Rubric Used to Evaluate Career/Project Reports Provide Info on your/your teammate’s selected careers/design projects a) Provide 3 facts about career/project from reputable sources 10 pts b) Explain how proposed CGD project relates to selected career 5 pts c) One or more images of products/outcomes related to career 5 pts d) Works Cited section reference sources of facts, info, and images using MLA format 10 pts 30 pts Collaboration used to complete project a) Choose a title that includes all careers being presented b) Choose a consistent template for presentation that: 1. demonstrates knowledge of design & typography principles 2. supports, not overpowers, information being presented c) Have each team member place their career info in the presentation d) Provide at least three MLA citations under Works Cited 15 pts 15 pts 5 pts 15 pts 50 pts Apply/explain design principles used within presentation, such as: a) Balance, b) Proximity, c) Alignment, d) Repetition, e) Contrast, and f) White Space. 20 pts 100 Total Points Suggested methods to demonstrate the above: PowerPoint Presentation with between 4 and 12 slides that include: 1) 2) 3) 4) Title Page that lists your name(s), summarizes (visually & verbally) what is presented within report One page, per product, that describes the problem solving process you used to determine products One page that explains how the product is related to your career goal Works cited that identifies your sources of facts, info, and images using MLA format