From: AAAI-83 Proceedings. Copyright ©1983, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Episodic Learning Dennis Kibler Bruce Porter Informationand ComputerScienceDepartment Universityof CaliforniaaltIrvine Irvine,California Abstract - Stage 1 learninginvolvesunderstanding &.en each availableoperatorshouldbe applied. The concernhere is with learningthe enablingconditionsfor individualoperators,withoutknowledge of the other operatorsin the solution path to providecontext. A system is describedwhich learns to compose sequencesof operatorsinto episodesfor problem solving. The system incrementally learnswhen and why operatorsare applied. Episodesare segmented so that they are generalizableand reusable. The idea of *augmenting the instancelanguagewith higher level conceptsis introduced. The techniqueof perturbationis describedfor discoveringthe essentialfeaturesfor a rule with minimal teacherguidance. The approachis applied to the domain of solvingsimultaneouslinear equations. - Stage 2 learninginvolvesunderstanding J&Y each operatoris appliedwith emphasison the sequencingof operators. We refer to this as episodiclearning. Episodicsegmentationis the groupingof operatorsto form an episode. Episodes are discrete,reusablecompnents for plan generationand each simplifiesthe problem state. 1. Introduction With the aid of a teacher,juniorhigh school studentscan learn to solve simultaneouslinear equations. Operatorsthat are appliedin solving these problemsincludemultiplyingan equationby a constantand combininglike terms. The students are alreadyfamiliarwith & these operatorsare applied. Moreover,the teacherassumesthat the studentsunderstandbasic conceptsabout numbers, such as a numberbeing positive,negative,or non-zero. The main featuresof our approachto episodic learningare: - segmentationof operatorsequencesinto meaningful,reusable episodes. - augmentationof the instancelanguageto includehigher-orderconceptsnot present in the traininginstanceitself. Our system,nicknamedPETr2 incrementally (definedin [7]) inducescorrectrules from the traininginstancespresented. The rules are correctin the sense that at any point in the learningprocess: - perturbationof a traininginstanceto create new instances. 2. Related Work - the knowledgeis consistentwith all past traininginstances. Relatedwork in stage 1 learningincludes Neves's [lo]systemwhich learnedto solve one equationin one unknownfrom textbooktraces. The system learnedboth the context (preconditions) of an operatoras well as which operatorwas applied, althoughthe operatorhad to be known to the system.His generalization languagewas simpler than ours in that a constantcould only be generalizedto a variable. The programLEX [8] uses version spacesto describethe current hypothesisspace as well as concepttrees to direct or bias the generalizations. As it is not the main point of our work, we keep only the minimal (maximallyspecific)generalization[ll] of the examples. - sequencesof rules (episodes)are guaranteedto simplifythe problemstate if they apply. Learningrules for applyingoperatorsinvolves two stagesof learning: 1Thi.sresearchwas supportedby the Naval Ocean System Center under contractNO6123-81-C-1165. 2Please refer to [41 for a completedescription of our approachincludinga PDL d;scriptionof the learningalgorithmand multipleexamplesof its use. PET is implementedin Prolog on Dec2020. Availableupon request. MACROPS [2] is an exampleof stage 2, or episodiclearning. This system remembersrobot plans that have been generatedso that the plan can be reusedwithout re-generation.The plans are stored in triangletableswhich recordthe 191 variablesin the instancelanguage. order of applicationof operatorsin the plan and how their pre-conditions are satisfied. The plans are generalizedto be applicableto other instances(as are episodes). 4.2. Generalization Language FollowingMitchell [81 and Michalski[61 we have concepttrees for integers,equationlabels, and variables(figure4-l). Basicallywe are using the typed variablesof Michalski[61. While effectivein learningplans, MACROPShas difficultyapplyingits acquiredknowledge [l]. The centralproblem is that the operatorsin a MACROPSplan are not segmentedinto meaningful sequences. Any sequenceof operatorscan be extractedfrom the triangletable and reused as a macro operator. A sequenceof lengthN defines N(N-1)/2macros. However,few of these sequences are useful. MACROPSoffers no assistancein selectingthe useful sequencesfrom a plan. If sequencesare not extractedfrom the triangle table then the entire plan must be consideredan episode. This resultsin a large collectionof opaque,single-purpose, macro operators. Branchingwithin an episode is made impossible. In either case, combinatorialexplosignmakes planningwith the macros impractical. integer / \ non-zero zero / \ \ positive negative 0 /I\ /I 1 2 3 ..e -1 -2 ... Figure 4-l: b variable /\ x Y a Concepttrees We permit generalizations by 1) deleting conditions,2) replacingconstantsby variables (typed),and 3) climbingtree generalization. Disjunctivegeneralizationis allowedby adding additionalrules.This coversall the generalizationrules discussedby Michalski 161 except for closed intervalgeneralization. 3. Operators for Solving Linear Fquations The operatorsapplicableto solving simultaneouslinear equationsare describedin the followingtable: 4.3. Rule Language Knowledgeis encodedin ruleswhich suggest operatorsto apply. Rules are of the form: rator Semantics ccPnbinex(Eq)Combinex-termsin Eq. combiney(Fq) Combiney-terms in Eq. combinec(Eq) Combineconstantterms in Eq. deletezero Delete term with 0 coeff. or 0 constantfrom Eq. ReplaceE42 by the result =-wEql,Eq2) of subtractingEql from IQ2 ReplaceEQ2 by the result addU%&W) of adding Eql and Eq2 ReplaceIQ by the result mult@WJ) of multiplyingQ by N 4. Description 3 <score>-- <bag of terms expressedin generalization language> => <operator> (The score of a rule is describedin section6.2.) PET does not learn "negative"rules to prune the search tree, as in [3]. 5. Perturbation Perturbationis a techniquefor stage 1 learningwhich enablesa learningsystem to discoverthe essentialfeaturesof a rule with minimal teacherinvolvement. A perturbationof a traininginstanceis createdby: Languages - deletinga featureof the instanceto determinewhether its presenceis essential. 4.1. InstanceLanguage The instancelanguageservesas "internalform" for traininginstances. We adopt a relational descriptionof each equation,so the training instance: - if a featureis essential,modifyingit slightlyto determineif it can be generalized. Perturbationoperators, which are added to the concepttree used for generalization, make theseminor modifications. a: 2x-5y=-1 b: 3x+4y=lO is storedas: {term(a,2*x),term(a,-53),term(a,l), term(b,3*x),term(b,4*y),term(b,-10)) For example,given the problem (a) 2x+3y=7 (b) 2x+3~-5y=5,the advice to cambinex(b),and an empty rule base, PET first describesthe rule as: where a,b are equationlabelsand x,y are (term(a,2*x),term(a,3*y),term(a,-7), term(b,2*x),term(b,3*x),term(b,-5*y), term(b,-5))=> combinex(b). 31t shouldbe recognizedthat MACROPSwas designedto controla physicalrobot,not a simulation. For this reason,the designers thought it importantto permit the planner to skip ahead in a plan if situationpermitsor to repeat a step in a plan if the operationfailed due to physicaldifficulties. Now PET perturbsthe instanceby modifyingeach of the coefficientsindividually.This is done by zeroing,incrementingand decrementingeach coefficient. Same of the instancescreatedby perturbationare: 192 (i) 3y=7 2x+3x-5y=5 (ii) 2x+3y=7 3x-5y=5 4 PET understandstW0 applied. selectingan operator: (iii) 2x+3y=7 2x+4x-5y=5 reasonsfor 1. By applyingthe operator,the problem Since ccmCnex(b) is effectivein example i, PET generalizes(minimally)its currentrule conditionswith this exampleyieldingthe new rule: state is simplified. In the domain of algebraproblems,a state is simplified if the number of terms in the equations is reduced. {tem(aJjcy),temb,-7) I term(b,2*x),term(b,3*x),term(b,-5*y), term(b,-5))=> ccmbinex(b). 2. By applyingthe operator,the preconditionsof an existingrule are satisfied. The rule being formed for the operatoris then looselylinked with the rule that the operator enables. If more than one rule is enabled,then multiplebranchesthrough the episodeare allowed. The major effect is to delete the conditionon the x-term of equation(a). The operatoris not effectivefor exampleii, and the negativeinformationis (in the current system)unused. Generalizingwith example iii, the rule becomes: term(b,2*x),term(b,pos(N)*x),term(b,-5"y), term(b,-5))=> combinex(b). And after all positiveinstancesof the operator c&inex(b) have been generatedby the perturbationtechniqueand generalized,the rule is formed: PET adds a rule to the rulebasewhen the purposeof the rule'saction (the "why" component of the operator)is understood. The first operatorsfor which rules can be learnedare those which simplifythe problemstate, such as combininglike terms. Any operatorsapplied before combinecannotbe understoodand PET must "bearwith" the teacher. After rulesare formed for the combineoperators,subtractcan be learned. For instance,sub(a,b)appliedto: a: b: yields: a: b: term(b,pos(M)*x)) => cambinex(b). Essentially,perturbationis a techniquefor creatingnear-examplesand near-misses [13]with minimal teacherinvolvementupon which standard generalization techniquescan be applied. Mitchell'sLEX system [91 uses a similarmethod for creatingtraininginstances. Note that in our techniquewe perturban instanceand try the same operatorthat worked before. The perturbationis used to guide the generalization process. In LEX, perturbationis used to generatenew, possibly solvable,problems. Heuristicsare needed to select appropriateproblemsas the cost of applyingthe problemsolver is high. See [5] for more detail on our perturbationtechnique. 2x+3y=5 2x+=1 2x+3y=5 2x-2x -ly-3y=l-5 Now PET can learn sub(a,b)for reason (2) above: a rule which is alreadyunderstood(fora combine operator)is enabledby the subtraction.An episodecan be formedconnectingthe rules for sub(a,b)and combine(b). 6. Episodic Learning 6.1. Importancefor Learning As we noted in the MACROPSuse of operator sequences,unless the system can select meaningfullyuseful sequencesfrom the set of candidatesequences,combinatorialexplosionmakes reuse of generalizedplans infeasible. We define an episodeto be a sequenceof ruleswhich, when applied,simplifiesa problemstate. Our episodes are "looselypackaged"to allow branching. Rather than storingan entireplan for reachinga goal state from the start state,we segmentthe solutionpath into small, re-usable,generalizable episodes,each accomplishing a simplification of the problem. 6.2. ScoringOperators A simple scoringscheme connectsrules into episodesand resolvesconflictswhen more than one rule is enabled. A naturalscheme is to score each rule by its positionin an episode. The rules for the ccmbineoperatorsare given a score of 0. The rule for subtract,which enablesa ccnnbine operator,is given a score of 1 (O+l). Intuitivelyrthe score is the length of the episodebefore somethinggood happens (i.e.the equationsget simplified).When selectinga rule, PET selectsthe one with the lawest score among those enabled. Ties are resolvedarbitrarily. 4"Understand"is used here to mean "know-how" encodedin productionrules. We do not mean to suggesta deep model of understanding which might includecausalityand analogy. Episodic,or stage 2, learningis concerned with these sequencesof rules and their connections. These sequencesare learned incrementally.Learninga rule for an operator dependson an understanding of J&Y the operatoris 193 7. Augmentation (analogousto our test for predictiveness), then more backgroundinformationmust be "pulledin" until it is associated. A descriptionin the instancelanguageis basicallya translationof a traininginstance. This descriptionis in an instancelanguagemore appropriateto computationthan the surface languageused to input the instance. In complex domains,more knowledgeneeds to be represented than is capturedin a literaltranslationof a traininginstanceinto the instancelanguage. In the domainof algebraproblems,augmentation serves to relateterms in the instancelanguage. For example,a relevantrelationbetween coefficientsis productof(N,M,P) (theproductof N and M is P). Augmentationof the instance languageis necessarywhen the terms or values necessaryfor an operation(theRHS of a rule) are not present in the pre-conditions for the operation(theLHS of the rule). For example, considerthe traininginstance: a: 6x-15y=-3 b: 3x+4y=lO with the teacheradvice to apply mult(b,2). The problem is that the rule formedby PET will have a 2 on the RHS (for the operation)but no 2 on the LHS. In this case, we say that the rule is not predictiveof the operator. An augmentationof the instancelanguageis needed to relatethe 2 on the PHS with some term on the LHS. In this case, the additional knowledgeneeded is the 3-ary predicateproductof, specificallyproductof(2,3,6).Now the rule to cover the traininginstancecan be formed (after perturbationand augmentation): {term(a,G*x),term(b,3*x), productof(2,3,6)) => mult(a,2) Augmentationis similarto selectingbackground knowledge. One problemwith both approachesis determininghow much backgroundknowledgeto incorporate. Incorporating too little kncwledge, which resultsin an over-generalized rule, can be detectedby an associationchain violationor' in PET, by a non-predictiverule. However,detecting when too much knowledgehas been pulled in is difficult. In this case, the rule formedwill be over-specialized.We overcomethis problem (to a large extent)by perturbation. Vere reliessolely on forminga disjunctionof rules (eachoverly specialized)for the correctgeneralization. Vere allows only one conceptin the background knowledge. This furthersimplifiesthe task of knowinghaw much knowledgeto pull in. However, as the complexityof problemdomainsincrease, more backgroundknowledgemust be broughtto bear. Our augmentationaddressessome of the problemsof managingthis knowledge. 8. Examplesof SystemPerformance This sectiondiscusseshighlightsfrom PET's episodiclearningfor problemsolvingin the domain of linearequations. 8.1. Examplel-Learning Combine The rulebaseis initiallyempty and, as PET learns, rules are added, generalized,and supplanted. PET requestsadvicewheneverthe currentrules do not apply to the problemstate. The teacherpresentsthe traininginstance: a: 2x+3y=5 b: 2x+4y=6 Conceptsin the augmentationlanguageform a second-ordersearchspace (figure7-1) for generalizingan operation. The space consistsof a (partial)list of conceptsthat a studentmight rely on for understandingrelationsbetween numbers. When a predictiverule cannotbe found in the first-ordersearch space then PET tries to form a rule using the augmentationas well. Conceptsare pulled from the list and added to a developingrule. If the conceptmakes the rule predictive,then it is retained. Otherwise,it is removedand anotherconceptis tried. If no predictiverule can be found then PET ignoresthe traininginstance. with the advice sub(a,b). PET appliesthe operatorwhich yields: a: 2x+3y=5 b: 2x-2x+4y-3y=6-5 PET must understandwhy an operatoris useful before a rule is formed. The operatorfailed to simplifythe equations(in fact the number of terms in the equationswent from six to nine) and did not enable any other rules (sincethe rulebase is empty). PET cannot form a rule and waits for somethingunderstandable to happen. The teachernow suggeststhat combinex(b)be applied,yielding: sumof(L,M,N) (sum of L and M is N) productof(L,M,N)(productof L and M is N) squareof(~,~) (squareof M is N) a: 2x+3y=5 b: Ox+4y-3y=6-5 Figure7-l: augmentationsearchspace The number of terms is reduced,so PET hypothesizesa rule. Perturbationtests each term in the equationsto determinewhich are essential and which can be generalized. PET forms the rule: Vere [12]has also addressedthe problemof learningin the presenceof "background information."For example,learninga general rule for a straightin a poker hand requires knowledgeof the next number in sequence. This is consideredbackgroundto the knowledgein the poker domain. Vere describesan 'association chain"which links togethereach term in a rule. If a term in the rule is not linked in the chain kern'hpos (N)*xl, term(b,neg(M)*x)) => combinex(b) which means: 194 a: 2x+3y=5 b: 2x+4y=6 given a problemstate,whenever equationb containsan x-termwith a positivecoefficientand an x-termwith a negativecoefficient,then combinethe two terms. The operatorenablesthe partially-learned rule for combinex(b),so PET employsperturbationto form the rule: PET is unable to apply currentknowledge(i.e. the rule for combinex(b))to the currentproblem state so the teachersuggestscombiney(b) which yields: {term(a,2*x),term(b,2*x), term(b,pos(N)*'y) 1 => sub(a,b) The rule is assigneda score of 1, looselylinking it with the rules for combineand deletezero. a: 2x+3y=5 b: Ox+ly=6-5 Presentedwith furthertraininginstances,PET inducesthe rule: Stage 1 learningproducesthe rule: {term b,pos (N) 9) (term(egn(Ll),nonzero(N)*var(X)), term(eqn(L2),nonzero(M)*var(X)), term(egn(L2),nonzero(O)*var(Y))) => =Jweqmu ,eqnW) 1 I term(b,neg(M)*y)) => c&iney(b) This rule cannotbe generalizedwith the current rulelistand is simplyadded. 8.3. Example3-Learning Multiply The teacherpresentsPET with an exampleof multiplywith the traininginstance: Learningrules for the operatorsccrmbinec(b) and deletezero are similarand will be assumed to be completed. a: 3x+4y=7 b: 6x+2y=8 Stage 2 learningof the combineoperators involvesrelatingthem to episodes,or sequences of rules. Since combinesimplifiesa problem state immediately,it is given a score of zero. The currentrulelist(withscores)is: No rule in the kncwledgebase applies,so PET requestsadvice. mult(a,2)is suggestedwhich yields: 0 -- {term(b,pos(N)*x), term(b,neg(M)*x)} => combinex(b) O{termbps (NJ9) I term(b,neg(M)*y)) => combiney(b) 0 -- bmb,posW 1I term(b,neg(M)) => combinec(b) 0 -- (term(b,O*x)) => deletezero 0 -- (term(b,O))=> deletezero a: 6x+8y=14 b: 6x+2y=8 Now sub(a,b)appliesso the rule for mult(a,2) can be learned. Mult(a,2)is given a score of 2 (onemore than the score of the rule enabled). After perturbationPET forms the rule: {term(a,3*x),term(b,6*X)r term(b,pos(N)%))=> mult(a,2) With furthertraininginstancesfor the combine operators,PET forms the rules: 0--{term(egn(L),int(N)*x), term(egn(L),int(M)*x))=>ccPnbinex(egn(L)) O-hmn(eqn(L) ,int(N) %I, term(egn(L)lint(M)%)]=>ccmbiney(egn(L)) 0-(term(eqn(L),int(N)), term(egn(L),int(M)) => combinec(egn(L)) 0-(term(egn(L),O*var(X))} => deletezero(egn(L)) 0--(term(egn(L),O)) => deletezero(egn(L)) At this point PET realizesthat it has over-generalized since the rule is non-predictive (the2 on the RHS does not occur on the LHS). PET augmentsthe instancedescriptionand forms the candidaterule: (term(a,3*x),term(b,6*x),term(b,pos(N)%), productof(2,3,6)} => mult(a,2) After additionalexamples,PET forms the correctrule: 2 8.2. Examplea--LearningSubtract Now that the ccmbineoperatorsare partially learned,PET can begin to learn subtract. Since our episodesare looselypackaged,there is not a problemwith furthergeneralizingthe rules for the combineoperatorsonce subtractis affiliated with them. Learningfor each operatorcan proceed independently. -- (term(a,pos(K)*x),term(b,pos(L)*x) I termbpos 04 9) r productof(pos(N) ,pos(K) ,pos(L) 1 => mult(a,pos(N)) which supplantsthe more specificrule in the rulebase. 8.4. Example4-Learning "CrossMultiply" The teacherpresentsthe traininginstance: Naw the traininginstanceabove which PET had to ignorecan be understood. The instancewith teacheradvicesub(a,b)is: a: 2xt6y=8 b: 3x+4y=7 Since no rule is enabled,the teacheradvice to awly mult(a,3)yields: 'deletezero (b) could also be suggested,but we continuewith a combineoperatorfor continuity. a: 6x+18y=24 b: 3x+ 4y=7 195 Since mult(b,2)is enabled,mult(a,3)can be learned. After perturbation,PET acguiresthe rule: REFERENCES 1. Carbonell,J.G. Learningby Analogy: Formulatingand GeneralizingPlans from Past Experience. In Michalski,R.S., Carbonell,J.G., Mitchell,T.M., Ed., Machinem, Tiogo Publishing,1983. 2. Fikes,R.E. and Nilsson,N.J. STRIPS:A new approachto the applicationof theoremprovingto problemsolving. AL 2 (1971),189-208. 3. Kibler,D.F, and Morris,P.H. Dont be Stupid. IJCAI (1981),345-347. 4. Kibler,D.F. and Porter,B.W. Episodic Learning. 194, Universityof California,Irvine, 1983. 5. Kibler,D.F. and Porter,B.W. Perturbation: A Means for GuidingGeneralization.m (1983). 6. Michalski,R.S., Dietterich,T.G. Learning and Generalizationof Characteristic Descriptions: EvaluationCriteriaand ComparativeReview of SelectedMethods. mfi (1979),223-231. Michalski,R.S., Carbonell,J.G., Mitchel1,T.M. kchine . ng Tiogo Publishing,1983. 8. Mitchell,T.M., Utgoff, P.E., Nudel, B, and Banerji,R. LearningProblem-Solving Heuristics ThroughPractice. um 1 (1981),127-134. 9. Mitchell,T.M., Utgoff,P.E., Nudel, B, and Banerji,R. Learningby Experimentation: Acquiring and RefiningProblePnSolvingHeuistics. In Michalski,R.S., Carbonell,J.G., Mitchell,T.M., Ed., Machinekarninq, Tiogo Publishing,1983. 10. Neves, D.M. A computerprogramthat learns algebraicproceduresby examiningexamplesand workingproblemsin a textbook. CSCSIu (1978), 191-195. 11. Vere, S.A. Inductionof conceptsin the predicatecalculus. IJCAI 4 (1975),281-287. 12. Vere, S.A. Inductionof Relational Productionsin the Presenceof Background Information.IJCAT 5 (1977),349-355. 13. Winston,P.H. Learningstructural descriptionfrom examples. In Winston,P.H., Ed., a Psvcholouyof ComouterVision,McGraw-Hill, 1975. (term(a,2*x),term(b,3*x),term(b,pos(N)~)] => mult(a,3) This rule is given a score of 3 since it enablesa rule with score 2. The rule will be generalized (withsubsequenttraininginstances)to: 3 -- {term(egn(I),nonzero(N)*var(X)), term(egn(J),nonzero(M)*var(X)), term(eqn(J),nonzero(L)*var(Y))] => mult(egn(I),nonzero(M)) 9. Limitations and Extensions As with most learningprogramswe requirethat the conceptto be learnedbe representablein our generalization language. In additionPET has to be suppliedwith some coarsenotion of when an operatorhas been effectivein simplifyingthe current state. Furthermorewe assume that the teachergives only appropriateadviceand there is no "noise." Extensionsthat we are consideringare: - Learningfrom negativeinstancesas well as positiveones. - Improvingthe use of augmentationby introducingstructuredconcepts. These would permit climbingtree generalizations for this second-order knowledge. Another improvementwould be allowingmultipleconceptsto be pulled into a rule from the augmentationsearch space. This requiresa requisitechange in the test for predictiveness. - Applyingthe theory to learning operatorsin other domains. Integration problemshave been attempted [8]. We would like to try our approachin the calculusproblemdomain. 10. Conclusions A system,PET, has been describedwhich learns sequencesof rules,or episodes,for problem solving. The learningis incrementaland thorough. The system learnswhen and why operatorsare applied. AlthoughPET startswith an extremelygeneraland coarse notion of why an operatorshouldbe appliedit's representation beccmes increasinglyfine and completeas it forms rules from examples. PET detectswhen rules are non-predictive and augmentsthe generalization languagewith higher level concepts. Due to the power of perturbation,our systemcan learn episodeswith minimalteacherinteraction. The episodesare segmentedinto discrete,re-usable segments,each accomplishing a recognizable simplification of the problem state. The approach is shown effectivein the dcnnain of solving simultaneouslinear equations. We suspectthe techniquewill also work for solvingproblemsin symbolicintegrationand differentialequations 196