From: AAAI-86 Proceedings. Copyright ©1986, AAAI ( All rights reserved. DOhIAINS European Computer-industr) Resrarrh IN LOGIC (‘entrfs (E. (‘.I] (’ prcjblerns (CSP). ABSTRACT. When the confronted “generate with b Also. control guages fall short generated values In eliminating together in use modification of the semantics of new evaluable out an> This extension of function chanpe a new control and as soon to mechanism. can to t casting search space the does ahead strategies, be combined a strategy which procedural >) 2. of a Ul’ith- more its vincing mechanism. active of search efforts to solutions of state constraints applied to procedure appear develop powerful more is the more areas, although control of there for constraint satisfaction inadequacies were and \uch “a an thr, approach are after the continual attack behaviour 1977) is the a for remed) real overhead the a constraint. pathological (Mackworth. a? 1 he Thus, w a\” satisfl the a+ clasc IS tested posteriori important thl< values backtracking not I hf,> of a< Soon for constramt do not and See use one a an facts does introduces is another different can kinds of the together of problems be defined use reducing as fol- of the -4 s6ume ,.‘., finite set be existence A-f. I. 1 called seen the as a of J ,’ Y1. 1. ,. J’ ,’ 2 “’ M constraint possible ose supp CSP values is related labeling, domain of relation which f to graph man) se1 A’, the on anes d e f’ a to satisfy problems isomorphisms. J takes iis .4 variable. a in graph variables from constraint subhef of <u,. in variables the of values nor-empty set problem of values assignments finite a variable satisfaction assignments responding of each tuples to that like colourmg all the space has been foruard Elliot. 1380) a C sa). = ficlent th cor- class that a conto cause when thtq of not puzzles. an and proposi- new of fact. actike t ively. a logic the nece+ This and of of will not creates affairs AI LANGUAGES order comw can languages lack from efan IPW cfficlency fact AND ARCHITECTURES to a for define more that of Ah primltlves ct,nst raints the and l’rolog. dlfflcult SCPI~IS use mow requires full abc,\e It be readat)le the as implement*. thii level to cons- be considered which lesh allow a (tlarallcb for a constraint general11 to constraints. in facing basis 1978) backtrack solver However. leads programming mechanisms state II does II simylr writren programs. appeared is the procedure:,) (H hich t)e strategy. because treatment control can the When program in removing (F’reuder problem 1978) effort. logic a an cannot 19i7). of about consists b) approach ahead Alire. Prolog programs which h speak which manner This Iooklng (Laurierr. usual approaches values refinements in programming maintenable matter and priori” (Ilackuort III will 198.5) 19i8). checking. checking the “a of meta-interpreter) imporlant logical used problem. of a forward these an (E’rrudcr problrms kind m tc~rhnique~ (i.e (wr ((;allairr. combinations which satisfaction uM> The constraints. Al 1 determine such search search a constraints to use constraints in a solution binatorial jx,,x, way the consist enc! and of of same hut inconsistencies. proposed satisfaction problem of substantial the mechanisms. satisfactor) case ,4 constraint and and, entirely IlOt This (CSP). scene h can their an -pace. tr3ts value\ Intelligent affairs problems in 5carch “apply rrceived backtracking. example. active IS are problems. The 15 very uses pasql\r best-suited thr the merhaniqms. reduced the the restrIcted on 13 not generated draw back> main of (chronological) nat uralI> a dela! bacbt rack as possible. Prolog can simple bacctrack,rlgi rrlechanism\ have the reduce their bawd these is only that redlscoberjing intelligent ib which variables space of t hew With discovering can b&ause which its as The Motivations As The ottters. chi-or,o~u~~caI mechanisms CSP problems. smn There 1. with heuristic5 search and introducing implemented apphes arnoug Indeed. possible“ a of the in roroutining the <. without with proving senr~l~ control short conat ralnts. in efficientlj and pc>NerfuI active impede not be implemented can an consists 5. [del)th fall domain for languages. theorem search 81 \\ cst-(;ernlan> con- appear the allows ( p , of cannot introduce procedure look when for redefinition techniques Moreover. direct11 the search use which logic tronal Munich lan- restrlcted This predicates and the consistency in programs. leads built-in is to language. unification, some choices remedy 17 D-WJO Prolog passiveI> which Arahellast, lnefficifnt programming pruning values reading constraints. their used of One logic actively programming (logic) of are for is particular\ for because not a solution. declarative this CSP combinations in logic of defined consrraints and sat isfaction of Prolog mechanisms Indeed. concept strateg! test“ strainta. h constraint PROCNAMhfJNG ac(first / 759 order) Nom bvld t/luS clauSes prevenb III~I Zlncr lhe case HoNever, variables the in to restrict the range to techniques in logic declarations straints actively procedural to the an actlbe The For is modified and Lion of the unification, the of some built-in predicates with function. usual heuristics extension refered and implementation Domain It is the but this programming for cate this n Herbrand 15 a set of m logic the for a logic the -extended” logic defined shown built how from our The 1986) variables for range some tunity basic stantially reader is A domain account. of the a are following H. means these Indeed, D are for predi- although quite programming of program. language (Cohn. In facL. The the It that 1). values can procedural 1X of the reduce it. way use both to directions of the pas- CO use the non- logic which are the increases for solving in sub(‘SF’. “a an in- opppor- set. manner for instance. of Prolog space reduce semantics For its 15 the from with possible search set arguments programming posteriori” used “3” thp take> ~ this combined the a d- refer4 computation. Jnit.iallJ passive when as are a d-variable remove in the ”a the active the logic prune the and of priori” Prolog. the gap the built-in between predicates the programming proposed 1985). by (ho~alski, 3. Procedural semantics. invarlant of all are proposed extensions a cardinality has 1 finit 1% and in explicit be considered from the of Lhese which declarative case is well-known must CSP the In set defined. defined the on this greater value is that than can t,he domain 1. If domains directl! be of of car- assigned to the domain. domain semantics the many-sorted that man)-sorted of modified l proposed definitions Ilnification. 1s clear that the to the unification The variable\ handle the three Lake must following into account mu51 algorithm unification c&es of as a kind one It is If a h-cariable h-variable must l If a consrant variable is of domain fails. l If be considered logic of 3.1. i <atlsfactory. The fact that we only considered constanls i> 11) no wa? definitions given here cdn be extended CO arblLrar1 gruund generalization is not considered here for clarity arld bre\it> ENGINEERING to of I$ one to is an to of this of two unification / onl> Aloreover. this can be used constraints. declarative rr-trirtive The term* LIUI the and a d-x ariable must be buu nd 10 the of fails. must, their be If D,=(v) unified, If then then D, let I), IS empr!. v is bound to t* The domain of a variable ran the be unified. the dif it is in the the uniflcat ion unified. domains. be d-variable. and a d-variable must bound to the constant the variable. Otherwise. d-variables inLersection 760 of allows instead a d-variable argument A:, full\ effect is a particular 1983). o\er different interpretations use efficiency this The i of p ranges rnran* can constraints a constraint is refered n. are declarations This of the a variable variables in which the contrarily such tirne be determmed. This following. Other can variable. handle the an) determIne logic form. argument it ranges declarations domain < that Otherwise. uhich domain class in this i the the to a logic (II- an unmrted in used domain I),. of values 3” can of generating variables 1 5 but # be definition at set such counterparts In is noted using finite in introduced declaration the constraints manner clearly declarations of stantiated. more over be expressed Domain universe. of meta-knowledge in the H or Dm to the The reduce is compared (i.e. “X only can finlt,e domain domain set no can 1984 !) . O’licefe, and i6 that Lariable.” Moreover, set equality a new and its a constraint sible senlan- and and are discussed. cannot varlableh following, usual11 >) > -3 given be Dincbas, is an expression is fixed. constants to that into ai is equal the the case ai is either m in a modiflca- of each explicit definition p:<a ,..... a 3,. n over number Lhr dinalit! domain When con- use. which declarations of a d-variable and information fact p of arity where using here. languages. t,aking it can issues for have h-variable. value) declarations. often domain Final]). and defined <. are domain procedural the 5. as possible, this consist5 uf f . techniques Hentenryck features thi, op- (hl\ crdt MeA domain and IllSi alIce oj thir paper domain an variable consisLenc> int.roduces interest examples programs. consist,ency the ( ion The tor new point IOUM procedural with lanthe the main definiLion in generators and Buf logic. predicates checking, its Of domain (SW progra mm in g in- programming supporting redefinition some and Lo (Van on all 2. Next. Prolog and discussed tics generally logic sect vari- informatlon of constraints ne.xt programming is the this monadic forward for the IS generalI> but more use pro,dlcate CsllS,der in CSP. in10 natural)! like semantics evaluable or concept implement and and restricted of variables directly leads portunity which permut.ation(X.J’) domain the of them. pr~Igrarnmlng. universe more like us,na Iuglc In applications much predicates Introducing guages and properties I-Mm Herbrand in many is finite is hidden sotnettmes Interpreter 01 var~ablcs. ,)ver ranpe .obscure tire be determined a~ cornpile time the the both the be variables. OtherwIse, both Z who* variable new ble varla d OIllalll IS are bownd to a fhy,t D 2’ three cascts. If 4 cae. predicate 3.2. Built-in The real logic in t hi can of of the I he nr,w takr Inlo acr,ounl declarallve is not of this lo predicate exrension also the 1s nor only thra procedural in predlcat domain es. These plere. a generator that. in of 1 ariables predicate However. the IS given the by is n S usual following # Y holds If procedural semant KS is with succeed because will 3.2.2. where use = not(G) is of such gap between equality the the plete. Our and predicates and semantics are must reduces which the an is a A selects in only there safe the Moreover, provided gap the semantics. only ground. allows Thus, Moreover, procedural be semantics also rule. one. defined the) J. procedural procedural and be when X failure” is a passive *must predicates for as declarative rule values “negation non- to be com- active use of these the declarative between = and J’ are J”‘. This # 1. is defined tween the of D,\{Y}. If 1’ is a constant, DZ={v). then X is let D, unified Y is a d-variable and t(o the previous one. If X and Y are constants, and Y are distinct constants Its effect is undefined X f and Note (hat this hanoui and dela? In the this definition like wait, X 1s a con- constraint there very efjiricnt way sists in tht using a Indeed. two siblc when of only procedural no to handk sensea. a variable. one ,(Dincbas. Second, first cases an it ran it value is equivalenr way he is to in cases a assign left the as a for laalue this declarative order to d- should \ HIII take. usual : “X and there in the than If D, {v}. entails 1.0 only a be- semantics. The cases then then if X or equal as follows. following is empty, = if D, seman- is a discontinuity procedural be redefined integers <_ J’ succeeds semantics Also, declarative J’ are procedural X is less procedural the uhose X [#hen let sui D, = D, \ _< Y must. X is bound Y succeeds. Otherwise, 5 Y succeeds X to is bound fail If v and X to Z and u con- and one. Y is Otherwisp. this predicate n value5 a value with a that this X The fail. predicate domain It for others is clear handling that In the predicates removes and it can the last If D, succeed. inequalIty which of a variable is suboptimal. j’ should 5 active an a variable. mechanism X to is undefined. the implementation {4..5.6). 1he same is from to delay should its effect a d- Note { 1,2.3} same can 0 can combined be case. = which also and D, wa). Y 5 be defined in N giving to waj. possible. active from to in- i< a \ l I,...or is to which ab aa and for f If X and 1’ are Instantiated to int,eger values, < J‘ succeeds if X is less than or equal J’ Others ise, it fails. assign is fulfilled. soon value delay usill lead this cnmidered remove cm 1984) and a (Colmerauer. constraints actite c an with 1985), three non-equality in predicate Firsi, consistent semantics of the undefined construfnt combined 1983) one are non-equality dijjerent bet until be .‘\ j . Therefore. (Naish, Caneghem. \-an rase. easily integers and can The ,The case where X is an integer variable 15 similar to the previous l to Y succeeds if X fails ot,herwise. freeze, Y” Note 11 and if X and following constraint. declarative 5 X otherwise. can geler, i,e prnvlljPd. If X is a d-variable, Y is an integer = {I’: V E D, and V > Y} and l or mechanism 1. the v and X # 1 succeeds. Otherwise, X is bound Z (whose domain is Dz) and X f- Y succeeds. The case where stant is similar X “X IO J‘” the again. 1’ succeeds be with that J”‘ holds P~IIB~ to scmamtlcs 5 5 is the this not, and or time use b> If X is d-variable fulfilled, Indf,rd predicate values fuure ~rcl~,r 1~1 tie r.,)m- (1.2.3) the predicates “2; instantiated sup. X the by predicate passive and = then is In 1’ mu>{ d, the cages suboptimal. the d non-equality predicates. than this X three X and with w hal*ver Se&& HoMe\Pr. is (4.5.6;. here X is less procedural a generator order d-variable is given 11~s of a constraint computation of Y). for semantic> ES IIT semantics only be differenl. semantics not(X f’rrg of values I), consider and th(b the whrch be sound Inequality We clause X#Y+ a variable they ICS of the Y”. X rule will this fact. stance. between III~C of the predicates gap semantics sa>. in part. predicate. semant equal but +OIIIP built-in Non-equality The domain language r(Ldpfinll IOTI of 3.2.1. X interest part whrn procedural predicates. The csmputabolr safe the a variable variable. one m pob- The in the 3.2.3. Domain The extensions the duce user a dorrlain(X) an primitives. presented access new to so far can t,he possible set evaluable returns the function list AI LANGUAGES of be improved domain(X) instances by We of a variable. of (which a term uhlch AND ARCHITECTURES intro- holds if satisfy / 761 dolltalns) whose procedural the domain( \) the = IS a ground = [x-j If x IS undefmrd function for u<lng. hold\ can if S u\eful i> an when be used to generate values fnr “rrlernt~erO;.d(,rrlalrlO;))” elerrrrnt the term ot herwlqe be used ins1 ante. is IIst of all t hc values of N I\ a d-h ariablr in D, Thrh semana~cs “first of the fail” a d-variable where list J. *‘. principle and This b> function The five-queens is quite arc-consistency are (see below). Examples the In nlechanlsms. search ue The first procedure logical Inlrrpreler. second extension a “data-driven language one problem) can LO need one is a logical with computation” as. for Steele. the basic how a which in also can the a meta- specific mechanism instance, in shows lead to constraint satisfies Control provided by possible and Prolog (Clark MU-Prolog N-queens The X sLrateg> worr> chooses \ alues for this the rhe past” value other assigncld problem to “lookahead in heuristics). This and this present variables. (Haralich This and the is the until there most 1980). the the all The not \ arlables the efficient program to program in have to test values of heuristic is the the the b> + Nb situation X an will the following safe for values for Cabe, say Let on control the the later domain of I (0 value). In have for been the means the t,est,ed. next In at the next, step be Y is a d- X. X - Nb, this an assigned step, in- and that time, the value and values. a coroutining The the possible can remove Therefore. represents X2. all their noattack(+,+,+) is to of a value noattack(X,Y,Nb) n-F Y. steps choose from I(‘- 1984). first immediately. predicate in figure considered will as (see (Dincbas. the ‘removed case, as soon search Metalog asap- informations tests consider modes. of the if the inefficient the of 1. Then are Indeed, the effect inconsistent a very apply 1979). However, n 1 ariables in testing is efficiency following In would the predicate. the from based X2....,X5 the be This to 10 the then “membw(X.domain(X))” of is given not MC domain. and in assigning be used 1985)). The noatt.ack(+.-.+). variable can improve and with al- fol- thus its by consists mechanisms. values used S inconsistent is no need against checking in order that removes variable Elliot. future so on way, a forward means a variable. for along the implements program Lariables H> mo\lng assigned ready on the a possible a value. value \-cjuccns (based about set” problem. folio% ing expressed constraints. user, (Naish, consistent 4.1. br of [I, .., n ] and the the program. for program a permutation proach. our 1980). Prolog list signment a new implemented puzzle a delay of shows be rewrite the and examples checking) combined of (Sussman two give (h-queens (foruard The our will without w a! that usual of the can domain five-queens.<{}5>. fi~e-queens({X;l.)i2.X5.X4.X5}) t queens([Xl.X2,XY,X;4,)(53). to The 4. program clause member(NII’) 1 and program. chooses 2 these 3 as value X2. lowing. queens(u). queens(lXjI7) Cmembw(X.domain(X)) safe(X.Y.l) 1 queens(Y). figure safe( X,[J.Nb). safe( X.[FjT].Nb) r noattack(X.F.?jb Newnb is Nb + safe(.X.T.NeBnb) Therefore. because 1: 5-queens this their predicates after instantiates possible will ‘The problem 1 and 2 choices immediately set is reduced reduce CO one is solved with X3 to element two and X4 I element) the choices d:main and (to 5 and and of their X5 without (i.e any 2 safe 4). back- t.racking. Kow, first it2 However. the unification will test if each value is in the domain of thr~ bariable. Therefore. a predicate “indomain( ran tw int.rodured whose rndomain(X) holds II mernber(S.durrlain(X)) holds” derlaratibr semantics is P’ and 762 which avoids the unification / ENGINEERING inefficienr!. consider, backtrack and X5 will the logic the point no program search for is X2 and more with another be compared a control the solution. values with Xl. mechanism: In our assigned It’s not each to the time case. the X2,X3.X4 case for a value IS assrgned with to Xl X$X3,X4 Thus eight-queens a probi’er~~ 12 J lot 5 of this value must. redundancy. be campar~d Conder now tlrka pernr([ljo,Ke,n~c,Ra,Le,Kw~, after 4 X5, and entatls 3 C~IOI~CY 6 7 Ho + MC 7 8 Lr pr # Hr -f vi.Hr # la. 2: 8-queens after 3 choices where X6 in has alread> 11s domain. safe received Therefore. predicate will failure is detected of failure the mechanism. for (from 1 to exzst powerful lier the X5, search any overhead A for aooid only CSP a such is the lot a the procedure to not cause that for ear- barktrark point second. the Six couples Howard. name< took wives \‘irginia. Forth Finally. each of to given gra> hair state lady need and hair married JoMing Prolog and Kress colors couple program single played against know to of ever and be all took solves which able six lo City. were There find wives. part the city: Kansas Grace Margaret. and in the Grace Dayton. hair the that same color, played and For is the =& \i. Ra Blo. Gr 7 f <:r. RIO =+ la. ma. the occurs “Ho” variables. This The predicates Ho” time and first tested all again; can- third possible 1s quite in the the are also. permutation the this value5 if they Note after immediately becomes of the assign permutations. generat,e used program the in the I will be is a permutation are tested in generated “Fo can Res constraints backtracking constraints list permutation pervalues inefficient. order to following. remove Let I) Ho.Fo =+ Ra. W’i 1 MC. Le # Mc,Fo # Ra.Mi = Ilu.Ni Ke. Ru # Fo. Br 3 Ho. Blo. Ra += Gr. Fo = Ke. 731~. labeling(~Bl,Br,Gr,Re,Au.Blo~). Bo. Rc % Da, Bl F labeling([Fo, Da, Gr Bo, Bl ,i # Fo, Da, Rc F %lt. Wi,Mt,Bo,Da,Ka]). labeling(u). labeling( [X(q) member(X,domain(X)). out-of(X.Y). labeling(1’). in- or the one names. game”. MC are Susan is only last MC. # if the constraint the Cr + I310 + name13 Information5 for the the 3 LP the backtracking Fo 7 Wi f Br + first different blond. against Diana. dl. labeling(po,Ke,Me,Ra,Le.RuJ). were The la. gr. domain tennis:<D’.D6,D6>. tennis({Ho.Ke,~lc.Ra,Le,Ru},{Fo.Wi,Mt~.Bo.Da.Ka} ,{ Bl,Br,Gr.Re,Au,Blo}) e Ho # gr. Ho # su, Ke =f gr, Ke # su. hlc =# la. Mc f su.Ra # la. Ra# su. MC # gr. Ha ;f gr. Le # gr. Kr ;it la. Ke =& vi. Mc f di. MC + vi. Mt # ma.Mt =#di, Da # di. Mt f vi. Blo # la, Blo + di,Da # ma. Ka =# ma. Br f vi. Gr + la, Blo =#- ma. of a a different auburn names Rust. Laura. from Boston. had Their and Susan. hailed \ ernon. red. played to match. Lewis ladies women doubles and we ought towns the tennis Margaret. the Mt gw. Howard a MC # Ra f *II. a 1978). (Lauriere. Randolph. of Wlchlta. brown. stance. in were Each North. black, part McLean, Kress. of their and following g: f (,la,di,} problem. is the holds if a value all kc, 31~ + 31~ j. # Mc,F<, + Rh.n~ =# Ho.\ji +\lc. -# ma,Mt f dl, ])a + dl. Mt .=& \i. i f Ke.Ru + Fo.Fo # Ke.Gr F Ho f Fo. Rr + h1t. 1310 f I)a. + Da. Ka 9 ma. &ext, inconsistencies. declarative without satisfied. satisfy Br di. program. t,he variables. These or su. vi. U.i. Mt, Bo, Da.h’ In this mutation. there Ho. F # Ho.Fo =# ma.Mt f Ra. W # Da. Gr # 1~0. Bl perm(L.Res) L. not values failure fully for the This jirst. redundancy: allou, list assigning all detert left control when right oj real twofold: which X4. with consider here to the program will point for reviewed. Moreover. choose implements combinatorial Th e problem “no The and be detect.ed suffirient iS will a logic backtracking X6. value value injormations. 4.2. fact be mechanisms: which control In one 2 as choice possible. procedures ertenaion programs as will is only choosing is detected. and 8) for as there this as early control urthout and failure X6 than when fail (X4) the values a value I;f- la. Ha # la. Kie + # Blo perm([Fo. figure kc, H1.~r.C~r.Re.Au,Blo], Blo Fo Da \I i He HI <u. su.Ha # gr. Kr T perm( /ma,su,la,di,gr,va]). 11~~ # fact Thp other home that our-of&[]). out-of(M,IFIT]) x f F, out-of(X,T). fol- problem. The labeling dure in order set. The . procedure to procedure assign is used to labeling(L) AI LANGUAGES instead variables of the 0111) \ slurs c \ if all h (I 11. permutation in elements AND ARCHITECTURES their of the procepossible list / 763 L are dIfferant (which list L must include ter case. the dornaln programs is that constraints and constraint Ho”. prrcedure constraints reduce choices are made in depend on them. No simple strategy for will first will test” remains as all the only 5. ran IO variable. The us to the for the non-equality constraints as possible constraints labeling constraints case of to move from a you can be written (i.e. in this the above-mentionned are used predicates case to mechanism is the Iwo problem However. replaced will combined with holds if all be defined alldifferen t ([I) alldifferent ([M\Y]) out-of(X.)‘) , alldifferent ) by is in an ((,‘olmcraucr. equality The of hsnoul by is ground that this our solve our lhe the the basic probletu if mechanism. elements following of the a The hst L are clauses the search will be this case, possible search The to thus avoids rambined can be the with fail As other principle” using cm- b> so-called fail” heurib- and “to heuristics. Elliot. be succeed. most the can This the Consider Nhich and procedures) choosing first. be rewritten primitives (IIaralick search the to CSP of mechanisms other likely in whose is the a list tr> heuristic> constrained labeling procedure as is “a delay I ENGINEERING program of I,g is the can he obtained but map (graph) guidelmes are known. In is greatly a simple as soon avoid the first, active manner behaviour allows deep analysis ar- effect in usual in order to more shows how t ervalb of This prirnitlvey problems. and In as much constrainls space backtracking. data-driven as basic are tunity and is rom- in to not define restricted used his own to which is shown can be mechanisms a there ran exist lot to strategy specific substantially program Henten- of the first. more progratnming user the Also, ejoppor- the ustr applying mechanisms .!he in- the our implement for reduce and on with twofold. zf necessary particular the (Van reasoning to a gilles no a similar easil) is powerful requires get all implemented This of requires to the here a order arc-consistency like point permutarequires the In how the inside like and domains. man! litterals extension, rewriting the many CSP, and difficult without which language. Second. and ver> sufficiently mechanisms of the dynamicall> The here. for predicates our for where statically mechanisms. are logic order in seems it 1978)) presented mechanisms often 1986), (Lauriere, usual the explicitely sophisticated sophisticated jort It if efficient) suited programs determined languages Dincbas, logic determined logic TrkeChanismS cx- Second. be problem. holds further well With ”- goal “choose-var(L,Var.Other)” arguments be that problems problem. manipulate others and of must the can the the extension. of of solves search a analysis order eleand length(L.Lg) coloring by the one cardinalit) a particularly usual affected order instantiation are ryck combinat,orial the oj it in the an and (NP-complete) to or the is domain by is clear in is Var smallest of L. The It building if the procedure L. like of values it list heuristics is computed the problems wa> these the by This Such non- be where of holds variables can length tion. It entails just case with twofold: mechaniswc, one generation to reduce priori” as , , cardinality of other length(domain(V).Lg)” is an domain variable it arguments to variables. a particular in order pathological a the ‘I’hcrr. both soon values interesting important an as as but passive 1935) soon without reduced for here in assign (1): space point reduce as one of in a purely Canrghcm. be solved important it is very used can is indeed space very the plosion. 764 This Colmerauer’s i+ selected and can inst>ead \.an ir case. the <elected choices constraints. as ua) and problem without thus same IS In allowzng a set choose-var(L,Var,Other) L )‘efficiency” the prfadicate ground as (and instantiated procedure ment c active guments urrcaMes. the alldifferent a clause here “first most It can predicate used the extensions. labeling(u) labeling([X(Y]) +choosr-car(lX:)oY],Var,Other) member(\-ar,domain(Var)) out-of(\-ar,Ol her), labeling(Oc her). and alldifjerent(fHo.h’e,Alc.Ra.Le.Ru]). alldifferent predicate are be before. in first when passively are ~~-i.,~lt.Bo,Da,h’aj)l This of by qophislicated b> implemented variables the more improved where seen huild checking he alldzfferent(lFo. It can sets propagalcd considered is the can Other equal. 16 of be example first of not jact Forward An alldifferent(~Bl.Br.Gr.Re,.4u,BloJ), predicate can substantial11 the predicates. but (i.e. predicateA delay thdh features used be 1980) ‘.constraintd-search” a passable aclected extension tars. Other in be Others Zlr)reover. a few und to Our first of “E’o“. (like allows towards the IOII~ the of the after values and This arise. instantiated. where program assign behaviour is used as soon are of the srt recfwe solving. mechanism be tested space. case permutal possible domains strategy program. variables or pathological problem If a delay the smaller backtracking) and the set nlost search is solved St ralr~ts on variable straints two the the this by the the solar\ (lonsider three reduce this all. constraint of after it will also “generate This instead encountered, for C lat- the hpl w pen immediateI> once In as generator Immedlatel~ reduces putatK7ri The prcdtcare). d-variables. difference nne second “out-or’ Or I\ used rnam solved # the terms varlabl(, the The, are “Fo labeling of thr by ground therefore constraints when Insured predieare. ” mern her” The IS only these which search are space. blned pr/mrtrvcs 6. once the domarn extension Implementation The used stated by and by our the usual the possible case tive integers of constants this boolean array variable At straints can ari] = a set of consecutive t,p done elements modify then this and minimum of and the of a non-equality ali! is true, be ing, put the only inequality to thing case be to only these two if # to reset be In efficiently to a!il ajij. the In If variable backtrackgeneral. thus the could need values are reset must this when (especial11 and of values case, the resolution minimum modified an! pos- When true. to the of values and if between The i. to con- of the in accessing as a list a set case, If necessary, is to of a dthe set values i” consists a int,eresting In this is true. “false”. must be a[ij a pointer However. shown been the modification combined if can with a be 5. ACM Freuder E. C. 21 (November which increases domain their redefinitions evaluable use of the like and the avoiding reducing to first main logic fail need the the for for extra 5, >, is behaviour in an “a of 2 , # and bring to allow The look and effort efficient! of improved by backt,racking manner. a active programming substantialI> priori” on the techniques informations. CSP is based to and without control It proposed unification. are efficiently solving space programming of consistency pathological search <, advantages been CSP. heuristics, be implemented programs solving has modification predicates Its into strategies. languages when slight built-in function. constraints ahead logic a of sorne new programming efficiency declarations. such com- as soon as possible. mechanisms extenslonb and When the can Expressiveness DC. 1983. can It be built be Implemented of Many Sorted J.P. Metacontrol of logic program in of FGCS’84.. Tokyo. 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