How to Destroy Your Opponents By: Alexandra McCarthy BEGIN WITH THE RESOLUTION: This is the topic of your debate. RESOLVED: Santa Clara County High Schools should adopt a school uniform for all high schools within the county. BUILD A THESIS STATEMENT AFFIRMATIVE THESIS STATEMENT: Santa Clara County High Schools should adopt a school uniform for all high schools within the county because it will lead to higher test scores, create equality amongst students, and it will create an overall better learning environment. BUILDING A CONTENTION CLAIM WARRANT IMPACT CLAIM: - a statement you are advancing as true Example: CLAIM: Santa Clara County High Schools should adopt a school uniform for all high schools within the county because it will lead to higher test scores. Warrant: - Typically an Appeal to Authority - THIS IS YOUR EVIDENCE Example: “Studies have shown that in schools with dictated uniforms test scores were x% higher than those who did not implicate school uniforms into their schools.” Impact: - why someone should care about your argument Example: America, on a global scale, over the past decade has been lacking in the high school education department. We owe it to the future of America to ensure that we provide a long term stable and growing learning environment that ensure the highest test scores possible going into the next decade. All Impacts must contain… MAGNITUDE TIME FRAME RISK PROBABILITY Magnitude: In this particular argument, your MAGNITUDE would be the x value of the percentage in your WARRANT. TIME FRAME: Your TIME FRAME argument would be added to your WARRANT. Explain how long it took after uniforms were mandated for test scores to change. Were these results long term or did the fetter off after a few years? It is always best to keep the time frame in mind. RISK PROBABILITY: Before the opposing side can hit you on your risks, hit and explain them yourself. Talk about the unlikeliness of the greatest risks happening and steps that can be taken to prevent them. PRO TIPS DO NOT USE THE PODIUM - Engage with your audience - Still be an authoritative figure, but conversational - You are talking to your peers THINK LIKE A HUMAN NOT A DEBATER - You do not always have to be politically correct - Think of how you would respond if a friend had asked - Debate is not an argument, it is an intellectual conversation. Focus on proving your point. - You are presenting to your peers, explain things clearly. MOST DEBATES ARE TIES… BREAK THEM. - If you find yourself in a position where the ballot could go either way explain to your judges clearly and often why you have won - I hit x,y,z on my opponents side and my a,b,c arguments still stands therefore, I win. YOU ARE A STORYTELLER - be entertaining - you want to captivate your audience and make them interested in what you have to say - this is why your IMPACT is so important WHEN IN DOUBT, NEGATE! - if their IMPACT is economic growth, prove economic growth is bad - if you destroy their impact the entire contention falls GOOD LUCK ON YOUR DEBATES!