Special Analysis Procedures {d c } [Scc ]1 ({Pc Pfc } [Scr ] {d r }) Condensation The term condensation refers to the contraction in size of a system of equations by elimination of certain degrees of freedom, i.e. Srr S cr Src d r Pr Pfr (1) Scc d c Pc Pfc where {dr} = degrees of freedom to be retained; and {dc} = degrees of freedom to be condensed. Condensation of (1) proceeds as 1 Observe that stiffness equation condensation means satisfaction of the equilibrium equations corresponding to the eliminated equations. Furthermore, “eliminated” (condensed) degrees of freedom are not discarded. They are expressed as functions of the corresponding forces, the retained degrees of freedom, and the equation stiffness coefficients. Nothing is “lost” or “approximated” in the process of condensation. 3 (2) where (2) is obtained by expanding the lower partition of (1) and solving. Expanding the upper partition of (1) and substituting (2) leads to ([Srr ] [Src ][Scc ]1 [Scr ]) {d r } {Pr Pfr } [Src ][Scc ]1 {Pc Pfc } or [Sˆ rr ]{d r } {Pˆr } (3) Once (3) is solved for {dr}, {dc} can be obtained from (2). 2 Finally, the selection of degrees of freedom to be eliminated is at the analyst’s discretion. Usually, however, the selection is not arbitrary; there are generally logical reasons for choosing certain degrees of freedom for elimination. Condensation can be applied at the element level (local or global coordinates) as well. Simply change the notation. 4 1 Constraints Constraint designates suppression of displacement components and defining the dependency relationships between displacements. In general, a constraint can be defined as a set of relationships between degrees of freedom that are supplemental to the basic stiffness relationships. Considering c constraint relationships, the constraint equations can be written as (4) [G]cxn {d}nx1 {H}cx1 where [G] = matrix of constraint coefficients, {d} = displacement vector, {H} = vector of known constants, and n = number of displacement degrees of freedom. Figure 1 shows two examples of situations where constraint equations can be used to reduce the number of unknown displacement degrees of freedom. 6 5 freedom from the stiffness equations. Expressing the stiffness equations as Srr S er Figure 1: Representative Constraint Conditions Each constraint equation can be viewed as a means to eliminate one of the degrees of freedom in favor of the remainder. Hence, with c constraint equations, it is possible to eliminate c degrees of7 Sre d r Pr Pfr See d e Pe Pfe (5) where subscript r = retained degrees of freedom and subscript e = eliminated degrees of freedom. With the partitioning of (5), the constraint equations of (4) can be expressed as 8 2 d r [I] {d r } d e [er ] [] {d r } (6) The result of (7) is an (n-c) system of symmetric equations expressed in terms of a set of conjugate vectors. Substituting (6) into (5) and making use of the contragradience principle leads to As shown in (6), the transformation matrix [er] is obtained from [Sˆ rr ]{d r } {Pˆr } (7) where [Sˆ rr ] [Srr ] [Sre ][er ] [er ]T [Ser ] T [er ] [See ][er ] {Pˆr } {Pr } {Pfr } [er ] {Pe } {Pfe } T 9 {d e } [er ]{d r } (8) For example, the constraints of Fig. 1(a) can be expressed as v1 v 2 v3 T 0 1 3 2 v 4 3 Furthermore, v4 = 3a if it is desired to express the displacements in terms of . 10 3