From: AAAI-83 Proceedings. Copyright ©1983, AAAI ( All rights reserved. DEFAULT REASONING USING MONOTONIC LOGIC: A Modest Proposal Jane Terry Nutter Department of Computer Science, Tulane University This paper presents, a simple extension of rodicatEflog+c to include a.default first order inference overning the Piules operator. operator are s ecified, and a mo%el theory for interpretin sen? ences involvin default operators is develo e% based on standard 4 arskian semantics. The resus ting system is trivial1 sound. It is es an adequate argued that (a) this logic proviar basis for default reasoning in A.I. s stems, and is purpose, (b) unlike most lo its proposed for t i! retains the v1 rtues of standard first order Egic , including both monotonicity and simplicity. Reasoning from incomplete information and from which atterns default, generalizations follows ;s?Fctd f+rst order predicate Po ic does not devia,ion i;;;lv;t ! l?he most sttz;;ing conclusions making ' inferences counterindicated by further information which does previously contradict anything nc&explicitly . In standard logics, if a set of premises entails a conclusion, aneY,tt;;r set containing all ? that conclusion. also those premises roperty are called monotonic. Logics with this The above departure Prom standard logic's reasoning patterns has led researchers to adopt and dev;t;zg non-monotonic logics for use in A.I. systems Mcf;gtott and Doyle,a;9!JOigaMgCDermott, 1982; ; Duda et al., Aronson et i%Tier 19713;&nd others). Critics of non-monotonic logics have p;ignStd;d out technical weaknesses (see e.g. Davis, that itd and Israel (19UO) argues persuasive1 sup orters confuse logic with complex ju5 gments of Dut unless some kin% s logic cannot deal with. with default for dealing alternative appears reasoning, non-monotonic logic must continue to appeal. I have argued elsewhere that (1) default reasonin only appears non-monotonic if we fail to distin u ?sh warranted assertions from warranted assump9 ions (gi;y~, 19821, and (2) an log;zs;hi;; reasonYng default adequately monotonic (Nutter, 1983). If this is accepted, a conservative approa:; promises more than do radical ones, not because 1s "safer", bu;apurusa it simultaneously preserves its what is of in standard lo ic -simplicity, clarity, and ade uacy 4n domains of complete information -- and aP lows distinguishing warranted assumptio2;omfrom warranted assertions universals, (generalizations def;E consequences from genuines inferences, etc.). pa er presents an al~~~iEtrivha~chBxtenslon of first distinguishes or%er predicate generalizatii;; and the resulting resumptions from and permits their universals reasoning from default resultin proposition is- obviously related to its componen8 in an interesting way, but its truth value is not a function of the component's. This paper describes how to extend standard first order predicate logic to a logic appro ;;;te for default reasoning. This involves four P t:e (1) We must characterize the grammar of extended langua e. That is, we must give rules for f determining whe her a particular string of symbols re resents a pro osition in the extended lan uage. 2 (L 4 We must expP ain how to extend the dtn&;;e system of the original logic so that all r desirable inferences will be legal. descruEtthe seyh;ycs for the lan uage:'3'th%? m?: of th;! 9 the it:;rpre ations say the values how are, Enguage inter retations are determined, and ho?logical (4) we should Finally entaiPment is defined. investi at; ;;a,least,brief;i the me;;;: ;c of the ;I . That extende% ourselves tK at the new exte6deiesystem is %%: conclusions to be derived it never permits false from true premises. We now take up these tasks. III w The first component of a formal logic ;; its the rammar, which determines the langua e be defined as either e he set of 4 ogic, which ma formulas or tEe set of propositions which are considered well formed. Formulas are distinguished variable from propositFhyt by containin open occurrences, lS, placehol% ers which could either be replaced b specific individual constants ound by an existential or a -- names -- or be 1: universal quantifier -- turned into an 8 uivalent of either "something" or "everything" -- % ut which 297 at present present the our logic. In this section, we occur unbound. rules of grammar for the language of ,, written "v ", "if...then...", written "A " P "or': written "*".,and "if and on1 if", written "z") and both quantrfiers ("for alY 'I, written "#+"I and This will be the least "there is", written M3"). altered portion of the logic. The technical discussions in ,the sections below will ways that ~~~~9Po~~~c"~11~~~1~~gc~~~~d~h~ndu~~~~ presuppose a complete escription of a first order predicate logic. The informal descri tions should overview for readers wR o lack this conve familYar!?y and motivate some of the less obvious decisions embodied in the technical discussions. A. rnfarmaf Descr&.U?n The guarded status of default generalizations inherited through inferences, and from a ~%d~~ proposition, it must be possible to infer a guarded version of any conclusion which could be inferred from the un uarded version of the premise. That is, if you coul% infer from "Roger flies" t;M; will find Roger, he sees "If my fascinatindo4 then from "Presumably Roger flies" you may in?& "Presumably, if my dog see;loR;ge;,, yt will find him fascinating," and so,on. generally takes more thatfone warrant ye the premises may inference. How many eneralizations? There are several ways to go on 9 his. The grammar holds relatively few surprises. In sim le terms, wherever in English one might reasonait 1 prefix a clause with "There is reason to believe T hat" or some similar construction, the logic will ;llow its e u,;Fuptntof the clause to be (for operator p governed OUT % presumably"Y . The only real decision involves whether to let ropositions. the operator govern formulas or only While its use governing formulas !f. probabl eliminable, it seems to me both innocuo6usand we1Y motivated. While "Birds i3hl; f%%"l becomes Ya(Bird(a) * p % E,e23 logic, robabl comes to *the same thin as "In eneral !airds fP y;lo; Ya (Bird(a)) 3 Flies?a))l,,Iifn 9he long run, R are said. Furthermore, anything is a bird, then it has wings and resumabl flies" must be considerably reformulated g efore iY can be equivalent1 expressed without having p bind a formula inszead of a sentence. Hence p may directly govern either a formula or a sentence. B. We could allow only one guarded premise per inference. But suppose we have "In general, if A then 8," and we have "There is reason to believe that A." We would normally feel free to infer "There is reason to believe that B." But this uarded premises, and without inference has two further information, zhere is no wa to avoid usin both guarded premises in a sing1 e inference an% still get the conclusion. contributing to it. to give not only a guard, but also a sort of certaint measure. Unfortunately, it's a very poor measure Yor anything interesting. Here's why. Let L be a standard first order predicate calculus without equality and without function SymbOlC3~with a Jaskow7p3i$tyle natural deduction system (Jaskowski, ' containin explicit introduction and elimination rule; for tl? e standard small set of connectives and quantifiers "bookkeeping“ rules. (The precise f&ma1 system is unimportant.) The langua e of L is L, the logic with defaults which we wi i! 1 build from L is LD, and its language is CD. The default operator is written p. Second, a single guarded roposition might be used five or six times in tR e course of a long Is the result any less certain for derivation. having that proposition enter man times ra;;th; than once? B the time a chain of inYerences taken place, T he number of ps on the front ma disY in:: the number of in reaching it. &%%I~ p. ~%%v%%d Throughout the discussion below, Roman ca itals var over formulas and propositions of L, wh rle tireekYetters Q and 0 var over formulas and ropositions of LD, and a varf: es of variables of ED. Def. The set of formulas of LD is the smallest set satisfying the following clauses: Third, there is no reason to sup ose that all the original eneralizations are equaP ly reliable. Five extreme9y strong generalizations probabl x provideIfbe~'gerc~yyr~ss;h,"" w,o=h~~l~':,";;~c~y=g one. probabilities -- we would be reliability -- i.e. dealing with statist cal generalizations and not with defaults anyhow. (a) All atomic formulas of L are formulas of LD; of (b) For any formula 9 LD; (c) For any formulas are all formulas of LD: 9; 4 of LD, O,UJ -4; p4 is a of LD, the following 4 v *; Oh*; 43 Furthermore, from "Generally, if A than B" and "There is reason to believe that A," we don't conclude "There is reason to believe that there is reason to believe that B." We conclude that there is reason to believe B. Stringing out ps does not If reflect an practice resent in English usage. of that pracY ice playe% a role in the kind reasonin we are l~~gu~~~e~~uldltresleeecm Seasonab9e to su pose??z? I have tR erefore decided to "inherit" the $&d if any or all remises involved it, without re ard to how many. 5 his is the force of the first ru9e of inference below. E 0. (d) For any formula 4 of LD in which a gpen , the following are also formulas of LD: 3a formula occurs Ya 4; 4. For any formula 4 of LD, (0 is a proposition of LD if and only if 4 contains no open occurrences of variables. IV -VI. Even with the rule in that form, it would be The possible to generate long strings of second rule says that if there are more tR in one consecutive qualifications, they may be collapsed into a single one. . .'SYS'&,M As commented above. the deductive system is a standard natural deduction system, with the usual five connectives ("not", written ,l*M , "and", 298 Devw B. We retain all the standard rules of inference in L (generalizing them to allow for sentences of LD and not just of L), and add the following two rules. rtpx: Su pose that UJ = {@l,...,*n) r LD, e' = {WI' ,...,vn's t LD, 4 t LD and for all I, 1 i 1 5 n, vi' = oi or Qi' = pUri. Sup ose further that erring 4 from Y. some rule of inference warrants in!i Then from rlr*you may infer po. RpE: From pp4 you may infer p4. Given 4 s LD, UJ e LD, we sa that ry is writI! en 4 + ur) provable from 4 (or 4 roves 1(1, rovided that 01 can be lf @rived from remises in 4 !ollowing the rules of inference in Phe usual and obvious least true for false V. way. This is the portion of the logic which deals with issues of "meaning" and truth. The sense of meaning involved is extremely primitive. For the non-logical terms, it reflects only the function of words as referring to objects, completely ne letting nat"oiZ?~Aov"rhey refer, but even to wha? they refer in ordinary English. Formal semantics are formal: they deal with what can be said about inheritance of truth conditions on the basis of logical form alone, which throws out the overwhelming ma ‘ority of what we would ordinarily mean when we ta 2k about meaning. The semantics iven below re resents the most complete departure 9rom standard Pogic in LD. The standard core of the system retains the familiar semantic properties, but across the portion of LD which is not in L,,the logic is three-valued. This can be represented in man ways; I have chosen to represent the truth vaY ues as non-em ty subsets (instead of elements) of the set {t,f) oP familiar truth values. Intuitively, (t) means "on1 true", pd occurs where in ordinary ltgic one wou,,d Y expect similarly (f) means only false . "Gewcomer" is {t,fa;dw",',"\can best be thought % or both true and false. *~~ke~w??$hi,y LD p;ovides an intriguing face for lovers of radical ;;;artures: it remains sound traditional law of while violating non-contradiction. A. &a&a&&g that e(4) = A. In particular, having defined the evaluation function~ over ~ atomic Rroposttions. of LD in the ~K&Y;~F (exce t for t e sub,titution of if) and and ), we use the following induction clauses: . lruth of !&es- What does it mean for a default enoralization to be true? It does not mean that 9he statement inside the p is true. It does not even mean that there is no reason to believe that it is false: means something like "There is reason pt"o gePig:e that 4 is true but <here is also reason to is believe that it is 'false." That sentence consistent if unhelpful. Part of what we want our default operator to mean which cannot be modeled b formal semantics: neither c",u,w~i~y nort typicaYity is a formal state certain semantic constraints on Row our p op~~at~~works. An true proposition is evidence for itself. (If we xnew that 4 is true, thenT;t w~~l~ccertainl cannoT willing to suppose it. distinguish the truth value of p4 %epending on whether we know it or not.) Hence if 4 is true, then p4 should be at least true. If 4 and ~1,are both, only true, the;= clr~~ly .thefr conjunction if either is only ??lzid b~he%?Yc~~ction should ' be only false. and ~a~s;wiseSi~~la;on]unction sh;i;g b;oot;hrue . comments other connectives. be 1. For all 4 e LD, if 4 has the form pA for L, then e(A) 2;e(4). 2. For all 4 e LD, if 4 has the form ppv for some 0, s LD, then e(o) = e(pur). 3. For a;: tj 0, s LD, we have %a = {f) if e(4)=(t); {tl if e(4)={f); {t,f) if e(4)={t,f1. et4 A 0) = if) if t 6?e(4) or t d e(u); ttl if f e!et41 and f d s(v); (t,f> otherwise. et4 v rlr) = {f) if t e! e(4) and t s!e(o); {t) if f d e(4) or f d et*); {t,f) otherwise. A e e(4 =a 0) = <f) if f (re(4) and t d e(u); {tl if t d e(4) or f 4! e(u); (t,f) otherwise. et4 299 f -4) = if et41 n et*) = A; {tl if e(4) = e(v) = {t) or e(4) = e(uu) = {f); {t,f) otherwise. {f) will not constitute such a system: tool for the system to use. e('da 4) = if) if there is a u c U such that e(4:u/a) = (f); ttl ~~4four/(xa:l~ u{;, U, I ; {t,f) otherwise. The logic presented here makes no pretense to philoso hical depth. As a logic, it is trivial; as a pR ilosophical view ofos~i~l~lization. it is perhaps the shallowest . But it can be used to form non-triviaP systems modeling deep views. From one point of view, that is what logic is for. e(Zla 4) = tf) ie;4fo;,~:l=u~fG> U, ttl if there is a G & U such that e(4:u/a) = it); {t,f) otherwise. 4. instead it is a VIII If there is a 4 c ED such that e(e) = if) but t E e(po), then for all UJ E: LD, f e a(~*). m . ‘2 2 '.* Many thanks to Stuart Sha iro and to the SNePS Research tiroupfor their many Relpful comments and suggestions. This research was carried out in the Department of Cornuter Science, State University of New York at Buffas o, Amherst, New York. (Notational remark: e(4:u/a) means the result of evaluating 0, treating a as if it were a constant and e(a) = u.) The standard equivalences follow trivially from these definitions. Now we define satisfaction as follows: for all i = (U,e) an inter retation of LD, and for all 4 c LD, i satisfies 4 Pwritten i (= 4) if and only if t s e(o). REFERENCES Cl1 Aronson, A. R., Jacobs, B. E., and Minker, J., ;'gnoQcoe3 on fuzzy deduction.'* JACH 27:4 (1980) . 121 Davis, reason 80. As has been indicated from the outset, the characteristic we are most concerned with for im lementations 'c logics in ~o~~h;~ lt'?Tthe % ollowing theor% soundness. follows trivially from i! he soundness of standard first order predicate logic: 133 Duda, R. O., Hart, P. E., Nillson, N. J., and Sutherland, G. L., "Semantic network repre:entations in rule-based inference Pattern - Directed Inference Systems, systemsD IA" Waterman and F. Ha es-Roth, editors, Academic 1?i78) pp. 203-223. Press (New York, Theorem The logic LL,is sound, i.e. for all UJ E; LD, 4 c LD, if v k 4 then 0 b 4. I41 Israel, D.J., "What's wron with non-monotonic 3" Proc. AAAI-80. Pa9 0 Alto, California, ;:;I%, 1980, pp. 99-101. VII A. (51 Jaskowski, S "On the rules of formal logic:" Studia Logica 1 PY of rem [61 Martins, J. P., "Keasoning in Multi le Belief Spaces," Technical Report 203, StaPe Universit of New York at Buffalo, Amherst, New Yorz , June 1983. I73 McDermott, D. V. and Doyle, J., "Non-monotonic logic I." Artif. Intell. 13:1-2 (1980) 41-72. I81 McDermott, D., "Non-monotonic logic II." JACiY 29:l (19823 33-57. I91 Nutter, J. T., "Defaults revisited, or "Tell me if you're guessing." Proc. Cog. Sci. 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan, August, 1982, pp. 67-69. t103 OB+r is imnortant not to overestimate what a It logic for defaiilt;f$yOying can do once we have one. As Israel oints out, arriving at conflicts useful generalizations anii resolving among conclusions of default reasonin both exceed the sco e of logic. To those who won?er what help the sysr em will be once it has deduced '34 A p--4",, If the non-logical the answer is, none at all. ortion of our system contains heuristics ' Phat conflrcting evidence indicates a neEzyf,",9 further investigation, and if your s stem further ing, then the contains some subsystem for investigaYcan abilit to deduce statements of the kind above be usex to trigger investigation; but this goes beyond the logic alone. It does not such a osition in Pi4). As noteH;tlc;bove,the apf arently radoxicai features result rom truth-functional view of implication cat %%&ded a deductive system based on relevance g iyng Such a deductive system will permit . subset of those ins erences which are a allowed under the tradition%"%iw presented here. Martins ;;,983)b;;;eleveloped,avariant of relevance which has been logic revision, implemented in SNePS (Shapiro, 1979). An inference s stem including default operators as described in tK is paper is being im lemented on this belief revision Limitae. ions of space prohibit :;;'+;;,dis~%%?%~ here; for details, see Nutter . B. "The mathematics of non-monotonic Artif. Intell. 13:l-2 (1980) 73- loaic is 300 Nutter, J. T.! "What else is.wrong with nonmonotonic logics? Represe;po;ional and informat ional shortcomings." Cog. Sci. 5 Rochester, New York, May, 1983: 1111 Nutter, 9. T., "Default reasoning in A.I. systerns” (1983b) draft. Cl21 Reiter Artif. ‘A&l “A . 1 for default reasoning." 1980) 81-132. 1131 Shapiro, S., "The SNePS semantic network processing system" In Associative Networks, N. V. Findler, ed., Academic Press (New York, 1979) pp. 791-'/96.