
From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Aler, Ricardo, 137
Ambite, José Luis, 3
Anderson, Corin R., 44
Applications, 2-34
AsbruView: Visualization of Time-Oriented,
Skeletal Plans, 11
Bacchus, Fahiem, 54
Beetz, Michael, 163
Blythe, Jim, 78
Borrajo, Daniel, 137
Causal Models of Mobile Service Robot Behavior, 163
Cesta, Amedeo, 214
Cimatti, Alessandro, 36
Classical Algorithms, 35-84
Complete Bidirectional Planner, A, 78
Conditional Effects in Graphplan, 44
Conditional Scheduling Approach to Designing Real-Time
Systems, A, 224
Contreras, Javier, 19
Cox, Michael T., 171
Dalton, Jeff, 27
Dean, Thomas, 102, 224
Decision-Theoretic Planning, 85-118
Encoding HTN Planning in Propositional Logic, 190
Fink, Eugene, 78, 128
Flexible and Scalable Query Planning in Distributed and
Heterogeneous Environments, 3
Generation of Multiple Qualitatively Different Plan Options,
Genetic Programming of Control Knowledge for Planning,
Givan, Robert, 102
Golden, Keith, 70
Gomes, Carla P., 208
Goodwin, Richard, 94
Greenwald, Lloyd, 224
Grosskreutz, Henrik, 163
Haddawy, Peter, 111
Haigh, Karen Zita, 120
How to Solve It Automatically: Selection Among Problem
Solving Methods, 128
Isasi, Pedro, 137
Johnson, Peter, 11
Kambhampati, Subbarao, 190
Kautz, Henry, 181
Kim, Kee-Eung, 102
Klusch, Matthias, 19
Knoblock, Craig A., 3
Koehler, Jana, 62
Koenig, Sven, 145
Kosara, Robert, 11
Leap Before You Look: Information Gathering in the
PUCCINI Planner, 70
Levine, John, 27
“Limit” Domain, The, 199
Littman, Michael L., 86
Majercik, Stephen M., 86
Making Forward Chaining Relevant, 54
Mali, Amol D., 190
MAXPLAN: A New Approach to Probabilistic Planning, 86
McAloon, Ken, 208
Melis, Erica, 199
Miksch, Silvia, 11
Modular Structured Approach to Conditional DecisionTheoretic Planning, A, 111
Multi-Agent Coalition Formation in Power Transmission
Planning: A Bilateral Shapley Value Approach, 19
Multiagent Planning Architecture, A, 154
Myers, Karen L., 154
From: AIPS 1998 Proceedings. Copyright © 1998, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Ngo, Liem, 111
Nguyen, Hien, 111
Oddi, Angelo, 214
Planning and Learning, 119-143
Planning, Execution and Learning in a Robotic Agent, 120
Pollack, Martha E., 171
Profile Based Algorithms to Solve Multiple Capacitated
Metric Scheduling Problems, 214
Randomization in Backtrack Search: Exploiting Heavy-Tailed
Profiles for Solving Hard Scheduling Problems, 208
Rationale-Based Monitoring for Planning in Dynamic
Environments, 171
Robotics and Agents, 144-179
Role of Domain-Specific Knowledge in the Planning as
Satisfiability Framework, The, 181
Roveri, Marco, 36
Satplan + Logic, 180-206
Scheduling, 207-231
Search Control of Plan Generation in Decision-Theoretic
Planners, 94
Selman, Bart, 181, 208
Shahar, Yuval, 11
Simmons, Reid G., 94, 145
Smith, David E., 44
Smith, Stephen F., 214
Solving Complex Planning Tasks Through Extraction of
Subproblems, 62
Solving Robot Navigation Problems with Initial Pose
Uncertainty Using Real-Time Heuristic Search, 145
Solving Stochastic Planning Problems with Large State and
Action Spaces, 102
Strong Planning in Non-Deterministic Domains Via Model
Checking, 36
Tate, Austin, 27
Teh, Yee Whye, 54
Traverso, Paolo, 36
Tretkoff, Carol, 208
Veloso, Manuela M., 120, 171
Weld, Daniel S., 44
Wilkins, David E., 154
Yen, Jerome, 19