Dr. Laurie Wagner Education

Dr. Laurie Wagner
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Health Education & Promotion
Kent State University
College Students' Perceptions of Healthy Sexuality: A Q Methodological Study
M.Ed., Health Education
Kent State University
B.S., Community Health
Ohio University
B.A., English
Ohio University
Higher Education Work Experience
Assistant Professor
8/2010 - present
Kent State University
Health Education & Promotion Program
School of Health Sciences
Assistant Professor, NTT
8/2008 - 5/2010
Kent State University
Part-Time Instructor
8/2003 - 8/2008
Kent State University
Part-Time Faculty
The Univeristy of Akron
1/2002 - 5/2002
Part-Time Faculty
1/2000 - 5/2000
Kent State University - Trumbull Campus
Other Professional Experience
6/2011 - 6/2011
Louisville, Kentucky
Laying the Groundwork for Successful Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Two-day Professional Development
Training for thirty high school health teachers.
Jefferson County Schools, Louisville, Kentucky
5/2004 - 12/2004
The University of Akron
Institute for Health and Social Policy
Peer Health Education Educator & Trainer
2002 - 2005
John Carroll University
Student Health Center
Health Educator
1999 - 2000
Morley Health Center, Akron, OH
Human Growth and Development & Sexuality Program
Crisis Advocate
1997 - 1998
YWCA, Akron, OH
Rape & Sexual Assault services
Education Specialist
1997 - 1998
YWCA, Akron, OH
Rape & Sexual Assault services
Bernert, D., and Wagner, L.M. (2012). “Parental Perceptions of Health Sexuality in Relation to
Their Young Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities” Poster; American Association of
Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin, Texas
Publication: Conference Proceedings, Refereed
Wagner, L.M. (2012). “Putting the Health Back Into Sexuality Education” Poster; American
Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin,
Publication: Conference Proceedings, Refereed
Wagner, L.M. , and Pelligrino, J. (2012). “Using Audience Response Devices to Push the Limits
and Personalize Sexuality Education”; American Association of Sexuality Educators,
Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin, Texas
Publication: Conference Proceedings, Refereed
Burnett, A.J., Sabato, T.M., Ott-Walter, K., Kerr, D.L., Wagner, L.M., and Smith, A. (2012). The
influence of attributional style on substance use and risky sexual behavior among college
students. College Student Journal; In Press.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Sabato, T.M., Burnett, .A.J, Kerr, D.L., Ott-Walter, K., Wagner, L.M., and Smith, A. (2012).
Examining behavioral and psychosocial predictors of antibody testing among college youth:
Implications for HIV prevention education and testing. American Journal of Sexuality Education,
7; In Press.
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Thompson, A., Kerr, D., Dowling, J, and Wagner, L. (2011). Advocacy 201: Incorporating
training in health education professional preparation programs. Health Education Journal, 70(1) ,
110. doi:10.1177/0017896911408814
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
McGlothlin, J., Jencius, M., Page, B., Bowling, T., Brown, D., Byrne, J., Cook, C., Dean, E.,
Desmond, K., Duba, J., Kerr, D., Guillot Miller, L., Jones, J., Majzoub, O., Malinajdovska, L.,
Millman, A., Nelson, J., Osborn, C., Ott, K., Paez, S., Petruzzi, M., Rainey, J. S., Rapisarda, C.,
Rehfuss, M., Thompson, M., Wagner, L., & Warren, J. (2006). Counseling applications for
handheld computers. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 5 (1).
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Kerr, D.L. and Wagner, L.M. (2005) Book Review of Human Sexuality: A Psychosocial
Perspective. American Journal of Health Behavior, (29)3, p.282-285.
Publication: Books Reviewed
Fitzgerald, S.M., Jordan, T.R., Yoo, L.M., & Hart, R. (2002) Effectiveness of the responsible
social values program for 6th grade students in one rural school district. Psychological
Reports,(91), 1129-1132. (Maiden name was Yoo)
Publication: Journal Articles, Refereed
Bernert, D., and Wagner, L.M. (2012). “Parental Perceptions of Health Sexuality in Relation to
Their Young Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities” Poster; American Association of
Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin, Texas
Type: National Refereed
Wagner, L.M. (2012). “Putting the Health Back Into Sexuality Education” Poster; American
Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin,
Type: National Refereed
Wagner, L.M. , and Pelligrino, J. (2012). “Using Audience Response Devices to Push the Limits
and Personalize Sexuality Education”; American Association of Sexuality Educators,
Counselors, and Therapists National Conference, Austin, Texas
Type: National Refereed
“Healthy Sexuality?: A Q-Methodological Study”
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference,
San Diego, California
Type: National Refereed
“College Student Intimate Partner Violence: NIPIT (Notice|Identify|Plan|Intervene|Together)”
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference,
San Diego, California
Type: National Refereed
“Overcoming Barriers to Adult Sexuality Education”
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists National Conference,
San Diego, California
Type: National Refereed
Freshman Fit
Future Educators of America Conference
Kent State University, Kent Ohio.
Type: Local Invited
Freshman Fit: It’s your life, can you manage it?
Future Educators of America Conference
Kent State University, Kent Ohio.
Type: Local Invited
“It’s Not Easy Being Teen: Navigating Adolescents in the Age of Media”
Invited Keynote
Kentucky Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Shepardsville, Kentucky
Type: State Invited
“Healthy Teen Relationships…What the Heck Does That Mean?”
Invited Breakout
Kentucky Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Shepardsville, Kentucky
Type: State Invited
“Teen Pregnancy: What’s the Emergency?”
Invited Keynote
Kentucky Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Lexington, Kentucky
Type: State Invited
“Latest information on STIs, contraceptives, and anything else you need to know but are afraid
to ask"
Invited Breakout
Kentucky Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Lexington, Kentucky
Type: State Invited
“Healthy Kids, Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures, ‘Healthy Sexuality’?”
American School Health Association Conference
Denver, Colorado
Type: National Refereed
“Understanding Sexuality Within the Context of Culture”
Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education & Recreation Pre-Conference Workshop
Forth Worth, Texas
Type: National Invited
“HIV 101 for Educators” HIV/Sexuality Education: Sex, Drugs, and HIV: Connecting with Tens
and Young Adults , Columbus, OH March, 2007 (with Dr. Dianne Kerr)
Type: State Non-Refereed
“Safer Sex Techniques“ HIV/Sexuality Education: Putting the Sex Back Into Sexuality Education:
Advocating to Ensure Our Future”, Columbus, OH February, 2006
Type: State Non-Refereed
“The Naked Truth about Oral Sex in Adolescence“ HIV/Sexuality Education: The Naked Truth
About Adolescent Sexuality, Columbus, OH March, 2005 (Prepared with Dr. Dianne Kerr)
Type: State Non-Refereed
“Experiential Activities for Comprehensive Sexuality Education” HIV/Sexuality Education:
Everything Old is New Again, Columbus, OH February, 2004
Type: State Invited
“AIDS 101: Essentials for Early Educators” HIV/Sexuality Education: Prevention Programs in
Peril, Columbus, OH February, 2003
Type: State Invited
“AIDS 101: What the GLBT Community Needs to Know” PRIDE Kent, Kent State University,
Kent, OH November, 2002
Type: Local Invited
“Adolescent Sexual Health Behaviors” Summit County Health Department School Health
In-Service Spring 2002
Type: Local Non-Refereed
“Safer Sex Practices” HIV/Sexuality Education: Moving Towards a Global Perspective,
Columbus, OH February, 2002
Type: State Non-Refereed
“Let’s Talk: Values, Skills, and Cultural Competencies” HIV/Sexuality Education: Are We
Preparing the Next Generation?”, Columbus, OH February, 2001
Type: State Non-Refereed
“Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Advocating to Ensure a Future” American School Health
Association Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico October, 2001 (with Dr. Dianne Kerr)
Type: National Refereed
“Relationship of Age-Grade Status and Health Risk Behaviors in High School Students:
Research Findings and Implications for Coordinated School Health” Poster American Academy
of Health Behavior National Conference, San Antonio, TX September, 2000 (with Dr. Jean Byrne)
Type: National Refereed
“Relationship of Age-Grade Status and Health Risk Behaviors in High School Students:
Research Findings and Implications for Coordinated School Health” Poster American School
Health Association Conference, New Orleans, LA October, 2000 (with Dr. Jean Byrne)
Type: National Refereed
“Sexual Health and the Prevention of Sexual Assault” Youngstown State University Athletic
Department, Youngstown, OH January, 1999
“Healthy Sexuality” Student Leadership Institute, Youngstown, OH January, 1999
“Date Rape” Student Leadership Institute, Youngstown, OH January, 1999
“Peer Health Education:” Northern Ohio Association of Fraternity Advisor Conference, Kent, OH
November 1998
Type: Local Non-Refereed
“Developing a University/Community Sexual Assault Report System That Works!” 7th
International Conference on Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus, Orlando, FL October
1997 (with Jeanine Woodruff)
Type: International Refereed
POWER: Promoting OU Health Education & Wellness, Ohio University, Athens,
1995 - 1997
University Level Service Activities & Presentations Peer Health Educator September 1995 – June 1997
Ryan White Foundation, Athens, Ohio
1995 - 1997
University Level Service Activities & Presentations Volunteer September 1995 – June 1997
Athens AIDS Task Force, Athens, Ohio
1995 - 1997
University Level Service Activities & Presentations Volunteer September 1995 – June 1997
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists
- 2006
Professional Membership
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
- 2001
Professional Membership
American Association of Health Education
- 2001
Professional Membership
American College Health Association
- 2001
Professional Membership
American School Health Association
- 2000
Professional Membership
Community Health Education Specialist (CHES)
- 1999
Professional Membership Renewal April 2009
Eta Sigma Gamma, Rho Chapter
- 1997
Professional Membership Vice President 2002 President 2001 Secretary 2000
Bacchus Certified Peer Health Educator
- 1997
Professional Membership
“AIDS 101: What GLBT Need to Know”
- 2002
University Level Service Activities & Presentations PRIDE Kent Fall 2002
“Health Talks: Promoting Safe Sex”
- 2002
University Level Service Activities & Presentations KSC Programming September 23, 2002
Co PI, Identifying Reasons for Racial/Ethnic Disparities with Completing the HPV Vaccine
Series among Adolescent Females
2012 - 2013
Collaborative effort between Co-PIs and MetroHealth System, Summa Health System, and the Cuyahoga County
Board of Health.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can prevent nearly all genital warts, cervical
and anal cancers, but HPV vaccination rates in eligible populations in the United States
are less than 33% for full completion of the three-dose regimen. These rates vary by
racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and numerous studies have examined reasons
for immunization barriers. However, it is unclear whether appropriate questions about
barriers are being asked in these studies, especially with regard to subpopulations, and
none have linked barriers at the patient level to those perceived by vaccine providers. In
addition, no study has evaluated barrier differences by immunization level (not
immunized vs. partially immunized) or identified what impacted those who completed all
doses (fully immunized) for comparison. The purpose of the proposed study is to
examine barriers to both HPV vaccination initiation and completion using focus groups
of 1) parents of 11-18 year old females and 2) their immunization providers to identify
feasible and effective interventions that can be implemented across the patient-provider
continuum. Particular focus is on populations with lower vaccination rates and higher
health disparities.
Collaboration with: Lynette Phillips, Nicole Rousseau, Laurie M. Wagner
Submitted: $266,018.90
Status: Not Funded
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Basic Research
Consultant, PREP Grant- Region 6
2011 - 2012
The Ohio Department of Health awarded reginal grants to provide trainging for the Personal Responsibility Education
Program (PREP) for caregivers of Foster Care and Adjudicated Youth. The Kent State University sub-grantee award is
for $54,333.55. Dr. Dianne L. Kerr is the PI for KSU's participation.
Collaboration with: Canton City Health Department and Dr. Dianne L. Kerr, Associate Professor Health Education &
Promotion, Kent State University
Submitted: $158,000.00
Status: Awarded
Awarded: $158,000.00 (7 2011)
Ohio Department of Health - Training
PI, Small Grants Program
2011 - 2012
The intent of this project was to gain more understanding of the experiences of LGBTQ youth in the United States
through photovoice. Linking with Gay-Straight Alliances and school counselors nationwide, a photo competition will be
funded to encourage LGBTQ youth (aged 14-18) to submit digital photos of what it means to them to be LGBTQ in
America. Photos will be collected via a website that will contain guidelines for submissions, basic photography pointers,
and an internet-based survey link to the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) community school climate
survey adapted to include a six-item school-connectedness survey. Photos will be analyzed using qualitative software
(NVivo 8) looking for themes, content, and overall climate. Surveys will be analyzed for comparison to State and
National data available for school climate and school connectedness. Direct and indirect links between
school-connectedness and academic outcomes exist for youth in general. This study aims to investigate the
connections between these phenomena and LGBTQ youth as well as to further illuminate the experiences of these
young people, literally through their own lenses.
Collaboration with: Laurie M. Wagner, PhD, MCHES & Dianne L. Kerr, PhD, MCHES
Submitted: $4,769.00
Status: Not Funded
The Williams Institute - Basic Research
PI, Small grants Program Proposal: In The Fog
2010 - 2011
Applied for funding to analyze In the Fog data concerning the sexual understandings and attitudes of university students.
Collaboration with: Laurie M. Wagner, PhD, CHES
Submitted: $26,711.00
The National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy - Basic Research
Status: Not Funded