Index AAAI-04 Technical Papers, 1-767 AAAI Organization, xvii Achlioptas, Dimitris, 131 Adaptive Algorithms for Routing and Traffic Engineering in Stochastic Networks, 993 Adding Time and Intervals to Procedural and Hierarchical Control Specifications, 92 Additive versus Multiplicative Clause Weighting for SAT, 191 Adibi, Jafar, 800 Advice Generation from Observed Execution: Abstract Markov Decision Process Learning, 631 Affective Recruitment of Distributed Heterogeneous Agents, 14 Agent-Based Modeling with Social Networks for Terrorist Recruitment, 1016 Agent-based Simulation of Geo-Political Conflict, 884 Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 1-47 Aggarwal, Vikram, 1044 Agno, Andrew, 1022 Ahn, J., 1006 AI Characters and Directors for Interactive Computer Games, 877 Aitken, Stuart, 1038 Albore, Alexandre, 495 Amit, R., 944 Analogical Path Planning, 537 Anderson, Gustave, 1004 Anderson, Michael L., 1014 Andronache, Virgil, 1034 Ang, Marcelo H. Jr., 28 Angryk, Rafal A., 946 Ansótegui, Carlos, 137 Application View of COORDINATORS: Coordination Managers for First Responders, An, 908 Arcos, J. Ll., 1010 Armanasu, Alex, 1026 Armstrong, Tom, 431 Artemis: Integrating Scientific Data on the Grid, 892 Assanie, Mazin, 877 Assessing the Complexity of Plan Recognition, 507 Automated Reasoning, 48-110 Automatic Generation of Artistic Chinese Calligraphy, 937 Automatically Transforming Symbolic Shape Descriptions for Use in Sketch Recognition, 450 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment Onboard the EO-1 Spacecraft, The, 1040 Backdoor Key: A Path to Understanding Problem Hardness, The, 124 Bailey-Kellogg, Chris, 585 Bain, Stuart, 191 Ballard, Dana H., 488 Banerjee, Bikramjit, 2 Baral, Chitta, 92, 305, 556 Barber, K. S., 1006 Barbu, Costin, 946 Barbulescu, Laura, 143 Basu, Sugato, 979 Batzoglou, Serafim, 703 Bayes Net Approach to Argumentation, A, 966 Bayesian Inference on Principal Component Analysis Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo, 372 Bayesian Network Classifiers Versus k-NN Classifier Using Sequential Feature Selection, 360 Beck, J. Christopher, 49 Benedict, James L., 777 Bent, Russell, 501 Bernstein, Daniel S., 709 Berry, Nina M., 1016 Bertoli, Piergiorgio, 495 Bessiere, Christian, 112 Best-First Frontier Search with Delayed Duplicate Detection, 650 Bilenko, Mikhail, 981 Binas, Arnold, 948 Bischof, Horst, 444 Bistarelli, Stefano, 808 Blumberg, Andrew J., 8 Boutilier, Craig, 204, 690 Bowen, James, 149 Bradshaw, Jeffrey M., 1038 Branching and Pruning: An Optimal Temporal POCL Planner Based on Constraint Programming, 570 Branching Storylines in Virtual Reality Environments for Leadership Development, 844 Bratt, Elizabeth Owen, 1036 Braziunas, Darius, 690 Browning, Brett, 599, 1032 Brudno, Michael, 703 Bui, Hung H., 324 Bulitko, Vadim, 870 Burnheimer, Andrew, 1004 CaBMA: Case-Based Project Management Assistant, 931 Cafarella, Michael, 391 Cafeo, John A., 777 Cai, Gangshu, 983 CAMEO: Modeling Human Activity in Formal Meeting Situations, 1032 Campbell, Jason, 1008 Capturing User Intent for Information Re trieval, 997 Carchrae, Tom, 49 Carenini, Giuseppe, 749 Carney, Karen, 820 Carpenter, Paul, 844 CASEE: A Hierarchical Event Representation for the Analysis of Videos, 263 Castano, Rebecca, 1040 Centibots: Very Large Scale Distributed Robotic Teams, 1022 Cerquides, Jésus, 1012 Chai, Xiaoyong, 578 Chalupsky, Hans, 800 Chan, Kap Luk, 372 Cheetham, William, 770 Chen, Hubie, 155 Chen, Min, 1044 Cheung, Kwok-Wai, 937 Chien, Steve, 1040 Choueiry, Berthe Y., 970 Christian, David B., 385 Chu-Carroll, Jennifer, 311 Cichy, Benjamin, 1040 Cicirello, Vincent, 1004 Clark, Brady, 1036 CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management, 1020 Collapsibility and Consistency in Quantified Constraint Satisfaction, 155 Combinatorial Auctions with Structured Item Graphs, 212 Common Sense Data Acquisition for Indoor Mobile Robots, 605 Comparing Cognitive and Computational Models of Narrative Structure, 385 Comparison of Techniques for Scheduling Earth Observing Satellites, A, 836 Complete Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability, 161 Complexity, 111-129 Complexity of Contextual Reasoning, 118 Complexity of Global Constraints, The, 112 Compressing Pattern Databases, 638 Computational Study of the Kemeny Rule for Preference Aggregation, A, 697 Computing Shapley Values, Manipulating Value Division Schemes, and Checking Core Membership in Multi-Issue Domains, 219 Conference Program Committees, xviii Conitzer, Vincent, 212, 219 Connecting Cognitive and Physical Worlds with Dynamic Cost Function Definition, 989 Conservative Belief Revision, 251 Constraint Satisfaction and Satisfiability, 130-202 Continuous Time in a SAT-Based Planner, 531 Correspondence Metric for Imitation, A, 944 Crawford, James, 836 Culotta, Aron, 412 Cuní, G., 1010 Dalton, Jeff, 1038 Davenport, Andrew, 697 Davidson, Ian, 330 Davies, Ashley, 1040 Davis, Ernest, 531 Davis, Randall, 450, 482 De Giacomo, Giuseppe, 245 De Graw, Nathan, 864 de la Cruz, D., 1010 de la Torre, Fernando, 1032 de Siebra, Clauirton, 1038 Deelman, Ewa, 892 del Val, Alvaro, 137 Delgrande, James P., 251 Deployed Applications, 769-798 Derryberry, Jonathan, 212 Detecting and Eliminating the Cascade Vulnerability Problem from Multilevel Security Networks Using Soft Constraints, 808 Dilkina, Bistra N., 814 Discriminating Among Word Meanings by Identifying Similar Contexts, 964 Distance Estimates for Planning in the Discrete Belief Space, 525 Distributed Representation of Syntactic Structure by Tensor Product Representation and Non-Linear Compression, 437 Dixon, Heidi E., 55 Do, Chuong B., 703 Do, Minh B., 562 Domain-Independent Reason-Enhanced Controller for Task-ORiented Systems — DIRECTOR, 1014 Domain Transmutation in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, 149 Dorsey, David, 1004 Doshi, Prashant J., 985 Dotú, Iván, 137 Downey, Doug, 391 Dudek, Gregory, 470, 476, 537 Dynamic Programming for Partially Observable Stochastic Games, 709 Eberhard, Kathleen, 1034 Effective Algorithm for Project Scheduling with Arbitrary Temporal Constraints, An, 544 Effective Approaches for Partial Satisfaction (Over-Subscription) Planning, 562 Elhadad, Noemie, 987 Eliciting Bid Taker Non-price Preferences in (Combinatorial) Auctions, 204 Emerging Applications, 799-942 Encoding Probabilistic Causal Model in Probabilistic Action Language, 305 Engineering Open Multi-Agent Systems as Electronic Institutions, 1010 Ensemble Technique for Stable Learners with Performance Bounds, An, 330 Enzenberger, Markus, 658 Epstein, Susan L., 354 Erenrich, Jordan, 670 Ergonomics Analysis for Vehicle Assembly Using Artificial Intelligence, 793 Eriksen, Michael, 1022 Error Detection and Impact-Sensitive Instance Ranking in Noisy Datasets, 378 Esteva, M., 1010 Etzioni, Oren, 391, 1026 Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric Constraints, 970 Evaluating Ontology Cleaning, 311 Explainable Artificial Intelligence System for Small-unit Tactical Behavior, An, 900 Exploring More Realistic Evaluation Measures for Collaborative Filtering, 749 Extending CP-Nets with Stronger Conditional Preference Statements, 735 Fan, James, 399 Fan, Wei, 336 Fang, Hai, 161 Felner, Ariel, 638 Fenson, Eitan, 287 Fernández, Cèsar, 137 Ferns, Norm, 950 Ferreira, Valnir Jr., 191 Fibring Neural Networks, 342 Finding Redundant Constraints for FSM Minimization, 976 Fisher, William, 900 Flexible Decision-Making in Sequential Auctions, 983 Foley, Simon N., 808 Foo, Norman, 293, 317 Forbus, Kenneth D., 820 Forward-Chaining Planning in Nondeterministic Domains, 513 Fox, Dieter, 348, 1022 Framework for Optimal Sequential Planning in Multiagent Settings, A, 985 Frank, Jeremy, 828 Frederiksen, Richard, 884 Freuder, Eugene C., 197 Fritz, Gerald, 444 Fullam, K., 1006 Fuzzy Induction in Dynamic User Profiling for Information Filtering, 946 Gabbay, Dov M., 342 Gage, Aaron, 14 Gal, Ya’akov, 226 Gambardella, Luca Maria, 173 Game Theory and Economic Models, 203243 Garcez, Artur S. d’Avila, 342 Garcia, Saturnino, 1004 Geffner, Héctor, 570 Geib, Christopher W., 507, 852 General Motors Variation-Reduction Adviser, The: Deployment Issues for an AI Application, 777 General Solution to the Graph History Interaction Problem, A, 644 Generating “Random” 3-SAT Instances with Specific Solution Space Structure, 960 Generating Safe Assumption-Based Plans for Partially Observable, Nondeterministic Domains, 495 Generation of Emotional Behavior for NonPlayer Characters - Development of EmoBot for Quake II, 954 Gerkey, Brian P., 20 Gharpure, Chaitanya, 864 Gil, Yolanda, 892 Ginsberg, Matthew L., 55 Giovannucci, A., 1012 Giunchiglia, Enrico, 61 Globus, Al, 836 Godden, Kurt, 777 Gordon, Andrew, 844 Gordon, Geoff, 20 Graser, T., 1006 Gross, Michael A. K., 828 Grosz, Barbara J., 226 GROWRANGE: Anytime VCG-Based Mechanisms, 34 Gujral, N., 1006 Gupta, Rahul, 1028 Gupta, Rakesh, 605 Guralnik, Valerie, 852, 908 Hahn, Udo, 257, 406 Haigh, Karen Zita, 852 Hakeem, Asaad, 263 Hammond, Tracy, 450 Han, D. C., 1006 Hansen, Eric A., 677, 683, 709 Harris, Harlan D., 366 Harris, Justin, 431 Havens, William S., 814 Hebrard, Emmanuel, 112, 952 Henry, Mike, 954 Hiding Satisfying Assignments: Two Are Better than One, 131 Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models with General State Hierarchy, 324 High-Level Goal Recognition in a Wireless LAN, 578 Hnich, Brahim, 112 Hofer, David K., 55 Holte, Robert C., 638 Hooley, Tye, 954 Horvitz, Eric, 124 Houck, Keith, 1044 Howard, Rich, 287 Howe, Adele E., 143 Hu, Minqing, 755 Hunking, Burt, 954 Hunter, Anthony, 269, 275 Hwa, Rebecca, 761 iBundler: An Agent-Based Decision Support Service for Combinatorial Negotiations, 1012 Identification and Tracing of Ambiguous Names: Discriminative and Generative Approaches, 419 Identifying an Object that is Perceptually Indistinguishable from One Previously Perceived, 968 Identifying Linear Causal Effects, 104 Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology, 858 Implementing a Generalized Version of Resolution, 55 Independent LifeStyle Assistant™ (I.L.S.A.), The: AI Lessons Learned, 852 Inducing Constraint-Based Grammars using a Domain Ontology, 995 Ingrand, Félix, 617 Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Papers, 768-942 Inoue, Atsushi, 954 Instance-Based State Representation for Network Repair, An, 287 Integration of Grounding Language and Learning Objects, On the, 488 Intelligent Agents for Coalition Search and Rescue Task Support, 1038 Intelligent Systems Demonstration: The Secure Wireless Agent Testbed (SWAT), 1004 Intelligent Systems Demonstrations, 10031045 Interactive Information Extraction with Constrained Conditional Random Fields, 412 Interesting Instance Discovery in MultiRelational Data, 991 Interleaving Temporal Planning and Execution in Robotics Domains, 617 Interpreting Loosely Encoded Questions, 399 Invited Talks, xxv Ishii, Shin, 623 Ito, Takayuki, 592 Jarvis, Peter A., 858 Jhala, Arnav, 844 Jia, Haixia, 131 Johnson, Frances L., 956 Jones, Chris, 958 Josyula, Darsana P., 1014 Junker, Ulrich, 167 Just How Mad Are You? Finding Strong and Weak Opinion Clauses, 761 Kalagnanam, Jayant, 697 Kam, Moshe, 1004 Kambhampati, Subbarao, 562 Kautz, Henry, 124, 348 Kerfoot, Alex, 877, 923 Kiff, Liana M., 852 Kishimoto, Akihiro, 644 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 244-323 Knowledge State Reconsideration: Hindsight Belief Revision, 956 Ko, David, 1026 Ko, Jonathan, 1022 Ko, Teresa H., 1016 Kochenderfer, Mykel J., 605 Kohl, Nate, 611 KOJAK Group Finder: Connecting the Dots via Integrated Knowledge-Based and Sta tistical Reasoning, The, 800 Konolige, Kurt, 457, 1022 Kopena, Joseph, 1004 Korf, Richard E., 638, 650 Kristjansson, Trausti, 412 Kulyukin, Vladimir, 864 Kumar, T. K. Satish, 67 Kürklü, Elif, 828 Kuter, Ugur, 513 Kwok, James T., 372 Kwok, Rex, 293, 317 Laird, John E., 877, 923 Lal, Anagh, 970 Lam, D. N., 1006 Large-Scale Map-Making, 457 Larson, Kate, 73 Lau, Francis C. M., 937 Lau, Hoong Chuin, 519 Leap Before You Look: An Effective Strategy in an Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem, 143 Learnable Similarity Functions and their Applications to Clustering and Record Linkage, 981 Learning, 323-383 Learning and Applying Competitive Strategies, 354 Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines, 348 Learning Indexing Patterns from One Language for the Benefit of Others, 406 Learning Social Preferences in Games, 226 Lee, Joohyung, 281 Lee, Wee Sun, 425 Lee, Yugyung, 1028 Lemai, Solange, 617 Lennon, Jamie, 989 Leow, Wee Kheng, 28 Lesperance, Ronald M., 777 Levner, Ilya, 870 Li, Xiaoli, 425 Li, Xin, 419 Liao, Lin, 348 Lierler, Yuliya, 61 Likhodedov, Anton, 232 Likitvivatanavong, Chavalit, 149 Limketkai, Benson, 1022 Lin, Fangzhen, 80, 281 Lin, Jane, 960 Lin, Shou-de, 991 Littman, Michael L., 287 Liu, Bing, 425, 755 Lock, Esther, 354 Logic Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms, 86 Logical Foundations of Negotiation: Outcome, Concession, and Adaptation, 293 Lohn, Jason, 836 Loop Formulas for Circumscription, 281 Low-cost Addition of Preferences to DTPs and TCSPs, 723 Low-Knowledge Algorithm Control, 49 Low, Kian Hsiang, 28 Luks, Eugene M., 55 Lunt, Teresa F., 858 Machine Learning for Adaptive Image Interpretation, 870 Machine Learning for Fast Quadrupedal Locomotion, 611 Magerko, Brian, 877 Mahindru, Ruchi, 311 Making Argumentation More Believable, 269 Making Better Recommendations with Online Profiling Agents, 785 Malfettone, Kris, 1004 Mancini, Toni, 245 Mancuso, Michael, 900 Manyà, Felip, 137 Maratea, Marco, 61 Marek, Victor W., 86 Markó, Kornél, 257, 406 Marzo, Francesca, 226 Mastrolilli, Monaldo, 173 Mataric, Maja J., 944, 958 Matsuo, Tokuro, 592 Mausam, 716 MAX-2-SAT: How Good Is Tabu Search in the Worst-Case?, 173 McCallum, Andrew, 412 McGrew, Robert, 238 McGuinness, Deborah L., 777 McKay, R., 1006 mCP Nets: Representing and Reasoning with Preferences of Multiple Agents, 729 Melz, Eric, 800 Mereological Semantics for Bio-Ontologies, 257 Meshulam, Ram, 638 Methods for Boosting Revenue in Combinatorial Auctions, 232 Methods for Domain-Independent Informa tion Extraction from the Web: An Experimental Comparison, 391 Metric for the Evaluation of Imitation, A, 999 Metrics for Finite Markov Decision Processes, 950 Meyer, Thomas, 293, 317 Michalowski, Wojtek, 1018 Michelizzi, Jason, 1024 Mining Opinion Features in Customer Re views, 755 Misra, Sudip, 993 Mixed-Initiative Workflow Composition, 972 Mobile Agent-Based Search for Service Discovery on Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks, 974 Mobile Emergency Triage Support System, 1018 Model Checking Temporal Logics of Knowledge in Distributed Systems, 98 Modeling Choices in Quasigroup Completion: SAT vs. CSP, 137 Modi, Pragnesh Jay, 1020 Montemerlo, Michael, 464 Moore, Cristopher, 131 Morgan, Alexander P., 777 Mori, Takeshi, 623 Morie, Paul, 419 Morisset, Benoit, 1022 Mroczkowski, Andy, 1004 Müller, Martin, 644, 658 Multi-Agent System Development: Design, Runtime, and Analysis, 1006 Multi-Resolution Pyramid for Outdoor Robot Terrain Perception, A, 464 Muñoz-Avila, Héctor, 931 Muresan, Smaranda, 995 Murphy, Robin R., 14 Myers, Janet, 852 Myers, Karen L., 858 Naik, Gaurav, 1004 Nakamura, Yutaka, 623 Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction, 384-442 Nau, Dana, 513 Nayak, Abhaya C., 251 Negotiation as Mutual Belief Revision, 317 Nejman, Mark, 431 Ng, Kien Ming, 519 Nguyen, Hien, 997 Nicholson, John, 864 Noria, F. X., 1012 Nourbakhsh, Illah, 1008 Nudelman, Eugene, 664 Nuxoll, Andrew, 923 Oates, Tim, 431 Occam’s Razor and a Non-Syntactic Measure of Decision Tree Complexity, 962 Odd and Even Cycles in Normal Logic Programs, On, 80 Oh, Danny, 785 Oh, Jean, 1020 Online Parallel Boosting, 366 Online Semantic Extraction by Backpropagation Neural Network with Various Syntactic Structure Representations, 1042 Oommen, B. John, 993 Optimality of Probability Estimation by Random Decision Trees, On the, 336 Ortiz, Charlie, 1022 O’Sullivan, Barry, 808 Outstanding Paper Award, xxi Pagnucco, Maurice, 251 Paletta, Lucas, 444 Pan, Shimei, 1044 Pan, Yunhe, 937 Panangaden, Prakash, 950 Pari, Pushkin R., 960, 976 Park, J., 1006 Parkes, Andrew J., 55 Parkes, David C., 34 Patel, Chintan, 1028 Patil, Raju, 1032 Patwardhan, Siddharth, 1024 Paul, Goutam, 962 Pedersen, Ted, 964, 1024, 1030 Peintner, Bart, 723 Peng, Jing, 2 Perception, 443-493 Perceptually Based Learning of Shape Descriptions for Sketch Recognition, 482 Performance Bounded Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Interactions, 2 Perlis, Don, 1014 Pernkopf, Franz, 360 Peters, Stanley, 1036 Peysakhov, Max, 1004 Pfeffer, Avi, 226, 299 Pham, Duc Nghia, 191 Phelps, John, 852, 908 Phung, Dinh Q., 324 Planning and Scheduling, 494-583 Planning and Verification for Stochastic Processes with Asynchronous Events, 1001 Pollack, Martha E., 723 Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simple Temporal Problems with Piecewise Constant Domain Preference Functions, A, 67 Pon-Barry, Heather, 1036 Popescu, Ana-Maria, 391, 1026 Porter, Bruce, 399 Porter, Ryan, 664 Practice of Approximated Consistency for Knapsack Constraints, The, 179 PRECISE on ATIS: Semantic Tractability and Experimental Results, 1026 Precup, Doina, 950 Preface, xxiii PROBCONS: Probabilistic ConsistencyBased Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences, 703 Pryor, Anna, 836 Puradkar, Sushil, 1028 Purandare, Amruta, 964, 1030 Pyle, John M., 544 Qu, Gang, 960, 976 Qualitative Modeling, 584-597 Qualitative-Quantitative Methods-Based eLearning Support System in Economic Education, A, 592 QUICKXPLAIN: Preferred Explanations and Relaxations for Over-Constrained Problems, 167 Rabideau, Gregg, 1040 Ramakrishnan, Naren, 585 Ramesh, Amit, 999 Rapid Object Recognition from Discriminative Regions of Interest, 444 Ravi, Nishkam, 287 Reconstruction of 3D Models from Intensity Images and Partial Depth, 476 Regli, William, 1004 Regression with Respect to Sensing Actions and Partial States, 556 Regrets Only! Online Stochastic Optimization under Time Constraints, 501 Reichler, Jesse A., 366 Reinforcement Learning for CPG-Driven Biped Robot, 623 Relationship between Lexical Semantics and Syntax for the Inference of Context-Free Grammars, On the, 431 Repeated Observation Models, 299 Responsive Information Architect: A Context-Sensitive Multimedia Conversation Framework for Information Seeking, 1044 Reyes, A., 1012 Riley, Patrick, 631 Rintanen, Jussi, 525 Robotic Model of Human Reference Resolution, A, 1034 Robotic Wayfinding System for the Visually Impaired, A, 864 Robotics, 598-636 Robust Solutions for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization, 952 Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., 1010, 1012 Roelofsen, Floris, 118 Rosell, B., 1010 Rossi, F., 729 Roth, Dan, 419 Ruan, Yongshao, 124 Ruml, Wheeler, 161 Rybski, Paul E., 1032 Rychtyckyj, Nestor, 793 Saha, Sabyasachi, 966 Sanchez, Romeo, 562 Sandholm, Tuomas, 73, 204, 212, 219, 232 Santore, John F., 968 SAT-Based Answer Set Programming, 61 Sato, Masa-aki, 623 Savchenko, Michael A., 366 Scaling Up Reasoning about Actions Using Relational Database Technology, 245 Schaeffer, Jonathan, 658 Scheutz, Matthias, 42, 1034 Schoenebeck, Grant, 34 Schultz, Karl, 1036 Schulz, Dirk, 1022 Schulz, Stefan, 257, 406 SCoT: A Spoken Conversational Tutor, 1036 Search, 637-688 Searching for Stable Mechanisms: Automated Design for Imperfect Players, 8 Seifert, Christin, 444 Self-Organizing Visual Maps, 470 Sellmann, Meinolf, 179 Selman, Bart, 670 Semantically Guiding a First-Order Theorem Prover with a Soft Model, 948 SEM-Ether: Semantic Web Based Pervasive Computing Framework - Integrating Web, Devices and People, 1028 Semi-Supervised Clustering with Limited Background Knowledge, 979 Sen, Sandip, 966 SenseClusters - Finding Clusters that Represent Word Senses, 1030 Serafini, Luciano, 118 Shaffer, Joshua, 1004 Shah, Mubarak, 263 Shaked, Tal, 391 Shapiro, Stuart C., 956, 968 Sharma, Rita, 749 Shaw, James, 1044 Sheikh, Yaser, 263 Shelat, Abhi, 8 Shen, Haiou, 185 Sherin, Bruce L., 820 Sherwood, Rob, 1040 Shi, Yang, 970 Shields, Rob, 204 Shin, Ji-Ae, 531 Shintani, Toramatsu, 592 Shoham, Yoav, 238, 664 Shortest Path Discovery Problems: A Framework, Algorithms and Experimental Results, 550 SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium, 9781002 Sim, Robert, 470 Simhon, Saul, 537 Simmons, Reid G., 742 Simon, Andrea M., 777 Simple Search Methods for Finding a Nash Equilibrium, 664 Singh, Sachin, 1028 Skill Acquisition and Use for a Dynamically-Balancing Soccer Robot, 599 Slaney, John, 948 Slowinski, Roman, 1018 Smith, Stephen F., 1020 Smith, Tristan B., 544 Soderland, Stephen, 391 SOFIA’s Choice: An AI Approach to Scheduling Airborne Astronomy Observations, 828 Solving Concurrent Markov Decision Processes, 716 Solving Generalized Semi-Markov Decision Processes Using Continuous Phase-Type Distributions, 742 Son, Tran Cao, 92, 556 Space-Efficient Memory-Based Heuristics, 677 Spatial Aggregation for Qualitative Assessment of Scientific Computations, 585 Sponsoring Organizations, xxii Spraragen, Marc, 972 Steward, Benjamin, 1022 Stochastic Local Search for POMDP Controllers, 690 Stokes, Devvan, 877, 923 Stone, Peter, 611, 916 Structured Duplicate Detection in ExternalMemory Graph Search, 683 Student Abstracts, 943-977 Study of Lower Bound Functions for MAX2-SAT, 185 Su, Kaile, 98 Sukthankar, Rahul, 1008 Sultanik, Evan A., 974, 1004 Sute, Pradnya, 864 Synthetic Adversaries for Urban Combat Training, 923 Szepesvári, Csaba, 550 Tan, Chew Lim, 785 Task Allocation via Self-Organizing Swarm Coalitions in Distributed Mobile Sensor Network, 28 Tate, Austin, 1038 Taylor, Glenn, 884 Temperature Discovery Search, 658 Tenth Anniversary of the Plastics Color Formulation Tool, 770 Text Classification by Labeling Words, 425 Thakkar, Snehal, 892 Thornton, John, 191 Thrun, Sebastian, 20, 464 Tian, Jin, 104 Torres-Méndez, Luz A., 476 Towards Autonomic Computing: Adaptive Job Routing and Scheduling, 916 Towards Efficient Sampling: Exploiting Random Walk Strategies, 670 Towards Higher Impact Argumentation, 275 Tractable Tree Convex Constraint Networks, 197 Tran, Daniel, 1040 Tran, Nam, 305 Transport Logistics Planning with ServiceLevel Constraints, 519 Truszczynski, Miroslaw, 86 Tsang, Kenneth, 1004 Tsang, Peter W. M., 437 Tuan, Le-Chi, 92, 556 Tuchinda, Rattapoom, 892 Uceda-Sosa, Rosario, 1044 Uncertainty, 689-747 Urbano, Leonardo, 1004 Ureel, Leo C. II, 820 U.S. National Football League Scheduling Problem, The, 814 Usbeck, Kyle, 1004 Useful Roles of Emotions in Artificial Agents: A Case Study from Artificial Life, 42 User Modeling, 748-767 User-Sensitive Text Summarization, 987 Using Contracts to Influence the Outcome of a Game, 238 Using Performance Profile Trees to Improve Deliberation Control, 73 Uszok, Andrzej, 1038 Utilizing Internal State in Multi-Robot Coordination Tasks, 958 Valente, Andre, 800 Vallespi, Carlos, 1032 van den Briel, Menkes, 562 Van Hentenryck, Pascal, 501 van Lent, Michael, 844, 900 van Velsen, Martin, 844 Vane, Russell R. III, 884 VanRiper, Ryan, 908 Vanzin, M., 1006 Veloso, Manuela, 599, 631, 1020, 1032 Venable, K. B., 729 Venkatesh, Svetha, 324 Veselova, Olya, 482 Vidal, Vincent, 570 Vincent, Regis, 1022 Viola, Paul, 412 Vishwanath, Kartik, 1028 Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion with Limited Field of View, 20 Visual Odometry Using Commodity Optical Flow, 1008 VModel: A Visual Qualitative Modeling Environment for Middle-School Students, 820 Wagner, Thomas, 852, 908 Walsh, Toby, 112, 729 Waltz, Edward, 884 Warren, Jacob, 1004 Wei, Wei, 670 Weld, Daniel S., 391, 716 Welty, Christopher, 311 Whiteson,Shimon, 916 Whitley, L. Darrell, 143 Wiebe, Janyce, 761 Wilk, Szymon, 1018 Wilson, Nic, 735 Wilson, Theresa, 761 WordNet::Similarity - Measuring the Relatedness of Concepts, 1024 Wray, Robert E., 923 Wu, Xiaotao, 519 Wu, Xindong, 378 Xu, Ke, 931 Xu, Ling, 599 Xu, Songhua, 937 Yang, Qiang, 578 Yang, Ying, 378 Yates, Alexander, 391, 1026 Yeung, Dit-Yan, 372 Yeung, Heidi H. T., 437, 1042 Yin, Jie, 578 Younes, Håkan L. S., 742, 1001 Young, R. Michael, 385 Yu, Chen, 488 Yu, Philip S., 425 Yuan, Lin, 960, 976 Zhang, Dongmo, 293, 317 Zhang, Hantao, 185 Zhang, Xin, 556 Zhang, Yuanlin, 197 Zhang, Zhihua, 372 Zhao, Xishun, 80 Zhou, Michelle, 1044 Zhou, Rong, 677, 683 Zhu, Xingquan, 378 Zilberstein, Shlomo, 709