Extending Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
Karthik Gopalratnam and Henry Kautz and Daniel S. Weld
Department of Computer Science
University of Washington
Seattle, WA-98195-2350
Continuous-time Bayesian networks (CTBNs) (Nodelman,
Shelton, & Koller 2002; 2003), are an elegant modeling language for structured stochastic processes that evolve over
continuous time. The CTBN framework is based on homogeneous Markov processes, and defines two distributions with
respect to each local variable in the system, given its parents:
an exponential distribution over when the variable transitions,
and a multinomial over what is the next value. In this paper,
we present two extensions to the framework that make it more
useful in modeling practical applications. The first extension
models arbitrary transition time distributions using ErlangCoxian approximations, while maintaining tractable learning.
We show how the censored data problem arises in learning
the distribution, and present a solution based on expectationmaximization initialized by the Kaplan-Meier estimate. The
second extension is a general method for reasoning about
negative evidence, by introducing updates that assert no observable events occur over an interval of time. Such updates
were not defined in the original CTBN framework, and we
show show that their inclusion can significantly improve the
accuracy of filtering and prediction. We illustrate and evaluate these extensions in two real-world domains, email use and
GPS traces of a person traveling about a city.
Many problems in artificial intelligence involve reasoning
about complex stochastic systems that evolve over time.
Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) (Dean & Kanazawa
1989) are a popular approach, which provided a factored
representation of discrete-time processes. Unfortunately,
DBNs use a discrete temporal representation, which is awkward and computationally expensive when the absolute time
of events is important and observations occur irregularly. In
such a case the granularity of each DBN time slice must
correspond to the smallest possible interval between observations. For example, if observations are usually separated
by hours but occasionally by a second, then a DBN update
must be performed every second, unless the absolute time of
the observations is to be ignored.
Continous-time Markov chains provide a way of describing discrete-state systems that evolve according to exponential time distributions, and are widely used in operations research, astronomy, and biology. The most common form,
c 2005, American Association for Artificial IntelliCopyright gence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
called a homogenous Markov process, is represented by a
matrix that is quadratic in the size of the state space. A
homogenous Markov process can be projected to any realvalued future time point with a single matrix exponential operation, so updates by projection and conditioning on observations are similarly efficient.
Nodelman et al. [2002] introduced continuous time
Bayesian networks (CTBNs), which are a factored representation of continuous-time Markov chains. As with other
graphical representations, CTBN can provide a compact representation of a domain by making explicit many of the
conditional independence relationships between variables.
Also like other factored representations such as Bayesian
networks or DBN’s, the small size of the representation is
no guarantee that exact inference is tractable. Indeed, the
only known exact inference method for CTBNs is compilation to an explicit homogenous Markov process. Nodelman
et al. present an approximate inference method based on the
clique tree inference algorithm. Space precludes description
of our own particle filtering approximation algorithm.
Beyond issues of worst-case complexity (which affect
all probabilistic representations), CTBN’s have two significant limitations: First, CTBNs are limited to modeling processes with exponential time distributions, but other distributions frequently occur in practice. Second, the only update method in the original formulation of CTBNs is based
on the value of a variable at a single point in time. However, in many systems sensors operate continuously, reporting only when a change occurs. For example, a motion detector is silent until it senses activity and a phone rings only
when an incoming call is present. When modeling these
systems it is essential to reason about evidence of the form
“variable X stayed at value x for the entire interval [t1 , t2 ].”
Because of the continuous nature of time, such interval updates are not equivalent to a finite series of point-based updates. This second limitation is an example of the general
negative evidence problem that arises in modeling any dynamic system: that is, how to efficiently incorporate observations of the myriad possible events that did not occur.
In this paper, we resolve these limitations, presenting two
extensions to the CTBN framework.
• We show how to model arbitrary transition time distributions using Erlang-Coxian approximations, while maintaining tractable learning. We show how the censored data
problem arises in learning time distributions, and present
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a solution based on expectation-maximization initialized
by the Kaplan-Meier estimate.
• We present a general method for reasoning about negative
evidence, by introducing updates that assert no observable
events occur over an interval of time. We demonstrate
that interval evidence updates can significantly improve
the accuracy of filtering and prediction.
We illustrate and evaluate these extensions in two real-world
domains. The first is a model of person’s use of email,
which can be used to predict when the person will reply to
an incoming message. The second models the pattern of
person’s movements through a city using various modes of
transportation. The model is trained on a log of GPS (global
positioning system) data, and can be used to predict the time
it takes for a user to reach locations of interest, etc.
Continuous-Time Bayesian Nets (CTBNs)
In this section, we summarize certain key notions about
continuous time Bayesian networks (CTBNs) presented
in (Nodelman, Shelton, & Koller 2002). A CTBN represents
a stochastic process over a structured state space consisting
of assignments to a set of local variables. CTBNs describe
the dynamics of the temporal evolution of this structured
state space in terms of the dependencies among the evolution of the local variables as follows.
Homogeneous Markov Process
Let X be a state variable with finite domain Val(X) =
{x1 , . . . , xn } whose value changes continuously over time.
We may define the dynamics of this system in terms of a homogeneous Markov process, X(t), by defining its intensity
matrix (IM) as follows:
−q1x q12
. . . q1n
−q2 . . . q2n 
 q
~ x =  . 21
 ..
. ..
. . . −qnx
. Intuitively, the diagonial elements
where qix = − j6=i qij
specify how long the system will remain in a state, and the
other elements specify the probability of transitioning between states.
Specifically, the probability density function for the time
spent in a state xi is f (t) = qix e−qi t , with correspondx
ing distribution function F (t) = 1 − e−qi t . When the
X leaves state xi , it will transition to xj with probability
/qix . We can project a initial probability distribution de0
scribed by a vector PX
to a future point t by computing
PX (t) = PX expm(Qx t). The function expm(.) refers to
matrix exponentiation, and is the mathematical operation
that considers all possible trajectories of X through its state
space up to time t.
Subsystems of Markov Processes A subsystem S describes the behavior of the process over a subset of the full
space, i.e. V al(S) ⊂ V al(X). The intensity matrix of S,
QS , can be formed by considering only those entries from
QX that correspond to states in S. Since in general a subsystem is not closed, we can form queries about when the system the will enter or exit the subsystem, and the amount of
time spent there. This last quantity, called the holding time,
has the distribution F (t) = 1 − PS0 expm(QS t)~
e, where PS0
is the entrance distribution and ~
e is a column vector of ones.
Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
The joint dynamics of several local variables is captured in
the notion of the conditional Markov process, which forms
the basic building block of the CTBN framework. A conditional Markov process Y is an inhomogeneous Markov
process whose IM varies as a function of the values of a
~ , referred to as the parents
set of conditioning variables V
~ the variof Y . For each instantitation of values ~
v to V
able Y is governed by an an intensity matrix QY |~
v . The
full set of matrices for Y is called its conditional intensity
matrix (CIM) Q ~ . A CTBN is then formed by composY |V
ing together these local conditional processes. A graphical
structure encoding the dependencies between the variables
in the system, together with an initial distribution over this
state space, and the local CIMs for each variable completely
specify the CTBN.
The semantics of CTBNs can be understood in two terms.
The first is based on viewing the entire system as a composite IM describing a homogeneous Markov process over
the joint entire state space via an amalgamation operation
which combines all the local CIM to produce the Joint Intensity Matrix. The evolution of the CTBN is then completely
specified by this Joint Intensity Matrix. The other is based
on a generative perspective where the CTBN is viewed as
defining a generative model over a set of events which correspond to variables in the system taking on certain values
at specific times.
Erlang-Coxian CTBNs (EC-CTBNs)
Because CTBNs rely on well-behaved exponential distributions for modeling temporal distributions, they submit to
easy analytic treatment. Unfortunately, many real-world distributions can not be modeled accurately with exponentials,
thus we seek a representation which combines the benefits
of CTBNs with greater expressive power.
Our solution is to use phase-type (PH) distributions (Neuts 1981), which also obey the Markov property
and hence maintain analytical tractability. Phase-type distributions have been widely used to closely approximate general distributions and hence provide great expressiveness.
Specifically, we employ the Erlang-Coxian (EC) distribution, which has the attractive property that it is described by
a small number of free parameters which are easily computed in closed form.
Phase-Type Distributions
An nth -order PH distribution is specified in terms of the absorption time of a corresponding Markov chain consisting
of n states (phases), where the i-th phase has an exponentially distributed holding time with rate λi . To fully specify this process one must dictate the entrance distribution,
τ = [p01 . . . p0n ], where p0i denotes the probability that the
chain starts in phase i, and an n × n infinitesimal genera~ , whose entries, pij , encode the probability of
tor matrix, T
transitioning from phase i to phase j. The cumulative distribution function is F (t) = 1 − ~
τ expm(T t)~
e. The i-th
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Figure 1: Markov chain for an Erlang-Coxian distribution
~ ·~
component of the chain’s exit distribution, u
~ = T
e, is
the probability that the final absorbing state is reached by
transitioning from the chain’s i-th phase.
For many years, researchers have devised methods for approximating an arbitrary distribution, G, with a phase-type
distribution P H. We make the common assumption that
P H is a good match to G when its first k moments equal
~ such
those of G. Thus we wish to find values for ~
τ and T
that the first k moments match. Note that this search space is
very large, since we must find values for Θ(n2 ) parameters,
when considering PH-distributions of order n.
Recently, (Osogami & Harchol-Balter 2003b; 2003a)
published an efficient and elegant approximation method.
Their approach is efficient because it restricts the search
to the space of Erlang-Coxian (EC) distributions — distributions whose Markov chain consists of n − 2 phase Erlang distribution followed by a two-phase Coxian+ distribution as specified in Figure 1. Note that the rates λ are
the same for all Erlang phases, and that the only way to
exit the chain is via the first phase of the Erlang distribution or one of the two Coxian phases. The EC distribution is
therefore completely described by just six free parameters,
(n, p, λ, λC1 , λC2 , pC ), which can be calculated in closed
form given the first three moments of any distribution G.
Generalized Markov Processes
Let X be a random variable governed by a Markov process
whose transition intensities may vary over time (i.e., nonhomogenous). We can model X(t) with a generalized Markov
process, X̂, which is a homogeneous Markov process over
an extended state space. We construct the generalized process by approximating each holding-time distribution of the
original process with an EC-distribution. Each atomic transition of the original process X(t) is then represented by a
subsystem of X̂.
As a first step, let Gxi denote the distribution over holding times for each value xi ∈ Val(X) in the original process. We now approximate each Gxi with an EC distribution
represented by a chain with phases Sxi = {xi1 , · · · , xiNi },
~ xi and exit distribution u
generator matrix T
~ xi . The (homogeneous) generalized Markov process for X is defined as a
Markov process over X̂, where Val(X̂) = i=1 Sxi . The
of states in this new process is NX̂ = |V al(X̂)| =
The dynamics of the generalized process are govi
~ , an N × N matrix, called the generalized
erned by Q
intensity matrix (GIM), which is computed by amalgamat~ xi and weighting the transitions being the Markov chains T
tween these subsystems by the exit distributions from the
respective chains.
~ contains n subsystems — one for
In other words, Q
each possible value xi ∈ Val(X). We call these original
values of X, the base values of the generalized Markov process X̂. By construction, the GIM has semantics such that
(X̂ = xik ) =⇒ (X = xi ), where xik is the k th state in the
underlying Markov chain for X = xi .
The GIM can now be queried in the same way that a simple intensity matrix can, e.g., in order to determine the distribution over the states in time. Given an initial distribution
P̂0 , the new distribution over the states of X̂ is given by
~ t). Note that this posterior distribution is
P̂t = P̂0 expm(Q
over all the states of the extended process. The probability
of a particular base value Pt (X = xi ) = j=1
P̂t [xij ].
The EC-CTBN Model
We can compose generalized Markov processes in the same
manner as we did for conditional Markov processes above.
Let Y (t) be a generalized Markov process whose dynamics
are conditioned on a set of other variables V that themselves
evolve as generalized Markov processes. Then a generalized
conditional intensity matrix (GCIM) for Y is a set of generalized intensity matrices, one for each instantiation of base
values to the conditioning variables Vi ∈ V. GCIMs enable
us to model the local dependence of one variable on a set of
other variables, in the same way that CIMs did for CTBNs.
We now define EC-CTBNs. Let X = {X1 , . . . , Xk }
be a set of discrete random variables. An Erlang-Coxian
continuous-time Bayesian network (EC-CTBN) is a triple
hPX0 , G, Qi. PX0 is a factored probability distribution over
the initial values of the Xi . G is a directed graph with whose
nodes are X , and Par(Xi ) denotes the parents of Xi in G.
Q is a set of generalized conditional intensity matrices con~
taining Q
for each Xi ∈ X .
Xi |Par(Xi )
The global semantics of the EC-CTBN are understood in
terms of the amalgamation operation over the GCIMs, which
define the EC-CTBN. The Joint Intensity Matrix defined by
this operation represents a Homogeneous Markov Process
over the extended state space that includes the states corresponding to the phases of the various EC-chains. However, the evolution of the probability distributions over the
extended state space, when projected onto the corresponding base values, reflect the different distributions over the
holding times of the variables in their base states.
Learning EC-CTBNs
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of CTBN parameters is efficient due to the special nature of the exponential distribution. As described in (Nodelman, Shelton, &
Koller 2003), the parameters for a variable X can be calculated from two sets of simple statistics: T [x|~
v ], the total
amount of time X spent in state x, conditioned on its parent variables taking on the value ~
v ; and M [x, x0 |~
v ], the total
number of times X transitioned from x to x0 for each pair of
states. Then the MLE parameters of the model are given by
v ]/T [x|~
v ] and q̂xx0 |~
v ]/T [x|~
v ],
v = M [x|~
v = M [x, x |~
v ].
where M [x|~
v ] = x0 M [x, x |~
Extending the expressive power of CTBNs to handle general non-exponential time distributions using hidden state is
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Figure 2: Interval (i) counts toward T [X = 0 | Y = 0]; (ii)
is a censored interval associated with T [X= 1 | Y = 0]; (iii)
counts toward T [X= 1 | Y = 1].
challenging due to the infinitely-large space of possible trajectories of the hidden variable. In the special case of EC
distributions, these trajectories are captured by the Markov
chain described in closed form by the six parameters described above. Thus, at first glance, the problem of learning EC-CTBNs might appear to be solved, because the six
parameters can be estimated from the first three moments of
the data.
However, a problem arises with this simple approach, because the time that a variable spends in a state may be governed by more than one instantiation of its parents. Consider the example of two Boolean variables X and Y , where
Y = Par(X). Suppose X switches to the value 1 while
Y is 0. After a while Y switches to 1 and X remains unchanged, as shown in Figure 2. The problem is how to
account for the measurement of the interval (ii). It cannot be directly counted in T [X = 1 |Y = 0], because it
ends when Y switched, not because X switched. Nor can
the union of intervals (ii) and (iii) be directly counted toward T [X = 1 | Y = 0]. Furthermore, discarding measurements of this form could lead to an arbitrarily-poor learned
model, since the observation does tell us that our estimate
of q̂X=1|Y =0 should be constrained to account for the fact
that in this case X did not switch before Y . Intuitively, we
should adjust the length of (iii) to be what it would of have
been if Y had not switched first.1
The problem of handling such truncated, or censored, data
is studied in the field of failure analysis (Crowder et al.
1994). While classic failure analysis has been concerned
with fitting censored data to simple distributions (such as
the normal, exponential, Weibull, etc.), there has been some
work on fitting phase-type distributions of fixed order to
censored data using expectation-maximization (EM) (Asmussen, Nerman, & Olsson 1996). We generalize this approach to fit EC distributions of arbitrary order as follows.
We record the training data DX for each variable X as
a set of tuples hx, ~
v , t, ci, where x is a value of X, ~
v are
instantiations of the parents of X, t is the length of the interval, and c = 0 if the interval ends with a transition of X, or
c = 1 (censored) if it ends with a transition of a parent of X.
We then assign the weight of each censored element in DH
evenly among all the longer non-censored elements (a technique known as the Kaplan-Meier estimate), and calculate
an initial estimate of the parameters of the best EC approx1
This problem doesn’t affect CTBNs, because of mathematical
properties specific to the exponential distribution. However, this
immunity fails when the variables can have arbitrary distributions
over holding times. See (Nodelman, Shelton, & Koller 2003).
imation of the weighted, non-censored data using Osogami
& Harchol-Balter’s algorithm. Then, in standard EM fashion, the current EC approximation is used to re-estimate the
values of censored data points, and the process repeats until
convergence. The final result is used to define the general~ .
ized intensity matrix Q
In order to avoid having to re-design the Osogami &
Harchol-Balter procedure to accept as input probability distributions over possible values for the censored data, one can
employ a Monte-Carlo version of EM, where the expectation
step draws a number of samples for each censored point. In
fact, in the experiments described below we found that EM
converged to same values even if each censored point was
simply replaced by its analytically derived expected value,
which led to a very efficient implementation.
Handling Evidence over Time Intervals
The second major drawback of CTBNs is their inability to
model interval evidence, i.e. evidence of the form “Variable
X stayed at value xi during time interval [t1 , t2 ].” Interval
evidence arises frequently in a variety of practical situations.
For example, a motion detector might report that no one entered a room between 8:30 and 10:00AM. CTBN’s inability
stems from the semantics of homogeneous Markov process
evolution, which is described in terms of the exploration of
the trajectories of variables during a given interval. The pos~ for an intensity matrix
terior distribution Pt = P0 expm(Qt)
Q includes the effects of an arbitrary number of transitions
at an arbitrary number of time points in the interval [0, t].
Since this quantification over all trajectories (including those
where X temporarily shifted away from xi ) is implicit in use
of matrix exponentiation for projection, there appears to be
no way to benefit from such evidence.
However, transforming the state space once again solves
the problem. Indeed, our solution works on both CTBN and
EC-CTBN models. The crux of the issue is the need to measure the probability mass of the subset of trajectories consistent with the evidence — or equivalently, preventing probability mass from accumulating in trajectories which violate
the interval evidence. The key insight is that we can enforce the constraint X = xi , ∀t ∈ [t1 , t2 ] by creating and
conditioning on a new variable which records whether the
observed variable, e.g., X, changed state during the interval.
Specifically, let X be a set of discrete random variables
containing X. Let ζ be a new Boolean variable; intuitively,
ζ = 0 will signify that X did not change value anywhere
in a prediction interval, while ζ = 1 indicates that there
was at least one transition. In other words, ζ partitions the
space of all trajectories over X , based on whether or not X
~ ζ over
We create a new (augmented) intensity matrix, Q
~ X be an n × n intensity matrix
X {ζ} as follows. Let Q
for the amalgamated system, and let X be a state variable
~ X ’s vifor which we expect interval evidence. We define Q
~ , to be a n × n matrix whose entries, vij
olation matrix, V
are defined as follows. If X has different values in states i
and j of the amalgamated Markov process, then vij equals
~ X otherwise vij = 0. Intuitively, V
the ij th element of Q
records the intensity of all transitions where X might change
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~ ζ ’s four quadrants correspond to the transitions between
possible values of ζ. In the upper left, ζ remains zero, so
transitions which change X are disallowed. The upper right
denotes transitions where X changes value for the first time,
here ζ also changes from zero to one. The bottom left is all
zeros because ζ cannot transition from one to zero. The bottom right is the original intensity matrix since all transitions
are allowed once ζ = 1.
For example, consider a simple CTBN with two Boolean
nodes, X = {Y, X}, where Y is the parent of X, and X
is the variable about which we receive interval observations.
Let the joint intensity matrix be:
6 2
~ XY
2 7
1 5
Then the augmented intensity matrix is
~ζ = 6
~ ζ to propagate an initial distribution Pt1 which
We can use Q
has ζ = 0. Given the posterior Pt2 , we discard any probability mass assigned to ζ = 1 and re-normalize. This maintains
the original CTBN semantics, but enforces the fact that X
didn’t change during the interval.
Note that we need just one ζ variable to handle interval evidence over an arbitrary number of variables;2 in such a case,
the semantics of ζ = 0 is that none of the observed variables
changed during the interval. Furthermore, note that since
our method simply transforms a homogeneous Markov process into one with an additional variable, it may be used with
any inference algorithm.
Our evaluation addresses two questions. First, does the generality and expressive power of our extension to EC distributions provide benefits on real problems? Second, does our
method for handling interval evidence matter, or are the effects of such observations insignificant? To answer these
questions, we chose two domains: email response behavior
and the day-to-day activity of a human navigating between
home, work and other locations as recorded by GPS data.
Our email domain models a email-response sequence with
three variables: U denotes user state and has two values
online and offline. Variable, S, conditioned on U , denotes
message staleness (intuitively, a measure of how long the
Note that while different intensity matrices are needed for dif~ ζ can be generated very quickly.
ferent sets of evidence, the Q
Frequency Histogram
Learned EC−CTBN
value, violating the evidence. We now define the 2n × 2n
~ ζ:
augmented intensity matrix, Q
~ ζ = (QX − V ) V
Learned CTBN
Response Time in Seconds
Figure 3: EC-CTBN and CTBN approximation overlayed
on email response-time data.
message has remained unanswered) and has four values
{0, 1, 2, ≥ 3} which denote the number of times the user has
gone offline without replying to the message. The third variable, E, denotes the email-state and has two values waiting
for reply and replied; E is conditioned on both U and S.
Given three months worth of the author’s actual email,
we found 533 email-response pairs. We represented each of
these examples as a variable-length sequence of events (e.g.,
message arrival, user goes offline, and user replies). We estimated values for U at the time of these events based on his
proximal email activity. Then using 5-fold cross validation,
we split the data into training sets of 433 and test sets of 100
message-response episodes.
In order to evaluate EC-CTBN efficacy, we learned a
CTBN and a EC-CTBN for the network mentioned above.
(The learned EC-CTBN had 288 states compared to the
CTBN’s 16.) We then queried the two models for the probability density over reply events in the hold-out set. Figure 3 shows the EC-CTBN and (traditional) CTBN density
function over these reply-times mapped on top of the actual
frequency distribution for a representative hold-out set. Visually, it is apparent that the EC-CTBN does a better job of
matching the actual distribution. We confirmed this quantitatively by computing the ratio of the probability densities
predicted by the two models for every reply in the hold-out
set. Averaging the mean over 5 runs gave a value of 1.38,
i.e. the EC-CTBN was almost forty percent more likely to
predict the correct answer than the ordinary CTBN.
In our second test, we evaluated the effect of our technique for handling negative evidence in the form of interval observations. Here we compared the learned CTBN
model to an augmented version (described in the previous
Section) of the same CTBN model. We tested on the same
hold-out set as in the last experiment, but incorporated evidence of the form “User was online from ti to tj .” Figure 4
shows that the likelihood of the data under the CTBN augmented with interval evidence is substantially higher than a
CTBN without interval evidence. The latter model predicts
a longer response time, since it erroneously thinks the user
may be offline and hence less responsive. Similar experiments show an augmented EC-CTBN outperforms a standard EC-CTBNs on the same data.
We next consider a different domain: a month’s worth of
GPS trace data, recording an individual’s movement about
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Discussion and Conclusions
x 10
EC−CTBN Likelihood
CTBN Likelihood
E−Mail Response TImes for E−Mails sent When User was Online
Figure 4: Average likelihood of evidence vs. the time to
reply to email. (The Y axis measures likelihood times 10−5 .)
Since it can exploit interval evidence, the augmented CTBN
predictions are much more accurate than those of the initial
Histogram and Learned Distribution: Driving to School
Frequency Count for Drive Times
Learned Distribution
Time in Seconds
Histogram and Learned Distribution: Walking to Building from Parking Lot
Frequency Count for Walking Times
Learned Distribution
Time in Seconds
Histogram and Learned Distribution: Entire Trip from Home to School
Frequency Count for Total Trip Times
0.001 L
Learned Distribution
Time in Seconds
Continuous time Bayesian networks are a promising new
framework for modeling dynamic processes without committing to a fixed temporal grain size. We have shown how
to extend CTBNs to approximately model non-exponential
time distributions using Erlang-Coxian approximations. Our
method affords tractable learning, but the problem of censored data leads us to use expectation-maximization initialized by the Kaplan-Meier estimate. We further showed how
to handle negative evidence in the form of observations that
certain variables did not change value over continuous intervals of time. We demonstrated the effectiveness of these extensions by showing that they improved predictive accuracy
in two domains: email response behavior and GPS traces of
a person traveling about a city.
In our current and future work we are using EC-CTBNs
to create much more complex models of a user’s work routines; for example, modeling both low-level activities such
as using email or preparing documents, and high-level processes such as preparing for a meeting. These more complex models are hierarchically structured and contain both
continuous-time and discrete-time nodes, further extensions
to the CTBN model we will describe in future papers.
Figure 5: EC-CTBN approximations to travel times for two
trip segments and total time to goal.
a city by foot, car, and bus. Specifically, we used data
from (Liao, Fox, & Kautz 2004) in which raw, time-stamped
GPS data is clustered to find locations, i.e., coordinates with
large dwell times. Next, a topological movement model is
constructed by defining a graph whose nodes are locations
and whose edges are called trip segments. At any point
the user’s activity is either her current location or the trip
segment on which she is engaged. The raw data is hand
annotated so that every time point is hierarchically labeled
with a GPS coordinate, an activity, and a goal. There are
three goals (home, work, and a friend’s house), six locations,
and fourteen trip segments. We learn a EC-CTBN with two
variables (goal and activity) where activity is conditioned
on goal. Figure 5 shows the distributions learned for travel
times from home to the parking lot and from there to work.
Clearly, an exponential distribution would not capture these
This work was supported by NSF grant IIS-0307906, ONR
grant N00014-02-1-0932, and DARPA via SRI grant 03000225. Thanks to Pedro Domingos and anonymous reviewers for insightful comments.
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