From: AAAI-83 Proceedings. Copyright ©1983, AAAI ( All rights reserved. RESEARCHER: AN OVERVIEW1 Michael Department Computer Science Lebowitz of Computer Building, New York, University NY 10027 (NAME: <name-of-object > TYPE: unitnr or composite if unitary tar) STRUCTURE!!: <shape-descri <a list of rela f ion records> if composite) Abstract this paper is a computer system, Described in RESEARCHER, beine: develoDed at Columbia that reads natural languagk text-in th(? form of patent abstracts and creates.a permanent long-term memory based on concepts generaliz+ from these texts, forming an intelligent mformatlon s stem. This pa er is intended to give an overview of RESEARCHER & e will describe briefly the desi n of four main areas dealt ’ with in the w %ere a RESEARCHER: 1) knowledge representation canonical scheme for representing physical objects has 2) memory-based text processing, 3) been developed, generalization and generalization-based as an E??g% organization that treats conce t formation an a 4) generalization-based of understanding, part question answering. Figure 1: Representation Schema ieces (composite). The STRUCTURE of two or more eit % er a description of the sha e of an field contains or a set of relation recor Bs, if it is object, if it is unitar S& e-descriptors are graphical composite. based mostly on visual of o %jects represe? t ations Relation records generally describe binary properties. physical relations between parts of a complex object. To date we have not explored shape descriptors in great ical detail. We expect to have a system that uses prototy shapes (in much the same way we use prototypical o %‘ect image- i ike descriptions), combining declarative and as Kosslyn and representations in much the same wa Shwartz’s model [Kosslyn and Shwartz 1 71. reater detail, We have studied object relations in much and have developed a canonical scheme for !I escribin the various ways that two objects can relate to each ot her. This scheme is used to represent, amono- other things, the meanin s of words or phrases such as “above”, “on top that are used to describe physical of” an cf “surrounding” -2 relations. Figure 2 shows the major elements used in relation re resentation. Various combinations of values for the fief ds shown in Figure 2 provide wide covera e of the kinds of relations that objects can have with eat I! other. 1 Introduction Natural language processin and memory organization are logical components of intel Pigent information systems. At Columbia developing a computer system RESEAR6Hz& %zt reads natural lan uage text in thg form of patent abstracts (disc drive pa F ents provide the initial domain) and creates a permanent long-term based on generalizations that it makes from these memor texts. i n terms of task RESEARCHER is similar to IPP [Lebowitz 80; Lebowitz 8% a program that read and remembered news stories. e need o deal with complex object representations and descriptions has introduced a whole new range of problems not considered for that program. 2 Representation Property Theefirst problem to be worked on in any new domain in AI 1s the design of a scheme to represent relevant concepts.. AI researchers have not extensively investi ated Le %nert representing corn lex physical ob’ects (although 78; Kosslyn and 8 hwartz 771 an d others have a IIdressed some of the issues we are concerned with). We have system with the flavor of develo ed a frame-based Schank 721, that deals Ghan R‘s Conce tual Dependency with ob’ects ins Pead of actions. T 6 is scheme 1s described and Lebowitz 821. in detai i in [Wasserman The basic frame-like structure used to represent objects is known +s a memette. Memettes are used as part of a idiosyncratic hlerarch!cal set of prototypes (generalized descrtptlons derived from specific instances j,. described in may be describing a fairly Section 4. A iven memette ical disc drive) or a more gene+ object ? e.g., a rotot speclflc obJect \ a mo a el 19i;t-3 floppy disc drive). In somewhat simp ified form, the basic structure of a memette is shown in Figure 1. The TYPE slot of a memette indicates whether this is a single indivisible structure (unitary) or a conglomeration ‘This research was supported Advanced Research ProJects N00039-82-C-0427. Science Columbia Description Word with property distance between objects strength of contact relative direction between ob’ects orien ta tio72 re r’ ative object orientation e,nclosure descri tion of full or partia P enclosure distance contact location Figure 2: Canonical Relation near t,“b”o”vhe’ng parallel encircled Fields Certain combinations of relation fields occur together often enough that relations, like objects and shapes, can frequently be described both in text and our representations, in terms ot DrototvDes. The normal way to-represent an’ ob’ect is in therms 6f rotot pica1 relations such as ON-TO+-OF and SURRO?JND$$ that are in t urn represented canonically with the fields ih Figure 2. scheme is used As an exam le of how our representation of a US patent consider E 2 1, taken from an abstract about a computer disc drive. in part by the Defense Agency under contract 232 EX1 Combination Enclosed Disc Filter Assembly Drive RESEARCIIER is still redictive in nature. However since patents are not Focused on events as are news redictions of IPP (or other stories, the action-based e. . PBirnbaum conce tual analyzers, and Selfridge 811) must g e extensively modi s ied. the predictions used for understanding in S@fd~~ER are based on the h sical descriptions built up, in much the same wa as I lY made redictions from events. The goal of RESEARCHER’s un a erstanding recess is to record in memory how a new object being objects already known 8 escribed differs from generalized (keeping in mmd that these are idiosyncratic), and ultimately to generalize new prototypes. Processing in RESEARCHER concentrates on words that refer to physical objects in memory and words that describe physical relations between such objects. Such words are known as Memory Pointers (MPs) and Relation Words . (RWs). These words guide RESEARCHER’s gathered rocessmg m making use of any information g ottom-up. Conce tual analysis in this domain mvolves careful processin oP MP phrases (usually noun phrases:;; identify memet f es, modifications to memettes, repeated mentions of memettes. RWs are used to create the relations between memettes described in section 2. Particular care in this domain has to be given to phrases of the sort “X relation1 Y relation2 Z”. It is frequently ~;;~s~o,~ell if relation2 relates Z to Y or X. So, m the read/write head above a disc connected to a cable” structure it is ‘not ap arent from the surface whether the disc or IThe read/write head is connected to the cable. Prepositional phrase attachment is a wellknown problem, and is especial1 crucial in the patent domain. We have discovered tha f a set of heuristics that maintains a single memette in focus based on the memettes and relations involved will solve most of these problems (although in the lon run we ex ect to use, in addition, a model of the device B eing descri E ed). Figure 4 shows the output from RESEARCHER’s processing of the initial part of EXI. having A combination filter s stem for an enclosed disc drive in which a brea %her filter is provided in a central position in the disc drive cover and a concentrically air filter is recirculatin positioned aB out the breather filter. A possible Figure 3. memette structure for this patent in shown in (NAME. enclosed-disc-driveSTRUCTURE: ((SURROUNDS en~~sluh~~l~_T;lrP~~e~~~posite TYPE: composite (NAME: enclosure STRUCTURE: ((ON-TOP-OF cover CaSe>)) (NAME:case TYPE: unitary STRUCTURE: (box open-on-top)) (NAME: disc-drive TYPE: composite STRUCTURE: unknown) (NAME: cover TYPE: c0m 0site STRUCTURE: ((SURROUND~[centrally (SURROUNDS[centrally 3 (NAME: breather-filter TYPE: unknown) (NAME: recirculating-air-filter Figure 3: TYPE: unknown) Representation for EXl The basic idea here is that we have a set of objects relations which can related to each other b prototypical be broken down into t l! eir canonical corn onen t s in order 2 to make low-level inferences, when nee ed). Note that some of the information shown in Figure 3 is not stated explicitly in EXl. For example, the ccqse is specified as a unitary memette.; since virtually nothing was said about the enclosure, this information was assumed by the reader (from knowledge of prototypical cases). role Four prototypical relations with their correspondin ON- 5 OPfillers are used in this small) memette structure: OF, SURROUNDS and SURROUNDS[centrally] (twice). These define the relations among the case, cover, and various filters that are described in EXI. Unitary memettes do not contain any relation records under their STRUCTURE nronertv: instead. thev have a tor. “Box bpenlon-to ” ‘was *given as single shape-descri 1or of the case. f his is not a the shape-descri iece of information. As yet there articularly func Pional Ii as been no strong nee 2 to codify shape-descriptors. 3 Text *(process-patent EXl) Running RESEARCHER at 6:22:03 PM Patent: EXl (A COMBINATION FILTER SYSTEM FOR AN ENCLOSED DISC DRIVE 111 WHICH A BREATHER FILTER IS PROVIDED II A CEBiTRALPOSITIOB IN THE DISC DRIVE COVER ABD A RECIRCULATING AIR FILTER IS CONCEITRICALLY POSITIOHED ABOUT THE BREATHER FILTER *STOP*) Processing: Processing RESEARCHER begins its processing of a patent by determining from the text a conceptual representation of the kind described in Section 2. In the ultimate version of the program, this process will be strongly integrated with The conceptual eneralization. memory search and erformed b % ESEARCHER is based on the analysis techniques desi ned for IPP. memory- %ased unders %andin This processing involves a s op-down goal of reco nizing structures in memory integrated with simple, bot 8om-up syntactic techniques. Natural1 since patents are quite different from news hysical stories, %‘0th because they describe complex objects and because thev make considerable use o P snecial lane-uage, the precise techniques used in I%?%%RcHER are distinct from those used in IPP. DISC-DRIVEI crest of processing> ” Figure 4: In 233 the output RESEARCHER trace in Figure Processing 4, we can EXI see how RESEL4RCHER identifies the various objects mentioned in the text as instances of eneral structures described in such DIS&DRIVE# and FILTER ) %!$%%C L ER c:ates new memettes to re resent t e specific instances of these structures, &ME&O for the “filter system”, for example, and records how these instances differ from the abstract prototypes. Crucially RESErmCHER must do this without being specifically provided with examples of these cpnce ts. lnnE;‘dd, wh;; st;;;gyinstda;;es ffFv;sa stream of mpu t!,. it together in 1ts 8 Memory, and notice similarities. Generalization-Base for two similar, slightly simplified The representations atents, used . to . test the imtial version of disc drive ~i~~~e~CI!ER’s generalization module are shown m enclosed-disc-drivel I / enclosurel--------- disk-drivelon-top-of \ II II/ motor# I diskt 1 covert ----------> support-aembert spindleX r/w-heads The full recessing shown in ? igure 5. of EXl leads to the enclosed-disc-drive2 I I enclosure2---------------- disk-driveaon-top-of \ I\ II II/ \ disk# I cover# --------> bases / motorP I I surr \ spindle# r/w-head8 b-filtert ---> r-filterl representation Text Representation: A list of Figure 6: relations: Sub'ect: 'SY&TEM' DISC-DRIVEP ‘SYSTEM’ DISC-DRIVE* 'SYSTEM' ElCLOSUBEt COVERP Relation: R-PART xk ’SYSTBB’ Ef-%T R:PART R-PART R-SUBROUBDS R-SUBROUBDS LOCATIOB:CEBTER RECIRCULATIBG-FILTERS R-SUBROUBDS BREATHER-FILTERS COVERI RECIRCULATIBC-FILTERI DISC-DRIVEX BREATHER-FILTEB# RESEARCHER Disc Drives Clearly the two disc drives in Figure 6 have much in common that can be the source of a new concept derived through generalization -- an enclosed disc drive. created by RESEARC%%? 7 shows the concept generalization mudtile. BREATHER-FILTEBI LOCATIOB:CEHTER Figure 5: Similar Representation enclosed-disc-drive# / I encloauret-------- disk-driveXI I I I / on-top-of \ I cover# ----------> < motor# I spindleP r/w-head+! of EXI The output in Figure 5 indicates that RESEARCHER has identified the im ortant physical relations mentioned in EXl. (Actually, t he relations are among instances of the abstract memettes.) ‘It basically includes all the relations shown earlier in Figure 3, our tar et representation for EXl plus part reh&onships. Natura gily, the complete text of EX1 describes many more relations. > (enclosed-disc-drive1and enclosed-disc-drive2 stored as variants of enclosed-disc-drive#) Figure 7: 4 Generalization Generalized Enclosed Disc Drive The idea illustrated in Figure 7 is that RESEARCHER arts of two objects that are similar, and finds the In this abstracts t %em out into a generalized concept. example, the two devices contained similar disc drives and enclosures. Each had a cover on top of some other ob’ect. So these similarities form the basis of a genera 1ized enclosed disc drive. Only the additional parts and relations of each instance need be recorded in memory along with the generalization. Adapting Generalization-Based Memory for use on structural descrintions of the sort described in Section 2 has proved to be a complex and difficult problem, revolving around the assorted relations among the ob’ects Here we will only present one o / the in the descriptions. major problems and suggest the nature of the possible solution. genz;alizing structural The central two in matching descriptions is protbhleem recess representations (either of Pwo objects or of an object and what parts and relations a prototype), determinin correspond as was pointe 2 out for simpler exam les in Winston 7’i 1). Clearly, if we wish to determinemu;ttR tk: in two drives are similar,. the d isk mounts compared with each other. Since, as mentione Y in Section In order to store for later uer information about the patents that are read, Rl?SEdkCHER makes use of Generalization-Based Memory. This method, which was 831 and is related to develo ed for IPP [Lebowitz SchanR’s MOPS [&hank 821 involves storin information about given items in memory in terms o5 generalized prototypes. The idea is to locate the prototype in memory that best describes an exam le, and then store only how the exam le varies from t i e rototype. This allows redundant in Pormation to be store s only once and allows queries to be answered in terms of descriptive prototypes. For Generalization-Based Memory to be effective, it is not adequate to sim ly make use of pre-specified prototypes. It is necessary Por the system to create new prototypes throu h a generalization process. This process involves identi P ing similar objects and creating new concepts from them r usmg a comparison technique of the sort used by IPP [Lebowitz 831, and related to traditional “learning from examples” programs, e.g., [Winston 721). In the disc drive domain,. typical ‘concepts the generalization process might identify as bein useful would be floppy disc drives or double side !I discs. 234 Acknowledgments 2, the central part of the description of corn lex objects is a sclt of relations,. we must associate the re Pations m one object with those m the other. The matching process here is quite a difficult one. The main problem is that we are dealing with structured objects, and the parts. of very similar- objects may be So for aggregated differently m various descriptions. example, a read/write might be described as a direct atent, but part of a part of a disc drive,, in one This makes the m anot lfier. ‘read/write assembly inherent similarity hard to identify. At the moment, we deal with this “level problem” with simnle heuristics that allow only a limited amount of during the comparison process (to avoid “le<el hopping” ondence amon the need to consider every possible corres levels) and a bit of combmatoric force. ii owever, we fee9 that the ultimate solution lies in more extensive use of Generalization-Based Memory. If a new object can be identified as an instance of a eneralized concept, *with wB ich will be done with a only a few minor differences 6 of the sort described in discrimination-net-based searc [Lebowitz 83]), then the levels of aggregation will be set. In effect, the existing concepts create a canonical, byi dynamic, framework for describing new objects. addition, by using Generalization-Based Memory, we need between compare only a small number of pifferences objects, rather than complex descriptions. uestion hluch of the work described here was carrind out b a roup of Computer Science PhD students, inclu d ing Cecile Paris Tom Ellman and Laila a renneth Wasserman, Moussa, Master’s students includin rd$rk Lerner and including Erik undergraduates, 6 and Galina Comments by Kathleen Datskovsky. a cKeown on a draft of this paper were greatly appreciated. References s Birnbaum and Selfridge 811 Birnbaum L. and elfrid e M. Conceptual analysis of natural language In R. C. !?cchank and C. K. Riesbeck Ed Inside Compuier Understandin , Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1881, pp. 318 - 353. [Dyer 821 D er, M. G. In-depth understanding: A computer mo clel of integrated processin for narrative comprehension. Technical Report 219, 9( ale University Department of Computer Science, 1982. s Foss:;nsa”pd Ehw+rtz 771 Kosslyn, S. M. and,, A Simulation of Visual Imagery. Co&itide Science 1 (1977), 265 - 295. Answering The nresentation of information from a complex set of data ‘in order to answer user uestions is an -interesting ointed out b problem in its own right (as B as been including [Lehnert 77; %I cKeown 8217. many researchers, As part of RESEARCHER, we have included a question e answering module that concentrates on taking advanta effect!ve Fiy of Generalization-Based Memory to more convey information to a user. Here we can only provide a flavor of the approach we are taking. langua e RESEARCHER accepts questions in natural format. It uses the same parser used to process texts f o create a conceptual representation of the uestion. This is much the same a preach as taken in BO‘k IS Dyer 821. Also in similar fas I!ion to BORIS, we eventua fly expect the question parsing process to identify actual structures in memory, greatly simplifying the answering process. a con;;ph$ai develo ed Once RESEARCHER has representation of a question, it searc Res memor an answer using an approach similar to [Lehnert T 7 . That is, a set of heuristics is used to decide u on the I!ype of question and what constitutes a reasona %le answer. The answer heuristics focus on using generalizations that occur to quickly convey large amqunts of in memory articular mstances information, and then describing how di e are also lookmg may differ from the generalizations. at how generalization-based heuristics might aid. in determining what aspects of very complex representations to try and convey to a questioner. 6 Conclusion The development of RESEARCHER has led to interestin results in a number of areas. Natural language tha & involves corn lex physical objects is an excitin - topic, one that can lea % to many interesting applications. TV e believe scheme described here, the that the re resentation a plication o P memory-based parsing and Generalizationas well as generalization-based question Efased Memor wil T all help lead to the successful development answerin of power Bul, robust, dynamic understanding systems. 235 [Lebowitz 801 Lebowitz, M. Generalization and memory in an integrated understandin system. Technical Report 186, Yale University 5 epartment Computer Science, 1980. PhD Thesis &&rn~~~;,“,~~eLeb;$t~ - 40. M. t“Geyralization ogni ive cience of from 7, 1 (1983), 1 [Lehnert 771 Lehnert W. G. The Process o . Lawrence &lbaum Associates, Hi l-m s ar/E:t%\ 19 4 7. Answerin Jersey, 781 Lehnert, W.G. Representin physical memor Technical Re ort 131 SIDepar Pment of Compu Per Scien>e,aiE78. cKeown 821 McKeown, K. R. Generatin’ natural TM anguage text in response to questions about B atabase structure. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1982. Schank 721 Schank, R. C. “Conceptual Dependency: A theor of natural lan uage understanding.” Cognitzve Psycho6gy 3, 4 (1972), ?32-- 631. &hank 821 Schank, R. C. Dynamic Memor : A !rheory o Remindin and Learning in Compu Pers and People. c’ambridge d niversity Press, New York, 1982. Wasserman and Lebowitz 82 Wasserman K. and L ebowitz, M. Re resenting corn 1ex physical ob’ects in Colum %ia University 8 epartment of d omputer s”~~%~*l982. Winston 721 Winston P. H. Learning structural from examples, In P. H. Wmston Ed The !l escriptions Ps~ chology of Computer Vzsion, McGraw-Hill: New York, 19Y2.