From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. PSIPLAN: Open World Planning Tamara Babaian Dept. ofElectrical Eng.and Computer Science ~ifts University Medford.MA 02155USA tbabalan, Abstract Wepresent a new,partial order planner called PSIPLAN,which builds on SNLP.Wedrop the closed worldassumption,addsensingactions, "~ld a class of propositions about the agent’s knowledge,and add a class of universallyquantifiedpropositions.Thislatter class of propositions,whichwecall C-forms,distinguishesthis research. ~,-formsrepresentpartially closedworlds,suchas "’Block.4 is clear", or " is the only postscript file in directory/tez."Wepresent our theory"of planningwith sensingandshow,hob-partial orderplanningis performed usingI/~-forms.Noteworthyare the facts that lack of information canbe representedpreciselyandall quantifiedreasoninghas polynomialcomplexity.Thus,in finite domainswhere the maximum plan length is bounded,planning with PSIPLAN is NP-complete. Introduction Several researchers have examinedplanning with sensing in an open world, where the agent does not have complete information about the world and must take ~tions both to acquire knowledgeand to change the world (e.g., (Peot & Smith 1992), (Etzioni et al. 1992), (Krebsbach, Olawsky,& Gin, 1992),(Scherl Levesque1997),(Golden1998)). Incompletenessof agent’s knowledgemeansthat it cannot use the Closed WorldAssumption(CWA)in the representation of the state and must rely on a different methodfor representing large quantities of negative information. The most comprehensiveof all practical solutions to this problem is the PUCCINIplanner (Golden 1998). uses the LCWsentences in its representation, which weanalyze in the next section. Someworks(e.g., (Scherl & Levesque 1997)) first-order logic (FOL), which easily represents open worlds, butwhich appears topreclude practical planningalgorithms duetotheundecidability ofentalhnent in FOL.Conformant Graphplan (Smith & Weld1998) considers eachpossible world. SGP(Weld& Anderson1998)extends Conformant Graphplan to handling with -forms. James G. Schmolze Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science Tufts University Medford,MA 02155USA sensing actions and uncertain effects. Wehave developed a planning formalismcalled PSIPLAN and a sound and complete partial order plmmer (POP) called PSIPOPthat uses PSIPLAN to plan open worlds without sensing. Moreover, we have extended both PSIPLANand PSIPOPto handle sensing actions, knowledgegoals, information loss and conditional effects. In this paper, we focus on demonstratingthe power of our ~-form-based language PSIPLAN,discussing the issues critical to its soundnessand completeness in open world planning, and extending the standard POPalgorithm to produce PSIPOP. Representing Open Worlds We consider theproblem ofopenworld planning where theagentdoesnothavecomplete information about theworld. We assume thattheworldevolves as a sequence ofstates, wherethetransitions occur only astheresult ofdeliberate action taken bythesingle agent. Since the agent’s modelof the world is incomplete, wemust distinguish betweenthe world state (or state of the world, or situation, in situation calculus terms (McCarthy& Hayes1969)) and the state of the agent’s knowledgeof the world, which we call SOK.Wefurther assumethat the agent’s knowledgeof the world is correct. While in theory the numberof propositions in an SOKcan be unlimited, for practical purposes it must be finite and preferably as small as possible. In many domainsthe numberof negated propositions that are true in a worldstate is usually very large, if not infinite. Wecannot use the CWA,because we must distinguish propositions that are false fromthose that are unknown.To compactlyreprescnt such negated informationone solution is to use quantified formulas~ t~,Ve use the term "quantified formula"informallyto refer to anyformulathat can representa possiblyinfinite C,,lvright 0 2000. AmericanAssociation Ibr Aciificial Intelligence. All rigl’us reserved. 292 AIPS-2000 From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. (Etzioni, Golden, &Weld1997) define a special class of LCW(for Local Closed World information) sentences, to specify the parts of SOKfor which information is complete. The agent is said to have Local Closed World information relative to a logical formula if the value of every ground sentence that unifies with is either knownto be true or knownto be false. For example, LCW(PS(x) In (x,/rex)) st ates th at th e agent knowsall x’s that are postscript files in directory ~rex, i.e. given any particular x, the agent knows whether (PS(x) A In(z, ~rex)) is true or false, but is not unknown. There are drawbacks in the LCWrepresentation. LCWreasoning is incomplete and, in some cases, discards information due to its inability to represent exceptions, i.e. the inability to state that the agent knows the value of all instantiations of formula ¯ except some. As the result, when a value of even one instance of becomes unknown, the entire LCWsentence is no longer true and the agent must discard it, losing information about those instances that were known to be false. In contrast to LCW,we define a class of formulas, called ~#-forms, that can represent Locally Closed World Information with exceptions, or what we call Partially Closed Worlds. We begin with an example before formally defining ~#-forms. Example 1 Consider a #)-form ¢ =[ PS(z)v -In(z,y) I-,(x = fig) ]. ¢ represents all clauses of the form -~PS(x)V -,In(z,/tex) for all values of z except for -,PS( -,In(, /rex) and -~PS(fig) V-,In(fig, [tex). Given the following SOK f PS(, In(,/rex), In(fig,/rex), s = [-,PS(x) V -,In(x,/tex)] -,(x = A -,(x = fig)]. the agent can conclude that it knows that there are no postscript files in/tex except for the postscript file, and maybethe file fig, whose format is unknown. Note, we do not have LCW(PS(x) A In(z,/rex)) in s, because the format of fig is unknown.This example cannot be represented in LCWrepresentation unless the domain is finite and ground facts are represented explicitly, with no LCWsentences. xb-forms are formulas that are used to represent possibly infinite sets of ground clauses that are obtained by instantiating what we call its main par~ in all possible ways, except for certain instantiations, listed as its exceptions. In Example1, the main part ore is the formula -,PS(x)v-~ln(x,/rex), while the exceptions are -~(x = and -,(x = fig). For the efficiency of set of ground formulas reasoning we choose the main part of C-forms to be a disjunction of negated literals. Wecan alternatively view C-forms as logical propositions by interpreting them as a conjunction of all ground clauses they represent. Weuse this duality and define both set-theoretic and logical relations between C-forms. This allows us to use them efficiently in partial order planning. In addition to the suitability of C-forms for representing negative information, C-form reasoning has nice computational properties: it is sound, complete in what we later define as su~ciently large domains, and has only polynomial complexity. Definitions The general form of a C-form is: ¢ = [q(~ l-,a~ A...A -~m,] (1) Here, Q(3) is a clause of negated literals that uses all and only the variables in 3, i.e., Q(~ = --Ql(X~) ... v "-Qk(x~) where k > 0 and each Qi(x~) is atom that uses all and only the variables in x~ and k -- Ui=l :~" Werequire, that none of Qi(~) and Qj(x~) unify, assuming of course i ~ j.2 In addition, we require, that for every atom Qi(x~), every variable in ~ occur no more than once in its argument list. Thus, [-,P(z, y) v -,Q(y) l-,(x a)] is a C-f orm, while [-,P(x,x) V -,Q(y) l-,(x a)]is n ot because of mult iple occurances of x in P(x, x). Each al represents a set of exceptions and is just a substitution ~ = ~ for some non-empty vector of variables ~ C_ 3 and some vector of constants e~. Each must be the same size as its corresponding ~. k and n are, of course, finite. We call a C-form with no exceptions a simple Cform. A simple C-form with no variables is called a singleton and represents a single clause. A C-form that uses variables is called quantified. Given a Cform (1), we define the following. ¯ .M(¢) is the main part of ¢, Q(3). ¯ V(¢) denotes the variables of 0, 3, though we usually treat it as a set. ¯ r.(~b) is the formula that describes the exceptions, "mO’l A ... n. A -,~r ¯ ~i(¢) is the substitution for the i-th exception, ai. ¯ #~(~#) is the number of exceptions, ¯ £~(¢) denotes the instantiation ~4(¢)a~. For example, let ¢ = [-,P(x, y) V ~Q(y, A) I -,(x = A) A -,(x = C, 2Thisrequirementis not critical, but it simplifies calculation of entailment and other operations. Babaian 293 From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ¯ v(o)= {~v} ¯ ~C~)= -Cx= 4) ^ -(x = c v D) ¯ Z1(¢) = (x = A}, E2(.~’) = C,y= D}, ¯ #ECq,) = 2, ¯ Et (t~,) = --,P(A, y) V --,Q(y, A), E2(~b) = ~P(C, -,Q(D, A). A 0-form is well-formed if and only if there is no exception that is a subset of another exception, i.e. .Ei(0) ~ Zj(0), foralli,j where0 i,j < #£(~9) and i # ~b-forms as Sets A tp-form is a representation of a possibly infilfite set of ground clauses. A set represented by a 0-form is called a 1b-set. The 0-set corresponding to the ~p-form ~’ is defined with operation $. Wedefine $ recursively as follows: 1. Wefirst define ~b for a single ~b-form. Ca) ~([ ]) = gro und}, if ~b is sim(b) $(~b) I, Vth0)o is ple. Note that $([c]) = {c}, if c is a groundclause. Co) ~(~) = ~([..~(~)]) - ,([£1(~)]) ~b([E#e(,) (~)]), otherwise. 2. ¢({~’t,... ,~Pk}) = ULt¢(qJi), i.e. a S-set of a set ~9-formsis the union of the ~-sets of its elements. 3. Let [31 and [32 denote either a single ~b-formor a set of t b-forms. Let * denote any of the set operations N, U, -, t, or - (last two operations are defined later) $(F’I 1 * 02) = ~(F’ll) * ~b(F’]2). Forthesimplicity ofpresentation, since~b-forms and setsof~b-forms represent setsof ground clauses, wesay thata ground clause c is in[],written c E [],instead of sayingc E $([]).Here[] denotes eithera single ~b-form ora setofIp-forms. Thus,given1.and2. ¯ c E ~’ iff 3~.c = A4(V))cr and Vtx, i.1 _< i #£(~) ~ e # £i(q,)cr , ¯ c E ~, where ¯ denotes a set of 0-forms, when there is a O-formVJ in the set q, such that c E 0. Wesay that two 0-forms axe equivalent, written 01 = ~02 if their corresponding ~p-sets axe equal, i.e. OI = ~)2 if andonly if *(~’I) = $(~b2). In a well-formed 0-form there are no exceptions such that clauses it denotes are a subset of the clauses denoted by another exception, i.e., ~b([Ei (~)]) ~Z ~b([£j(~b)]) for i,j where 0 _<i, j <#£(~b). It is a simple matter to transform a ~b-form that is not 294 AIPS-2000 well-formed into an equivalent one that is well-formed. Thus, from here on, we only consider well-formed ~forms. Note that. a well-formed #-form representation of a ~b-set is not unique. Prom now on we assume that every equation involving 0-forms or sets of ~b-forms actually denotes an equality between the corresponding ~b-sets. I.e when A and B are such expressions, A = B is a shorthand for writing $(A) = $(B). ~b-form Logic Wecan add ~#-forms to propositional logic by providing an interpretation rule for them. Aninterpretation, Z, is an assignment, of truth values to all atoms of a theory. Interpretation rules extend an interpretation by defining the truth value of every sentence of a theory, not just atoms. Weadopt the standard interpretation rules of the propositional logic and add the following rule for interpreting a #-form or a set of ~-forms, denoted below by [] . Z([]) = A I(e), (2) cE$(n) i.e. a single O-formor a set of #-form is interpreted as a conjunction of all clauses in it. Nowthat, we have defined an interpretation for #forms we can define entailment in a logical language containing ~b-forms in the usual way. A model of a logical formula is an interpretation that assigns true to that formula. A formula a entails formula b if and only if every model of a is also a model of b. Given the definition of $, we can see that for any two ~-forms or sets of #-forms D, and 02, (~(r-I1) = ~(r-Ii) iff ( [~ ~ 02 and O2 V O~ ). PSIPLAN Formalism Worlds and SOKs A world state is a set of all literals that are true in the world. Wedefine a domain proposition or simply a proposition as either an atom or a ~b-form. Agent’s state of knowledge, or SOKis a consistent set of domain propositions. Representing Actions Actions axe ground and are represented in a fashion similar to STRIPS. Eac~ action a has a name, .~(a), a set of preconditions, 7~(a), and a set of domainliterals called the assert list, .4(a). Action preconditions identify the domain propositions necessary for executing the action. The propositions in 7)(a) can include 3literals and quantified ~p-forms. aRuling out other forms of non-quantified disjunction is not a limitation, since any action schemathat has a non- From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. The assert list, also called the effects of the domain action, identifies all and only the domainpropositions whose value may change as a result of the action. We assume that an action is deterministic and can change the truth only finite numberof atoms, and thus any ~bform in the assert list defines a single negated literal. State Update Procedure. Actions cause transitions between the world states. The agent’s SOKsmust evolve in parallel with the world, and must adequately reflect the changes in the world that occur due to an action. Correctness of an S0K update guarantees that the SOKis always consistent with the world model, given a consistent initial SOK. The other desirable property of the SOKupdate is completeness: we would like the agent to take advantage of all information that becomes available and not to discard what was previously known and has not changed. Clearly, the correctness and completeness properties of the SOKupdate, as well as soundness and completeness of entailment within the state language are prerequisites for a sound and complete planning algorithm. Weuse symbols w, w’, wl ... wn to refer to states of the world, ~r W’ to refer to the sets of world states, and s, s’, Sl ... 84 to refer to the agent’s SOK. The correctness and completeness criteria axe best formulated in the context of possible worlds. We define a set of possible worlds given a SOKs as the set B(s) = {wlw ~ s}. Let do(a, W) denote the set of world states obtained from performing action a in any of the world states in W, and update(s, a) denote the SOKthat results if the agent, performs action a from SOKs. Wesay that the update procedure is correct if[ B(update(s, a)) C do(a, B(s)) (3) i.e. every possible world after performing the action a has to have a possible predecessor. The update procedure is complete if[ do(a, B(s)) C_ B(update(s, (4) i.e. every world obtained from a previously possible world is accessible from the new SOK. This implies that all changes to the world must be reflected in the new SOK. To achieve correctness of SOKupdates, the agent must remove from the SOKall propositions whose truth value might have changed as the result of the performed action. quantified disjunction as its precondition, can be equivalently split into several actions, each of whichis identical to the initial schema,but has only one of the disjuncts for the preconditions. In order to be complete, the agent must also add to the SOKall facts that become known. The complexity of the SOKupdate thus depends critically on the process of identifying the propositions that must be retracted to preserve correctness. In our language this computation is reduced to computing the entailment, which has polynomial complexity. Before defining the world state transition caused by actions, we introduce the operations of e-difference and image . These operation come handy in planning, as we will showlater. For any two sets of ground propositions A and B we define e-difference and image (the image of A in B), respectively, as follows: B-A = {blbEB ^ Al~b} A~B = {blbEB ^ At=b} B-A is the subset of B that/8 not entailed by A while A ~ B is the subset of B that is entailed by A. Thus, (B "-A) and (A ~ always par tition B. Moreover, we have the following equivalences. 1. B-A = B-(A~B) and 2. A~B = B-(B-A) Determining image and e-difference between sets of atoms is straightforward, and so we will not discuss it. Between~b-forms, however, it is more complicated. Wedefer discussing it until the Calculus Section.. Our agent can only execute an action a if its SOK about the current state is s and s ~ 7~(a). To obtain the agent’s SOKs after performing an action a, we first remove all propositions implied by the negation of the assert list, as only those propositions of s might change their values after a. Wealso remove from the SOKall redundant propositions, i.e. those that follow from the effects of the action, and then add these effects to the new state. The agent’s SOKafter executing action a in the SOKs is described by the following formula. ~,pdateCs,a) = ((s- A-Ca))-A(a))(5 where for a set of propositions P, P- denotes the set of the negations of propositions in P. Theorem 1 The state of knowledge update procedure (5) is correct and complete. Wedo not present proofs in this paper due to space limitations. Example 2 For an example, we characterize the action a = mv(fig,/img,/tez), which moves the file fig from directory /img into ~rex. We use T(z, PS) to represent that file z has type postscript. Let 7~(a) = {In(fig,/img)} which states that fig must be in /img. Also, let A(a) [-~In(fig,/irag), In(fig,/tez)]. Webegin with an SOK: Babaian 295 From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. s = Split Ooal(¢~, ~bc ): Performwhen "- q)e, ~’c are~b-forms and In(fig,/img), In(a.bmp, /img), T(, - ~Penearlyentails ~bc- i.e., [-~In(x, d) V --T(x, PS) [ -~(x = A -~(d =/img)], [~(~)] ~ [~(W~)] but ~,. ~ lima) I = fig) ^ = a.bmv)] a = mv(fig, fling, flex) is executable in s, and the resulting SOKis: In(fig, itexj, [n(a.bmp, lirng), T(, PS), [-,In(z,/img) i-~(x = a.bmp)], [-~In(x, d) V -~T(z, PS) [ ~(x = -~(d = fling) ^ -~(x = fig, d = flex)] Note that s contained -~In(fig, /tex) V -~T(fig, and that we added In(fig, flex) when determining s’. If our update rule retained -~In(fig,/tex)V -~T(fig, PS) in s’, then in s’ we could perform resolution and conclude that -~T(fig, PS). However. this would be wrong because we have no information on fig being a postscript file or not. Instead, our update rule deletes any clause that is entailed by -~ln(fig,/tex), and so s~ does not contain -~In(fig, flex) V -~T(fig, PS). s’ = The Planning Problem. As usual in a planning problem we are given a set of initial conditions 27, a set of goals ~ and a set of a~-ailable actions. 27 and ~ are sets of domainpropositions. A solution plan is a sequence of actions, that is executable and transforms an)" world state satisfying the initial conditions into a world state satisfying the goal. Our planner operates in SOKsinstead of worlds. The correctness and completeness of the update function, however, guarantees that it returns all and only solution plans, provided the initial SOKso is equal to 27 plus all propositions obtained from 27 by performing resolution. A planner is called sound if and only if it returns only solution plans, and complete, if it returns every solution plan. Presented in the next section PSIPOPis a sound and complete planning algorithm. PSIPOP Algorithm Weassume the reader is already familiar with SNLPstyle planning (McAllester & Rosenblitt 1991). made a few changes to the standard algorithm so that it easily generalizes to handling ¢-forms. These changes arise when ~-forms are added to the state and action description language. Since a link bet~en two ¢-forms actually represents a multitude of links between ground clauses of the source and target ¢-forms, we need to introduce new techniques of establishing and protecting such links. These techniques are based on the theory of 0-form entailment, presented in the next section. There are three important changes to the POP. 296 AIPS-2000 1. Partition ~b~into ~b~= ¢~ ~, ~’¢ and (¢¢-t%). ’1 S~. to the links. 2. AddS, ¢~2~ 3. Foreach ¢ E (~’c--t/’e), add < W, Sc > to the open goals. Split Link(~be, ~P~ ):Perform when - effect A on St threatens S, or.~" S~- i.e. ([-,A]~ ~,)~ ~., 1. AddS~-~ St. and St -4 S~. to orderings. 2. Partition ~b, into [-~A]~, ~/., andtg~ = ~,-" [--A]. 3. Partition¢c into (I--A]I> ~be)t> ~bcand ¢~= ¢~’-([-A]~,). 4. Remove original link S~ u’~"" S~ from links. ’-~ S~to links. 5. AddS, o~L~ 6. Foreach~bE ((I--A]t> ~/~e)~, ~t’e), add < ~b, Sc > to the open goals. Figure 1: Split Goal and Split Link Procedures Change 1. Causal links now have both source and target conditions, which may differ. The source condition must entail the target condition. For example, we may have step S~ with effect 9~ and step $2 with precondition 92 where~Pl states that are no. files in directory/psdir except Postscript files. 92 requires that there are no files of type TEXin/psdir owned by Joe except V -T(x, ¢2 = [-~In(x,/psdir) V-~T(x, T EX) V -~O(x, - Cx=a.tex)] y) -~(y = 1~ I = I-In(z,/psdir) PS)] ,/oe) Clearly, if there are no TEXfiles in/psdir, then there are no TEXfiles owned by Joe in it, so 9~ ~ ¢2 and we can have a causal link from ~Pl on S~ to ¢2 on 82. Thus, causal links between ~b-forms actually represent a set of causal links between each clause of the goal and the supporting clause in the source. Change 2. Whenwe cannot find a single ~p-form that entails all clauses in a goal 9-form, we, however, must find a 9-form that entails most of them. Consider the goal of not having files of any format owned by Joe in /psdir, represented by 9z 92 = [-.In(x,/psdir) V -.T(x, y) V -.O(x, Assumeagain that we have 91 as an effect on step St and 92 as a precondition on step $2 where 9~ = [-,In(z,/psdir) V -~T(x, Y) I-’(Y = Clearly, from ¢~ we can conclude that none of Joe’s files are in/psidir except for his Postscript files, about which 9~ states nothing. From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. In cases like this one where ~bx ~: ~b2 but where ~bx nearly entails ~b2, we try splitting the goal ~b2. ~1 nearly entails ~]~ iff [A4(~bl)] ~ [A4(~b2)]. In cases, we split ~b2 into two parts: ¯ The precise portion of ~b2 that is entailed by ~bx--this is the imageof ~bx in ~b2, Ox~ ~b2---and ¯ The remainder of ~b2--this is precisely ~b2-~bl. Once split, we add a causal link from ~bl on Sx to (~bl ~b2) on $2, and weare left with (~b2-" ~bl) on $2 still needs to be linked. Fortunately, calculating both image and e-difference is straightforward and results in a finite set of ~b-forms,each of whichare strictly smaller than the original ~b-form goal in a well founded way. Applying Goal Splitting (Fig. 1) to our example, split ~b2into: ¯ ~ = ~1 ~ ~2 = [-In(z,/psdir) V -,T(z, y) V -~O(z, I-’(Y = PS)] which are all the files in/psdir ownedby Joe except for Postscript files, and ¯ ~] = ~2-" ~ = [--In(x, [psdir) V --T(x, PS) V -,O(x, Joe)], which are all the Postscript files in/psdir ownedby Joe. Next, we add a causal link $1 ~ $2 and we are left with ~b] unsupported. Thus, much of ~b2 is now supported except for ~b]. Change 3. The final change to POP adds a new way to resolve threats. A threat is any effect of an action, that results in the removal of the source condition in the SOKduring the update (see (5)). In our formalism, only a ground atom can threaten a link between ~bforms, and conversely, only a ~b-form can threaten a link between ground atoms. In the former case, we add a new threat resolution methodcalled link splitting (Fig. 1). For an atom to threaten a link, it must remove from the source ~b-form proposition(s) that support some proposition(s) in the target ~b-form. More formally, atom A maypose a threat to the link from ~bl to ~2 if ([-a] ~ ~1)~ ~2¢. Let there be a link from effect ~bl on step S1 to precondition ~b2 on step $2. Moreover, let atom A be an effect of step S where A threatens the link. Wewill refer to a ~b-form constructed out of the negation of A, namely, ~bA= [-~A], whichis a singleton set. The threat resolution method does the following. ¯ ~bl on step $1 is partitioned into ~b~ = ~bl-~bA and ~ = ~bA~ ~bx. Note that ~b~ is precisely the subset of ~b~that is not threatened by A and that ~b2 is the residual of ~. ¯ ~2 is replaced by ~b~ = ~bl ~ ~ and ~ = ~b~-~b~. Note that ~b~ is precisely the subset of ~b2 that is now supported by ~b] and that ~a2 is precisely the residual of ~. ¯ The original link from ~bi to ~b2 is replaced by a link from ~bl to ~b~. Condition A on S no longer is a threat. ¯ Newsupport must be found for ~ on step $2. Calculus In this section we sketch howto determine entailment, image and e-difference. These calculations are somewhat complex and we do not have space to present them fully. A complete description can be found in (Babaian & Schmolze 1999). For the reader who not interested in these methods, this section can be skipped. Everywhere below we make a su~iciently large domain assumption, i.e. that the object domain contains more objects that are mentioned in all of the participating ~b-forms. Certainly, a domainthat is only partially knownis sufficiently large. Determining Entailment Domain ~b-forms. The critical factor in keeping ~form reasoning tractable is given by the following Theorem, that states, essentially, that we do not have to examine combinations of ~b-forms when checking ~bform entailment. Theorem2 Let ~L’I,..., ~bn be simple ~b-forms and let ~b be an arbitrary ~b-form. {~bl,..., ~bn} ~ ~b iff 3i. (1 < i < n) A (~bi ~ [M(~b)]). Thus, if we ignore exceptions, then to showthat a set. of ~b-forms entails ~, we need to find only one ~b-form in the set that entails [fl4(~b)]. Checking if ~bi ~ [fl4(~b)] is, as it turns out from the next Theorem, is just a matter of finding a subsetmatch between the the main parts, as both ~b-forms are simple. At the heart of this result is the observation that given two ground clauses, C~ and C2, C~ ~ C2 iff C~ c_ C~. Here, we are treating each ground clause as a set of literals. Theorem3 Given two simple ~b-forms, ~b~ and ~b~, ~bl ~ ~b2 iff there exists a unifier, ~ such that ~(~)~ _c ~(~2). Note that there can be more than one way a clause can subset-match onto another clause. For example, matching -,P(x) onto ",P(a) V’,P(b) V --Q(y) produces two different substitutions: (x = a) and (x = The next Theorempresents necessary and sufficient conditions for entailment between ~b-forms. Theorem 4 Let ~p~,... ,~bn and ~b be arbitrary ~bforms. {~b~,... ,~bn} ~ ~b iff there exists a k,1 < k < n, such that: ¯ [A4(~)] ~ [fl4(~b)] (i.e., [A4(~b)]), the main part of ~ entails Babaian 297 From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ¯ The last requirement in Theorem 4 requires some cxplanation. While [/I/L(¢k)] ~ [.~(¢)] , the ceptions of ~k weaken Ck. Thus, each clause in ~P’-¢k must be entailed by some other C-form in {~I,’’’,~k--1,~k-l-l,’’’,~n}" We discussmethodsof computing the e-difference in a latersection. Herewe wouldjustliketo notice thatentailment in PSIPLAN is easilydecided andhas a timecomplexity polynomial in thenumber of propositions, maximumnumberof exceptions and the maximumnumberof variables usedin a C-form. Note also the following simple facts. Given two ground atoms A and B, A entails B, written A ~ B, iff A = B. Given an atom A and C-form ¢, A can never entail ~) and ¢ can never entail A. Determining Image and E-Difference Among C-forms The image and difference operators between C-forms, in general, are complex. Important for the algorithms presented in this paper are the facts that both operations produce sets of C-forms, the time complexity of C-form image and e-difference is polynomial the maximum number of variables used in a C-form and the maximumnumber of exceptions. Here we only state the key results to provide the reader with some intuition about C-form calculus. The full account of this calculus can be found in (Babaian & Schmolze 1999). Wedefine MGU(A,B, V) as the most general unifier of A and B using only the variables in V. I.e., For a = MGU(A,B, V), Ao = Be and is a most gen eral suc h unifier. In a similar fashion, we define MGUc_ (A, B, V) as the set of all a such that Ao C_ Ba and o is a most general such unifier. MGU(A,B) and MGUcA, B) are defined similarly, except they do not restrict the bindings to any" particular set of variables. Theorem 5 For any" Ct, ¢2 - simple C-forms ¢i ~¢2 = Io¯ So computing the imageof one simple~b-formin another simple C-formamountsto finding either a unifier, or a set of subset unifiers of their main parts and appropriately instantiating the main part of the second C-form. As we will see shortly, to compute e-difference we first perform the set or subset unification procedure and then add the resulting substitution(s) to the set exceptions of the second C-form. Before adding those substitutions, we preprocess them to conform to the syntax of C-forms, i.e. we removeall bindings on variables in Y(¢1), add a -1 sign in front of each o. That is the purpose of the E’ in the next Theorem. 298 AIPS-2000 Theorem6 For any Ct, ¢2 -C-forms such that ¢1 and is simple if ¢i ¢2, v z’]} otherwise. ¢2-’¢i= { ¢’ where 3~r = {-’,a~la ¯ MGU¢(./VI(¢t),.Ad(¢2)) Note, that the first case is actually subsumedby the second, because if ¢1 ~ ~2, MGUc_(./~I(¢I),.M(¢2)) contains the substitution a which subset matches fl4(¢t) onto fl4(¢2), i.e. a only uses variabIes V(¢1). In such case the added exception ~ =-- 0 de notes the whole [~1(¢2)], thus leaving the resulting C-form equal to 0. Also, when MGUc(.A4(¢I),,~I(¢2)) is empty, E~ is empty and ¢2-" Ct = ¢2. The image and e-difference computations in the general case are reduced to computing the operations on the simple C-forms. Related Work Wehave already briefly discussed the work of (Golden, Etzioni, & Weld 1994; Etzioni, Golden, & Weld 1997; Golden 1998) in the introduction. PUCCINI?? has richer action and goal languages, handles sensing actions and execution. Hut due to the incompleteness of the LCWreasoning, it is incomplete even when it does no sensing. Conformant Graphplan (Smith & Weld 1998) and SGP (Weld & Anderson 1998) are propositional open world planners that consider every possible world and thus rely" on the domainof objects being sufficiently small. In another related work, Levy (Levy 1996) presents a method for answer-completeness, which determines whether the result of a database query is correct when the underlying database is incomplete. For this work, the database is relational and incompleteness means that it may be missing tuples. The incompleteness is expressed with LC constraints, which are based on LCWsbut which are considerably more expressive. In fact, Levy’s LCs can easily represent the information in LCWswith exceptions, which is roughly the expressive power of C-forms. (Friedman & Weld 1997) expands on (Levy 1996) with a richer set of LC constraints and an algorithm that determines whether a given information-gathering plan subsumes another. Both of these works address the answering of queries in an unchanging database. They do not,however, address a changing world, much less the planning of an agent to change it.Also, PSIPLANneeds several operations--e.g., entailment, e-difference and image..... From: AIPS 2000 Proceedings. Copyright © 2000, AAAI ( All rights reserved. for planning that do not arise when only answering queries. Conclusions and Future Work Wehave presented PSIPOP, a sound and complete partial order planning algorithm that does not make the closed world assumption and that can represent partially closed worlds. The key idea is the use of ~forms to represent quantified negative information and to integrate ~-forms into POPsuch that it adds only polynomial cost algorithms. Wethus argue informally that, even with our expanded representation, we can keep the complexity of planning within NP if we have a finite language and if we bound the length of plans. We have developed an extended formalism and planning system PSIPLAN-S,that uses an extension of the PSIPOPalgorithm to handle information goals, sensing actions, information loss, conditional effects and execution. The system has been implemented in Common Lisp and has performed successfully on numerous examples. The extension of the presented algorithm to a lifted version with conditional planning and execution is straightforward. 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