by using the numbered aluminum tags on trees and grid corners as reference points. A sample of the vegetation map is shown in figure 3. At the completion of mapping 414 individual ve etation map units had been delineated on the map (Appendix V. LI Calculations of area of and delineations and percentages of cover within them were facilitated by the use of an electric grid counting device. Counts included 32,700 points within the watershed. Thus, calculations of areas can be done with a high degree of precision. Data have all been computer analyzed and areas calculated for the watershed and for individual communities and cover types (Appendix III and IV). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF DATA The 414 vegetation map units were grouped into 7 communities, 6 of which have been described by Dyrness, Franklin and Moir (1973). These 6 communities are also found elsewhere on the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and are either represented by reference stands or by reconnaissance plots. The seventh community is the riparian community which has yet to be described as to vegetation and soil in the Andrews and surrounding areas. The 7 communities and the stands that may be used to describe them in more detail (vegetatively) than is afforded by the methods employed in this study are as follows: 1) Tsuga hetero h lla/Castanopsis chr so h lia association Tshe/Cac , reference stance and 16. 2) Tsu a heterophylla/ Rhododendron macro h llum/Gaultheria s a on association s e/Rhma%Gash , reference stand 10. 3) T:uqa heterophylla/Rhododendron macro h llum/Berberis nervosa association Ts e/R ma/Bene reference stands , 2 and 17. 4) Tsuga hetero h lla/Aver circinatum/Polystichum munitum association Tshe/Acci/Pomu , reference stands 9 and 15. 5) Pseudotsuga menziesii/Acer circinatum/Berberis nervosa !Psme/Acci/Bene community7seral reconnaissance data. H , -5- 1 H meters stream trail map unit boundary sampling station figure 3, sample section of vegetation map, Watershed 10, H.J. Andrews Experimental -6- Forest. 6) Pseudotsuga menziesii/Acer circinatum/Gaultheria shallon community (seral) reconnaissance data. (Psme/Acci/Gash , 7) Riparian type. A map showing the distribution of the above communities is shown in figure 4. Each of the above communities and its extent within watershed 10 will be discussed below. The primary effort of this report is aimed at a description of the gross structure of the communities rather than a detailed discussion of total floristics for each. The latter may be more closely approximated in Franklin, Dyrness, and Moir (1970) or Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir (1973). Basically, the watershed provides a mixture of old-growth and second-growth stands located on a highly variable substrata; variable in depth, compositon, and with regard to slope and aspect. This explains in part the mixing of potentially climax associations such as Tshe/Cach, Tshe/Rhma/Bene, Tshe/Rhma/Gash and Tshe/Acci/Pomu with stands consisting of an earlier seral vegetation grouping Psme/Acci/Bene, Psme/Acci/Gash or the riparian type. Fire history has undoubtedly played an important role in the formation of and development of plant communities within watershed 10. COMMUNITY DESCRIPTIONS TSHE/CACH COMMUNITY The most abundant community within watershed 10 is the Tshe/Cach n community (Table 1, figure 4). It occupies 39.2 percent 4.hectares) of the watershed. It is generally located on the surrounding ridges of watershed 10 or on south and southwest aspects, where exposure is great. A total of 43.1 percent of cover class 0 of the primary tree stratum of watershed 10 occurs within the Tshe/Cach community (Table 3). Table 2 indicates that most of this community occurs beneath a very sparse primary tree stratum with 92.1 percent of the community having less than 50 percent cover in this layer. The canopy of the secondary tree stratum is much denser, due in part to the open nature of the primary tree stratum. Thirty-one and seven tenths percent of cover class 0 in the secondary tree stratum of the watershed also occurs in this community (Table 5). The secondary stratum is composed of tree regeneration or second growth. Table 4 indicates that a much greater amount of the Tshe/Cach community occurs beneath the denser cover classes of the secondary tree stratum. Only 25.3 percent of this community occurs beneath less than 25 percent cover of the secondary tree stratum. -7- 1. Tshe/Cach community 2.Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 3. 4. Tshe/Rhma/Bene community Tshe/Acci/Pomu community 5. Psme/Acci/Bene community 6. Psme/Acci/Gash community 7. Riparian community figure 4. plant community distribution in watershed 10, H.J.A. Exp. For. M MM TABLE 1. percent and area of plant communities in watershed 10 of COMMUNITY W.S.10 AREA(hectares) Tshe/Cach community 39.20 4.02 Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 10.07 1.03 Tshe/Rhma/Bene community 8.71 .89 Tshe/Acci/Pomu community 11.04 1.13 Psme/Acci/Bene community 8.82 .90 Psme/Acci/Gash community 21.10 2.16 Riparian total Tshe Cach Rhma Gash Bene Acci Pomu 1.05 100.00 .11 i = T u a hh-.terophylla, Western Hemlock = = = = = = Ggstanopp5is chrysophylla, Chinquapin Rhododendron macrophyllum, Western Rhododendron Gaultieria shallon, Salal Berberis nervosa, Oregon Grape Acer circinatum, Vine Maple Polystichum munitum, Sword Fern -9- .2 TABLE 2. percentages of plant communities within given cover of the primary tree stratum classes U COMMUNITIES COVER CLASSES* 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 total percentage of communities in cover class Tshe/Cach ---- 100 3.6 --- 100 --- --- --- 100 17.1 .8 2.8 34.0 13.6 11.3 --- 36.7 15.6 17.5 2.2 14.2 ---- 82.3 21.1 30.3 18.6 22.1 7.9 Tshe/Rhma/Gash 8.5 25.5 19.1 4o.4 2.9 Ts he/Rhma/gene 11.6 26.6 26.1 35.7 Tshe/Acci/Pomu 15.7 26.0 37.6 Psme/Acci/gene 16.1 25.0 Psme/Acci/Gash 28.0 3.5 Riparian *cover classes are as follows: 0 = 0% cover = 1-5% cover 2 = 6-25% cover 3 = 26-50% cover 4 = 51-75% cover 5 = 76-95% cover 6 = 96-100% cover 1 -10- --- - ----- --- 100 100 100 100 TABLE 3. percentage of the primary tree stratum cover classes within a given plant community COMMUNITY COVER CLASSES 0 Tshe/Cach 1 2 5 4 3 43.1 39.9 33.2 37.0 62.4 4.5 8.6 8.8 17.3 6.0 53.8 5.2 7.8 10.3 13.2 9.0 9.7 18.9 8.0 1.8 46.2 7.4 7.4 13.7 5.1 20.3 30.6 26.1 15.1 15.7 9 5 .2 .5 6 L 1 Tshe/Rhma/Gash Tshe/Rhma/Bene i Tshe/Acci/Pomu E 0 U U) U) a Psme/Acci/Bene U L Psme/Acci/Gash > 0 U Ri arian 0110 TOTAL TABLE 4. 100.00 100.00 . 3.7 I 00.00 100.0 1 ---- ----1 ---00.0 100. 000.0 I percentage of plant community within given cover classes of the secondary tree stratum COMMUNITY COVER CLASSES 0 2 1 3 4 5 6 total PERCENTAGE OF COMMUNITY IN COVER CLASS Tshe/Cach 7.4 5.2 12.8 32.6 32.1 Tshe/Rhma/Gash 4.3 1 0 15.8 38.6 40.3 Tshe/Rhma/Bene 2.8 16.8 51.7 19.2 9.5 100 Tshe/Acci/Pomu 5.1 5.3 5.0 31.2 48.6 4.8 100 Psme/Acci/Bene 3.4 ---- 19.0 43.4 34.2 Psme/Acci/Gash 22.2 1.6 5.8 43.3 21.9 3.5 14.2 24.4 57.9 ---- Riparian -11- 9.9 ---- 100 100 100 4.5 .7 100 100 C TABLE 5. percentage of secondary tree stratum cover classes within given plant communities COMMUNITY COVER CLASSES 2 0 Tshe/Cach Tshe/Rhma/Gash 3 4 6 ---- E 31.7 3.3 42.5 33.4 40.2 62 . 8 U 4.7 3.0 13.6 10.2 13.0 ---- 2.7 ---- 12.4 11.8 5.3 13.3 ---- 6.2 18.4 4.7 9.0 17.2 8.5 ---- 3.3 --- 14.2 10.0 9.6 ---- ---- 1.1 10.7 10.4 23.9 14.7 15.4 100.0 -v .4 4.6 7 ---- ---- 1 00.0 [1 C Tshe/Rhma/Bene I .- Tshe/Acci/pomu Psme/Acci/Bene a) Psme/Acci/Gash Riparian TOT"AL AL . 2.2 0 . 1 100.0 o_ Ion n E -12- E The Tshe/Cach communit contains 1138 rooted trees greater than pendix IX'). Thirty-nine percent (Appendix VII) of 15 cm dbh- the 1138 trees are Castanopsis chrysophylla (Cach) and all but 8 of the Cach are in the 15-30 cm dbh size class. Thirty-three percent of the trees in the Tshe/Cach community are Pseudotsuga menziesii (Psme). Psme is well represented in the larger size as in reproduction size classes in this classes as w E E community (Appendix VIII). It is the dominant tree of the Tshe/ Cach community, and its presence in quantity in the reproductive size classes insures its continual presence in the future of the community. tsuga heterophylla is another climax tree that is found in the understory of most stands. A good indicator of the xeric nature of this community is Pinus lambertiana (Pila). Eighty-two percent.of the Pila in watershed 10 wits the Tshe/Cach community. Most of the Pila is in smaller size classes, but some may reach sizes of 120-1 cm dbh. L Other trees of lesser importance within the Tshe/Cach community include Thu.a icata, Libocedrus decurrens, Tc-er* macrophyllum utus meh ziesii. Taxus brevifolia, Cornus nuttallii,, an ' Principal plant species and their cover values rounded to the nearest 1 percent are listed for 6 vegetation strata within the Tshe/Cach community as follows: Percent Cover Overstory Tree Stratum: - Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterop 1/ 2/ ilay 36 7 Understory Tree Stratum: Pseudotsuga menziesii 5 T:suga heterop_hyl_l a 4 Pinus 1 aT stanasiseysophylla Cornus nuttallii Tall Shrub Stratus: I 2/ Acer circinatum Rhododendron macrophyllum Low Shrub Stratum: 27 4 14 39 2/ Gaultheria shallon 26 Ever eri s nervosa 4 2 Herb Stratum:-/ Xerophyllum tenax 7 Linnaea borealis 3 -13- Cover Percent Bryophyte Stratum: 9 to 12 species common 10 1/ Data extrapolated from Dyrness, Franklin and Moir 1973. 2/ Data extrapolated from Hawk and Sawbridge, 1972. The Tshe/Cach community is characterized.-- by moderate development of Pseudotsu a menziesii in all size classes. common Tsuga hetero h lla is a a as well as understoryelement and Castanopsis chr so h Rhododendron macrophyllum coverage is generally very Mgh. Thus this community has a very brushy character. Low coverage in both tree strata is generally accompanied by high coverage by small shrubs and tall shrubs'. The small shrub stratum is dominated by Gaultheria J shallon and Berberis nervosa (Franklin, Dyrness, and Moir 1970 Dyrness, Fran in d Moir 1973); Hawk and Dyrness (1972); and Dyrness and Hawk (1972). This community is similar to both the Cor lus and the Holodiscus communities of Dyrness, Franklin and Moir 973) in its p ysiographic location, but the extreme development of the shrub strata separates the Tshe Cach community from other communities occurring on similar sites. TTe-Ferb layer of the Tshe Cach community as it occurs in the Central Western Cascades is typically poorly developed on typical sites. This is probably due to the shrub dominance of the sites. Xerophyllum tenax and Linnaea borealis are the only frequently occurring species in the herb layer. The basal area of trees in this community is high compared to that of other communities in the watershed at 74.6 m'/hectare. TSHEJRHMA/GASH COMMUNITY The Tshe/Rhma/Gash community occupies only 10.07 percent (1.03 hectares) It occurs as a patchy community, of watershed-10 (able 1, figure 4). It is usually located midway between rid etops and major drainages. a more mesic community (Appendix I) than the Tshe Cach community and occurs in more protected portions of the watershed, usually between sites occupied by the drier and more exposed Tshe/C6ch community and the more mesic TsheRhma-Bene community. The primary tree stratum in the Tshe/Rhma/Gash community is commonly more dense than that of the Tshe/Cach commu y-only 53.1 percent of the total occurred beneath a cover of less than 25 percent (Table 2). Again the secondary tree stratum is. commonly denser than the primary stratum, 21.1 percent occurring beneath less than 25 percent cover with onl (Table 4y). -14- A The Tshe Rhma Gash community contains 314 trees (292 trees/hectare) greater than 15 cm dbh. Forty-five percent of these trees are Pseudotsuga menziesii (Appendix VI). Pseudotsuga menziesii is found The bimbo adistribution in nearly all size classes in this community. of Pseudotsuga menziesii size classes for this community is similar Fifty to that found for watershed 10 as a whole (Appendix VIII,. percent of the Pseudotsuga menziesii is in the 15-30 cm dbh class while the remaining 50 percent is approximately normally distributed Next in importance is Tsu a heterophylla, about the 105-120 cm dbh class. is species making up 35 percent of the trees within this community. shows the usual J-shaped curve of size class distribution expected for climax species in nearly mature to over mature stands within the Douglas-fir region (Appendix VIII). Other species found in lesser amounts in the Tshe Rhma Gash community include Thuja plicata, Acer macrophyllum,Castanopsis chrysophylla, Taxus brevifolia, Pinus lambertiana and Cornus nuttallii. This community contains more trees per hectare than any other community found in watershed 10. In terms of basal area, it ranks thir to the Tshe/Rhma/Bene and the rea figure with 72.9 m /hectarepas approximate at this time). Tshe/Cach communities, The secondary tree stratum is composed of Pseudotsuga menziesii, Tsuga heterophyl1a, Thuja pI - cata, and Acer macro hhy um in a ition to Tastanopsis chrysophylla and Corpus nuttallii. Castanopsis chrvsophylla, however, does not play as important a role in the tolaw canopy cover in the Tshe/Rhn J Gash community as it does in the Tshe Cach community. It is re aced in importance in the secondary tree stratum by pole size Floristically the Tshe Rhma Gash heterophylla. community is very similar to the Tshe Cach community, but the vegetation indicates a slightly more mesic environment in the Tshse Rhma/Gash and smaller Tsuga This is in agreement with the findings of Zobel et al. (1973) in studies of plant moisture stress of sapling-size trees located in community. various plant communities within the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. LI The tree strata of the Tshe/Rhma/Gash community are moderately well developed. However, this Goes not -impede the development of a dense, tall shrub layer as well as a fairly dense, low shrub stratum. The composition of the shrub strata is similar in species and amounts of Well developed Rhododendron macrophyllum dominates th to T shrub layer, and there is more Aces cover to those of the Tshe/Cach community. circinatum in the tall shrub stratum than in the Tshe/Cach community. Gaultheria shallon and Berberis nervosa dominate the low shrub stratum. The herb stratum within the Tshe Rhma Gash community is poorly developed, as in the Ts eaCach community. Linnaea borealis, Xero ph lum tenax, Chima ila umbellata, and Polvstichum munitum ark the most abundant herbs, but even these are not found in large amounts. Xeronhyllum tenax is not as abundant in this community as in the TsheCach community, but its indicator significance concerning edaphic quality is unchanged. -15- Principal plant species and cover values for 6 vegetation strata within the Tshe/Rhma/Gash community are as follows: Overstory Tree Stratum:/ Pseudotsuga menziesii Ts2a hetero llc Thuja pl i cata Pinus Cover 45 20 3 2 iana Ac r macrophyl l um me Understory Tree Percent 1 Stratum:" Tsuga heterophylla Thuja plicata Corpus nut a lii 8 1 13 Cas tano s iiss cyso h l l a Taxus brevifolia 3 4 Tall Shrub Stratum:2/ Rhododendron macrophyllum Acer circi atum Vaccinium parvifolium 44 26 1 Low Shrub Stratum: Gaultheria shallop Berberis nervosa 19 9 Herb Stratum:2/ Linnaea borealis Xero h llum tenax C pima ii a umbellata Fo ysT ti chum Fun- i tum 2 3 2 1 Moss Stratum:?/ 10 species common 14 TSHE/RHMA/BENE COMMUNITY The Tshe/Rhma/Bene community occupies 8.71 percent (.89 hectares) of watershed 10. This community is located primarily on northwest aspects (Table 1, figure 4). It occurs on a variety of slopes as well as on most slope-positions ranging from upper slopes to toeslopes and benches. This community represents the climatic climax of low to middle elevations (Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir, 1973). This community as it occurs in watershed 10 has between 1 and 50 percent cover in the primary tree stratum (Table 2). However, the secondary tree stratum is for the most part denser than that in any other community discussed thus far, with only 19.6 percent of the community occurring with less than 25 percent cover in the secondary stratum. -16- 11 The Tshe/Rhma/Bene community contains 262 trees (265 trees/hectare) greater than 15 cry dbh. Forty-seven percent of these trees are Most (66 percent) of the Tsuga is in the smaller Tsuga hetero h lla. t size class (15-30 cm dbh). Pseudotsuga menziesii is the next most abundant tree in terms of stem numbers (Appendix VI). However, Pseudotsuga menziesii is the dominant tree species from the standpoint of cover, as it makes up the total of the larger size trees in this community. It appears that most of this community as it occurs in Appendix VII indicates that the role of watershed 10 is immature. In older Tsuga heterophylla will undoubtedly increase with time. stands of this community in the Central Western Cascades, there is usually an equal mixture of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla In the understory, there are typically in the overstory canopy. many Tsuga in the reproductive size classes, while Pseudotsuga menziesii is usually virtually lacking in smaller size classes. Appendix VII indicates that reproductive size classes of Pseudotsuga menziesii are This is probably the result of the present within this community. gap-phase regeneration phenomenon that occurs over all of watershed 10. This community, like all others in this study, contains areas where blowdown or other stand damage has opened gaps sufficiently large Thus, we find small clumps of for reinvasion by pioneer species. Pseudotsuga menziesii occurring in frequently dense stands that are During mapping clumps are normally too small to map individually. treated as inclusions in the communities in which they occur. This treatment results in the altered character of the size class distribution curves of the stands in which such gaps are included. Other species of trees larger than 15 cm dbh found within this community include Thuja plicata, Taxus brevifolia, Castanopsis chrysophylla, and The basal area of this ommunity is the highest of /tcer macrophyllum. the communities within watershed 10 (75.4 m /hectare). The tall shrub stratum in the Tshe Rhma Bene community is generally less well developed than that of the more open Tshe Cach or Tshe Rhma Gash In this community the stratum is dominated by Rhododendron communities. Vaccinium parvifolium is also present macrophyllum and Acer carcinatum. .in most stands. The low shrub stratum is only moderately developed with low cover values for both Berberis nervosa and Gaultheria shallon. The herb stratum is dominated by Linnaea borealis in most stands of the Tshe Rhma Bene community. Other commonly occuring species are listed below in the principal species listing. The Tshe/Rhma/Bene community, representing the climatic climax of the area, can be expected to be closely related or tied in with many seral stages or plant groupings capable of regenerating themselves under steady environmental conditions. Appendix I shows the distribution of communities represented by the 7 communities in this study as they are ordinated on a temperature and moisture gradient (Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir, 1973). H -17- Principal plant species and cover values for 6 vegetation strata occurring in the Tshe Rhma Bene community are as follows: 1/ Overstory Tree Stratum:- Pseudotsuga menziesii Thuja heteroph ya Thuja plicata Understory Tree Stratum Precent Cover 45 45 J 13 :/ 2/ Tsuga heterophylla 8 Thuja plicata Cornus nutta-lii Taxus brevi o is 2 3 Tall Shrub Stratum:?/ Rhododendron macrophyllum Acer circinatum Vaccinium parvifolium 6 12 2 Low Shrub Stratum:?/ Berberis nervosa Gaultheria s lion 7 2 Herb Stratum: 2/ Polystichum mu nitum Linnaea borealis Viola sempervi rens Coptis lacinia ta Chimaphila umbellata Rubus nivalis 2 18 2 5 1 1 Bryophyte Stratum: 5-8 species common 48 TSHE/ACCI/POMU COMMUNITY The Tshe/Acci/Pomu community occupies 11.04 percent (1.13 hectares) of watershed 10 (Table 1, figure 4). This community occurs almost entirely adjacent to the major drainage systems in the lower portions of watershed. 10. Two small portions of watershed 10 occurring, on a bench, and in a slight depression,. have also been included in this community although they probably more closely resemble the Tshe/Pomu community of Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir (1973). All other stands of this community occur on steep to gentle slopes immediately adjacent to perennial streams or seeps in the watershed. 1 U LI Cover within the primary tree stratum of this community is generally Table 2 shows that 15.7 percent of this community is open moderate. 5.1 percent in the primary tree stratum (cover class 0). However, onl of the secondary tree stratum is in cover class 6 (Table 4). The Tshe/Acci/Pomu community contains 310 trees (258 trees/hectare) Forty-four percent of these trees are Tsu a larger than 15 cm dbh. heterophylla (Appendix VI). Again, most of the Tsuga are in Th-e smaller, 15-30 cm, dbh class (Appendix VII). Its importance in the future of the community is indicated by its dominance of the reproductive size classes. The dominance of Pseudotsuga menziesii in the primary There are, however fewer large size tree stratum is still evident. class trees per hectare in this community. Acer macro phyllum reaches its greatest development in this community. Most of the Acer macrophyllum is within the 15-30 cm dbh class, but the species is slow growing beneath the forest canopy and does not icata and Taxus brevifolia each also Thuja attain great sizes. make up more than 5 percent of the total trees in this community. With the exception of a few large Pseudotsuga menziesii, trees in the Tshe/Acci/Pomu community are for the most part in th smaller size As a result the com9nity as it occurs in watershed 10 is cl asses. This may be due in part to low in tree basal area (50.3 m /hectare). the severe disturbance common to areas near stream bottoms where this community occurs. The blowdown of trees near drainages has markedly decreased basal area in watershed 10. According to Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir (1973) the overstory canopy of this community is dominated by Pseudotsuga menziesii and generally large amounts of Tsuga heterophylla and Thuja plLcata. The secondary tree stratum consists of Tsua hetero h l1a, Thuja plicata, and occasionally Acer m a_crophyllum. LI 7 The Ts he/ cci/Pomu community in watershed 10 is moderately open to both the primary and secondary tree strata. Therefore, the tall shrub stratum is well developed. The tall shrub stratum is dominated by Acer circinatum, which is patchy in its distribution, low in stature, and generally hard to maneuver within. Rhododendron macrophyllum is seldom found in stands typical of this The small shrub stratum is dominated by Berberis nervosa. community. which are locally important include Oau t aria shaaTTon, Other shrubs Taxus brevifolia, and Vaccinium parvifolium. The herb stratum in most stands of the Tshe/Acci/Pomu community is Smaller herbs TI-s& important in this dominated by Pol stichum munitum. e ow. community are iste The extremely mesic to mesohydric nature of the Tshe/Acci/Pomu community is indicated by the dense herb cover and development, by the number of species which commonly occur and by the semi-indicator value of some of the species themselves. -19- Principal plant species and cover values for 6 vegetation strata within the Tshe/Acci/Pomu community are listed as follows: Overstory Tree Stratum:/ Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterophylla Understory Tree Stratum 49 21 :/ 2/ Tsuga heterophylla u a plicata 7 7 Taxus brevifolia 5 2 1 Acer macrophyllum Cornus nuttallii Tall Shrub Stratum: Cover Percent Y Acer circinatum 36 Rhododendron macrophyllum 4 Va.ccinium p arvifolium 1 Low Shrub Stratum:?/ Berberis nervosa Gaultheria shallon 9 3 Herb Stratum:?/ Viola sempervirens Trillium ovatum Polystichum munitum Linnaea borealis Vanceuveria hexandra Coptis laciniata Bryophyte 3 1 20 3 1 13 Stratum: 9 - 10 species common PSME/ACCI/BENE COMMUNITY The Psme/Acci/Bene community occupies 8.8 percent (.90 hectares) of watershed 10 (Table 1, figure 4). The Psme/Acci/Belie community occurs adjacent to the Tshe/Rhma/Gene community in almost all cases. The seral nature of the Psme/Acci/Gene community is reflected in its distribution next to the later seral phase of. the Tshe/Rhma/Bene habitat type. -20- 1 P The primary tree stratum of the Psme/Acci/Bene community is patchy and more heterogenous than that of the ottercommunities found in watershed 10 (Table 2). The secondary tree stratum is similar to that of the Tshe/Rhma/Bene community in having a large percentage of the community occurring beneath cover classes 3 and 4, while only small (Table 4). amounts occur beneath cover classes 0 and 1 The Psme/Acci Bene community contains 249 trees (257 trees/hectare) larger than 15 cm dbh. Forty-five percent of the trees are Tsuga heterophylla, 66 percent of which are in the 15-30 cm dbh class. Appendix VII indicates that there is again a high amount of Pseudotsuga menziesii in the reproductive size classes. This evidence in addition to the gap-phase phenomenon mentioned earlier and the occurrence of Castanopsis chrysophylla in this community is indicative of its open nature. The overstory tree stratum within this community is dominated by oldgrowth Pseudotsuga menziesii with only a few scattered Tsuga heterophylla in the larger size classes. The community as it occurs in watershed 10 has moderate amounts of Tsuga in the overstory tree canopy. Thuja plicata is also present in local areas along with scattered stems of Acer macrophyllum. The secondary tree stratum is typically devoid of Pseudotsuga menziesii, while Tsuga heterophylla dominates most of this stratum. In some cases dominance within the secondary tree stratum may be shared between Tsuga heterophylla and Thuja plicata. Cornus nuttallji often approaches the lower limits of the secondary tree stratum, though in cases it should be included as a tall shrub species. Other species common to the tree layers, include Pinus lambertiana and Taxus brevifolia. The basal area of tree stems in hTs community in watershed 10 ranks 4th with 68.8 m /hectare. H The tall shrub stratum of the Psme Acci/Bene community is dominated by Acer circinaturhj and commonly has very little or no Rhododendron macrophyllum. This difference in cover of Rhododendron is one of the few striking differences between the Tshe/Rhma/Bene and the Psme/Acci/Bene communities (Dyrness, Franklin and Moir, 1973). The small shrub stratum is dominated by Berberis nervosa, though Gaultheria shallon may also be present in significant quantities. 1 The herb stratum in this community consists of a mixture of plants common to dry or dry-mesic sites (e. g. Achlys triphyl l a-- and 'Ihi lea modesta) which indicate that the community is a little dryer and warmer than the Tshe/Rhma/Bene community (Appendix I). This also concurs with the plant moisture stress findings of Zobel et al. -21- (1973). Principal plant species and their cover values for 6 vegetation strata within the Psme/Acci/Bene community are listed as follows 1/ Overstory Tree Percent Cover Stratum: Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsu*a heterophylla Thuja cats Acer macrophyllum Understory Tree Stratum: 58 31 6 1 1/ & 2/ Tsuga heterophylla 11 icata Cornus nuttallii Thuja 2 7 Tall Shrub Stratum: V Acer circinatum Vaccinium parvifolium Low Shrub Stratum: 12 V Berberis nervosa 24 Gaultheria salon 11 2/ Herb Stratum: Rubus ursinus 5 Viola sempervirens Linnaea borealis 4 2 Whipplea modesta T Bryophyte Stratum: V trace only 6 species occur PSME/ACCI/GASH COMMUNITY The Psme Acci Gash community is the second most abundant community occurring in watershed 10 (Table 1, figure 4). -22- 1 It occupies 21.1 percent (2.16 hectares) of the watershed. This community occurs on a variety of slopes and aspects but the major portion occurs on the upper elevations of the watershed and on the It interfluvial region between the two major drainage channels. normally occurs downslope of the Tshe/Cach community. Like the Tshe/Cach community, the Psme/Acci/Gash community occurs with able 2T.-A total of 81.1 percent a sparse primary tree stratum cover of this community occurs with less than 25 percent cover in the tree stratum. As a result microenvironments may be more primary xeric within stands typical of this community. The secondary tree stratum of the Psme/Acci/Gash community is patchy, with some areas in each cover class except cover class 6, although the majority of this community occurs with cover classes 3 and 4. A highly significant amount occurs with no secondary tree cover (Table 4). The total open area(coVr class 0) in the primary tree stratum of this community is 30.6 percent of the cover class 0 occurring in the The open area in the secondary tree entire watershed (Table 3). stratum of this community is 51.1 percent of the cover class 0 for the entire watershed (Table 5). The Psme/Acci/Gash community contains 513 trees (222 trees/hectare) larger Tsuga heterophylla and Pseudotsuga menziesii share than 15 cm dbh. importance in terms on numbers of trees, with 38 percent and 36 percent Pseudotsuga menziesii dominates the tree of the total, respectively. classes indicate that Tsuga heterophylla size canopy, but the smaller At will share dominance in later stages of community development.. are well represented by size classes the present time the reproductive menziesii Pseudotsuga and Tsuga heterophylla. both Pseudotsuga menziesii is the only tree that attains sizes larger than 75 cm dbh within this However, these larger trees are only widely scattered within community. the stands of this community in watershed 10. The baal area is 5th ranked for this community in the watershed with It is approximately 26 percent less than that of the 56.4 m /hectare. Tshe/Rhma/Bene community. Also included in this community are equal numbers of Castanopsis chr so h lla and Acer macro h alum stems followed an-d Pinus Cornus nutta cats, Taxus r by Thuja lambertiana in terms of numbers of trees Appendix VI). is Acer circinatum dominates the tall shrub stratum. ii, This stratum may also contain small coverage of Rhododendron macrophyllum as well. Gaultheria shallon occurs with high cover values in most stands. Its dominance of w shrub stratum is shared locally with Berberis nervosa. the The herb stratum of the Psme/Acci/Gash community contains several species of low indicator significance--(`one can really be called characteristic species of this community (Dyrness, Franklin, and Moir, 1973). -23- Principal plant species and their cover values for 5 vegetation strata within the Psme/Acci/Gash community are listed as follows: 1/ Overstory Tree Stratum: Percent Cover Pseudotssu a menziesii 1 Tsuga heterop l l a Acer macrop y um Understory Tree Stratum: / Tsuga hetero h lla Acer macro h 1 um Cornus nuttallil Castanopsis c rysophylla Tall Shrub Stratum: Acer circinatum Vaccinium parvifolium Rhododendron macrophyllum 36 2 2 Small Shrub Stratumvi/ shallon Berberis nervosa 35 19 Gaultheria Herb Stratum:/ Rubus ursinus Viola semperyirens Polystichum munitum 1 2 2 Linnaea borealis Xero h llum tenax 2 Whi pp ea modesta 2 2 Bryophyte Stratum: No data RIPARIAN COMMUNITY The riparian community is the most limited community occurring in the It occupies 1.05 percent (.11 hectare) of watershed 10 (Table 1, figure 4). It occurs along the stream bottoms primarily at lower elevations in the watershed. In all cases, it is surrounded watershed. by the Tshe Acci Pomu community. -24- 1 The primary and secondary tree strata are both predominantly in cover class 3. The community is, therefore, open in appearance. This is probably due to the amount of tree fall into and within this community. The substrate of the immediately adjacent areas of this community are probably the least stable areas in the entire watershed, due to a combination of steepness, biomass of trees rooted therein, stream bank erosion, and the amount of moisture that continually passes through the soils. This apparently is the cause of the increased amount of tree fall in the riparian community area. Stem maps show a marked increase in logs of fallen trees in and around the drainage channels. The overstory tree stratum of the riparian type is dominated by the same species as in the Tshe/Acci/Pomu community, with an increase in the proportion of Acer macrop 1Tum, Thuja plicata, or Alnus rubra in localized areas. The understory tree stratum is dominated by Tsuga heterophylla in most areas. However, many areas are nearly devoid of tree regeneration. The riparian area is very narrow in most areas. The tall shrub stratum contains Acer circinatum, Vaccinium parvifolium, and rarely has any Rhododendron macrophyllum. Aralia californica is a good indicator of the community and is a frequent component of the shrub layer. The low shrub layer is usually very sparse with only occasional plants of Gaultheria shallon or Berberis nervosa. The herb stratum is composed of a larger number of species that normally require hygric habitats than any of the communities discussed thus far. The following genera are generally present; Mitella, Saxifrraa a, Actaea, Thalictrum, Cardamine, Aruncus, Oxalis, and Po yystichum as l as numerous ferns. mosses, anlower vascular and nonvascular plants. HABITAT TYPES For modeling purposes the watershed has been divided into 15 substrata. Boundaries were. based on information derived from the preliminary vegetation map as well as primary hydrologic discontinuities (figure 5). Table 6 lists these 15 substrata and their community composition. Most substrata are dominated by one community. Only a few have shared dominance between two or more communities. The first run modeling effort is not expected to operate at the level of resolution imposed by seven communities. Therefore, the 7 communities have been combined into 4 habitat types as follows: 1) The Tshe Cach habitat type, consisting of the same area as Tshe/Cach community; 2T tie Tshe/Rhma/Gash habitat type, which is a combination of the Tshe/Rhma/ a-Fs an3-the Vsme/Acci/Gash communities; 3) the Tshe/Rhma/BenaBitat type, which consists of tie Tshe/Rhma/Bene and Psmee/ cc % ene communities; and 4) the Tshe/Acci!Pomu-habitat type consisting of TTshe/Acci/Pomu and the ripcommunities above. The portions of the 15 substrata occupied by these habitat types are listed in Table 7, and the habitat types are graphically shown in figure 6, while area in hectares .1603 1.0653 13. 2. 15. 1. 3. 1.2199 4. .1691 5. 6. .5797 .3447 .4948 .9264 .4144 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. .2935 14. 1.0579 .8418 1.8588 .3428 figure 5. vegetation-hydrologic substrata Watershed 10, H.J.A.Exp. Forest im l- mm TABLE 6. percentage of watershed 10 substrata* occupied by plant communities SS Tshe Tshe Tshe Tshe Psme Psme Cach Rhma Rhma Acci Acci Acci Gash Bene Pomu Bene Gash 1.3 1.3 79.8 4.1 ---- various Riparian total % 13.4 100 99.6 .3 3 15.1 19.9 2.1 8.1 8.8 46.0 ---- 100 4 .8 ---- 96.1 .4 ---- 2.7 ---- 100 5 ---- 3.3 .2 4.7 .1 4.4 100 6 .8 14,4 70.6 9.7 4.5 ---- 100 7 91.2 1.6 .1 ---- 3.0 4.1 100 8 4.8 6.8 28.3 10.6 25.5 24.0 100 9 ---- 5.5 ---- .5 77.5 16.5 100 10 4.7 13.2 7.1 4.8 5.1 65.1 100 11 89.2 ---- 1.7 ---- 9.1 ---- 100 12 6.0 65.7 5.4 4.1 ------- 18.8 ---- 100 13 --- .5 3.3 63.7 ---- 9.9 22.6 100 14 94.7 .1 87.3 5.3 15 87.0 11.6 1.0 ------.4 -100 * substrata refers to units identified by a combination pf their apparent vegetation as well as major hydrologic discontinuities within watershed 10 1 -27- TABLE 7. percentage of watershed 10 substrata occupied by various habitat types Tshe Cach SS Tshe Rhma Gash Tshe Tshe Bene Acci Pomu total % percentage HT in substrata ---- 1.3 2 99.6 .4 3 15.1 65.9 10.9 8.1 100 4 .8 2.7 96.1 .4 100 5 ---- 3.4 4.9 91.7 100 6 .8 14.4 74.9 9.7 100 7 91.2 5.7 3.1 ---- 100 8 4.8 30.8 53.8 10.6 100 9 ----- 22.0 77.5 .5 100 10 4.7 78.4 12.2 4.8 100 11 89.2 9.1 1.7 ---- 100 12 6.0 84.5 4.; 100 13 5.4 93.2 100 100 5.4 10.4 3.3 86.3 100 14 94.7 5.3 ---- ---- 100 15 87.0 12.0 1.0 ---- 100 1 -28- r r - '- MMM MM MM MM M 1. 2. 3. 4. Tshe/Cach Habitat type Tshe/Rhma/Gash Habitat type Tshe/Rhma/Bene Habitat type Tshe/Acci/Pomu Habitat type figure 6. Habitat types within Watershed 10, H.J.Andrews Experimental Forest size class distributions of trees for habitat types are in Appendix VIII. The formation of habitat types in this manner allows each substratum to have one dominant habitat type. These habitat types are biologically sound units because they consist of climax associations and equivalent seral communities. Substrata No. 8 remains problematic due to the heterogeneity of vegetation, as well as total environmental conditions including slope aspect, soil depth, moisture availability, drainage, atmospheric conditions, vegetation interactions, and age of stand. Basically, the communities and habitat types represented in watershed 10 compare well to similar stand representatives from other portions of the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and the surrounding, lower elevation areas of the Central Western Cascades of Oregon. However, most stands within watershed 10 appear to have a more open tree canopy than stands of similar classification units outside of the watershed and in more modal stands (Table 8). This may be due in part to the fact that a large percentage of watershed 10 has south to southwest aspects resulting in less vigorous stand development. Those portions of the watershed that have north to northwest aspects do have an overstory tree cover more consistent with that of modal stands for given habitat types or communities in surrounding areas. INCLUSIONS Some small units of specialized habitat or vegetation features are included within the communities. Only one of these occurred often enough to warrant special mention because watershed as well as its diagnostic value. of its extent within the This type is here called the Xerophyllum tenax open area (Xete open). The Xete open occupies .73 percent of watershed 10, or nearly as much as the riparian area. It usually occurs on open slopes or ridgetops where soil development is limited. Xete openings are frequently found in areas near.rock outcrops where soilsare shallow. The presence of large amounts of Xerophyllum tenax at low elevations within the Tsuga hetero h lla zone is highly agnostic as it usually occurs most abundantly in the Tshe/Cach community. Within watershed 10, 91.15 percent of the Xete open area occurs within the Tshe/Cach community; the other 8.85 percent occurs within the seral Psme/Acc ene 5.06 percent) and Psme/Acci/Gash (3.79 percent) communities. WATERSHED TREE DATA A complete listing of all trees by size, class, and species is found in Appendix IX. Watershed 10 contained 2,815 stems larger than 15 cm The species composition of this dbh as of summer 1972. total is found in Table 9. Size class distribution for Pseudotsuga menziesii (figure 7) indicates a bimodal distribution into 2 main size groups; the smaller size classes from 10-40 cm dbh, and the larger size classes from 80-120 cm dbh. This size class distribution for Pseudotsuga menziesii is due to the gap-phase phenomenon as well as natural regeneration on this predominantly open, warm watershed. With -30- TABLE 8.--Percentage of watershed 10 occurring beneath combined primary-and secondary tree strata cover classes. PRIMARY TREE STRATUM COVER CLASSES 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL 0 4.5 1.0 1.8 5.4 4.3 1.8 .2 19.0 1 .5 .9 3.9 11.2 11.6 1.8 0 29.9 2 .7 .3 2.2 10.9 6.9 1.0 0 22.0 3 1.5 .8 2.7 9.7 7.1 1.7 0 23.5 1 - 4 1.4 0 .6 1.2 1.7 0 0 4.9 5 .3 0 .4 0 0 0 0 .7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.9 3.0 TOTAL 11.6 38.4 1 -31- 31.6 6.3 .2/GT=100 0 TABLE 9.-- Species composition of trees in watershed 10, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterophylla - - Douglas-fir 993 Western hemlock 855 Castanopsis chrysophylla - golden chinquapin 526 Thuja plicata 138 - Western redcedar Acer macrophyllum - bigleaf maple 129 Pinus lambertiana - sugar pine 69 Taxus brevifolia - Pacific yew 65 Cornus nuttallii - common dogwood 26 Libocedrus decurrens incense cedar - Alnus rubra - red alder 3 Acer circinatum - vine maple 1 Arbutus menziesii 1 - Pacific madrone TOTAL * 9 Trees occurring 2,815 in this table were all above the 15 cm dbh requirement for eligibility in stem mapping. 1 -32- TABLE 10.--Basal area of tree species in plant communities and habitat types occurring within watershed 10, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. COMMUNITY of major species BASAL AREA (M2/hectare) TOTAL PSME Tshe Cach TSHE CACH PILA THPL ACMA OTHER 3.6 4.6 2.8 1.1 .1 .9 74.6 Tshe/Rhma/Gash 60.0 8.5 .5 .2 2.3 .7 .7 72.9 Tshe Rhma Bene 59.5 10.7 .7 - 3.9 .3 .4 75.4 Tshe/Acci/Pomu 36.3 8.5 - - 2.7 2.0 .7 50.3 Psme/Acci/Bene 52.3 11.1 .7 2.2 1.0 .7 .7 68.8 Psme Acci Gash 45.9 7.0 .7 .2 .9 .8 .8 56.4 7.7 7.2 - - 4.8 3.4 4.1 27.3 Tshe/Cach 63.2 3.6 4.6 2.8 1.1 .1 .9 74.6 Tshe/Rhma/Gash 52.9 7.8 .7 .2 1.7 .8 .7 64.7 Tshe/Rhma/Bene 55.9 11.0 .7 1.1 2.5 .6 .6 72.3 Tshe/Acci/Pomu 36.3 8.5 - - 2.7 2.0 .7 50.3 Riparian HABITAT TYPE H PSNE TSHE = CACH PILA = Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterophylla Castanopsis chrysophylla Pinus lambertiana THPL = Thuja plicata ACMA = Acer macrophya.lum Rhma = Rhododendron rracrophyllum Gash = Gaultheria shallon Bene = Berberis nervosa Acci = Acer circinatum E 7 Pomu = Polystichum munitum -33- I 370 JOO 210, Pseudotsuga renziesii 2AO ZAP 0 Tsuga heterop1ylla r Thuja plicata 110 M E 110 2 C It. 10 0 oa 5O 60 fro ,O 7o 10 90 40 I to too ISO I1 l;.O too tic i-o 1w0 iS0 loo 140 w . v 40 $4o 10 cm size classes (DBHI Figure 7. Size class distribution of tree stems within watershed 10, H. J. Andrews Experimental forest. -34- is regards to the class distribution of Tsuga heterophylla, it appears to have a typical J-shaped curve indicative of its seral status over most of the communities within the watershed. The distribution of Thuja plicata indicates that this species is increasing in numbers and will be a subclimax species in association with Tsuga heterophyl'ia over certain portions of the watershed. Acer macrophyllum is represented by a large number of trees in the smaller size classes, 15-40 cm db4. There are only few places within watershed 10 where A. macrophyllum thrives and it is usually suppressed where it occurs. It is a species that has done well in earlier stages of secondary succession, but cannot survive the severe competition for light and space offered by conifers in older stands. The only other trees which occur in large numbers within watershed 10 are Castanopsis chrysophylla and Pinus lambertiana. Castanopsis chrysophylla is a hardwood that does not generally attain a very large dbh. This is illustrated by the fact that 518 of 526 trees of this species occur I within the 15-30 cm dbh class (Appendix IX). Pinus lambertiana occurs in a variety of size classes within watershed 10, but occurs mostly in the smaller size classes. This species is generally restricted to the more exposed sites at the elevation in watershed 10. It is frequently found in association with Castanopsis chrysophylla and on sites characteristically supporting substantial reproduction of Pseudotsuga menziesii. Other tree species characteristic to the above sites are Libocedrus decurrens and Arbutus menziesii. 7 E The tree basal area values referred to in this report have been determined by a rough calculation of number of tree/hectare/size class multiplied by the cross sectional area of the midpoint of each size class (Table 10). They should not be relied upon for exactness, nor do they imply more than a general idea of the tree biomass since growth rates and growth forms are not consistent from community to community. H J -35- D LITERATURE CITED Dyrness, C. 1973. T., J. F. Franklin, and W. Forest communities of the central portion of the Western Cascades in and G. USDA Forest Service Oregon. (In press). Bulletin. 1972. H. Moir M. Hawk Soil-vegetation mapping of the Hi-15 Watersheds, H. J. Franklin, J. F. and Andrews. Internal Report 43. T. Dyrness C. 1969. Vegetation of Oregon and Washington. Service Garrision, 1967. G. A.,J. M. Res. Pap. PNW-80. Skovlin, USDA, Forest 216 p. and C. E. Poulton Northwest Range-Plant Res. Pap. PNW-40. Symbols. USDA, Forest Service 121 p. Hawk, G. M. and C. T. Dyrness 1973. Soil-vegetation mapping of unit watersheds 2 and 3, H. J. Andrews. Zobel, D. B., G. M. Hawk, 1973. W. Internal Report 49. r' A. McKee, and C. T. Dyrness Variation in plant moisture stress associated with forest communities in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. IBP Internal Report. 1 (In press). 1 L -36- ABAM/ TSME/ XETE CHNO/ OPHO ABAM/ VAME/ m/ ABAM/ %Act r XETE TI UN ABPR/ 1---q ACTR ABIES AM.ABILIS ZONE CLUN L__ ._!' ,__.J ABAM/ RHMAVAAL ABPR/ I 1 ABAM7 /COCA VAAL/ COCA rPSMEI 1 > TSHEABAM/ HMA LIB TRANSITIONAL TSHE-ABAM/ RHMA/BENE / i op TSUGA HETEROPHYLLA ZONE / , SME 1/ leTSHE/ PSME/ HOT COCOCA , CACH TSHE/ G ASH / ACCI/ I 0 TSHEABAM/ LIBO L'OOO- PSME/ AC C I / /TSHE/ ACC 1 ,'_ENE. Jt .0 / TSHE/ eRHMA/BE NE - / TSHE/ /ACC I POMU TSHE POMU-/ It-,OXOR POMU 6 / HODI If 01 P DRY Appendix 1: INCREASING MOISTURE MOIST Hypothesized relationships among 23 forest communities of the Western Cascades showing their inferred relative position along moisture and temperature gradients. Appendix 11: Listing of map units (a), area points (b), community (c), primary tree stratum cover class (d), and secondary tree stratum cover class. A.. B CDE Zt26620 22086303237600 4222600 5 30603 6 29643 7 24144 136 63213 49176140 91 39112 92 52144 93 89133 94 61114 50114130 51286123 9 5-65 96 45134 140 25604 141100630 185 39134 186 19130 142 62523 187 30133 46 50113 47 46200 48 43202 52161140 8 4962,4.._ 53 54102 9132514 10 93503 54 71133 8100 55 11 34600 56,1210,0, 12 34600 13 27600 14/34/03 57109113 058 97123 60161133 61121104 97 73134 98 28134 99 50234 100 54234 .101 10 to 102 70224 103131134 104163144 19 48401 105 20122 62 29140 106 53100 63 41124 107 42104 108 58104 64142112 65- 7912.2_ 109 69105 20 43603,_ 66 54102 110 77102 67 82132 68 24103 11/37/33 69 41104 70 61121 11310.5103 114 44103 71 75103 115 46134 116 22134 15 15100 16 4 .8101 17 75601 18 19600 21 22 43304 23156122 24101113. 7100 25 _,2 6..2060 0 72174113 27 74100 28 37100, 29/12/12 73 66124 74 82122 30 77620 31 19402 76113112 75 12100 112 8100 117 3E124 118 33134 119 34134_ 120 24134 35104633 77117133_ 12/36/43 78 80103 122 36104 79 _70101 123 23100 80'54132 124120103 81143114_ 125 39134 37233214 832 32_50603 33110413 34242233 36/05/23 -3 8.- 39.41.1._ 82125124 1 4_ 84 70143 39 35600 40 19600 85 44623 41 20500 42 47520 43 16602 87 11102 44 79233 90 56133 45145414 86 52623 88105113 89,,. 28123 126 91105 127 _41104 128114143 129 63135 130 87105 131 52133 132 47133 133_.4523,4 134 64232 135 50614 137106133 138 37601 181138523 182120613 183 89613 l39 5ro7 6 0 3 184 51613 1.43 71432 188 61114 144 10600 145__,26634 146 45100 189133134. 1 190 48123 5.91182134 147 55143 192 92123 148134223 193 42114 14939132 194 6100 150 14100 195.__3100_ 151 67104 196 16100 152 72114 153113114 154106124 155 81135 156 48134 157 81114 158 53633 159213125 160 97433 161 47124 162 710 0 :197 61504 198103323 199.33204 200 96240 201 ,52503 202 37204 203104114 204 98114 E 205 54603 206 90603 20720.7633 163 42103 208 92634 164101133 209 39234 165, 84104 210 26234 E 166 44603 211 68633 167 53502 212 48623 168 57124 213117.614 169 59124 214 98614 170 71124 215 45614 171, 31123 216166533 172168103 217133613 173126114 218184614 174 39100 219__42614 175 70112 220 9600 176111224 221 25634 177 39623 222 86623 178 62433 223 40623 179142613 224224524 180 52334 225 51534 1 E 226 70613 227 39214 228 19203 229 43504 230128524 231_..9.50 0_ 232 72524 233 98622 234 64424 235 83414 236 29400 23799214 238125602 239 59624 240 69614 241180523 242182513 243 67504 244 49711 245 89633 246162233 247163612 248206613 249 41610 E 250 37101 215,11 .43113 252 13124 253 57144 254183113 255239600 256 93615 257114633 258207614 259122333 260105111 261141134 262122111 263__.,3,1135 264 610.0 26586105_ A 266126114 267 92514 268 64143 269 ._66115. 270 46125 271 84105 272 80302 273186603 274131313 ,27512364.4 276 24423 277 79423 278 97532 279 66605 280 78122 281.86132 282 90614 283153615 284 77105 285 47130 286 63133 287175131 288213115 289 51606 290115544 291 32310 292 39522 293 29603 294 77533 295120252 296 59203 297 84732 298 4400 299103450 300 50403 301116435 302211542 303111312 304123634 305 33513 306 61233 307149623 308203513 309130112 310139124 31/37/13 312 90113 313 80512 314218323 315271335 316 45604 317 61613 318176214 319120333 320198414 321112134 322 79113 323108123 324110623 3251.98613 326138413 327179232 328 54323 329205113 330 49213 331162234 332152223 333 66402 334 56425 335 96414 336 43503 337109423 338158304 339 80214 340116232 341 49423 342 24422 343 29443 344 24433 345 12400 C = community J= Tshe/Cach community 2= Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 3= Tshe/Rhma/Bene community 4= Tshe/Acct/Pomu community 5= Psme/Acci/Bene community 6= Psme/Acci/Cash community 7= Riparian community 346 23404 386114424 347 23214 387170312 348108404 388 49234 349 32423 389106313 350105104 390 94323 351 73610 391 71333 352 47101 392231424 353 4100 393 25404 354 30105 394 44203 355109112 395106431 356 77113 396 69424 357 72313 397 23522 358134334 398 82404 359 53333 399129223 360 45623 400 51312 361 76323 401 49300 362 57623 402113323 363 18324 403 6100 364 22332 404 52122 365 57333 405 3100 366 36334 406 33124 367 80334 407 32221 368 48424 408 78213 369 22323 409199733 370 25314 410 39115 371 11413 411 37410 372 12700 412 81414 373146424 415 99423 374 19404 416 39614 375. 14423 417 82404 376103423 377 9423 378 86423 379 44322 380 25522 381 19522 382 10500 383 12500 384 24523 385142434 D and E'+ primary and secondary tree strata respectively: 0=0% cover, 1=1-5% cov, 2= 6-25%'cov, 3 = 26-50% cov,44 51--75% cov,5m 76-95% cov, and 6-96-100% cover. Appendix III. percentages for communities and cover classes of primary and secondary tree strata within watershed 10 , H.J.Andrews Experimental Forest. C = community 5= Psme/Acci/Bene community 6= Psme/Acci/Gash community 7= Riparian community 1= Tshe/Cach community 2= Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 3= Tshe/Rhma/Bene community 4= Tshe/Acci/Pomu community -jo 2 29.7168 21. 8977 2 3.2139 11.7791 38.1689_ 11.,0421__ 0 0. C= 2 3 C= C = C 4 5 11.8525 0= . E Y4 4.9049 . 6819 4 31.2 2 3 7.2626 8.7181 .1560 2106, 3.0610 1 .8593 2.5687 1.9204 1.0091 2.3210 2.2690 _ 4.060 ..21 936 3 3.1130 0 1 1.7338 2 2.8683 4.1465 108898 2 3 1.4158 2.2078 0 = 6 0 5 4 -9,8- __1.0519, 2.1_.1.0 5? 8 ._8167__. 3 0 = 0= cover, 1=1-5% cov, 2= 6-25% cov, 3 = 26-50% cov,4= 51-75% cov,5= 76-95% cov, and 6=96-100% cover. 7 8.7120. 8.3084 tree strata respectively: 0=0% 4 L. 10.0697 3 9.1799 D and E= primary and secondary- 1. 1956 - 0 2 5.8957 3.2995-. C a 7 0 = .0367 I- .1498 4.--, 3 . 8654 4 0 0 9.0-817 5 4 .9969 4.6 6 ='==I== C= 1 0= 0 mm 4 0 E 1.2476 =1 D 1 .6177 "1 _..1..81.95. 2.1864 4.0303 3.9692 2 3 4 1®4280 2.4310 2.4249 .7920 .7981 2.8439 3.4554 .5351 C= 1 0= 2 E 1 0 ,1865 C =.1 0 1._1__1 _11_ .5504 C = 1 0= 4 E= .5351 1 D 0 E Z0= 7 I 0 E 0 E _ 4 0 2 5 0 1 0 5 .1315 4 5 .3731 2 0 = 1 E C = 2 0 = 2 E.= to 2 D= 3 .5810 199876 1.2690 .5535 0 1 0 G C .9051 0 .1407 C .9724 0 0 C. C _1..6023 5 1.0366 2 1 0 0 10 ... _ 5 E C= 1 0= 6 C . 5 3 0 1.1192 C . E= .b941 5 2..421.9 .5994 1 .0979 E. 1.0978 1.6635 4 1.2996 5 C 2 0= 4 E= .2936 205E G= 2 0 2 6 E 5 0 C 2 0= 7 E 0 G C 3 0= 0 2 E 0 = 1 E _ C = 1 2 E_ 1.0152 3 0 0 .1345 2.0794 .0673 1.2935 3 0 = 3 C = 3 0= 4 E= 5 .6146 2 .0979 C= 3 0 4 .2446 .1498 5 . 0 C = 3 0= 5 E = 0 0 C=30=6E 5 0 3 7 E= 0 0 0 '_. mm mm mm C = 4- .B = 0- C =40= .1376 .1468 .1131 .1193 .1529 2599 1 E = 4 D- =_ 2 4 1.8.439 E- .8470 ,0734 C = 1.0366 4 0= 3 E_ 1 0 2 .3241 2.0549 .1712 .4342 3547. 3 559 .2171. C = 4.0 =, 4 E 3 .0887 C= 4 0= 5 E= .3150 0 C= 4 0= 6 E C= 4 0= 7 E= C= 52.:- 0'= 0 2 1 C= 5 0= 1 E= 0 0 .5749 .5229 3 E . 1560 50= 5 0 C . 1621 1 0 3 2 2446 .1.27.82___ 3241 1.2354 2-11 E .1437 C = 5 0= 3 E_ .296.6 __._74 31___ 0 C = -5 D.= 4_ E. .6452 0 .3517 0 C= 5 0= 5 E_ 5 C = 5 0 = 6 E 0= 7 E 5 = 0 r; 6 0 = 0 0 E _ .3425 2.7674 1 0 1.7828 2 60= 2E _2.9 9 7 . 6,.-,D .= 3 _E = 4 E_ 11 .:___ ._ 3.2720_ 2_.8 7751__1 3 2 .0 4 8.8_ .3.303__.---- 1_ .752.2_ _.. 3 .9418 C- 6 0 .2141 3 .4984 .3486 C 3 .4312 1.9418 a .8134 2 _.0.8 87_ 6 D = 5 a 6 0= 6 0 mm - - a ,- - = - - = - mm r . 0 0 M 'M '- MM C 2 0 E 4 5 .0367 C 7 E 0 C=7 2.E 0 0 C= 7 0= .6085 2569 C= 7 0 4 E 0 C= 7 0= 5 0 7 0 C C= 7 E 0 7 E C= 1E 2.91/3 1C 2 0 2E 2.0335 5.0119 .0Ys79_ 4 3.8866 ,4.0.548 1.4617 4.5043 1.6696 2 3 3.4402 5.3697 1.6727 3.8316 3.0120 2 1.229,3_ 9. 1340__ i5962 2 .2477 1 E .5657 .5902 5E_ "C = 6 E = _.5504 0 4.6786 .3425 .0367 .1498 3.9019 ,8287 4 1. _5 2.6 0 .- 5 2 .2997 12.5742 3 2 .4342 12.7637 =7E 4 3 _4.6113_ 4 2569 0 ,6085 .9541 0 D = 1 E _ -,-D . = 2 E 0= 3E_ 4. 6358 1.1070 1.8286 0 1 2 5.3055 3 .5596 .9632 3.944.7 .7645 2844 2.2598 1.4923 .8593 0 0 ~r 4.4217 1.8042 4 11.0849. 1.1-.439.7 m:3 10.9106 6.7152 2 3 2.7.338 9.6538. _7..08.21, .6452 1.2140 1.6329 . 5 1.724.7 .9632 4 1.7185. 0= 4E_ 1.4128 D= 5E_ 0 1 0 4 .3150 .03670 0 6E D = 7 E = 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,- .- = = - r - - mm - mm 0 t Appendix IV. area in hectares of communities, cover classes and various combinations of them occurring in watershed 10, H.J.Andrews Experimental Forest. C = community 5= Psme/Acci/Bene community 6= Psme/Acci/Gash community 7= Riparian community Tshe/Cach community Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 3= Tshe/Rhma/Bene community 4= Tshe/Acci/Pomu community 1= 2= C= 1 2 s 4.0143, 1.0311 V 4 8921;. .__ 5 kV 1.13.07--: D and E= primary an d secon d ary tree strata respectively: 0= 0% cover, 1=1-5% cov, 2= 6-25% cov, 3 = 26-50% cov,4= 51-75% cov,5= 76-95% cov, and 6=96-100% cover. 7 ,, 2..1612_ .9.028- - 5 1.9721 E_ .9400 3.0430 2.2423; 1 2 1.2062; .3291 2.4105 .5023 3.9085 3. 2 0 4 3 ___-. 1077.__ .0698 0 .6360 .0160 E i9 C= 30= 1,2137 .0'80 .2630 .1033 .2377 .2323 .1775 .2937 4246 40 60= 22b1 .1450 1 0 7 D = .0301 .0376 .0091 .0323 ,3188._. ,1935 1 0 .0038 _...3072_ _.1224._. .3379 .3786 _. .7935 .b037 C = .4158 5 .-313.4_.__._____.------------------ 4 C= 5D= C= .74.37_._ .8508 C= 2D C 4 1 = .0153 _._1.0 __--_ .0476 0 C = F. 0 5 4 E .12T8 _24 80..__. .. 0.6_.1..4_.. _ i C 1 0= 4 3 E C= 1 0= =1 0= 3E_ 1 C 0= .0996 5 2 ._0191 C 5 .4064 .4127 .1.462 .2489-_ .0817 .2912 4 2 .0548 .0564 .0811 2483 .3538 5---.-s0548 4 E_ C= 1 0 = 5 E 5 0 D C C = 6 E 0'v = 1 D = 7E C = 2 0= 0 E_ 2 0 5 3 .G219 D = 1 E .2035 C= 2 0= 2 E .0567 20=4E_ mm r 3 2 1 = .1124 .1703 0 .0301 .- 0 0 mm mm mm 2 0= 5 E_ C 1 2 5 .0376 C= 2 0= 6 E 0 2 D= 7 E C 1 C C = 3' 0 = U 0 I-- - E .0153 C= 3 D= 1 E .0251 0 .0100 C. 30=2 *1159, .0078 .0138 .2129 .0056 ................. 0 . 3 .0069 0 C .1040 E C= 3 D= 3 E= C= 3 D= 4 0 ._1325_ 018.49 E 30=5E= 0 0 = 3 0 = 6 E C= 3 0= 7 E G. C 4-0- = 0 0 .0150 .0266 0 0_. E- 0141 C= 4.D = 1 E= .0157 .1062 .0 .1888 1 0 ..0116_ 1221 11 C= 4 D= 2 E 2 11 5 .0075 .1891 .0222 0573 .2104 . 0175 0 = .0091 C=4D 5E= _ - .0323 5 0 0 0 .0589 .0535 .1309 00701 _ e_0 3 3:2_ .. 12 6.5 ._.91.3.2 8.. .0304 .0761 .0160 E= .0160 5 = E -0 3 2 0147 ._.._0 5_ 0 0 C _-6_ D = 0 6 C C E_ 2 0 . 0;442 ; .1826._ .0.219, .0207 .0357 .0510 .3350 .2947 .0770 .0636 0307, .2834 .0351 E 6 D 2 E = 6 0= 3 E_ C = 6 0 4 E 4 0 .0964 .2098_ . 0.33,8 .1988 o083,3 4 0 .0091_.. C 6 0 5 E 0 C 60 6E 0 0 C= 7 0 0 E C= 1 E 2 E D C= 7 1= C 7 D= 3 E 5 2 0 0 0 0 7 .0385_. .0038 0 .0623 .1873. .0573 .0986 .4039 1. 1351._ 2 E__ .0783 .0291 ,2314 1.1173 D= 3E_ 0 .1528 4E_ E .1447 .0661 .0323. .0376, 2 0 .2987 2E 3 2 D= 5E_ .9886 .2799 .0880 .2082 0 1766_ _1. 17.14 .0986 ,6876 .176.0 .A17-2521--- - _ 4 . 1243 .1672 5 .5132 1.3 070 1 3996 2876 .4152 s1635 .0445 .1847 3 2 0 ^5 4 3 D = 1 E _ .4528 .5433 .1134 .4747 0 4 3 0 E 5 3E= .0254 .0579 0604 C=5E_ .1497 4612 .1710 .0849 .0564 3523 .5499 ,0539 .1259 .9353 .4722 .0977 2 0307.. 6.E .4791 C 5 2 7 E 00038, A r .0351 - - .0153. _..0 2,6 3, r = APPENDIX V Map symbols for the 414 individual mapped units in Watershed 10. 2. Psme-Tshe 2: Tshe-Psme 3: ----. ---- 3. ----. DISTURBED AREA 1. 4. ----: ---- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Conifer 4: Conifer 4: ----: 17. 18. 19. 23. 24. 25. 26. Tshe 4: Acci 4: Gash 5 (Libo). Psme-Tshe 4: Acci 3: Bene Gash Pomu 4. Tshe Psme 3: Acci Conu Rhma 4: Bene Gash Pomu Acci Coco 5: Gash Bene Pomu 5. Acci Coco 4: Gash Bene 3. 2: 1: 1 1 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 3. Psme ----; Psme Psme Acci Rhma 3: Psme Tshe Thpl 3: Rhma Acci Coco Cach 2: Gash Bene Libbo ----: Acci Rhma Coco Conu 6: Gash 4. Thpl 1: Rhma 2: Gash Whmo 4. Acci Coco 1: Gash 2 (Whmo). Coco Conu Acci 4: Gash 4. Psme Tshe 1: Acci Conu 3: Pomu Gash 4. Psme Thpl Tabr 3: Acci Rhma 3: Gash Pomu 4. 1: Tshe Tabr 3: Rhma Acci 4: Bene Gash 4. Tshe Thpl Tabr 4: Rhma 2: Pomu Libo Cola 4. 2: Cach 2: Rhma Acci 5: Gash Bene 4. 1: Cach 3: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Bene 2. Ravel. Ravel, 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 3: ---- ---- 16. 20. 21. 22. Gash 2. Gash 2. Gash 2. Acci-Rhma 4: Gash 3. Tshe 3: Rhma 4 Bene-Gash Libo 4. Tshe Cach 4: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 3. Tshe-Psme Psme Psme 2: 2: ---- Acci-Rhma 2: 5. 6. Acci-Rhma Acci-Rhma Gash 2. Acci Rhma Coco Cach Acci Conifer Conifer 1: 2: 2: Cach Conu ----. 6: Gash Bene 2. 2: Acci Rhma Gash 5. 4. Acci 3: Gash Bene Pomu Libo 3. Thpl 2: Coco 2: Bene Gash 2. Tshe Thpl 3: Acci Conu 3: Gash Pomu 2. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl 3: Acma Acci Conu Rhma 4: Pomu Gash 3. Psme 3: Psme Tshe 3: Rhma Acci 5: Gash Libo 4. Psme 3: Tshe Cach 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: Acci Cach Rhma 3: Bene Gash 4. Psme 1: Psme 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Pomu 3. Conifer 1: Acma 1: Acci 3: Pomu Gash Bene 3. Acci Coco 4: Gash Pomu Bene 4. Acci 2: Gash Bene Pomu 2. Acci Rhma Coco 5: Gash Bene 4. Conifer 2: ----: Acci 3: Bene Gash Pomu 3. ----. Conifer 2: Tabr 2: Bene Pomu Gash 1. Tshe Thpl 3: Tabr 3: Rhma Acci 1: Gash Pomu 1. Psme 1: Tshe Acma Thpl 4: Acci 4: Pomu 2. Conifer 1: Cach Conu Acma 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash 4. ----. ----. Rhma Acci 6: Gash 4. 3. u 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. ----: Conifer 2: Rhma Conu Acci 5: Gash Bane 4. Psme Tshe 4: ----. Rhma Acci Cach 3: Gash Bene 3. Psme 3: ----. Cach 2: Rhma Gash 4. Psme 2: Cach 3: Rhma Acci" 3: Gash Bene Xete 4. Psme Tshe 4: ----. Psme 55. 56. 57. Ravel. Ravel. 58. Psme ----. Psme 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Psme 3: Cach Conu Tshe Psme ----: Pila 89. 90. 91. Rhma Rhma Rhma Gash Xete 2: 3. Xete Gash 3. Gash Xete Bene 3. 2,: 3: Cach 1 Cach Conu 2: Rhma Acci 3: Gash 3. 1: Tshe Conu Cach 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash 4. 2: Pile Cach 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Bene 4. Psme Pila 1: Psme Tshe Cach Conu 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 4: Psme Cach 3: Rhma Acci Conu 3: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: AcciRhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: Acci Conu 3: Gash 3. ----: Tshe Cach 2: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Conifer 3: Psme Psme Pile 2: Cach Tshe Pila Lide 3: 96. 97. 98. 99. Psme 100. Psme 95. Cach 1: 3: 4: 3: Rhma 3: Gash Xete 3. Cach 3: Rhma 2: Gash Xete 4. Conifer 2: Cach 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Xete 3. Pila 2: Psme Tshe 2: Rhma Acci Cach 4 Gash 4. Xete. Conifer 1: Cach 2: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Xete 2. Psme 3: Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Cach 3: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Xete 4. ---Cach 1: Rhma Acci 5: Gash Bene 2. Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme 92. 93. 94. 3. --- 72. 73. 74. 85. 86. 87. 88. Gash Conifer 2: Cach Conu 4: Acci Bene 2: Gash 3. Conifer 1: Cach 2.: Rhma 2: Gash Xete .3. Conifer 2: Cach 2: Rhma 1: Gash Xete 4. ----: Cach 2: Rhma 2: Gash Xete 3. Conifer 3: Cach Conu 2: Rhma 2: Gash Xete 3. 71. 83. 84. Cach ----: Psme 2: 82. 3: Cach 3: Rhma 3: Gash Xete 3. Cach 3: Rhma Accii 2: Gash Xete 3. ----: Rhma 1: Gash Xete 4. 3: Cach 3: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Xete 2. Cach 4: Rhma 3: Gash Xete 2. Conifer 4: Acci Rhma 1: Gash 2. 70. 78. 79. 80. 81. Acci Rhma Cach Acci Rhine Cach 5: Gash Bene 3. 3: Acci Rhma 3: Gash Bene 4. 2: 69. 76. 77. ---. Conifer 1: 68. 75. 2: 3: Tshe Cach Rhma Gash 3. 3: Rhma 4: Gash 2. 6: Gash 3. Rhine 3: 1: Tshe 2: Cach 4: Pila Psme 4: Cach Rhine 5: Bene Gash 2. 3: Tshe 3: Rhine 5: Bene Gash 3. 1: Tshe 4: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. 1: Tshe Pile 3: Cach Rhma 5: Bene Gash 4. 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. 3: Cach 4: R hma 4: Gash 4. 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 3. (Xete.) 3: Tshe 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. 3: Tshe 4: Rhma 4: !Gash 3. 1 1 1 H E H 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 1334 E A 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150; Xe to Psme Psme Psme Psme 2: 3: 4: 2: Tshe Cach Cach Cach 4: 4: 4: 2: Rhma Rhma Rhma Rhma 4: 4: 3: Bene Gash Gash 4. Gash 4. Gash 4. 4. Xete. Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme 3: 4: 4: 5: 2: Cach Acci Rhma Cach Rhma 3: Gash 4. 5: Gash 4. 4: Gash 3. Acci Hodi 3: Gash 4. 3: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Rhma Xete. ----, each Psme 3: 3: 4: Gash 5. Cach Rhma 5: Gash 4. Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Rhma Pila Psme 3: Psme 3: Cach 4: Rhma 5: Gash 3. Psme 2: Cach 4: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme Tshe 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Cach 4: Rhma 5: Gash 3. Psme 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 4: Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. ----: Psme 4: Cach 4: Gash 4. Ravel. ----: Cach 3: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme Tshe 4: Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 4. ----: Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Cach Conu 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Acci 4: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Tshe 2: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Tshe 4: Acci Conu 4: Bene Gash Tshe Conu 3: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. 3: 3: 3: 3: 1: 1: 3: Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Thpl 2: 3: 1: 3: 4: 3: Tshe Tshe Acci Acci Acci 4: Rhma Gash 4: 4. 3. Gash 4. 4: Bene 3. ----. Acci 4: Gash 3. 3: Acci 4: Bene Gash 3. 2: Acci 4: Pomu 2. Rock Outcrop. 3: Psme 4: Acci 3: Gash 3. Xete. Psme 4: Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 2: Psme 3: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme Pila 3: Cach 2: Acci Rhma 4: Xete. Psme Gash 4. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. ----. Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Thp1 xete. Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 2. 1: Cach Psme 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. 1: Cach 4: Rhma 5: Gash 3. 2: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. 3: Cach 5: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 2. 3: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. 1: Pila Tshe 4: Cach Rhma 5: Bene Gash 3: Psme Pila 3: Acci Cach 4: Gash 3. 2: Psme Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 4. 3: Thpl Tshe 2: Tshe Psme 3: Acci 4: 4: Acci 3: Pomu 3. Pomu 3. Cach Rhma 4: Gash 4. Cach Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 4: Cach Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme Tshe Cach 3: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe Cach Acci 4: Bene Gash Psme 2: Cach Tshe 4: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash Bene 4. Pila 2: Cach 4: Rhma 5: Gash 3. Pila 2: Tshe Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. ----. Psme Acma Cach 3: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 1: Cach 4: Rhma 2: Gash 4. ----. Psme Psme 3: 5. Tshe 3: Tshe 3: 3. f Ravel. Psme 1: Cach 2: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe Acma 4. Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 2: Psme Tshe Thpl 3: Acci Conu 3: Gash Psme Tshe 3: Acma 3: Acci 4: Pomu 3. Psme, 1: Tshe 3: Acci 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Rhine 3: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: Acci 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Conu 3: Acci 3: Gash 3. Psme 1: Psme Cach 3: Acci 4: Gash 3. Psme 1: Psme Tshe 3: Acci Cach 3: Gash 3. Acma 3: Psme Cach 4: Rhma 3: Gash 2. Psme 3: Acci Cach Conu 4: Gash 4. Psme 3: Tshe Acma 3: Conu Cach 3: Gash 4. Psme 1: Cach 4: Rhma 5: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe Cach Conu 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: Cach Rhma, 5: Gash 2. Psme 3: Cach 4: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme 2: Cach 3: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 1: Cach 4: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Xete. 3. II 11 1 Xete. Xete. ----. Psme ---- 2: Psme Tshe Psme 4: Psme Psme 4: 4: Acci 5: Bene Gash 4. 3: Rhma 3: Bene. Gash 3. Acci Rhma 4: Gash 3. ----. Rhma 3: Gash 3. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211 E 1 1 E 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. Acci 4: Bene Gash 4. Acci 3: Gash 3. Psme 4: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme 4: Rhma 2: Gash 3. Psme Acma 3: Acci 3: Gash 3. Psme Tshe 3: Acci Conu 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Acci Conu 3: Gash 3. Psme 3: Acci Conu 4: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme 3: Cach Conu 4: Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 3: Acma Psme 3: Acci 4: Gash 3. Psme 2: Acma Psme 3: Conu 2: Gash 4. Psme 1: Psme Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 3: Gash Bene 4. Psme 1: Tshe 4: Acci 3: Gash 3. Psme 1: Psme Tshe 4: Acci 4: Gash 3. Psme 3: Psme Tshe 3: Acci Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 1: Psme Tshe Pila 3: Acci 3: Gash 3. Psme 1: Psme Tshe Acma 4: Acci Cach Rhma 3: Gash 2. Psme 1: Psme Cach 4: Acci 4: Gash 3. Xete. Psme 3: Psme 4: Acci 2: Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 3: Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe Psme 3: Acci Conu 4: Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci 3: Bene Gash 4. Tshe 3: Acci Conu 4: Rhma 2: Bene Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. --- Psme 3: Coco 3: Whmo herb 3. Tshe Psme 4: Mixed shrub 4: Whmo herb 3. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci Conu 3: Bene Gash 4. Rock outcrop. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Conifer 2: Acci Conu 3: Pomu Gash Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe Thpl 4: Acci 3: Pomu Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl Psme 4: Acci 4: Pomu 3. ---- ---- Acci 3: Whmo 4. Psme 1: Acma Psme Tshe 4: Rhma Cach 5: Gash 2. ----: Acci 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe Cach 4: Acci Conu 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 4: Acci Conu 3: Gash 4. Psme 2: Psme Tshe 3: Conu Acci Rhma 3: Bene Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 3: Bene Gash 4. ----. Psme Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 1: Acma 1: ----: Pomu Vahe 1. Tshe Cach 3: Acci Rhma 3: Gash 4. Psme 3: Psme 3: Tshe Thpl 3: Rhma 3: Pomu Gash 2. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 2: Acci Rhma Cach Conu 5: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe Conu 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash Poinu 3. Psme 1: ----. Acci 3: Xete Gash Bene 4. ----. Conifer 1: Tshe Cach 4: Gash 4. Psme 3: Psme Conu 4: 1: Acma Cach 1: Psme Cach 1: Cach 3: Acci Conu 3: Bene Gash Conifer 2: Tshe Cach 4: Rhma 4: Gash 5. 251. 252. Psme 253. Psme 4: 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. Psme 1: Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme 1: Tshe Cach 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Bene 3. Tshe Thpl 3: Rhma Acci: Cach 3: Gash 2. ----. 3: 1: 4. Acci Rhma Conu Tshe Acma Conu Tabr Tshe Thpl Acma 3: 5: Gash Bene 5. 5: Acci Rhma 5: Acci Rhma Conu 3: 3. Gash Bene 3. Gash Thpl Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 3: Gash Pomu 3. Tshe Thpl 3: Rhma 3: Gash 3, 260. 1: Tshe 1: Acci Rhma Cach 3: Gash 4. Conifer 3: Tshe Cach 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash 4. 261. Psme 1: 262. Tshe 1: Acci Rhma Cach 3: Gash 4. Psme 3: Cach 5: Rhma 3: 263. Gash 4. Xete. 264. 265. Tshe Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 4: 266. Rhma Cach Acci 3: Gash Bene 3. Psme 1: Psme Tshe 4: Acci Rhma Tabr 4: 267. Bene Gash 4. Psme Tshe 4: Acci Cach 3: Rhma Tabr 3: Bene Gash 4. 268. Psme 1: Psme Tshe Acma Cach Conu 269. 5: Rhma 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 2: Cach Tshe 5: Rhma 3: Gash Bene Xete 4. 270. 271. Psme Cach 5: Rhma Conu 3: Gash Bene 3. 272. Psme Tshe 2: Rhma Acci 3: Bene Gash 3. 273. ----. Psme 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash Bene 4. Psme 1: Psme Conu Cach 274. 3: Rhma Acci 3 Gash Bene 3. 275. Psme Tshe 4: Tabr Acma 4: Acci Conu Rhma 3: Gash Bene Pomu 2. Conifer 2: Conifer 2: Acci Rhma 3: Pomu Bene Gash 3. 276. 277. Conifer 2: Tabr 3: Acci Rhma 3: Pomu Gash 3. Psme Tshe Pila 3: Tshe Tabr 2: Acci Rhma Conu 3: Bene Gash 2. 278. 279. ----. Psme Tshe 5: Acci Rhma 4: Gash Bene 2. Psme 2: Tshe 280. 2: Cach Conu 2: Gash Bene 3. Psme Tshe 281. 3: Tshe Cach 2: Rhma 3: Gash Bene 4. Psme 1: Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 2: 282. Gash Bane 1. Psme 1: ----: Acci Rhma 5: Gash Bene 4. 283. 284. ----: Tshe 5: Rhma 1: Xete 2. Psme 3: ----: Rhma Cach Acci 3: Gash Bene Xete 4. 285. 286. Psme Tshe 3: Tshe Cach Conu 3: Rhma 5: Xete Gash 4. Tshe 3: Cach Tabr 1: Rhma Acci 4: Bene Gash 4. 287. Psme 1: Tshe Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash Xete 5. 288. Tshe 6: Acci Conu 4: Bene Gash Pomu 2. 289. --Tshe Psme 4; Tshe Tabr 4: Acci Rhma 1: Bene Pomu 1. 290. Conifer 1: ----. Acci Rhma 5: Gash Bene Pomu 3. 291. Conifer 2: Acma 2: Acci Rhma 2: Bene Pomu Gash 3. 292. ----: Psme 3: Acci 4: Gash Bene Pomu 5. 293. Conifer 3: Acma 3: Acci Rhma 3: Bene Pomu Gash 3. 294. Conifer 5: Acme 2: Rhma 1: Gash Pomu 1. 295. ----. Conifer 3: Conu 3: Gash Pomu 4. 296. Conifer 3: Acma 2: Acci 2: Arca Pomu Adpe 4. 297. 298. 299. 300. 3: ----. ----. ----: Whmo Gash 2. 5: ----: Acci Tabr 4: Gash Psme 3: ----. Pomu Vahe 4. Psme ---- Bene 4. U E 11 E E u 1 I 1 E 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 3: 5: Acci Rhma Conu 4: Pomu Gash 3. 2: Conu Acci Rhma 2: Bene Gash Pomu 2. Tshe Tabr 2: Conu Rhma 1: Gash Bene 3. Psme .3: Tshe 4: Acci Rhma 2: Gash Bene Pomu 3. Conifer 1: Tshe Cach 3: Acci Rhma 3: Bene Pomu 4. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Rhma Acci conu 5: Gash Bene Pomu 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Conu Acci Rhma 4: Gash Bene 4. Psme 1: Tshe conu 3: Acci Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Cach 2: Rhma Acci 5: Gash 2. Psme 2: Tshe Cach Conu 4: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 1: Cach 3: Rhma 5: Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl Conu 3: Cach Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe Conu Thpl 2: Acci Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe Thpl Tabr 3: Rhma 2: Pomu Bene 2. Psme 3: Tshe Thpl 5: Rhma Acci Conu 1: Pomu Bene 1. ----. conifer 4: Tshe Conu 1: Pomu 3. Conifer 1: Tabr Tshe 3: Conu Acci Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Bene Pomu 3. Conifer 3: Thpl Tshe Psme .3: Conu Rhma Acci 3: Bene Gash Pomu 1. Psme 1: Tshe 4: Acci Conu Rhma 4: Pomu Bene 2. Psme 3: Cach Tshe 4: Rhma Acci 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Tshe Cach 3: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe Cach 3: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe Thpl Tabr 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl 3: Acci Conu Rhma 4: Gash Bene Pomu 4. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl Acma 3: Acci Conu Rhma 3: Pomu Gash 3. Conifer 3: Tshe 2: Rhma Acci 4: Gash Pomu 3. Psme 2: Tshe Acma Conu 3: Rhma Acci 3: Bene Gash 2. Psme 1: Tshe Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash Bene 3. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash Bene Pomu 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Rhma Acci 3: Gash Pomu 3. Psme 2: Tshe Acma 3: Rhma Acci 4: Pomu Gash 4. --Tshe Psme Tabr 2: Acci Acma Conu 4: Pomu Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe Acma Thpl 5: Acci 4: Pomu Libo Cola 4. Psme 1: Tshe Thpl Psme 4: Acci 4: Pomu 3. Psme 3: Acci 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe Thpl 3: Acci Acma Rhma 4: Pomu Gash 4. Tshe 4: Acma Acci 4: Pomu Bene 3. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 4: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 3: Psme 2: Rhma 2: Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acco Conu 4: Pomu 4. Psme 2: Tshe 2: Acci 4: Pomu 2. Psme Tshe 4: Acma 3: Acci 2: Pomu 3. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Acci 3: Pomu 3. Psme Tshe Acma Conifer 4: Conifer 1: Acma Acci 4: Psme --Psme --- 4: Gash 4. 2: Pomu 4. 1: Psme Tshe 4: Rhma 4: Gash Tshe 4: Acci 4: Gash 4. 2: Tshe 3: Acci 4: Pomu 4. Psme Tshe 4: Cach Rhma 5: Gash Tshe Acci 3. 5. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375'. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. Psme ---Xete. ----. 1: ---- Psme 1. E Acci Conu 5: Gash 4. Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme Tshe Cach 5: Rhma 4: Gash 4. Psme 1: Psme Tshe 2: Cach Rhma 5: Gash Psme 1: Cach 3: Rhma 4: Gash 5. Psme 1: Tshe Psme 3: Rhma 3: Bene 2. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Rhma 3: Bene 2. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Rhma 3: Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci Rhma 4: Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 2: Rhma Tabr 2: Bene 3. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Rhma 4: Bene 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 3. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci 3: Pomu 2. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Rhma 2: Bene 4. 1: 1: 4: 3: II 4. E 3: Bene 2. 1: Pomu Oxor 4. ----. ----. Adpe Oxor. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci 3: Pomu 3. ----. Tshe 4: Acci 2: Pomu 3. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci 2: Pomu Cola 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 3: Pomu 3. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci Conu 3: Pomu herb 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci 2: Pomu Oxor 3. Psme 2: Tshe 2: Rhma Acci Conu 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe 2: Acci 3: Bene 3. Psme 2: Tshe 2: Acci 2: Bene Gash 4. Rock outcrop. Xete. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Acci 4: Bene Gash 3. Psme 3: Tshe 4: Acci 3: Pomu 3. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci 3: pomu 3. Psme 1: Tshe 2: Rhma 2: Bene Gash 3. Psme 3: Psme Tshe 4: Coco Rhma 2: Gash 2. Psme 1: Tshe 3: Rhma 4: Bene Gash 4. Psme 2: Tshe 3: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 2. Psme 3: Tshe 3: Rhma 3: Bene Gash 2. Psme 2: Tshe 4: Acci 4: Pomu 3. Psme Acma Tshe 4: Acci 4: Pomu Gash 2. Psme Psme Tshe Tshe Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme Psme 3: 2: 2: 4: 2: 1: 3: Tshe Tshe Tshe ---- Tshe Tshe Rhma Conu Rhma 2: Pomu Gash 1: Acci 4: Pomu 4. Thpl 4: Acci Conu 2: 2: Acci 4: Gash 4. Acci 4: Pomu 4. 3: Rhma 3: Gash 2. 2: Rhma 2: Bene 2. E 4. Pomu 3. E LI E LI I E 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. ---- ----. Psme 2: Tshe 2: Cach Acci Arca 5: 3: Rhma 3: 4. Bene Gash Adpe 2. Xete. Psme 2: Rhma 3: Gash 3. Xe te. 2: Cach Psme 4: Rhma 4: Gash 4. 2: Tshe 1: Rhma 5: Gash 2. 1: Tshe Psme 3: Rhma 4: Gash 3. Riparian. Psme 1: Pila Cach Tshe 5: Rhma 2: Gash 2. Acma Thpl 1: ----. Acci 5: Bene Pomu Gash 3. Psme 1: Tshe 4: Acci Tabr 5: Pomu Gash 4. Psme Psme Psme 2: Conifer 3: Acci Conu 3: Pomu Gash 1: Pila Psme 4: Acci 4: Gash 3. ----. Conifer 4: ----. Pomu Libo 4. Psme Psme Bene 3. Appendix Vi. graphs of species composition as a percentage of total number of trees within communities or habitat tvoes- 50 40 30 20 ' I 10 0 Tshe/Cach community Tshe/Rhma/Gash community 50 R40 or INN IIIH_ Tshe/Rhma/Bene community C "kR dIIII Tshe/Acci/Pomu community 00.50 E 0 U ,n 40 a) a30 A In 20 10 0' Psme/Acci/Bene community Psme/Acci/Gash community E 50 -1 40 -I 1 30 1 20 10 Riparian type Tshe/Cach HT 4J `U .11 E E 20 0 10 o Tshe/Rhma/Gash HT Tshe/Rhma/Bene HT 0 Pseudotsuga menziesii Tsuga heterophylla Castanopsis,`chrysophylla Thuja cata 30 Pinus lambertiana oX 20 Acer macrophyllum Taxus brevifolia 10 Cornus nuttallii A Alnus rubra Tshe/Acci/Pomu HT Arbutus menziesii 110 Appendix VII . number of trees per hectare for predominant trees in plant communities P 100 90 80 70 a (o ta N C >- Q) E U 01 (n 0 L G) G) -C 41 0 (d t0 0 >- C U -W (0 V1 G) (0 'in E L 0. 0 C (C (n F- L (o U U (0 in C G) dv( (0 Q. (o -, 7 c H L 10 I 30 1 20 10 .Hr 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 size class distribution in 15 cm dbh size classes Tshe/Cach Community 165 180 rY c B B n o o 'In . V1 O 0 n 9 o. a- N :r O v, fD N MM w O ......... . Pseudotsuga menziesii O Castanopsis chrysophylla Acer macrophyllum Thuja plicata O CO O lD MM MM I Tsuga heterophylla ZT\1I1xxx,vw I O number of trees per hectare -Iv, rn O - '- MM O 0 110-, 100- 90 -1 A% 80 70 N C E (0 0) L 60 :3 )- a0 +- 4) U L 4j f0 t a 0) (o 4J 0 U -o 0) 7 L (n CL a50 (5 0Y (0 U) H 7 Q) I r 20 u 10 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135' 150` size class distribution in 15 cm dbh size classes Tshe/Rhma/Bene Community 165 180 1 110 100 90 80 - U ' ' (U 70 La C L- M 0 4-J a) w60 L U E a) E (a +.+ CD fu 0 L- :3 U 4--) (U _0 ru N L I- t-- LCL U L to La) o N Un 0 CL (d E U Z ° 50 ;0 Ln r IN 40 L G 0 E ' 30 ' INS 1 . 20- I ; '0, r1 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 size class distribution in 15 cm dbh size classes Tshe/Acci/Pomu Community 165 180 n CD CD C1 CY CD 3 U) 4- O 0 0% %.n N O U0% o tic c rt rt to N N CL C1 CD N O I - .- //////Zz"W 1.............: N O 0 W - 5 V O h e t erop h y ll a O CO O lQ MM MM Castanopsis chrysophylla //IJII '77.1. Acer macrophyl lum Tsu g a Pseudotsuga menziesii number of trees per hectare Ui rn O O 0 O O - VI r', `J rr 0 -. n 3 v, 0-;N 00 0 Vi m o (D W Vi N rt K SO C 3 o v, o n to 0 C, zO v > t; () C 3 tD U, rn a o L n, C) O 41 ... rm; 0 O =' N O 'W 0 1 tittitttt I O -P" I O rn I V 0 Thuja pl i c a t a Ace r macrophylIum Castanopsis chrysophylla Tsuga heterophylla Pseudotsuga menziesii 0 Ui number of trees per hectare I O OD I O LO 1 O C) - 110.° 1001 D 90, 8o- 70' a) E L 60 s 0. U L L t a) a) . N 7 a) n50 D1 7 Uf a) a) F- ti L 4J C a) E >- a0 m D U w 7 L. (U a-+ E L 0 a) a) < dUf m L a L U, U C Awn A 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 size class distribution in 15 cm dbh size classes Riparian type 165 180 , 110 Appendix VIII number of trees per hectare of predominant species in habitat types 100 90 80 70 a a) (o a (nO (U C N C T )- (0 E n. U (0 L 4L rn (n 4-' vO N N a O U +) N s (0 o) 7 . 0 (o .- d ro U) 7 -, 0 H - (A a 4-+ N HV U) (0 J-' (n (U N (0 U E C - (0 t i 20' A 10° 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 size class distribution in 15 cm dbh size classes I Tshe/Cach Habitat type 165 180 V r -Vn rt O O rt a) o, G) U 0 00 tT V1 an %n to W -' M0 tn n CD W N 3 0 3 t1 tT _N i 0 t,p0 3 CD S -i - to to OJ n CD N to F F- I r -000 .. ..4, .. O ... O!//I/!I/A!!a 0 v) O tT O V O Acer macrophyllum Thuja plicata 0 CO MM MM Castanopsis chrysophylla Tsuga heterophylla Pseudotsuga menziesii number of trees per hectare O rt n, o_ h (D N v, O vi W O i 0 lltWVO . Ile, a. ... .111\ (/I/1111i 0 N O - *7 I r// . . Acer macrophyllum 1 V O Castanopsis chrysophylla Tsuga heterophylla Pseudotsuga menziesii number of trees per hectare \-n ON .C' O O 0 ,MkX i11SZ Thuja pl icata C 0 W O Qo I t I O O lD O MM MM 1 O rt rr 0, r. z V7 LA c 0 m 0 to a v, a N '-' cD W U, 0 S 0 3 a -. 0 v, O w d n fD N ttttl` I/J/1 0 N 0 W 0 P0 I 0 rn v 0 Acer macrophyllum Thuja p1icata Castanopsis chrysophylla Tsuga heterophylla Pseudotsuga menziesii 0n number of trees per hectare oo 0 0 0 C) 0 APPENDIX IX: SIZE CLASS DISTRIBUTION OF TREES IN WATERSHED 10, H. J. ANDREWS EXPERIMENTAL FOREST S i ze Class PSME TSHE CACH 15-30 406 560 30-45 94 208 THPL PILA 518 65 34 1 8 42 11 2 LIDE (cm) 45-60 29 64 16 11 2 2 60-75 37 15 8 4 75-90 53 4 5 3 90-105 82 4 105-120 119 120-135 88 135-150 58 150-165 19 165-180 8 Total 993 2 2 855 526 138 ACMA TABR CONU 113 53 26 15 12 - ALRU 2 1 1 2 2 2 - 69 9 129 65 26 3 Grand Total = 2815 trees greater than 15 cm diameter breast high PSME TSHE CACH - Pseudotsuga menziesii - Tsuga heterophyZZa - Castanopsis chrysophyZZa THPL - Thuja pZicata PILA LIDE - Pinus Zambertiana - Libocedrus decurrens ARME ACMA Acer macrophyZZum CONU - Taxus brevifoZia - Cornus nuttaZZii ALRU - AZnus rubra TABR ARME ACCI - Arbutus menziesii - Acer circinatum 1 ACCI Appendix X: Tree data for all stems greater than 15 cm dbh within Watershed 10, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. LEGEND: A = grid section in which tree occurs B = sequential tree number C = aluminum tag number on tree D = X axis coordinates E = Y axis coordinates F = species alpha code PSME = Pseudotsuga menziesii TSHE = Tsuga heterophylla THPL = Thuja plicata CACH = Castanopsis chrysophylla CONU = Cornus nuttallii ACCI = Acer circinatum PILA = Pinus lambertiana LIDE = Libocedrus decurrens ALRU = Alnus rubra ACMA = Acer macrophyllum ARME = Arbutus menziesii TABR = Taxus brevifolia G = diameter br east high (in cm) H = vegetation map unit number in which tree occurs J = community i n which tree occurs JA = area code(appears only after the first listing of a particular map unit, column H) K = three column vigor and crown condition code for each tree first col. = vigor class t third col. = other damage = good 2 = fair or moderate 3 = poor second col. = damage classes = broken top 1 1.=swept butt = leaner 2 3 4 5 6 = layering = rotting = split butt = suppressed 2 = forked top 3 = dead top 4 = dying top 5 = half top or one sided 6 = tree suppressed L = species number 1 2 3 4 = Psme = Tshe = Cach = Thpl 9 10 = Lide = Alru 7 = Tabr 11 = Acci 8 =Conu 12 5 = Acma 6 = Pila 13 = Pimo = Arme M = species grouping code 1 = Psme 2 = Tshe 3 = Cach 4 = Thpl, Tabr, Lide 5 = Acma, Conu, Alru, Acci 6 = Pimo Pila, N = new vegetation-hydrologic substrata number 0 = old vegetation-hydrologic substrata number A B C 1614 2779 lb 0707 1117 0707 1113 0707 1122 0807 112+ 0807 1125 0807 1128 0807 1127 0807 1123 0807 1129 0807 0897 1131 113,) 05u7 1132 0837 1133 0837 1134 3807 1135 0807 113 5 0706 987 0806 922 0806 923 6806 r P 933 0906 933 3906 93 4 0906 36 ,_... 933 , 09 0905 0906 937 933 00906 933 943 0906 3711 1993 11112... 2227 1312 2234 1012 2273 1112 2243 1112 2244 1112 2245 1112 2240 1112 2247 1112 2248 1112 2249 1112 225) 1112 2251 1112 22"2 1112 2254 1112 2255 1112 225") 1112 2257 1212 2253 1212 2262 1212 226? 122 2L6 4 12l') 4 4- 2' - 1212 2? - 7 7 F D G 65 1559 1383 PS'IE 24.6 944 0617 3608 PSME 137.8 38.3 927 0672 0651 THPL 926 0681 0643 TSHt 29.3 806 0703 0651 PSME 16.6 507 0705 0637 THPL 16.1 813 0710 0676 THPL 37.0 801 0722 8683 THPL 36.2 812 0726 0649 PSi 20.8 804 0727 0669 TABR 42.1 803 3734 J674 TSHE 22.7 823 0736 0604 PS'IE 116.0 832 :7740 3680 TSHE- - 53.8 835 0741 3 666 TABR 20.8 811 3743 30638 THPL 29.9 813 3755 3640 TSHE 39.4 80q 3765 2668 FSME 117.4 95:1 9633 0585 ACMA THPL58.8 15.4 813 172L 0554 522 0755 7557 ACMA 23.0 824 0794 3547 THPL 16.8 917 0819 0582 THPL 118.4 913 "3838 05C6 ACMA 26.9 0547 911 3856 PS E 12 3. 9 385. 913 0562 PSME 07.0 912 J366 11556 PSME 79.7 914 0874 21558 TABR 23.9 915 0879 0542 TA1R 31.2 917 6889 0 5 y3 TSH: 57.4 760 T6-3 4 1057 PSME 16.6 _ - . 542 C. 913 11 c2 ,CACH 543 3953 1174 CACH 6644 L976 11 4 PILA 452 10/01/72 PILA 451 10/01/77 CAC,-1 453 10/31/78 CAC`i 449 .1u1_4 1175 CAC:1 443 1316 1195, CACH 447 22 1190 CACH H K J JA 314 1 160 234 4 25 4 234 4 2?4 4 415 4 099 1 234 1 4 3 1 2 25 1 411 4 037 1 297 7 C84 2 299 4 103 1 242 5 132 1 331 4 1 299 4 299 4 299 4 299 4 299 4 297 7 CASH 2 7 4_4 2 44 55 1 1 7 2 74 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 5 25 23.3 37.9 69.4 17.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 55 44 1 2E 093 20.0 372 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19.0 072 1 24.2 372 1 19.8 365 1 C79 16.3 9,55 1 19.7 065 1 98.7 364 1 142 45.5 565 1 3 6 6 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 "163 1 25 33 3 3 2 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 10 16 10 10 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 3 6 6 3 2 0 9 1 3 072 372 072 072 16.6 1 1 44 44 44 1-1 74 22 1 12 25 4 4 1 1 415 415 415 335 N 11 44 22 25 4 4 M 1 234 4 415 4 234 4 415 415 4 415 4 415 4 446 1326 1103 CACH 1 477 1035 111+7 P Mc 2 1 ._ 444 1047 1182 LIDS 145 '953 1194, THPL 66.8 Ob5 1 1 443 1360 1172 CACH 23.7 355 1 1 433 1356 1151 CACH 15.5 J54 1 442 1273 1179 TSHE 21.9 064 1 1 441 1u86 1152 PSHE 149.2 964 1 1 411 1117 1149 CASH 17.7 063 1 C41 i 4 2 1119 11 3 CACH 29.5 063 1 2 43 1122- 117"1 PS '1 107.7 062 1 C29 1 411 113 1190 TSHc: 29.4 352 1 1 113 11 5 T SH 57.9 062 1 1 ! 81 Us,°_ 16..5 JCL 1 115 1154 L 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2' 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 9 4 4 4 2 3 33 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 9 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1212 1212 1212 0913 0913 2269 2270 2272 2399 2393 0913 2397 2393 405 1147 11EG PSME 142.8 062 407 1174 1148 PSME 71.9 053 PS'1E 124.6 046 408 1195 1177 667 0802 1262 PILA 53.2 081 656 U810 1294 CACH 17.2 031 666 0820 1266 655 1284 CACH 1 1 C54 1 1 C50 1 1 143 1 654 0829 1298 3 791:' 0913 24u`5 658 1838 657 0840 1272 PSME 127.5 081 1 665 0840 1243 CACH 20.6 032 1 653 38441232 FILA 15.9 082 1 1 2 13913 24x5664 0852 1248 PSMI 116. i 682 1 0913 2403 659 3858 127G PS ME 55.4 G81 1 0913 2401 66. 0860 1270 PSME 34.3 031 1 0913 241J 663 9860 1240 PILA 30.7 082 1 0913 2415 ''0913 2416 0913 2417 0913 2413 2413 0913 242) 2421 0913 242? 662 03880 1244 CACd 653 3882 651 3886 652 3886 684 3886 685 0886 636 3886 661 3895 9913 2423 653 6849 1013 2424 545 09L2 1013 2425 547 0911 1013 2423 558 0913 1013 2427 559 0918 557 0919 1013 24233..._..56x! -.0.926 1013 24? 1013 243) 55o 3923 1013 1013 1013 1313 I1013 1313 1013 1313 1013 1913 1113 1113 1113 1113 1113 111 3 1113 11443 V 1113 TSHE 1285 1282 1224 1223 1223 1243a 1276 1236 121J 1263 1276 126 128 1257 1293 PS'1E 563 941 2432 561 0-342 12916 2433 0942 1234 2434 555 3943 1251 2453 562 0944 12944 2436 549 6946 1215 2431 553 3965 1233 2473 564 ;,973 1294 2439 551 .983 1227 2441 2441-..5552 3983 1233 126E 2441 3994 1293 2442 565 2443 553 3996 1 2 4 1 244+ 493 1052 1282 2445 5 :: 3 1074 1232 2448 507 1338 1228 110 3-9 12(5 0 9 2447 2443 494 1039 124.1 '244"3 4 a5 1612 12Z8 1 1'3 1123 245 ) 5 ?451 4 ' -1 15 2452 49A 1217 12 91 1013 2431 1013 1013 129j IS' PSM3. PILA FILA PILA PILA PS:1c PSME' FILA TSHE TSHE FILA FSM` PILA CACH CACH 21 21 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 24 1 2 1 1 C75 1 CACH 2b.6 +371 1 15.5 371' 1 1 .1 072 1 25.1 372 1 90.1 '370 1 22.5 672 1 19.6 065 1 26.4 367 1 83.1 072 1 15.3 067 1 1 PS32 CACH PILA CACFS 1 FSI E CACH PSM5 CACH PS'IE CONU CUNU 1s.C 070 1 15.4 J67 1 17.7 567 1 -20.4 365 15.2 367 1 15. 8 2 . r PSa.4 2 2 2 1 66 33 22 11 11 66 56 66 66 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 66 2 2 22 66 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 CAC A 1 1 i1 23 071 1 CACH 2 2 2 2 1 3801__ 080 082 086 071 2 2 2 3. 3 1 PSM'e 110.7 J80 1 (-'AC 1 2 080 1 054 1 380 2 33 11 33 66 1 1 17.3 082 1 J82 X51 032 372 1 3 3 21 29.2 082 1 13.9 031 1 17,G 081 1 23.4 081 1 25.3 082 1 43.2 082 1 19.0 23.9 13.4 27.6 17.9 16.7 44.6 29.1 22.2 16.2 23.6 2 0 81 17.9 u81 1 27.3 081 1 0913 2401 CACH 1276 CACH 21 21 1 16.9 981 1 -CA-, C- 11 ----- --- 25-."'2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6........................... 6 2 2 33 2 2 33 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 3 3 33 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 1- .J 1 2 061 4 1 1 33 3 6 6 1 1 2 682 2 21 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 8 5 2 2 67 1 } 6.7 1 1 1 8 5 2 2 3 3 2 I 1 2 2 J 1 .r 10.3 057 1 2 1 1 1 1113 2453 1113 2454 1113 2455 1113 2455 1113 2457 1113 1113 1113 1113 2453 2451 2460 2461 1113 2462 1113 2463 1113 2464 2465.. 1113 1113 2466 1113 2467 1113 2463 1113 2463 1113 2473 1213 2471 1213 2472 1213 2473 1213 2474 1213 2475 l21-72476 1213 2477 1213 2473 i. 1L 3 1297 276 1193 1262 296 1109 1213 295 111L 1242 277 1113 1273 29'+ 1128 1206 273 1i3v 122 96 279 1130 1273 1213 2431 233 290 ?87 28 1213 248+ 1213 24,35 29? 1213 24801213 2487 2 84 131 -2 4032 1313 2494 1313 249 1313 2490- 38.2 0 30.1 067 CACH CACH PSME CACH 19.4 360 1 161 1 25.7 G60 1 233.3 067 1 19.9 066 1 C54 21 17.1 067 1 1 1 15.1 067 1 PSME TSHE PSH 182... 289 1213 2433 1213 24&3 1213 249 1213 2491 1213 2 49' PSME PSME PSME PILA PILA 1283 CACH 513 1064 1257 CACH 464 1087 12b2 PSME 594 109u 1232 PSME 510 1095 1225 CACH 511 275 1397 1222 CACH 1213 2479 1213 2483 1213 2432 1213 2483 1 497 1020 1253 535 1032 1214 491 1033 1293 490 1035 1291 496 1037 1224 499 1054 1237 4 31 1057 1271+ 489 108 1271 501 1060 1249 437 167 1297 5;.2 1071 126TH 486 .485 1082 1265 241 291 285 286 2 82 23 22 212 223 222 211 1313 25'` 2 1310 25x4 131- ti_ 1, : 7 73 I 1313 25: 2 2 3 24.2 960 19.2 050 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 121 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 2 3 3 3 6 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 20.6 361 21.6 354 19.0 961 23.9 061 116.0 354 19.2 361 21.5 354 27.4 051 17.5 054 12x1 TSHC. 1 21 23 2 25 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23.q 354 15.6 054 21.2 054 1 16.0 051 46.3 052 137.5 X54 1 1 1 24.0 052 25.4 052 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 286 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 w. 3 1 3 2 3 161 25 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 19.5 052 114.0 352 15.E 551 15.9 052 153.4 352 25.1 052 45. C 052 21 1 1 1 34.8 052 1 1 51.0 052 15.7 392 1 1 1 1 32 ..2 2 2 1 16.8 061 t 2 2 1 CACH 115, 1236 TSHc 1155 1253 CACH 1155 1242 CHi:H 1156 1220 FS4E 1157 12F4 1167 1209 "ACS1 1176 1297 TSH: 1177 1279 PSM3 1184 1213 CACH 1135 1247 PSME 1190 1231 CACH 1192 129-6 CACH 119+ 1271 THPL 1.198 1212 FSM_ 1203 12L9 PSM;7 1207 12{.7 TSB 1210 12E5 THPL 1212 1225 PS,i 1209 1297 CONU 1230 12%0 TSHL1236 1288 PSM`= 124;1 1252 TSH- 18 3 1 CACH 223 213 214 1243 1243 TSHE 215 125,0 1245 THPL 22 1252 1209 THPL 1713 25 1313 25..1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 24 361 061 061 061 354 1313 2493 1 1 3 1 1 1 060 1 060 1 060 1 06G 1 060 1 060 1 061 224 1 117.3 060 96.5 49.2 19.6 22.6 23.0 87.5 29.2 4.. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 17.2 067 CACH 21.1 CACH 15.8 CACH 32.1 15.5 CACH PILA 1.3.5 CACH 1313 2497 1313 2493 221 77 52 13.9 052 1 1 1 8 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 I 1313 2503 1413 251) 1413 2511 I1413 2512 217 1286 1257 TSHE 173 1303 1296 PSME 174 136 1267 PS ME 173 1314 1276 CACH 1413 2514 169 1326 1297 PS?IE 1413 2515 172 1329 1285 CACH 1413.2510 171 1347 1293 2517 1413 2519 1413 2521 1513 2523 0914 2596 0914 2597 177 135) 175 1355 176 1356 133 1437 1248 PSNIE 1282 TSHE 1277 TSHE 1259 PSME 617 0817 1305 CACH 638 3825 1346 CA Cri 0914 2588 3914 2583 6:37 0827 1356 PILA 0914 25910 605 0332 1364 PSME 0914 2591 0914 259.2 0914 2593 0914 2594 0914 2595 0914 2596 0914 2597 0914 2593 616 .833 1305 PSME 6:9 0837 1330 PSME 610x.._.8.3 38373 1326 PSM 61 1314 615 3843 13o5 611 0843 1336 6;4 3883 PSME CONU PSM 1381 CACN 6.32 0882 1390 CAGH 614 0893 1310 CAC'1 895 1380 PSfI 091T4- 259 -j- V6 03 1614 2600 1314 2631 1014 2662 577 2,908 1383 CACH 1014 26,-,-1 578 576 j923 13;6 CACN 1309 CMCH 1369 LI0 1314 CACN 575 578.x928 0927 1614 260'+5__ 5574 3933 32 3943 139-1 101 4 2. 1014 2605 1314 26 7 1914 2603 CA CH 581 3956 1396 PILA 573 0958 1315 CACH 57L ;3961 1314 CACN 1:;14 260' 9 571 0973 1342 PSME 567 3973 131+ CACH 1014 1014 2612 569 1014 2 613 57 1314 2614 1014 2613 579 3985 1114 2617 1114 2613 47 473 1014 2611 1J14 2616 1114 26.113 1114 2b21 1114'2621 1114 2622 1114 2 6 2 3 11142624 111 + 2623 0979.. 97 569 3991 '3934 566 ;988 53'4. ,993 32 10 IC-"';4 1332 1352 1322 1372 1303 1373 PS's PSME PSMc CACN PSI E 22.6 6,81 TSHE 475 1016 1303 PS'1tE ..TSH: '477- 3117 1X29 1 461, 131'3 1372 PSM 1114 2623 4 b? 2 s c( 1 1 1 1 PS:1 17.7 058 16.6 958 47.3 959 b8 070 3.6 069 8 1 1 C74 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 1 25 13. 1 1 1 1 1 2 21 117 25 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 85 11 33 33 1 2 2 2 2 33 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 33 94 33 33 66 33 33 11 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 1 1 1 1 2 2 11 33 2 2 2 1 080 2 1 070 1 1 113 1 21 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 '2 13 3 2 2 2 2 22 2 3 2 2 2 2 21 33 22 11 24 23 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 33 2 1 C41 1 1 1 1 1 J69 1 u6u 358 1 3358 2 2 2 2 3. 4 :78 H 1137 13 6 CACN 22 11 22 22 11 33 33 66 11 11 11 1 1» 1 31 397 1 C 4 33 1 PSME 107.2 058 1 478 i014 1326 1114 2F-627 1 1 1 43.4 069 2 1 23.9 X58 71.4 073 TSHE 2 1 1 33 1 13,F-0 22 11 1 1 1.7.5 070 1114 2623 1 176 21 8u. C 370 CA CA 10 24 iJ '' i " 1 1 1 43.3 081 15.3 031 17.0 081 19.6 077 1 17.9 077 1 15.6 078 11 143. 2 J77 19.7 077 1 20.0 079 1 29.4 071 1 44.0 076 1 16.5 071 1 16.2 076 1 29.9 076 1 17.2 071 1 17.2 071 1 83.8 070 1 18.8 071 1 93.9 070 1 108.7 070 1 i3! 'j 453 1638 1365 CACH 463 4'308 1362 CACN 41 32.6 052 103.0 049 153.5 049 21.5 049 87.7 049 18.5 049 36.7 -0 4 9 94.5 029 40.5 049 62.7 049 107.0 327 17.3 031 33.4 331 21.0 081 23.4 081 19.1 031 72.6 081 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1114 2529 1 1114 1114 1114 1114 1114 1114 1114 2633 2631 2632 2633, 2634 2635 263; 1114 2637 431 1037 1313 CACH 479 465 472 481 482 471 464 1037 1047 1049 1050 1952 1 58 1061 470 106 483 1063 467 1065 1114 26.4_l_ 2641 69 1087 468 1092 1114 1214 2642 273 1133 1214 264.3 272 1109 1214 2644 270' 1169 1214 2643 269 1110 1214 2640 271 1118 1214 2647 274 1119 1214 2643 254 1119 1214 2643 255 1126 1214 2653 269 1150 1214 2 651 256 1153 1214 2652 257 1165 1214 2653 253 1173 1214 265+ 259 1176 1214 2653 260 118 1214 2656 261 1186 1214 2657 266 1184 118=+ 1214 2653 ,..,,2. 26 6538? 1'. 1214 65 1214 2663 267 1189 1214 2661 263 1194 1214 2662 264 1198 1314 2663 246 1212 1314 2864 2235 '.6 1212 1.21,5. 1314 2663 1314 2663 2:14 1216 1314 266? 247 1216 1314 2663 245 1219 1314 2663 237 1219 1.314 2671 ... 273 1220 2 4 4 1223 1314 2671 1314 2672 233 1228 1314 2673 2-+--- 1234 1314 2 674 232 1239 1314 ?_67 233 1243 1314 2673 2 1 1 2- 4b + 6-6. 131 " 2 X77 1314 2671 1314 2E 73 114 2E,' CACH PSME TSHE CACH CACH CACH CACH 1386 CACH 1325 PSME 1372 PSt1L 1391 CAC H 1353 23.0 057 13.2 057 19.6 057 91.6 057 57.4 051 25.9 351 22.5 051 CACH 1354 PSME 126.8 051 109.2 051 1758 PSM 1361 CAC*i 1374 CACH 1374 CACH 1 1 1 2F'? 2 2 2 2 1 1 66 33 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 33 33 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 109 1 1 21 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 33 11 ..e 3 1 212 1 1 1 1 16.9 051 16.1 051 CACH FSr1t 24.2 051 23. 0 051 105.5 351 23.8 U51 16.8 051 3u.1 352 11 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3... 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 21., 1 1 3 1 21 1 1 1 33 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 33 33 33 2 23 1 2 3 33 1 15.2 1351 1 TSH_ 1 1 1 13.8 351 i3 3i 1 21 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 33 1 13C 3 TS 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 201 1253 132=6 25,j 1255 1396 249 12 6 13t, 6 '2'? 1272 13L7 2 2 33 J .1314 1 1 23.2 051 17.7 051 1;63.5 051 T'S 2 1 1 19.6 051 1338 PS 1308 CACH 1337 CACH 1313 CACH 1 Jt% 33 21 21 1 1 19.0 351 2 2 1 1 1 17.0 051 22.9 051 _a 1 1 1373 CACH 2 33 3rw_3,. 11 1 17.2 351 1324 CACH 1374 CACH 1ACH 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 15.2 051 1 1373 CACH 131'3 tCAC -t 16.6 351 1 1317 FSM 10'1.5 051 1 15.2 351 1 13 9 1 CACH 105.8 651 1 13[1 FSl 1373 PSHE 85.2 [151 1 15.1 051 1 1328 CAC;i 26.3 051 1 139.4 CAC':i 1322 CACH 1319 CACH 2 2 rm PSME 1391 CAC;i 3 3 23.0 l60 85.5 060 17.0 060 17.0 060 1362 CACH 119.4 360 1382 PSM 13 3 FSM, 95.6 066 1368 CACH 15.4 060 22.1 660 1340 CACH 58.1 360 1343 PSI 1357 PILA 17.7 057 26.7 057 1366 CACH 16.2 357 CACH 1345 13'38 33 060 1 066 1 058 1 060 1 060 1 960 1 1330 CACH 1114 2633 1114 2633 P 1313 1397 1341 1363 1318 1335 1371 17.3 17.2 103.3 15.9 19.1 20.3 21 22 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2683 2684 I 1314 1314 1314 1314 243 242 228 226 227 1276 1335 THPL 28.7 052 1 33 19.6 051 1 1279 1358 CACH 22 2685 128j 130,2 TSHE 15.6 052 1 11 1 1 2686 1281 13C7 PSME 109.9 -J52 2 2 2687 1282 1314 TSHE 19.3 052 1 31.6 050 1 114 11,.,... 4 4 4 2'3 4 1373 THPL 26833 _..._251 . 13 i 4 2a 6 2693 1414 2691 1414 2692 I 33,8 163 1305 1343 TSHE 24.3 18.1 162 1339 1333 CACH 1414 2693 159 1319 1350 PSME 131.7 ,3.3 1414 2694 153 1320 1354 TSH -_26. 9 1414 269 157 1331 1379 CACH 1414 2695 163 1334 1329 LIDS 96.8 1414 2697 156 1356 1379 PSM= 89.0 1414 2693 155 1357 1397 C CH 13.8 1414 2699 164 1358 1343 TS+HE 23.1 1414 270) 154 1360 1385 PSME 104.1 1414 271 167 1362 1319 TSHE 42.7 1414 2702 165 1363 1342 TSHE 36.4 1414 2703 166 1364 1335 THPL 21.8 1414 270+ 168 1383 131.5 PSMZ- 11 2. 8 1414 2765 153 1384 1385 CACH 17.3 1514 2703 132 143;2 1386 PSM 107.7 1.4H 1357 CACH 19.3 1343 CACH 23.8 1514 270'3 2703 138 1418 1372 CACH; 28.8 1421 1327 CACH 17.9 1514 2710 1514 2711 101 1422 1324 CACH 24.7 1514 271? 3_..,._..10 10? 1438 1366 PSMS 15.7 24.7 1514 2 71 3 1479 1361 PSM 1514 2 71+ 134 X439 1,326 CACH 2-+.l 1514 2715 1U9 1441 1379 CACH 20.7 99 1442 1313 CAC>i 24.1 1514 2716 26.3 1514 2717 93 1443 1316 CACH 1335-. CACH.. 27;1_. b- 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 2713 x..,7..1 3 272. 105 1445 1350 PS" -:' .m_r.113 14 3 9, 1324 CACH 119 1461 1323 CAC'l 117 1466 13 ;0 PS'IE 120 1469 1320 CACH 1.10- 1478 1390 CACH 114 1473 136 PSM. 1514 2729 121 14-73- 1314 CACH 1514 2726 113 1487 1355 PSIE 1514 2727 111- 1493 1373 PS 1E 1514 2729 115 1494 1342 THPL 15i4-2723 116 1497 1338 PSM,_ 81 15C3 1341 THPL 1614 2733 2614 27312 12 X544 1345 THPL 82 1614 2732 74 1565 1:33 PSME 1534 131c. PSHE 1614 ?733 2721 2722 2723 2724 1614 27353 1614 27;3 1614 2777 2 2 2 1-- 1233 1376 THPL 161 1302 134J THPL 11411411 2 75 1-543 13L3 P';M 77 54 1?54 T 72 1545 1'55 PS" J49 1 2 2 049 1 049 1 049 1 1 33 21 1 349 1 050 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 049 1 050 1 1 94 25 1 1 1 1 33 22 1 1 X053 049 1 350 1 1 649 1 21 2. 2 1 2 2 2 3 22 049 1 1 2 2 049 1 049 1 1 4 4 2 2 21 11 2 3 050 1 23 3 3 2 2 323 1 156 324 1 1: 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 33 33 2 324 1 1 1 02 4 1 2 2 J24 1 2 25.0 023 1 23.5 324 1 02.4 1 36.3 024 1 24._3 024 1 324 1 22.5 J14 1 29.1 11 2 2 2 024 1 02 3 26.1 024 1 26.1 J23 1 33.3 323 1 25.4 024 1 41.5 J23 1 L7.8 44 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 22 22 3 33 33 33 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 21 1 3 3 1 33 11 1 2 3 1 1 1 11 1 1 4 4 2 3 11 44 44 11 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 21 25 3 1 1 1 014 1 1 1 314 1 25 44 1 1 4:3.2 314 1 3 2 1 21 3 1_11 33 11 33 33 3 0241_._. 3 1 1. 024 1 324 1 024 1 024 1 024 1 26.5 024-_1 13.1 024 173,G 024 1 33.2 024 1 3..6 44 3501_, 1 3 3 3 3 7 ID P 1614 2733 1614 2742 1614 274 3 1614 2744 16 1 4 274=5 1614 2746 .43., 66 1548 1370 64 1555 1385 63 1556 79 1556 68 1562 78 1563 15,7.0 r? 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0.7.3._ 1211 2C74 1311 2075 1311 2C7 1311 ?07' 1311 207'0 0305 0922 PSME 0322 0912 TSHE 45.1 014 102 119.4 35.8 93.0 50.5 1 1 2 21 099 2 098 1 C28 130 2 I 6339 09C8 TSHE0397 0928 TA9R 42.1 130 22.4 397 1 673 1 3 3502 1002 22.1 095 1 0349 0934 PSME 0383 0905 TSHE CACH 2 1 16.7 095 1 25.7 094 1 051 0529 1330 TSH . 24.4 094 1 3534 1010 PSM"c 130.2 095 1 961 0536 1043 CACH 25.0 094 1 958 962 956 957 954 963 0515 1013 CACH 0526 1234 CACH 0553 1924 PILA 3565 1054 TSHE 20.4 094 21.1 094 0572 1034 PSME: 13.1 094 0575 1343 TSH -0 5 7 71 J TSHE 19.1 094 21.4 094 51.8 094 3584 1160 PILA 96+ 3589 1072 FSHE 955 0593 1039 TSHE 768 0603 1089 PSME 763 0604 1081 :93 4 ,?2 118 1084 1' 26 429 1061 430 1087 431 1095 1383 413 1102 1310 417 1105 1001 416 110 7 17 C3 428 1138 1398 415 1116 10 C2 427 1119 1097 426 1133 1098 414 1137 1006 1_401043 42 421 1144 1063 425 1145 1088 422 1155 1073 424 1159 1372 423 1162 1074 413 .1162 1002 412 1163 16 C 2 3,34 12)5 1080 358 12:17 1°076 283 122:3 1357 215 1 2+7 1065 CACH TSH2 PS'1c TSHE PSM7 PILA PSME PSME TSHE PSM TSHE TABR ACMA PSME 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 6 2 2 _.......1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 18.8 094 1 2 2 21.8 093 1 189 1 1 1 3 22.2 093 1 3 3 3 ,r.. 17.9 093 1 2 2 27. 0 086 6 052 1 1 1 140.3 176 2 111 23 2 2 1 086 6 51.8 1 1 21 086 6 ±1u.0 6 33 6 2 176 20.5 1 1 3 1 2 19.0 176 1 1 3 16.2 176 2 2 2 1 40.6 086 6 1 1 2 29.5 176 2 2 2 33.2 085 6 044 1 7 4 21 3:5.6 085 6 5 5 1 26.5 176 2 2 17.7095 21.4 1 1 2 6 6 G+5 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 .4 4 2 4 2 5 5 1 5 5 1 3 3 3 8 1 3 5 CQ JU 20.°3 44 4 1 1 PS"E 146.4 045 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 6 TSHE 46.8 177 5 C39 PSM= 140.0 085 6 41.6 177 6 THPL 52.8 177 6 TSH= 17.6 177 6 THPL 15.4 178 4 ACMA A C'1 A 10.3 178 4 19.4 045 4 145 CACH CACH 6 ..__. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 z 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 9 1 536 0993 1123 TSHE 26.5 064 1 1 16.4 063 1 330 1120 1109 CACH 1 299 1135 11C7 THPL 30.2 085 6 293 1146 1104 TSHE 67.5 085 9 1 297 118J 1111 THPL 23.9 045 4 1 046 1 439 1199 1138 TSHE 15.0 173.0,46. 1 1 1312 2274..200 -1208 1121 CACH 17.3 1312 2275 208 12/31/74 THPL 24.8 044 2 079 1 1 1312 2276 207 1223 1169 TABR 36.5 044 2 1 1 18.7 046 1117 CACH 1238 199 1312 2277 2 1 37.1 044 TABR 1161 206 1233 1312 2273 2 1 21:9 046 ACMMA 1243 1112 198 _1312 2279 25 2 25.1 044 1312- 2 2 8 0 201 12 4 4- 1135 THPL 21 1 132.7 046 PSME 1312 2291 197 1246 1118 1 2 22.0 044 1312 2282 205 1252 11EI TSHE 1 2 1312 2283 202 1259 1132 TSHE 87.8 044 1 2 1312 2284 214+ 1261 iIL3 THPL 19.8 044 1312 2285 233 1265 1139 TSHE 15.8 044 2 2 14122286 139 1331 11 EC PSMEE 152.0 042 5 047 21 25 1412 2237 188 1302 1166 CACH 20.0 042 5 1 1412 228 3 I B7 1333 1184 PS M` 13.7 042 1 1412 2289 136 1309 1183 PSME 27.5 042 5 1412 2293 190 13/21/17 TSHE 15.0 043 6 016 2 1 1 1412 2291 134 1319 1172 TSHE 16.9 042 5 1412 2293 185 1323' 1187 PSME 23.6 042 5 1 1412 2296 193 1337 1170 TSHE 25.9 042 5 1412 2299 182 1394 1195 THPL 29.0 030 6 077 1 2 1 1512 2303 1263 1422 1197 THPL 17.8 030 6 043.1 1313 2503 210 1250 1220 PSME 13.4 048 1 1313 25±3 209 1297 1217 THPL 39.5 348 2 112 1 1 22.3 029 CACH 1223 191 1320 1413 2.513 1413 2513 130 1354 1232 CACH 21.5 041 5 20 1 1 26.8 030 6 1413 2521 179 1.586 1217 PSM 1 15.5 030 6 PSME 1413 252? 171 1337 1226 1 6 13-+,,C 030 1232 PSME 1513 2524 134+ 1413 4 C82 1 36.3 417 TSHE 124B 139 1513 2525 ..11 3 1443 1 1443 1228 GONU 17.0 030 6 1513 1 1513 2521 135 1445 1231+ TSHE 51.7 032 6 1 1513 2523 141 1451 1254 THPL 23.0 417 1 21 1513 2523 139 1464 1239 CACK 24.2 417 1 1 1465 1222 THPL 15.7 417 1 15113- 2571 1 23.7 417 1 97 1532 1257 THPL 6 13 2532 3 1'x.8 417 1 03 1503 12E4 PSME 1613 2533 1 47.2 417 1 161 3 2534 91 1535 1227 TSHE 1 52.6 417 1 89 1509 1202 THPL 1613 253e 1 31.1 417 4 1613 2539 90 152u- 1215 PSME 49.9 014 4 134 1 36 1563 1295 PSM 1613 2542 65.9 012 6 334 25 9001- PSIE 53 1616 1713 25!4 9 35.9 014 1 50 1535 13?1 PSME 1614 2 7 + 1 2J.8 614 1 94, 1551 1313 CONU 1614 274) 1 16.5 014 1 83 1554 1315 THPL 1614 27L+1 1012 2241 1212 2261 1212 2254 1212 2263 1212 2271 1212 2273 P 1614 2747 1314 2i=7 r 1314 2753 9=) '_553 1310 PS'ME ?7 1(2; 1352 TA3 25 1730 1354 TA9R 26.8 C14 19.5 032 16.4 032 1 5 1 1 22 33 44 22 44 22 33 44 74 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 55 44 1 1 22 22 44 22 11 3 3 33__- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 22 3 3 3 1 . 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 22 44 44 11 44 33 33 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 8 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 22 44 33 . 3 4 4 3 44 11 22 44 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 5 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44 11 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 74 3 3 10 U 1814 2751 1814 2763 25 1733 1344 TSHE 24 1733 1335 TSHE 1814 2761 1814 2765 1814 2766 23 1757 1317 TSH. 19 1775 1363 PSME 18 1783 1342 PSME 1814 2767 1914 2769 17 1793 1349 CAC4 4 1820 1334 PS 1E 3 1850 13F0 TSHE U-li,914-27701. 1914 2771 2 1859 1357 TSHE 1 1865 1353 TSHE" 1914 2772 1211 2826 419 1133 1348 THPL 0407 1089 1132 2318 661.7 TSHE 0407 1691 1135 J346 0654 PSME 0407 1C94 1128 3386 13650 PSME 0507 16(,16 915 040 2 0629 TSHE 0507 1097 916 ,3421 6611 TSHE 1093 917 3436 0522 TSHE 0507 1099 913 0455 0619 PSME 3921 3485 0810 ACMA 0507 1101 919 3486 0676 PSME 6507 11'02 920 3488 J613 ACMA 0507 1103 922 0490 3622 PSME 0607 110 4 543 9506 0636 PSME 7 110 531 '1506 069 PSME 1525 0683 PJME 060 0607 1107 537 0530 5645 PSME 0607 0607 0608 0608 1108 111) 1373 1376 533 0549 0691 TA3R 534 1560 0692 TSHE 522 ;0515 071.0 PSM1t 529 '1523 0712 PSME -5-23 0526 07x6 PSME 0608 1373 524 3527 0722 PSi'1 0608 1381 520 0534 3762 PS`1E 0 6 0 8 13 7 0608 133.? 060 8 1383 0608 1384 0608 1.335 0608 1386 0608 1387 0608 1388 0608 1389 0708 139'1 0708 1391 526 3540 0724 PSME 515 0 542 3 796 PSME 518 9549 0778 PILA 530 0550 0702 PSM 519 3532 0782 PILA 22 2 2 _2 1 2 2 1 1 133.1 133 2 C45 1 110.3 34.7 18.8 39.4 134.0 19.7 24.4 19.6 26.2 16.5 21.4 133 135 135 138 140 141 140 141 141 141 140 33 1 1 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 149 8 46 1640, 07148 PSME 348, 0649 0785 PS'1L 829 3654 0797 CACH 847 3654 1752 PS'1E 0738 14< 3 828 1661 ,737 PSME 341 0663 0750 PSME 8-+4 0667 ;76.1 FS4E 830676 0752 PSME 845 3687 3726 PSME. 7 c 3 1 j7`7 FS'i 843 3636 0771 PS9 E 3 3 22 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 22 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 11 7 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 66 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 23.0 149 1 13.5 145 6 C26 1 3 3 3 3 1 66 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 16.2 1482 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 11 3 11 33 11 11 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 22.0 1983 ii 4.6 158 6 053 1 1.5.7 198 3 32.9 198 3 22 5 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 039 1 21.6 158 6 15.1 198 3 17.4 198 3 17.2 198 3 85.3 198 3 21.6 198 3 3 1 23.7 148 2 134 1 25.0. 148 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 119.5 142 5 C62 1 16.8 142 5 1 19.3 19.2 17.6 ?2.0 18.1 15.5 21.8 32.2 1 21 1 2 6 0501 1 6 6 C37 1 6 025 1 1 6 1 6 6 1 6 1 1 6 1 6 52b 0585 u741 PS11E 527 L539 1713 P5"1E 123.2 145 6 18.1 149 1 827 0835 0775 P S M 0703 1393 0708 1394 0708 1395 0708 1390 0708 1397 0708 1393 0708 140 ) 0703 1 07(3 140 3 1 002 002 002 002 002 002 001 001 001 001 27.7 85 22.0 134 525 1564 3742 PSME 113.5 148 2 0708 139? 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PS'1;-375-+ 0907 TSHE -1-751 3761 0301 PSIE 0766 .0815 PSM 0759 0804 PS`1769 3773 9329 PS IE 767 3773 0313 PS'-I-'7 0809 1673 0809 1672 0809 168 ) 0509 1681 0809 1663 -773 CBC9 1E3 + 1009 16'87 769 3791 0936 PSME 316 u905 J839 PSME 772 J775 0312 PSM. 773 3788 0827 AC4a 1009 1653 314 0923 3986 PS'1E 1039 16633 3'.;n 111 183 1110 18)-1 2 .3 .= 23 331'9 PS't _013 1324 '?' 9 32 PSM_ 3 3. 0 1 3 9 1 12.u 192 1 21.4 192 1 31.1 200 2 10.2 230 2 19.C 230 2 15.0 200 2 23.4 200 2 18.0 200 2 3 5 . 62 002 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 22 74 6 1 1 22 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 33 74 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 11 17.8 200 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 24+.0 230 2 1 11 3 25.5 200 2 1 1 1 3 2:3.1 200 2 1 21.8 210 25 11 5 51 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 44.3 2;4 1 198 2 21.9 205 6 25 17.3 175 1 070 1 148.2 182 5 1230 25 1 1 11 2 51 13.2 200 2 39.8 235 6 054 1 2 3 3 6.,. 11 33 33 66 11 33 1 1 99.7 158 6 874 1676 0352 CACH 19.5 189 1 133 1 1 8' 8 ' 68v 3857 PST-1E 134.4 189 1 1 839 060 4 3822 PSME 142.4 158 6 1 19.2 189 1 861 0.591 0350 CACH 0709 1657 3 1 .414 6115. :3611 0856 PILA 3638 J811 PSME 3 1 1 0 838 38' 354 11 11 11 .,. 0709 165+ 0709 1656 3 3 1 . ..5 2 2 1 17.8 197 5 22.2 199 2 1 19.1 20C 2 C96 1 0808 142). 1 21.6 199 2 1L22 1 22.2 197 5 l8C8 1423 79=+ 1761 07?9 PSM PSME 1 34.4 2 2 788 0773 0782 0808 p1424 1 0808 1425 789 0771 0798 THPL 21.5 200 2 17.6 231 5 C52 1 0908 1427 734 0816 0779 FSM 3 0908 1423 735 3823 0766 TSH-- 23.9 233 5 21.7 228 2 C19 1 TABS 090 8 143 7 742 u876 0796 22 0609 1645 514 0550 0814 OILA 23.2 149 1.,. 1 1649 5.j9 059 00353 PSM 111.2 159 1 06 1 07091E.5) 353 '1531 0353 CACH 18.u 159 1 1 605 03552 C\CH 13.7 159 1 3709 1652 845, 0808 141=3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 12 1110 1882_ 1110 1883 1110 1885 1110 1886 1110 1687 1210 1893 1210 1904 02G5 58) 0205 0205 0305 03 0-3 11 0163 586 283 0208 5 8 23/3L/79 856 6 262 328 x406 £406 0406 853 1144 332 859 1135 3336 8E) 1150 C 337 0406 0506 0506 0104 0104 869 1112 3398 046 01 4 0104 0104 0104 G1+74 0104 610 0104 0104 0104 ...0104 0104 0264 0204 0105 0105 0105 0105 0105 0105 10105 I 212 1368 238 1075 652 1114 618 1154 313 0151 339 0152 312 0170 273 0172 0205 02b05 I 2151067 576 577 579 0205 I 253 1042 0995 ACMA 233 1048 0977 PSME 0105 0105 0105 0105 0105 0205 8671111 , 3 .3 6.9 293 299 3G) 331 302 304 335 306 3C7 3C3 31,E 311 _554 555 556 557 553 559 ACMA ACMA PSME TSHE ACMA PISA TSHE PSME 0454 TSHir 0481 CACH 0483 TSHE 0452 TSHE 3522 PSME 0559 PSME 1598 PSME 0556 TSH 05830PS9E 3539 TSHE 3556 PSME 0414 0416 3561 PSMEE 0034 3359 TABR 0038 0384 TSHE L-'0633 0321 TA3521 0041 0310 TSHE 513 42 G3':2 THPL 514 0043 0340 PSMC 513 G345 G3Fi3 TSHs= 522 0054 0315 TSHE 871 913 872 914 29+ 516 2956-515 517 .2 297 0975 0980 0965 0987 6991 0499 0496 0479 C: 525 33333 THPL 533 3064 0371 TA9R 525 0068 63,77 TSHE 534 4:079 0372 TSHE 523 0080 0323 THPL 512 U095 3340 PSME 1.6.5 51.6 20.8 32.8 23.9 43.7 27.7 25.9 16.5 110.2 3 7 175 1 175 1 182 6 182 6 182 5 182 6 178 4 360 6 C45 360 6 55 1 1 1 66 22 11 22 33 22 22 1 3 4 11. 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 56) 5,33 551 562 563 564 565 507 59 G 61 3441 T iPL 536 0 66 C4c6 TSHE= 73 0464 TSHE 504 0 30 0453 TSH:: 11 1 71 0457 TA3RR 510 3 93 0410 TSHc 3492 PS'A , 33 uc)5 0205 569 3JO 0,125 04E2 7SH-' J CCI36 7 47~ PS" 2 33401 ''SH .. 6, 358 'A.3 351 23.6 361 2 11 1 1 7 2 4 74 22 3 1 44 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 117.3 359 3 C53 1 25 38.9 358 3 3 1 42.7 359 25 27.7 358 3 3 1 49.5 358 3 1 19.1.358 1 87.? 365 3 1 3 84.6 358 11 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 4 3 11 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 22 22 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 74 22 22 44 7 0 3 3 258 c133 3374 TA9R 16.3 364 3 1 253 3133 03E9 TSHE 49.3 364 3 508 0 26 0472 PSML 113.3 358 3 134 2 2 25 535 3 27 04:6 PSM.7- 111.5 366 3 358 3 1 24.1 0464 TA3.. 0 32 5019 43 3 1 358 C 3434 PS `1c 1::4.4 5U7 25 27.93583 5+12 3 57 0433 TSHc 5f]1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0414 PS HE 3 5µ5+m 3 3 25.1 58.9 13.7 29.5 25.4 364 3 C22 39.6 367 3 143.6 365 3 3 3 22 360 6 25 362 6 357 360 6 355 1 109 1 1 362 6 351 6 347 2 108 1 134 2 C64 1 1 347 2 1 134 2 1 347 2 1 347 2 1 347 2 366 3 036 1 1 366 3 356 367 367 367 366 367 367 365 367 1 55 55 2 565 S57 SbS 02135 21.5 59.4 31.0 18.6 23.8 20.7 46.9 15.7 15.2 110.0 18.3 19.1 22.1 20.1 123.9 133.4 111.0 25.9 2 4 1 4 4 4 4 2. 4 4 4 4 3 4 11 1 1 7 4 1 1 4 3 4 22 1 4 44 22 4 4 2 4 1 2 2 7.4 2 4 22 i i 4 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 .Lj i. P D 0205 0205 0205 0205 0205 0205 0205 0205 5733 571 572 573 574 57.1 573 581 0203 2821 1003 2822 303 3136 3456 TABR 18.5 361 3 302 0139 0454 TSHE 39.6 361 3 284 0140 01+38 TSH= 24.9 361 3 293 7142 0418 PS ME 126.0 361 3 299 0144 3444 TSHE 19.6 361 3 247 0147-10417 TSH 22.6 361 3 297 13159 0416 TSHE 1 1 2 1 24.1 363 3 018 1 17.5 363 3 1 0103 0133 0103 0103 0203 90 91 92 93 9+ 211 0101 0288 0203, 93 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 0203 95 97 93 99 227 ul09 0258 SME 124.5 375 4 114 1 203 `111_0 0280 TSHE 38.9 439 7 1 TSHE "116 0238 TSHE 226 3127 0225 TSHE 224 1131 0252 TSHE 22.;1 22.1 409 7 199 1 1 22.9 374 4 21.1 368 4 1 1 26.2 375 4 41.1 375 4 22.4 376 4 103 1 24.6 376 4 1 232 3132 3277 TSH 121 231 01.34 0296 PSME 147.0 376 4 1 102 221A .113 L24'.0 TA3R 31.5 376 If 1 10 3 223 '1139 2229 TSHE 16.3 376 4 1 11203 104 2218 0141 0222 TSHE 37.6 376 4 0203 105 233 2142 3295 TSHE 20.8 377 4 C09 1 0203 106 221C 3143 0251 TABR 19.3 376 4 25 0233 167 222 1150 3235 AC"1A 16.0 376 4 1 0203 103 239 0153 0245 TSHE 31.1 376 4 1 0203 1u3 27 8 2165 0252 1-SHE 35.1 376 4 1 0203 111 233 9175 0277 TSHE 24.9 376 4 0203 111 237 1317 3 0271 TSH= 17.5 376 4 22 112 274 0187 32c7 TSHE 16.0 378 4 C86 1 0203 1 0263 113 236 0186 329,3 TSHE 19.1 378 4 114 26.7 378 4 235 2195 0296 TSHE 1 0263 0204 314 291 0146 0325 TSHE 20.8 409 7 1 0224 313' 244 _'171 33:9 PS`1E 77.0 378 4 1 1 0204 32) 259 0172 33L3 PSMc 72.9 378 If 1 01204 32 i 249 2 192 ;31; TSHE 23.1 378 4 1 230 324 262 1235 3366 TSHE 20.8 409 7 1 6304 323 2, n L23& 6319 TSH= 31.0 378 4 0304 326 275 0207 0313 TSHE 20.3 378 4 1 1 327 277 _213 03'_2 TSHE 15.5 378 4 1!304 0304 723 274 1216 03(5 TSHE 23.4 378 4 1 0304 329 260 2224 3385 THPL 18.0 409 7 1 33.7 261 02214 0778 ACM1A 31.8 385 4 142 25 0304 0304 331 263 3238 037w TSHE 34.8 335 4 1 1 0324 332 264 0242 338:3 TSHE 27.2 385 4 33 3 269 0244 0344 PSME 153.8 386 4 1.14 1 0304 334 271 3244 3319 TSHE 23.1 335 4 1 375 267 0262 0372 PS..1E 116.8 335 4 0304 1 371) 65 262 ' ?c6 TS--H- 25.4 335 4 I 3014 1 7 0 04 27 22) 30 TS4+. 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L 392 TSHE TSHE _> 5 5 11 11 1 5 5 4 4 1 1 5 5 5 5 21.0 TSHI 2 22 74 4 7 5 22 1 1 5 5 5 lo.E 29.8 23.3 . 6. C 1:J. 3 641 2 25 5 2 IA -43 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 7 5 5 5 1 1 13.2 36.3 2o.5 0 3 3 212 5 5 4 4 9476 PS^"= 118o O 3489 PSit 13.2 0489 ACMA 22.5 513 42' 523 2431 4 3 3 1 5 17.3 392 563 LLu506 13466 PSME 569 9507 045O THPL 570 1539 G4L1 PSME. 5?7 4 4 4 4 5 22 22 22 22 7 TA3 TSH= TSHE 4 5 31.C 0472 FS141. 0 0440 PSME 140.Q 13493 00464 4 337 337 412 385 385 335 74 22 1 1 32. v 395 2 1 2 2 4 1 4 1 5 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 i. 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 212 1 1 4 106 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 22 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 44 5 5 1 1 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 1 4 2 2 0 15 0605 C605 572 534 7455 TSHE 0605 644+ 535 0538 0432 PSME C6n 5 645 566 540 L489 PSME 0605 0605 646 647 567 X551 0491 PSME 575 X553 0464 PS'-IE 0605 0605 0615 0605 0605 643581 5554 0605 06,35 654 655 0605 656 0605 657 653 0605 9605 0705 0705 0705 P 1 584 '0532 0423 642 643 649 653 652 653 653 663 651 662 PSME M 0427 PSME 579 0560 04"4 THPL 32.2 29.4 26.0 21.2 16.0 15.7 1 395 4 1. 395 4 395 4 1 396 4 C69 1 21 396 4 397 5 C23 1 26.1 395 1 1 1 5 1 31.0 336 5 5 1 23.5 337 4 1 37.3 337 4 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 32.2 332 19.8 336 16.2 336 1 671 948 3633 0479 PS'1+E 0805 607 339 `'784 5494 FSME 25 50.5 326 4 138 25 0905 693 929 3.809 0416 TP,PL 36.8 325 0905 7"J 924 0813 0481 THPL 4b.% 3905 722 925 3317 0487 TtPL 0905 723 72+ 926 X32 0905 0905 0935 7.5 7'`'7 3606 71+ 716 717 713 723 721 725 727 837 833 892 0606 894 __..66. r; 9-.5 1035 IC; 10 1005 1065 1225 1005 1005 C606 0636 0606 0636 0606 i C _ r06!06 , 893 893 931 2,1933 922 ` 843 9c1 3891 271 3914 1442 TAD R 0469 THPL 0493 PSMy 046 ALRU 285j 0915 6473 232 2.7.3 0922 3467 PS`1 PS AE S23 0473 YJME 937 0466 ACM.A 9 040,5 ACMA 374 0952 04:3 TSH 556 ',515 512 TSHE 555.6519 3513 PSM= 557 0537 0515 THPL 552 0545 a 51 AC`IA 272 2.:7.5 U 5573 559 0572 35} TSH 05,5 THPL 560 3>76 o5c5 THPL rw4 Sri 529 T'-S,'1 U 9 0402 PSM 923 0822 0475 PSME 21.8 335 36.8 337 22.3 337 37.1 412 5t7 594 0517 TA9 326 40.2 326 19.0 326 86.8 326 23.2 326 42.3 326 18.1 331 23.6 301 29.9 3 :, 1 38.7 3 151 19.8 351 15.9 3:'1 34.0 3r-2 40.1 302 18.3 396 149.0 396 27.0 396 36.6 409 4 4 4 4 2 20.8 27.7 1 1 6 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 4N 25 1 1 116 4 4 1+ 25 4 25 5 25 5 4 4 4 7 4 25 341 4 341 4 341 4 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G491.w._ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 44 i+ 4 4 1 4 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1.... 049 1 1 11 11 1 25 25 25 4 15.8 341 25.3 341 4 23.5 341 4 _ 4 1 1 1 35.6 337 23.1 336 0705 667 1 1 4 5 533 0597 0416 PSMEL Z22 Jo54 0465 PSME 929 3605 3445 PSME Z14 5617 0480 PS4` 663 663 665 1 11 11 11 0705 0705 664 0705 1 11 5 573 ;569 0439 TSHE 57.8 397 5 574 0574 3471 PSME 21.3 335 4 C96 1 1 536 0583 0420 PS 4;:, 48.7 337 4 1 576 0586 048J PS1E 131.0 335 4 587 -i59J 0436 PSME 26.5 336 5 143 1 6E 0705 1 5 5 07u5 0705 663 1 2 1 1 31.3 397 5 533 3560 3441 PSME 16.0 397 FSME 152.0 397 573 0562 0464 577 0567 0447 PSME 17.0 397 725 3619 0461 PSME 942 0620 0416 PSME Z23 3623 0420 PSIC721 2625 0487 PSME 91+3 228 0435 PSME Z15 3636 04EO PSME 935 C6L9 3418 PS ME 0705 1 2 1 1 1 IC 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 55,.. 2 1 8 8 2 5 22 11 44 55 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 22 4 44 22 1 1 74 5 5 5 16 a 0706 0706 0-705 I I 905 -963 9.06 07+36 90 3 0706 0706 0706 913 911 912 0706 0706 0706 -__0706 913 914 0706 0706 0806 0886 0806 0806 6866 0806 0806 0866 0806 0906 0906 X906 0906 1666 0303 915 916 917 913 919 927 921 923 924 925 927 923 929 9.31 932 942 943 946 115 115 117 11? _115_ 10303 0303 0303 0303 0343 0303 0303 0303 0403 0403 04133 0403 0403 0403 I 1 0433 503 0, 0503 0503 0503 6503 05- 0503 653 0603 0633 0404 92R 0618 0504 PSME 138.4 3354 1 945 0627 0523 PSME 23.8 335 4 1 941 0635 0566 ALMA 32.5 335 4 1 943 0644 C524 PSME 23.2 334 4 056 1 947 0647 051- FSME 937 0647 0553 PS+E 932 0648 0563 PS11 949 0654 0512 ACMA 939 0671 0542 TSHE 936 u672 0524 ACMA 938 0674 3531 FSME 934 3675 0524 ACMA 935 6684 0519 TSHE 816 7739 0547 PSME 814 0710 0565 ACMA 815 2713 05E6 ACM 818 [723 0548 TSHE 817 1728 0549 ACMA 819 U742 8542 PSME 823 0758 0520 ACMA 822 0765 0523 ACMA 821 0780 0522 ALMA 35.7334 4 1 34.1 334 4 38.2 334 4 18.5 334 4 30.5 334 4 17.7 334 4 19.7 334 4 1 25 2 '1 '2 0 5 0220 PS"1 0241 PS M;--- 2'2 ++ 76.8 297 7 381 5 019 C44 024 176 351 Z59 0318 it:47 TSti_ T He i7. 23.6 3 2 386 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 1 10 5 44 4 42 5 5 2 5 1 1 22 11 6 1 1 12 2 1 6 4 6 6 6 6 11 6 1 5-5 2 2 6 1 1 1 6 1 1 25 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 22 2 7 2 1 6 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 21 1 1 21 21 44 6 6 6 6 1 1 113 5 5 387.. 136 5 55 55 55 25 23.7 378 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 21 1 35.6 296 2 28. Evi 3;2 11 55 55 22 55 37.0' 297 7 PSM- 1F-,J 55 36.3 297 7 129. C 5 5 31,9 334 4 .r 25 i. 25.4 334 4 32.4 244 7 C49 11 18.9 244 7 23.5 244 7 1 20.5 244 7 1 13.3 244 7 21 93.0.244 7. 24.0 300 4 C50 1 0221 132.6 381 5 213 0232 11255 TSIit 16.5 379 3 11'9 212 D234 0230 PS1E 115.1 334 5 121 2'14 02.39 021 TSH 64.5 379 3 121 2;33 0 245 0265 T19 R 14+.7 334 5 122 236 ?275 0230 TSH` 21.1 387 3 123125,_..Z6> 235 1280 9266 PSME 129.L, 387 3 0267 ACMA 22.9 387 3 127 754 0264 TSHE 22.6 387 3 123 Z35 u 3 4 J 0264 PS`lE 121.4 339 3 129 Z51 C342 3244 2o.7 389 3 133 Z85 0773 025 ' PSMIz 21.3 389 3 13'+ ..,. _ Z 91 3383 1.3 92 0250 F 3 M E :31.0 389 3 Z 5 ;26 PSME 24.4 339 3 9-'3 133 824 0416 0282 PPSM 162.E 4u 2 3 13:3 822 3J 4 3 6 0270 PS 1, E 99.6 432 3 141, 826 7454 0289 T3H_ 2u.5 462 3 142 821 3466 0277PSME 105.0 402 3 14+ 819 0471 02813 THPL 16.2 4J2 3 i1. 5 317 :473 020.9 PS?1c 1114 .U 402 3 146 813 )434 0295 TSHE L0.2 402 3 147 815 :495 a28.i TRH 35.2 4ti 2 3 141 q1`+ J `.-- 3 2P9 T.S: 4, 2 3 33. _3, 5 25 33.5 300 27.0 306 4 909 ` 917 3515 FS'i: 102.9 299 4 908 r813 052U ALRU 918 0 895 6523 THPL 919 3897 0519 THPL 398 x933 J516 TS}1Z 209 3203 0281 TSHE. 5 5 2 2 21 1 1 8 8 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 1 22 22 22 22 2 2 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 17 0404 0404 0404 0404 0404 ii Z 5 9 0328 0351 THPL Z71 0330 0325 TSHE 354 Z72 0334 0351 TSHE 355 Z56 0336 0357 TSHE Z70 0337 9385 TSHE Z75 0339 0335 ALMA 356 0404 ._ 357 353 01.04 404 353 0404 36:1 0404 361 - 362 04004 0404 7434 0404 ZS TSH`._ 365 366 367 0404 0504 0504 Z68 3394 0366 FSME Z53 0395 0,388 ACMA 335 04J7 u3C6 TSHE 383 0416 0320 TSH: 2..'0419 363 373 371 X504 0504 0322 TSH 879 .J433 3332 TSH. 3 5s0 3433 C3134 TSH 887 3444 0381 TSHE 381 3445 0 339 TABR 8-8 372 0504 0504 373 374 0504 375 0504 37,3 37 3 886 0463 377-:'472 876 u477 0504 0604 379 383 381 325 9484 878 3492 593 0514 0604 .382 793_ 592 3521 99 3526 0604 385 593 3537 0604 339 383 303 392 94 95 8 00 4543 37.7 "534 050 4 0504 C5,; 4 V 0634 0634 3834 073_ 0704 07004 3704 0704 _ 395 397 597 :550 59b X0553 595 01590- Z12mN0632 Z'119 0502 Z35 06C3 , Z13 -1615 717 0639 3734 3.. 401 432 4J 0734 40'3 Z2 3641 0704 405 75 0643 0704 4,- 7 Z18 0647 975 1849 442 1248 j7 4 G9C2 2821 1333 1333 1303 1406 2823 2824 2823 14 6 1C,?1 1 : 33 14u6 1-025 1406 1"{36 _7341. 3371 TSHc 344 TSHE 762 349 Z52 3350 0350 TSHE Z67 7354 0358 TSHE 774 3355 0318 TSHE 753 0356 0347 TSHE Z64. 0353 0363 Z66 J372 0394 PS`13 363 360 0404 1 352 353 Z7 U633 76 41 442 121:9 439 1225 6th 1343 66 3 1 =33 16.8 29. G 48.5 23.4 41.4 24.9 43.4 20.8 17.3 21.6 28.4 46.2 390 3 C4-4-2 5 4 390 2 2 335 390 391 391 391 391 390 400 16.4 400 4 3 43C 25 3"- 3 3 1 3 3 _3_ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 5 4 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 6 5 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 22 -----"'2-'5" 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 6 22 035.3 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 2 2 7 25.7 399 2 129 1 14.8 400 3 1 0366 THPL 21.1 399 2_ 2 21 4 25. 7J.C 399 33 21 PS'1E 1 1 1 0340 P S r1 E 110 . 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PSME PSME PSME TSHE TSHE PSME CONU PSM TSHE TSHE PSME 0155 TSHE 3161 TSHE 0148 PSME 0182 TSHL 0152 PS 11 U 191 PSME 11/13/42 49 TSH E 0913 0913 0913 0,244 TSHE 3915 J283 TSHE 0917 0239 TSHE 920 J2°u TSHEr 4-+ 1927 3237 33923 3232 "3934 7265 0934 3251 x'941 0203 39=+6 0293 3946 0286 2947 C26(; 3949 3222 3956 3293 3950 02B1 0955 0251 0969 279 ::975 01275) 1976 :282 989 3`12 TSHE u 45 47 23 33 52 45 34 332 54 57 6 T (. 18.3 17.8 39.4 18.5 21.6 16.2 25.1 22.6 17.3 16.8 33.2 34.5 132.9 2u.7 21.8 73.4 16.2 115.3 133.5 13.0 160.4 llu . 0 21.0 279 6 279 6 279 6 273 6 279 6 279 6 279 6 279 6 25 25 280 272 1 1 1 1 3 313 5. 313 5 313 5 368 5 PS"1_ TSHE PSME TSHE TSH TSHE 1 22 22 1 8 1 _ PSME TSHE TSHE TSHE FSME TSHE TSHE TSHE TS 1v 2'0 6 TSHE 2 1 2 14 320 320 320 320 4 4 4 4 314 3 3213 4 320 4 314 3 314 3 2 2 1 8 8 2 1 8 8 5 5 1 8 8 5 8 1 5 8 5 5 5 5 25 8 308 5 288 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 8 8 8 5 8 5 2 8 8 2 8 5 5 5 2 5 2 8 5 1 2 25 1 2 2 8 8 8 5 25 2 5 1 2 8 1 1 8 5 5 2 8 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 5 2 8 8 5 5 5 8 5 1 25 1 1 1 319 3 120 15 320 4 1 314 319 3 34.5 319 3 18.3 319 3 52.5 314 3 >1.3 314 3 2L+.5 22 11 22 320. 25.0 123.9 26.2 15.6 34.8 126.4 1 22 22 233 8 8 8 5 3 1 33.5 1.6.4 11 338 5 338 5 23.2 320 4 17.7 320 4 23.0 32'3 4 16.7 99.1 44.7 107.8 38.0 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 0163 PS`"E 3:18 5 F3M E 288 1 0148 3172 TSHE 1 338 5 PSME _116.8 0194 3 is 7320.41.98 6 14 9 1 3 00 . 9 320 1 3 2 E.1 TSHE 1 0281 TSHE 23.8 320 4 4293 PSME 103.0 329 4 35 3259 TSH_ 18.7 320 4 1 3257 TSHE 31.8 320 4 1 1 3249 TSHE 24.5 32C 4 1 u24F TSHE. 17.6 320 4 3277 TSH= 23.0 32C 4 25 0279 TSHE 19.1 320 4 25 53 61 41 62 43 55 100 1113 1003 1003 1339 1313 1322 1323 1327 1329 1331 1339 1357 1358 0961 3962 u995 1003 1036 1041 1046 1392 .1#192 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 5 5 5 22 LI 1003 1103 239 24) 56 110 3 ----24 1 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 242 243 244 245 246 247 243 249 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 110.: 1103 252 -_._-253 67 69 21 133 131 138 148 22 110 3- n u 110 3 1103 1203 1203 1203 1203 250 1 83 254 141 255 165 256 2.x.7..1107 32 69 259 259 134 70 263 77 261 127 262 263e 11 11 1Tu6 109 736 7 11 7.33. 264 265) 266 267 266 737 26'9 1203 1203 1203 1203 1303 ii? 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T1HE- 731 12:13 2376 CAC3 1 2 2 4 4 8 5 25 25 1 8 8 4 4 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 25 25 25 25 25 1 1 2 1 2 2 2901 23.3 290 21.9 290 2 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 8 5 5 5 2 8 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 2 2 2 5 2 2 1 8 5 5 8 1 8 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 061 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 5 5 1 6 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 L 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 1 8 5 8 1 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 2 2 2 25 8 5 8 1 2 2 1 5 8 8 2 C33 1 8 8 5 8 1 1 1 1 . 8 8 2 1 2 8 2 2 22 7 8 8 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 35.5 289 6 C51 1 1 13.6 239 6 16.1 290 5 115 1 1 15.0 289 6 25 19.0 289 6 25 15.2 289 6 1 25.0 289 6 25 38.5 289 6 1113.4 283 6 153 2 1 382 PS'?d 103.13 L 3 25 22.8 315 2 29.0 315 25 32.9 315 1 28.8 315 1 123.7 315 42.2 316 6 114511 18.2 317 6 (61 1 1 48.1 316 6 1 20.5 316 5 1 125.5 315 3 24.3 304 6 1.23 1 25 147.8 334 6 1 15.6 304 6 1 43.9 304 6 304 6 2 1 143.4 315 3 214 1132 3;35 P5'1t 1t7.5 336 744 11 6 1,;4 PSM 1:8.8 306 693 1157 3 39j TSH= 3 3 3 1 1 8 G 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 11304 534 1304 I I 535 533 1304 1805 722 723 724 725 723 723 1005 1035 1005 1005 1005 1005 341 -1960 045C PSAE 108.7 302 317 0967 0464 TSHE 328 0972 0403 ACMA 339 0973 0434 CACH 097 1 1 1 1 211 1 25 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 25 2 2 5 5 3 1 20.2 302 6 2 5 2 5 5 1 733 774 735 736 737 733 733 743 741 74? 743 1005 1005 1005 1035 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 74745 745 747 743 743 75:1 751 75? 753 11835 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1135 1295 1205 75:4 755 756 757 753 1205. 1205 1205 751 75J 1205 761 12{ 5 1205 1205 76? 763 764 1205 765 1205 766 1205 767 1205 1205 1235 1205 763 769 12:95 1235 1.235. 77) 771 772 771 343 326 342 318 321 329 155 194 195 189 188 17 179 129 167 1'33 177 183 191 174 191 163 182 175 39114 0485 TSHE 31.5 332 0985 04E2 TSHE 20.0 332 3988 0443 THPL 14.5 302 3988 0476 ACMA 18.8 3"02 3991 3491 TSHE 34.1 295 X998 0485 TSHE 21.7 302 30.5 332 1164 1442 TSHE 1011 0453 PSME 117,5 332 1016 0452 ACMA 19.5 302 1029 0417 PSME 153.8 302 1942 0421 ACMA 19.2 302 1k;47 0438 PS ME 60.3 332 1.54 0428 TSHE 95.5 302 1959 0-+47 PSME 122.7 302 23.1 302 10+63 0493 ACMA 303 15.4 0465 TSHE i36+ 302 21.5 1065 3497 ACMA 1.67 0478 TSHi 66.7 332 1075 0411 TABR 15.0 303 1':78 3408 TSHE 20.8 334 1084 0405 TSHE 35.8 302 1055 1447 TABR 16.5 3+,3 11190 0430 TSHE 2j.1 333 10.91. 0434 TSHE 1.9.5 303 696 1104 10469 TSHE 689 1117 3445 TSHJ , 92 1117 3491 TSHE 647 1124 34E2 TABR 699 648 1132 ^479 TSHE , 627 1;.76 14E. TSHE 2-+? 1 17a :429 Th9? 656 1162 0!'+73 TSHE 120 3 5 5 2 2 5 2 5 1 5 2 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 2 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 2 2 5 2 5 2 .._. 4 2 2 7 1 5 3 3 3 1 2 7 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 0 32- 3 21 1 1 1 2 2 7 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 1 2 1 1 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 21 1 2 1 2 ,.J.5 290 i 5 1 1 2 2 7 4 2 2 4_ 4 29C 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 1 2901 8 8 8 8 2 r. 8 8 2 5 3 3 2 8 8 8 8 1 2 6 35.5 16. i1 8 24. 302 303 333 304 303 291 29+J 8 8 8 5 1.... 1 290 5... 290 8 8 8 5 1 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 6 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 8 8 8 1 2 2 8 8 8 8 1 2 1 111 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 25 16.4 304 293 3 1 1 3 291 2 1 17.6 303 16.3 16.8 19.2 1142 3438PSME 139.3 54.4 269 1149 0461 TSHE 1158 0492 PSMY 19.3 664 1157 0492 PS`1E 145.5 694 1158 0.444 TSHE 49.5 44.6 688 1173 3443 TSHc 47.9 1171 0416 TSHE 569 136.5 1174 ?_436 PSME 679 17.0 69C 1174 3443 TSHE 8 1 5 18.7 302 1005731 368 00974 0497 PS11E 145.2 295 1005 732p 340 9-78 - 0433 PSME 109.0 302 10'05 1 327 0!948 9438 PSNit: 103.0 302 337 0951 0445 TSHE 29.7 302 32 ts956 0476 PSME 22.5 332 5 6 6 6 5 5 17.0 317 73J 1005 I 89.9 278 748 1263 0392 TSHE 16.3 283 1264 0386 PSME 126.9 283 61.5 283 709 1292 0378 PSME 743 1249 0389TSHE 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 25 1 t 1 1205 774 1205 1205 1205 1305 775 773 77' 773 1305 771 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 7AJ 781 752 733 784 785 , 1305 785 1305 787 1305 783 1305 1305 1305 783 797 791 17.8 1305 1305 1305 794 795 795 79 3 793 801 8121 14+35 802 1405 1475 1405 8,-) 12936 941 80 -+ 8C5 1066 953 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1136 1236 954 957 963 96+ 977 972 973 126 977 1206 973 1206 973 1206 1236 1206 1236 98J 931 962 9833 120 E, 98 + 1266 985 1206 30'007 19337 0 9 01 7 7 7 23 739 1296 0464 TSHE 704 369 368 702 717 718 113 3 1297 J484 CON' U 1302 3443 PS 1E 13u 4 347 TSHE 1305 3425 34_5YCAC'i 1311 1318 PSME 4996 CAC1 92,; 1893 0515 ALRU 393 3986 3514 TSHE 154 !C.3 0522 TSHE 193 1052 351.4 ALMA 524 TSH 194 1 ,: 6 1.69 0532 TSHE. 151 1±;92 0570 TSHL 94 1098 1548 CACH 80 6R4 11C`5 3504 ,1 i1 22 22 74 22 22 ACMA ACMA ACMA 25 282 6 278 5 1 9116 82 TSHL 05 24 3614 P5'IE 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 8 25 66 1 25 3 22 8 8 8 2 8 19. 1 8 1 20.2 232 6 18.8 23.2 19.2 19.0 19.2 25 282 6 1 252 6 1 282 6 2 1 279 6 C66 251 297 7 21 15.3 295 2 15.3 295 2 24.7 295 2 29.4 295 2 23.9 294 5 32.0 294 5 ti11 17.0 294 5 22 5 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 3 8 8 10 5 8 8 2 8 8 8 8 8 1 3 22 5 225 1 1277 1 22 33 2 1 15.6 294 5 275 6 1133 0521 TSHE 3 35 _:q PS'-1 171.7 242 5 2 8 8 8 1 __, 278 8 8 8 282 6 19.9 282 6 23.8 282 6 27.4 6 8 2 74 22 66 25 25 232 8 8 i 11 11 1 17.2 294 5 652 1.1:; 5 5 L 3 31.4 294 5 655 11.65 3521 294 5 24.5 1175 0523 TSHE 665 294 5 21.8 1127 2529 TSHE 659 294 5 144.2 C'SMr"_ 231 1112 151 5 275 6 123 34.7 12.55 0541+ TSHE 698 275 6 25.7 ACMA '-! 532 67, 1156 6 275 24.9 663 1162 5535 ACMA 275 6 17.2 TSHE 633 1153 35L7 1137 11 3 1296 0411 TSHE 282 6 17.8 232 6 30.1 282 6 19.2 713 1257 0415 TSHE 47, 22.2 5 TSHE 732 128B 0 96.3 1289 04V5 PILA 703 PS 1 130.1 449 1291 J4 2 1305 1405 7 743 1276 04,76 TSHE 792 793 797 22 22 742 12330409 TSHE 15.9 278 5 1 734 1247 0488 TABR 22.4 277 4 1 721 1260 J445 TSHE 91).3 278 5 1 705 1270 0466 PILA 123.9 278 5 737 1272 0433 TSHE 18.0 282 6 C90 25 1305 1305 1335 1335 7 4 1,32.0. 787 1280 34(6 TSHE 706 1283 34;'1 TSHL 1305 1 1 25.3 290 5 1 29C 5 20.5 11.85 3405 TSHE 657 290 5 25.5 1183 0414 TSHE 668 1 695 1189 0476 PSME 39.5 290 5 1 024 276 4 16.4 732 1263 0485 PSME 276 4 24.2 74.E 120' 4 04+91 PSME 4..Wt 7.9 11 277 132.C 746 1203 0444 PSME 1 708 1210 G-+03 TSHE 15.2 278 5 1 278 5 27.4 710 1217 0464 TSHE 1 22.2 277 4 709 1225 1469 TABR 1 278 5 13.1 733 1228 0408 TSH 1 722 1232 0455 TSHE 24.4 277 4 661 1184 0423 TABR 2 2 8 22 8 25 3 3 8 8 8 1 55 55 55 22 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 55 55 22 1 1 1 1 2 2 ... 1 2 11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1' 17.2 230 5 128 2 5 2 2 9 9 90.0 242 5 1 1 9 10 1 2 L 0907 1140 0907 1141 0907 1142 0907 1143 0907 1144 0907 1145 0907 114S 748 0874 0659 ._ ' 0609 905 8827 91 "832 904 6833 749 0847 750 X856 747 0869 PSME 06c6 TSHE 0610 PSME 0683 PILA 0689 TABR 0643 PSME 1 1 44.3 242 5 1 . 2 25.3 230 5 1 2 5 45.3 242 5 6 230 5 1 47,9 7 27.1 230 5 1 _e1 180 167.2 241 ..5m 1 16.9 241 3 0907 1147 746 0894 7694 ACCI 17.4 230 5 22 1007 1143 372 8924 0639 PSME 95.3 241 5 1 1007 1149 3 83 0933 0639 PSME 77.2 241 5 21 1007 115] 390 j935 3623 PSM 17.4 241 5 21 PSM` 241 5 0619 116.9 0938 1007 1151 276 7..,.__.._0 43 1 14.5 241 5 632 CONU 1007 1152 1007 1153 378 0953 0597 CACH 21.0 232 5 072 25 100+7 1154 ?99 0969 0678 TSHE 32. 0 224 5 224 25 25 1007 1155 235 3.972 3567 TSHE 15.3 224 5 1 28.1 224 5 1007 1155 339 3975 0677 TSHE 21 PSM.: 224 5 93.9 '1648 10007 11578._._ 278 1977 y... _.=J y-3 3 25 067 TSHHE -71.5 224 27 10 0 7 117 21 1007 1159 296 0983 3672 PSME 122.3 224 5 25 1007 1163 283 0984 3556 TSHE 24.0 224 5 25 224 5 2;.9 CACH 371 3991 u6i?3 1007 1161 1 166 216 5 TSH= 26.5 0686 156 1096 1107 1181 1 229 5 13.6 143 7 2 3805 3709 PSME 0908 .._1332 09081423 _.,7 CACH 4 J 224.5. 3ra 0735 1 +2 0908 1433 736 3847 3770 TSHE 0908 1431 740 0850 3714 PSM 1432 739 3853 1739 PS 11;7 20.4 229 3908 1433 733 3851 0744 TSHE 22.1 230 37 7856 0772 TA ?R 19.4 227 0938 14-04 7741862 09081435a 371 TSHE 95.9 227 0903 143o 744 0873 0744 PSHE 15.6 230 0908 1433 731 3383 0719 PSME 121.7 23G 0908 1433 743 3887 0775 TSHE 27.9 227 G908 1443 1008 1441 1008 144? 1008 1443 1008 1444 1003 1445 1003 1003144.6. 1008 1447 I11381441 1008 144`3 I 1306 145J 1003 1451 1108 1452 1108 1453 1108 1454 1108 1L53 1108 145 1103 1457 '1133 1453 11£'8 145 3 745 3892 382 09 ii 3 ti 7 45 TSH= 374 T J 'J7E. 5 5 2 2 5 5 2 27.9 230 5 J.L 232 5 12 1313 75 1015 !£13. 35 1:33 5 7 71 T S H E 22.4 5 172-- PCM 129. 16.2 224 5 { 7 21. TSri2 37 50 PS'1E. 164.7 224 5 M- 9 10 9 10 9 10 3 3 9 10 9, 10 11 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 5 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 9 9 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 le 10 10 10 10 2 9 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 7 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 9 1C 9 1G 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 1 1 2 1 5 212 1 1 25 1 396 3910 0738 PSME 123.2 232 5 1 310 3917 'a 716 P5 '1£ 13.£ 232 5 21 339 0948 0708 PSME 118.0 232 5 25 4J 3 232 5 311 ?950 0729 TSH 25 23.8 232 5 3,-,7 `!951 3703 CACH 1 56.8 232 5 2Q2 3962 3730 TSH x+3.3 225 5 051 25 373 3917 7E4 TSR 36.3 207 6 207 25 SH E 362 3983 0781 1 8 3991 3749 TSH3 31.6 224 5 25 PSHE 225 5 17.0 369 3991 0711 1 207 6 45.2 5791 TSHE 161 1333 1 207 6 29.8 u796 TSHO 13 1335 1 225 5 2 1 73 133:5 3769 ACHA 1 224 5 15.7 97 1005 0710 TSHt 27.4 225 5 6 4 1 2 1 C<39 1 9 9 9 10 9 9 2 25 TSHE42.3 229 5 17.8 230 5 16.2 229 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1..9 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 23 1 1 1 2 23 1 2 1 9 10 9 10 9 1G 9 10 9 10 9 116 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 1G 10 10 9 10 9 10 9 i0 9 10 9 10 9 9 0 27 10 - 1108 1463 1108 1461 13 1031 J72-2- CACH 91 1u35 0746 TSH: 1105 14E2 1108 1463 1108 1464 31 1036 0735 PILA 68 1036 0750 TSH 63 1039 0792 TSHE 1108 1465 ii08 14 6 1108 1467 1108 1463 1108 1469 1108 1473 110 8 1471 1103 147? 1108 1474 12o8 " 147-5 1208 1477 1208 1473 1 1208 14,71 120 8 1 48:) 1208 1483 1208 1484 1208 1485 1208 1485 1203 1487 1.5c 8 1 120 8 1483 12 C;8 1493 1208 1491 1208 143'_ 1288 8 1493 .,, 12 3 149S 1009 1693 1009 1691 1369 169' 1009 1697 1'909 1694 1J...9..1695 11179 169`1 1109 17'2 1109 17:35 1109 17 3 1109 17' 3 1 1t, cJ '171 1109 1711 0906 944 1306 1306 947 949 . _a 19290.._.1062 1055 07i'7 PS''1E 0714 116 1065 0775 196 1064 0702 64 11,174 0719 119 1073 0713 65 1030 0766 86 1064 0767 175 1093 0753 653 1114 0705 198 1114 3723 252 1113 0 7:-5 610 5.x,8 1114 0750 1.122 0754 n x05 1127 (753 611 1133 0766 229.... 1134 0722 ...... 145 1142 0731 109 1147 0770 6 5ry i14 8- 0706 2 9 1154 37(5 632 11 55 073.0! 113 1158 0714 654 1138 0725 265 1167 0725 TSH 21 47 386 360 387 365 3154 1173 TSHE CACH 1SHE TSHE TSHE TSHE PSME TSHE. ACMA TSHE TSHE TSH= ACMA PSME TSHE TSHL": TSH, T tIE. 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PS ML 1(5.8 -4 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 741 10 10 18.8 248 95.6 249 195 1361 1129 ACMA 196 1397 1119 CONU 1264 1414 1176 PSME 107.9 1270 141- 1122 PSME 146.5 1266 1425 1185 TSHE 30.8 1265 1427 1198 TSH_ 13.3 1267 1428 1168 TSHE 23.7 1259 1433 1130 ACMA 26.0 1271 1436 1123 PSME 132.C 1263 1449 1159 ACMA 19.8 1225 1459 11E PSME 13.1 1293 1463 11L.5 TSHE 19.5 1212 1471 1164 PSME 21.3 1512 2313 1230 1476 119 TSHE 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 1 6 6 8 4 10 5 10 10 4 10 1G 2 2 10 10 2 2 .4 19 2 2 3 210 2 10 18 1 3 10 it 1 1 10 10 4 4 10 10 2 2 16 10 1 1 10 10 2 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 11 10 1 11 iu 1 10 10 30 I I 1612 2335 725 1556 1134 1612 2335 1219 1558 1108 1612 2337 722 1561 1172 1612 2333 1234 1572 1116 726 1580 1136 71? 1538 1106 TSH= 716 1589 PSME 155.9 009 5 1612 2341 1612 2342 1612 2343 1612 234+ 1712 2345 1712 2346 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 2353 713 1595 2352 +_ 2 35 2355 2356 2357 1712 2353 1712 2353 2 715 1597 835 1604 813 1616 334 374 332 383 371 396 1712 2364 7,176 1712 2353 71-1-11 1712 1.7.12 _ 2365 387 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2375 1812 2377 1812 2373 1812 237' 1812 233J 1812 2381 1812 2382 1812 2383 1812 2384 1513 2 53 1 1643 1561 1665 1667 165.9. 16 1189 TSHEE 1130 TSHE 1176 TSHc.E._._. 1185 1167 1146 1160 1i9G 1130 1166 1162 1188 1167 PSM TSHE TSHE' PSME TSHE TSHE PSM;: TSHE 1673 1578 PSME PSME 1679 1583 1142 PSMa 169:3 1116 PSNE 1F9f, 115 PSME 1702 1120 PSM3 1734 1139 T S'- E 32 5 5 5 22 5 5 5 5 5 35.9 009 5 1 35.7 J09 5 1 27.3 009 5 22o5 j99 5 47.5 009 5 I 15.3 339 5 1 24 91.1 J39 5 1 17.4 009 5 58.7 708 6 C49 1 21.7 j09 25.2 307 18.1 009 20.5 039 17.L 008 33.3 008 13.4 034 30.7 007 29.6 004 23.9 3'04 29.7 007 1 5 1 5 5 -1741 1156 827 1743 1165 R,2 830 17,1 116 829 1762 1175 1---7 1.497 PSM. 1 25 PS`1E 1216 THPL 1239 1613 2531 1613 2541 1517 2 `4L 1613 2543 94 1536 1238 95 1533 1210 PSM: TSHE 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 1 1 10 2 2 10 2 2 10 2 2 13 1 1 2 iC 10 18 10 10 ... 0 2 2 1C 11 2 2 10 11 1 1 10 11 1 1 10 11 111011 1 1 10 11 1 1 10 ii 1 1 1 2 ic 10 2 1L 10 1 10 10 2 2 1C 1C 8 5 10 10 2 .. 10 10 10 i0_ 1 1 10 11 4 4 10 IC 4 4 10 10 1 1 10 la- 2 t93 10 10 1 1 iC 11 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 1 1 10 11 2 2 10 11 i 1 iC 11 2 2 10 11 1 1 10 11 i 6 6 6 5 5 2 2 10 1 1 10 2 2 10 2 2 10 2 2 10 1 1 10 1 1 4 3 1 1 10 2 2 10 1 1 10 it 1-0.7 J19 4 148 2 9O 11'43 1237 FS.125.3 417 97 11-1 93 12.:7 TSri 25.1 .:10 52 16L4 1256 COJU 15.5 JIG 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 16 11LL 25 16.6 307 1 36.2 006 29.8 036 23.8 417 26.8 417 35.4 '322 25.1 322 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 10 10 1 1C 10 1 1 10 1C 1 1 10 11 22.2 006 6 029 1i. ... 29.7 336 21.7 0306 1 10 2 10 4 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 1 1 10 2 2 10 1 1 10 1 6_ PSM PSML' 2 2 1719 1167 PSM= 119.3 034 36.5 037 49.8 034 25.3 007 1 25 1 1 1 1 1 825 1718 1131 PSME 831 1720 11`6 TSHE 821 1723 1127 TSHE -823 1726 1129 PSM 824 1734 1157 PSMc 4 1 392 1 822 6 823 178.6 1162 PSM 6 385 1765 1113 TSHc 1 363 1713 1117 1 PSME 141.1 307 2375325 034.6 3 31 1 2 11 10 1 THPL PSML 1713 2544 29.7 0;89 2610 U09 1 6 6 6 1613 2575 92 1505 1213 3.7-'1512 1613-42;5 t 835 1623 1630 33Fi ,_8.37. 1633 1638 873 164 J 4 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812' 1812 41.C 009 24.1 039 PSME 11'9 4 CACH 21.3 009 1167 PS.1E 21.9 009 1186 TSHE 18.7 009 1159 P S M17.7 009 314 1627 1181 TSHE 315 1627 1196 PSM 1712 '76 1712 2362 1712 2363 23F,3 1312 2371) 1150 TSHE 714 1596 1170 2351 382 j, I PSME PS`1E 18.1 021 3 1 1 32.0 035 6 24.3 021 3 21 1 95.8 035 6 20.9 020 6 043 25 32.4 036 1 1612 2341 1712 2343 1712 2349 1 TSH= THPL 1612 2333 17112 2347 M834ll.1626 I PSME D J.L b 2545 2545 2547 2549 48 1605 1227 TSHE 47 1605 1222 PSME 1713 2553 1713 2551 1713 2552 1713 2553 44 1623 1204 PSME 50 1630 1245 TSHE 45 1532 1217 PSME 1713 1713 1713 1713 1713 2554 1713 2550 1713 2555 1713 2557 1713 2553 1813 2553 1813 2561 1813 2561 1813 2562 51 1617 1251 TSHE 45 1645 1232 PSME 53 1650 1255 PSME 54 1661 1254 PSME 55 1656 1247 PS1 E. 56 1673 1233 PSME 57 1695 1244 TSB: 28 1711 1256 TSHE 29 1718 1254 THPL 33 1733 124-2 PSME 31 1744 1231 PS1E 1813 256 1813 2564 1813 2565 1813 2566 1813 2557 1513 2569 43 1754 1215 TSHE 41 1773 1227 TSHE 32 1775 1271 CACH 37 1777 1251 PSME 38 1782 1242 PSME 36 1784 1250 FSME 1813 2553 1813 2571 4 1813 2571 1813 2572 1813 257' 1813 2574 1913 2575 1913 2575 1913 2577 1913 2573 1913 2579 1913 258) 1913 2581 1913 2582 1913 2593 1913 258+ 1913 2585 1314 276? 1814 2763 1914 2 1914 2763 1206 1306 1306 1306 1306 34 1785 1258 TATR 1787 1230 TSHE 35 1790 1254 TSHE 33 1798 1219 PSM3 33 1797 12E3 TSHE 42 1793 1218 PS,1z" 15 1803 1227 PSM` 1.3 1805 1287 PS1 14 1.8-36 1249 TSHE16 18'37 122U PSME 12 1808 1270 PSM3 8 1630 1291 TSHE. IC 1331 1262 TSHE 11 18732 1253 PS 1E 7 1834 1284 TSHE 9 1836 1295 TSHE 6 1857 1284 TSHE 22 1767 1317 PSM= 21 1.773 13C3 PSIE 2=01773 1312 PILA E J 49 1608 1233 PSME 5 181 1 1715 TSHE 2203 1182 0551 TSHE. 985 992 1356 16"1 1336 1C,2 459 1282 0572 PSME 434 1229 6583 CACH 79'3 12 3 3 ;555 TSHE 7.01 1241 0567 PS4= 466 1259 0596 CACH 6 3 1261 35(3 CAC'a 1496 14.=0 64F7 99,5 996 997 14 5 1 S 14 36 1L1; 1241. 99'7" 6J_ 6 +? 333 3,512 CA0H 15 35 3 P3' 1 31.7 258? PSM 1 _ 22.2 010 5 1 1 10 iC 1 1 10 10 33.0 310 5 46.0 010 5 29.8 009 5 32.8 010 5 21.1 010 5 2 25.7 19.3 26.9 17.9 1 2 010 610 010 010 5 5 5 5 - 2- 10 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 1 C IC 21 1 1 1 10 16, 1 15.2 310 5 35.5 035 6 C30 1 1 31.8 335 6 28.2 005 6 I 1 21.8 005 6 20.0 002 6 208 1 31.9 002 6 11 35.8 302 6 2 2 18.4 304 6 2 21.1 002 6 1 32.0 002 6 21 17.4 002 6 25.5 302 6 2.6 3?2 6 13.7 302 6 96.7 002 6 38.8 002 6 27.6 3u2 5 2 10 10 2 -74.6 010 5 1 1 10 10 1 10 .10 12b.. 2 3 3 10 ti 10 it 1 1 10 11 1 1 10 it 7 4 10 11 2 2 10 11 2 2 2 1U 11 22 2 2 10 11 2 21 1 1 10 It 3 25.5 J002 6 19.2 1,12 5 1 43.0 332 5 1 24.2 002 6 1 57.6 302 6 35.3 001 6 126 1 47.8 031 6 23.1 001 6 1 22.0 331 6 27.9 001 6 1 2 32.3 331 6 72.4 002 6 1 88.8 x,02 6 42.7 032 6 25+.9 302 6 10 it 2 10 11 4 4 10 11 1 1 10 11 1 1 13 11 2 2 10 11 2 2 10 11 2 I 1 17.5 275 6 I 17.3 275 6 22.8 273 6 136 1 21.4 275 6 1 13.7 274 3 131 1 3 15.5 273 6 21.8 274 3 1 1 17.8 274 3 1 ;;.8 273 6 1 19.6 273 6 2 2 2 10 11 2 2 2 2 11 2 2 10 11 2 2 10 11 2 2 10 11 1 1 10 11 11 6 6 10 11 2 2 10 11 2 10 9 1 10 10 2 1 3 2 3 1010 2 10 10 1 10 10 3 3 10 10 3 3 10 1C 3 3 10 10 1. 1. 1 1 10' I 1 10 10 32 -[--14 I I J 6449 1322 0554 PSM_ 650 1325 0593 PSME 641 1325 0598 PSME 644 133.5 0582 PSME 660 1333 0557 PSME 647 1337 3573 PSM 645 1343 0597 PSME 663 1346 0550 PSME 645 1349 0583 PSME 642 1362 0585 PSME. 639 1362 0597 TSHi CACH 666 6.3. 1364 __,1559 1378 0-557 CACH 1012 1406 1014 ±406 1015 1406 1013 1406 102.$) 14061921 1436 1023 1406 1024 1406 1026 1406 1023 1406 103) 14061032 1406 1634 636 1380 0583 CACH 635 1393 3589 TSHL 1496 1035 1406 1033 23.9 273 18.5 273 30.7 273 38.9 273 29.2 273 37.6 273 21.6 273 19.8 273 37.3 273 15.2 272 30.7 272 19.3 272 16.8 272 20.1 272 29.2 272 17.0 272 25.2 238 6'4 1395 0597 PSME 1007 116?_284 0992 0613 CACH 16 1034 0654 PSME 119.6 240 1107 1163 1107 11b4 172 1306 0643 PSME 127.5 240; 1406 104) . 102 11i 1 19 1627 116 1330 1035 17 11117 1105 1107 1165 1167 1167 I 1107 1163 1107 1169 -11 C 7 117 . rl' 1.13 72 1107 1171 1107 1172 2+3 121 1107 1175 111 1107 117,E '36 87 1107 1177 9 1107 1173 1107 1173 11©7 1131 169 171 1239 0677 1343 J646 ACMA PSME lo45 9627 PS1t CONU ACMA FSM CACH 1051. )697 1054 0645 11;65 0663 b3 0679 TSH_ 1. 1077 3646 CACHH 1379 06:76 L103 1.694 0659 TSH-z -120l 1183 ,672 1207 11°4+ 1207 1189 1207 1186 1237 1137 1207 1183 1207 1183 1207 11991 1207 1191 1207 i1°? 1207 1193 1207 1194 1307 1195 1307 11961 137 11°7 1307 119'3 1307 1103 1307 120 1 21.4 240 16.0240 16.0 240 17.8 240 17.4 239 17.4 240 17.6 2413 24.3 239 24.6 223 56.1 223 24.3 223 32 1095 u6r3 PSME 130.0 223 FSM: 152.4 222 681 11:l9 0612 0612TSHt..,_23.3 1207 11R? 1157. 1117 677 1123 3634 PSME. 646 1121 9617 TSHE 66 J 1135 0611 PSM. 686 1142 0645 CACH 9b 1157 v 6L5 PSME 235 1159 36(5 PS`1= 674 1185 .56 C3 PS`!E 697 1187 0631 PS 'l 655 1189 3613 FSME 679 1198 061.6 PSME 535 1198 0627 PSME 16.9 L4.4 15.5 22.9 143.4 :5.4 24.3 19.0 1.7.3 15.0 21.5 776-1204 1576 PSM 152.9 21.2 795 1237 9687 FSME 21.8 7 33 1211 05:61 CAC} 783 f,. 121 79 4. 1017 1 6 6 1 3 3 1 _1 1 1 10 10 1 1 1 10 10 1 1 1 1 10_10 i 1 10 10 1 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 22 6 . 1 1G 1G 22 3 3 1 3 1 3 6 6 C69 22 6 6 6 2 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 2 617 X373 792- 1239 0668 1 1 1 ___ 23 1 1 9 10 9 3 2 3 3 10 10 10 10 3 10 1 21 218 15.9 219 6 25 CAC-3 1 10 1 1 10 9 8 5 10 10 51.1 5 10 10 1 1 222 1 222 6 1 222 6 1 6 222 1 125 6 221 1 221 6 219 6 C4? 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1407 1233 1407 1234 54a 25 25 1 1 23.1 267 21.6 273 596 1324 333f 33.0 273 595 132+ 3654 PS ME 20.3 273 5 87 1324 6666 PSME 21.1 267 535 1328 0662 TSHE. 17.3 267 597 133+0 06:4 FSM= 31.8 273 5._93,e.1330 0642 FSME 15.2 273 589 133J 0676 TSHE 17.1 267 545 1332 u6C5 PSME 17.5 273 599 1336 0644 PST,;: 21.8 273 533 1337 06E9 PSME 15.2 267 546 134L !3603 FS 1E 33.1 273 592 1342 0626 PSME 19.8 273 594 1342 3678 TSHE 22.6 267 591 1342 6591 PSME 22.5 267 503 1343 0653 CACH 17.1 267 6:13 1353 J654 FS ^1c 17.8 273 541 1355 1608 PS lE 16.5 273 534 136.i 36'-3 PS'1E 33.3 268 600? 1363 3675 PSlE 27.9 268 150,5 TSAL63 136,: 26.2 258 -'r 7 PS1E 23.2 268 5 93 1 1 10 10 3 3 10 10 2 2 10 10 3 3 10 10 2 2 10 10 3 3 IL, 1C 3m.310 1 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 25 1 1 2 2 10 10 2 2 10 10 5 5 10 10 3 3 10 10 1 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 1 10 10 2 10 10 1 1 10 16 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 16 13 1 1010 1 10 10 1 1 1C 10 2 2 13 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 1C 10 1 1 iC 10 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 1111 1 1 1 1 1' 10 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 16 10 1 J. 2 2 10 1C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 6 6 1_._ 5 1 5 1 5 22 6 1 1 6 1 1 064 1 10 13 1 iC 10 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 3 3 10 10 1 1 IC IC 1.3 2 13 1C 1 10 10 1407 1407 1407 1407 1253 1256 1257 1253 1407 1259 1407 1260 1407 1407 1407 1407 1407 1261 1262 1263 125+ 1265 1407 1266 1407 1267 1407 1263 631 6 08 635 619 , 1368 1370 1372 1372 542 1376 626 1375 6071378 627 544 622 606 0699 CACH 0679 PSME 0646 CACH 06(4 TSHE 0644 CACH 4669 FSME 0653 FSME 06(4 PSME 0614 PS'1 61.3 1333 C679 TSHE 618 1384 3655 628 1385 0644 1467 1271 616 1386 0649 6295..-1391 1386 0659 1407 .11272 _._....6 1.4.1 7 5 171,18 1407 1275 615 1407 1276 1407 1277 614 624 1407 1278 "1407 1273 1407 123 1 1407 1251 1407 1282 1407 1283 1407 1284 620 1208 1475 1203 1481 1208 1452 120 8 1494 1208 1495 12G8 1497 1203 1493 1208 1499 '.. 633 2 621 1208 1503 1235 1561 1208 1502 1208 1503 1308 1308 1308 1308 1303 1308 1308 127"36.17' 151) 1308 1511 13%8 151_2 1308 15 1 ') 1308 1514 0634 PS 11E 612 1398 L'664 PSME 611 1398 0692 FS M-: 610 1398 8697 L. IJ 5 1095 67c45 FSM. 264 1116 +0781 CA CH 3 1126 3797 FSME 614 1127 0782 QSME 614 1167 0752 PILA 602 117'3 0795 PSME 232 1174 6754 THPL 61.3 1133 0754 TSHE 612 1182 07(6 TSH. 634 1185 3774 PS ME 617 1193 3712 CU1U 223 1194 37&1 AC MA 6:3 1198 0714 PSME 463 467 455 461 150±7 487 1508153-9-454 1504 1505 1505 7 S's= 2581 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 252 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 15.2 8 5 10 10 6 133 1 5 5 iG 10 1 6 10 i0 6 3 1 10 10 1 3 5 1 1 10 10 25 6 1 1 10 10 25 6 1 1 iC 1J 1 6 2525-._-31 1 10 10 6 27.0 16.9 19.2 19.9 377 272 3 C80 1 3 2 2 25 1 1 i 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 10 iC 10 iG 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IC 10 10 1 10 10 1 25 1 10 10 13.5 268 1 1 10 10 86.4 269 1 C66 1 3 10 10 2 2 20.6 269 1 1 1 10 10 1 7.u 214 6 C98 1 3 3 10 10 1 24.9 214 6 1 1 10 10 25 17.0 214 6 1 1 10 10 25 19. 7 214 6 6 6 10 10 (0.G 212 6 C48 1 1D 10 1 .10 1 4 21 6 131.9 212212...6 10 1._._._1 24.3 2 2 10 13 1 19.3 212 6 2 2 10 itl 1 30. 9 216 5 1 1 10 16 25 212 6 16.6 18.2 12'_2 3 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 iC 1U 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 12:6 07(2 FSME r F? PTH 1 24 376 1235 0711 CACH 5 THPL- 1 3 1 1 3 268 268 268 272 272 268 268 272 -1.2 272 18.3 268 24.1 272 18.5 272 1204 0783 PSME 1267 3754 PSME 12 0 6 0725 PSME 1211 3738 PS 11 1220 0744 CACH 375 1216 0709 TSHE 46' 1229 0723 CHCH 4 21.3 15.7 20.8 18.0 23.8 22.1 22.6 16.2 22.4 PSME 632- 27 3 111 8 147 1 PSME PSME PSME _G 6 L4- PSME 1391 0624 PSME 1392 1'652 PS ME: 1392 0664 PSME 1393 0611 PSME 1393 0616 PSME 394 '1657 TSHO 1393 0624 FSME 268 1 268 1 268 268 1 268 1 25.6 268 1 22.1 268 1 36.3 272 3 16.2 272 3 27.7 268 1 32.0 268 1 21.3 272 3 268 1 23.3 1378 1380 1380 1380 0670 PS M609 1333 0700 TSHE 623 1382 0624 PSME 1407 1269 1407 127) 1407 1274 16.0 2o.9 22.6 30.5 23.9 17.C 0687 PSME 19.5 23.1 22.2 217 213 217 213 217 217 217 217 3 10 217 6 24.0 217 6 1 18.9 217 18.6 213 ? 5 213 21.3 217 25 6 6 6 6 1 1 25 2 2 10 10 3 10 10 1 10 10 6 6 13 16 3 1 3 3 10 IC 10..___ 35 b 1308 1515 13C3 1515 1308 1517 1408 1513 1408 1519 1408 1521 1408 1521 14 8 1522 1 1523 1408 1409 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 1403 1408 1408 1408 1468 1408 1408 15,24 1525 57u 152:3 571 550 1527 1523 1529 5600 11240 3723PILA 5-.--7-,-2-1-71264 J757 PSME 163.9 217 1273 0705 TSHE 51.6 218 1301 1303 1303 1303 1303 1309 1311 1311 1314 1321 1321 1328 1334 1332 1331 1339 1346 1342 1341 1343 135 1358 1355 1353 1353 1367 577 153:1 576 1531 557 1532 553 1533 572 1534 575 1533 539 1533 561 1537 555 1533 3 3 573 14(8 15 57 4 1408 154J 554 1403 1541 564 1408 1542 563 1408 1543 52 1408 1544 565 5 ._ 136-1 1408 1545 1376 14G3 1536 537 1380 1408 1547 5 33 1:392 1438 1543 536 1.397 1508 154,3 387 1405 1508 1550 352 14)6 1508 1551 3L+ 1L+ 9 1538 1552 375 1439 1109 1696 215 103,2 11':;9 1697 241 103 1109 1693 2,,J6 1139 17^ 1 24q 1 J3 1109 170 1 23 1336 1139 17 3 263 1 J. 7 1109 170 256 1: 9 1139 17^5 213 1;15 1139 170 7 2? 1 L 1 7 1109 17123 __.2246 1033 1130. . . 171 1109 1714 1139 1715 1109 171 11t 171 7 . iiJ9 1713 0718 CACH 0713 PSME 0761 TSHE 0788 THPL J795 TSHr 0701 THPL 0793 PSME 0731 CACH 0743 CACH 0737 PSIE 27.9 28.7 24.9 39.6 21.3 27.2 23.6 16.5 26.7 21.E 94.2 0710 PS 1 3796 TSHE 42.7 0798 TSHE 33.3 0746 PSME 24.6 0733 PSME 22.4 37E3 TSHE 33 8 0784 PSM--:' 132.1 1i712PSME 29.0 370.6 PSME 1-7.0 3756 TAR 15.7 27.2 29.2 32.0 15.7 15.2 19.6 22.4 15.2 37.1 28.7 07f1 CACH 25.1 0770 CACH 21.0 :17'5 PSMEE 15.7 07F; PSM"z 115.1 3756 CACH 25.7 J363 FSM= 17.5 :4387 ACMA 22.7 7348 TSHr 33.2 J684 ACMA 16.2 ACM1 19.5 0371 TA3R 30.4 0391 ACMA 23.8 `3356 PSME 19.0 03,-,2 T S H 16.2 3375 AC MA 31.8 36 i 42 3345 TSHEE 18.0 270 1352 3333 ACMA 16.0 - 545__._ F 5311 579 575 - IV 49 456 465 569 563 567 580 91 1353 1.72 ) 71 a t 10 3 37E8 TSHE .7776 TSHE C749 TSHE 2709 PSME 3733 FSMc: 3746 Ps 11 . 0722 TSHE 2733 TSHE 37,:1 TSHE 0716 CACH J36 PS`1: 141.8 3L 3 PS`1 14.3 115.2 J 3 `-3 PS" f349 PSM= 145.5 6 6 267 5 1 267 5 1 267 5 1 258 6 2071 258 6 21 253 6 25 258 6 25 267 5 1 257 5 -a 2 2 267 5 1 267 5 1 258 6 1 258 6 1 267 5 1 267 5 1 258 6 1 258 6 1 267 5 1 267 5 1 258 6 1 258 6 25 258 6 1 266 1 126 1 266 1 1 266 1 1 266 1 1 266 1 1 266 1 25 266 1 1 266 1 252 258 6 1 258 6 1 266 1 25 258 6 1 266 1 1 237 6 1 207 6 1 207 5 1 227 6 1 207 6 1 207 6 22 207 6 207 6 1 2. 7 6 1 207 6 1 207 6 1 207 6 1 207 6 25 237 5 23 208 092 232 208 6 21 10 10 2 10 3 10 1 10 6 1 2 3 1 2 4 2 4 6 1 2 it 4 2 4 1 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 ' 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 4 10 10 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 11 2 1 1 1 7 2 2 2 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 1 10 10 10 13 10 6 to i0 1 1 10 10 1C 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 10 10 10 1G 2 1G 10 10 1 10 1G 1 1 10 10 2 2 10 iC 1 10, 10 1G 1G 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1C 10 3 3 10 iG 1 5 1C 10 13 10 10 10 2 10 IC 3 10 10 3 10 10 16 1 5 55 2 5 7 4 1J 1 Cl 10 10 1 2 5 1 2 2 2 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1C 10 10 13 1 1 10 10 1 5 5 1 i 5 A. 1 10 10 10 1C IC+ 1G 1 36 1109 1719 1109 1723 1109 1721 1109 1722 1209 1723 1209 1724 242 1087 0344 ACMA 203 1087 08x7 TSHE 93 1093 0835 TSHE 11 1091 0834 651 1103 0394 625 1118 0804 209 1725836 1121 0868 CACH TSHE TSHE CACH 1 209 1725 1209 1727 1209 1723 200 1127 0832 TSHE 211 1130 0810 TSHE 641 1144 0871 TABR 1209 1720 6119 1156 0819 ACMA 23.7 208 6 20.0 218 6 33.0 208 6 20.0 214 6 21.6 208 6 52.5 214 6 29.0 214 6 16.8 209 2 17.1 214 6 1209 1733 626 1171 0354 PSMc 112.9 211 1209 1731 1209 1732 1209 1733 199 1176 087-6 CACH 1209 1734 1209 1733 1209 1736 638 1196 33017 1309 1309 1309 1309 1369 1309 1309 1309 1737 357 1733 713 1739 311 379 174x,1741__..462 1741 174? 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1bp2 641 1108 1210 1894 633 1114 1210 1895 639 1116 1210 1893 629 1117 1210 1897 649 1124 1210 1893 338 1131 1210 1891 624 1133 1210 190.3 . -6616 1139 3'i 1142 1210 19 01 1210 1902 615 1143 1210 1903 633 1143 1210 1905 257 1154 1210 115 621 1159 1210 1997 626 1160 02100 19 3 2 _51 1152 1210 1909 228 1185 1210 1913 645 1195 1210 1911 221 1195 1310 1912 305 1215 1310 191 3 3 31 1225 1217 359 131;1 191 331: 1229 1310 191 1310 1915 353 1231 1310 1917 357 1233 111#y .. P 8E2 PSM 0844 TSHE 0848 THPL 3882 PS ME G311 01821 CACH PSME PSME 0379 0873 TSHE 09=76 FSME 0944 TSH. 0939 PSME 0960 TSH 92.2 55.1 67.9 124.5 41.9 36.0 94.0 19.5 94.9 106.2 33.8 28.0 3joc, 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 260 260 181 181 181 181 161 178 178 131 178 178 181 178 178 181 178 181 179 180 180 186 180 180 130 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 179 179 179 179 246 246 246 246 246 246 11 1 4 4 25 25 1 2 1 25 25 4 4.0..10 1 3 3 10 1 1 31 1 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 2 2 5 138 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 10 10 10 2 10 1 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 2 10 i C 2 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 5 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 19.2 23.0 5 17.2 C4 T S H I 3 13.0 4 062 0908 ACMA 22 4 0964 ACMA 23.8 28.5 31'307 TSH` 21 4 0957 TSHE 21.7 1 4 9966 PS 11E 49.3 1 19.6 5 091.5 PSME 4 1 0975 A3'1A 27.7 4 3975 AC"1A 21.7 26.4 5 0949 AC"1A AC'1A 23.2 4 3975 5 TSHE 28.0 1 0922 6 142 1 17.2 3961 PAM3 1 3903 TSHE 17.8 3 38.8 3 927 TSH:: 3 44.3 0950 T S H E 3 39['3 TSHE 27.2 3 0925 TSH_ 16.4 3 1 0914 TSHE 22.7 6 C89 1 0956 P S M E 170.1 25 16.2 6 0906 TSH 6 13.8 1934 1 154.9 6 0940 PS 252 6 19.7 0959 ACMA 1 6 1923 TSH= 37.7 6 1710 1913 27-4 1237 095'9 ACMA 16.6 9 1313 1919 459 ;.242 098 AC '-IA 19.9 11 ... 9 1 10 192 1 391 1245 3901 AC`1A 20.9 1 9 1310 1921 3 3R 1246 0198.6 ACMA 16.8 9 1 131 IQ2? 377 1247 09'9 AC4A 22.4 2 1 1310 1923 267 1259 0971 1SHE. 23.9 3 2 1310 1924 205 1267 0942 TSH 16.1 25 2 19.2 TSHO 210 1259 0 3[50 .T-SHE. 1 310 1925 1925_..2;31 25 30.2 2 09Th 1c75 1310 21 2 t'CMA 17.5 204 1279 0955 1310 19'27 3 TS'r1E 14.8 0988 2 131 1923 26 12:11 1 2'+6 2 110 1929 255 1252 92. TSH. 2o.2 39L9 15.' 246 2 3 2 2 121i7 TSB{ lie 3 131. 40.0 2 25 TSHE 246 1x:93 3'902 ., 17 L-l TSHE_ E- 1 10 10 4 10 10 4 10 10 1 10 iC 2 10 10 25 3 3 10 1 10 it 5 5 2 2 1 1 5 1C 10 5 5 1 u 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 5 2 5 5 5 16, 10 1 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 2 13 10 2 10 10 1 10 10 2 10 10 1G 2 1 10 1n 5 10 10 2 10 10 5 10 1 C+ 5 5 10 10 5 i U 10 5 10 10 5 5 101 10 2 2 10 iG 2 2 2 2 10 13 5 2 2 2 2 5 10 10 2 10.11 2 2.wa 10 jr 10 10 2 IL 2 13 13 2 Iii 10 1. C 38 1310 1932 1310 1933 1310 1410 1410 1410 1410 1934 1935 1936 1937 1933 1410 1939 I I I 1410 1943 3 246 2 1 246 2 225 1294- 339f1 THPL 25 246 2 219 1296 0945 TSHE 25 246 2 1243 1300 0935 THPL 21 246 2 1250 1303 0924 TA9R 25 246 2 1244 1320 0946 TSHE 1 1249 1322 0932-,TSHE-- 16.5-246 2 1249 1323 0994 CACH 18.0 247 6 163 21 25 1245 1325 6932 THPL 37.1 246 2 1 1210 1338 3906 PSME 122.4 256 6 2 5 1247 1719 0992 ACA 17.0 247 6 2 2 16.0 247 6 0969 ACMA 1246 13401344._.0926 266 1291 0946 TSHE 1410 1941 1410 1942 1410 1943 1410 1944 1202 1410 1945 1224 lµ10 1946 1208 1410 1947 1197 1410 1943 11X313 1410 1943 1198 TSHE 1345 0952 PSME 1359 390,2 TSHE 1360+ 0959 TSHE 1362 0951 TSHE 1334 0994 AC'1.A 39f9 TSHE 140 1951 1151 140J 0974 THPL 1952 1194 1403 3971 TSHE 1953 571 142 0910 TSHE 1954 365 148-1 0980 PSME 345 1493 0987 TS'i55 1953 _...758 X513 3 9 6 9 CONU 1611 1950 1610 1957 749 il3 5 t-92µ PSME 09+3 PSME 1610 1953 754 1610 197-1 766 1_513 0991 PSME 1410 1510 1510 1510 1510 4 1610 196;J 761. 1516 1±970 CONU 21.5 76.4 45.0 46.2 16.8 29.0 50.5 246 2 16.8 247 6 32.2 256 6 53.5 247 6 22.1 247 6 13.3 247 6 39.4 J34 2 31.8 034 2 24.2 247 6 1035 945 1306 1006 1006 953 951 952 955 52 3 39:.7 PSM 7 34 1524 0917 CACH 7 5 0 1531 09F0 CACH 765 1546 0977 THPL 7406 1'.66 3997 THPL 2 37 1;932 0522 THPL -!" 945 3555 TSHE 231 959 =1549 TSHE 2 74 3976 0583 AC'1A 395 0 97 9 0539 PSME 128 1 LI 0 4 037 TSHE 9 55 126 1323 3589 957 953 195 1035 0582 PSIE 191 1338 3543 TSHE 9523 15) 8 951 962 112 1U` 54 1610 19b ? 1610 1064 1610 1956 1610 1963 6 ' 1136 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1106 1136 1106 1106 .1 1106 1 47 3597 3556 0596 3562 0554 3575 AO MA PSME ACMA TA3R ACMA PSME 13.0 248 87.2 254 90.0 254 93.3 248 19.6 248 89.5 34.4 23.4 42.4 254 254 254 254 34.5 254 25.6 296 23.7 237 41.9 237 34.7 237 15.0 238 31.3 20.7 37.0 15.1 15.8 17.9 965 957 963 117 176 PS`1E 21.4 293 18 1r 86 3571 PSME 17.L 293 9,:6 3 1 3>=> 1 31 71 973 158 1,.99 c- r, 358,8 1 1 6 6 6 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 10 10 1 i 1 1_.._. 8 11.1 3 3 . 19. C 2937 6 PSME 16.4 293 6 3 10 4 10 2 10 2 10 5 10 1 1 10 2 2 10 5 5 1G 4 2 2 5 25 25 1 1__ 1 1 1 1 2 3 10 3 16 IC 4 4 10 4 4 10 1 1 i 1 10 6 2 PS 5 10 10 1 10 10 1 1 6 1 10 10 1 1 IC 10 1 23.3 293 1 10 10 2 2 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 2 F3"1 2 10 la 221010 1 2 6 5 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 2 2 10 10 1 1 10 10 4 4 1C 10 1 1 1 4 1 1 i0 10 2 2 2 10 1 1 10 5 5 10 1 295 1 238 1 238 6 1 238 6 293 6 C29 1 293 6 99 1654 115 1075 1 1 1 24.3 295 2 33.9 295 2 17.5 238 6 1251, 95-3 84 1"85 1 1 6 6 3 3 10 1C 4 4 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 2 2 10 10 5 5 10 10 136.5 248 6 236 1 46.6 248 2 -2-' " 10 10 2 2 2 242 1 55.4 034 763 1517 0982 PSMt 114.3 248 1619-1961 1962 ,._756 161 1 1 2 2 10 10 4 4 10 10 2 2 10 10 4 4 10 10 7 4 10 10 2 2 10 10 4 10 5 5 1;l 1 1 10 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 10 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 101 1 1 10 2 10 10 1 SC 9 9 9 M_. dl b r 4I n 1206 1206 974 975 686 676 737 393 333 391 366 399 379 364 369 16/12/55 17/12/55 17/12/57 17/12/53 17/12/53 1711 216) 17/12/61 17/12/62 17/12/63 17/12/64 370 17/12/65 378 17/12/68 393 17/12/67 .360 17/12/61 394 17/12/53 395 1711 21?) 377 17/12/71 3 19 m.u, 1 1711 1712 1712 1712 1712 1406 1506 1506 1506 1506 1507 1507 1507 217? 2353 23'1 236? 236 3 103 3 1041 1043 1044 1(140- 1285 12 X38 1237 15C7 1233 1537 1283 1507 12'9 ) 1507 1291 1507 1292 1507 1293 1537 1294 1507 1295 150 7 1293 1507 1297 1567 1293 1507 1293 15117 1.°0 J 1507 17^1 150 13 1507 137 3 1567 17 4 1507 1 s 3 1507 1317x3 151.7 1 '7 .1537 i 1537 1 1 _ 357 39R 1103 1134 1596 1662 1605 1613 1623 1525 1629 1636 1637 1649 1649 1652 1654 1669 1669 1677 1675, 1630 1634 1671 1693 1695 1353 1437 1409 0567 ACMA 0597 CACH 1017 TSHC 1029 TSHC 132? TSHE 1068 CACH 1973 CACH 1097 TSH1318 PSME 1041 CACH 1394 TSHE 1088 CACH 1036 CACH 1063 CACH 1028 CACH 1077 CACH 1385 CACH 1 99 PSME 1062CACH 1090 PSML 1166 PSME 1102 PSM= 1164 FSML 23.; 18.0 59.8 19.2 15.5 21.5 27.3 17.5 26.4 21.9 23.9 22.2 21.8 31.5 150.3 42.0 4J.8 46.6 17.3 47.2 49.3 28.6 107.5 21.7 23.1 16.0 13.4 22.8 17.4 28.9 361 386 372 1106 PS"3 637 0559 CACt 380 0553 PSM3 730 0574 PS43 399 147,9 3578 TSAE 373 1438 0581 PS ME 349 1411 s3 3512 PS `9E 35 6 1410 0t 1 CACH 396 1412 0676 ACMA 779 1416 3691 C A,'3 344 1417 0673 CACH 46 1422 0613 FSM` 398 1421 0633 PSME YS 3 38 1422 0695 34. 8 354 1432 065 CACH 18.6 391 1432 6625 PSME 19.2 389 1433 0610 CACH 19.5 370 1433 :i6173 CACH 16.3 374 :1439 3613 CACH 17.3 377 1442 0695 PSME 74.4 3 96 1444 0626 CACH 21.8 365 1447 3637 CACH15.7 771 1450 0653 CACH 22.7 1453 1;611 PSME u8. G 684 1451 0612 PSIE CACH_..19.C 131.2 699 1453 3637 CACH 390 145+ 0624 TSHL 1.6.5 696 1454 0541 CACH 21.6 687 1454 3 3(8 CACH 23.9 i `db ^).;i CA01H 9. L 1 r,Ci1, .3 32.8 25.8 49.9 23.5 28.8 15.2 6 fir: 146;, 063 CACH 292 5 C39 1 222 5 336 1 248 6 249 6 1 249 6 34 336 1 105 1 336 1 036 1 1 036 1 1 036 1 21 336 1 1 036 1 036 253 250 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 25G 007 1 1 1 33 11 1 324 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 .ro 252y 1 2 3 3 11 3 3 11 1 11 3 1 1 11 3 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 i 1 11 1 1 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 3 11 3 3 ii 3 1 1 11 272 1 230 25 272 21 272 1 271 1 271 1 C84 25 269 1 1 269 1 3 269 1 25 269 1 22 271 1 25 271 1 25 269 1 3 271 1 252 271 1 25 271 1 1 271 1 21 271 11... 1 269 271 1 252 271 1 271 1 2 2 271 1 1 271 1 1 _. 271 1 271 1 1 271 1 22 271 1 25 271 1 I 27.1 271 3 3 11 22 1 1 1 1C 1 1 l1 1 1 9 9 10 10 3-3-11 1 10 I'll 3 3 11 10 2 2 11 10 11 3 3 11 11 2 2 11 10 1 C37 i 250 250 250 250 036 007 007 5 5 10 3 3 10 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 3 3 11 1 1 11 2 2 ii 1 1 11 1 li 1 3 5 3 11 5 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 1 1 11 1 1- 1 li 1 3 3 11 1 3 1 11 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 1 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 1 1 it 3 3 1 1 11 33 2 2 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 11 it 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 IC 13 10 10 11 10 10 11 it 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 -11-i-507--l -7507 1313 1507 1311 1507 1312 1507 1313 1507 1314 1507 1315 t 1507 1507 1507 1507 686 1462 0561 CACH 690 1465 0644 CACH 693 14650652 CACH 694 695 692 397 688 691 689 1313 1317 1313 1313 _ _..' 0656 0644 0654 0647 0689 0682 0689 271 271 270 270 270 252 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 046 25 35 1 1 1 1508 1553 367 1427 0735 TSHE 1508 1554 1508 1555 1508 1555 1508 1557 1508 1553 1508 1559 1508 156 } 1508 1561 1508 1562 1508 156.) 397 141+0 0729 TSH_ PSME 133.2 266 1 1 1 1603 1608 1638 1638 1608 1608 1608 1563 1569 1571 1571 1572 1573 1574 1608 1575 1608 157b 1608 1577 361 1445 0753. 1509 177 T16071573 1509 1783 24.6 266 1 67C 2479 0773 PSME._" 16.1265 1 680 1479 3707 TSHE 19.2 270 1 681 1488 7795 CACH 19.9 262 1 03- - CA t, H b33 1496 0784 CACH 747 1503 0749 CACH 755 1537 07-16TSHE 4 34 J 7 a_ 5 795 153 9 0712 LIDE 769 360 793 751 776 799 772 1511 1517 1526 1570 1514 1573 1573 3725 0743 u718 0738 0751 0777 07E3 7 2 262 1 15.4 262 1 22.5 265 1 21.9 255 1 17.0 265 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 CACH 18.9 265 1 1 PSME 00.5 265 1 1 CACH 21.2 265 1 1 PSME 137.5 262 1 PSME 1'06.8 263 1 031 1 CACH 18.9 261 1 141 1 1 16.6 261 1 CACH 778 1585 0785 CACH 790 1635 08(3 PSHE 13;3.0 261 1 F TSHE 10.2 265 1 5 57 3562 76 3 1 1"11' 10 2 1 1 ' 76 1457 031+ PSM2 114.0 259 3 394 11+75 3324 PS'!2. 2 2 11 it 1 11 10 3 3 11 10 2 1 11 11 11 11 i1 11 11 li 1 2 1 16.2 261 1 it 2 11 10 1 1 11 10 1 1 11 10 6 6 11 10 1 2J.8 251 1 11 2 1 787 1 582 0'793 CACH 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 9 4 11 2 2 11 3 3 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 10 351 1447 07E5 PS'IE 118.0 262 1 122 1 23 362 1.462 07:0 PILA 29.1 266 1 1 679 1464 3706 PS ~IE 139.5 270 1 674 1472 u732 CACH 23.6 265 1 186 1 51. 2 2 11 10 3 3 11 10 3 I 11 10 3 3 11 10 3 3 ii 10 2 2 11 11 9 4 11 11 3 3 11 11 1 1 11 11 3 3 11 11 1 1 it 10 1 1 11 11 3 3 11 11 3 3 11 11 3 3 11 11 3 3 11 11 215 1 1 11 11 2 2 11 11 1 1 1 11 10 1 1 11 10 98.6 260 1 105 35 3 3 11 10 1 1 11 10 1 2 1 11 10 12 ' 11 10 1609 1786 1609 1787 1609 170) 754 1504 38(5 CACH 15.2 262 1 7 4, 1515 0,807 FSME 108.3 262 1 137 .? 252 1 7 6 2 1 5 26 0817 PSH 1 1 1609 178 1609 1793 763' 1 531 0818 TSHE 3 759 1.544 0819 PILA 16.3 262 1 84.2 262 1 1 6 6 11 IC 1609 1791 1609 1792 797 1550 0894 THPL 757 1553 35L3 TSHE 81.0 254 1 183 1 25.4 255 6 237 1 4 4 11 10 2 2 ii iC 1609 179 I 17.C 42.3 22.8 19.3 23.5 1 1 1 1563. I 2+3.8 271 1 252 17.4 266 1 1608 1567 I 1 1 1 1 39.3 270 1 1508 1564 1608 1565 1605 1563 I CACH CACH CACH LIOE TSHE CACH TSHE 271 271 271 271 690 1497 3603 TSH= 1567 1321 I 1463 1469 1472 1472 1481 1482 1488 20.1 26.4 22.0 23.0 E 25 1 11 11 355 1570 0330 PS"!c 153.8 261 1 1 1 27.5 261 1 1 25 10 11_ 11 2 _-.-1 21 11 1 1 3 3 11 11 2 2 11 11 1579 1609 1794 _1581 737 1009 1795 1609 17/1,/5358 1596 1609 1797 767 1595 170 9 170 3 3 5, 160 9 1709 1798 3 59- lt-l i 3 1613 1G65 796 1544 0875 0852 0838 3881 TSHE PSME CACH TSHC 17.6 261 1 21.2 261 1 11+.C 261 1 - 8 44 CACH 17.5 261 1 539 CI CH 3913 PSME 2.1 261 1 1 1 89.6 254 1 21 3 3 11 11 3 3 11 11 1 1 11 110.111.1 0 41 b 1 967 1 963 1 974' 1 971 1 972 1710 t 973 1710 1 974` 1710 1 975 1710 1 976 1710 1 977 1710 1 973 1710 1 970 1710 1 9R(i 1710 1 981 775 1556 785 1576 748 1580 786 1581 789 1592 740 1505 124 125 0319 761. 0322 1610 1610 1610 1610 1610 0403 0403 346 3 J463 0403 0403 0403 0403 0403 17J 131 132 175 137 143 14 149 15) 7 77 16t 6 794 739 738 771 760 706 354 760 1606 1620 1622 1624 1635 1638 1644 25 PSME 126.0 254 1 1 CACH 25.9 254 1 1 TSHE 49.8 254 1 1 CACH 17.5 254 1 PSME 92.4 253 1 [57 1 34 137.1 ....253 ......1 3936_ PS 1 34 3944 PSME 87.8 253 1 34 0974 PSME 119.0 253 1 1 27.2 261 1 0904 CACH 1 09:6 CACH 28.3 253 1 34 0972 PSME 167.1 253 1 29.0 251 1 r43 25 0986 CACH 19.6 252 1 L13 25 0954 CACH 2 6990 PSME 117.2 251 1 3 3 387 PSME 163.0 0226 358 2 C49 1 1 0203 TSH;_ X0.2 0944 0949 0988 0954 3958 21 17.8 388 2 1 2 19.1 388 787 0353 0230 Tt9R Z 86 j357 6194 PSM112. 0 388 2 1 16.0 388 2 7.94 0+366 3227 PSME 1 31.0 338 2 Z 89 0;376 0197 PSi1E 33.8 404 1 C52 1 Z87 :3384 3223 PSME Z95 0352 0227 PS1 0603 153 18.5 47BO C"795 0229 TSHL 823 449 3253 ACMA 21.5 816 4b9 C238 CaC9 22.4 813 0504 C222 PSM 130. u 19.8 912 6517 0230 TSHE 28.4 611 0519 x246 PS '1 26.5 81Li 10523 U 2E.1 TSriE 24.2 8'09 0524 ''297 ACMA 8 539 0252 T S H E 21.3 338 7546 0276 PSME 123.0 0603 155 8 35 6603 157 153 337 0503 t 507 0603 0603 0 6 03 0503 0603 151 152 153 154 rv L>6L3 0603 6C1.3-_.w _ 3603 07 3 3733 0713 . 374 15,E 81J3 16 ± 411 162 16+ 1 -8 8 167 Z38 792 Z93 +703 03..._ 17 3 17 37 797 97C3 173 175 Z36 0703 132 0803 0803 ._.0300 133 133 Z41 830 531 0803 191 832 894 Ia1 74? 335 .3333 33 3 160 3 9 03 74 1`a 5 1-) n 4 J 3 4 ,_) `3 o6 1 404 1 404 1 404 1 407 2 C32 1 408 2 E78 1 408 '+i8 401 3 C49 1 340 340 x]549 3233 PSM: 110;.5 340 ";555 0262 TSt1E 35.8 340 16.0 340 559 6235 PSME 21.2 340 0255 PSME 3580 0596 020 P S'M1 E 18.8 340 359b 0235 TSHE 49.8 340 0602 3253 PSME 24.9 340 66 2 4299 PSME 21.6 339 616 J277 FS1-1E 16. C 339 13.0 339 ±0b27 0;275 PSME 32.0 339 0o41 3259 PSME u653 0266 PSME 19.1 339 Cb62 0279 TABR 21.8 339 113.9 330 L59Ei 0279 PS`1 072i J281 PSME 91.6 331 -731 0292 TSHE 27.5 331 .1759 J283 PS'li 122.5 328 76' 02c,3 CACH 24,5 328 706 0273 TSHE 25.0 328 772 , 'oh TSHr 17.3 32 8 L-;C,.1 11.13 323 _7 1316 1 1 2 2 2 116 1 11 33 22 33 11 1 .._. 1 1 11 1G 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 11 1 11 ,11 1 1 11 It 3 3 11 11 3 3 11 11 1 1 It 11 3 3 It 11 3 '_ 3 ' 1111 It 11 1 1 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 12 12 1 12 1 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 5 5 12 3 3 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 1 12 12 12 5 5 12 7 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 12 2 12 1 1 12 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 7 5 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 7 5 5 5 5 1-11 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 12 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 1 12 7 4 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 1_._1 1 3 3 12 5 1 1 2 2 3 5 2 08' 25 1 25 1 2 162 23 3 3 i 54 3 3 3283 P 't_ 14 .1 324 6 116 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 112'5 1 2 12 2 12 3 12 1 12 5 5 I I 0903 0903 0903 0704 201 205 965 3925 9282 TSHE-26.7 32466 964 0859 3274 TSHE 23.0 324 6 205 963 03b1 J2E7 PSME 177.4 324 6 391 Z43 3628 03'l PSME 0704 0704 0704. 0704 0704 0704 463 409 Z31 Z30 Z46 Z29 19.8 331 2 1 1 415 Z27 3680 1388 PSME 26.2 412 4 416 753 3680 3LL393TSHE23.6 412 4 25 1_ _w. 417 413 Z34 743 738 Zi3 716 Z28 Z42 78 863 414 0704 0704 0704 0704 0704 0804 0804 0804 3834 0804 0304 08u4 0804 0864 41,3 423 421 422 421 423 425 425 427 '+23 420 433 431 432 47.3 0804 0804 4=+ 435 476 0804 0804 6804 437 433 431 -6834 I Z33 3674 0341 TSHE 0704 07;4 Z43 6672 J314 TS HE 412 331 412 331 331 412 331 331 331 331 331 4 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 851 3735 0357 TSH19.5 331 2 0680 3683 2653 2687 3689 3X93 3693 0696 0702 3397 3354 0388 0321 3324 0391 0369 U323 0362 TSHL TSHE TSHE TSH-` TSHE PSME TSHE TSHE TSHE 943 0703 03114 AS MA 949 37133 0306 ASMA `J804 6804 6804 0304 0834 ?8 04 0804 3804 0804 3934 0904 3004 0904 0904 0964 441 -442 855 3730 0322 TSHE 354 0,733 0311 TSH= 866 0745 0373 TSHE 867 G752 0371 TSHE 868 0754 0376 TSHE 862 3756 3396 PSMc 444 - 873 33762 3354 TSHE 443 447 440 447 443 19.3 17.3 19.8 26.9 22.9 35.8 25.7 19.8 15.6 21.0 16.5 801 0706 3167 PS`1E 96.5 331 2 85:: C7ti9 0309 TSHE 18.8 331 2 851 3712 0309 TSHE 22.9 331 2 852 3715 J3C8 TSHL' 3'3.6 331 2 956 0721 0326 PSM 136.5 331 2 853 '1722 031.0 TSHE 20.7 331 2 858 J724 0343 PSME 16.0 331 2 857 0725 0333 TSH= 22.9 331 2 3804 44869 0750 0379 PSME 0804 0834 127.3 331 2 25 Z32 0671 6353 TSHE 0704 07x4 0704 27.4 412 4 131.3 331 2 21 25 25 28.4 331 2 25.7 331 2 36.1 331 2 411 41? 413 6704 '. 41) 01658 0363 TSHE 0559 0343 PSME. 7564 t0313 PS 1E 6667 6336 TSHE. 24.4 339 2 2 1 _ PS""_ 8633 376+ 3 9 1 372 3776 3314 TSHL 374 ,731 3313 PSME 8 65 3733 1302 TSHE 1 25 25 1 1 1 25 25 1 1 1 2 2 25.9 331 2 25 26.6 331 2 21.8 327 2 179 1 23.2 327 2 19.6 327 2 19.8 327 2 2 327 2 22.4 327 2 69 . 5 327 2 53 . 17.8 328 3 22.5 328 3 71.5 327 2 54.4 327 2 86+ 0784 03113 THPL 44) 871 0785 0316 ACMA 13.5 328 3 453 871 0789 J344 PSME 169.2 327 2 451 m_45.-__956 25 1 25 25 1 1 1 1 08112 03112 PSME. 109.7 325 6 198 1 453 454 957 3906 3302 TSHE 805 3315 TSiE 953 45 U 455 457 6 33 11 81 19.2 325 6 22.3 325 6 0w 5.2 325 6 - 4, cS'1 947' 943 3816 33r) ACMA 61.7 325 6 13.0 325 6 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 12 1_ ..2 .12 5 5 1 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 5 5 12 5 2.25 12 2 1 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 2._,.2._.12 5 12 -5 1 1 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 2 2 12 2 5 5 5 5 2 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 12 5 1 12 5 2 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 2 2 12 2 1 12 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 1 12 4 4 12 5 5 12 1 1 12 1.1.12 2 2 12 2 2 12 1 1 12 1 12 5 5 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 43 b 80 5 3 J805 0805 633 955 6818 0311TSHEmµATM23.3 N325N6f 945 0821 0383 TSHE 23.6 325 6 979 0830 0365 TSHE 49.1 325 6 954, 0834 031,8 TSHS 30.5 325 6 942 0940 J372 THPL 45.1 325 6 953 0843 0336 PSME 116.5 325 6 952 0848 0317 PS1 106.6 325 6 939 0849 0387 PSMt 114.7 325 6 940 0856 0372 TSHE 35.7 325 6 941 0+856 0376 TSHE 28.3 325 6 931 3679 34:,4 ACMA 21.1 332 2 152 71 0695 3479 TA9R 21.3 332 2 933 0696 9446 TSHE 26.2 332 2 Z24 0697 0479 TA3R 16.0 332 2 825 0732 J4C2 TSHS 15.0 412 4 845 '705 0493 THPL 17.5 332 2 846 0709 0442 PS°1E 65.8 332 2 844 3713 3488 PS MCE 3 J.4 332 -2 '272500440. 847 -'725 TSHS 51.2 332 2 843 9731 0484 PSME 73.0 332 2 681 826 0732 0413 ACM 0805 0105 0805 v._5" 632 683 634 842 1734 0476 PS1E 458 451 G904 0904 0904 r 46) 0964 451 0904 0904 6904 462, 0904 0,904 465 466 '0904 467 463 464 0705 673 0705 67? 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257A 3135 0354 TSHE 252 X143 0382 TSHE 313 2573 0146 0379 TSHE 315 246 0148 0397 PSME 315 253 159 0351 TABR 317 311 256 5171 0383 TA R 321 255 0175 0381 TSHE v22 2 48 0136 33c6 TSr1E 295 0196 0423 PSME 584 583 250 0203 0413 ALMA 587 232 0'212 0437 TSHE 538 300 3221 0418 TSt1E 589 28b 3245 3465 PSME 593 235 '0248 J477 TSIHi_ 591 281 3254 3416 TABR 237 3265 0463 TSHE 592 593 _. 275 3268 0496 TSHc 1113 1121 1123 0306 0406 0406 6406 0406 0406 0436 0406 0406 0506 0506 61 1120 33663 3499 TSHE 1124 3'-'1124. 327 0287 861 1143 0339 862 1133 0745 863 1149 3353 864 1126 0356 86`3 114- 3365 866 1147 3369 863 1132 0369 857 0489 TSHE 0512 TSHE 0539 PSME 3504 TSHE 0541 CONU 1530 PS4 3 0505 TSHE 3504 AC "IA 0537 TSH;. 87) 1114 0399 0536 13H2 87 3 912- 0 42 3 0541 AC,"A 674 911 0426 1549 PSME 118.7 233 29.9 234 23.2 234 6 4 098 2 4 35.0 198 3 25.8 233 6 25.2 199, 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 49.5 368 4 648 19.8 368 4 19.1 367 3 080 57.9 367 3 32.5 369 3 (22 57.7 370 33 025 28.7 370 15.9 373 4 146 1 119.9 361 3 176 1 1 33.8 409 7 14.5 373 15.2 373 546 . 373 12b.7 373 35.8 373 31.8 362 21.3 373 362 146.3 362 E2.5 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 6 4 1 1 1 6 6 4 349 4 349 4 4 4 32.3 349 15.5 349 21.3 19.1 33.8 29.2 35.8 17.3 67.8 45.5 25.9 18.3 17.3 '-+ 349 479 349 347 349 347 348 349 349 4 347 347 344 2 29 .3 344 4 22 . 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 13 2 2 1 2 13 2 13 1 13 13 72.2 4 13 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 2 2 13 3 13 4 2 2 2 2 2 13 2 2 13 5 5 13 74 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 13 13 13 2 13 4 1 1 1 13 4 1 2 2 13 1 1 1.... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 8 1 5 2 2 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 21 25 624 4 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 2 C32 2 4 2 1 ...__..,_' 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 4 1 3 3 13 2 2 13 1 1 13 7 4 13 1 1 13 1 1 4 7 _._ 2 2 373 4 349 4 105 373 4 4 373 373 349 349 4 4 13 2 2 13 1 15.C 373 17.0 35.6 25.7 15.5 32.0 2 2 13 4 4 13 2 2 13 2 2 13 1 1 1 27.7 4!39 13 13 13 13 2 2 13 1 1 13 5 5 13 2 2 13 2 2 13 17.0 409 7 18.3 373 4 16.5 351 6 673 16.8 19.6 16.0 13.8 11 22 22 11 11 22 1 55 4 3 3 3 3 3 13 2 13 5 13 3 3 3 3 13 3 0 43 0506 03536 875 876 0506 877 0506 0506 873 873 910 3455 0565 903 0475 0515 9'34 3476 0531 936 0481 9542 893 895 890 0`606 g(' J 546 3509 0598 545 53_._0513 0575 883 89 3 89 7 891 549 0560 0597 5510582 13573 THPL 564 ;3593 J564 PSME 752 0605 1382 CACH 761 0 63 8 13 2 PSMr 3;711 206 0711 2033 0711 260-3 0711 c,7112C^3w._ 760 0611 1058 755 06121..D.1 1075 773 1632 193 765 0635 1029 758 ub4R 1072 0711 2014 0811 2315 0311 2013 3311 2017 0811 2013 0311 231 3 7^6 3686 1397 647 073u 1JE 6 1 29 649 3732 1.140 644 0735 1096 649 0739 1053 645 3739 106 546 5742 1J 8., 751 0755 1021 6311 2023 G511 2624 642 3769 1398 641 0775 1397 0311 2623 6911 2025 0x311 2027 752 3790 1302 713 3864 1079 _', 747 192 7i;9 LBu5 1Uf 3 716 08L7 156J 711 :1811 1.352 717 2 2 1 1___ 29.6 23.1 61.2 65.5 19.4 40.4 343 4 160 160 335 093 093 16.7 093 33.5 093 29.1 4 15 5 5 5e. 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 23.2 092 1 ., 2 4 1 1 15.9 168 36.8 U93 ry 1 4 392 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 652 125 C39 1 1 1 2 25 1 092 1 1 PILA 63.1 092 1 f7 1 2J . 170 1 PSM.= 113. 6 170 1 1 17.0 083 1 271 2 CACH PILA 30.8 17C 1 1 CACH 15.4 083 1 1 CACH 25.9 '783 1 PILA 123.0 033 1 CACH 19.4 170 1 1 CACH 13.4 090 1 C56 1 CACH 13.7 090 1 1 PSHE 105.0 186 1 (19 1 PI90 45.9 590 1 3 PSME 91.4 190 1 21 CACH 15.8 090 1 1 6 6 2.8 1 CACH___ 3 1 11 1 12 u.. C.:/ H 38 1319 PSM 15.9 390 14.9 172 :3 9 15.0 173 1.6. .ri 1 13 3 14 1 14 1 14 2 14 2 3 6 7 1 14 2 14 1 14 6 14 6 14 3 14 1 14 3 14 6 14 3 14 3 3 14 6 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 2 14 1 14 1 14 3 14 6 14 1 14 2 2. 14 1 3 3 413 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 13 2 13 4 13 1 13 4 13 4 2 4 1 CACH 1 1] 1 1 1 1 C97 1 __.._..1._m 5 3 3 3 4 13 2 13 1 13 1 13 1 13 113 4 2 1 1 16 .v 1 4 25.0 093 CAC`1 PS"12 2u7 1 2 343 4 1 343 4 1 161 1 C47 1 161 1 1 342 4 161 1 1 342 4 1 161 1 1 143 4 071 1 PSME 1096 PILA 0811 2022 2117 2 13.2 15.5 15.5 21.5 15.4 31.5 1 13 2 13 2 13 5 13 5 13 5 13 1 19.5 343 4 1 1 TSH 1 342 4 1 16, 5 343 4 C29 1 .5 168 iJ 46 TSH?E 73.8 091 1077 PSMc 124.7 092 64 73 ;.911 7 100 342 4 024 342 4 093 89.3 157 1026 PSME 6311 2621 3911 2623 0911 202 3 TSHE PILA 1096 PS9c 772 ... 7649 762 757 3678 769 3687 754 3582 771 0633 2C!21 FS+1E 759 6 0 65 TSH; 764 0632 1304 P S'1 0711 2633 3711 200 3 0711 2013 0711 2011 0711 2012 0711 2013 !911 1 2GL. PS ME 553 1569 0598 THPL 0606 9'L3 3711 1999 0711 20"`+ 6 439 PSME 6548 PSME 547 0533 u59C THPL 119.2 554 0531 3 5 3 7 TSHE 24.4 548 6544 3566 THPL 71,0 88 0711 2001 _waw 071 1 2C'?2 2C^3 PSME 31.2 141 15.1 22.9 12.9 20.9 THE ACMA 9,35 0482 0544 ACMA 909 0482 .348.6. 0567 ACMA 9 '6 8 0565 ACMA 932 3497 3545 THPL 907 J498 0570 TSHE 544 0504 0569 PSME 0506 .,.__._.888.3 0506 81 0506 88? 0506 833 0606 884 0606 3606 0606 0606 0606 3606 3606 0636 PSME TSHE 6 14 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 14 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 14 6 14 1 14 3 14 1 1 3 3 14 1 1 1 1 3 3 14 2 2 1 1 14 2 1 1 28 21 126 1 12 1 14 0911 2033 0911 2034 1011 2033 1011 2036 1011 2 03 7 714 0696 1089 PILA 16.7 173 715 0897 1032 CACH 15.4 173 1 527 0902 1098 CACH 15.7 072 1 174 514 0904 1016 CACH 18.5 173 11 52I 0908 1077 PSME 126.4 173 515 0912 1041 CACH 17.8 173 1 526 3927 1093 CACH 15.4 073 1 C66 513 C934 1022 TABR 38.1 173 1 525 13943 1395 CACH 16.5 073 1 519 3950 1356 PILA 21.4 410 1 39 52-+ 3951 1085 CACH 20.3 073 1 515 3953 1033 TSHE 26.1 173 1 1011 2033 1011 2039 1011 2043 1011 2041 1011 2042 1011 2043 1011 2044 1011 2C43- 51b 0956 1077 ' 10/12/46 1011 2047 1011 2 04 8 1011 2043 1011 2053 11112 051 2052 1111 2053 1111 2L5-4 07/22/73 17.7- 410 1 523 3957 1098 PSME 102.4 073 1 23.7 410 1 18.7 073 CACH 517 39600 1076 CACHH 522 11967 1090 CACH 0960. 521 973 1098 CACH 512 0996 1004 PSME 435 5 174 ARME 436 1..09 1096 CACH 1, 474 1014 1090 CACH 433 1058 1077 PS}1E 429 3623 1103 PS1 4 :8 0640 1129 PSME 07/22/74 0 ,..217 "J- 4376571122 PILA 07/22/76 439 664 1113 PSML 0712 08/22/77 435 0663 11E7 P3E 0712 2173 0712 0712 0712 0812 0312 3812 680 1158 436 217l 774 3691 11f..,1 2183 20.81 213? 218 3 2184 2163 0812, 2196 09/22/97 u812 2193 2197 1- 11, 15.6 388 32.5 088 32 24.8 084 21.9 3,84 16.5 084 15.6 094 618 11714 1117 CACH 624 723 1170 CACH 23.7384 24.5 084 1 201 33.-3 3 3 14 3 1 1 1 1 14 3 3 13 3 14 3 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 1)5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2....2 TSHE CACH 15.2 084 17.8 084 1 1 1 CAC'-i 23.13 X384 1 629 0773 1194 PILA 632 077 4 1159 CACH 633 3776 1174 CACH 637 3776 1111 CACH 631 0783 1169 CACH 27.3 084 18.3 084 15.1 084 2 33. 2 1 1 1 1 2 17.5 093 1 1 1 3,912 2231 1,512 223 " 1-1 12 22.3 0912 2204 635 3796 1114 LI1E 533 794 111.2 CAH 7' 680 .L6 11.:2 A1 CAC'. 119E PS"E 2;'.C C9u -1 7.L 0 -7 X9.7 083 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 14 1 1 1 1 14 1 14 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 31 CACH 1 1 1 6-?6 0795 1110 CACH 1 1 1 631+ 3783 1161 1 3 14 3 14 1 14 3 3 1 3.5 084 0812 220J 14 1 5 PSwAEE 6-73 C794 1162 CACH 3 3 14 3 14 CAC1 16.0 384 PS'1 135.4 084 083 083 033 090 690 3h0.4 3 3 22.8 054 11..._ 22.0 15.7 13.7 15.5 73.6 2 7 4 14 3 3 14 6 6 14 3 3 14 2 2 14 1 17.7 084 1 070 11 tr.... F 21.7 084 17.9 084 34.5 092 3 3 14 3246_3 1 20.1 093 16.2 J84 CACH 1 11 2 2 3 2 1 1 CACH 626 3704 1155 2 1 3 3 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 14 1 1 14 1 1:39.2 084 1169 CACH 625 37u 3 1158 CACH 23 1 24.0 088 CACH 773 628. 08/22/94 08/22/95 183 19.2 088 6 PSMc 433 3696 )698 1175 PILA 03/22/36 619 3732 1104 33/22/87 621 3736 1115 0`812 2183 620 3739 1113 03/22/93 627 745 1197 03/22/93 622`7.8 1127 U-812 2191 628 0752 1197 03/22/92 623 3759 1155 0812 219 3 13.0 373 66 1 3 3 3 3 14 1 14 3 14 6 14 3 14 2 2 2 2 3 14 3 14- 3 14 3 3 14 3 3 3 14 3 3 14 1 1 2 1 14 3 6 3 3 14 3 14 2 3 14 3 14 3 14 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 22 3 14 3 3 3 14 3 14 2 2 2 2 1 14 2 2 1 14 2 14 3 3 14 22 1 1 6 14 2 2 2 3 142 9 4 14 1 3 3 14 1 1 3 1 0912 2235 0912 2276 1 220 7 0912 0912 2273 0912 2203 0912 221 0912..2 21_1 0912 2212 0912 2213 0912 2214 ............. 0912 2215 0912 2216 . 08/31/61 GACH 0822 1167 PILA 3833 1142 PSME 0930 1117 CACH 694 L+875 1143 CACH 695 0876 1134 CACH 697 ?876 1142 CACH 0912 2213 0912 221 J912 2223 696 9873 11LI 6912 2221 CACH 732 3884 699 0886 731 1'1387 70L 0883 528 0907 1122 CACH 1142 PSM5 _1124 TSHE 1126 TSHE 1130 PILA 52q 0909 1147 PILA 541 0943:1 1173 CACH 0912 2221 22 . d.. 912 0912 '2224 1012 2225 1012 2225 1012 2223 1:12 2223 J.] 54,3 1941 5 232 111 CACH 3543 1102 CACH 1012 22.31 539 3950 112 C4CH 1312 2232 1012 2233 531 532 538 537 1312 2235 1+12 223- X951 3953 :959 1964 1115 CAC,i 1121 PSM; 1133 1138 533 0966 1126 534 0973 1132 1-,12 2231' 1612 223'3 1312 22+41 535 393+j 1012 2242 545 6993 1112 2253 440 1J56 1112 2253 439639._.3765 1386 0813 2 639 0813 23^6 64!' 0778 0913 2387 669 3431 3913 23p3 66m 618,01 G913 2 39'3 67_* P 02 3913 2:91 6755 306 CACH CACH CACH CACH 2 39 2 3913 2304 G913 2395 0 q13 2396 .Y 1 314 4913 2414 05L9 1638 083 083 083 083 083 383 1 1 1 1 21 25 3 3 14 -2 6 6 14 2 1 1 1 14 3 3 14 Nh>+ 61, 937 46 1 074 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 074 074 24.2 074 23.3 074 22.2 074 15.9 074 24.2 374 23.2 074 27.4 074 19.0 072 16.4 072 16.4 073 17.9 073 24.7 073 81.6 073 13.6 673 23.4 073 121.2 CACH 12C 4 C H 3395 PSM 3 3 3 1 14 14 14 14 2 2 14 2 2 i4 1 23 66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 1 14 6 6 14 3 3 14 3 3 _14-. 14 3.,3,. 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 14 14 14 14 14 14 19.9 073 1 33 3 3 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 1 1211 PILA 14 3 3 3 1 1 0(372 1214 PS`1E 33 33 1 1 1 1-7.6 123E FILA 1226 CACH 2 14 14 14 1.7.7 23.8 054 1 1 21.4 064 1 033.._ 94.0 1 22.7 033 1 2 2 17.0 082 1 125 2 1 19.6 082 1 1 15.1 032 1 2 1 21*C 083 1 25 19.3 032 1 21 18.2 082 1 3 31.5 082 1 3 46.4 082 1 3 57.5 082 1 1 18.1 032 1 2 I..,_.__. 2 082 1 17.0 x382 1 2 2 17.9 532 1 1 44.7. .9.5 13.4 1.2.2 0+32 1 013 1 154 1 106 2 2 2 2 2 14 2 x.4.11.2 2 1 1 1172 CACH 1113 PILA 1214 PSME 1205 CACH 1231 CACH 33 33 1 1 1137 CACH 3 3 14 1 1 2 3 3 14 2 2 14 6 6 14 1 1..-_m,. 1 878 0852 1202 PILA. 6713 ---863 1235 CACH 68 3 362 1227 CACH 4> 074 074 073 671. 2807 122 CACri 672 3 812 1213 PILA 67 0812 1211 PILA 674 `3i5 25.2 26.0 15.1 21.0 24.5 20.3 073 0 913 2393 675 1824 122 PILA 3913 24`'4 2437. 677 Jio4 1216 CACH `913 0913 2411 '.913 2412 3.,. 1 11C7 CACH -115. 0:913 .3 17.4 37.5 17.6 20.2 77.5 43.3 _15.5 15.6 0835 1116 TSHE 0836 1168 PILA 1 084 0 1132 CACH 704 085J 1132 CACH 383 1 733 0852 1132 PILA 1L u.5 083 1 692 0866 1142 CACH 16.7 074 1 C82 1 693 0871 1142 CACH 698 3874 1170 TSHE 0912 2217 i 1 2 690 688 691 737 708 687 735 66 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1414_.-v.2 1-..a1 3 3 3 3 14 14 6 6 14 3 3 14 1 14 3 3 14 1 66 66 14 14 6 6 14 6 6 14 3v..6 3 6 3 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 2 2 2 3 14 1 3 22 3 14 3 14 3 3 1 1 14 1 14 2 2 2 0509 1637 938 9460 0889 CACH 536 0543 0896 CACH 505 0544 0399 PS0 0609 1642 0609 1643 537 0568 0882 CACH 0609 1646 164__.__510 _-------- 060-9 1 0609 1643 07139.1651 0709 1653 0709 1655 0709 1653 0709 1663 97091661 I 1 0709 1662 0709 0709 0709 0809 3909 ;9U9 1663 1665 1667 1682 1685 16.86 0573 03862 P:ILA 538 J591 0891 CACH 834 40603 38 1+ CACH 849 0608 0377 CACH ry 8-136 0635 0866 CONU 869 0679 0870 CACH 853 (;683 0;383 873 0687 0870 856 '3688 0888 T15 H' CACH TSH 20.8 15.4 3:7,0 17.1 16.1 17.4 X6.1 17.2 17.3 17.3 33.3 19.1 31.7 31.5 CACH TASR 29.2 18.0 TSHE PSMa 134.7 17.4 CACH 367 3689 13881 355 0690 0895 951 0693 0869 774.0779 0861 729 1807 01E2 735 0 8270366 P3ML_ 12 . 6511 1836 1236 0406 0936 PSME 79.0 0510 1813 999 0471 0912 CACH 20.5 0510 1814 994 0477 0956 C A CH 19.4 0510 1815 991 3480 3961 PSME 126.0 0510 1816 996 0483 3941 CACH 16.4 0510 1 8 1 7 13 000 0487 3910 r- ILA bJ.6 0510 1813 992 3493 0956 CACH 17.1 0510 1813 993 ?496 0952 CACH 23.5 C61C 1820 965 0505 0906 CACH 23.2 966 051.3 3950 FSM= 65.5 0161 G' 1821 0610 1822 534 0531 0902 PSM` 124.4 0616 1;823 987 0547 3943 CACH 21.9 0610 1824 963 ?556 0952 PS11 63.1 16/01/25 969 0564 0955 PSM 703.4 0610 1826 972 3'566 0981 TSH2 21.4 0610 132? 501 3573 0932 PSME 83.2 0610 182 3 0613 18 j06101829 0610 1831 I I ' 97 3 058 0 396. F S M 132. 0 973 )553 J99'3 FILA 28.9 975 2583 `,967 CACH 971 13592 0975 CACH 23.0 393A 5 CA 0 9 33 16.9 0710 18.7 117.2 17.5 CH 517 63 0 3929 CA CH 16.8 5 02 372600 0989 CACH 29.3 366 0604 0919 CACH 21.2 60, 0610 0964 PSME 123.4 0710 1833 859 3621 3976 CACri 0710 183,3 862 0622 0959 LIOE (!61C 061C 182 `333 3 ! 610 183 1 a171D 1835 0710 1836 4 3597 C97 F 15.5 62.9 154 1 155 1 081 155 1 151 1 C67 151 1 159 1 213 159 1 159 1 159 1 189 1 189 1 189 1 189 1 189 1 139 1 139 1 191 1 1 32 191 1 _.. 191 1 0710 1845 8F 13 006 39 1 P:3'-13 753 1:663 J939 CACH 111. 2 1 1 14 2 1 3 3 14 2 6 6 14 3 3 33._4_e 14 3.3 I 3 3 14 3 21 8 3 3 1 25 154 1 1 1 3 3 14 1 i4 2 1 5 2 096 1 154 1 G96 1 1 396 395 155 155 156 156 156 157 156 156 157 156 157 156 159 156 157 157 157 157 159 159 159 1 1 159 16.7 159 1 2 3 1 065 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 14, 11 14 2 2 36..63 14 1 1 C31 3 3 14 3 14 3 14 1 14 1 14 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 14 1 1 1 1 1 14 16.61 14 6 1 1 212 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 057 1 1 21 25 2 2 3 3 14 1 1 14 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 14 1 1 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 23 C48 1 21 1 1 3 3 14 1 1 1 4 14 2 14 1 1 14 1541 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 25 1 1 1 1 1396 5 14 3 3 14 2 2 14 3 3 14 2. ..2 1 G97 1 0710 1841 864 0623 0904 CACH 16.0 0710 1841-_ 352 0,634 0927 FSM- 1»5.6 0710 1842 373 3,643 0996 CAC::i 25.7 15 8 0710 1841 365 0642 C9E4 CACH 17.0 159 0710 1844 9 3 71 665 39 8 CAC'-1 15.2 163 7113 1645 3 3 14 3 3 14 1 1 2 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 1 1 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 14 2 3 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 14 3 14 3 14 3 3 3 14 1 1 14 9 4 14 3 1 3 14 3 3 14 1 1 1 3 1 14 3 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 49 0710 1847 0710 1843 0713 1849 0710 1859 0710 1851 0810 1852 0810 1853 0810 1854 0811] 1555 9810 1856 7810 1857 0810 1853 1 .8 ___. 0 .810 _ 51 0810 1863 0910 1861 0,910 IP'02 0910 1863 0910 186'4 0910 1865 0910, 1856 0910 1867 0911 1863 0910 1869 091 187 1871__. . 0910 1010 1872 1010 1873 10,13 1874 1010 187'3 1010 1676 1010 1677 1013 1673 1310 1879 011)7 1047 0107 1r4:3 0107 1049 01(7 1C5J 1 0107 1061 01037 105' 0107 1053 0107 105+ 3137 1053 757 056 J-6-9-'F3- CACH 857 0670 9973 CACH 751 1673 0915 PS M: . 875 3680 0987 CACH 753 0656 0915 CONU 759 3706 0993 PSME 754 3737 0981 PSME 758 3720 0927 PSM 755 13739 0974 TABR 750 0747 3906 CACH 761 3754 0904 CACH 783 0762 0989 PSi"IE 756 0796 0963 757 0791 3917 718 3832 090:3 723 0504 0954 722 0835 3953 719 3816 13906 726 3822 0976 72_ 0;'833 0952 721 11535 0953 724 3836 0997 727 0845 0905 725 0873 %958 726 0895 0920 436 0952 0942 469 0907 0!90,8 295 906 0946 397 3915 3979 496 3919 09Eu 483 0931 3951 364 0934 0980 394 0',937 0989 435 3'1;313 0554 474 0016 0683 PSMr3 P S M E 21.4 191 1 42.9 190.1 27.0 190 1 CAC,i PS1 24.2 191 FSME CACH ACMA ACMA PS 'j p ACMA PSHE ACMA PSAE CACH PS 1E AC`1A AC1A CACH PSME 1+33 :-11:32 0652 TSH 434 0336 u641 CACH 482 3337 0650 TSHE 476 334.,J J678 PSME 491 486 477 475 0107 1057 378 0107 1053 3107 1059 0107 1061 479 3033 36E4 F S M E 430 3285 J645 FSMc 487 0092 0625 FS 1 0207 1661 352 3105 0.164'3 331 0133 0613 353 0139 0629 3'35 117 2 345 3113 _6F3 207 1062 020:7 1064 0.21`7 ?C i 27 1033 00207 1667 1`S 3519 3455 15.1 172 1 25.2 191 1 17-5.1 191 1 17.8 172 1 1 1-11 1 -- 168 1 22.9 13.5 13.8 17.2 19.6 21.8 24.1 - 1 1 1 118 1 058 1 108 1 1 1,17 1_' 1 042 1 .,_. _i 107 107 1 FSMY PSM PSME FS`1 19.1 1009 1 19.6 109 1 17.01 109 1 16 . 3 10 9 1 15.2 109 1 32.4 139 1 23.6 lug 1 1 ?. 9. 3 1 1 1 1 3133 0661 PS'1 2 1 9 -131-31, 1-41, 1 1 14 3 3 14 1 14 3 14 5 5 14 55 1 14 14 1 3 2 33 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 14 3 5 5 14 1 1 14 3 3 14 3 3 5 5 3 5 14 5 14 3 15 3 2 2 15 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 2 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 i 14 1 1 15 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 15 15 2 2 3 3 3 15 3 1 25 1 15.9 110 1 C77 1 2 2 5 5 14 1 1 1 2 2 1 14 25 1_1.i1 _...._.._..__.,_ SMC 1u2.9 X11 1 1 37 1 P S 1-1 : 2 1 1 14 3 3 14 2 2 14 2 2 14 12 6- 1' 14 11--ill 14 1 134 6 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 14 7 4 14 3 3 14 3 3 14 18.6 203 1 104 1 29.7 185 1 C39 1 15.9 203 1 1 19.4 184 6 C51 25 145.7 204 1 22 22.7 184 6 1 139.0 184 6 1 17.4 184 6 1 18. 4 183 6 0;89 1 13.2 184 5 14 1 107 1 1 17.2 107 1 1 3354 06L8 PS'1 0'358 0614 PSME 103.1 164 1 1 1 0053 0675 PSME 23.4 107 1 41.7 1:19 1 069 1 aJ71 3647 TSHC :;377 0676 P S I E 22.9 109 1 1 0107 1..5 02207 1063 11 1 1 1 1 8 2 2 2 1 1 14 129.8 137 -111-C-1310, 1 10.5 190 1 048 1 22.0 191 1 1 CACH TSHE TSHE CACH 3 3 14 3 3 14 1 1 14 3 3 14 23.1 189 1 17.3 159 21.3 189 1 1 21.6 169 1 C59 25 15.7 189 1 21 103.6 189 1 1 151.4 159 1 1 11510 189 1 28.8 188 1 C61 22 20.0 191 1 1 16.8 191 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 1 15 3 3 2 3 2 50 020.7 1063 I 0307 1081 337 0307 1082 _341 I 0307 1083 03371C81+ 344 0307 11;85 216 0337 0307 0307 0407 332 33 133 1087 218 1083 217 109 1145 0407 1C, 1127 0407 1093 1134 04L, 7 1U9_i 114? 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J - -- --------- ---- - ---------- `3106 0106 0135 0106 3106 01 06 0261 0260 3264 0265 9266 0'273 ?275 U27b 95.5 0808 PSME 101.6 0879 TSHE 20.6 0874 TSHE 18.5 0843 PSME 75.2 0343 CACH 23.8 15.8 33821 CACH 0826 CACH 16.3 0812 CACH 16.5 083v CACH 25.7 0882 TSHE 16.5 USE: PS`1E 0279 0285 3285 0286 0 386 TSH, 0293 0889 TSHE 0306 0848 CACH %308 0820 PSME 0-318 0841 CACH 3333 u360 TSHE 1315 03E3 PSM_ 3316 0882 TSH, 885 TSHE 0318 0325 0369 TSH: 3331 `0899 PS"1: 0,343 0832 CACH 0342 0804 CACH ;,35.3 0615 CACH 47.0 132 103 102 1`02 11 102 17.3 128 70.6 128 23.4 128 2.8.4 17.3 128 90.4 128 i 111.9 399 2 25.9 128 17.5 128 1 1 22.4 128 1 3377 0396 PSI:: 103.2 100 3381 0805 PS"1E llu.7 129 .1395 0853 PSM: 121.6 129 2 2417 J398 PS'16 0402 0365 CACH 463 0540 CACH 0475 0323 PILA '05006 0857 CACH 2529 0822 PILA 3543 0820 CACH 0410 0935 CACii 0439 0909 CACH 0453 896E PS'E 0463 3905 CACri CAC`3 0466 0471 0925 Z' 114 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 C50 1 1 1 1 1 16.8 148 15.7 148 2 2 22 21.2 18.9 97.8 25.0 23.3 13.8 1 1 1 1 1 1997 097 154 15 + 0 93+ CACH 0026 8593 PSME 120.4 164 8331 0548 PS10 20.3 164 0032 ", 567 PSME 21.6 164 r 0042 0559 PS1-1E 19.3 164 l t53 0598 CACH. 16.5 164 831 832 J358 0551 FS`1E 503 3063 0523 FS!13 492 1065 0574 FSM. 19.o 164 97.3 357 22.9 164 833 497 367 834 4°-' 73 15E ?s7 3517 C 72 1 1 1 1 I 22 1 ( 45 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 25 1 1 3 1 2 1 131 C72 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 15 2 15 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 15 2 15 15 15 15 15 2 2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 3 15 3 1 2 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 25 1 1 15 3 2 1 3 15 15 15 3 3 3 1 1SH= 17.0 164 1 1 1 2 [77 1 1 034 2 1 3 495 06 9 :0532 CACi 3 2 1 21.3 164 335 22.6 165 1 3 6 2 2 1 2556 PS'-I: G'110.4 Si 1 3 1 2 15 i i 1 113 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 15- 3 i i 1 17.5 153 14.8 152 17.4 152 15 15 2 2 15 1 1 15 2 2 15 2 2 15 2 2 15 1 1 15 3 3 15 3 3 15 3 1 26.2 153 397 097 2 2 1 054 [63 1 2 1 I 1 1 1 1[7.7 130 32.2 164 8 3>5 1 2 2 2 1 1 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 25 25 2 33.5 099 25.4 099 45.0 128 0053 0574 TSHE 8 1 1C2 2 102 102 103 103 103 103 132 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 dd b 1 0106 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 837 833 831 84J 841 84? 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 0306 0306 0306 844 843 0206843 1 1 1 1 L 306 8+.33 647 843 849 861 551 85'_ 85 3 854 853 494-'0 089 0547 CACH 23.9 317 0102 0557 PS4E 22.4 316 0102 0564 PSME 21.3 315 0106 0572 PSME 23.4 314 0116 0591 PSME 30.7 215 0126 0583 PSME 15.5 214 3127 0587 FSME 23.1 318 X131 0551 CACH 26.1 30/0!/35 0594 PSME 17.3 319 0 13 7 3557 PSME 109.5 219 0140 323 0146 324 J148 325 3158 321 3181 322 0219 329 u223 323 J233 326 0254 J55i8 PSME PSME 0516 0594 PS-,E 0576 PSME 0558 PSME 0555 CACH 05:5 CACH 0553 PSME 0580 TSHE 16.0 134.1 17.3 16.8 85.1 17.5 22.6 87.1 29.5 165 1 1 165 1 1 165 1 165 1 1 165 165 1 1 165 1 356 1 I 165 1 1 356 1 1 165 1 355 1 21 165 165 1 1 355 1 1 352 1 147 1 352 1 1 352 1 1 166 6 044 1 3 3 15 1 1 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 3 1 1 15 1 3 3 _ 3 3 1 1m15 3 31 15 3 1 1 15 1 3 15 1 3 1 ,,_11 1 15 1 1 15 3 15 3 3 3 1 1 15 3 3.33 15 3 1 1 15 2 2 15