Controlled arkov chains with constraints 0

Siidhanrl, Vol. 15, Parts 4 (e. 5, December 1990, pp. 405-413.
0Printed in India.
arkov chains with constraints
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
560 012, India
Abstract. We consider the ergodic control of a Markov chain on a
countable state space with a compact action space in presence of finitely
many (say, m) ergodic constraints. Under a condition on the cost functions
that penalizes instability, the existence of an optimal stable stationary
strategy randomized at a maximum of m states is established using convex
analytic arguments.
Keywords. Controlled Markov chains; ergodic control; control under
constraints; optimal strategy; stationary strategy.
1. Introduction
Ross (1989) studied ergodic (or 'long-run average cost') control of Markov chains
with finite state and action spaces when finitely many (say, m) other ergodic costs
are required to satisfy prescribed bounds. Using linear programming arguments, he
proved the existence of an optimal strategy randomized at a maximum of rn states.
[See Hordijk & Kallenberg (1984), Beutler & Ross (1985) and Altman & Shwartz
(1990) for related work.] This result is extended in Borkar (1991) to countable state
space and compact action space using convex analytic arguments under the hypothesis
that the chain be positive recurrent under all stationary randomized strategies and
the corresponding invariant probability measures tight. In this work, we drop the
latter condition, replace it by a condition on the costs that discourages instability and
recover the same result.
This class of problems is motivated by the following considerations. Controlled
Markov chains are a popular paradigm for dynamic decision-making under uncertainty.
Important application areas include control of queueing networks used to model
computer and communication networks, flexible manufacturing systems etc., not to
mention economic applications. In many of these situations, the problem calls for a
simultaneous consideration of more than one optimization criterion. There are several
ways to approach such multiobjective problems. One is to reduce it to a single
objective problem by coalescing the objectives into one via a 'utility function'.
However, the choice of such a function is not always obvious nor are the desirable
ones necessarily the most amenable to analysis. An alternative approach, in tune with
standard engineering practice, is to optimize one objective function (presumably the
most important) while keeping the rest within reasonable bounds. This leads to the
constrained control problem we discuss here.
Vivek S Borkar
A remark on the cost structure: In situations where money or effort contributed
now is more expensive than that contributed later (due to interest, inflation etc.), one
'discounts' the future leading to the 'discounted cost control problems'. This is typical
in economic applications. There are, however, situations where one plans for and
anticipates a near-equilibrium (or 'steady state') behaviour for long stretches of time
with no reason to favour short-term optimality over long-terw optimality and with
set-up costs, transients etc. either negligible or separately taken care of. The prime
example of such is the case of computer and communication networks. Then it makes
sense to consider the 'long-run average' or 'ergodic' cost as we do here whereby one
averages the 'running cost' function with respect to the equilibrium distribution.
As for the assumptions used in Borkar (1991) and here, the former assumes a
blanket stability, thereby ruling out a priori any possibility that the system may
become unstable (e.g. the queue size blows up). This is often unreasonable in the
applications mentioned above. The present set of assumptions allows instability but
imposes a cost structure which penalizes instability and thereby ensures that the
optimal system will also be stable.
The next section gives aprecise statement of the problem. The main result is proved
in $ 4 following some preliminaries in $3.
2. Notation and problem description
Let X,, n 2 0, be a controlled Markov chain on state space S = {1,2,.. .,} with
transition matrix P, = [Cp(i, j, ui)]], i,j,S, indexed by the control vector u = [u, ,u,, ...].
Here u,~D(i)for ieS, D(i) being a prescribed compact metric space. As argued in
Borkar (1989, p. 642), we may assume that the D(i)'s are identical copies of a fixed
compact metric space D. Let L = Dm.The maps p(i, j,.)are assumed to be continuous.
For any Polish space Y, let P(Y) = the space of probability measures on Y with
Prohorov topology (Billingsley 1968). If Y is countable, say {1,2,...), write VEP(Y)
as a row vector [v({ 1)), v({2)), ...] or simply [v(l), v(2), ...I.
A control strategy is a sequence {Z,}, 2, = [Z,(1), Z,(2), . ..I of L-valued random
variables such that for ~ E Sn, > 1,
If {Z,) are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) with a common law QDEP(L),
call it a stationary randomized strategy (SRSfor short), denoted y [@I.As argued in
(Borkar 1989, p. 642), we may take cD to be a product measure QD = ~ 6for ,
ieS. Under y [a], {X,) is a Markov chain with a stationary transition matrix
If cP is a Dirac measure at some CE L, call it a stationary strategy (ss for short),
denoted y { c ) . The corresponding transition matrix is P{r} = P,.
We assume throughout that S is a single communicating class under all SRS.Say
that an SRS y [a] (respectively an ss y {t}) is a stable SRS or SSRS (respectively a stable
ss or sss) if the corresponding Markov chain is positive recurrent and thus has a
the corresunique invariant probability measure ?I[@] (respectively ~ ( 5 ) ) Define
Controlled Markov chains with constraints
ponding 'ergodic occupation measure'
&[a]EP(S x D) by
(72{5} is defined analogously.) Let G = (B[@] 1 y [a] an SSRS}.
Let ki: S x D R', 0 < i < m ybe continuous and ai > 0,1< i < m, be prescribed.
Let H c G be the set on which
We assume that H is nonempty and furthermore requires {k,} to satisfy
liminf inf k,U, u) > ai, 0 < i < my
a, = inf k, dB [a],
is assumed to be finite. (3) is satisfied in particular for { k , ) of the form ki(j?u) = fi(j)
where fi(j) increases to m as j+ co.
We also make the following assumption, called 'stability under local perturbation'
in Borkar (1989): If y[@] is an SSRS and product measures @',@EP(L)differ in at
most finitely many components, then y [@'I is an SSRS. As argued in Borkar (1989,
p. 645), this is satisfied in particular when each ~ E has
S only finitely many neighbours,
i.e., p(i,j,.) = 0 for all but a finitely many j.
Our problem is to minimize over H the cost
3. Preliminaries
This section establishes some technical lemmas, the first being recalled from Borkar
(1989). Let Po c L be the set of product probability measures on L.
Lemma 3.1.
(Borkar 1989) G is closed convex and its extreme points correspond to SSS.
Proof. Let y [a,], y [a,] be two S ~ R with
0 = II~,EP,(L) by
F r ~ mthis definition and the fact that
j = 1,2. Let 0 4 a < 1 and define
Vivek S Borkar
it is easily seen that
(a.C@11+ (1 - a)n[@21)PC@l=(anCa11 + (1 - a ) 4 3 , 1 ) .
Thus, z[@] = an[@l] + (1 - a ) ~ [ @ ~Then
] . a straightforward computation leads to
Convexity follows. Now let y [@,I, n = 1,2,. .., be a sequence of SSRS such that
it[@,]+v for some VEP(Sx D). Let neP(S) be the image of v under the projection
S x D-+S. Then n[Qn] - + xin P(S). Disintegrate ~(Schwartz1961) as v((i) x B) =
n ( i i j ) 6 i ( for
~ ) ~ E and
S B a Bore1 subset of D, with the regular conditional law 6 i s ~
for each i. Let aP = ~ 6Since
~ p(..,j, .), ~ E Sare
, continuous,
Also, n[@,]-,.n in P(S) implies by Scheffe's theorem (Billingsley 1968) that
n in total variation.
Putting the two together
termwise. From (5)-(7), we have 7tP[@] = z, ie., n = x [a]. Hence v = ff [@Iand G is
closed. Next, let y [@],a = II&,, be an S S R ~such that for some ioeS and 0 < a K 1,
there exist #,, 4, in P(D) such that
as vectors, the integrations being termwise. Without any loss of generality, let i, = 1.
Define Qi€P,(L)by 8,= 4, x IS,@^, i = 1,2.
From the assumption of stability under local perturbations, it follows that y [<Di],
i = 1,2, are SSRS. If n [@I= x[@,] = n[@,], the equation
contradicts (9) for some j. Hence any two of n[@], n[aP1], n[aP2] are distinct from
each other. Let b ~ ( 0 , l be
) such that
+ (1 - b)nC@zI(l)).
a = bnC@~
Argue as above to conclude that
ffCaP] = bfi[a>,]
Thus ff[@]
+ (1 - b)fi[Q2].
cannot be an extreme point of G, proving the second claim.
Controlled Markov chains with constraints
H is closed convex.
Proof. Convexity follows easily from the above. Closedness follows on observing
that (2) is preserved under sequential limits in G.
Lemma 3.2. Any element of H is the barycentre of a probability measure supported
on the extreme points of H.
Proof. Let $= S U { c u ) denote the one point compactification of S. View P ( S x D)
as a subset of P ( g x D) by identifying each ,uEP(S x D)with the unique , i i ~ ~x(D)
that restricts to 1-1 on S x D. Let I?(G) be the closure of H ( G ) in P(S x D). Then fl is
compact. Let H e , g, be the sets of extreme points of H, respectively. Suppose
Then v is a convex combination of two distinct elements of ii at least one
of which must lie in B\H and thus assign a strictly positive mass to {m) x D. This
is possible only if v ( { c o ) x D) > 0 which is false. Thus H e c if,. By Choquet's theorem
(Phelps 1966) each ,DEW is the barycentre of a probability measure q on Re. If
q ( B e \ ~ .>
) 0, then we must have p ( { m ) x D) > 0, a contradiction. Thus q(H,) = 1
and the claim follows.
V E Ris of
Lemma 3.3. Each
the form
v ( A ) = Bv'(An(S x D ) ) (1 - 6 ) v U ( A u ( ( o ox) D))
for A Borei in S x D where b.[O, 11, V ' E G and v " ~ P ( ( mx) D).
Proof. That (10)holds for some v l e P ( S x D) is clear. Without loss of generality, let
S > 0. If 6 = 1, V E N and the claim is immediate. If not, there exist {72[@,]
) in H such
i;[On]-,v in P($ x D).
Since ( j ) x D is both open and closed in $ x D,
Disintegrate v' as
v l ( ( i ) x du) = ~ ( ( i ) ) 4 ~ ( d u )
for n ~ P ( S ) , i + r $ ~S-+P(D).
Set @ =
For N 2 1,
lirn inf p(. ,j, .) dfi [On]B B p(. ,j, .) dv'.
Vivek S Borkar
Equations ( 1 I), (12) together imply
p(. ,j, .)dv' d v ' ( ( j ) x D), ~ E S .
Both sides sum up to 1 when summed over j. Thus the equality must hold for each
j. Thus
Thus v' = f i [ @ ] , completing the proof.
Theorem 3.1 Expression (4) attains its minimum at art extreme point of H
Proof. Let
1, be a sequence in H such that
In view of the foregoing, we may drop to a subsequence if necessary and suppose
that R [@,,I -+ v in for a v as in (10)with v' = A[@] for some y [a].Fix j, 1 <j < m.
Pick cj > 0, mj < 1 such that
inf kj(i,u) >, aj + cj, for i 2 mj.
For n > I, set
kj,(i,u)= k j ( i , u ) I ( i < m j + n )+ ( a j + ~ j ) I { i > m j + n ) .
aj 2 lim inf kjdfi[<D,]
Letting n -,co on the right,
This is possible only if 6 > 0 and
Since j, 1 <j
< m, was arbitary, f f [ d ? ] ~ HNow
. let r
infk(i,u)z a.
+ E, for i >
0 and rn, >, 1 be such that
Controlled Markov chains with constraints
Argue as above to conclude
and therefore
From the definition of a,, equality holds. Thus (4) attains its minimum on H at $[@I.
By lemma 3.2, 72[(D] is the barycentre of a probability measure q on H e . Thus
Since jkodp >, a , for p€He, we must have jkodp = a, for 11-a.s.p, proving the claim.
4. Proof of the main results
Our main result is the following:
Theorem 4.1 The constrained problem above has an optimal SSRS y [a], @ = 17[&~,
satisfying: For all but at most m values of i, 6 iis a Dirac measure. For the remaining
i, it is a convex combination of ri >, 2 Dirac measures where the integers (r,) satisfy
Ziri < m.
The proof proceeds in several steps. It helps at times to view G, H as subsets of
the topological vector space of signed measures on S x D. Let m = 1 for the time
being. Let it[@]~H,be such that jk,dit[Q] =a,. If &[@I
is an extreme point of G,
it[@] = f i { ( ) for some L by lemma 3.1 and we are done. Suppose not. Then i t is
a convex combination of two distinct elements v,, v, of G. (Note that j k , dv, < CQ for
each i because jk, d?2[a] < a).
If v,, v,EH, d[@] cannot be in H,. If v, ,v,eG\H, 72 [a]
cannot be in H because G\H is convex (recall m = 1). Thus exactly one of the v l s ,
say v,, is in G\H. Then jk,dv, > ot, and therefore Sk, dv, < cl,. The value of J k , dv
increases continuously from one strictly less than a, to one strictly exceeding a , as
v moves from v, to v, along the line tegment joining the two. This segment must
intersect the hyperplane {vljk, dv = a, ) at d[@] because R[@] $He otherwise. Now
one can use a result of Dubins (1962)(see also Witsenhausen 1980, p. 265) to conclude
that ?[@I
is a convex combination of two distinct extreme points of G. (Recall
H e c Re).If either of the latter assigns a strictly positive mass to {co)x D, so w o u l d
72[@] itself. Thus both must be extreme points of G itself and hence are of the f o r m
for some & E L ,i = 1,2. Let Z denote the line segment joining the two inclusive
of the end points. Then Z c P(S x D) is compact.
The rest of the proof mimics Borkar (1991) closely with a few essential differences.
Lemma 4.1. If it [a] is a convex combination of 72 [@J, i = 1,2, in G, the latter must
lie on 2.
Vivek S Borkar
Proof. If not, the intersection of the rectangle formed by 7i [Oil, R {ti},i = 1,2, with
the hyperplane {v 1 J k, dv = a , ) is a line segment in H containing 72 [a] in its relative
interior. This contradicts the fact fi[@]~N,,proving the claim.
Lemma 4.2.
fi (g) EZfor n 2 0.
Proof. We shall prove a more general result: For [ E L such that t(i) = either 5, (i)
or t2(i)for each i, y (5) is an SSS with iZ {S) €2.Suppose that p(1,. , (1)) # p(1,. ,<,(I)).
[If not, take the least j for which p(j, . ,<,(j)) # p(j, .,<,(j)).] Let didenote the Dirac
measures at ci(l), i = 1,2. From the proof of lemma 3.1, it is clear that for
mi = #ix ny=,$, i = 1,2,R[@,], i = 1,2 are distinct and R[@] is distinct from either
and is a convex combination of the two. (By our assumption of stability under local
perturbation, y [mi],
i = 1,2, are SSRS.) By lemma 4.1, 7?[Oi], i = 1,2, lie on Z. Repeat
or @, in place of cD and state 2 in place of state 1. It follows
the argument with
that for @'EP(L) of the type: 0'= $, x $, x IIT=,&~,where t/i are Dirac measures
at either <,(i) for t2(i) for i = 1,2,A[@'l~Z. Iterating the argument, we have: for any
@' = I16i,such that for some n > 1, &Ii = 6i
for i > n and the Dirac measure at either
5, (i) or t2(i)for i < n, we have RIO1]€2.Let Q denote the set of such a'. Then there
exists a sequence (0:)
in Q such that Q>L -, the Dirac measure at 5 as n -+ co. Since
Z is tight, we may drop to a subsequence if necessary and suppose that n [Wn] -+ n
in P(S) (and hence in total variation) for some n. Letting n+ co in
( { jI) x D), j ~ s ,
[pi . j , . ) d ~ ~ Rl =C ~
we have
Cn(i)p(i,j,W)= n:W, ~ E S .
Thus n: = n i t ) . It is now easy to check that fi[W~]-,R { [ ) . Since Z is closed, the claim
Consider Z as a union of two closed line segments 2, and Z,, Z, (respectively 2,)
being the line segment joining fi(5,) (respectively R(t,)) with 72[@]. By lemma 4.2,
and as n co,7i. {G) moves from Z , to 2,. Then either .it ( g )= R[@] for
R (5;)
7?(t;)~Z,. But
some n (and we are done) or there is an n such that R{(;- ,)EZ,,
,tL differ only in their nth component and R [<D] is a convex combination of the
~ ]6 = I'16jsatisfying: 6,
two. Argue as in lemma 3.1 to conclude that $[@I = I Z [for
is a Dirac measure at t,(i) (respectively <,(i)) for i > n (respectively i < n) and a
convex combination of Dirac measures at 5, (n), 5,(n) fo;i = n. This proves theorem 4.1
for m = 1. The general case follows by induction, replacing G at the nth induction
step (n < m )by Gn{iZ[@]JJkjd72[@] ,<aj, 1 G j G n ) .
The following then follows immediately from standard Lagrange multiplier theory
1967, pp. 216-2 19).
Theorem 4.2 Suppose t'hat (2) is a strict inequality for all j, 1 6 j g m, and some
72 [@'IEN. Then there exist numbers i,
.,E?,. R' such that the map
Controlled Markov chains with constraints
attains its minimum on G at the it[@]
for V E Gand u, ,,.. . , ~ , E R + :
4 13
of theorem 4.1. Moreover, the following holds
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