Marc Turetzky
Pols1, Spring 2016 Name ______________________________________
Public Opinion Questions (hand in so I can crunch the #s for next class)
1) What is Public Opinion? (ie please define the term)
2) Why does public opinion on many issues command the attention of politicians, the mass media and political scientists even though it is considered "weak, unstable, ill-informed, or non-existent...?" Should they pay such close attention (see the "what do you think" blurb on public opinion on p. 154)?
Survey questions (just circle the answer that best fits your opinion)
1) If such a person wanted to make a speech in your college or university, should they be allowed to speak? a. Atheist: yes or no b. Racist: yes or no c. Homosexual: yes or no
2) Abortions should be legal under any circumstances, legal only under certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances. a. Legal under any circumstance b. Legal under certain circumstances c. Illegal in all circumstances
3) We should legalize marijuana. a. yes or no
4) We should keep the death penalty legal. a. yes or no
5) Should we remove a book that is overtly anti-homosexual from the public library? a. yes or no
6) Do you describe yourself as a liberal, moderate, conservative or something else?
7) Do you read news about presidential campaigns? a. yes or no
8) Do you pay attention to national network news? a. yes or no
9) Did you vote in the 2012 presidential election (assuming you were 18, were registered, qualified, and so on...)? a. yes or no
10) The government should provide "more services even if it means an increase in
[government] spending" a. yes or no
11) The government should guarantee "that every person has a job and a good standard of living." a. yes or no
12) The government "should make it more difficult to buy a gun." a. yes or no
13) The United States "should spend less on national defense." a. yes or no
14) Courts are too concerned with the rights of criminals. a. yes or no
15) Do you think the government should provide health insurance for Americans without insurance, or is this something the government should not do? a. should do b. should not do
16) Do you feel racial minorities in this country have equal job opportunities as whites, or don't? a. Yes b. No
17) How would you describe your political ideology (ie worldview)? a. Far left b. Liberal c. Middle of the road d. Conservative e. Far Right
18) To which, if any, political party do you belong? a. Democrat b. Republican c. Independent d. No party
19) Age: what is your age range? a. 15-17 b. 18-24 c. 25-34 d. 35-44 e. 45-54
20) Ethnic origin (or race): Please specify your ethnicity. a. White b. Hispanic or Latino c. Black or African American d. Native American or American Indian e. Asian/Pacific Islander f. Other