Session 7 Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Member Countries of the Regional Group for Asia and Oceania (SG3RG-AO) Activities of Mobile termination rates and Mobile roaming in the framework of ITU-T Study Group 3 27 April, 2010 Eriko Hondo Rapporteur, ITU-T/SG3 KDDI Corporation Contents • Studies of – Mobile termination rates – Mobile roaming • • • • Needs Scope of work Discussion Progress 2 Mobile Termination rates 1 January 2005 A Rapporteur group on Mobile termination rates was established Two contributions from Malaysia and Japan Malaysia: (Main Rapporteur) “Study Group 3 is invited to consider preparing indicative target rates for direct and indirect relations (settlement rates) for mobile terminated traffic.” Japan: (Associate Rapporteur) “…Study Group 3 needs to collect accurate and effective data and information and to analyze the inputs in order to facilitate the application of the cost-oriented settlement rates.” Mobile Termination rates 2 Terms of Reference 1. To study and examine issues related to int’l mobile termination rates …… in accordance with the existing ITU-T Recommendations D.140 and D.93 2. To develop a questionnaire for collecting data and other relevant information 3. To formulate the reporting format for the publication 4. Consideration should be given to establish a transparent process for this study 5. The report should include the underlying differences between different countries (… charging methodologies, national regulatory decisions, interconnection rates …) 6. To review the results and prepare a further work plan Mobile Termination rates 3 In the process of drafting the Terms of Reference, 9No words which mean target rates, benchmark, etc. are included. 9ATT (the US) proposed to add data of national interconnection rates in the review of the results of the questionnaire. 9Some mobile operators were so nervous at the wordings because they were worried about the influence of this study reduction of their interconnection charges. 9Many countries participated in the drafting and proposed their own opinions. This movement is the first step for creating a consensus from the ITU activities. Mobile Termination rates 4 September 2005 Drafting Questionnaire on international mobile termination rates Question A - International settlement rates A1 - International settlement rates terminated in each Region A2 - International Settlement Rates Terminated within Respondent Country Question B - National interconnection charges Question C - Mobile and fixed termination rates Question D - Other relevant information TSB distributed the questionnaire in December 2005 to Member states, ROA within Sector Members. TSB kept the confidentiality and supported the work of the Rapporteur group. Mobile Termination rates 5 June 2006 Interim report of the questionnaire on the MTR was released Results of Question A and B: (Completed) A1 - International settlement rates terminated in each region the average of proportion of weighted average: (All regions) MTR : FTR = 3.78 : 1 TAS: 1.417:1 TAF: 1.51:1 TEUREM: 10.57:1 TAL: 3.36:1 Others: 2.157:1 A2 - International settlement rates terminated within respondent country MTR : FTR = 1.53:1 B - National interconnection charges the average local interconnection charge for: fixed to fixed = around 0.016 SDR fixed to mobile = around 0.086 SDR Mobile Termination rates 6 Results of Question C and D: (further analysis is need.) C – Mobile and fixed termination rates Total fifty (50) responses, but non-uniform submissions. AT&T: “The absence of analysis in Table C is already compensated by the results in Table A and B, as it serves similar purpose.” D – Other relevant information Qualitative in nature, not possible to provide quantitative results. TSB: “proposes to publish the compiled responses, excluding content pertaining to price for spectrum allocation and other information specifically marked as confidential.” Vodafone: “proposed to link the information in Question D to Questions A to C.” Telefonica: “The aggregate information in Question D may serve limited purpose.” Mobile Termination rates 7 Contribution from Cuba: “proposes that indicative rates be calculated for traffic terminating on mobile networks and that those rates be published in a document that updates indicative rates and teledensities by country, so that they receive the same treatment as rates applicable to fixed networks.” This proposal was included in the work of the MTR Rapporteur group. Mobile Termination rates 8 March 2007 SG3 agreed: a) To request TSB to produce some tabulations for the consideration of the Rapporteur Group. b) To request TSB to issue a new (third) questionnaire, with cover text explaining the reasons of 1) issuing a third questionnaire, 2) changing of some questions. c) To request TSB to produce additional tabulations for the third questionnaire. d) To invite further contributions with respect to the matter of the indicative rate, including information on methodologies used nationally to define indicative rates, and regarding whether or not indicative rates could be determined by SG3 on the basis of available data and an agreed methodology. Mobile Termination rates 9 October 2007 SG3 agreed with New Recommendation -originally proposed by TAF Group -consists of an indicative rate for international mobile termination and provides some suggestions for consideration by national regulatory authorities. Recommendation D.99 (Extracts) 3. Considerations for Administrations If an Administration wishes to impose ceiling on international mobile termination rates, then it should take into account all relevant factors which, in most cases, would include the cost of building and maintaining the mobile network infrastructure. Comparison of international mobile termination rates across countries reveals that there are significant differences, and there is no simple explanation for those differences. When an Administration wishes to establish a basis for negotiation for international mobile termination rate, it may consider the current international fixed termination rate as an initial basis from which to start deliberations taking into account the relevant provisions of ITU-T Recommendations D.93 and D.140. Mobile Termination rates 10 October 2007 Tabulations of Questionnaires on International Mobile Termination Rates -just tabulations (TD27) -an analysis and interpretation of the tabulations made by TSB (TD27 Addendum 1) … the tabulations show that mobile termination rates are higher in the TEUREM region than elsewhere, however, there is insufficient data to allow any conclusions to be drawn regarding the reasons for the higher rates in the TEUREM region. TSB Councellor: “The above analysis was posted for discussion to the MTR Rapporteur Group, but it has not been discussed or approved.” Mobile Termination rates 11 Discussion in the SG3/WP2 Syria: there should be no further attempts to collect data and that it would be appropriate to set an indicative rate as proposed by TAF. Syria: a possible explanation of the observed higher mobile termination rates in Europe was the cost of the 3G auctions. Malaysia : drew attention to the fact that this issue is mentioned in the TAS report, where it was stated that mobile termination rates appear to have become lower. Indonesia: all relevant costs should be considered when discussing termination rates. The Chairman proposed that all these documents be discussed in more depth by the Rapporteur group. Mobile Termination rates 12 Discussion in the Rapporteur Group future face-face meeting be authorized just prior to the next SG3 meeting, focussing on item 5 of the Terms of Reference, with the objective of better understanding the reasons underlying the observed regional differences. Mobile Termination rates 13 March 2008 The final report of MTR study, which contains the report of the meeting took place just prior to SG3, was approved and the meeting expressed its appreciation for the work carried out by the Rapporteur. -Description on the regulation and level of national mobile terminations charges in aggregate and in individual European countries by the European Commission (EC) and the European Regulators Group (ERG). National regulators in each EU country, except Bulgaria and Slovakia, had required MTR charges to be cost oriented and set controls over the level of the charges. National mobile termination charges have been reducing by about 10% each year and that the average level in 2007 was just below 10 Euro cents per minute. These refer to national termination rates and so do not directly related to international settlement rates. Mobile Roaming 1 January 2009 A Rapporteur group on Mobile Roaming is established Contribution from Australia to study this issue as a priority and, in particular, to take account of recent studies as well as the SG3’s work on related matters such as mobile termination rates. Through such a study we would encourage members to report on research being undertaken and market developments within their administration or region. to consider best practice approaches for mobile roaming that seek to improve the timeliness and transparency of billing and to reduce the prices for consumers as well as the costs to mobile operators. Rapporteurs: Ms. Eriko Hondo (Japan) Ms. Josephine Adou (Côte d’Ivoire) Mr. Omar Al Rashdan (Jordan) A nominee from Latin America Mobile Roaming 3 September 2009 -Gathered recent studies on international mobile roaming charging arrangements z z z z z z z EC Regulation ERG Analysis Report from Europe Report from Australia Report from FCC (the US) Report from Africa Report from South America -Issued related proposals Taxation of mobile roaming service (from Australia), which was discussed at the ITR Expert Group at first. Collection of information on mobile roaming charge and Setting guidelines of its charge (from Korea) Results are …. Mobile Roaming 4 9Revise Terms of Reference 9Draft Questionnaire (after the meeting) The questionnaire was finalized and distributed to all Member States, Sector Members, in November 2009. Summary of the response has already released as a document of the next SG3 meeting. Additional reports are collected. z OCED Reports on International Mobile Roaming z Paper from Ewan Sutherland (the UK) Mobile Roaming 5 next SG3 meeting at 17-21 May 2010 at Soul, Korea According to the Terms of Reference… (Extract) Present the findings of this study, including any updates to the May 2010 meeting of SG3. Decide the next steps for this study based on the findings. This study should be undertaken in close cooperation with the SG3 Regional Groups and, if justified, with other regional groups and we invite them to provide input against these Terms of Reference.