Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2008)
Breaking Value Symmetry∗
Toby Walsh
Sydney, Australia
An example
To illustrate the ideas, we consider a simple problem
from musical composition. The all interval series problem
(prob007 in asks for a permutation of the numbers 0 to n − 1 so that neighbouring differences form a permutation of 1 to n−1. For n = 12, the problem corresponds
to arranging the half-notes of a scale so that all musical intervals (minor second to major seventh) are covered. This is
a simple example of a graceful graph problem in which the
graph is a path.
We can model this as a constraint satisfaction problem in
n variables with Xi = j iff the ith number in the series is j.
One solution for n = 11 is:
Symmetry is an important factor in solving many constraint
satisfaction problems. One common type of symmetry is
when we have symmetric values. In a recent series of papers,
we have studied methods to break value symmetries (Walsh
2006a; 2007). Our results identify computational limits on
eliminating value symmetry. For instance, we prove that
pruning all symmetric values is NP-hard in general. Nevertheless, experiments show that much value symmetry can be
broken in practice. These results may be useful to researchers
in planning, scheduling and other areas as value symmetry
occurs in many different domains.
X1 , X2 , . . . , X11
Many search problems contain symmetries. Symmetry occurs naturally in many problems (e.g. if we have identical
machines to schedule, identical jobs to process, or equivalently skilled personnel to roster). Symmetry can also be
introduced when we model a problem (e.g. if we name the
elements in a set, we introduce the possibility of permuting
their order). Unfortunately, symmetries increases the size
of the search space. If we do not eliminate symmetries, we
will waste much time visiting symmetric solutions, as well
as those parts of the search tree which are symmetric to already visited states.
One common type of symmetry is when values are symmetric. For example, if we are assigning colors (values)
to nodes (variables) in a graph coloring problem, we can
uniformly swap the names of the colors throughout a coloring. As a second example if we are assigning nurses (values) to shifts (variables) in a rostering problems, and two
nurses have the same skills, we may be able to interchange
them uniformly throughout the schedule. In a recent series
of papers (Walsh 2006a; 2007), we have studied methods to
eliminate such value symmetries. A clear picture of breaking value symmetry is emerging from these studies. These
results may be useful to researchers in other areas of AI as
value symmetry is a common feature of many domains.
3, 7, 4, 6, 5, 0, 10, 1, 9, 2, 8 (1)
The all interval series problem has a number of different
symmetries. First, we can reverse any solution and generate
a new (but symmetric) solution:
X1 , X2 , . . . , X11
8, 2, 9, 1, 10, 0, 5, 6, 4, 7, 3 (2)
Second, the all interval series problem has a value symmetry
as we can invert values. If we subtract all values in (1) from
10, we generate a second (but symmetric) solution:
X1 , X2 , . . . , X11
7, 3, 6, 4, 5, 10, 0, 9, 1, 8, 2 (3)
Third, we can do both and generate a third (but symmetric)
X1 , X2 , . . . , X11
2, 8, 1, 9, 0, 10, 5, 4, 6, 3, 7 (4)
To eliminate such symmetric solutions from the search
space, we can post additional constraints which eliminate
all but one solution in each symmetry class. To eliminate
the reversal of a solution, we can simply post the constraint:
X1 < X11
This eliminates solution (2) as it is a reversal of (1).
To eliminate the value symmetry which subtracts all values from 10, we can post:
The author is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and
the Australian Research Council.
c 2008, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
X1 ≤ 10 − X1 ,
X1 = 10 − X1 ⇒ X2 < 10 − X2 (6)
This is equivalent to:
X1 ≤ 5,
X1 = 5 ⇒ X 2 < 5
This eliminates solutions (2) and (3). Finally, eliminating
the third symmetry where we both reverse the solution and
subtract it from 10 is more difficult. We can, for instance,
can simplify this lex leader constraint to give as in (5):
X1 < Xn
The lex-leader method lies at the heart of most static
methods for breaking variable symmetry. In their survey
of symmetry breaking in constraint programming in the recent Handbook of Constraint Programming, Gent, Petrie and
Puget observe that:
X1 ≤ 10 − X11 ,
X1 = 10 − X11 ⇒ X2 ≤ 10 − X10 ,
X1 = 10 − X11 & X2 = 10 − X10 ⇒ X3 ≤ 10 − X9 ,
Note that of the four symmetric solutions given earlier, only
(4) with X1 = 2, X2 = 8 and X11 = 7 satisfies all three sets
of symmetry breaking constraints: (5), (6) and (7). The other
three solutions are eliminated. This leaves the question of
where symmetry breaking constraints like (6) and (7) come
from in general. Our work helps answer this question.
“. . . lex-leader remains of the highest importance, because there a number of ways it is used to derive
new symmetry breaking methods . . . [however] the lexleader method is defined only for variable symmetries
. . . a proper generalisation of lex-leader to deal with
value symmetries would be valuable, even if restricted
to some special cases . . . ” page 345 (Gent, Petrie, &
Puget 2006)
Formal background
This is the research challenge we have been tackling in
our recent work (Walsh 2006a; 2007).
A constraint satisfaction problem consists of a set of variables, each with a domain of values, and a set of constraints
specifying allowed combinations of values for given subsets of variables. Variables take one value from a given finite set. A solution is an assignment of values to variables
satisfying the constraints. Symmetry occurs in many constraint satisfaction problems. A value symmetry is a permutation of the values that preserves solutions. More formally, a value symmetry is a bijective mapping, σ of the
values such that if X1 = d1 , . . . , Xn = dn is a solution
then X1 = σ(d1 ), . . . , Xn = σ(dn ) is also. For example, in the all interval series problem, the value symmetry
σ maps the value i onto n − 1 − i. A variable symmetry, on the other hand, is a permutation of the variables
that preserves solutions. More formally, a variable symmetry is a bijective mapping, θ of the indices of variables
such that if X1 = d1 , . . . , Xn = dn is a solution then
Xθ(1) = d1 , . . . , Xθ(n) = dn is also. For example, in the
all interval series problem, the variable symmetry for reversing a series maps the index i onto n − i + 1. Symmetries are
problematic as they increase the size of the search space. For
instance, m interchangeable values increases the size of the
search space by a factor of m!.
Value symmetry
In (Walsh 2006a), we propose a generalization of the lexleader method that works with any type of value symmetry. Suppose we have a set Σ of value symmetries. We
can eliminate all symmetric solutions with the constraint
VAL S YM(Σ, [X1 , . . . , Xn ]) which ensures for all σ ∈ Σ:
[X1 , . . . , Xn ] ≤lex
Where X1 to Xn is any fixed ordering on the variables and
σ(Xi ) represents the action of the symmetry σ on the value
assigned to Xi . For example, if σ inverts values by mapping
i onto n − 1 − i as in the all interval series, we can simplify
(8) to give:
[X1 , X2 , . . .] ≤lex
[n − 1 − X1 , n − 1 − X2 , . . .]
Expanding the definition of lex, and exploiting the fact that
X1 6= X2 , we get as in (6):
X1 ≤ n − 1 − X1 ,
X1 = n − 1 − X 1 ⇒ X 2 < n − 1 − X 2
We give a linear time propagator for lex-leader constraints
like (8), and show how to extend the lex-leader method to
symmetries which act on both variables and values simultaneously.
In theory, this generalization of the lex-leader method
solves the problem of value symmetries as it eliminates all
symmetric solutions. Unfortunately, several problems remain. First, the set of symmetries Σ can be exponentially
large (for example, there are m! symmetries if we have m
interchangeable values) requiring us to post a large number
of lex ordering constraints. Second, decomposing VAL S YM
into separate lex ordering constraints hinders propagation
and may prevent all symmetric values from being pruned.
In (Walsh 2006a), we give a simple example where this decomposition hinders propagation. Somewhat surprisingly,
there is little hope to overcome this second problem. We
prove in (Walsh 2007) that pruning all symmetric values is
intractable in general even with a small number of symmetries (assuming P 6= N P ).
Lex-Leader method
One simple and effective mechanism to deal with symmetry is to add constraints which eliminate symmetric solutions (Puget 1993). For variable symmetries, Crawford et
al. give a simple method that eliminates all symmetric solutions (Crawford et al. 1996). The basic idea is very simple.
We pick an ordering on the variables, and then post symmetry breaking constraints to ensure that the final solution
is lexicographically less than any symmetric re-ordering of
the variables. For example, with a reversal symmetry which
maps Xi to Xn−i+1 , we post the lexicographical ordering
[X1 , . . . , Xn ] ≤lex
[σ(X1 ), . . . , σ(Xn )]
[Xn , . . . , X1 ]
This selects the “lex leader” assignment. Note that if Xi are
all-different, as they are in the all interval series problem, we
Dynamic methods
Theorem 1 Pruning all inconsistent values for
VAL S YM(Σ, [X1 , ., Xn ]) is NP-hard, even when |Σ| is
linearly bounded.
Proof: In (Walsh 2007), we reduce 3-SAT to deciding if a
particular VAL S YM constraint has a solution. 2
With value symmetry, whilst pruning all symmetric values is NP-hard, method likes those in (Roney-Dougal et al.
2004; Puget 2005) will eliminate all symmetric solutions in
polynomial time. Despite the negative result given in Theorem 1, value symmetry appears easier to break than variable
symmetry both in theory and in practice. For example, with
variable symmetry, we prove in (Bessiere et al. 2004) that
just eliminating all symmetric solutions is itself NP-hard.
An alternative to static methods which add constraints to
eliminate symmetric solutions are dynamic methods which
modify the search procedure to ignore symmetric branches.
For example, with value symmetries, the GE-tree method
dynamically eliminates all symmetric solutions from a backtracking search procedure in O(n4 log(n)) time (RoneyDougal et al. 2004). Dynamic methods have the advantage that they do not conflict with the branching heuristic.
However, dynamic methods do not prune the search space
as much. Suppose we are at a particular node in the search
tree explored by the GE-tree method. The GE-tree method
essential performs only forward checking, pruning symmetric assignments from the domain of the next branching variable. Unlike static methods, the GE-tree method does not
prune deeper variables. By comparison, static symmetry
breaking constraints can prune deeper variables, resulting in
interactions between the problem constraints and additional
domain prunings. For this reason, static symmetry breaking
methods can solve certain problems exponentially quicker
than dynamic methods.
Theorem 2 There exists a model of the pigeonhole problem
in n variables and n + 1 interchangeable values such that,
given any variable and value ordering, the GE-tree method
explores O(2n ) branches, but which static symmetry breaking methods like value precedence solve in just O(n2 ) time.
Proof: See (Walsh 2007). 2
This theoretical result supports the experimental results in
(Puget 2005) showing that static methods for breaking value
symmetry outperform dynamic methods. Nevertheless, dynamic methods have been found useful as they may not conflict with the branching heuristic (Gargani & Refalo 2007;
Van Hentenryck & Michel 2008). An interesting direction
for future work are hybrid methods that combine the best
features of static and dynamic symmetry breaking.
Interchangeable values
So far, we have considered symmetries in general and ignored any special properties of the symmetry group. A common type of value symmetry with special properties that we
can exploit is that due to interchangeable values. We can
break all such value symmetry using value precedence (Law
& Lee 2004), an idea which has been used in many contexts including the least number heuristic (Zhang 1996). To
ensure value precedence, we can use the global constraint
P RECEDENCE([X1 , ., Xn ]). This holds iff the first time we
use j is before the first time we use k for all j < k. For
example, consider an assignment like:
X1 , X 2 , X 3 , . . . , Xn
1, 1, 2, 1, 3, . . . , 2
This satisfies value precedence as 1 first occurs before 2,
2 first occurs before 3, etc. Now consider the symmetric
assignment in which we swap 2 with 3:
X1 , X 2 , X 3 , . . . , Xn
1, 1, 3, 1, 2, . . . , 3
This does not satisfy value precedence as 3 first occurs
before 2. Posting a P RECEDENCE constraint eliminates
all symmetric solutions due to interchangeable values. In
(Walsh 2006b), we give a linear time propagator for the
P RECEDENCE constraint. In (Walsh 2007), we argue that
P RECEDENCE is in fact equivalent to VAL S YM.
Another way to ensure value precedence is to channel into
dual variables, Zj which record the first index using each
value j (Puget 2005). This maps value symmetry into variable symmetry on the Zj . We can then break this variable
symmetry by posting simple ordering constraints:
Z1 < Z2 < Z3 < . . . < Zm
Related work
Puget proved that symmetric solutions can be eliminated
by the addition of suitable constraints (Puget 1993). Crawford et al. presented the first general method for constructing variable symmetry breaking constraints (Crawford et al.
1996). To deal with large number of symmetries, Aloul et al.
suggest breaking only those symmetries which are generators (Aloul et al. 2002). Puget and Walsh independently proposed propagators for value symmetry breaking constraints
(Puget 2006; Walsh 2006a). To deal with the exponential
number of such value symmetry breaking constraints, Puget
proposed a global propagator which does forward checking
in polynomial time (Puget 2006).
To eliminate symmetric solutions due to interchangeable
values, Law and Lee defined value precedence for finite domain and set variables and proposed a specialized propagator for a pair of interchangeable values (Law & Lee 2004).
Walsh extended this to a propagator for any number of interchangeable values (Walsh 2006b). Value precedence enforces the so-called “least number heuristic” (Zhang 1996).
Finally, an alternative way to break value symmetry statically is to convert it into a variable symmetry by chan-
This ensures that the first occurrence of 1 is before that of
2, that of 2 is before 3, etc. For example, the assignment
in (9) satisfies (11) as Z1 = 1, Z2 = 3 and Z3 = 5.
However, the symmetric assignment in (10) does not satisfy (11) as Z2 = 5 but Z3 = 3. Puget proves that we
can, in fact, break any value symmetry with a linear number
of ordering constraints on the Zj . Unfortunately, even with
just two value symmetries, Puget’s method hinders propagation (Walsh 2007). This is supported by the experiments in
(Walsh 2007) where we see faster and more effective symmetry breaking with the global P RECEDENCE constraint.
This is therefore a promising method to eliminate the symmetry due to interchangeable values.
nelling into a dual Boolean viewpoint in which Bij = 1
iff Xi = j, and using lexicographical ordering constraints
on the Boolean variables (Flener et al. 2002; Law & Lee
2006). More recently, static symmetry breaking constraints
have been proposed to eliminate the symmetry due to both
interchangeable variables and values (Flener et al. 2006;
Law et al. 2007).
A number of dynamic methods have been proposed to
deal with value symmetry. Van Hentenryck et al. gave a labelling schema for eliminating all symmetric solutions due
to interchangeable values (Van Hentenryck et al. 2003). Inspired by this method, Roney-Dougal et al. gave a polynomial method to construct a GE-tree, a search tree without
value symmetry (Roney-Dougal et al. 2004). Finally, Sellmann and van Hentenryck gave a O(nd3.5 + n2 d2 ) dominance detection algorithm for eliminating all symmetric solutions when both variables and values are interchangeable
(Sellmann & Van Hentenryck 2005).
symmetry in matrix models. In 8th Int. Conf. on Principles
and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP-2002).
Flener, P.; Pearson, J.; Sellmann, M.; and Van Hentenryck,
P. 2006. Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking.
In Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming (CP2006).
Gargani, A., and Refalo, P. 2007. An efficient model and
strategy for the steel mill slab design problem. In Proc.
of 13th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (CP2007).
Gent, I.; Petrie, K.; and Puget, J.-F. 2006. Symmetry in
constraint programming. In Handbook for Constraint Programming. Elsevier.
Law, Y., and Lee, J. 2004. Global constraints for integer and set value precedence. In Proc. of 10th Int. Conf.
on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
(CP2004), 362–376.
Law, Y., and Lee, J. 2006. Symmetry Breaking Constraints for Value Symmetries in Constraint Satisfaction.
Constraints 11(2–3):221–267.
Law, Y.-C.; Lee, J.; Walsh, T.; and Yip, J. 2007. Breaking symmetry of interchangeable variables and values. In
13th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practices of Constraint
Programming (CP-2007).
Puget, J.-F. 1993. On the satisfiability of symmetrical constrained satisfaction problems. In Proc. of ISMIS’93, LNAI
689, 350–361.
Puget, J.-F. 2005. Breaking all value symmetries in surjection problems. In Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Principles
and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2005).
Puget, J.-F. 2006. An efficient way of breaking value symmetries. In Proc. of the 21st National Conf. on AI. AAAI.
Roney-Dougal, C.; Gent, I.; Kelsey, T.; and Linton, S.
2004. Tractable symmetry breaking using restricted search
trees. In Proc. of ECAI-2004. IOS Press.
Sellmann, M., and Van Hentenryck, P. 2005. Structural
symmetry breaking. In Proc. of 19th IJCAI.
Van Hentenryck, P., and Michel, L. 2008. The steel mill
slab design problem revisited. In Proc. of 5th Int. Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint
Programming (CP-AI-OR).
Van Hentenryck, P.; Agren, M.; Flener, P.; and Pearson, J.
2003. Tractable symmetry breaking for CSPs with interchangeable values. In Proc. of the 18th IJCAI.
Walsh, T. 2006a. General symmetry breaking constraints.
In 12th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practices of Constraint
Programming (CP-2006).
Walsh, T. 2006b. Symmetry breaking using value precedence. In Proc. of the 17th ECAI. European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence.
Walsh, T. 2007. Breaking value symmetry. In 13th Int.
Conf. on Principles and Practices of Constraint Programming (CP-2007).
Zhang, J. 1996. Constructing finite algebras with FALCON. Journal of Automated Reasoning 17(1):1–22.
Value symmetries can be broken either statically (by adding
constraints to prune symmetric solutions) or dynamically
(by modifying the search procedure to avoid symmetric
branches). We have shown that both approaches have computational limitations. With static methods, we can eliminate all symmetric solutions in polynomial time but pruning all symmetric values is NP-hard in general (or equivalently, we can avoid visiting symmetric leaves of the search
tree in polynomial time but avoiding symmetric subtrees is
NP-hard). With dynamic methods, we can take exponential time on problems which static methods solve without
search. Nevertheless, experimental results in (Puget 2006;
Walsh 2006b; 2006a; 2007) and elsewhere show that value
symmetry can be dealt with effectively in practice.
These results may be useful to researchers in closely related areas like planning and scheduling where value symmetries arise and need to be eliminated. They may also be
useful in areas like model counting, verification, and automated reasoning as value symmetry arises in many of these
problems too. There are many open questions raised by this
research. For example, are there symmetries where all symmetric values can be pruned tractably? How do we combine
the best features of static and dynamic symmetry breaking?
Aloul, F.; Ramani, A.; Markov, I.; and Sakallah, K. 2002.
Solving difficult SAT instances in the presence of symmetries. In Proc. of the Design Automation Conf., 731–736.
Bessiere, C.; Hebrard, E.; Hnich, B.; and Walsh, T. 2004.
The complexity of global constraints. In Proc. of the 19th
National Conf. on AI. AAAI.
Crawford, J.; Luks, G.; Ginsberg, M.; and Roy, A. 1996.
Symmetry breaking predicates for search problems. In
Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning, (KR ’96), 148–159.
Flener, P.; Frisch, A.; Hnich, B.; Kiziltan, Z.; Miguel, I.;
Pearson, J.; and Walsh, T. 2002. Breaking row and column