From: AAAI-83 Proceedings. Copyright ©1983, AAAI ( All rights reserved. THE DENOTATIONAL SEMANTICS AS A PRODUCTION J-L. Lassez and OF HORN SYSTEM CLAUSES M. Maher Science Dept. of Computer University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria, 3052 Australia. We show how one of Nilsson's tenets on rule-based applied to Horn clause when production systems, programs, leads to a denotational semantics. This formalism, in turn provides a striking illustration of a second Nilsson tenet. I is a functional semantics, of a segment of program S BSII over a set of states. semanwe con- II A definite clause SEMANTICS where A, n > 0. OF programs, which PROLOG programs as a finite is of the and B,,, . . . . Bn are HORN CLAUSES form the theore(Kowalski, 19791, set of definite form A + B,,...,B "Wffs representing assertional knowledge about the problem are separated into two rules and facts. The rules categories: consist of those assertions given in they implicational form. Typically express qeneral knowledge about a particular subject area and are used as proThe facts are the asserduction rules. tions that are not expressed as implications. Typically they represent specific particular knowledge relevant to a case.” Australian DENOTATIONAL Horn clause tical basis for can be defined clauses. We will consider here two of Nilsson's tenets from his "Principles of Artificial Intelligence" The first tenet is fundamental (Nilsson, 1982). for our purpose, allowing us to define a Horn clause program as consisting only of a set of the facts becoming the input. rules, the commutativity The concept of decomposition that will be used here is the splitting of the set of rules (instead of Nilsson's splitting of the initial database>, in such a way that the two resulting programs can be run separately. 3. The function assigned to a recursive definition is defined as the Least fixedpoint of a suitable operator. by links that is the is a function 2. The definitions of these semantic functions are structured in such a way that the meaning of any composite phrase is expressed in terms of the For exammeanings of its immediate constituents. programming languages ple, in many conventional as, ;s2n = as2n0as,n. * This research supported ter Research Board tenet "Under certain conditions the order in which a set of applicable rules is applied to a database is unimportant. When these conditions are satisfied, a improves effiproduction system its ciency by avoiding needless expansion of redundant solution paths." Such conditions may be commutativity or decomposaNilsson shows that bility. Furthermore, cases there are relationships in some between commutative production systems and decomposable ones. PRELIMINARIES The three properties of a denotational tics CMcGettrick, 1980; Tennent 1981) that sider here are the following: 1. It meaning denoted second tion: The decomposi ABSTRACT atomic n formulae and where Example: pathCA,B) pathCB,C) pathCD,E) pathCx,y) pathCx,z) + + C t path(y,x) + path(x,y>, pathCy,z) The usual semantics (van Emden and Kowalski, 1976) of this program is given as a set: the set of all paths in the graph which is defined by the first three clauses. However it is clear that the nature of these three clauses differs from that of the remaining two - the latter express general properties (symmetry and transitivity> whereas the former specify one particular graph. Hence it is Compu- 229 to separate the two types of clauses: the (those clauses in implicational form) and the others which represent the initial database of In the remainder of this paper we conknowledge. sider a program to be the conjunction of rules in database. a set R, which takes as input an initial natural the semantics of (van Emden and Kowalski, 1976). If the R.'s represent sets of rules, rather than theorem is still then this individua I rules, valid, provided every rule in R is contained in some Ri. rules In (*> and in (van Emden and Kowalski, 1976) the rules are applied in parallel to the database. This parallelism is not required by the informal Theorem '1 shows that we can generate semantics. the rules in a the same set of facts by applying completely different way. In fact Theorem 1 can be generalized to show that the order of application of the rules is irrelevant, provided a condition more closely of fairness is met, which corresponds informal semantics (Lassez and Maher, to the 1983). To a set R of rules we associate a function [fRll which maps a set of facts into the set of facts which can be immediately deduced from the first set by a single application of a rule in R. Thus A E ITRD(I> iff there a clause exists B. f and a substitution 8 such {B+..,B,~} G I. B,,...,B, that in R A = Bo6 and the semantics of the program P is the function IfPllwhich maps an initial database I into the set of all facts which can be deduced from this database by repeated application of the So we have rules in R. am(I) = The following theorem establishes that if the order of application of the two (not necessarily disjoint) sets of rules R,, and R, does not matter (*I J CERll+Id)kCI) k=O v where Id is the identity function and Cf+g)(X) = For simplicity of expression we will f(X) u g(X). write this as aPD(I) the least following of the operator T If corresponding programs In this case can be search 2-- CER,lI+Id) then aPD If and o (ER211+ Id) = CER$l+Id) o (ER,,lI+Id) ._. ((CR,D+IdJW h o definitions = ltP14 + BP,4 i we consider IfP211 instead condition which P to be of is closures of ER,ll and both necessary rules (i.e. then and we lIP,lI have sufficient decomposable P,,...,P,. Theorem I t can be shown these am = EPln + ap,n. L p1 = IIRD + Id 1: = a f?, A = that clear for aPn such the spaces involved being in general far smaller than the whole search space for P, the construction of which necessitates combinations of rules from both programs. fixpro- that properties 1 and 3 of denosemantics are satisfied by this definitational which gives the semantion. The second property, tics of the whole program in terms of the semantics of its components (in this case rules), is This theorem, given by the following theorem. which is a variant of a theorem of (Tarski, 1955>, proved in (Lassez and Maher, 1983). Let is rules of R with the R,,---t Rn be the individual Theorem 2 -Theorem IfPB is the least fixedpoint where r(f) = ERll o f + Id is P SLD reso lution (Apt and van Emden , 198ZJ used in parallel for P,, and P 3fl the two L Proposition: It - then they can even be applie d in pat-al lel into two subprograms ogram P can be d ivided and = CaRR+Id)WCI> Equivalently, CPII can be defined as edpoint of the functional T by the position (Lassez and Maher, 1983). COMMUTATIVITY AND DECOMPOSITION III Informally Rn n = (aP,n ._- o 0 ... 0 am = ap,n aPpw + ap2n iff ap,n 0 ap,n L = aP2n o arp UCRnll+Id)U)W (Lassez and Maher, 1983) and results ar e compa tible 3: These results of that with 230 are theorems on closure Ore = ayn t ap2n classical related to The proofs operators. a can be found in (Lassez and Maher, 1983). REFERENCES Examples: Consider R = ( N(x) N(S(x)) = CRDtId. Therefore one The hypo theses R and R2 be 1 of the theorems do not require disjoint sets of rules as we + C(y,x) f C(x,yl, AttCx,c) C(y,z) 6 AttCx,c), Att(y,c) + C(x,y), AttCy,c) This can be divided into two separate prohave overlapping sets of which, this time, rules. P is 1 grams C(x,y) C(x,z) AttCx,c) and P 2 + C(y,xl + C(x,y), + CCx,y), C(y,z) Att(y,c) is C(x,y) C(x,y) + C(y,x) Att(x,c) It can be + AttCx,c), AttCy,c) + C(x,y), AttCy,c) verified that EPII = BPID We now have two simpler programs which That portion of cuted in parallel. space caused by the the unnecessary between the second and third rules remainder of the program) van Emden, M. H. and R. A. Kowalski, "The semantics of predicate logic as a programming language" J-ACM 23:4 (1976) 733-742. has been can + Kowalski, R. North-Holland, show in the next example. A database on military personnel is processed by the following program P. The data is of the type: CCX,Y) (that is X is in (X sleeps in the same company as Y), AttCX,B052) barrack 0521, Att(X,C.SMITH) (X’s commanding officer is Captain Smith), .. . Each attribute is characteristic of a company and associated to all its members. C(x,y> C(x,z) C(x,y) C21 C31 can break the connection between the two rules and perform SLD resolution on each of them separately. That is for a given A E HB we look simultaneously in parallel for successors only and for predecesonly. Without this split, SLD resolution sors would search alternatively for predecessors and successors creating a search space "exponentially*' larger than the two preceding ones. that Apt, K. R. and M. H. van Emden, "Contribuof logic programming*' to the theory tions -J ACM 29:3 (1982) 841-862. + N(S(x)), + N(x) } where the Herbrand Base HB is ( NC S"(O) ) : One n=O,l ,... } We call S the successor function. verifies easily that CltR,D+Id) o CCR23+Id) = C6R2D+Id> o CBR,D+Id) Cl1 EP2D. be exe- the search interactions of P (via the discarded. 231 A. Loqic for Solving Problem 1979. J-L. and M. Maher, *‘Closures and in the semantics of programming Also logic” Theor. Comput. Sci. (to appear). Report 83/3, Dept. of Computer Technical Science, University of Melbourne, 1983. C41 Lassez, fairness C51 McGettrick, A. min q Lanquaqes. 1980. C61 Nilsson, N. Intelligence. D. The Definition of ProqramCambridge University Press, Principles J. Springer Verlag, of lattice-theoretical A. “A its applications” and (19551, 285-309. C71 Tarski, theorem 5 dMath C81 Tennent, Lanquaqes. R. D. Principles of Prentice-Hall, 1981. Artificial 1982. fixpoint Pacific J. Proqramming