NEAR-FIELD THERMAL RADIATION AND POTENTIAL APPLICATION FOR CLEAN ENERGY PRODUCTION Mathieu Francoeur and M. Pinar Mengüç UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY College of Engineering NearNear-field radiative heat transfer in 1D layered media 2 N-1 ε r 0 ,T0 kx k0 z = d1 -11 Blackbody d = 10 nm d = 100 nm d = 1 μm d = 10 μm d = 1 m (far-field) 10 -12 10 -13 13 10 14 ω [rad/s] Propagating modes Evanescent modes 50 500 600 700 800 900 1000 NanoNano-thermophotovoltaic devices 40 30 20 0 -9 10 15 14 2.4x10 Propagating Modes kx < ω/c0 14 2.2x10 light line in vacuum (kx = k0 = ω/c0) propagating wave Near-field radiative heat transfer can potentially be applied to thermophotovoltaic (TPV) power generators. -8 -7 10 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 -3 10 10 d [m] -2 10 -1 10 0 10 ωres 14 1.6x10 ωTO surface phonon-polariton Evanescent Modes kx > ω/c0 14 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 surface phonon-polaritons T1 = 300 K Far-field d = 10 nm -10 T2 = 0 K Distance between the layers d [m] V Tr = 1000 – 2000 K propagating waves evanescent waves d ~ nanometers p-doped region depletion region n-doped region By using materials supporting surface polaritons, it is possible to achieve quasimonochromatic radiative heat exchanges between the radiator and the PV cells. If the resonant frequency of the materials matches the bandgap of the PV cells, it is possible to increase the efficiency of TPV devices. 10 -11 10 -12 10 -13 10 14 1.0x10 = iωμ0 ∫ dV ′∫ dV ′′G (r, r′, ω )G (r, r′, ω ) J (r′, ω ) J (r′′, ω ) Radiator -1 1.2x10 10 -6 TPV devices are similar to conventional photovoltaic (PV) systems, except that the source of photons is a radiator maintained at temperature between 1000 and 2000 K. By spacing the radiator and layer of PV cells by few nanometers, more photons are exchanged due to tunneling of evanescent waves. 5 6 5.0x10 6 1.0x10 6 1.5x10 2.0x10 1.0x10 -6 9.0x10 -7 8.0x10 -7 7.0x10 -7 6.0x10 -7 5.0x10 -7 4.0x10 -7 3.0x10 -7 Relative near-field enhancement Y [-] 1.700E-2 1.091E-1 4.497E0 1.853E2 1.190E3 7.636E3 4.902E4 1.0x10 -7 3.147E5 2.020E6 -8 1.0x10 14 1.0x10 14 1.5x10 14 2.0x10 14 10 15 10 Angular frequency ω [rad/s] 2.887E1 -7 13 10 -1 7.005E-1 2.0x10 -14 10 14 2.5x10 3.0x10 Angular frequency ω [rad/s] References: [1] M. Francoeur, and M.P. Mengüç, “Role of fluctuational electrodynamics in near-field radiative heat transfer”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 109, 280-293 (2008). [2] M. Francoeur, M.P. Mengüç, and R. Vaillon, “Length scales of transition from near- to far-field radiative heat transfer regime for materials supporting surface polaritons”, To be submitted to ASME Journal of Heat Transfer (2008). 14 10 11 -2 -1 ωLO 14 1.8x10 r* m The FE/FDT is applicable to media in local thermodynamic equilibrium, where a temperature can be defined at any points. 400 60 10 10 kx [m ] ωε 0 ε ′′(ω )Θ(ω , T )δ nmδ (r′-r′′) π r 300 70 Quasi-monochromatic radiant energy exchanges can occur in the near-field when surface phonon- (polar crystals) or plasmon-polaritons (metals or doped semiconductors) are resonantly excited. SiC is a material supporting surface phonon-polaritons with resonance at 178.6×1012 rad/s (where kx→∞ in the dispersion relation. Note that the part of the dispersion relation right to the light line in vacuum corresponds to evanescent waves contributing to radiative heat transfer only in the near-field. 5 J nr (r′,ω ) J mr* (r′′,ω ) = 2 Net monochromatic radiative heat flux [Wm eV ] 10 Relative contribution [%] -1 -2 -10 net 10 1.0x10 The link between the ensemble average of the spatial correlation function of fluctuating currents and the local temperature of the emitting medium is given by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT): These results show that the length scales of transition are function of the temperature of the emitting body, and the materials. Ag SiC GaSb Au Wien's law (lc = 2898/T) 100 -9 14 r n 10 80 Ei (r, ω ) H *j (r, ω ) V * ⎡ Re(k z 0 ) Re(k zN ) s 2 Re(ε r 0 k z*0 ) Re(ε rN k zN ) p 2⎤ t0 N + t0 N ⎥ ⎢ 2 2 2 2 k n n k 0 N z0 z0 ⎣ ⎦ z = d N −1 1.4x10 h* jm [Θ(ω ,T0 ) − Θ(ω ,TN )]dω ∫ k x d k x × 4π 2 ω∫=0 k x =0 = We are currently investigating the length scales of transition for real materials that can support surface polaritons [2]. ∞ 90 ω [rads ] V Computation of the Poynting vector (radiative heat flux) involves * calculation of terms Ei H j : ∞ Temperature [K] 10 e h q 1 We analyzed radiative heat transfer between two half-spaces (denoted 1 and 2) spaced by a vacuum gap (medium 0) of thickness d. Both half-spaces are dielectric materials with frequency-independent dielectric constants (20 + i0.0001) maintained at 800 and 200 K. 14 H (r,ω ) = ∫ dV ′G (r, r′,ω ) ⋅ J r (r′, ω ) net 0N ε rN , TN z = d N −2 2.0x10 V 40 z Half-space z=0 We studied the length scales of transition from near- to far-field radiative heat transfer regimes. We have shown that this critical length scale is about three times larger than Wien’s law for dielectric materials [1]. kx k zN 10 E(r, ω ) = iωμ0 ∫ dV ′G (r, r′, ω ) ⋅ J r (r′, ω ) kN ... k z0 Fluctuational electrodynamics Thermal agitation in a body at temperature greater than 0 K causes a chaotic motion of charges. These random fluctuations of charges induce oscillating dipoles generating an electromagnetic field (thermal radiation field). The fluctuational electrodynamics (FE) is based on a macroscopic level, where an extraneous stochastic current density term Jr (due to thermal agitation of charges) is added on the right-hand side of Ampère’s law (the mean value of this current density term is zero). Fourier components of the electric and magnetic fields induced by the random current are given by: The net radiative heat flux between half-spaces 0 and N is found from the solution of the dyadic Green’s function for 1D layered media: N Half-space qω,1-2 [Wm (rad/s) ] To account for near-field effects of thermal radiation (wave interference and radiation tunneling), Maxwell’s equations need to be solved in conjunction with the fluctuational electrodynamics (to model the emission process). x 1 Monochromatic radiative heat -2 -1 net, prop+near flux qω,1-2 [Wm (rad/s) ] Radiant energy exchanges between closely spaced bodies can exceed by several orders of magnitude the values predicted for blackbodies due to near-field effects. Bodies at temperature greater than 0 K induce oscillating dipoles emitting far- and near-field components. Far-field components are propagating waves taken into account in the classical theory of thermal radiation; near-field components are evanescent (non-propagating) waves decaying exponentially (over a distance of about a wavelength) normal to the surface of an emitting body. When bodies exchanging thermal radiation are spaced in such a way that their surfaces lay in the evanescent field of their opposite bodies, radiative heat transfer due to evanescent waves occur (radiation tunneling). Length scales of transition Length scale of transition lc [μm] NearNear-field effects of thermal radiation e in RADIATIVE TRANSFER LABORATORY Department of Mechanical Engineering Radiative Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0503 The monochromatic ratio Y of the radiative heat flux due to evanescent waves and propagating waves, as a function of d, shows that most of the energy is transferred around the resonant frequency at small d. 9 10 d = 10 nm d = 100 nm d = 1 mm Blackbodies Radiative heat transfer between two half-spaces of cBN spaced by vacuum shows that almost 99% of the energy is exchanged around 0.157 eV for a gap d of 10 nm. 7 10 5 10 3 10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Energy [eV] We are in the process of developing an extensive numerical model to compute efficiencies of nano-TPV devices, and eventually built a prototype. Note that the model accounts for thermal transport in the PV cells, which has not been studied so far for nano-TPV devices. Acknowledgments: MF is grateful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) for their financial support (ES D3 scholarship). Contact Information: (Mathieu Francoeur) and (M. Pinar Mengüç)