Classifiers Fusion for EEG Signals Processing in Human-Computer Interface Systems Maryam Esmaeili Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Computer Engineering and I.T Department Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez Street, Tehran, Iran Difficult pattern recognition problems involving high dimensional patterns, large numbers of classes, and noisy inputs can be solved efficiently using systems of multiple classifiers. The combination of multi classifiers can be considered as a generic pattern recognition problem in which the input consists of the result of individual classifiers, and the output is the combined decision[3].a recent categorization of multi-classifier combining methods appears in [4].It is based on the idea that classifiers using different methodologies or different features can complement each other in classification performance and increase the probability that the errors of the individual features or classifiers maybe compensated by the correct results of the rest. This has led to a belief that by using features and classifiers of different types simultaneously, classification accuracy can be improved [5] such that the performance of the combination is never worse than the average of the individual classifiers, but not necessarily better than the best classifier [6]. The methods that can be used to combine multiple classifier decision depend on the type of information produced by the individual classifiers. The classifiers produced information in the form of either: a single class label indicating that this class has the highest probability to which the input pattern belongs; or certainty measure values being assigned to each class label indicating the degree that the corresponding class pertains to the pattern. Fusion methods that have been applied when each classifier outputs a unique class label for each pattern consist of voting schemes. Whereas fusion methods that have been applied when each classifier outputs confidence values in the form of certainty measures for each input pattern and for each target class, consist of class-conscious and class-unconscious combiners. Classconscious combiners consist of fixed combining rules that don’t require prior training such as fusion schemes based on the product, sum, average, max, min and median rules. Beside using fixed combining rules, we investigated fuzzy integral trainable combiners in which the combination operator also function as a classifier, where a training set is used to adapt the combining classifier to the classification problem. In this work we used decision template as class-unconscious combiners. The outputs of the base classifiers where used as the input features of a general classifier used for classifier fusion. The Sugeno [7] and Choquet [8] fuzzy integral fusion methods have been implemented for the purpose of this research. The main idea behind the proposed scheme in this work is to effectively use the complementary information of the EEG feature vectors to improve the performance of the system. In the Abstract In this paper we study the effectiveness of using multiple classifier combination for EEG signals classification aiming to obtain more accurate results than it possible from single classifier system. The developed system employs different features vectors fused at the abstract and measurement levels for integrating information to reach a collective decision. For making decision, the majority voting scheme has been used. While at the measurement level, fuzzy integral, majority vote, decision template and some other types of combination methods have been investigated. The ensemble classification task is completed by feeding the Support Vectors Machines with Redial Basis Kernel functions classifiers with different features extracted from the EEG signal for imagination of right and left hands movements (i.e., at EEG channels C3 and C4). The parameters of SVM classifiers were optimized by genetic algorithm. The results show that using classifier fusion methods improved the overall classification performance. Method A brain interface (BI) provides an alternative communication channel between a user’s brain and a device. A successful BI design enables its users to control their environment (e.g., light switch or a wheelchair), a neural prosthesis or a computer by thinking of it only. This is done by measuring specific features of a person’s brain signal that relate to his/her intent to affect control. These features are then translated into signals that are used to control/actuate devices. For a review of the field, see [1]. It is known that EEG signals under appropriate well designed experimental paradigms allow a subject to convey her/his intentions by, for example, motor imagery or execution of specific mental tasks. Once the intentions have manifested themselves in brain activity and have been measured by EEG, the scene is set for advanced signal processing and machine learning technology. First, appropriate feature vectors need to be extracted from the digitized EEG signals. To produce the control signal for a device, say, left vs. right, these feature vectors are then translated by more complex decision functions by machine learning techniques like support vector machines(SVMs). 1856 first stage a separate transducer or an expert system (a feature extractor, FE, followed by a feature classifier, FC) is designed. In this paper, we extracted the features that each of them can reflect some physiological structure of brain. The features we extracted were as below: 1- Statistical Features 2- Parametric Features 3- Chaotic Features 4- Frequency Features 5- Time-Frequency Features 6-Entropy We extracted variouse feature vectors and introduce them to base classifier that in this work was support vector machine. The parameters of RBF kernel function in SVM were optimized by genetic algorithm. It is an important matter that in a multiple classifier system we design single classifier systems that are accurate enough. This is crucial in a MCS: having independent classifiers. If the designed expert systems are also accurate enough (have a performance better than chance), it is then expected that by combining the experts, improvements in the performance of the system are achieved. The error rate of the best single classifier system was 11.24% that was obtained with frequency feature vector (Power Spectrum with Welch Method). The best result of combining different features with different combining rules was for majority vote combiner with 12.4% error that it is not better than single classifier system. We applied a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the selection of experts that the highest classification accuracy on the validation sets yields. With this approach, we were seeking to minimize the dependency on using diversity measures for expert selection. Each individual of the population in GA has M bits, where bit i specifics whether or not the expert # i is present in a particular multiple classifier system scheme. The best result of combining by genetic algorithm obtained with majority vote combiner with 7.8% error that is better than single classifier system. Creating a multiple classifier system by genetic algorithm is time consuming; therefore we introduced some other methods for making our multiple classifier system. These methods by using of Fuzzy Decision making System and Majority vote combiner could make decision very fast in compare of genetic algorithm that is very important matter in Human-Computer Systems. Therefore it is clear that by using the proposed method, there is a considerable improvement in the performance of the system compared to the performance of single classifier system. The effectiveness of a multiple classifier combination as applied to the imagined right and left hand movement EEG signals classification was demonstrated from the result, it has been shown that the combination of classifications performance. In terms of the classification error rate, the classifier fusion methods performed better than the individual classifiers. Future works include exploring more complicated feature extraction and feature classification methods in order to build up more powerful expert systems. We should also explore different cost functions for summarizing the confusion matrix. Using GA for selection of the threshold of classifiers is also an area that is worth exploring. Finally, it would be interesting to test the performance of the system over continuous EEG data and ultimately during an asynchronous BCI experiment. This method was operated on Data set provided by Department of Medical Informatics, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Technology Graz. (Gert Pfurtscheller). This dataset was recorded from a normal subject (female, 25y) during a feedback session. The subject sat in a relaxing chair with armrests. The task was to control a feedback bar by means of imagery left or right hand movements. References [1] J.R. Wolpaw, N. Birbaumer, D.J. McFarland, G. Pfurtscheller, and T.M. Vaughan, “Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control,” Clin. Neuro., vol.113, no. 6, pp. 767-791, 2002. [2] R.Boostani “EEG Classification IN Brain Computer Interface ”,Doctoral thesis, Amirkabir University of Technology,2005. 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