AN EAGER REGRESSION METHOD BASED ON SELECTING APPROPRIATE FEATURES Tolga Aydm and H.Altay Giivenir Departmentof ComputerEngineering Bilkent University. Ankara.TURKEY Abstract This paper describes a machinelearning method, called Regression by SelecthtgBest P~’ttllll’es (RSBF). RSBFconsists of two phases: The first phaseaimsto find the predictive power of each feature by constructing simple linear regression lines, one per each continuousfeature and numberof categories pen each categorical feature. Althoughthe predictive powerof a continuousfeature is constant,it varies for eachdistinct valueof categoricalfeatures. Thesecond phase constructs multiple linear regression lines amongcontinuousfeatures, each time excludingthe worst feature amongthe current set, and constructs multiplelinear regressionlines. Finally, these muhiple linear regressionlines and the categorical features" simplelinear regressionlines are sorted accordingto their predictive power. In the querying phase of learning, the best lineal" regression line and the features constructing that line are selected to make predictions. Keywords: Pnediction. Feature Projection. and Regression. 1 INTRODUCTION Prediction has been one of the most commonproblems researched in data mining and machine learning. Predicting the values of categorical features is knownas classification, whereas predicting the values of continuous features is knownas regression. From this point of view, classification can be considered as a special case of regression. In machine learning, much research has been performed for classification. But, recently the ft~cus of researchers has movedtowards regression, since manyof the real-life problemscan be modeledas regression problems. There are two different approaches for regression in the machine learning community: Eager and lazy learning. Eager regression methodsconstruct rigorous models by using the training data, and the prediction task is based on these models. The advantage of eager regression methods is not only the ability to obtain the interpretation of the underlying data, but also the reduced query time. On the other hand, the main disadvantage is their long train time requirement. Lazy regression methods, t m the other hand, do not construct models by using the training data. Instead, they delay all processingto the prediction Copyright ©2001, Ak, AI.Allrights reserved. phase. The most important disadvantage of lazy regression methodsis the fact that, they do not provide an interpretable modelof the training data, because the modelis usually the training data itself. It is not a compact description of the training data, when comparedto the models constructed by eager regression methods, such as regression trees and rule based regression. In the literature, many eager and lazy regression methods exist. Amongeager regression methods, CART[1], RETIS17], M515], DART [2], and Stacked Regressions [9] induce regression trees, FORS 16] uses inductive logic programmingfor regression, RULE[3] induces regression rules, and MARS[8] constructs mathematical models. Among lazy regression methods, kNN[4, 10, 15] is the most popular nonparametric instance-based approach. In this paper, we describe an eager learning method, namely Regression by Selecthzg Best Features (RSBF)[13, 14]. This method makes use of the linear least squares regression. A preprocessing phase is required to increase the predictive power of the method. According to the Chebyshev’sresult [12], for any positive numberk, at least (1 - l/k’-) * 100%of the values in any population of numbers are within k standard deviations of the mean. Wefind the standard deviation of the target values of the training data, and discard the training data whosetarget value is not within k standard deviations of the mean target. Empirically, we reach the best prediction by taking k as ,~-. In the first phase, RSBFconstructs projections of the training data on each feature, and this phase continues by constructing simple linear regression lines, one per each continuous feature and number of categories per each categorical feature. Then, the simple linear regression lines belonging to continuous features are sorted according to their prediction ability. The second phase begins by constructing multiple linear regression lines amongcontinuous features, each time excluding the worst feature amongthe current set, and continues by constructing multiple linear regression lines. Then these multiple linear regression lines together with the categorical features’ simple linear regression lines are sorted accordingto their predictive power. In the querying phase of learning, the target value of a query instance is predicted using the linear From: FLAIRS-01 Proceedings. Copyright © 2001, AAAI ( All rights reserved. MACHINELEARNING 361 regression line, multiple or simple, having the minimum relative error, i.e. having the maximumpredictive power.If this linear regression line is not suitable fi)r our query instance, we keep searching for the best linear regression line among the ordered list of linear regression lines. In this paper, RSBFis compared with three eager methods (RULE, MARS,DART)and one lazy method (kNN) in terms of predictive power and computational complexity. RSBFis better not truly in terms of predictive power but also in terms of computational complexity, when compared to these well-known methods. For most data mining or knowledge discovery applications, where very large databases are concerned, this is thought of as a solution because of low computational complexity. Again RSBF is noted to be powerful in the presence of missing feature values, target noise and irrelevant features. In Section 2, we review the kNN. RULE, MARS and DARTmethods for regression. Section 3 gives a detailed description of the RSBF.Section 4 is devoted to the empirical evaluation of RSBFand its comparison with other methods. Finally, in Section 5, conclusions are presented. 2 REGRESSION OVERVIEW kNNis the most commonlyused lazy methodfi~n" both classification and regression problems. The underlying idea behind the kNNmethodis that the closest instances to the query point have similar target values to the query. Hence, the kNNmethodfirst finds the closest instances to the query point in the instance space according to a distance measure. Generally, the Euclidean distance metric is used to measure the similarity between two points in the instance space. Therefore, by using the Euclidean distance metric as our distance measure,k closest instances to the query pt~int are found. Then kNNoutputs the distance-weighted averageof the target values of those closest instances as the prediction for that queryinstance. In machine learning, inducing rules from the given training data is also popular. Weissand lndurkhya adapted the rule-based classification algorithm [ILl, Swap-I, for regression. Swap-Ilearns decision rules in Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF). Since Swap-I designed for the prediction of categorical features, using a preprocessing procedure, the numeric feature in regression to be predicted is transformed to a nominal one. For this transformation, the P-class algorithm is used [3]. If we let {y} be a set of output values, this transtbrmation can be regarded as a one-dimensional clustering of training instances on response variable y, in order to form classes, The purpose is to make v values within one class similar, and across classes dissimilar. The assignmentof these values to classes is 362 FLAIRS-2001 done in such a way that the distance between each yi and its class mean must be minimum.After formation of pseudo-classes and the application of Swap-l, a pruning and optimization procedure can be applied to construct an optimumset of regression rules. The MARS 18] method partitions the training set into regions by splitting the features recursively into two regions, by constructing a binary regression tree. MARS is continuous at the borders of the partitioned regions. It is an eager, partitioning, interpretable and adaptive method. DART,also an eager method, is the latest regression tree induction program developed by Friedman [21. It avoids limitations of disjoint partitioning, used for other tree-based regression methods, by constructing overlapping regions with increasedtraining cost. 3 REGRESSION BY SELECTING BEST FEATURES(RSBF) The RSBFmethod tries to determine a subset of the features such that this subset consists of the best features. The next subsection describes the training phase tbr RSBF, and then we describe the querying phase. 3.1 Training Training in RSBFbegins simply by storing the training data set as projections to each feature separately. A copy of the target values is associated with each projection and the training data set is sorted for each feature dimensionaccording to their feature values. If a training instance includes missing values, it is not simply ignored as in many regression algorithms. Instead, that training instance is stored for the l%atures on which its value is given. The next step involves constructing the simple linear regression lines for each feature. This step differs for categorical and continuous features. In the case of continuousfeatures, exactly one simple linear regression line per feature is constructed. On the other hand, the number of simple linear regression lines per each categorical feature is the number of distinct feature values at the feature of concern. For any categorical feature, the parametric form of any simple regression line is constant, and it is equal to the average target value of the training instances whosecorresponding feature value is equal to that categorical value. The training phase continues by constructing multiple linear regression lines among continuous features, each time excluding the worst one. Thenthese lines, together with the categorical features’ simple linear regression lines are sorted according to their predictive power. The training phase can be illustrated through an example. Let our example domain consist of five features, j~, j~, f~, f4 and fs , wherej], .[2. and f3 are continuous and f4, fs are categorical. For categorical features, No_categories [j’] is defined to give the number of distinct categories of feature f. In our exampledomain, let the following values be observed: No_categories [/’4] = 2 (values: A, B) No_categories If.s] = 3 (values: X, Y, Z) For this example domain, 8 simple linear regressionlines are constructed:I lbrfl, 1 for f2, 1 fi)r.f:~. 2 for f4, and finally 3 for f.s. Let the followingbe the parametricform of the simple linear regression lines: Simplelinear regressionlinelbrfl: target= _9.I]- 5 Simplelinear regresstonline tbrf2: target = -4fz + 7 Simplelinear regressionline tbr~: target= 53’3+ I Simplelinear regressionline tbr A categoryoff4: target = 6 Simplelinear regressionline for B categoryoff4: target = -5 Simplelinear regresstonline for Xcategoryof./~: target= 10 Simplelineal regressionline tbr Ycategoryoff.s: target=1 Simplelinear regresstonline for Z categoryoffs: target= 12 The training phase continues by sorting the simple linear regression lines belonging to continuous features according to their predictive accuracy. The relative error (RE)of the regression lines is used as the indicator of predictive power: the smaller the RE, the stronger the predictive power. The REof a simple linear regression line is computedby the following formula: line is denoted by MLRLL2.3. Then we exclude the worst feature, namelyfi, and run multiple linear least squares regression to obtain MLRL2.3.In the final step, we exclude the next worst feature of the current set, namely f~, and obtain MLRL2.Actually the multiple linear least squares regression transforms into simple linear least squaresregression in the final step, since we deal with exactly one feature. Let the following be the parametricform of the multiple linear regression lines: MLRLI~_.3 : MLRL,_.3: MLRL,_ : target= -fi + 8]’_,+f~+ 3 target= 6f2+ 6f3-9 target= -4f_,+ 7 The second phase of training is completed by sorting MLRLs together with the categorical features" simple linear regression lines according to their predictive power, the smaller the REof a regression line, the stronger the predictive powerof that regression line. Let’s suppose that the linear regression lines are sorted in the following order, from the best predictive to the worst one: MLRL,3 > f4=A > MLRL2> j’.~=X > MLRLL,_.3> f.s=Y > ./~=Z > f4=B. This shows that any categorical feature’s predictive powermayvary amongits categories. For the above sorting schema, categorical feature .f4’s predictions are reliable amongits category A, although it is very poor amongcategory B. 3.2 Querying where Q is the number of training instances used to construct the simple linear regression line, t-is the medianof the target values of Qtraining instances, t(qi) is the actual target value the ith training instance The MAD (MeanAbsolute Distance) is defined as tbllows: Q 1 lt( MAD= --a i~=l qi )- t( qi Here, /’ (qi) denotes the predicted target value of the ith training instance according to the induced simple linear regression line. Let’s assume that continuous features are sorted as f2, f3, Ji according to their predictive power. The second step of training phase begins by employing multiple linear least squares regression on all 3 features. The output of this process is a multiple linear regression line involving contributions of all three features. This In order to predict the target value of a query instance I i, the RSBFmethoduses exactly one linear regression line. This line maynot always be the best one. The reason for this situation is explained via an example. Let the feature values of the query instance t~ be the following: .fi(ti) 5,f,,(ti) = 10,fa(ti) = missing,.A(ti) =B,fs(ti) = mi Althoughthe best linear regression line is MLRLz.3, this line cannot be used for our ti, sincef.~(ti) = missing. The next best linear regression line, whichis worsethan only MLRL2.3,is f4=A. This line is also inappropriate fbr our ti, since, j~(ti) A.Therefore, the search for the best linear regression line, continues. The line constructed by f2 comesnext. Sincef2(ti) 4: missing, succeed in finding the best linear regression line. So the prediction madefor target value of t~ is (-4 *f2(tO + 7) (-4 * 10 + 7) = -33. Once the appropriate linear regression line is found, the remaininglinear regression lines need not be dealed anymore. MACHINELEARNING 363 4 EMPIRICAL the best on 11 data files in the presenceof 30 irrelevant features (Table5, 6, 7). EVALUATION The RSBFmethod was compared with the other wellknownmethodsmentioned above, in terms of predictive accuracy and time complexity. We have used a repository consisting of 27 data files in our experiments. The characteristics of the data files are summarizedin Table 1. Most of these data files are used for the experimental analysis of function approximation techniques and for training and demonstration by the machinelearning and statistics community. A 10-fold cross-validation technique was employedin the experiments. For the lazy regression methodthe value of parameter k was set to 10, where k denotes the number of nearest neighbors considered aroundthe query instance. In terms of predictive accuracy, RSBF pertbrmed the best on 13 data files amongthe 27, and obtained the lowest meanrelative error (Table 2). In terms of time complexity, RSBFperformed the best in the total (training + querying) execution time, and becamethe fastest method(Table 3, 4). In machinelearning, it is very important for an algorithm to still perform well whennoise, the missing feature value and irrelevant features are added to the system. Experimental results showed that RSBFwas again the best method whenever we added 20%target noise, 20%missing feature value and 30 irrelevant features to the system. RSBFperformed the best on 12 data files in the presence of 20%missing value, the best on 21 data files in the presence of 20%target noise and Dataset Original Name Instances AB AI AU BA BU CL CO CF ED EL FA FI FL FR HO HU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST TE [IN VL Abalone Airport Auto-mpg Baseball Buying College Country Cpa Education Electric Fat Fishcatch Flare2 Fmitfly Home Run Race Housing Normal Temp. Northridge Plastic Poverty Read Schools Servo Stock Prices Televisions UsnewsColl. Villages 4177 135 398 337 100 236 122 209 1500 240 9_,52 158 1066 125 163 506 130 2929 1650 97 681 62 167 950 40 1269 766 Features CC+N) 8 (7 + I) 4 (4 + 0) 7 (6 + 1) 16 ( 16+ 0) 39 (39 + 0) 25 (25 + O) 20 (20 + 0) 7( 1 + 6) 43 (43 + 0) 12 (10 + 2) 17 (17 +0) 7 (6 + I 10 (0 + 10) 4 (3 + I 19 (19 + 0) 13 ( 12+ 1) 2 (2 + 0) I 0 ( I 0 +0) 2 (2 + 0) 6 {5 + I) 25 (24 + 1) 19 (19 + 0) 4 (0 + 4) 9 (9 + 0) 4 (4 + 0) 31 (31 + 0) 32 (29 + 3) Missing Value~ None None 6 None 27 381 34 None 2918 58 None 87 None None None None None None None 6 1097 I None None None 769-4 3986 Tablel. Characteristics of the data files usedill the empirical evaluations. C: Continuous, N: Nominal 364 FLAIRS-2001 5 CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have presented an eager regression methodbased on selecting appropriate features. RSBF selects the best feature(s) andformsa parametricmodel for use in the queryingphase. This parametricmodelis either a multiple linear regression line involving the contributionof continuousfeatures, or a simple linear regressionline of a categorical value of any categorical feature. Themultiple linear regressionline reducesto a simplelinear regression line, if exactly one continuous featureconstructsthe multiplelinear regressionline. RSBFis better than other well-known eager and lazy regression methodsin terms of prediction accuracyand computationalcomplexity. It also enables the interpretation of the training data. That is, the methodclearly states the mostappropriatefeatures that are powerfulenoughto determinethe value of the target feature. The robustness of any regression methodcan be determinedby analyzing the predictive powerof that methodin the presence of target noise, irrelevant features andmissingfeature values. Thesethree factors heavily exist in real life databases,andit is important for a learning algorithmto give promisingresults in the presenceof those factors. Empiricalresults indicate that RSBFregression approachis also a robust method. Dataset RSBF KNN RULE MARS DART AB AI AU BA BU CL CO CP ED EL FA FI FL FR HO HU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST "rE UN VL 0.678 0.532 0.413 0.570 0.732 1.554 1.469 0.606 0.461 1.020 0.177 0.638 1.434 1.013 0.707 0.589 0.977 0.938 0.444 0.715 1.001 0.175 0.868 1.101 1.175 0.385 0.930 0.661 0.612 0.321 0.443 0.961 0.764 1.642 0.944 0.654 1.194 0.785 0.697 2.307 1.201 0.907 0.600 1.232 1.034 0.475 0.796 1.062 0.388 0.619 0.599 1.895 0.480 1.017 0.899 0.7,t4 0.451 0.666 0.946 0.290 6.307 0.678 0.218 1.528 0.820 0.355 1.792 1.558 0.890 O.641 1.250 1.217 0.477 0.916 1.352 0.341 0.229 0.906 4.195 0.550 1.267 0.683 0.720 0.333 0.493 0.947 1.854 5.110 0.735 0.359 1.066 0.305 0.214 1.556 1.012 0.769 0.526 1.012 0.928 0.404 1.251 1.045 0.223 0.432 0.781 7.203 0.412 1.138 0.678 0.546 0.346 0.508 0.896 0.252 1.695 0.$10 0.410 1.118 0.638 0.415 1.695 1.077 0.986 0.S22 1.112 0.873 0.432 0.691 1.189 0.352 0.337 0.754 2.690 0.623 1.355 Mean 0.789 0.900 1.166 1.167 0.841 Table2. Relative errors (RE) of algorithms. Best REsare shownin bold font Damset RSBF KNN RULE MARS AB AI At: BA BU CL CO CP ED EL FA FI FL FR HO tlU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST TE UN VL 211.5 2 12.5 35.3 45.5 34.1 17.9 6.3 691.1 13.3 36.4 4.2 40.8 I 19 36.3 0.2 189.9 13.7 2.1 104.3 8.I 2.2 57.1 11.2 245 136.8 8.9 0 0.6 0 0 11,5 0,1 0 13.5 0.2 II 11 3.5 11 0 1 0 7.4 11.2 0 3 II 0 !.4 0 7.4 4.4 32t9 911.8 248.9 181.8 67.1 148.2 108.6 52.7 862.8 69.5 161.I 47.8 108.8 34.1 57.5 264.9 311.6 3493 175.3 411.9 196 45.3 37 365.1 30.9 2547.1 513.6 10270 159.2 5711.5 915.1 761.7 1274.3 475.3 575.3 10143.9 4117.5 985 240,2 667.2 99.5 616.3 1413.9 69.3 57119.9 82.-!..8 127.3 27.14.6 2611.8 116.4 2281.4 3I. I 8435.2 3597.8 Mean 72.84 1.9296 488.83 1991.61 DART Damsel RSBF KNN RULE MARS 477775 62 18911.1 3171.1 794.4 717.6 481 286 27266 1017 1773.9 201.4 ’)71.4 45.9 893.9 8119.7 18.9 87815 10024.4 44 331144.1", 84.4 83.4 17341.,.4 3.I 168169 234115 AB AI At; BA BU CL CO CP ED EL FA FI FL FR HO 11U NO NR PL P(I RE SC SE ST TE UN VL 21.3 1 2.1 2.2 0 1 0.3 1 8. l 1.6 1.4 1.2 4.2 0.1 11.6 3 0 12.6 9.5 0 3.2 0.3 0. I 5.4 0 7.3 5.8 6547 3.4 64.5 54.6 11.6 38.2 8.4 11.6 2699.7 21 33.I 7.9 407.8 2 13.3 107.8 1.9 3399.4 571.9 2.2 265.6 2 4.2 303.2 0 1383.2 439 14433.1 141.7 462.2 244.8 32.I 40.3 98.4 87.3 312.3 117.5 96.4 48.8 "Y~--3.6 45.4 43 410.5 30.8 11326.8 2192.7 37.1 627.2 27.8 49.1 1090.9 24 1877.3 1118.2 7.9 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 2.7 0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 4.7 0.2 I) 0 3.7 0 0. I 0 7 0.3 6.1 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.75 1.2 (1 I 0 0 0 0 2 11 321155.7 Mean 3.456 6117.574 1.03704 0.513 1305.16 DART Table3. Train tinre of algorithmsin milliseconds. Best resu.lts a~e shown in bold font. Table4. Querytime of algorithms in milliseconds. Best results are shownin bold font. Dalaset RSBF KNN RULE :MARS I)ART Dataset RSBF KNN RULE MARS DART AB AI AU BA BII CL CO (T El) El, FA FI FL FR HO |IU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST TE [’N VL 0.720 11.496 I).499 0.714 I).682 0.622 1.399 0.719 I).572 1.019 11.739 11.631 1.429 1.1134 0.725 ¢) 0.72 1.006 I).951 0.515 11.767 11.995 11.281 11.879 1.228 1.4118 11.388 11.947 11.7511 0.726 0.414 11.553 0.951 11.942 1.856 11.922 11.743 i .097 0.849 0.675 1.851 1.711 11.910 0.761 1.229 I.II72 11.733 I).976 I .(159 0.449 0.921 0.744 4.398 0.558 1.1156 0.961 0.676 11.526 0.833 0.878 (I.399 3.698 0.832 11.497 1.537 11.948 11.543 1.751 1.557 1.040 0.748 1.363 1.272 0.686 I. 189 I. 364 0.500 0.849 0.9114 3.645 11.620 1.4111 11.748 I).798 0.414 11.637 0.862 I).801 3.733 11.747 11.595 1.073 11.731 11.537 1.557 1.1112 0.836 0.649 11.989 0.972 0.679 1.026 I .(148 (I.31)3 0.746 0.930 16.50 I).497 1.090 11.688 11.546 0.363 11.576 I .t)2b 0.o,35 2.377 11.(R|8 0.536 I. 19I 11.735 11.4111 1.421 1.347 0.974 0.51R1 1.222 * 0.420 0.792 1.229 t1,370 0.495 11.7117 2.512 0.844 * AB AI AI.! BA BU CL CO CP El) EL FA FI FL FR 110 HU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST TE (IN VL 11.726 0.906 0.398 0.675 0.935 0,834 1.702 0.720 0.4311 11.995 0.1711 11.653 2.366 1.036 0.754 0.575 11.91)9 0.947 0.411 11.692 11.958 0.533 11.697 0.646 1.747 0.634 0.976 7.592 0.807 1.832 11.457 12.66 8.283 1.676 0.930 2.166 1.465 2.525 0.710 73.89 2.394 7.853 2.801 1.403 38.84 5.492 9.429 6.597 0.583 21.29 1.921 2.087 0.636 1.030 9.301 1.122 2.531 0.712 12.92 I 1.24 3.102 0.782 2.384 1.899 3.208 0.528 77.21 3.247 I 1.53 3.635 2.220 42.32 5.777 9.456 I(1.33 0.968 27.77 3.887 4.569 0.865 1.513 7.6112 0.856 2.107 0.537 13.30 9.393 5.874 0.745 2.164 1.148 2.447 0.501 70.90 1.7111 10.29 2.893 1.037 37.66 4.921 4.213 6.759 0.700 22.01 1.966 7.267 11.541 0.977 6.603 0.785 1.981 0.556 10.67 6.127 2.040 11.636 2.276 1.431 2.1158 (I.387 71.40 2.089 6. 115 2.61I 1.196 31.54 5.107 6.038 7.108 0.627 21.72 1.871 2.671 0.764 1.518 Mean 0.818 1.071 I. 157 1.5011 0.896 Mean 0.853 8.0511 9.446 8.167 7.331 "Fable5. Relative errors (R E) of algorithms. where20’Y,missing lbatttre vahles added. Best REs are shownin hold font. (* Me(illSrest.ill isll’[ a’.’llilal’d¢due10 singular varialme/covariancenlalrix) Tal)le6. Relative errors (RE) of algorithtm where 20%target noise added. Best REsare shownin bold font. (* Meansresult isn’t available due to singular vuriance/covariauce matrix) MACHINE LEARNING 366 Dataset AB AI AU BA BU CL CO CP ED EL FA FI FL FR HO HU NO NR PL PO RE SC SE ST TE UN VL Mean RSBF 0.677 0.794 0.429 0,603 1.325 I.I11 2. I 19 0.676 0.461 1.010 0.204 0.694 1.429 1.096 0.800 0.601 1.070 0.938 0.450 0.838 1.014 0.672 1.036 1.104 2.222 0.385 0.930 0.914 KNN 0.873 1.514 0.538 0,568 0.968 1.162 2.854 1,107 0.802 1.037 1.026 0.917 1.454 1.0671 0.932 0.920 1.079 1.076 0.961 0.855 1.045 0.582 0.835 1.188 3.2A1 0.757 1.050 1.126 RULE 0.934 0.723 0.491 0.574 1.073 0,.7.84 1.794 0.753 0.268 1.367 1.039 0.456 1.765 1,513 1.049 0.701 1.484 1.284 0.575 0.934 1.380 0.386 0,471 0.914 5.572 0.557 1.454 1.104 MARS 0.682 0.682 0..~8 0.536 0.877 2.195 4.126 0.613 0.404 1.134 0.249 0.247 1.629 1.777 0.847 0.$21 1.370 0.916 0.407 1.005 1.042 0.305 0.798 0.817 5.614 0.394 1.257 1.14l DART * 0.657 0.51I 0,628 0.969 0.306 1.662 0.668 0.573 1.236 0.877 0.420 1.490 1.430 1.165 0.653 I. 156 * 0.734 1.013 1.31I 0.391 0.641 11,756 2.709 0.~16 1.307 0.967 Table7. Relative errors (RE) of algorithms, where 31) irrelevant features added, Best REsare shownin bold font. 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