September 25, 2008 Change to Halogen Free Design To:

P.O. Box 14460
St. Louis, MO 63178-4460
114 Old State Road
Ellisville, MO 63021
Phone: (636) 394-2877
September 25, 2008
Subject: Change to Halogen Free Design
Cooper Bussmann PowerStor® Supercapacitor Customers
Starting on September 30, 2008, all production of Cooper Bussmann PowerStor® supercapacitor
products are Halogen Free. Cooper Bussmann defines Halogen Free per industry standard IPC
(IEC 61249-2-21). Threshold limits associated with “Halogen Free” by homogeneous material
within a component are defined as:
Chlorine (Cl) < 900 ppm
Bromine (Br) < 900 ppm
Chlorine (Cl) + Bromine (Br) < 1500 ppm
This change will be effected on continuing production operations with the only noticeable change
being the use of a darker blue sleeve on our A, PA & PM Series supercapacitor products.
If you have customers that require Halogen Free products prior to this date, please contact the
factory for assistance.
The Cooper Bussmann® KR, KS, KSR and KSL Series products have been Halogen Free since
their launch in 2007.
Please plan accordingly for this transition, Cooper Bussmann personnel will assist as required.
I thank you for your cooperation.
Chris Likely
Product Manager
PowerStor® Supercapacitors
Cooper Bussmann