ANALYSIS OF “POOR MAN’S NAVIER−STOKES” AND THERMAL ENERGY EQUATIONS FOR HIGH-RAYLEIGH NUMBER TURBULENT CONVECTION J. M. McDonough Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0503 E-mail: Website URL: Acknowledgments: Reported work supported in part by grants from AFOSR and NASA-EPSCoR: Presented at American Physical Society 58 th Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov. 20−22, 2005 University of Kentucky Advanced CFD & Immersive Visualization Lab CF D BACKGROUND/MOTIVATION Efficient LES Models Able to Account for Interactions of Physics on Small Scales Still in Their Infancy Physically-Realistic Temporal Fluctuations Required for Such Models Implies Need to Retain as Much of Governing Equations as Possible within Framework of Efficient Model Possible Approach: use symbol (or, more accurately, a pseudo-differential operator) of governing equations Present Work Describes Way to Do This, and Demonstrates Outcomes in Terms of Comparisons with Actual Physics OUTLINE OF PMNS + THERMAL ENERGY EQ. DERIVATION Poor Man’s Navier-Stokes (PMNS) (McDonough & Huang, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2004) Plus Thermal Energy Equations Obtained from Following Sequence of Steps Invoke Leray projection to remove ∇p from momentum equations Assume Fourier representations for dependent variables u,v,T with basis functions exhibiting complex exponential-like differentiation properties Construct Galerkin ODEs ∞ k 2 (2) (1) ⋅ 2 ak = −∑ Almk al + Almk am bl − —— a k Re l,m=1 ∞ k 2 bk = −∑ Blmk bl + Blmk am bl − —— bk − Gr —2 ck Re l,m=1 Re ⋅ (1) 2 (2) ∞ k 2 (2) (1) ⋅ ck = −∑ Clmk am cl + Clmk bm cl − —— ck , Pe l,m=1 k = 1, … , ∞ PMNS/Thermal Energy Eq. Derivation (Cont.) Decimate infinite system to single wavevector 2 (1) (2) k a⋅k + Almk ak2 + Almk ak bk = −—– ak Re ⋅ (1) k 2 (2) Gr bk + Blmk bk + Blmk ak bk = −—– b −— ck k 2 Re 2 Re (1) (2) k 2 ⋅ c k + Clmk ak ck + Clmk bk ck = −—– ck Pe Remark: right-hand sides are symbols, and left-hand sides similar to pseudo-differential operators Use simple Euler time integrators (and suppress indices) a (n+1) b (n+1) c (n+1) =a (n) =b (n) =c (n) k 2 (n) −τ [ Re a −τ [ [ k 2 (n) Re (1) b ( (1) (b ) +A +B (n) (n) 2 (1) a (n) −τ C a c +C (n) (2) ) 2 ] + A a (n) b (n) (2) (2) (n) (n) +B a b Re k 2 ] ⁄ (1+ — Pe ) b (n) c (n) ] Gr +— 2 c PMNS/Thermal Energy Eq. Derivation (Cont.) Employ transformations of May (Nature, 1976) and McDonough & Huang (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2004) to obtain final form of discrete dynamical system (DDS) a (n+1) = β1 a(n)(1−a (n)) − γ12 a(n) b(n) b (n+1) = β2 b(n)(1−b (n)) − γ21 a(n) b (n) + αT c (n) ( c (n+1) = − γuT a (n+1) + γvT b 2-D PMNS+Thermal Energy Equations ) c ⁄ (1+βT ) + c0 (n+1) (n) Total of 9 bifurcation parameters: β1 , β2 , βT , γ12 , γ 21 , γuT , γvT , αT , c0 In a complete LES all computed “on the fly” based on resolved-scale Physical Interpretation of γij s Treated in (McDonough et al., JoT, 2003) Other Parameters to Be Discussed Here DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETERS Scaling Employed Leads to Re, Pe, Gr/Re 2 Must Relate These to Bifurcation Parameters β s, and α But Equations Solved (i.e., evaluated) on Small Local Subdomains, Implying Dimensionless Parameters Need Rescaling h 2 ∇u Re → Reh ≡ , ν h 2 ∇u Pe → Peh ≡ , ν βgδTh 3 Gr → Grh ≡ ν2 Rescaled parameters related to PMNS eqs. bifurcation parameters as β1,2 = 4 ( τk2 1 − Reh ), βT = Pe h , αT = Grh /Reh2 Desirable to Express These in Terms of Original (un-rescaled) Dimensionless Parameters to Permit Direct Comparisons with Experiment BIFURCATION PARAMETERS ضPHYSICAL PARAMETERS Define Three Constants 2 C 1 = τ k , C 2,i = ∆ui h i , C3 = ( ∑ i hi2 )[ ∑(∆ui ⁄ hj ) ] 2 i,j Then It Can Be Shown That C1 / C 2,i Re = , 1 −βi /4 and C1 Pe = C 3 βT It Can Also Be Shown That Using Ra = GrPr Leads to C12 αT Ra = τ C2,i C3 βT (1 −β i /4) Finally, It Can Be Shown That 1 Pr = β (1 − β 2 /4) , T and C 1 /C 3 〈b,c〉 Nu = 1 + βT ∆ c/h 2 1/2 RESULTS Previously Have Shown Ability of PMNS + Thermal Energy Equation to Match Experimental Results of Gollub & Benson (JFM, 1980) Results mainly qualitative Time series produced by model resemble those of experiments as model parameter related to Ra is increased But does demonstrate ability of symbol/pseudo-differential oprator based models to replicate temporal physics Here, Additional More Quantitative Results Associated with Reproducing Experimental Correlations Are Presented RESULTS (Cont.) Comparisons Made with Cioni et al. Data (JFM, 1997) High-Ra Convection with Pr = 0.025 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Outline Given for Derivation of Discrete Dynamical System Proposed for Use as Part of LES-Like SGS Models Correspondence Between Model Bifurcation Parameters and Those of Original Governing Equations Demonstrated Possibility to Accurately Match Experimental Data Shown in Terms of Both Temporal Fluctuations and Global Quantities Suggests Form of Model Able to Retain Considerable Physical Detail Despite Its Simplicity and Efficiency Hence, Models of This Form May Be Useful as SGS Models for LES (and maybe RANS), and Also for Real-Time Control