Quick Connection Cable Pre-Programmed Relay Control Eliminate wiring errors with quick connection RJ45 cable. Satisfy code compliance upon system power up. Receptacle Control (Required by ASHRAE 90.1-2010) Meet current energy codes and increase energy savings of plug loads. Daylighting control out-of-the-box (does not require programming) Multi-zone daylight dimming working out-ofthe-box reduces installation and setup time while immediately saving energy. Integral UL 924 Eliminate extra materials and labor with integral UL 924 switching/dimming controls. Integral Demand Response (does not require programming) Exceed the new 2013 Title 24 code, by providing automatic no programming required four levels of Demand Response. Integral BMS Output for Status (does not require programming, tracks occupancy) Automatically satisfy new egress code requirements to ensure corridor lighting remains active if rooms are occupied. Integral Adjustable Skylight Control Reduce interfaces and components to control (does not require programming) Solatubes and other adjustable skylights. Integral Healthcare Pillow Speaker Connection (RC3DEHC) The only Patient Room Controller that is UL listed and provides an integral pillow speaker connection. Pre-Programmed Applications Guarantee maximum energy saving application upon system power-up with no additional programming. Good, Better, Best Lighting Packages Simplify room design by selecting a control system and luminaries that are guaranteed to work together from a single manufacturer. Installation and Programming Quick connection cables and pre-programing required installation and setup time. System Cost Ensure the most energy efficient room solution, that is simple to install and at the lowest price available. niZ ™ Le vit on - mi Cla ss -A + En ce liu m Benefit Hu bb ell Feature Co o Ro per om Co Co ntro ntr ls oll Wa er ttS top pe rDL Ac M uit ynL igh Lu t tro Sa n vr E No ner de gi Fin eli te Competitive Advantages Using this paper versus standard paper produced the following environmental benefits. Based on Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator Number of Trees Saved 12 Total Energy Saved—Million BTU’s 7.9 Greenhouse Gas Reduction—lbs of CO2 4391 Gallons of Water Saved 4129 Solid Waste Reduction— lbs of Waste 683 Kilo-watt (kwh) Hours Saved 1702 North America Headquarters 203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 Fifth Light Service & Support Center 1155 North Service Road West, Unit #7 Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E3 Canada 5925 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1B8 P: 800.553.3879 F: 800.954.7016 P: 905.469.2142 F: 905.469.2144 P: 905.507.4000 F: 905.568.7049 www.coopercontrol.com ControlsSales@cooperindustries.com Networkable and Software Programmable Features: Systems that require centralized control to operate or require programming to achieve your applications need these. The Room Controller and its smart devices are pre-programmed for maximum energy savings applications and do not require networking or programming. Version 1.0 Reduce installation time, ensure code compliance and simplify design for your next project with the most flexible pre-programmed room solution in the industry. Cooper US, Inc. 600 Travis, Suite 5600 Houston, TX 77002 P: 713-209-8400 F: 713-209-8995 www.cooperindustries.com ACC120198 Cooper Controls, Greengate, Novitas, PCI Lighting Control Systems, VisionTouch, VisionSwitch, MicroSet, Digita, ControlKeeper, LiteKeeper, IntelliRelay, NeoSwitch, TracKeeper, Revio, and Ineo are valuable trademarks of Cooper Industries in the U.S. and other countries. You are not permitted to use Cooper Trademarks without the prior written consent of Cooper Industries. Printed in USA Room Controller System Overview Introduction Room Controller Products What is Room Controller? Room Controller Cross Reference Guide Wallstations and Sliders Catalog Number Description WattStopper DLM Acuity nLight Finelite Lutron Energi Savr Note Room Controllers The first lighting control room based system that guarantees design simplification, ensures code compliance, provides single box, program free installation and is the most cost effective. RC3 Three Relay, On/Off, 120-277V LMRC-101 LMRC-102 Qty 3: nPP16 RC3D Three Relay + Three Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-213 Qty 3: nSP5 D RC3D2 Three Relay + Two Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-212 LMRC-211 Qty1: nPP16 Qty 2: nSP5 D RC3DE Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, 120-277V LMRC-213 ELCU-100 Qty 3: nSP5 D Qty 1: nSP5 D ER Qty 1: PS80 RC3DHC Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, for Patient Rooms, 120-277V • Minimizeinstallationandset-uptimewithsmartdevicesthatperformimmediatelywithoutprogramming UL924 • Ensurecompliancetothestrictestenergycodeswithoutanyinterfacesorauxiliarydevices UL924 UL924 • Guaranteedesignintegrity100%ofthetimewithpre-packagedsystems PCC & Low Voltage Splitter QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH Daylight Sensors Integrated Capabilities RC3DE UL924 UL924 UL924 Occupancy/Vacancy Sensing Daylighting Control Manual Control Receptacle Control Emergency Demand Response RC-SS1-* • Eliminatewiringerrorsandreduceinstallationtimewith Click&Gotechnology • Intuitiveandflexiblewallstationsreduceendusertrainingtime • Click&Goremoveswiringerrorsandspeedsinstallation • BenefitfromadvancedfeatureslikeUL924,BMSintegration, EgressandDemandResponsewhilemeetingenergycodes • ManualOn/Off/Dimmingwallstationsmakescontrollingyour spaceeasy UL924 Integration RC-6TSB-OS3-* • DSRC-FMOIR Open Loop Photosensor Fixture Mount LMLS-500 DSCM-MT Photosensor Mounting Bracket LMLS-MB2 nCM-ADC-DZ LS-301 EC-DIR-WH HHPRG-RC Handheld Daylight Zone Remote Programmer LMCT-100 RC-2TLB-ES1-* Entry, All Off LMSW-102 RC-6TSB-TS1-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS2-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-5TSB-TS3-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS4-* General, Whiteboard, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX RC-4TSB-TS5-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-TS6-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS7-* Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS8-* Uplights, Downlights, Accent, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-CR1-* General, Meeting, Whiteboard, Presentation, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX QSWS2-7B RC-4TSB-HC1-* General, Exam, Reading, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-HC2-* General, Exam, Reading, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-3TLB-OS1-* Half Lights, Full Lights, All Off LMSW-103 RC-5TSB-OS2-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-OS3-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Undercabinet, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-2TLB-OS4-* All On, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) QSWS2-2B RC-SS1-* Slider Station nPOD D TCC (Low Voltage) EC-DIR-WH Wallstations SinglepackageQuicKitmakestheRoomControllersimpleto specify,installanduse Sample Room Layout nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) PX-2B-GZZ-I01 CC-4BRL TCC (Low Voltage) OCC-RJ45 (BMS Output/Egress Control) RC3DE (3 Relay + 3 Dimmer + 1 Emergency Relay) OCC-RJ45 (Connection to any Greengate Sensor) Half Lights Full Lights Raise Lower All Off RC-5TSB-OS2-* (Pre-Engraved Wallstation) Occupancy and Daylight Sensors Receptacle Control OAWC-DT-120W (Wall Corner Occupancy Sensor) RC3DE QSWS2-5B Emergency Lighting OAC-P-1500 OAWC-DT-120W DSRC-FMOIR SPRC-R-20-120 Occupancy Sensors • • Normal Lighting (Load 1) • DSRC-FMOIR (Multi-Zone Daylight Sensor) ConnectanyGreengatelowvoltageoccupancyandnew daylightsensortotheRoomController • Maximizeenergysavingswithpre-programmeddaylighting andoccupancycontrol • Daylightingimmediatelyworksonpower-upwithClick&Go • GuaranteecodecompliancewithASHRAE90.1-2010required receptaclecontrol OAC-DT-2000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 2000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 10 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-2000 OAC-DT-1000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 9 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-1000 Ensurenon-essentialreceptacleloadsareturnedOffwhenthe spaceisvacant OAC-P-1500 Ceiling Mount MicroSet PIR, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMPC-100 nCM 10 OAWC-DT-120W Corner Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMDX-100 nWV PDT 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-120W Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMPX-100 nWV 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-009L-H Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 90 linear ft. (180°) LMPX-100-1 nHW 13 LRF2-OHLB-P OCC-RJ45 Occ Sensor RJ45 Coupler nAR40 QSE-IO Reduceinstallationtimewiththisnoprogrammingrequireddevice LOS-CIR-1500 Receptacle Control and Outputs Room Controller Compatibility SPRC-R-20-120 20A Receptacle Rated Switchpack LMPL-101 SP-R-20-120 SP-20 Receptacle Rated with CAT5 and Flying Leads LMPL-101 OCC-RJ45 BMS Output LMRL-100 GGRC-COUPLER RJ45 Coupler LMRJ-C8 GGRJ45-03 RJ45 Cables, 3 feet LMRJ-03 CAT5 2FT GGRJ45-10 RJ45 Cables, 10 feet LMRJ-010 CAT5 10FT GGRJ45-25 RJ45 Cables, 25 feet LMRJ-25 CAT5 30FT GGRJ45-50 RJ45 Cables, 50 feet LMRJ-50 CAT5 50FT GGRJ45-100 RJ45 Cables, 100 feet LMRJ-100 GGRJ45-**P RJ45 Cables, plenum rated (10, 25, 50, 100 ft. options) LMRJ-P10 Cables Normal Lighting (Load 2) SPRC-R-20-120 (20A Receptacle Control) Line Voltage to J-Box GPCS for patient rooms Solatube Controls for Classrooms Guaranteed compatibility with Cooper Lighting LED and 0-10V Fluorescent Fixtures GRX-CBL GRX-PCBL Introduction Room Controller Products What is Room Controller? Room Controller Cross Reference Guide Wallstations and Sliders Catalog Number Description WattStopper DLM Acuity nLight Finelite Lutron Energi Savr Note Room Controllers The first lighting control room based system that guarantees design simplification, ensures code compliance, provides single box, program free installation and is the most cost effective. RC3 Three Relay, On/Off, 120-277V LMRC-101 LMRC-102 Qty 3: nPP16 RC3D Three Relay + Three Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-213 Qty 3: nSP5 D RC3D2 Three Relay + Two Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-212 LMRC-211 Qty1: nPP16 Qty 2: nSP5 D RC3DE Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, 120-277V LMRC-213 ELCU-100 Qty 3: nSP5 D Qty 1: nSP5 D ER Qty 1: PS80 RC3DHC Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, for Patient Rooms, 120-277V • Minimizeinstallationandset-uptimewithsmartdevicesthatperformimmediatelywithoutprogramming UL924 • Ensurecompliancetothestrictestenergycodeswithoutanyinterfacesorauxiliarydevices UL924 UL924 • Guaranteedesignintegrity100%ofthetimewithpre-packagedsystems PCC & Low Voltage Splitter QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH Daylight Sensors Integrated Capabilities RC3DE UL924 UL924 UL924 Occupancy/Vacancy Sensing Daylighting Control Manual Control Receptacle Control Emergency Demand Response RC-SS1-* • Eliminatewiringerrorsandreduceinstallationtimewith Click&Gotechnology • Intuitiveandflexiblewallstationsreduceendusertrainingtime • Click&Goremoveswiringerrorsandspeedsinstallation • BenefitfromadvancedfeatureslikeUL924,BMSintegration, EgressandDemandResponsewhilemeetingenergycodes • ManualOn/Off/Dimmingwallstationsmakescontrollingyour spaceeasy UL924 Integration RC-6TSB-OS3-* • DSRC-FMOIR Open Loop Photosensor Fixture Mount LMLS-500 DSCM-MT Photosensor Mounting Bracket LMLS-MB2 nCM-ADC-DZ LS-301 EC-DIR-WH HHPRG-RC Handheld Daylight Zone Remote Programmer LMCT-100 RC-2TLB-ES1-* Entry, All Off LMSW-102 RC-6TSB-TS1-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS2-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-5TSB-TS3-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS4-* General, Whiteboard, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX RC-4TSB-TS5-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-TS6-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS7-* Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS8-* Uplights, Downlights, Accent, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-CR1-* General, Meeting, Whiteboard, Presentation, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX QSWS2-7B RC-4TSB-HC1-* General, Exam, Reading, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-HC2-* General, Exam, Reading, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-3TLB-OS1-* Half Lights, Full Lights, All Off LMSW-103 RC-5TSB-OS2-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-OS3-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Undercabinet, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-2TLB-OS4-* All On, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) QSWS2-2B RC-SS1-* Slider Station nPOD D TCC (Low Voltage) EC-DIR-WH Wallstations SinglepackageQuicKitmakestheRoomControllersimpleto specify,installanduse Sample Room Layout nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) PX-2B-GZZ-I01 CC-4BRL TCC (Low Voltage) OCC-RJ45 (BMS Output/Egress Control) RC3DE (3 Relay + 3 Dimmer + 1 Emergency Relay) OCC-RJ45 (Connection to any Greengate Sensor) Half Lights Full Lights Raise Lower All Off RC-5TSB-OS2-* (Pre-Engraved Wallstation) Occupancy and Daylight Sensors Receptacle Control OAWC-DT-120W (Wall Corner Occupancy Sensor) RC3DE QSWS2-5B Emergency Lighting OAC-P-1500 OAWC-DT-120W DSRC-FMOIR SPRC-R-20-120 Occupancy Sensors • • Normal Lighting (Load 1) • DSRC-FMOIR (Multi-Zone Daylight Sensor) ConnectanyGreengatelowvoltageoccupancyandnew daylightsensortotheRoomController • Maximizeenergysavingswithpre-programmeddaylighting andoccupancycontrol • Daylightingimmediatelyworksonpower-upwithClick&Go • GuaranteecodecompliancewithASHRAE90.1-2010required receptaclecontrol OAC-DT-2000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 2000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 10 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-2000 OAC-DT-1000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 9 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-1000 Ensurenon-essentialreceptacleloadsareturnedOffwhenthe spaceisvacant OAC-P-1500 Ceiling Mount MicroSet PIR, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMPC-100 nCM 10 OAWC-DT-120W Corner Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMDX-100 nWV PDT 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-120W Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMPX-100 nWV 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-009L-H Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 90 linear ft. (180°) LMPX-100-1 nHW 13 LRF2-OHLB-P OCC-RJ45 Occ Sensor RJ45 Coupler nAR40 QSE-IO Reduceinstallationtimewiththisnoprogrammingrequireddevice LOS-CIR-1500 Receptacle Control and Outputs Room Controller Compatibility SPRC-R-20-120 20A Receptacle Rated Switchpack LMPL-101 SP-R-20-120 SP-20 Receptacle Rated with CAT5 and Flying Leads LMPL-101 OCC-RJ45 BMS Output LMRL-100 GGRC-COUPLER RJ45 Coupler LMRJ-C8 GGRJ45-03 RJ45 Cables, 3 feet LMRJ-03 CAT5 2FT GGRJ45-10 RJ45 Cables, 10 feet LMRJ-010 CAT5 10FT GGRJ45-25 RJ45 Cables, 25 feet LMRJ-25 CAT5 30FT GGRJ45-50 RJ45 Cables, 50 feet LMRJ-50 CAT5 50FT GGRJ45-100 RJ45 Cables, 100 feet LMRJ-100 GGRJ45-**P RJ45 Cables, plenum rated (10, 25, 50, 100 ft. options) LMRJ-P10 Cables Normal Lighting (Load 2) SPRC-R-20-120 (20A Receptacle Control) Line Voltage to J-Box GPCS for patient rooms Solatube Controls for Classrooms Guaranteed compatibility with Cooper Lighting LED and 0-10V Fluorescent Fixtures GRX-CBL GRX-PCBL Introduction Room Controller Products What is Room Controller? Room Controller Cross Reference Guide Wallstations and Sliders Catalog Number Description WattStopper DLM Acuity nLight Finelite Lutron Energi Savr Note Room Controllers The first lighting control room based system that guarantees design simplification, ensures code compliance, provides single box, program free installation and is the most cost effective. RC3 Three Relay, On/Off, 120-277V LMRC-101 LMRC-102 Qty 3: nPP16 RC3D Three Relay + Three Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-213 Qty 3: nSP5 D RC3D2 Three Relay + Two Dimmers, 120-277V LMRC-212 LMRC-211 Qty1: nPP16 Qty 2: nSP5 D RC3DE Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, 120-277V LMRC-213 ELCU-100 Qty 3: nSP5 D Qty 1: nSP5 D ER Qty 1: PS80 RC3DHC Three Relay + Three Dimmers + One Emergency Output, for Patient Rooms, 120-277V • Minimizeinstallationandset-uptimewithsmartdevicesthatperformimmediatelywithoutprogramming UL924 • Ensurecompliancetothestrictestenergycodeswithoutanyinterfacesorauxiliarydevices UL924 UL924 • Guaranteedesignintegrity100%ofthetimewithpre-packagedsystems PCC & Low Voltage Splitter QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH QSN-4T16-S LUT-ELI-3PH Daylight Sensors Integrated Capabilities RC3DE UL924 UL924 UL924 Occupancy/Vacancy Sensing Daylighting Control Manual Control Receptacle Control Emergency Demand Response RC-SS1-* • Eliminatewiringerrorsandreduceinstallationtimewith Click&Gotechnology • Intuitiveandflexiblewallstationsreduceendusertrainingtime • Click&Goremoveswiringerrorsandspeedsinstallation • BenefitfromadvancedfeatureslikeUL924,BMSintegration, EgressandDemandResponsewhilemeetingenergycodes • ManualOn/Off/Dimmingwallstationsmakescontrollingyour spaceeasy UL924 Integration RC-6TSB-OS3-* • DSRC-FMOIR Open Loop Photosensor Fixture Mount LMLS-500 DSCM-MT Photosensor Mounting Bracket LMLS-MB2 nCM-ADC-DZ LS-301 EC-DIR-WH HHPRG-RC Handheld Daylight Zone Remote Programmer LMCT-100 RC-2TLB-ES1-* Entry, All Off LMSW-102 RC-6TSB-TS1-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS2-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-5TSB-TS3-* General, Whiteboard, Quiet Time, A/V Mode, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS4-* General, Whiteboard, A/V Mode, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX RC-4TSB-TS5-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-TS6-* Entry, General, Whiteboard, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS7-* Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-TS8-* Uplights, Downlights, Accent, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-CR1-* General, Meeting, Whiteboard, Presentation, Raise, Lower LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX QSWS2-7B RC-4TSB-HC1-* General, Exam, Reading, All Off LMSW-104 nPODM 4P QSWS2-5B RC-6TSB-HC2-* General, Exam, Reading, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4P DX CC-4BRL RC-3TLB-OS1-* Half Lights, Full Lights, All Off LMSW-103 RC-5TSB-OS2-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-6TSB-OS3-* Half Lights, Full Lights, Undercabinet, Raise, Lower, All Off LMDM-105 nPODM 4S DX CC-4BRL RC-2TLB-OS4-* All On, All Off LMSW-102 nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) QSWS2-2B RC-SS1-* Slider Station nPOD D TCC (Low Voltage) EC-DIR-WH Wallstations SinglepackageQuicKitmakestheRoomControllersimpleto specify,installanduse Sample Room Layout nPODM MSB (Line Voltage) PX-2B-GZZ-I01 CC-4BRL TCC (Low Voltage) OCC-RJ45 (BMS Output/Egress Control) RC3DE (3 Relay + 3 Dimmer + 1 Emergency Relay) OCC-RJ45 (Connection to any Greengate Sensor) Half Lights Full Lights Raise Lower All Off RC-5TSB-OS2-* (Pre-Engraved Wallstation) Occupancy and Daylight Sensors Receptacle Control OAWC-DT-120W (Wall Corner Occupancy Sensor) RC3DE QSWS2-5B Emergency Lighting OAC-P-1500 OAWC-DT-120W DSRC-FMOIR SPRC-R-20-120 Occupancy Sensors • • Normal Lighting (Load 1) • DSRC-FMOIR (Multi-Zone Daylight Sensor) ConnectanyGreengatelowvoltageoccupancyandnew daylightsensortotheRoomController • Maximizeenergysavingswithpre-programmeddaylighting andoccupancycontrol • Daylightingimmediatelyworksonpower-upwithClick&Go • GuaranteecodecompliancewithASHRAE90.1-2010required receptaclecontrol OAC-DT-2000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 2000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 10 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-2000 OAC-DT-1000 Ceiling Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMDC-100 nCM PDT 9 OS1 or OS2 LOS-CDT-1000 Ensurenon-essentialreceptacleloadsareturnedOffwhenthe spaceisvacant OAC-P-1500 Ceiling Mount MicroSet PIR, 1000 sq. ft. (2-way), 32kHz LMPC-100 nCM 10 OAWC-DT-120W Corner Mount MicroSet Dual Tech, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMDX-100 nWV PDT 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-120W Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 1200 sq. ft. (wide angle 120°) LMPX-100 nWV 16 LRF2-OHLB-P OAWC-P-009L-H Corner Mount MicroSet PIR, 90 linear ft. (180°) LMPX-100-1 nHW 13 LRF2-OHLB-P OCC-RJ45 Occ Sensor RJ45 Coupler nAR40 QSE-IO Reduceinstallationtimewiththisnoprogrammingrequireddevice LOS-CIR-1500 Receptacle Control and Outputs Room Controller Compatibility SPRC-R-20-120 20A Receptacle Rated Switchpack LMPL-101 SP-R-20-120 SP-20 Receptacle Rated with CAT5 and Flying Leads LMPL-101 OCC-RJ45 BMS Output LMRL-100 GGRC-COUPLER RJ45 Coupler LMRJ-C8 GGRJ45-03 RJ45 Cables, 3 feet LMRJ-03 CAT5 2FT GGRJ45-10 RJ45 Cables, 10 feet LMRJ-010 CAT5 10FT GGRJ45-25 RJ45 Cables, 25 feet LMRJ-25 CAT5 30FT GGRJ45-50 RJ45 Cables, 50 feet LMRJ-50 CAT5 50FT GGRJ45-100 RJ45 Cables, 100 feet LMRJ-100 GGRJ45-**P RJ45 Cables, plenum rated (10, 25, 50, 100 ft. options) LMRJ-P10 Cables Normal Lighting (Load 2) SPRC-R-20-120 (20A Receptacle Control) Line Voltage to J-Box GPCS for patient rooms Solatube Controls for Classrooms Guaranteed compatibility with Cooper Lighting LED and 0-10V Fluorescent Fixtures GRX-CBL GRX-PCBL Quick Connection Cable Pre-Programmed Relay Control Eliminate wiring errors with quick connection RJ45 cable. Satisfy code compliance upon system power up. Receptacle Control (Required by ASHRAE 90.1-2010) Meet current energy codes and increase energy savings of plug loads. Daylighting control out-of-the-box (does not require programming) Multi-zone daylight dimming working out-ofthe-box reduces installation and setup time while immediately saving energy. Integral UL 924 Eliminate extra materials and labor with integral UL 924 switching/dimming controls. Integral Demand Response (does not require programming) Exceed the new 2013 Title 24 code, by providing automatic no programming required four levels of Demand Response. Integral BMS Output for Status (does not require programming, tracks occupancy) Automatically satisfy new egress code requirements to ensure corridor lighting remains active if rooms are occupied. Integral Adjustable Skylight Control Reduce interfaces and components to control (does not require programming) Solatubes and other adjustable skylights. Integral Healthcare Pillow Speaker Connection (RC3DEHC) The only Patient Room Controller that is UL listed and provides an integral pillow speaker connection. Pre-Programmed Applications Guarantee maximum energy saving application upon system power-up with no additional programming. Good, Better, Best Lighting Packages Simplify room design by selecting a control system and luminaries that are guaranteed to work together from a single manufacturer. Installation and Programming Quick connection cables and pre-programing required installation and setup time. System Cost Ensure the most energy efficient room solution, that is simple to install and at the lowest price available. niZ ™ Le vit on - mi Cla ss -A + En ce liu m Benefit Hu bb ell Feature Co o Ro per om Co Co ntro ntr ls oll Wa er ttS top pe rDL Ac M uit ynL igh Lu t tro Sa n vr E No ner de gi Fin eli te Competitive Advantages Using this paper versus standard paper produced the following environmental benefits. Based on Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator Number of Trees Saved 12 Total Energy Saved—Million BTU’s 7.9 Greenhouse Gas Reduction—lbs of CO2 4391 Gallons of Water Saved 4129 Solid Waste Reduction— lbs of Waste 683 Kilo-watt (kwh) Hours Saved 1702 North America Headquarters 203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 Fifth Light Service & Support Center 1155 North Service Road West, Unit #7 Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E3 Canada 5925 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1B8 P: 800.553.3879 F: 800.954.7016 P: 905.469.2142 F: 905.469.2144 P: 905.507.4000 F: 905.568.7049 www.coopercontrol.com ControlsSales@cooperindustries.com Networkable and Software Programmable Features: Systems that require centralized control to operate or require programming to achieve your applications need these. The Room Controller and its smart devices are pre-programmed for maximum energy savings applications and do not require networking or programming. Version 1.0 Reduce installation time, ensure code compliance and simplify design for your next project with the most flexible pre-programmed room solution in the industry. Cooper US, Inc. 600 Travis, Suite 5600 Houston, TX 77002 P: 713-209-8400 F: 713-209-8995 www.cooperindustries.com ACC120198 Cooper Controls, Greengate, Novitas, PCI Lighting Control Systems, VisionTouch, VisionSwitch, MicroSet, Digita, ControlKeeper, LiteKeeper, IntelliRelay, NeoSwitch, TracKeeper, Revio, and Ineo are valuable trademarks of Cooper Industries in the U.S. and other countries. You are not permitted to use Cooper Trademarks without the prior written consent of Cooper Industries. Printed in USA Room Controller System Overview Quick Connection Cable Pre-Programmed Relay Control Eliminate wiring errors with quick connection RJ45 cable. Satisfy code compliance upon system power up. Receptacle Control (Required by ASHRAE 90.1-2010) Meet current energy codes and increase energy savings of plug loads. Daylighting control out-of-the-box (does not require programming) Multi-zone daylight dimming working out-ofthe-box reduces installation and setup time while immediately saving energy. Integral UL 924 Eliminate extra materials and labor with integral UL 924 switching/dimming controls. Integral Demand Response (does not require programming) Exceed the new 2013 Title 24 code, by providing automatic no programming required four levels of Demand Response. Integral BMS Output for Status (does not require programming, tracks occupancy) Automatically satisfy new egress code requirements to ensure corridor lighting remains active if rooms are occupied. Integral Adjustable Skylight Control Reduce interfaces and components to control (does not require programming) Solatubes and other adjustable skylights. Integral Healthcare Pillow Speaker Connection (RC3DEHC) The only Patient Room Controller that is UL listed and provides an integral pillow speaker connection. Pre-Programmed Applications Guarantee maximum energy saving application upon system power-up with no additional programming. Good, Better, Best Lighting Packages Simplify room design by selecting a control system and luminaries that are guaranteed to work together from a single manufacturer. Installation and Programming Quick connection cables and pre-programing required installation and setup time. System Cost Ensure the most energy efficient room solution, that is simple to install and at the lowest price available. niZ ™ Le vit on - mi Cla ss -A + En ce liu m Benefit Hu bb ell Feature Co o Ro per om Co Co ntro ntr ls oll Wa er ttS top pe rDL Ac M uit ynL igh Lu t tro Sa n vr E No ner de gi Fin eli te Competitive Advantages Using this paper versus standard paper produced the following environmental benefits. Based on Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator Number of Trees Saved 12 Total Energy Saved—Million BTU’s 7.9 Greenhouse Gas Reduction—lbs of CO2 4391 Gallons of Water Saved 4129 Solid Waste Reduction— lbs of Waste 683 Kilo-watt (kwh) Hours Saved 1702 North America Headquarters 203 Cooper Circle Peachtree City, GA 30269 Fifth Light Service & Support Center 1155 North Service Road West, Unit #7 Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E3 Canada 5925 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1B8 P: 800.553.3879 F: 800.954.7016 P: 905.469.2142 F: 905.469.2144 P: 905.507.4000 F: 905.568.7049 www.coopercontrol.com ControlsSales@cooperindustries.com Networkable and Software Programmable Features: Systems that require centralized control to operate or require programming to achieve your applications need these. The Room Controller and its smart devices are pre-programmed for maximum energy savings applications and do not require networking or programming. Version 1.0 Reduce installation time, ensure code compliance and simplify design for your next project with the most flexible pre-programmed room solution in the industry. Cooper US, Inc. 600 Travis, Suite 5600 Houston, TX 77002 P: 713-209-8400 F: 713-209-8995 www.cooperindustries.com ACC120198 Cooper Controls, Greengate, Novitas, PCI Lighting Control Systems, VisionTouch, VisionSwitch, MicroSet, Digita, ControlKeeper, LiteKeeper, IntelliRelay, NeoSwitch, TracKeeper, Revio, and Ineo are valuable trademarks of Cooper Industries in the U.S. and other countries. You are not permitted to use Cooper Trademarks without the prior written consent of Cooper Industries. Printed in USA Room Controller System Overview