IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. AC-27, NO, 3, m 1982 747 process restricted to a subset of the state space. It is well known (e.g., [ I , sect. 91) that if the restricted subset consists only of recurrent states, then therestrjctedprocessis a well-defined Markovreneyal process. Let P( a ) denote the transitionprobabilitymatrix of theembedded Markov chain. For a given supervisorstrategy a considerthecostprocess z,, t = 0,l. . . . defined by S. Ross, Applied Prohuhdrh. Models wwh 0primi:urion Apphruriom. San Francisco. CA: Holden-Day. 1970. P.J. Scheitzer. "Iterative solution of the functional equations of undiscounted Markov renewal programming." J. " a h . A n d Appl., vol. 34. pp. 495-501, 1971. V. Borkar and P. Varaiya. "Finite chain approximation for a continuous stochastic control problem." I€€€ Tram. Aurowr. Conrr.. vol AC-26, Apr. 1981. pp. 466-470. r-I -7 7 = 2 k(s,.ah.(s,)). (5) r=O We can associate with any B in B and c B in Va the expected cost Comments on "Decentralization, Stabilization, and Estimation of Large Scale Linear Systems" S . K. KATTI K(B,0~)~-Etia[zT"+,-Z7"(bT.=8] (6) Abstruct-It is shown here that the input decentralization scheme for the large scale linear system presented by Siljak and Vukcevic does not always result in interconnected subsystems controlled by local (scalar) inputs. and the expected transition time Under the strong ergodicity assumption both expressions (6) and (7)are well defined. Now consider the mean average cost: In theabove paper,' Siljak and Vukcevic haveproposed aninput decentralizationscheme which decomposes a largescale system into s number of subsystems that are controlled by distinct inputs (cf. equation 7).' This correspondence discusses with counterexample that the scheme of siljak and Vukcevic does not always lead to controllable pairs ( A t !b z ) . €.uump/e: Consider a system with the following state equations: Io 4 [;;I. If this expression is defined. it is also equal by ( 5 ) and (6) to 0 f = 2 0 where if n ( t ) is the number of jumps of br up to time t , n(r) Z(r) 2 K( hT#, 0%). ( 10) 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 o x + o The system of equations may besplit follows: 1 into coupledsubsystems (1) as "=O It thus resultsthat the supervisorproblemis a very standard semiMarkov decision process for which Theorems 7.6 and 7.7 of [2] apply. Proposition: <There exists aboundedfunction h ( B ) , B E B and a constant g such that This decomposition satisfies the condition given in Siljakand Vukcevic's paper' since the following two pairs: ( 1 1) 2) The argument of the minimization in (11) defines astationary supervisor strategy a* which minimizes Y ( u ) . 3) g = Y( U * ) . Proof; Apply Theorem 7.6 and 7.7 of [2]. a and are individually controllable. Using the procedure given in the paper.' (2) may be rewritten as 111. CONCLUSION A numerical solution of (1 1) is possible by using the successive approximation method of Schweitzer [3] which is not fundamentally different from the algorithm proposed in the paper.' The multilayer control approach is extremely promising for the solution of very large stochastic controlproblems. By relatingmoreexplicitlythis approach to Markov renewal theory we hope to have prepared the way for further developments, in particulartheextension of this scheme toa largerclass of processes than Markov chains or one-dimensional diffusion processes (as in [4]). It can be observed from (3) that both subsystems described by Manuscript receiwd September IO, 1981: rerised November 11. 1981. The author is with theSchool of Automation. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore REFERENCES 560012. India. [ I ] E. Cinlhar."Markov M a r . 1975. renewaltheory: A survey." Munug. SCI..vol. 21, pp. 727-752. 'D. D. Siljak and M. B. Vukcevic. I E E E Truruw. Auromur. Conrr.. vol. AC-21.pp. 363-3136, June 1976. 0 0 1 8-9286/82/0600-0747$00.75 Cl982 IEEE 748 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL VOL. and AC-27,NO. 3. JUNE 1982 controllable subsystems. In addition to the computational superiority of the scheme. the herarchcal structure allows one to ulmosr uhcuvs stabilize the overall system by stabilizing the individual subsystemsusingdecentralized control. are not an indibidually controllable pair. Hence, the decentralized-stabilization scheme proposed in the paper’ does not always work. REFERENCES [I] >I E. Sezcr and D D Siljak. “ O n structural dccomposltien and stabilization of large-scale >yztemr.” I E E E Troorrs. Arrfonwr. Comr.. m l . AC-26. pp 439-344. 19x1. ACKNOWLEDGSENT I am thankful to Dr. P. Sen for useful discussions. Correction to “Homogeneous Interconnected Systems: An Example” Author’s Reply’ M. L. EL-SAYED AND P. S. KRISHXAPRASAD D. D. SILJAK We knew all along the more or less obvious fact that our decentralized scheme might not always succeed. The presented example is beneficial in making t h s fact explicit. We note that the scheme should be considered useful to the extent that i t replaces thetransformation of the overall system. which is required in obtaining the Luenberger canonical form. by transformations of the loworder subsystems. Since the publication of our 1976 paper. we have developed an efficient graph-theoretic scheme [ I ] for decentralization of large control systems. lvhich results in a hierarchial (lower-triangular) ordering of structurally ’ h l a n u s n p t recci\ed December 1. 1981 T h c author I> uith the S c h d 01 Engineering. Umversir? of Santa Clara. Santa Clara. C A 05053 The following typographical errors should benoted for the above paper.’ I ) In the second lineafter (3.3). the summation sign. 8. should be placed right at the beginning of the following line. 2) A line is missing after (1.5). The line reads: “Since f,= f- I . then letting.. . ’’ 3 ) In the equation follolving (11.8). the operator 5 in the right-hand side of the equation should actually be located before the first parenthesis. Slanuacnpt rcccned Nwember I I . 1981 ht. L El-Saved 1s with thc Technical Appllsarions ScctiQx-BDC. Rahcock and Wilcox Cornpan!. Barherton. OH W ? O i p. S Kn>hnapr&.ad 15 uith the Department o f ElcctncalEngineenng. U n ~ b e r s t yof hlapland. College Park. MD 20742 i hl L El-Sa!ed and P S. Kribhnaprasad. I E E E Truns. 4uronwr. C w r r . vol. AC-26. pp. xY4-901.4Ug 19x1 0018-9286/82/0600-074SSOo.75 01982 E E E