Word Sense Disambiguation with Semi-Supervised Learning ∗ Thanh Phong Pham1 and Hwee Tou Ng1,2 and Wee Sun Lee1,2 1 2 Department of Computer Science Singapore-MIT Alliance National University of Singapore E4-04-10, 4 Engineering Drive 3 3 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543 Singapore 117576 {phamthan,nght,leews}@comp.nus.edu.sg Abstract Current word sense disambiguation (WSD) systems based on supervised learning are still limited in that they do not work well for all words in a language. One of the main reasons is the lack of sufficient training data. In this paper, we investigate the use of unlabeled training data for WSD, in the framework of semi-supervised learning. Four semisupervised learning algorithms are evaluated on 29 nouns of Senseval-2 (SE2) English lexical sample task and SE2 English all-words task. Empirical results show that unlabeled data can bring significant improvement in WSD accuracy. semi-supervised learning algorithms, namely cotraining, smoothed cotraining, spectral graph transduction and its cotraining variant, using the evaluation datasets from Senseval2 (SE2) English lexical sample task (Kilgarriff 2001) and English all-words task (Palmer et al. 2001). For the rest of the paper, we first introduce a general framework of applying semi-supervised learning in WSD. The four semi-supervised learning algorithms are then discussed in detail. We next investigate the choice of parameters for these algorithms using preliminary small scale evaluation, and then use those parameters to perform full scale evaluation on SE2 datasets. Introduction In a language, a word can have many different meanings, or senses. For example, bank in English can either mean a financial institution, or a sloping raised land. The task of word sense disambiguation (WSD) is to assign the correct sense to such ambiguous words based on the surrounding context. This is an important problem which has many applications in natural language processing. Many approaches have been proposed to solve the problem, of which supervised learning approaches are the most successful. However, supervised learning requires the use of manually labeled training data. Most of the time, to achieve good performance, the amount of training data required by supervised learning is quite large. This is undesirable as hand-labeled training data is expensive and only available for a small set of words. Semi-supervised learning has recently become an active research area. It requires only a small amount of labeled training data and is sometimes able to improve performance using unlabeled data. Word sense disambiguation is an ideal task for effective semi-supervised learning methods as unlabeled data is easily available and labeling a large enough corpus for supervised learning of all words has so far been too expensive to carry out for the natural language processing community. In this paper, we investigate the use of semi-supervised learning to tackle the WSD problem. We evaluate four ∗ The authors would like to thank Singapore-MIT Alliance for partially funding this work. c 2005, American Association for Artificial IntelliCopyright ° gence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithm 1 General framework Input: T ← training dataset U ← unlabeled dataset E ← test dataset A1 ← labeling algorithm for unlabeled data A2 ← final classification algorithm 1: feature set F ← feature selection on T 2: TF , UF ← feature vector form of T, U with feature set F 3: label set L ← labels of UF predicted by A1 4: U 0 ← add labels in L to U 5: M ← T ∪ U 0 6: F 0 ← feature selection on M 7: MF 0 , EF 0 ← feature vector form of M, E with feature set F 0 8: train A2 on MF 0 and test on EF 0 The basic idea of semi-supervised learning is to automatically label the unlabeled examples using a small number of human labeled examples as seeds. By doing this, semisupervised learning yields a large labeled dataset that can be used as training data for a normal supervised learning algorithm. While the labeling of unlabeled data is indeed another classification problem, this classification can exploit the fact that all examples needed to be classified (the unlabeled data) are available at the time of training. Therefore the setup of all semi-supervised learning algorithms is in the form of bootstrapping (Blum & Mitchell 1998; Abney 2002), or transductive learning (Joachims 1999; Blum & Chawla 2001; Joachims 2003). The general framework of using semi-supervised learning AAAI-05 / 1093 presented in this paper is shown in Algorithm 1. A1 is one of the four semi-supervised learning algorithms which are used to label unlabeled examples. After all these examples are labeled, we have in hand a large labeled dataset consisting of initially human labeled seeds and the unlabeled examples which are now labeled. This dataset is used as training data for what we call the final classifier. In order to measure how much improvement is obtained from using unlabeled examples, we compare the performance of the final classifier with the baseline classifier. The baseline classifier is the same as the final classifier, except that it is only trained on initially labeled dataset T . In this paper, the naive Bayes algorithm is used as the baseline and the final classifier. Cotraining Cotraining was first introduced in (Blum & Mitchell 1998) as a bootstrapping method that exploits different redundant views of data. For cotraining to work, it is sufficient that these views are conditionally independent, and individually able to produce good classifiers. Since its first appearance, cotraining has been analyzed in different forms and on different domains (Pierce & Cardie 2001; Abney 2002; Mihalcea 2004). In this paper, we investigate the application of cotraining to WSD. The cotraining algorithm used, Algorithm 2, was presented in (Pierce & Cardie 2001). This algorithm has an advantage over the original cotraining algorithm of (Blum & Mitchell 1998) in that it tries to maintain the sense distribution of unlabeled data to be close to that of labeled data, and chooses only the most confidently labeled examples instead of randomly selected examples. Algorithm 2 Cotraining algorithm from (Pierce & Cardie 2001) maintains a data pool U 0 of size u, and labels g instances per iteration selected according to the sense distribution DL of the original labeled dataset L. U is the unlabeled data set. 1: repeat 2: train classifier h1 on view V1 of L 3: train classifier h2 on view V2 of L 4: transfer randomly selected examples from U to U 0 until |U 0 | = u 5: for h ∈ {h1 , h2 } do 6: allow h to posit labels for all examples in U 0 7: loop {g times} 8: select label l at random according to DL 9: transfer the most confidently labeled l example from U 0 to L 10: end loop 11: end for 12: until done In this paper, we do not use the pool U 0 . Instead, in each iteration, all unlabeled examples are labeled and the most confidently labeled examples among them are chosen to add to the labeled dataset. The algorithm terminates when there is no more unlabeled example. The two views for cotraining are surrounding words and collocations (which will be explained in detail in a later section). The classifiers used are naive Bayes classifiers for both views. Smoothed Cotraining The learning curve of cotraining has been observed to increase in performance and then decline (Pierce & Cardie 2001; Mihalcea 2004). Smoothed cotraining is the combination of cotraining with majority voting, introduced by (Mihalcea 2004), and has the effect of delaying the decline of performance. In smoothed cotraining, the label of an unlabeled example is determined not only by the classifier trained at the current iteration, but rather by majority voting of the classifiers from all iterations. Algorithm 3 shows the smoothed cotraining algorithm we use. Algorithm 3 Smoothed cotraining algorithm 1: C1 = ∅ 2: C2 = ∅ 3: repeat 4: train classifier h1 on view V1 of L 5: train classifier h2 on view V2 of L 6: C1 ← C1 ∪ {h1 } 7: C2 ← C2 ∪ {h2 } 8: transfer randomly selected examples from U to U 0 until |U 0 | = u 9: for C ∈ {C1 , C2 } do 10: allow each h in C to posit labels for all examples in U 0 11: label l of an example in U 0 is the label given by a majority of classifiers in C 12: confidence of label l is the average confidence of all classifiers in C that give label l 13: loop {g times} 14: select label l at random according to DL 15: transfer most confidently labeled l example from U 0 to L 16: end loop 17: end for 18: until done Spectral Graph Transduction (SGT) Spectral graph transduction is a new method in transductive learning introduced in (Joachims 2003). Given a set of labeled and unlabeled examples, the task of SGT is to tag unlabeled examples with either −1 or +1. A nearest neighbor graph G is constructed, with labeled and unlabeled examples as vertices, and edge weights between vertices denote the similarity between the neighboring examples. SGT assigns labels to unlabeled examples by cutting G into two subgraphs G− and G+ , and tags all examples corresponding to vertices in G− (G+ ) with −1 (+1). To give a good prediction of labels for unlabeled examples, SGT chooses the cut of G that minimizes the normalized cut cost cut(G+ , G− ) min → − y |{i : yi = 1}||{i : yi = −1}| − in which → y is the prediction vector, and cut(G+ , G− ) is the sum of the weights of all edges that cross the cut (i.e., edges with one end in G− and the other in G+ ). The optimization is subjected to the following constraints: (i) − → y ∈ {−1, +1}n , and (ii) labels for labeled training examples must be correct, i.e., vertices corresponding to positive (negative) labeled training examples must lie in G+ AAAI-05 / 1094 Local Collocations + View 1 graph = View 2 graph Combined graph Figure 1: Constructing the final graph from two view graphs. Edge thickness represents edge weight. (G− ). As this optimization itself is an NP-hard problem, SGT performs approximate optimization using a spectral graph method. SGT outperforms many traditional transductive learning methods on many datasets (Joachims 2003). As SGT is a binary classifier, in order to use SGT to classify a multi-sense word, we use one-vs-rest classifiers, i.e., one SGT classifier for each sense class. SGT-Cotraining SGT-Cotraining is a variant of SGT which also exploits the different redundant views of data as in the case of cotraining. The difference between SGT and SGT-Cotraining is in the construction of the nearest neighbor graph. Instead of directly computing the nearest neighbor graph, SGTCotraining constructs a separate graph for each view, and combines them together to obtain the final graph, as shown in Figure 1. Distinct edges in each view graph are copied over with the same weight, while a common edge of both graphs has its weight set to be the sum of the two weights from both view graphs. As the edge weight measures the similarity between examples, summing edge weights of common edges in the final graph is intuitive in the sense that if two examples are near to each other in both views, we have stronger belief that they are near to each other in the final graph. Building the final graph by combining the two view graphs reduces the probability that the algorithm is misled. Knowledge Sources In this paper, we use two knowledge sources for disambiguation: surrounding words and local collocations. Surrounding Words The knowledge source of surrounding words takes into account all single words (unigrams) in the surrounding context of an ambiguous word. For each example, all the words in the context text are extracted, converted into lower case, and are replaced by their morphological roots. Words that are stop words or do not contain at least one alphabet character are removed. The remaining words of all training examples are gathered and form the set B of surrounding words. Each word in B forms one feature. For each training, test, or unlabeled example e, the feature corresponding to a word t in B is 1 if and only if t appears in the context of e. A simple feature selection on B is also employed. A feature in B is retained if and only if it appears in at least M examples (M is set to 3 in our experiments). A local collocation of an ambiguous word w0 is an ordered sequence of words that appears in a narrow context of w0 . For i = 1, 2, . . ., let w−i (wi ) be the i-th word to the left (right) of w. Let Ci,j denote the local collocation wi , . . . , wj (but with w0 excluded). Unlike the surrounding words knowledge source, the local collocations knowledge source only considers words that reside in the same sentence as the ambiguous word w0 . Words in a collocation are converted to lower case, but stop words and non-alphabet words (such as punctuation symbols) are not removed. In this paper, we employ a set of 11 local collocations introduced in (Lee & Ng 2002): C−1,−1 , C1,1 , C−2,−2 , C2,2 , C−2,−1 , C−1,1 , C1,2 , C−3,−1 , C−2,1 , C−1,2 , and C1,3 . For each collocation Ci,j , all its possible values appearing in the training dataset are collected and form the features for that collocation. Feature selection is also employed to remove features appearing in less than M examples (M is set to 3 in our experiments). For each example, if its collocation Ci,j is c, then the feature corresponding to c is set to 1 in the example. Feature Vectors Each labeled, unlabeled, or test example is represented by a feature vector consisting of two parts, each part corresponding to a knowledge source. Based on the above representation of the two knowledge sources, feature vectors are binary (each dimension is either 0 or 1). Such binary feature vectors are used for naive Bayes, cotraining, and smoothed cotraining. For SGT and SGT-Cotraining, the same feature vectors are used, but with appropriate normalization. The similarity metric used to measure the similarity between 2 examples is the cosine similarity function. Since the number of surrounding words features is normally much larger than the number of local collocations features, a standard normalization would result in the local collocations features contributing little to the similarity score, which is undesirable. Thus each part of the feature vector is normalized separately, and then the whole feature vector is normalized again. This gives both knowledge sources the same weight in computing the similarity score. For algorithms that exploit the different views of data (i.e., cotraining, smoothed cotraining, and SGT-Cotraining), each knowledge source is used as a view. Datasets Interest and Line We evaluated the four semi-supervised learning algorithms in two stages. In the first stage, experiments were conducted on a small scale on two datasets, interest and line, with various learning parameter values for each algorithm. Based on the experimental results on the interest and line datasets, the best parameters for each algorithm were chosen to be used for the second stage, in which large scale experiments on SE2 datasets were conducted. The interest corpus was taken from ACL/DCI TreeBank. It consists of 2,369 examples of the noun interest tagged AAAI-05 / 1095 with 6 LDOCE senses. The line corpus was obtained from http://www.d.umn.edu/∼tpederse/data.html and consists of 4,146 examples of the noun line tagged with 6 W ORD N ET senses. Cotraining Smoothed cotraining SGT SGT-Cotraining interest parameter accuracy line parameter accuracy g = 150 g = 200 k = 100 k = 60 g = 100 g = 200 k = 80 k = 50 0.638 0.667 0.752 0.764 0.666 0.669 0.659 0.680 Lexical Sample Task For SE2 lexical sample task, we only evaluated on all the 29 nouns in the task. Since only training and test datasets were provided for each noun, unlabeled data were collected from the British National Corpus (BNC). BNC was chosen as the unlabeled data source since 90% of the training and test data of SE2 nouns were extracted from this corpus. Each collected unlabeled example consists of consecutive complete sentences containing an ambiguous word w, where w has been tagged as a noun by an automatic part-of-speech tagger. The sentences are chosen such that w appears in the last sentence of the example, and the number of words in each example is approximately equal to the average number of words in an SE2 (training or test) example. Also we make sure that all the unlabeled data used do not overlap with any training or test example of the SE2 dataset. All-Words Task For SE2 all-words task, we evaluate not only on nouns, but also on verbs and adjectives. The test dataset of SE2 allwords task is used as test data, labeled training data are extracted from SemCor (Miller et al. 1994), and unlabeled data are collected from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus, from year 1987 to 1992. Among SE2 all-words task words, we only choose words with at least 11 training examples in SemCor, at least one unlabeled example in the WSJ corpus, and at least 2 senses in SemCor. There are in total 402 such words (types) with 859 occurrences (tokens) to be disambiguated. For each of the 402 words, we collect all occurrences of that word from SemCor to be the labeled training data, and a maximum of 3,000 examples from WSJ to be the unlabeled data (if there are fewer than 3,000 examples, all available examples are used). The context of an ambiguous word w is chosen to be the three sentences around w, with w in the last sentence. Table 1: Best parameters of each algorithm on interest and line datasets, and their respective accuracies. • SGT and SGT-Cotraining: There are 3 parameters for SGT: number of nearest neighbors k, tradeoff of wrongly classifying training data c, and number of eigenvectors used d. When c and d are large enough, changing these two parameters does not have much effect on the classification of SGT (Joachims 2003), therefore we fixed c = 12,800 and d = 80. The only remaining parameter is k, which was tried with values 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100. The best parameters of the four algorithms on interest and line datasets and their corresponding accuracies are shown in Table 1. The accuracies shown are the averages over 10 runs, where each run is based on randomly selected training and test sets. In this paper, accuracy is measured as the percentage of test examples with correctly predicted senses. For interest, the accuracy of the baseline naive Bayes classifier trained on only the labeled training data is 0.676. While the accuracy of cotraining and smoothed cotraining is lower than the baseline, SGT and SGT-Cotraining show large improvement of up to 0.08 and 0.09 respectively. For line, the baseline accuracy is 0.611, and all four algorithms show improvements, with SGT-Cotraining yielding the largest improvement of 0.07. The best parameter values vary with the algorithm and the dataset under evaluation. For a specific algorithm, we choose the parameter value that gives the highest average accuracy on interest and line datasets. The chosen parameter values are g = 150 for cotraining, g = 200 for smoothed cotraining, k = 100 for SGT, and k = 60 for SGT-Cotraining. These parameter values are then used to evaluate the four algorithms on the larger scale SE2 datasets. 29 Senseval-2 Nouns Empirical Results Interest and Line For each of the interest and line datasets, 75 examples are randomly selected to be the test set. From the remaining examples, another 150 examples are selected to be the labeled training dataset. The sizes of the training and test dataset are chosen to be similar to those of SE2 English lexical sample task. The remaining examples are treated as unlabeled examples. Labels are removed from unlabeled and test datasets to ensure that the correct labels are not used during learning. Using these datasets, the four semi-supervised learning algorithms are evaluated with the following parameters: • Cotraining and smoothed cotraining: The only parameter is g, since the size u of unlabeled data pool is not used. Values that are tried for g are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, and 200. The evaluation was carried out on 29 nouns of SE2 English lexical sample task, using the parameter values chosen above. For each noun, we tried to extract 3,000 examples from the BNC to be used as the unlabeled dataset. For some nouns, there were fewer than 3,000 unlabeled examples and all of them were used as unlabeled data. For those nouns with more than 3,000 examples in the BNC, 5 sets of 3,000 randomly chosen examples were selected to be 5 different unlabeled datasets, and the accuracies were averaged over the 5 sets. The summary results are shown in Table 2, and the detailed accuracies and the dataset sizes of all the 29 nouns are shown in Table 3. The micro-average accuracy in Table 2 is the percentage of the number of test examples of all 29 nouns with correctly predicted senses. The baseline accuracy is obtained AAAI-05 / 1096 noun train art authority bar bum chair channel child church circuit day detention dyke facility fatigue feeling grip hearth holiday lady material mouth nation nature post restraint sense spade stress yew 196 184 304 92 138 145 129 128 170 289 63 58 114 85 102 102 64 62 105 140 119 75 92 157 91 107 65 79 57 Dataset size test unlabeled 98 92 151 45 69 73 64 64 85 145 32 28 58 43 51 51 32 31 53 69 60 37 46 79 45 53 33 39 28 3000 3000 3000 326 3000 3000 3000 3000 2842 3000 757 200 3000 394 3000 1599 319 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1269 3000 336 3000 200 baseline cotraining 0.459 0.696 0.563 0.733 0.797 0.548 0.625 0.672 0.541 0.628 0.656 0.607 0.621 0.767 0.608 0.647 0.688 0.839 0.717 0.536 0.583 0.784 0.565 0.557 0.689 0.585 0.758 0.615 0.786 0.453 0.644 0.535 0.622 0.792 0.614 0.669 0.772 0.541 0.571 0.719 0.893 0.669 0.767 0.580 0.706 0.688 0.839 0.649 0.548 0.544 0.752 0.609 0.567 0.600 0.551 0.758 0.600 0.786 Accuracy smoothed 0.459 0.661 0.552 0.733 0.797 0.608 0.681 0.772 0.506 0.574 0.750 0.893 0.659 0.767 0.678 0.706 0.719 0.839 0.664 0.588 0.583 0.779 0.661 0.585 0.600 0.547 0.758 0.657 0.786 SGT SGT-Cotraining 0.537 0.643 0.554 0.733 0.791 0.617 0.622 0.675 0.588 0.673 0.750 0.893 0.548 0.767 0.674 0.686 0.625 0.832 0.702 0.461 0.620 0.795 0.656 0.567 0.578 0.596 0.758 0.626 0.786 0.512 0.633 0.580 0.756 0.794 0.666 0.672 0.722 0.576 0.633 0.781 0.893 0.541 0.767 0.663 0.765 0.719 0.839 0.702 0.478 0.586 0.784 0.635 0.501 0.689 0.611 0.818 0.656 0.786 Table 3: Dataset size and accuracy of the 29 nouns of SE2 English lexical sample task. average Baseline Cotraining Smoothed cotraining SGT SGT-Cotraining 0.629 0.626 0.642 0.643 0.650 t-test p-value W ORD N ET Sense 1 Baseline Naive Bayes Baseline Cotraining Smoothed cotraining SGT SGT-Cotraining 0.610 0.089 0.058 0.006 Table 2: Summary of micro-average accuracy and the p-value of one-tail paired t-test comparing each semi-supervised learning algorithm against the naive Bayes baseline, on 29 nouns of the SE2 English lexical sample task. by a naive Bayes algorithm training on only the human labeled training examples of SE2, without using any unlabeled data. To test whether the improvements obtained by the semi-supervised learning algorithms over the baseline are significant, we perform one-tail paired t-test to compare the accuracy of each semi-supervised learning algorithm against the baseline. For each test example, if a classifier gives the correct sense, its score is 1, otherwise its score is 0. The score of a semi-supervised learning algorithm for each test example is averaged over 5 runs. For each test example, the scores of a semi-supervised learning algorithm and the baseline naive Bayes algorithm are paired, and the one-tail paired t-test is performed. The p-values of one-tail paired t-test comparing each semi-supervised learning algorithm against the baseline are shown in Table 2. Our empirical results indicate that cotraining does not outperform the baseline, but both smoothed cotraining and SGT give higher accuracy than the baseline at the level of significance 0.10. In addition, SGT-Cotraining gives the highest accuracy t-test p-value 0.509 0.533 0.543 0.542 0.557 0.565 0.109 0.089 0.043 0.011 Table 4: Accuracy on 402 words (types) of SE2 English all-words task and t-test p-values which measure the significance of each algorithm against the naive Bayes baseline. accuracy with an average improvement of 0.021 over the baseline, and is better than the baseline at the level of significance 0.01. Senseval-2 All-Words Task As a larger scale evaluation, we carried out experiments on 402 words (types) of SE2 English all-words task. The accuracies of the four semi-supervised learning algorithms are shown in Table 4. For comparison purpose, accuracy of the naive Bayes baseline and the baseline of always assigning W ORD N ET sense 1 are also included. The naive Bayes baseline is obtained by training only on the human labeled examples provided in SemCor, without using any unlabeled data. All the semi-supervised learning algorithms show improvements over both baselines, and the relative performance of the algorithms is consistent with that on the lexical sample task, with SGT-Cotraining giving the best accuracy. AAAI-05 / 1097 0.71 0.7 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.61 0.6 0.72 0.66 0.6 0.54 0.48 0.42 0.36 0.3 0.24 0.18 2 4 1 5 3 6 e 7 d c a b 9 8 10 1 2 e d 3 b c a 4 5 9 7 6 8 10 Figure 2: Performance comparison of naive Bayes (a), cotraining (b), smoothed cotraining (c), SGT (d), SGT-Cotraining (e), against top 10 systems (1-10) of SE2 lexical sample task (left) and all-words task (right). Our systems are marked with black bars. Discussions Our empirical results show that semi-supervised learning algorithms are able to exploit unlabeled data to improve WSD accuracy. Although the accuracy improvement is not large, it is statistically significant. In particular, SGT-Cotraining gives the best improvement. To our knowledge, no prior research has investigated the use of SGT-Cotraining on WSD. The previous work of (Mihalcea 2004) investigated the use of cotraining and smoothed cotraining on WSD, but our results indicate that SGT-Cotraining gives better performance than cotraining and smoothed cotraining. Though SGT-Cotraining shows statistically significant improvement over the baseline on average, the improvement is not observed uniformly on all nouns. For SE2 English lexical sample task, accuracy improvement is observed on 18 nouns, ranging from 0.3% to 28.6%. 5 nouns have unchanged accuracy, and 6 nouns have accuracy degraded, ranging from 0.3% to 8%. The task of achieving uniform improvement over all nouns is an important future research topic. Figure 2 shows a comparison of naive Bayes and the four semi-supervised learning algorithms against the top 10 systems of SE2 for the lexical sample task and the all-words task, ranked from highest to lowest performance. The performance shown is measured on the subset of words used in this paper (29 nouns for lexical sample task, and 402 words for all-words task). The semi-supervised methods use only surrounding words and local collocations, fewer knowledge sources than are typically used in supervised learning systems. Despite this, SGT-Cotraining ranks third among all systems in the all-words task and its performance is comparable to the second best system, CNTS-Antwerp. The best system, SMUaw, uses additional hand-labeled training data. Hence, the performance of the best semi-supervised learning method is comparable to the best supervised learning method on the SE2 all words task. However, in the lexical sample task, semi-supervised learning methods rank lower, suggesting that the semi-supervised learning methods may not be ready to compete with the best supervised learning methods when enough training data is available. Related Work Semi-supervised learning has been of interest to many researchers recently. Other than the four algorithms presented in this paper, many others have been developed, including the EM method (Nigam et al. 2000), graph min-cut (Blum & Chawla 2001), and random walks (Zhou & Schölkopf 2004). Semi-supervised learning algorithms have been applied to a wide variety of tasks such as text categorization (Nigam et al. 2000), base noun phrase identification (Pierce & Cardie 2001), and named entity classification (Collins & Singer 1999). Mihalcea (2004) also evaluated cotraining and smoothed cotraining for WSD, on the 29 nouns of the SE2 English lexical sample task. She reported an improvement from 53.84% (naive Bayes baseline) to 58.35% (smoothed cotraining). Our results are consistent with this. However, both sets of results are not directly comparable, since Mihalcea (2004) did not use the official SE2 test dataset for evaluation. Conclusion In this paper, we have investigated the use of unlabeled training data for WSD, in the framework of semi-supervised learning. Four semi-supervised learning algorithms have been evaluated on 29 nouns of SE2 English lexical sample task and 402 words of SE2 English all-words task. Empirical results show that unlabeled data can bring significant improvement in WSD accuracy. References Abney, S. 2002. Bootstrapping. In ACL-2002. Blum, A., and Chawla, S. 2001. Learning from labeled and unlabeled data using graph mincuts. In ICML-2001. Blum, A., and Mitchell, T. 1998. Combining labeled and unlabeled data with co-training. In COLT-98. Collins, M., and Singer, Y. 1999. Unsupervised models for named entity classification. In EMNLP/VLC-99. Joachims, T. 1999. Transductive inference for text classification using support vector machines. In ICML-1999. Joachims, T. 2003. Transductive learning via spectral graph partitioning. In ICML-2003. Kilgarriff, A. 2001. 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