. . ,. . . . 504 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON -4TjTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. AC-17,KO. 4, AUGUST 1972 [SI C. D. Johnson, "A unified canonical form for cont.rollable and uncontrollable linear dynamical systems," in Proc. 1969 Joint Automatic Control Conf., 1969, pp. 189-199. L,-Stability of Linear Time-Varying SystemsConditions Involving Noncausal Multipliers MALUR, K. SUT\TDARESHAK AND M. A. L. THATHACHAR Absfracf-New criteria in the multiplier form are presented for the input-output stability in the &-space of a linear system with a time-varying element k ( t ) in a feedback loop. These are suf6cient conditions for the system stability and involve conditions on the shifted imaginary-axis behavior of the multipliers. Thecriteria permit the use of noncausal multipliers, and it is shown that this necessitates dk/dt to be bounded from above a s well a s from below. The method of derivation draws on the theory of positivity of compositions of operators and time-varying gains, and the results are shown to be more general than the existing criteria. I. INTRODUCTIOK HE STABILITY properties of the system containing a linear time-invariant convolution operator G and a time-varying ga.in k(t) in cascade, in a feedback loop, have drawn a good deal of attention in the past, and theresult most popularly known is the circle criterion [l], [2], [3]. Though t,he application of the circle criterion requiresasimple geometrical construction,it.is highly conserva.tive in requiring the 1inea.rtra.nsfer function to be positive real. Improved results were obtained by Brocltett, and Forys[4]by employing an upper bound onthe rateof time variation clk/dt and using an RC multiplier. These results were later generalized by Gruber and Willems [SI, whose criterion assured stabilityif there exists a multiplier Z(s) such that 1) dk/clt 6 2ak(L) and 2) Z(s)G(s) and Z(s - a) are strict<ly positive real. However, the multiplier T Manuscript received September 29,1971; revised Februaly 24, 1972. Paper recommended by J. C. Willems, Chairman of the IEEE S-CS Stability, Nonlinear, and Distributed Systems Committee. The authors are with the Department. of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 12, India. employed here is causal, and hence is not. the most general one. Recently,Venkatesh [6] derived some useful crit.eria involving noncausal multipliers for the absolute stability of nonlinear t.ime-varying systems andobtained result,s for linear syst.ems by a limit. process. But the anticausal terms employed in [6] are of a particular form containing poles and zeros on t.he positive real axis only. In thepresent paper, more genera.1ant.icausa1 multipliers are introduced andcriteria for the L2-input, Lm_-out.put stabilityare derived by employing a lower as well as an upper bound on dkldt. The setting of the problem is the one used by Zames [3] and t.he method of solut.ion emplovs the positive operator theory. 11. FORMULATION O F THE PROBLEM A . Notutions and Definitions It is assumed that the reader has a cert,ain familiarity with the not,ions of normed spaces,linear spaces, inner products, Banach spaces, and Banach algebra,. (Reference [7] isgood for details on t,hese.) Let R and R+ denote, respectively, the real and nonnegative real numbers. Ll is the space of all measurable real-valued functions x( on R+ that have afinite Lebesgue integral; the L1-norm is defined by lix111 = So" (x(l)I dt. Lp is the space of allmeasurablereal-valuedfunctions x(-) on B+ which have finite energy. The inner product on Lz is defined by (x(.), y(.)) = $," x ( t ) y ( t ) dt, and the &norm is related to the inner product by I I x l l p = [(x(-), x( J3. LBe is the extension of L.defined by e ) 0 ) ) . SUNDARESHAN AND THATHACHAR: L e = {x(*)IxT(.) LTSTABILITY OF LINEAR TIME-VARYING E LZ ++ T E E+] (2.1) where zT(- ) is the truncation of x( -), xT(t) = z(t), t E [0, T I , and zero otherwise. An operator H on Lz is a single-valued mapping of L.2 into itself. The gain and p0sitivit.y of H are defined as in Zames and Falb [9]. 1) H is said to be “causal” (nonanticipative) if Y X(*) E Lz, (Hz(.))T = (Hz:T(.)):T, ++ T 505 SYSTEMS R+. (2.2) Fig. 1. The feedback system under consideration. wl(t) = Gel(t) and wZ(t) = Kez(t) (2.9) with the following assumpt,ions. Assumption 1: 6‘ is a 1inea.r time-invariant convolution operator inL2 defined by 2) The “adjoint”operator of H , denot,ed H*, isa mapping of Lz into itself such that ++ 4 . 1 E Lz, (2.10) (4.1, HY(-)) = (H*X(.), ?I(->), ++ X(.), Y(*) E La. (2.3) where { rt] isasequence H is saidto be self-adjoint if H = H*. 3 ) H issaid to beanticausal(anticipative) if H * is causal. H is said to be noncausal if it is a sum of causal and anticausal operators.’ (For an informat.ive discussion on the causality of operators, sec Saeks [SI.) S o t c that,, if H is a convolut.ion operat.or defined by Hz(t) = h(t) @ x(t) ( @ denotesconvolution), = J-:mh(C;)z(t- C;)dC; H causal implies h(t) in R+, {si]is an l1-sequence lgi(is finite), and g(-) E L1. (i.e., Let G ( j w ) denote the frequency function of G defined by x:==, m W w ) = ,Esi exp ( - j w 7 J r=l Assumption 2.- X is the class of all operatorsK in L p such that. = 0, K E X =) K x ( ~ = ) k(t)~(t), t < 0, and H a.nticausa1implies h(t) = 0, t > 0. 4) H is said t o h a w “finite gain” if 0 < 6 k(t) 6 iT < 03, dk (t) c X 3 K E X’=) X’ - dt (2.4) 6 v X( .) E Lz v t E I?+; (2.12) ++ t E R+ Bbk(t), and some /3 E R f ; (2.13) 5 ) H is said to be “positive” if (X(*),H z ( * ) )>, 0, b! X( * ) E (2.5) v and is said to be strongly positive if,for some 6 > 0, (X(-),HZ(.)) >, 6(~(.), X(.)), ++ X(.) E Lt. (2.6) 6) Let H now beassumed to be acausaloperat,or having LBea.s its domain and range. Then, H is said to be positive ( e ) if (ZT(.)r (HZ(.))T) >, 0, ++ X(.> E L2e, ++ T E R + . (2.7) However, if in addition it is knou-n that H is a causal operator inLz, it. can ea.sily be shown that H ispositive (=) H ispositive (e). (2.8) B. System Description The system under consideration has the configuration in Fig. 1 and has the input-outputrelat.ion defined by el(t) = ul(t) - z t 2 ( t ) e&) = 4 0 + w(t) 1 This characterization of a noncausal operator is not associated with any loss of generality, since every linear operator in LScan be written tls ths sum of a causal and ananticausal operator [8]. Let = t E R+ and some CY E R + . (2.14) x, n X@. C . The &lain Problem and the Method of Solution The problem of interest may now be stat.ed. Given the system described by (2.9) wit.11 the related Assumptions 1 and 2, find the conditions on G which are sufficient t o ensure t,hat, the system is Lz-input, Lz-output stable, i.e., given that the inputpair ul(-), E & and the errors el( ez( .) E L,,, find the conditions which emure that el(-), e2(-)E Lz. The solution to thisproblem will be sought by thenow well-established principle [ 3 ] of factoring the openloop int,otwopositiveoperat,ors,one of which isstrongly positive and has finite ga.in. To render flexibility to this approach,a“multiplier” M that satisfies the following conditions: 1) M is a 1inea.rconvolution operatorin Lp; 2) M is invertible in L,; and 3) - y ( M ) < 03, is artificially introduced into the systenl as in Fig. 2. It may be recognized [ 8 ] , [9] that. the operators M satisfyingconditions 1-3 form a commutative Banach algebra(€3 with an identityE. Also, a = aCU aaC where ac(@ac) is the Banach algebra of causal(anticausal)operators &I satisfyingconditions % ( a ) e), 506 IEEE TEANSBCTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, AUGUST 1972 being an operator in Lz, QP will be an operator L2. in Proof: It is required to prove tha,t (x(-), Q P x ( . ) ) 2 0, Fig. 2. M o a e d system with t.he multiplier M . left-hand side (LHS) 1-3, with E being a.n element of both Bc and @uc.2 This characterization permitsthe stabilityproblem t,o be treated within theframework of this algebra. I n what follon7s, conditions mill be established which ensure that.: 1) M E has a suitable factorization M = &I_M+, M - E BUcand ill+E Bc, M - and ill+being invertible such t,hat M--l E BQcand E aC;2) M G is strongly positive and has finite gain; and3) KM-' is posit.ive. These are sufficient 191 to prove that el( .) and e,( - ) E Lz. It needs to beemphasizedhere thatthe funct,ion spaces in [9] are defined over the entirerea.1line R, whereas they are definedover R+ here. The proof of the basic theorem in [9] holds in toto, even in the present case, since, although the functionsare defined over R+, the convolution is definable over (- m , a).This follows from the fact that, ..if dl is a general noncausal operator belonging t.o a, it can bedecomposed into 31, M,, M c E BCand Mu, E &, and further, = c + M4t) = = = ln m(t - M E ) dE lt mAt - M E ) d l s-+: m(r)z(t - + sm t m d 7) d r . 111. MATEEMATICAL P F ~ E L ~ I N A R I E S Jm z(t)Pz(t)dt - 0 lm 5 Pt on int.egration by parts. Term I on the righbhand side mHS) 0 since q( is nonnegative and P is positive ( e ) . Term I1 on the RHS = (dpldt) zt(u) Pzr(u) du dt and is nonnegative since (dqldt) 0 and P is positive ( e ) . Hence (3.1) follows. Lemma 2: If P is a causal operator in Lz and Q is a selfadjoint operator in Lze, then QPQ is posit.ive (e) if P is positive. Proof: If P is causal and positive, P is posit.ive (e) from (2.8) and the lemma requiresto show that > a ) < v x(.) { z d . ) , (QPQz(.))T)>, 0, EL e , ++ T E R+ LHS (3.3) (xT( .), QPQxT( = (&xT(.), PQzT( since Q is self-adjoint = {?IT(*),PYT(.)), Y(.) = since P is causal a)), a)), - E)z(E)dE (3.1) z(t)q(t)Px(t)dt = q(a) - + V x(*) E Lz = &x(.) E L2e (PY(.))T) = (YT(.), 3 0 since P is positive (e). Lemma 3 (Shifting Lemma): If P is a linear convolution opera.tor in L2and Q, is atime-va.rying gain definedby Q,z(O = q,(Mt) and qJt) = exp (PO, then In this section,conditions will be established for the positivity of combinations of alineartime-invariant M * > , Q p W - ) ) = (z(.>, PpshQ,z(.)), convolutionoperator P defined by: 1) Px(t) = p ( t ) @ V 4 . 1 E Lz (3.4) z(t); and 2) P(ju) = S[p( 5( -) denot,ing the Fourier where PPshis a linear convolution operator related to P transform and a timevarying gainQ having t,he following bY properties: 1) Q x ( t ) = q(t)z(t); 2) Q has an inverse Q-' S[p'"h(.)] = P"""(jw) = P(ju - p) (3.5) defined by Q - k ( t ) = q-l(t)z(t);and 3) if Q is an operator in L,&-I is an operat.or in Lze and vice versa. As an if the inner products in (3.4) exist. example, theoperator Q such that q(t) = exp (-ut), Proof: u > 0, satisfies the preceding properties 1-3. It must be noted that Q and Q-I defined as above are self-adjoint in the respective spaces of definition. Lemma 1: If P is a causa.1 operator in Lee and Q is an operator in Lz such that: 1) P is positive (e) ; 2) QP is an operat,or in L z ; and 3) the derivative of q ( + ) exists almost everywhere, then QP is positiveif g(. ) is nonnegative and monot.one nonincreasing. Remark: Condition 2) needs some exphation. If P is an operator in Leand Q in Lp,QP in general will be an operat.orin LZ,. Horever, in cert.ain special sitaations, for example, when P is of the form P = Q-IPI with PI a)], This corresponds to Saeks' concept of "weak causdity" 181. making a choice of r in a f i d e portion of the complex pla.ne possible. Hence the integral on the RHS of (4.11) is well defined and M E ( R c =} log 114 E 63,. (It may be (x( PP"x( .)) = (x( (P*)-pshx(.)), recognkedt.hat, the RHS of (4.1) iscomparable t.0 the Cauchy integral formula in the complex variable t,heory.) V x(*) E La (3.6) Having t.hus settled t.he question of the existence of log if the indicated inner products exist,. M as a bounded operator in L2e, it. is an easy exercise t o Proof: The proof involves simple operator manipula- show that &I:L2+-Lt =) log M: L2 L,2,i.e., log Jl E @. tions and repeated applicationsof Lemma 3, and is hence The rest of the proof is simple and follom as inZames omitted. 1 1 , a.nd Falb [9].It nmy further bechecked that M A T + = 2 since (R is a commutative algebra.. IV. FACTORIZATION OF OPERATORS Remurk: The a,bove lemmaillustrates the relation The importance of t,hefactorization of an operator between the factorizability and the posit,ivity of operators dl E (R into a suitable composition of elements of (R is inaBanach a.lgebra a.nd, in the a,uthors'opinion, is a apparent fromSection II-C. I n this section,conditions considerableimprovement,overt,heresults of [9] and forsucha fact.orizat,ion will be enunciated. Let. ,e(@,@) [lo]. It. may be recalled t,hat t,hese references prove the be the spa.ce of all cont.inuous linear ma.ps of (R into desired factorization under such restrictive conditions on Let. P+ be a M a s AI = aE 2, 2 E @,a E R with l!Zl < lal. itself and let E2 be the ident,ity of .e(@,@). projection on (R and let P- = E2 - P+.Let (R+ and @V . SOLUTION OF THE L-STABILITY PROBLEM denote,respectively, the ranges of P+ and P-. Then, conforming &h the earlier notation, it is easy t o see that This sect.ion containsa few t.heorems t,ha.tprovide Bc is t,he subspace spanned by @+ and E and Bac is the sufficient conditionsfor the Lz-stability of t,hesystem subspace spanned by (R- and E ( E being the ident,it.y of under consideration. Theorem 3 is the major result. of t.he paper and involves noncausal nmlt.ipliers. However, The following lemma is a considerable generalization of Theorems 1 and 2, which, respectively, consider the simi1a.r lemmas of Zames a.nd Falb [9] and Willems and introduction of causal and anticausal multipliers, provide Brocketk [lo]. the necessary mot.ivation for the technique employed to Lemma 5: With the notation introduced a.bove, if M take into account. the effect of the timewrying gain k ( t ) isanyarbitrarystrongly positiveoperator in @,there in theotherwise time-invariant feedbackloop. exist elements M + = exp [P+ log MIand ilI- = exp Theorem 1:If t.here is anoperator dl1 in @, such that [P- log ill] such that: 1) 1W+ E BC and M- E (Rat; 2 ) Re Jfl(ja)G(ju) 6 > 0, ++ w E R (5.1) AT = M - M + ; 3) M + and dl- a.re invertible with M+-l E Bc and M - - l E (Rat. R.e &Il($ - 0) 0, Y w ER (5.2) Proof: The crucial part of t.he proof is to shorn- t.he for some nonnegativeconsta.nt 0, then t.hesystem deexistence of log M as an element of (R. scribed by (2.9), with the relat,ed Assumptions l and 2, is Let L2c denote the space of allmeasurable complex&stable for all K E X'. valued functions on R+ that have finite energy. Clearly Proof: La c LPc.Now, 1VI can be regarded as an operator in LzC 1) The factorizat.ion condit,ion is satisfied t.rivially and theBanach algebra of these operators can be denoted since by W . Let. a ( M ) denote t,he spect,rum of M . ill strongly R,=) M l = EMl, E E aaC and M I E (R,. posit,ive =) a(M) c the part of the complex plane { ,$: M1 E ( R e ,$ 2 E > 0).Hence it is possible to t.ake a simply con2 ) M1G is strongly positive by (5.1) and an applinected doma.in D inthe complex plane, excluding the cation of Parseval'stheorem. Also MIG has finitegain negative real line,3 suchthat, a ( M ) c D. Let I' be a simple since g( - ) E Ll and M I E =) y(ilTl) < a. closed curve (in t.he positive sense) in D enclosing all the 3) Positivity of K M - ' . To prove spect,rumpoints.Since f(E) = log 5 isa holomorphic (X(.),K & l l - l ~ { . ) ) 0, !V X( .) E L? (5.3) function inD, the logarithm of M exists and is given by the Dunford-Ta.ylor integral [7, pp. 566-5761 as LHS = (IIfly( K y ( v( .) = I l r l l - l ~ ( E LI = (KMly( y( -)}, since K isself-adjoint Lemma lemma, e), 4: If P and P hare defined as in t.he previous e ) , --f + W f > > > e), , ) e e ) e), = (K&2,-'Qa,#1~(*), Y(.>), QzaY(0 = Y(t> exp (2Pt) where a([; 44) = ( [ E - M)-l is the resolvent, of M , which exists as aboundedoperatorfor a.11 E E p ( l k 0 , 2 0, V $4.) E L2 (5.4) t.he resolvent. set. Further, the fact that M is a bounded if QaaJll is posit,ive (e). [By Lemma 1, ident,ifying P with operat.or ensuresthe spect.ral radius of $1 to be finite, t,hus QSsMl and Q with KQ2'-l, is a.n operator in Lz,, and, since K E Xa, k(t) exp (-2Pt) ismonotonenonD is required t o exclude the negative real l i e so as to make increasing. Hence,allt.heconditions of Lemma 1 are provision for a branch cut for defining the logarithm of complex satisfied. ] quant,ities. 508 Nom-, (xd.1, = (xT(-), Q ~ M ~ B ~ ~ Q , ~ ) ) [by Lemma 3 where M P h is a convolution operator such that M , 8 " ( j w ) = Ml(jw - B)] > 0, ++ x(-) E L2,and '4 T E R + , (5.5) if MlBsh is posit,ive (by Lemma 2). Af? is indeed positive because of (5.2) and Parseval's (5.5), (5.4), and (5.3) resultand,in theorem.Hence view of the observations made in Section11-C, the syst.em is Lpstable. Th.eorem2: If t,here isan operator M2 in such that, Re M2Cjw)G(jw) > S > 0, + a) 2 0, Re ++ w E R v w ER (5.12) ++ w ER (5.13) (5.14) M2 E @a=) M2 = '4 w E R (5.7) e ) (x(.),KM2-4c(*)) 3 0, = (M2y(*),Kg(*)), Y(.) = (!I(*>,Mz*K!I(.)) = (h( .), K-'(Mz")-'h( .)>, '4 x(*) E L2 = Jf2-54.) (5.8) E Lz if ( ~ 2 * ) " ' ~is positive, appealing to Theorem 1. (Since K E X, =) K-' E X" and Mz E @a=) M2* E aC, the steps from (5.3)-(5.5) of Theorem 1 ma,ybe repeated, giving t.he claimed result.) Now, positivity of (M2*)ashfollows from (5.7) since + a) > 0, '4'wER > (=> (x(-),M2-""h~(*))0, (=> (x(.>,(M2*)ash4.))2 0, '4 X(*) E Lz v x(.) E L2 by Lemma 4. Hence, (5.9) and (5.8) hold and, from the observations made inSect.ion 11-C, the system is &-stable. Theorem 3: If there is an operator M in such that M = MI + M2; E = E l + h > O for some nonnega,tive constants a a.nd and an arbit,rarily small positive constant e, then the system described by (2.9), with the related Assumptions 1 and 2, is &-stable for all K E XaB. Proof: 1) Factorization Condition. From (5.10), Re M ( j w ) = Re J f l ( j w ) 2 €'+E2 = ~ > 0 , + Re 1M2(jw) YwER (5.15) because of (5.12)-(5.14). Hence,by a.n application of Parseval's theorem, it c a n be shonm that Hence, ilf isstrongly positive and byLemma 5 the factorization condition is satisfied. 2) M G is strongly positive by (5.11) and an applica.tion of Parseval's t.heorem. Further, M G has finite gain ' sinceg(.) E L 1 a n d M E @ = ) y ( M ) < 03. 3) Positivity of KM-I: M2 E a,,, E E aC. M2E1 2) M2G isstronglypositivefrom (5.6) andan application of Parseval's theorem. Also M2G hm finite gain since g( E L1 and M 2 E aaC => 7(..M2) < a. 3) Posit,ivity of KM2-'. To prove Re MAjw 2 0, 2 0, (5.6) for some nonnegative constant a,then the system described by (2.9), nith t,herelatedAssumptions 1 a.nd 2, is L-r &able for all K E X,. Proof: 1) M 2 &ides the factorization condit.ion t.rivially since LHS 2 Re M 2 ( j w + a) 2 (xT( .), QzaM1xT(.)) since MI E aC=) QzaMlis causal = @A*), Q,&$f14')) = COXTROL, AUGUST Re M I & - P ) (Q2&14.>>~) 1972 IEEE TR-U~SACTIOKSON AUTOMATIC E M2 E @ " (5'10) Term I on RHS is nonnegat.ive by (5.12) according t o Theorem 1, and Term I1 is nonnegative b r (5.13) a.ccording to Theorem 2. Hence, KAf-l is positive. Thus, since all t,he conditions of the basic lemma in Zames and Falb [9] are fulfilled, the system is L2-stable. A Few Remarks Remark 1: Theorem 1 gives the sa.me conditions as Gruberand Willems (derived in 151 for the absolute stability problem), the most general resultinvolving causal mult,ipliers. Theorem 3, n-hich permits ant,icausal terms in the multiplier, provides more relaxation on the phaseexcursions of G ( j w ) outsidet,he *90" band,and hence, is a considerable improvement over [5]. Also, the present met,hod of derivation is simpler and more elegant than [5], which is derived in t,he framen-ork of Lyapunov theory. Remark 2: Recently Venka.t.esh [6] has given a method of introducing noncausa.1 mukipliers for the absolute stability problemusing thePopovapproach.Butthe anticausalfunctionsemployedin [6] areonly of the part.icular form The results derived here permit. more general multipliers (see the numerical example below) and are derived for a &rower definition of st,abilitv.However. t.he a.ssertion in SUNDARESX4N AND THATHACHAR: L 2 - ~ ~O F. LINEAR % ~ TIME-VXRYIKG ~ ~ ~ ~ bility multiplier necessitate a lower bound on the rate of time variat.ion dk/dt is justified here. Rema& 3: The &ability criteria. given in the preceding t,heorems involve checking a frequency-domain inequality of the form Re M ( j w ) G ( j u ) 6 > 0 for a given G(s). The applicability of the criteria is great.ly simplified by constructing the stability multiplier M(s) from a knowledge of arg G‘(jw) by the methods enumerated in Sundareshan and Thathachar1111 and bychecking whether the multiplier so constructed satisfies the other conditions of the theorems. Remark 4: More general multipliers of the form > = M,(jW) M(jW) + qjw, q >0 can be used in (5.11) if an additional condition Iim ] w ~ ‘ ( j o ) \= o to--) m is imposed on G (see Zames and Falb [12]). This is necessary since a causal multiplier of the form M,,(s) = M,(s) qs will not. have a finite gain, and hence will not be an element of aC. + Observe that n/I,,(s) contains complex poIes and hence is not, permittedby Venkatesh[6]. Also, byusingcausal multipliers only, it is unlikely that a result better than (dkldt) 6 3.5 k ( t ) can be obtained. VII. COWLUSION Crit.eriafor the input-out.put stabilityin Ls-spaces, more general t,han the already existing results, have been derived forlinear t.ime-varying systems.Thesecriteria permit noncausal multipliers to be used, and hence relax the conditions on t,he 1inea.r part t.o a great extent. A byproduct of the method of derivation has been t.he relation between the factorizabilit,y andpositivity propert,ies of operators in a Banach algebra. However, t.he resultsof the present findings can be improved by furt,her investiga,tion along two lines:1) derivation of similar criteria (conditions onthe shiftedmultipliers)forsystemswithatimeinvariant, nonlinearity in cascade with K in Fig. 1; and 2) employing a global bound on clk/dt as in Freedma,n and Zames [13] insteadof the local bounds used here. ACKNOWLEDGMENT VI. EXAMPLE Consider a system with G(s) = (s2 + 10.6)(s2+ 200.1s + 20). (s’ + 2s + 10)(s2+ s + 16) 4- 4.22s The systcmisstable forallconstant,gains Choosing a multiplier M(s) = ( 9 - 2s + 1O)(s + 4) (6.1) in [O, > 6 > 0, 1 (6.2) y u E R. NOW, M(s) = (s (s ~ + 3) + 4) + (82 (1 - 2s) - 2s 10) + whcre is the causal part and Muc(s)= - 2s + 10) is t.he ant.icausa1part. > - > 0, ++ w € R (3 - ~ / 3 and ) Re M u c ( j w + a) 2 0, Re Al,(jw - P) if 6 v w E R if a < 0.5. Hence, t.he system is st.able for all time-varying gains satisfying -k(t) (0 6 dk -6 dt (6 - ~ ) k ( t ) . for the Stability of certain nonlinear nonautonomous syst.ems,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory (Corresp.), vol. CT-11, pp. 406408, Sept.. 1964. I. W. Sandberg, “A frequency-domain condition for t.he stabi1it.y of s y s t e m containinga single t.ime-varying nonlinearelement,” Bell Sysf. Tech. J., voI.43, pp. 1601-1638, 1964. G. Zames, On the input-output,st.ability of t,ime-varying nonlinear feedback systems-Part I: Conditions derived using concepts of loop gain, conicity, and positivity,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Cmtr., vol. Ac-11, pp. 228-238, Apr. 1966. . -, “On the input-outfjut stability of time-varymg nonlinear feedback system-Part, 11: Condit.ions involving circles in the frequency plane andsector nonlinearities,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-11, pp. 465-476, July 1966. 141 R. W. Brockett and L. J. Forys, “On the stability of systems containing a time-varying gain,” in PTOC.2ndAllerton Cmj. Circuit and System Theory, 1964, pp. 413430. M . Gruber and J. L. Willems, “On a generalization of the circle criterion,’, in Proc. 4th Allerton Conf. Circuit and System Theory, 1966, pp. 827-848; Y. V. Venkat.esh, “Koncausal multipliers for nonlinear syst.em vol. AC-15. DW. stabilit.v.” IEEE Trans.Automat.contr.. ~.~ ~.~ (1 - 2s) (s* REFERENCES a). onc can verify that Re M ( j w ) G ( j u ) The authorswish to thankDr. R. Vital Raofor valuable discussions snd the revietvers for their suggestions which improved the value of the paper. K. S. Narendra and R. &I. Goldwyn, “A geometrical criterion 4- 3.22)(s2 - 4.22s + 10.6) (S 509 SYSTEMS (6.3) N. DdOYd- and J . T. Schwartz, Linear Operators, part 1. New York: Interscience, 1966. R. Saeks, “Causalit.y in Hilbert space,” SIAM Rev., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 357-383,19’70. G . Zames and P. L. Falb,“Stability cqndit.ions forsystems with monotone and sloDe-restricted nonlinearities,” SIAi%f J . Contr., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 89-108, 1968. t 101 J. C. Willems and R. ‘A7. Brockett, “Some new rearrangement, inequalitieshaving applicat.ion in stabi1it.y analysis,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-13, pp. 539-549, Oct,. 1968. 3.1. K. Sundareshan and M . A. L. Thathachar, “Construct.ion of stability multipliers for nonlinear autonomous syst.em,” Dep. Elec. Eng.,Indian Instituteof Science, Bangalore, Mysore, India, Rep. EE-16, 1971. G. Zames and P. L. Falb, “On the stability of systems with monotone a.nd odd monotonenonlinearities,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. (Corresp.), vol. AC-12, pp. 221-223, Apr. 1967. L 131 M. Freedman and G. Zames, “Logarithmic variation criteria for the stability of systems with time-varying gains,” S I A X J . Contr., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 487-507, 1968. 510 IEEE TRANSACTTONSON AUTOMATIC Malur K. Sundareshan was born in &be+ sonpet,Kolar Gold Fields, India, on June 16, 1946. H e received theB.E. degree in electrical engineering fromBangalore University, Bangalore, Mysore, India, and electronia and the X E . degreeinapplied servomechanisms from t,he Indian 1nst.itute of Science, Bangalore, Mysore, India, in 1966 and 1969, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in control 1nstit.uk of engineering at t.he Indian Science. His research interests are in &ability t.heory and comput.ational met,hods. ~~ CONTROL, VOL. AC-17, NO. 4, AUGUST 1972 M. A. L. Thathachar WPS born in Mysore City, Mysore, India, in 1939. He received the B.E. degree in e l e c t r i d engineering from Mysore University, Mysore, India, and the M.E. and Ph.D.degreesfrom t.he Indian 1nst.itute of Science, Bangalore, Mysore, India, in 19.59, 1961, and 1968, respectively. He was a member of the st.aff of t,he Indian 1nst.itut.e of Technology, Madras,Madras, during 1961-1964. Since 1964 he hasbeen withtheDepartment. of ElectricalEngineering, Indian Inst,itute of Science, where he is currently Assistant Professor. His research interests are in st,ability theory and learning systems. On the Existence of a Trap State for OSO-Type Satellites Abstract-The possibility of theexistence of “trap states” in orbiting-solar-observatory-type satellites which use a single-degree of-freedom mass-spring-dashpot nutation damper is investigated. It is shown that the spacecraft exhibits a trap state which corresponds toa transverse angular rate of on,where wn denotes thenatural frequency of the specific damping system used. In particular, it is indicated that for wfo < wn, where COLD is the initial transverse angular rate of the spacecraft, a trap state occurs when the initial displacement zo of the damper mass with respect to the spacecraft principal axis exceeds a certain critical value; while for o f O> on, the trap stateoccurs for any nonzero value of 20. form,asinthe case of the orbiting-solar-observatory (OS0)-type satellit,es considered here. I n general, a directsolution to t.he problemmaybe provided by using the form of damping mechanism suggested recently by this author [ 5 ] , [6]. Fortunately, it is observedt.hat.a sa.tel1it.eusingsuchadamper does not exhibitanytra.pstat.e [7]. An alternative approach nil1 probably be t o use any arbitrary form of damper which may result in trap st.ates, but is considered suitable for other reasons. Then, by aconvenient, design, t.he trap states are located in a position well removed from t,he I. IKTRODUCTION operating zone on the system state space. Clearly, this CCURRENCE of “trapst.ates”in spin-stabilized latterapproach,though dif6cult t o pursue in general, spacecraft,s is well-known a phenomenon. Physically, may be unavoidable in many practical situations. the phenomenon arises because of t,he nonlinear effects of I n t.his paper, the possibilit,y of the exist.ence of trap the energy-dissipa,ting mechanismsnormallypresent in states nil1 be investigated for OSO-type satellit.es which the spacecraft. Several reports [1]-[4] are now available use asingle-degree-of-freedom mass-spring-dashpot damper in which the problem has been treatedby considering for attitude stabilization of the spacecra,ft. It nil1 be spacecrafts with specific models of energy dissipators. Of shomn that such satellites do exhibit a trap state whose these, apparent.Iy t.he earliest paper that is devoted to a location on t,he qst,em state space is det.ermined by the dual-spin configvration of the satellite is by Cloutier [3]. parameters of the particulardampingmechanism used. An interesting feature of t,he trap mode investigated by Finally, computer resu1t.s will be presented t o corroborate Cloutier is, however, that it does not a.ppear when the t.he theoretical obsermtions. energy dissipator is loca,ted on a completely despun plat11. THEEQUATIONS OF MOTION FOR OSO-TYPE SATELLITES ;Manuscript received June 18, 1971; revised November 15, 1971. 0 Paper recommended by E. I. Axelband, Chairman of the IEEE S-CS Applicat.ions, SystemsEvaluations,ComponentsCommittee. This paper mas presented a t t h e 1971 Joint Automat.ic Cont.ro1 Conference, Universit.y of Washington, St.. Louis, $10. This work was supported bv K M A and performed while the aut,horrras a Nat.iona1 h e a r t h Council Post-Doctoral Resident Research Associate a t t h eNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The aut.hor is with theCommunications Research Centre, Ot,tawa, Ont., Canada. The orbiting solar observat,ory is a dual-spin satellite which, in actual design, uses a cantilevered-mass nutat.ion damper on the despun portion for attitude st.abilization of the spacecraft [SI. By considering the damper t o be composed ofa. mass, spring, and a. dashpot as illustrated in Fig. 1 and by noting that t.he inertial spin rate of an