Conformation of substituted polyacetylenes in solution : relationship between electronic properties and local order P. Garrin, J. Aimé, J. Fave, S. Ramakrishnan, G. Baker To cite this version: P. Garrin, J. Aimé, J. Fave, S. Ramakrishnan, G. Baker. Conformation of substituted polyacetylenes in solution : relationship between electronic properties and local order. Journal de Physique II, EDP Sciences, 1992, 2 (3), pp.529-546. <10.1051/jp2:1992147>. <jpa-00247648> HAL Id: jpa-00247648 Submitted on 1 Jan 1992 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. J. Fhys. II France (1992) 2 529-546 1992, MARCH 529 PAGE Classificafion Physics Abstracts 36.20 46.90 71.90 Conformation of substituted electronic between relationship (I), Garrin P. G. L. J. P. Aims *), J. (1> polyacetylenes properties (I), Fave L. solution in and (2) and Ramakrishnan S. : order local (3) Baker (1) Groupe de Physique des Solides, 05, France Cedex (2) Dept of Inorganic and Physical Universit£ VII, Paris Chemistry, Indian 23, 2 place Tour of Institute Jussieu, 75251 Paris Bangalore-560012, Science, India (3) Bellcore, (Received 331 Springs Road, Newman September1991, ii revised Red 28 New-Jersey Bank, accepted 1991, October 07701-7040, 15 U-S-A- 1991) November Nous pr£sentons Etude de la conformation solution du polyph£nylac£tylbne et une en poly(2-octyne). Ces deux polymbres ont des diff£rents trbs la solution de comportements polyph£nylac£tyl~ne est rouge alors que celle de poly(2-octyne) est transparente et (es longueurs statistiques mesur£es respecfivement 45 et 135 h. L'£tude de ces deux systdmes nous permet sont de d£duire fluctuation courbure Electrons la de joue un rble mineur sur la localisation des que Elle £galement de du squelette. unit£s monomdres montrer permet entre nous que la torsion ar conformation responsable de la localisation des Electrons d'expliquer la statistique des est et ar R4sumk, du ch@mes. red has solution observed : systems, and study of the chain performed. The two while poly(2-octyne) is the statistical length are A Abstract. octyne) been one the that conformation 1. deduces that torsion between and the in polymers and, transparent 45 h and units monomer solutions differ play is in the polyphenylacetylene of many marked a h 135 fluctuations curvature electrons ar conformation respectively. a minor role pertinent poly(2- and polyphenylacetylene gives a ways difference the chain rigidity is on From on the parameter the study of these two localization, electrons ar understand to the chain localization. Introduction. Conjugated polymers with large molecular substituents. solvents by adding appropriate weights Most can exhibit be Solubilized therrnochromism in common and organic solvatochrom- optical properties and relation between studies the on provide the homogeneous solutions of macromolecules can opportunity to study the single chain properties. The of conjugation notion length is widely used to explain the visible absorption and the Resonant Raman Scattedng (R.R.S.) results [1, 2]. It is a useful phenomenological parameter ism, which (*) 351, Present cours de address la extensive stimulated has conformation. chain Moreover Laboratoire Lib£ration, 33405 de Cristallographie et Physique Cedex, France. Talence Cdstalline. Universit6 Bordeaux 1, 530 JOURNAL describing along PHYSIQUE DE N° 3 II backbone, and is related overlap to the average be decreased by torsional overlap curvature or can ar fluctuations, the location of the maximum optical absorption in the visible spectrum as well as is explained as a direct its broad and structureless character of the statistical consequence conformation of the polymer [3]. On the other hand, the role of conjugation considered was for understanding of primary importance stiffness the local scale, suggesting that at conjugated polymers should exhibit [4, 5]. This saturated greater rigidity than concept ones obtained in part supported by the results from the polydiacetylenes P4BCMU, P3BCMU was orbitals. electrons Since the the [6, 7]. PTSI2 and delocalization electron between Conversely, monomer increasing studies recent units play key a of amount in theoretical emphasizing fluctuations, shown have role their that substituents the understanding the has paid special work influence the on torsion the attention effects the to between [8, 9] conformation electrons gr and statistical of and an torsional [10-13]. delocalization experiments aiming to establish accurately as possible the paper we as description of the chain statistics, to predict its link with the gr electrons delocalization. Small Scattering (SANS) was used to provide Angle Neutron structural information intermediate at 200 and 10 I. Then the chain and local scales, that is between conformation related to was In visible with out describe this R-R-Sabsorption and spectroscopy polydiacetylene and polythiophene Here (RC = focus we CR')~. PPA), abbreviated work our this In where give we R H two R' and octyne), 2. 2,I which structure where CH~ R = Experimental SAMPLE confirmed not was and already have been carried polyacetylenes generic formula is whose (hereafter polyphenylacetylene examples. One is C~H~, for which NMR experiments suggested a by R.R.S. [15-17]. The second the poly(2concems = = helical studies [7, 14]. derivatives substituted on note, Several results. R' = CH~)4CH~, as a model system. section. Using DESCRIPTION. pentachlodde (Mocl~) larger than 10~. With Masuda these catalysts, two (WCL) hexachloride tungsten catalysts, polymerized polymerization of [15] al. et PPA molybdenum weight and to a molecular polyacetylenes soluble with properties : govem was cocatalyst and even the solvent used for the polymerization. Here the synthesis the catalyst, with WCL and the cocatalyst Snme~, instead of WCL/Sn~P4 used by done in toluene has been PPA solution absorbs (paragraph 2.3,I) than the Abe et al. [16]. The longer wavelength at polydispersity weight of 49000 with obtained by Abe et al. [16]. A molecular a one measured by G-P-C(MJM~) of 1.35 have been 675 000 with a polydispersipoly(2-octyne) sample, the molecular weight is M~ For the 520 ± 20 h. In spite of the ty 1.8. The light scattering study yielded a radius of gyration Ro showing the same optical properties as conjugated backbone, the solution transparent, was saturated polymers. common various [15]. achieved substituents Numerous the parameters polymer = = 2.2 SANS Dl1, q is D17 the Neutron METHODOLOGY. Laue-Langevin on wavelengths used and scattering 5 were D16, vector m and 8 scattering Dl1, diffractometers the I, 3.46 corresponding defined by to D17 m and the 0 the scattering angle and A 12 D16. I range 6 were and I x 10~ performed sample-detector The m ~ i~ ~ q Institut distances and A, respectively 4.56 and the at ~ 0.25 i~ ~, for where : q=~"sin with experiments and the neutron ~ incident (l) wavelength. CONFORMATION N° 3 studied macromolecules The the collected data from on background with intensity given by solvent scattering providing scattering the monomer chains between gyration of the on macromolecule an function normalized to P(q) is Avogadro's where is such defined number and (q) m = is K often more the chain for radius a thorn point convenient has to are checked scattering the use was which been : M~ P is m the (2) (q ) molar factor contrast defined of mass by the unit, monomer : v~ £af--£a) K= a of radius the measured, are the and interference smaller This The gives interaction I.e. the of within fluctuations scale regime. = =1, the statistics. function range, interchain colTelations S(q the l, length diluted ~ P(0) that of to Guinier a obtained, chain interchain due the ~ to thus was the average on corrected was normalized autocorrelation the intrachain in the weight molecular the g A' l) ~ concentration experiments. q range in the present isolated is measured, it is chain state whole the Ro(qRo of it and density-density of the latter being ; the scattering function. In Ro, in the range qR~ extrapolation method. At by using the Zimm of gyration of the polymer normally independent of the When Contributions Then measurement of the removed in transform isotropic an I-L-L- at determination considered also were dependence concentration available Absolute accurate Fourier thus performed. was routines [18]. cell allowed intensity S(q) is the density (p (r) p (0)). solution, in detector current water a which constraint a isotropically scatter two-dimensional the 531 POLYACETYLENE SOLUBLE OF (3) u s , where at and v~ is the assumed to be the of volumes molar Scattering Jknction ofchain 2.2. I thread, thin a are the solvent and units monomer scattering length of the atom I. Note that in equation 3 point with a scattering length density obtained scatterer the from the chain as and unit monomer average is of contributions. atomic all v~ coherent , focus we attention conformation asymptotic regime simplicity we consider two Considering length. statistical with on at local the scale. a In other infinitely an words, we are scattering function, that is, g(q) oz q~" for For asymptotic laws : a q~ ~ law for the Gaussian coil (with oJ. q excluded volume effect and for very large chains, the exponent is given by « 1/0.6 [19]) an q~~ and law for of dimensionless function the rod. The the scattering a purpose regime. For g(q) is to obtain the scattering density of the macromolecule in the asymptotic of the rod conformation, the defining M~ as the mass per unit length, the limit of case g(q) is given by : interested in - the the of > ~M~ qg(q)=j rim where linear is u angular is the density correlation observed. The half the of unit monomer of the length. macromolecule along rigidity statistical is Therefore in a the ~ plateau height conformation. rod (4) ~i For an in a actual qg(q) plot gives the chain, the wormlike large enough such that a rigid conformation is measured by the statistical length b (or the persistence length, which length) and defined by equation (5) [20] : the backbone can be JOURNAL 532 2[ Ii (ti t2) where the t; vectors (. Therefore, one scattering regimes Actually, Yoshisaki with finite if worm-like a in and do not a q~ shows that is scale model) by equation (6) [21] ~ q~ a behavior, ~ backbone have behavior chain. For at a q~ is u the rod the = + = N is Nu such the behavior a contour = be will length) the (6) 4/3 for larger is for 2 [7]. units monomer infinite an observed thorn of qb 7 m long as thickness. conjugated polymers Effect of chain Because differ from polymers they markedly common polystyrene. In most practical cases, it is not enough to have infinitely thin thread. As we show scattering function for an factor dimensions of the chain modify the structure at large need such chain with finite go(q) is describes often are 24]. A well radius now the the effect of for the the of finite the lateral the by be can is to the use corresponding to the infinitely thin thread and side-groups. Approximate expressions for whole the scattering investigated [23, vector range approximation. Setting R), the mean Guinier square dimension, lateral (7) substituent describing for approach gyration of factor structure sufficient known variation the be and general form of approximated The q. to go(q) 4~(q) = where substituents polyisoprene as : g(q) ~P(q) ~P(q) large part 3, in dimensions lateral ratio general the chain, with [22]. More L/b (where the chain the as solubilized, for in worm-like 2.2.2 scattering function equation (7) [23, 24] with a persistence asymptotic behavior Ub number the C (oJ) and = quantitatively L for chains [2 Ii. They proved that w - length, unit monomer 2N~~ measured. ~~ ~ I (q) g U q where is wormlike that chain a different : lim C (N ) to chain, worm-like abscisse observe function values low q curvilinear can demonstrated correspond should it the at polymer, we the scattering which at (Y.Y, exhibit the to fairly rigid a worm-like helical a the on Yamakawa lengths chain for (5) ~ tangent that N° 3 II l~[ eXP " vectors expect depending contour curvature, described is unit are can PHYSIQUE DE for q ~ ~P R~ (q) is written q~R) (q) lP To describe section is ribbon, 2.3 or stable. To with chain a function address at this helical Optical and R-R-SDegradation effects months. In colorless room scattering a exp larger simple values, q a This will precise more geometrical sections. cross (8) ~ form be be can discussed description used in e-g- of the detail more cross cylinder, a in a 3.1.3. RESULTS. 2.3. I were the needed. = results. It observed are has been in films reported kept [15] at that room films of PPA for temperature solution, the PPA samples degrade in a much shorter time : the In order degradation, day at temperature. prevent to a room temperature. at 5 °C. For the stable poly(2-octyne), all experiments the were not about solutions within performed are very three become experiments performed at CONFORMATION N° 3 The red the : poly(2-octyne) absorption absorption spectrum absorbs in maximum is suggests delocalization electron located range at 450 larger than 3500 4000 (below nm nm). 280 with a tail For for the solution (Fig. I). corresponding 650nm to up PPA, conjugation lengths poly(2-octyne). distribution broad a much U-V- the 533 POLYACETYLENE SOLUBLE OF of is The to an o.D. 2.00 1-so i.oo o.50 0.00 3000 Fig. I. used for Visible R-R-S- is For often I, of analyze the 5500 PPA in Arrows toluene. 6@~0 6500 indicate excitation the wavelength too to backbone structure side-groups substituent with much a of distribution and complicated more conjugation analysis is in the film and useful for comparing local structure 4 579 I and between wavelengths of our lasers were PPA, Ramart poly(2-octyne) absorption to be still For far from the resonant. solution different wavelengths both for the film and the obtained been at intensities of the two peaks studies excitation wavelength, an inversion of the of but The have spectra (Fig. 2). In used samples [17], solution. 6 400 spectrum 5000 R-R-S- lengths. required the Absorption 4500 wavelengthlA) technique the was still excitation available I(a.u.) 1(a.u.) 1.5 2.5 2.0 1-o 1.5 ~~~ i.o 6yyiA (i) o.5 (II) 58o5A o_~ 0.0 0.0 400 700 1000 E(cm 1300 1350 1600 1450 1550 E(cm ~) b) a) Fig. 2. a) Raman spectrum correspond to the incident wavelength in solution the JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE II -T 2, 1650 ~) of PPA solvent N'3, in toluene. solution b) (I) Evolution film and of the (II). double Additional bonds lines sharp vibrational frequency as a function solution. MARCH lW2 2' in of 534 JOURNAL 500 around film changes drastic reminescent of [17], except films spectral taking the chain those of the light curvature Batchelder rotation or al. et difference spectra units. monomer sample solutions and nearly are identical isomerisation induce similar a films the the between for obtained between 3 N° : Our they that or spectra found are PPA called have we in process that II the frequencies suggesting a higher degree of order. Without main chain the phenyl and vibrations, they proposed a account however, they recognized that this analysis was not entirely conclusive, structure results being seemingly in contradiction with the IR and NMR data. maxima lower at are coupling into trans-cisoid Ramart the in for II (C=C stretching) was observed. Also, solubilization suggesting that does not cur solution, and PHYSIQUE DE between 2.3.2 SANS results. After hour of collecting data, observed of the decrease one we a scattering intensity at low q values at room for PPA (Fig. 3). This observation temperature directly related to a drastic loss of molecular weight. The degradation process not only was conjugation length as shortens the shown by the disappearance of the visible optical absorption, but also breaks the chain itself. Thus, in order to prevent sample degradation, the experiments performed at 5 °C. At this degradation is controlled and temperature, were we noticed only a slight decrease of the scattering intensity at low q after one day (Fig. 3). We discuss thus the performed at 5 °C keeping in mind that we do not have the measurements sample quality as for poly(2-octyne). same g(q'~) 300.00 ~g<q~> ?~ 250.oo , + 3m ~ $~ o~O °*~b 200.00 ~oo w iso.oo ,oo ~ w o loo_oo w~ coo ooi ooj o~ o-m oos oo~ ~ 50.oo 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 Fig. 3. chains Decrease temperature The shown do not 5 °C 4. can accurate scattering negligible. functions at due vectors to of the different the concentration for the (q>0.45i~~) the value done. The 1.2 of in the the q and 0.6 of the m x 6 PPA the room contribution ~ of the order measurements of the carbon are we The g cm~ ~. belonging atoms [25]. In table protons, samples ~ i~ ~, 10~ x 10~ cross-section incoherent given section cross were the vectors, contribution incoherent from comes from between poly(2-octyne) and value incoherent equation (9), polyphenylacetylene of the scattering for lowest contribution significantly Using the corrected are main estimation of the to = effect any functions be scattering intensity as a function of time, due to the degradation (b) (O) t 0, (+) after 10 hours. The inset figure corresponds (O) t 0, (+) after 6 hours, (D) after 12 hours. scattering Except observe The o-lo l~~~) vectors = measurements figure chain. which at measured in scattering the of the solution in 0.08 0.06 scattering to protons, to have at an large atoms is N° 3 CONFORMATION 535 POLYACETYLENE SOLUBLE OF g~q~) 500.00 ~ 400.00 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~V ix 200.00 '~~ o 100.00 ~°O~~~~~~~ °Cooc~~*4wmx,~ ~~°°°°°°°~° 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 q Fig. 0.05 1.2 c Helix I. Table parameters given are unit Monomer for the refinement of Angstrom. used parameters in L~ P 0.6 mg/cm~ poly(2-octyne ) scattering function. the L b aR b structure trans-transoid cis-trartsoid where n~ is «(~m 100 bams table the «(~ : number with the 20 6 1.78 135 10 15 6.5 1.33 135 l10 15 6 1.72 135 102 of protons wavelength shown = for qg(q) a unit monomer transoid or plot, length with u 4.56 significantly 30, thus = subtraction contribution ~ R' R R Different trans-cisoid q. (c). possible a of the in the found value / of structures ~ ~ for the ~' for conformation 1.29, to must be and while close / ~/~ to while at trans-transoid using for a cis- a 1.20. The R i~_~/ / ~ backbone q poly(2- 2 fb, about low at the 20 fb. about ~ R polyacetylene example, of contribution effect R' ~i- R' negligible ~ R' '_(~ R incoherent the For polyacetylene in a trans-transoid the plateau height be close must conformation (Fig. 5) with u 2.61 A, it <a> 5. the contribution incoherent an incoherent an large at has A, ,~/~,~/~,~/ (b), estimation an than by subtracting obtained This R Fig. larger (much = R' R gives unit, monomer I a 2.43 = trans-cisoid a the are PPA. curve = = For in A'= bams). 81 scattering functions 0.6 for poly(2-octyne) and 0.3 values, but it may change the 0.05 A~ octyne) at q g(q, c) h~ 0.2 g(q, c) 3.I, thus q final The ~ = = = = The 0.06 ~i~') concentrations. PPA : c Scattering function of PPA and poly(2-octyne) at two mg/cnl~ ~ (D), 0.6 mg/cm~~ (+) 1.2 (O). poly(2-octyne) mg/cm~ c c 4. (x), 0.04 '~~ ~ ~ ~. (a), cis-transoid 536 JOURNAL difference between the experimental is values two PHYSIQUE DE 7.5fb about II N° 3 approximately is which within the by equation (6), such a plateau will also be observed with a error. worm-like chain when the statistical length is sufficiently large. In figures 6 and 7, the qg(q, c) and q~g(q, c) plots are shown. of poly(2For the case octyne), the qg (q, c) plot does not show the expected value for the plateau height. The value is 1.48 : I-e-, it is 15 fb higher than the calculated for the measured value trans-transoid conformation discrepancy is difference a 23fb much solvent larger than the experimental height measured in various about 5 fb of paragraph 3. At large values PPA between higher and deuterated the shown As and from the than for one calculated the trans-cisoid in accuracy values. (toluene, sizeable of the scattering obtains vector, one poly(2-octyne) (Fig. 7). PPA shows a variation THF, difference completely a of the This example DMF...) gives For measurements. our experiments This the conformation. is discussed in different behavior scattering function qg<q~)~h-~) 5 o 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.20 q~i~') Fig. 6. by the [2 Ii). For PPA the 27, b = 45.3 M~ correspond g = h, R~ to mole~' h~ effect 3 h. For poly(2-octyne) (O) ~P (q), used is is M~ 39. I g = poly(2-octyne), deuterated chain A~ mole~ helical An ~. serie structure given in the at fit the local is colTesponds assumed corresponding scale is to for ~P used a are the best fits for go(q) (Ref. Lines toluene. model ~P(q)=exp(-q~R)2). by modelled in wormlike the = second the gj(q) length unit cross-section 46 = per mass (6) and factor structure The structure. L/b c) plots of PPA qg (q, theoretical to The trans-cisoid a parameters trans-transoid (q ) (see text). structure The are with parameters table. qfg~q~)~i'i /8lq,C)~'~) 0.30 0.30 0.25 o 25 ~ 0.20 0 20 /~' 0.15 0.15 o ~ '~ o lo °'°~ 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0. lo q 0.20 ~") 0.00 0 25 0.05 are the same as 0.15 0.20 0.25 ~'l) b) scattering figure 6. q~ g (q, c) plots of the 7. o-10 q a) fits o ~ 0.10 Fig. o ~ A g~6AAb6~ ° for the function of PPA (7a) and poly(2-octyne) (7b). Symbols and CONFORMATION N° 3 similar 3. Discussion. 3. I CHAIN 3,I,I conformation. theoretical fit for best similar PPA and being the at A~ 0.18 around it shows of the a q~ scattering two behavior deduced at 0.05 q A~ m figure from 6 that show curves ~, rigid more comparison without even a is chain PPA the it has thus to a factor. PPA for observed that to gives a statistical length polybutylthiophene [14]. at 5 °C measured polystyrene conjugated have electron delocalization the stiffness of on increase physical b 45 = The ± 5 A, suggesting a gyration of radius is identical these two one conformation. chain from conjugation flexibility cart Thus, PPA. polymers the unit monomer of structure is the difference might expect to measure On actuality, though, PPA not than more a only the structures, from factor difference between the is effect the of the flexible still two. with the easily understood model have we already used [8, 9] and that we describe below (see paragraph 4). But, for the of PPA, case understood in another the flexibility could also be That is, we might argue that flexibility way. arises from a mixing of different conformers. For example, in a trams-cisoid structure, transwhile not being able to eliminate such transoid defects increase the chain flexibility. However, possibility, one can note that R-R-S- results and scattering data suggest mainly a neutron a The trans-cisoid origin almost backbone conformation statistical and located polydiacetylenes [7], that is pronounced decreased a or A. lo ± polybutylthiophenes [14] while poly(2-octyne) structure, the maximum a structure flexibility i lo like The qg(q, c) plots poly(2-octyne) shows easily be This can while The ribbon 537 STRUCTURE. PPA. flexible for observed those to corresponds to a l~ ~, with q m 0.2 POLYACETYLENE SOLUBLE OF of the be structure. Poly(2-octyne). A rigid behavior for the poly(2-octyne) sample. observed was plateau height at 1.48 in the Y.Y, model, we obtained good accordance between the a computed values and the observed scattering statistical length (Figs. 6 and 7). The curves fit is b =135± corresponding the lo A. Actually, the theoretical is obtained to curve differently than by simply multiplying the computed factor by a such that structure constant the plateau height is reached. follows rationalize why at low q the plateau In what will we height is too high and why the decrease of the scattering intensity is more pronounced thorn for 3.1.2 Setting a ribbon-like structure. information statistics obtained Modelling of the More chain be cross-section. on can It provides not only a more detailed analysis of the scattering at larger q values. curves cross-section, also precise description of the actual shape of the but allows better a extension understanding of the whole scattering Setting L~ as the total lateral of the curve. chain width, a ribbon-like and e as the gives a q~~ dependence in the range structure I/L~~q~ Since do observe such behavior, consider other lie [7]. not two we we a for describing the scattering circular geometrical cross sections at large q (Fig. 8). For a curve the function ~P(q) is given by : cross-section 3,1.3 from a lfi where ( where the is the first Guinier order Bessel approximation (q ) function 2 = ( (qR 2 (10) ~ and R is the applies (Eq. (8)), R~ of the cylinder. given by R~ RI radius is = In /. the q range JOURNAL 538 PHYSIQUE DE ~i1 ~ II N° 3 ~~~ ~~ (a) ~b) R (d) (c) Fig. Simple geometrical (c), helical structure 8. structure For helical a describing with central the at structure used (~) be can forms the scale, local cross-section chain ribbon (a), cylinder (b), helical part (d). hollow the by Pringle obtained results [26] Schmidt and : ( (q) ~P = s~ H ~~~~ cos~ (ny/2) ~~~°j~ [g~(qR, a)]~ (ll) (~°'/2) n=0 where g~(qR, a) R~~(I 2 j~ a~)~ = dr /~~) rJ~(qr (12) aR with and pitch length the P 2grn qn"j with I s~ width of without the side central a For geometrical s~ of = lengths region, former case, For the parameters = 2 R the the P an must is the while contour effective "~~ w H with be p ~ of kinds Two second axial case, and 0. # n cross-section, Fig. 8). latter a, for = the (see groups hollow the polymer. and 0 n lateral the structure. of for = characteristic ~ qR I q~ 2grnR q~ y length of and describe helical the helix, R aR and arrangement and are considered, one region defining spring-like length contour a length is identical to the total scattering length density dependent ~~ considered. Let define us are the structure hollow central a w L~ as = the on the total mu (1) Note that the I term given in reference dropped in (Eq. (12)). [26] is already included in the q (Eq. (7)), thus it has been For the length H, see (Eq. (15)). function go(q) (see CONFORMATION N° 3 length contour axis for helical-spring-like is given by : a length contour OF the structure, 539 POLYACETYLENE SOLUBLE total corresponds length contour the to and L~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 2 ~/jj Therefore, in Yamakawa go(q) the ~ total the given by equation (13) is model (Eq. (7)) term and P length contour in the instead of used Also, and Yoshizaki ~~~ by not j graR plateau height a m I, given by A have we : u A=ij[1+ (~"~~)~j P u thus increase an Equation (I I) which scattering can be simplified I for except = we = as n ~P (q as q w " cylinder, a compact corresponds This I-e- the scale For structure. 0 remains with n thus only the term expression for the cylinder (Eq. (10)) and in (Eq. serie the only have we P at helical the which at qw~", scale the to P 0, = (ll)). For = j(1 = ~ where case homogeneous a the recover density. length in the approximated is structure appears 0, a the helical the structure q~ of (14) ~ j "~~ + ~ P qR (I for (( (qR ) a ~ # 0 a have we : ~ aJj (aqR (15) ))) ) included in the go(q) term (Eq. (7)). where the length has been dropped and contour Equation (15) emphasizes two main differences with respect to the cylinder One is given case. by the prefactor, which introduces effective scattering length density, and a higher plateau an behavior is height in the scattering vector range where the q~ observed. The second concems the scattering This effect be easily seen in a q~g(q) plot : the at large q. curve can more location of the maximum and the magnitude of the decrease govemed by a and R. For a are given size of the substituent side-group the decrease is more pronounced for a # 0. The different theoretical obtained with equations (7), (8), (10), (15) are shown in figure 9. curves Also easily verify that equations (I I) and (15) give the same results in the range of can one where equation (15) applies. scattering vectors factor corresponding In figures 6 and 7b is reported the calculated structure to b 7.8 A from 135 A, a pitch length P 15 A and for the cross-section 0,17, R : a 6.51 for the side-group. The parameters of the best obtain actual length f~ which an we = = = = = fits obtained each higher percent) All that these a different trans-cisoid) order of values of to able for to described parameters, conformation magnitude well the for lateral then even then as helical a for one between the cannot poly(2-octyne). dimension eliminate All of the series differ only so small remain different the whole the unit a allows q any hollow one the possibility of of parameters side for scattering at (within one In to substituent identical structures. range. central with structure monomer almost are functions differences the satisfactorily fit factors structure scattering discriminate conformation trans-transoid set and are calculated computed The A-I, is The table. expect cannot we the structure. 0.17 than conformation of use in parameter statistical with unit monomer vectors the given are group case, the region. If fit a good cis-transoid (or obtain a give f~ reasonable a 6 = or 6.5 A. 540 JOURNAL PHYSIQUE DE II N° 3 q~g~q) ~l'~) 0.30 0.25 0.20 '~~'-",,~,fi o.15 ~' "" o-lo o.05 0.00 0.00 o-lo 0 05 0.15 q Fig. 9. length the concems sponding helical The for structure torsion fjr and units A. 1.8 of which 4 statistical structure energy of the per fit other values average thus 9 poly(2-octyne) of the q structure equal is in optical both used R~= 3A to extension L~ sides the lateral total sample be can of consistent equal is to 10 markedly differs for PPA. The with from the square ribbon-model mean a A, corresponding to phenyl backbone. properties. polyacetylenes differ in many ways : PPA has an optical transition at a poly(2-octyne) ; the statistical conformations different (the are very poly(2-octyne) is about three times larger than the one of PPA), and the cross-sections leads completely different geometrical of the to group than length of the while gives two period and an 20A, gives P conformer units monomer 38°. ribbon-like a altematively substituted lower 7 = extension the and trans-transoid The to 51°, about torsion large at that in lateral rigidity two much # h- molt = function the and corresponding average an PPA for distributed Chain The : A 15 P A 1.3 between monomer in rings parameter 45.3 = 12 = input The ML ~~ R) 4. lies scattering observed radius (q). ~P three = = units The one go(q) = the = between monomer for the = pitch length the is g(q) factors structure density radius inner 0 30 = R to 0.25 corresponding to the The only change ~. g same curves 4.6 h (correGuinier approximation with R~ ~P(q) full line model cross-section of dotted line 6.5 Ji (Eq. (10)), line : circular cross-section R 6.5 A) (Eq. (8)), dashed (15)). 7.8 A, F 15 A (Eqs. (ll) with a 0.17, R or Theoretical scattering 0 20 ~i'~) side chain. relations transition, the conjugation length, and there between the first optical are any first angular correlations conclude that shows along the backbone, PPA one may more the few allowing an angular correlation (I,e. a more ordered structure) units needed for over 450 nm with a band edge up to maximum is roughly located optical absorption whose at statistical length. fluctuation, thus a larger of the 650 nm. This implies a decrease curvature If the On the contrary, configuration configuration similar bears statistical on the at the just observed the the influence account function statistical : conformation statistical those sizc conformation scale. unit monomer average on conformations to poly(2-octyne) of spectrum the behavior). In fact, we explicitly into As for the scattering taking influence absorption the localized observed for opposite. of effects of the Thus, in of the saturated This as suggests a gr electrons much as gr electrons macromolecule, polymers (I,e, a contradiction apparent we more is expect flexible solved by side-groups. and steric the polymer interference chain of the in solution. side-groups have an N° 3 CONFORMATION With ground a defined state fluctuations curvature fluctuations at by measured are as For temperature. the ~ where is « For an with the curvature : ~~~~ T macromolecule. the substituent relatively large moment replaced by equation (17) [8] thread, thin has macromolecule isolated an infinitely characterizing the stiffness of the depending on side-groups, of inertia change the magnitude can constant a chain a k~ 0 K, at length (20) statistical 541 POLYACETYLENE conformation rod a finite SOLUBLE OF extension, lateral average of the 2 E (I~) (17) = E is For the elastic circular a modulus kB T (I~) and section, cross is : b where a Equation (16) curvature. is simply we "~ (I~) effective average an have of moment inertia. : ~~ ~ (18) = For a ribbon-like (Fig.10), structure principal the of moments inertia Ii are ~ = ~3 ~ and 12 ~ ()~ I~ The repulsion steric = along the backbone. corresponding to the random distribution fluctuations of the influence The propagation of torsion ribbon ± = 4 is the meant of the 4 along rotation sign same leads the to an Iii j~ ~/I 4 side impose can torsion of implies groups substituents the of structure (l~) where substituent between backbone. In the effective average k~cos~ (p latter case, the moment of inertia between monomer - units (Fig, 10) a2- ~ Sketch of the ribbon structure or with the (8) : (19) dp and k~ I = 12 principal fi moments a torsional o al 10. structure units monomer Ii Fig. helical a between torsion average an of inertia. (I~/I1)~. The two JOURNAL 542 PHYSIQUE DE II N° 3 planar ribbon (4 =0) rotation limiting the and gr/2 between structure cases are a neighboring units. Equations (18) and (19) quite well polydiacetylene apply the to monomer polybutylthiophene [8, 9]. and cases 10 A corresponding to the equations (17) and (19) with a~ L~ For PPA we use can (Fig. poly(2-octyne), again ribbon like ll). For the consider simple structure we a very platelets distributed only geometrical form, that is, side groups described but along as one In that case, conjecture that we can again use our model because the side of the backbone. we torsion consider a segment length at a scale smaller than between the side-groups is large. We statistical length b 135 A such that the segment look the be rod, and the at can seen as a we = = = angular correlation the ~r,, define of the the describing vectors perpendicular persistence length vector the to rod related A~ the to r~, torsion pure a Ii ~~ one can : l~( ~~~ ~ ~ Using along the backbone. according to equation (5), torsion pure position the at ~~~~ ~ t b~) 200 iso loo 50 0 0 40 20 60 50 4 <degres) Fig. Variation ll. Ribbon indicate For the values segments n («1. «~) = of A (O). Helical corresponding between (cos (4 ))~ length statistical the 10 ai structure positions the ri and in ~ 4 is localization. length contour axis. ; relation The along torsion the For the present implies this that the between the purpose, we two chain r~, chain A~ fp is the of the term m and 3.8 A, the I-e- b/2. = On betwee>i and F 15 = monomer unii~. A (.), Arrows for random a distribution torsion of length responsible of the w-electron length b is defined with respect to the axis consider another rotation 4~ related to the helical be obtain using a continuous approximation : can contour have to rotations the (21) (cos (~ ) )j ~i ~P $ length within the period contour equation (14), so that we obtain the axis. helical rotation 4~ along the A~ ~ A poly(2-octyne). have chain A~ « 7.8 = for we torsion the 0.17, R : " where of = statistical the ~ root a a ~ where with obtained given by A~ is and function a torsion the to as structure other hand, ~~~~ P. ratio The relation For the ip/P between 4 gr 51° = rotation is the we for given by rotation have 4~ the side the square 4 along the = 58° groups and is CONFORMATION N° 3 obtained groups for are torsion) length a approximated I-eof both on inertial and Such for conjecture a q ~ inertial contribution this that means the side the the to groups inertia Ii and of al a~) (I R ~~ the length b the length b contains stiffness local I~ given by a) ~~~~ 12 ' gr be : approximation used for the theoretical structure long b, able calculate P to « are as as we an flexibility given by equations (19) and (23). In other length scale of the is the structure compact at chain side 18 may that helical the Therefore, within (the statistical 543 of the assume we to of 3 reminescent is Here gr/P. 2 b. « moments aj R ~( l ~~ POLYACETYLENE backbone the contribution equation (19) with P/2 = average that the on such A, sides 7.5 P/2 SOLUBLE OF factor average words, curvature fluctuations. applications, 4 A. aj 10~° dyne cm~ ~ and a thickness E 41is a reasonable preceding groups papers [8, 9], This point discussed value for ai, while the elastic modulus arbitrarily. is below. chosen was variations variations of b for different lateral lengths are reported in figure11. These The show both the effect of the size of the side torsion. and of the magnitude of the groups estimate We the statistical length using the values given by the fits of the try to now scattering function. Two limiting cases are describing the chain as a cylinder considered : one with second torsion deduced from the central hollow region, the using the a average experimental results, but with a random distribution torsion of the sign of the along the approximation backbone. This approach has the main interest release the crude latter to stiffness describing the inertial contribution the chain by a homogeneous dense to crossnumerical For of side the we use elastic an modulus = discussed As in the and R = section. fit, The obtained (Eq. (18)) (I~) b to = Nevertheless, accidental, may and this not is expect cannot =1.491 aR to one and of the b 146 (19) leads for the and 4 (23) and cylinder I. 58°, structure one = obtains = accordance is. As between estimation computed above, noted parameters main accurate an equations with while very good be used as have 7.5i, = = Ii (Fig, ll) 0.55 arbitrarily with 250i, the controlling of the the effective and modulus local stiffness elastic values, observed elastic constant E was if not chosen (Eq. (17)). One for a polymer for a polymer with substituents with difficult appears even more repulsions between side As a direct accurate consequence, groups. an value of the magnitude of the units be obtained with rotation between cannot monomer our model. For deduced, 26°, from statistical length example, for PPA the value the 4 46 I (see Fig. I I), estimation. in that measured, b be considered In addition, must as an I the extension of side of IQ value) is thus total the about (the large, not case groups a~ very providing a smooth variation of the statistical length as function of 4 (Fig, I I ), and therefore a determination. Thus, we can only describe in general the behavior larger uncertainty in the 4 of macromolecules with expecting to obtain in any case the right order substituents, without of magnitude for the statistical length or for the average in the of a ribbon torsion case coil solution. in corresponding It steric = = What structure. is remains that we = polydiacetylene, are able to describe essential features for systems as polythiophene and polyacetylene. as of persistence It is interesting to results computed lengths the values to compare our obtained barrier heights from they by Rossi et al. [10]. Using torsional obtained octatetraene, find A~ 60 u and A~ l12 u for the polyacetylene, that is a factor 40 for A~ and 4 for for soluble the poly(2-octyne) results. The authors recalled that respect to A~ with polyacetylene, become irrelevant if substituent alter the such a computation groups may potential of the planar Here poly(2-octyne) exhibits torsion larger that structure. note we a substituted diverse = JOURNAL 544 thorn that calculated curvature chains beyond It is structure. shall recall the few a interactions resonant observed increase scope them. It is neutral ah either lead not to specific the 3 N° corresponding a of role increase substituents on in the statistics of and the effect disorder of the on w-electron exhaustive list of the various not to give an attempts, first interesting to note that a simple model considering excitations explains rather well the optical absorption polybutylthiophene in solution [27]. The two other main initio approximation, calculations disorder semi-empirical or will reduce the models. In a integral (the transfer general way, bandwidth) gap. rod conformation, and broadening the to shift blue a of between use the Compared induce does describe to of this oligothiophenes the on approaches are to in a tight binding and approaches numerous are we and again This II solution. in There but polyacetylene, emphasizes for fluctuation. PHYSIQUE DE a fluctuations curvature of flexible in absorption visible the chains in [3]. spectrum solution Therefore red why color an was reason transitions for the observed polydiacetylenes (yellow to red (P4BCMU) or yellow to blue (P3BCMU)), first explained as a single chain were process : a coil to rod change [28]. disorder induced by torsional fluctuations, devoted Recently special attention has been to excitations (which may be relevant to a description either by considering possible non linear model, to establish a of the optical properties of polyaniline [13]) or by using a simple Hiickel torsional fluctuation [10, 11]. If the first, relationship between the optical absorption and the related shift (red shift) corresponds to an transition is directly the gap, lowest to any blue (decrease) of the band gap. Modelling that behaviour the basic aim of Rossi et al. increase was ~~ (cos~11 ~~~) (where p~ and p~ are the [10]. Using a band gap given by : E~ 2[ p~[ (1 fld shifts have been attributed increase to stiffness. chain in This the = integral transfer calculated The ridigity of the at large with the chain Indeed, backbone. This pertinent of color that means when parameter torsion sites for gr scale. The solution existence the correspond to an along the which exactly absorption flexible One in shows substituent the side backbone a this maximum groups, conformations plays only fluctuation curvature torsion with of need not units work they bonds), double rotation acts chemical a as considered. do we and where also monomer present single the limit delocalization. electrons between transparent a because exhibiting solutions the to unit monomer giving stiffer range. neighbor nearest macromolecule conformation confined the average the breaking principal defect between (cos 2 ii. The strong disorder conjugation length [29, 30], was merit of the latter approach is that the of consider cart of kind located minor role or a behavior, the in are the U-V- expect may with the one least at the rod w-electrons the polymers between occurs directly relate to is not that same the units. monomer direct comparison of the statistical conformation of PPA with the polystyrene chains does not show a sizeable enhancement of the chain stiffness. It has been predicted that the gain in energy due to electron delocalization either in the doped or neutral be it large that could the contribution of state can so overcome conformational might consider that the contribution of the entropy [4, 5]. Typically, one transfer integral p is about I eV, I-e- much than kT. With a model based exclusively on more w-electron interactions fails to take between units that into sterically the induced account torsion, Spiegel et al. [5] calculate a statisticaL length of about 150 units, an order of monomer magnitude larger than the one measured. Actually, R-R-Sstudies found similar spectra in On the other homologous film and in hand, saturated solution, suggesting that consider that steric interference may backbone regardless of its effect on conformation in solution. Therefore, the electronic between the chain it is quite structures substituents packing in difficult to are very close in controls the local the solid estimate state the or exact both order on One states. along the influence the statistical of the CONFORMATION N° 3 conjugated soluble result Indeed, delocalization. electron for shows best at it SOLUBLE POLYACETYLENE questionable as OF becomes the polymers within effect, if any. weak a current state to wether of the 545 it be can measured Still, science. all at present our Conclusion. 5. In work this study have we conformation and responsible model the localization of gr helical the to A on along torsion random natural chain spring-like Various structure of 15 A, 20 present enabled but The methyl does group in a result not to us localization. of the existence torsion, average and induces that chain on the controlling driving parameter poly(2-octyne), the the polymers, The torsion parameter also between torsion the is the conjugation. for main is the it of one average backbone of larger expanding in now would examine be to controlling better a efforts are the work aim the with structure backbone. octyne) of this with torsion second, effect polyacetylenes, chain. the continuation structure of For the on substituted two pitch length lying a clearly responsible is information average and electrons. magnitude destroys the backbone the polymer with structure assign the order of corresponding torsion close first, of an : that, conformation for used quantitative configuration. With obtain to unambiguously shows statistical the tried electrons gr the [31], for region and insights gained from hollow central on it effects of example the obtain smaller a study substituents various to torsion of PPA helical- an along the and poly(2- progress. Acknowledgments. We for would the like thank to time beam Timmins Peter allocation and for Mireille his Institut Laue-Lartgevin help during experiment, for performing the light scattering study on Adam poly(2-octyne). References [Ii EXARHOS G. J., RISEN W. M., BAUGHMAN R. H., J. Am. Chem. Sac. [2] SHAND M. L., CHANCE R. R., LE POSTOLLEC M., SCHOTT M., Fhys. [3] Soos Z. G., SCHWEIzER K. S., Chem. Fhys. Lett. 139 (1987) 196. [4] PINCUS P. A., ROSSI G., CATES M. E., Europhys. Lett. 4 (1987) 41. [5] SPIEGEL D. R., PINCUS P. A., HEEGER A. J., Synth. Met. (Switzerland) 16] [7] (1976) B 25 28 481. (1982) (1989) 4431. C385. G., MULLER M. A., SCHMIDT M., WEGNER G., Macromolecules 837. 17 (1979) RAWISO M., AIMt J. P., FAVE J. 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