Chapter 11 Infinite Sequences and Series Math 1B § 11.1 Sequences A sequence is a list of numbers written in a specific order: a1 , a2 , a3 , … , an , an +1 , … Notation: All of the following mean the same thing: {a1,a2,a3 ,...} € € € € ∞ {an } {an }n=1 € € Note: We deal only with infinite sequences. € € Sequence Defining Formula Several Terms Note: n does not have to start at 1. We were treating the formulas as functions that can only have integers plugged into them: n +1 f ( n) = 2 n g( n ) (−1) = n +1 2n Treating sequences as functions will allow us to do many things with sequences that we couldn’t do otherwise. € € Example: Find a formula for the general term an of the sequence. # 1 2 3 4 & $− , ,− , ,...' % 4 9 16 25 ( € € Some sequences don’t have a simple defining formula: ∞ {bn }n=1 where bn = n th digit of π € € € To graph the sequence {an } , plot the points ( n,an ) i.e. (1,a1 ) , (2,a2 ) , ( 3,a3 ) , … ∞ " n + 1% Example: Graph the sequence # 2 & $ n€ ' n=1 € € € € € Definition: A sequence {an } has the limit L and we write lim an = L n →∞ or an → L as n → ∞ € if we can make an as close to L as we want for all sufficiently large n. € € € If lim an exists, we say the sequence converges. Otherwise, the sequence diverges. n →∞ € € How do we find the limits of sequences? Most limits of sequences can be found using one of the following theorems. Theorem 1: If lim f ( x ) = L and f ( n ) = an when n is an integer, then lim an = L . n →∞ x →∞ (This tells us we take limits of sequences like we take limits of functions.) € € € The properties of limits for functions also hold for limits of sequences. Limit Laws for Sequences: If {an } and {bn } are convergent sequences and c is a constant, 1. lim( an ± bn ) = lim an ± lim bn n →∞ n →∞ 2. lim can = c lim an n →∞ € € € € 3. lim( an bn ) = lim an ⋅ lim bn n →∞ n →∞ an an lim = n →∞ n →∞ b lim bn n 4. lim € € n →∞ n →∞ € n →∞ lim bn ≠ 0 n →∞ n →∞ [ 5. lim anp = lim an €n →∞ n →∞ ] p p > 0,an ≥ 0 Squeeze Theorem for Sequences: If an ≤ bn ≤ c n and n ≥ N and lim an = lim c n = L , then lim bn = L . n →∞ n →∞ n →∞ € Theorem 2: If lim an = 0 , then lim an = 0 . n →∞ n →∞ € € € € (This is useful for sequences that can’t be written as functions, especially sequences that alternate in sign.) € € Example: Determine whether the sequence converges or diverges. If it converges, find the limit. 3n 2 −1 a) an = 10n + 5n 2 € ∞ " n % b) # 2n & $ e ' n=1 € Note: Usually we use l’Hospital’s rule on the sequence terms without converting to x’s since the work is identical. But remember that we technically can’t differentiate when dealing with sequence terms. #% (−1) n '%∞ c) $ 2 ( %& n %) n=1 € d) n ∞ {(−1) } n=1 € n n Note: Theorem 2 does not apply since lim (−1) = 1 ≠ 0 , so we can’t say lim(−1) = 1. n →∞ n →∞ € € Theorem: If lim an = L and the function f is continuous at L, then lim f ( an ) = f ( L) . n →∞ n →∞ (We can bring the limit inside the function.) € € Find lim ln n + 1 − ln n . Example: ( ( ) ) n →∞ € 3n Example: Discuss the convergence of the sequence an = , where n!= 1⋅ 2 ⋅ 3⋅ ⋅ ⋅ n . n! € € Useful Fact: The sequence {r n } is convergent if −1 < r ≤ 1 and divergent for all other values of r. $0 lim r n = % if n →∞ &1 € € −1 < r < 1 r€= 1 € Definition: A sequence {an } is increasing if an < an +1 for all n ≥ 1, a1 < a2 < a3 < ... It is decreasing if an > an +1 for all n ≥ 1, a1 > a2 > a3 > ... It is called monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing. € € € € Example: Determine whether the sequence is increasing, decreasing, or not monotonic. € € € " n %∞ # & $ n + 1' n=1 € Definition: A sequence {an } is bounded above if there is a number M such that an ≤ M for all n ≥ 1. It is bounded below if there is a number m such that m ≤ an for all n ≥ 1. If it is bounded above and below, then {an } is a bounded sequence. € € € € Example: Determine if the following sequences are monotonic and/or bounded. " n %∞ a) # & $ n + 1' n=1 € € € b) n ∞ {(−1) } n=1 € c) an = 2 n2 € Theorem: If {an } is bounded and monotonic then {an } is convergent. If {an } is bounded above and increasing then it converges and likewise if {an } is bounded below and decreasing then it converges. € € € €