426 1969 lEEE TRANSACTIONS O S AUTOU1TIC COSTROL, AUGVST type, an application of the resultant. r i m e optimal inputstothe syst.em cawesthe magnitude of the output, to be less than or equal t.0 ‘ Y d l in the interval ( f ~ , f f * ) , where to is t,he init.ia1time. .Slt,hough many techniques can be used to solve the preceding timeoptimal problem, Kranc and Sarachik’s approach [ l ] is probablybest because it. does not. require the solut.ion of a two-point boundav value problem. I n fact, a particularly simple and rapid determinat,ion of t f * and the opt.imal control is possible when their t,echnique is used. To briefly summarize their results (for single output plants), consider an r-input singleoutput. nthorder linear t.imevarying plant. characterized by its impulse response matrix h(t,r) (an rth-order row vector). If t,he system input vector is constrained as follows: Taking magnit.udes of both sides of this equation and assuming that the elements of h ( t , ~ )are all nondecreasing functions of T, we find u i = 1,2, . . ‘ , r (2) where L isa given posit.ive number, hi is t,he ith element of h, 1 1 - + - = I P Q and tf* is the smallest value of t~ satisfying the equation = is absolutely continuous so that. its derivat.ive exists almost everywhere. The transfer function of the system G(s) = c’ (SI - A - l b. The system being assumed to be asympt,ot.icallystable for all constant gains k ( t ) = K E (0, m ), it.follows that. - i~ < arg G ( i w ) < T for all real w (Nyquist criterion). In ot.her words, there exists amnltiplier X ( s ) , not. necessarily causal, such t.hat, for all real o, Iylct)i Ibdl. (6) Even if the elements of h ( l , r ) are not. nondecreasing funct.ions of T , (6) isstill valid. This is easily seen by noting that, the requirement t.hat, (4) be sat,isfied for the smallest value of f f is ident.ica1 to stating that, the process terminates t,he first time y ( t ) = yd. This completes the proof. We haveshow1that when thet.irne optimal inputs of a linear system satisfy a constraint of the L , type, the plant output cannot overshoot the final specified value. This result has been wed to obtain a lower bound on t,* for problems which involve inequality constraints on the out,put. [2] Re X ( i w ) G ( i w ) 2 0 Re .lf(iw)> 0. PROBLEV Find sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of thetimevarying system (1) in mult.iplier form. I n preparation for stating theorem a which employs a nonrausal function in its mult.iplier, define A t ) to be a real function of time with a two-sided Fourier transform Z ( L ) such that Z(s) = R. D. KL-XFTER where Dept,. of Elec. Engrg. Drexel Inst. of Technology Philadelphia, Pa. ~y Ly + 0s -k I’l(S) + Yds) and 6 are real numbels and y,(t) = y’(1) REFERENCES !1) It is observed that t.he solution of (4) only requires that a real root of atranscendental equation be found, routine a calcdat,ion. Weare now ina position to prove t.he following theorem. 111 G . RI. Iiranc and P. E. Sarachik. “An application of functional analysis to the optimal Trans. A S M E . J . Basic control problem,” Enwrg.. 1-01.8 5 , pp. 143-150, June 1963. 121. R. D. Klafter, “Time-optlmal control of . systemsvith controls of partially specified City College structure.” Ph.D. dissertation, of New Uork. Kew P o r k . N a y 1968. O n the Stability of a Linear Time-Varying System Abstr~ct-A single-loop linear system with a timeinvariant stable block G in the direct path and a time-varging gain in the feedbackpath is analyzed for asymptotic stability in the Popov framework by way of admittingnoncausal“multipliers” in the stability criterion. It is shown that an autocorrelation bound, analogous to O’Shea’s cross-correlation bounds [l], results in a constraint on d k / d t morerestrictive than that of Gruber and Willems [ Z ] . €i’8(t 1 + Vi‘) I’ UP([) = y ” ( t ) + ,=1 Ejd18(t - Yj”) with y’(f) and y ” ( f ) piecewise continuous functions; y’(t) = 0 for f > 0 and y ” ( t ) = 0, t < 0; ly’(t)l 5 lemt and I y ” ( t ) l 5 lepmt where I, ‘m. are positive nnmbers;and 7;’ (>O), y j ” ( > O ) , ~ i ’ ) and e,” are real numbels for all 2: and j . Let y ( t ) = y,(t) y?(t). THEOREM System (1) is asymptot,ically stable if, for some 01, 6 > 0 and Z ( s ) given above, t.he following conditions occur. a ) R eZ ( L ) G ( L ) 2 0 for all real o b) + Manuscript received December 30, 1968; revised March 4. 1969. 6 j=l Eju < -e, e >o e) d k l d i is monot.onically nonincreasing and/or 5 2(a - O)k(t)!6. Proof is based on the following lemmas which are easy to establish. Lemma 1 For all u1 and constrifned. if p = ~2 the total-quadratiicontent (i.e., ener&) of u is ’limited;and if p = m t.he magnitude of all of the elements of u is hounded. + i= + Theorem If thetimeoptimalinputsin (2) are applied to a linearsystem whose impulse response is h(t,r), t.hen Proof: If theinputstotheplantare given by (2), the output, at any time can be found by wing thesuperposition integral. Thus c‘x where A is an n X n st.able matrix; b, E, and x (state) are n X 1 vectors: and u, t.he output. of t,he system, is a scalar. k ( t ) E (0, ) Therefore, t.hen the inputswhich satisfy this constraint.’ and drive theoutput y ( t ) from 0 to y d in the least t,ime are FORNTLITIOX ASD SOLCTION OF THE PROBLEM The linear feedback system of Fig. 1 is governed by (u12 uLand f unu,)kif) 2 k(t) 2 0, (U’2 - u2z)k(t);2. 427 CORRESPOXDEXCE I I RELAY Fig. 1. Lineartime-varyingfeedbacksystem. Lentmu. 2 If k ( t - 7 ) - k i t ) 2 0 for all for all T and ang u ( t ) in I>>(- m , rn ), T, then j:= k(t)u(t)uft - T j dt Proof of Theorem: Set. (+(.,lj, $T(G, t) = 0 5t 5T (C) i Fig. 1. t>T 10, where $ ( u , f ) = k ( t ) u ( t ) and the subscript. T denotes hruncat.ion (t,runcation guarantees the exist.enceof Fourier transform). Define Y ( T ) U T ( t - 7)d T (2) + and consider p(2’) = LT XT!t)$TIU, t ) dt. (3) Steps leading to the crucial ineqnalit,y (4) are as folloas: 1) obtain a. bound on p ( T ) using conditions b ) and c ) of the Theorem as well as Lemma 2, 2) replace U T ( f ) by w p ! t ) UT&), where u ~ ~ (ist t.he ) mponse of the systemt.0 the feedback signal - $ (u, t ) and o T C ( f ) is that due to initial conditions, 3) invoke Parseval’s theorem for the expression derived in 2) and use condition a) of the theorem, 4)combine the results of 1) and 3). Finall;, one obtains + E, lT k ( t ) u T 2 ( f )dt This correspondence deals wit.h t,he definition and development. of the dual input discrete describing function (DIDDF). A high-frequency signal is injected into t,he nonlinearity to quench the limit cycles occurring in closed-loop autony . 1:. VENKATESH omom relay-type sampled-data sq-st,ems Dept. of Elec. Engrg. ill. Indian Inst.. of Science This method can be considered t.0 be the Bangalore 12, India counterpart of the conventional describing function developed and applied with success REFERENCES by Boper [2]. Kuo [3] analyzes the problem of forced oscillations andthe stabilizing R. P. O’Bhea.,.“Xn improvedfrequencytime domain stablllty criterion ior autonomous effect of an external signal whose frequency continuoussystems.’’ I E E E Trans. B z l t o n ~ ~ t i c is assumed t.0 bean integral mult,iple of Conirol, vol. AC-12, pp.725-731,~December 1967. the samplingfrequency. Furthermore,the M. GruberandJ. L. Willems, “On agenexternal signal is t.0 be applied at the input Proc. 4th eralization of t h e circlecriterion,” I. ~..V . .. .. A l l p r t o n C o n f . on C i r m i t and Suctent side of the cont>rol system. Inthiscorre Theory:-pp. 827;835 1966. spondence, however, suchrestrictions are 8 . A i . Popor.Absolutestability of nonlinear control,” Automation systems of automatic removed to render the analysis more realand Remote Control (Englishtransl.), vol. 22, iat.ic. pp. 857-876, March 1962. DERIVATIOX OF DIDDF Let A sin w& error signal B sin W d t dither signal Wd Dual Input Discrete Describing Function CONCLESIOX The requirement that d k l d i be uonposit.ive for the asympt,otic stability of (1) is so trivial as to make the direct. adoption of O’Shea’s met.hod of correlation bounds unattrache. The essential Popov approach, however, retains its power if the >> ‘lCc B(2) +,8k(T)u~~(T)/2 where e, X o , and LIT, are positive numbers independent of T . Boundedness of u ( T ) anditsasymptotic stabilit.y follow from (4)as, of course, with minor modifications, in Popov’s proof [3] for an autonomous nonlinear syst.em. INTRODUCTION noncaudpart of t.his integral of (2) is converted to a slightly different. form. By this means, t,he aut.hor has derived asymptotic stabi1it.y conditions more general t.han those of Gruber andRillems [2]. These will be reported elserrhere. Abstract-The delinition anddevelop ment of a modified discrete describing function, referred to a s dual input discrete describing function, is considered. Highfrequency signal is injected into the nonlinearity to quench the limit cycles in closed-loop autonomous relay-type sampleddata systems. An analytic procedure is described, which aims at deriving the dual inputdiscrete describing function for a relay in the 2 domain. Manuscript received January 29, 1969. TC T Q describing function period of oscillat,ionof system sampling period phase lead of error signal and z = . p C T . Relay: C = 1; e > 0; C = -1; e < 0; C = 0 ; e = 0. G ( Z ) = GM G @ ) , and for oscillations -I/~V(.Z) = G(Zj. Consider the system shown in Fig. l(a). The nonlinearity with high-frequency dither can be replaced bythe altered charact,eristic of t,he relay. Since the zero-order hold precedes the nonlinearity, the input t.0 t.he nonlinearity stepped. is The output of the nonlinearityis also stepped. The int.roduct.ionof a synchronized sampler and a zero-order hold on the output side, as shown, leaves the situat.ion mahered.