From: AAAI-86 Proceedings. Copyright ©1986, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Constructing and from Refining Causal an Inconsistent Richard Abstract Recent work in the strated the utility eralization. Most field of machine learning has the formation of explanations from consistent present an approach to forming explanations domain theories. I from domain the- ories which are inconsistent which suppress potentially due to the presence of abstractions relevant detail. In this approach, ex- planations are constructed refined in a failure-driven to support reasoning tasks and are manner. The elaboration of explana- tions is guided by the structuring MA 02139 of domain theories be relevant plied, domain demon- inherent them effort to develop a causal mod- elling system which relations in physical forms explanations of the underlying causal This system utilizes an inconsissystems. tent, common-sense physical systems. theory of the mechanisms which reasoning abstractions may manifest The problem justified, ories; and how to refine those operate in learning methods as an important an explanation derived ticular has shown a recent shift towards which utilize the construction of step in the generalization theory shows is an instance of some concept. After in the explanation are determined, example constraints are generalized a generalized This approach which are consistent, planations from a domain while maintaining recognition derived these constraints; rule for examples is now well understood or are at least assumed and generalized ories constitute proofs context of all reasoning process. which tasks from why a parthe critical its components the result is of the given concept. for domain theories to be consistent. Exconsistent domain the- can be taken to be correct in the they may subsequently support. However, most domain theories are not consistent - they incorporate defaults, they omit details, or they otherwise abstract away from a complete account of the constraints which ‘This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Inetitute of Technology. Support for the laboratory’s artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N000414-80-C-0505. 538 / SCIENCE are ap- inferences derived from reasoning or their tasks generaliza- to which they are An Consider level the Example a domain theory which describes kinds of causal mechanisms that couplings, systems: flows, mechanical from this domain theory a simple causal two flow mechanism problem at a common-sense operate in physical etc. My system derives model of a bathtub which instances: water This simple model flows in at the tap proves inadequate of how to fill the bathtub with water. This reasoning task becomes solvable after my system elaborates the model to describe a mechanical coupling between the plunger these ezplanation-based learning methods /DeJong & 86, Mahadevan 85, Mitchell et al 86, W’inston et al 831, In Mooney they applied. describes The Problem explanations when explanations when they fail to support tions for the planning The field of machine knowledge intensive to which addressed in this paper is how to construct explanations despite inconsistent domain the- plausible and flows out at the drain. 1 tasks are not corroborated. 1.1 of a larger to the Explanations derived and generalized from inconsistent theories cannot be assumed to be always correct; their into layers of abstractions. This work is part 1 Laboratory of Technology may of explanation formation as a guide to genof these investigations have concentrated on Theory J. Doyle Artificial Intelligence Massachusetts Institute Cambridge, Explanations Domain and the drain. plug and how the plug This elaborated intersection between blocks the flow of water at the causal explanation includes an interesting a flow mechanism and a mechanical coupling mechanism. A single physical object - the plug - plays dual roles: it serves both as one half of a mechanical coupling and as barrier to a flow. My system extracts this composed causal mechanism - which might be called “valve” - out of the causal model of the bathtub and generalizes manner, maintaining these two roles. causal My system relations camera, there it in the explanation-based the constraint next uses in another that learning one physical object plaj the valve physical is a mechanical mechanism to explain the system - a camera. In a coupling between the shutter re- lease and the shutter; furthermore the shutter plays the addithe photographed tional role of barrier to the light flow between subject and the film. This causal model generates an incorrect prediction when a lens cap is inadvertently left on the lens. My system refines the model by instantiating the lens cap as another barrier to light flow. The model also cannot be used to explain why the shutter does not move when the safety latch on the shutter release is engaged. My system handles this situation by instantiating a latch as a type of barrier to a mechanical coupling - a detail which never appeared the valve explanation The 1.2 in the original in the context Proposed construction of of the bathtub. This representation mechanisms describable Solution view of explanation formation in Figure 1. from inconsis- tent domain theories, as a tool for learning or otherwise: Explanations are constructed in the context of a reasoning task; they example / theories which GRAVITATION i\ I ELECTRICITY MAGNETISM ELECTRICAL ’ MATERIAL on domain \ ’ MECHANICAL above, I focus FIELD INTERACTION PROPAGATION a planning problem motivates the elaboration of the bathtub model and prediction failures motivate the refinement of the camera model. In this paper, CAUSAL MECI /’ are refined, as needed, in an incremental failure-driven manner. The usefulness of an explanation is relative to the goal of its motivating reasoning task. Similarly, the consistency of an explanation is relative to the set of inferences it supports. In the of causal develop- ment and are being tested in the modelling of a number of physical systems. A generalization hierarchy for these mechanisms is shown I take the following for causality and a vocabulary within it are currently under TRANSMISSION FLOW are incon- LIGHT sistent because they incorporate a particular kind of abstraction - the suppression of possibly relevant detail through approzimation. Approximations may be layered into several levels. Explanations derived from less approximate support incorrect inferences. I argue that the minimum be instantiated task. I present stantiation levels are less likely to level to which an explanation of the explanation into a situation of the explanation the familiar and truth processes maintenance 2 A Context Modelling The issue domain prediction. theory and geometrical over time, and refine comes my system systems developed which Causal explanations from up in my work on causal of how quantity relations values, in a physical a common-sense a representation supports - an mod- modelling system learns how physical of reasoning tasks such as planning or utilizes theory relations system. for causality the description of these structural system change of causal which can mechanisms or mechanisms require the presence decouple cause by a blocked by a broken from channel physical effect. through which can be disrupted For example, and mechanical connection. Hierarchy for Causal to propagate moby barriers which flows can be inhibited couplings Mechanisms The relevant aspect anisms for the purposes of this domain theory of causal of this paper is its inconsistency. mechThe theory does not describe all the relevant aspects of the various mechanisms which operate in physical systems. Furthermore, the layers of approximation. the next I describe this domain descriptions these theory suginto several levels of explanation in section. 2.1 Layers There are of Explanation several levels in a Domain of causal explanation Theory available in the representation for causality described above: notion of mechanism to a different degree. each drawing on the Each more detailed level introduces are meaningful in the context additional provided levels of explanation they ignore that which abstract do not employ certain potentially abstract does not incorporate explanation merely verifies constraints by the more a coarser relevant only levels. The higher grain size, rather conditions. level of explanation in the representation the notion of causal mechanism at all. This notes the co-occurrence of two events and the effect does not precede CO-OCCURRENCE the cause. EXPLANATION of some kind of medium, or structural link, between the site of the cause and the site of the effect. For example, flows require a channel through which to transfer material and mechanical couplings require a physical connection mentum. Causal mechanisms 1: Generalization The most in physical processes by which effects emerge from causes in this domain. This aspect of my work addresses issues first considered in ;Rieger & Grinberg 771. In my representation, Figure representation of causality underlying gests a decomposition of the mechanism mechanisms to hypothesize underlying causal explain the observed behavior of the physical I have backtracking for the Problem Given a description relations, level in power. This approach of a domain theory to [Doyle 791. efling [Doyle 861. My causal systems work in the context THERMOCHEMICAL ELECTROTHERMAL must has changed, of dependency-directed of how to construct inconsistent which to a less approximate the domain theory with more explanatory to refinement uses the layered structure guide \ I depends on the goal of the motivating reasoning two means of refining failed explanations: rein- and elaboration PHOTOCHEMICAL ELECTROPHOTIC can be disabled tl) A Changes(dq, (Changes(zq, t2) A 2 (tl, t2)) ===+ FunctaonalDependence(aq, The whose mechanism. quantities sition next level values of explanation are correlated For example, and mechanical quantities. dq) verifies that are of the appropriate flows are causal couplings the links between are causal quantities type for the amount links between po- 2 LEARNING I 539 QUANTITY TYPES 3(b) EXPLANATION m, tl : t2) A BurrzerType(b) (Along(b, A 3(k) (Changes(iq, tl) f\ Changes(dq, t2) IndependentQuantityType(iq) 2 (tl, t2) A A ===+ ===+ FunctionulDependence(iq, FunctzonalDependence(iq, This explanation the enabling medium tities b) A IsA(bq, Posztion))))) (QuantztyOf(bq, A DependentQuantityType(dq)) whose values MEDIUM dq) Enubles(m, FunctionulDependence(bq, is an approximation of one which identifies between the physical objects of the quan- Enubles(b, are correlated. Note tl) A Chunges(dq, (Changes(zq, that (between associated EXPLANATION t2) IndependentQuantityType(iq) other > (tl, 12) A A A DependentQuuntztyType(dq) FunctionulDependence(bq, this dq)) level of explanation describes a dependence a quantity associated with a barrier and the quantity with the effect) which does not appear at any of the levels. flows and mechanical PhyslculOb~ectOf(zq), dq)) dq) These levels of explanation are defined for causal mechanisms in general; the particular most detailed levels of explanation of A 34 (Between(m, dq) FunctionulDependence(iq, PhyszculObjectOf(dq), era examples couplings are shown needed for the bathtub and cam- below. tl : t2) A MediumType(m MATERIAL ===+ FunctionulDependence(iq, Enables(m, Note causal that must dq)) be maintained throughout must in turn be no barriers the causal BARRIER IsA(zq, Amount) the A IsA(dq, BARRIER) t2) approximates which one which states disrupt the structural that link and mechanism. tl : t2) A A PhyszculObjectOf(dq), A 3(b) (Along(b, m, tl : t2) A Blocks(b, 3(h) (QuuntityOf(bq, EXPLANATION 2 (tl, t2) A Amount) 3b-4 (Touches(PhyszculObjectOf(iq), This explanation there tl) A Changes(dq, (Changes(iq, interaction. disable (VARIABLE dq) FunctionalDependence(iq, the medium FLOW A PhysicalObjectOf(zq)) b) A IsA(bq, Position))))) e (Changes(iq, tl)A Ghunges(dq, t2) IndependentQuantityType(iq) DependentQuantityType(dq) 3(m) (Between(m, 2 (tl, t2) A A A FunctzonulDependence(zq, Enables(m, A FunctionulDependence(bq, Enables(b, Physicu10bjectOf(iq), tl : t2) A MedzumType(m) dq) FunctzonulDependence(zq, dq)) dq) FunctionulDependence(bq, dq)) PhysaculObjectOf(dq), A LIGHT TRANSMISSION (VARIABLE BARRIER) 3(b) (Along(b, m, tl : t2) A BarrzerType(b)))) (Changes(zq, _ FunctionulDependence(iq, dq) Enables(m, FunctzonulDependence(iq, dq)) Disubles(b, FunctionalDependence(iq, dq)) Finally, which states this description that in general on how much VARIABLE of barriers can be elaborated to one the effectiveness of a barrier depends of the medium BARRIER tl)A Chunges(dq, IsA(zq, Amount) it blocks. EXPLANATION PhysiculObjectOf(dq), 3(b) (Along(b, tl) A Chunges(dq, t2) IndependentQuantityType(iq) DependentQuuntityType(dq) 3b-4 (Between(m, 2 (tl, t2) A 540 This difference is discussed / SCIENCE A A m, tl : t2) A Opaque(b) h) A IsA(bq, Enables(m, Posztzon))))) A Enubles(b, PhysicuZObJectOf(dq), dq) FunctaonulDependence(iq, FunctzonalDependence(bq, dq)) dq) FunctzonuIDependence(bq, MECHANICAL COUPLING (Chunges(iq, tl) A -Change$(dq, dq)) (BARRIER) A ‘Flows and mechanical couplings are instances of a class of causal mechevents at difanisms I call propagattons; they involve similar co-occurring ferent sites. There are also tranc~ormat:ons (e.g. photochemical on film, electrophotic in a light bulb, electrothermal in a toaster) involving different co-occurring events at a single site. than the 3This level of explanation remove- P a different type of abstraction other levels. A A ===+ A PhyszculObjectOf(iq), tl : t2) A MediumType A 2 (tl, t2) A tl : t2) FunctzonulDependence(zq, (Changes(iq, t2) Amount) +-4 (StraightLznePuth(PhysiculObjectOf(zq), Wq) (QuuntztyOf(bq, 3 A IsA(dq, in the section on types of abstraction. IsA(aq, Positton) 3(m) (AttuchedTo(Phy t1 : t2) A A IsA(dq, t2) Posztzon) szculOb~ect0 j(lq), > (tl, t2) A A A PhysaculOb3ectOj(dq), (AttachedTo(b, m) A Anchored(b)))) J dq) Funct~onalDe~tndence(zq, Enables(n, FunctzonalDependence(zq, dq)) Disables(b, FunctionalDependence(og, dq)) This last explanation describes a latch barrier / ATTACHED TO Although descriptions ALONG ‘. to a mechan- ical coupling. there -A ------ET this presentation suggests of levels in the causal fixed approximation may be several ways to elaborate mechanism hierarchies, in general any level of explanation. For example, a non-rigid may disable a mechanical physical coupling. connection as well as a latch 3 and Refining Explanations ATTACHED TO \4 Figure Constructing and 3: Variable Medium Barrier Level Level Explanation Explanation of a Material of a Mechanical Flow Coupling in a Bathtub In this section. I show how the causal explanations of the bathtub and camera are constructed and incrementally refined from the inconsistent domain theory described in layered, approximate, A plan can now be generated for filling the bathtub with water: Start a flow of water at the tap and move the plunger to place the previous the plug in the drain. section. This example 3.1 Construction needed of an Explanation task. Consider the problem of constructing in the context of a planning problem a causal model of a bathtub to fill a tub with water. A first attempt instantiates a model at the medium level of explanation of the material flow mechanism. This causal explanation is shown in Figure In this problem; case, hence to the barrier 3.2 of explanation level of explanation construction depends a barrier the causal illustrates on the motivating was needed explanation to solve how the reasoning the planning of the bathtub had to go level. Generalization of an Explanation 2. 4 A material nism causal flow mechanism intersect and in the expanded modelling system notes may provide opportunities ful compositions of causal mechanism might a mechanical bathtub such model coupling mecha- at the plug. intersections My because they for extracting and generalizing usemechanisms. This particular complex be called “valve”. Using the hierarchy in Figure 1, my system generalizes the valve concept to other kinds of flows. The definitions of media, __-.___-- - - QIIANTITICS _--.-_ AND FUNCTIONAL DEPENDENCIES barriers, etc. for other types of flow are substituted taining the constraint that a single physical object PHYSICAL OBJECTS AND RELATIONS both one half of the mechanical flow. The generalized shown Figure tub 2: Medium Water Level Explanation flows from the tap of Material through in Figure valve coupling mechanism while mainmust serve as and as barrier for light to the transmission is 4. Flows in a Bath- the tub and out of the drain. It is not yet possible with water. Starting to generate a plan for filling the tub ALONG / /Y a flow at the tap into the tub does not work because of the presence of the drain, an additional medium for flow from the tub. This unsolved planning problem motivates the further expansion of the bathtub model level of explanation, as shown in Figure 3. The model drain now reveals and how the position 4Temporal, the figures explanation how the plug to a more enabling, and disabling relations to avoid clutter; such information descriptions. ATTACHED TO can block of the plug is affected detailed I/ flow at the by the plunger. are mostly suppressed in in the used ZLPindicated Figure 4: The Learned Valve Mechanism for Light Transmission LEARNING / 541 supports This learned complex mechanism is used in the construction of a causal model for another physical causal model is shown in Figure 5. ALONG system - a camera. the correct in the altered prediction that the film This / ALONG OPAQUE light does not reach camera. I / <, OPAQUE Figure Figure 5: Valve Explanation 3.4 of a Camera 6, so that more detailed levels of explanation mechanisms can be accessed if needed. barrier expla- The origins as in Figure in the constituent of a Camera of an Explanation through Elabo- In some cases: refinement explanation requires elabnot yet camera model to handle the situation where a safety latch on the shutAs is, the model supports the incorrect ter release is engaged. that the shutter The model barrier COUPLla of a failed orating to a level of explanation which calls on details considered. This kind of refinement is needed in the inference ~iv!ECHkNICAL Refinement Explanation rat ion All of the valve explanations combine the variable explanation level of a flow mechanism and the medium nation level of the mechanical coupling mechanism. of composed mechanism explanations are recorded, 7: Reinstantiated moves whenever is repaired when to the mechanical shutter, anchored the release my system coupling recognizes between the release as in Figure 8. The shutter does not release latch is attached. My system planation mechanical moves. the latch and the move when the formed this ex- by elaborating to the barrier explanation level of the coupling constituent of the valve mechanism for light transmission (see Figure 6). Although was never reached in the bathtub learned valve mechanism for light era model. this level of explanation model, it is accessible in the transmission used in the cam- ATTACHED TO 1RELEASE IT1 ATTACHED TO Figure 6: Origins of the Valve Explanation for Light ANCHORED Transmis- sion 3.3 Refinement of an Explanation through Figure Rein- \< / \&W 8: Elaborated Explanation of a Camera stantiation When a lens cap is placed on a camera this incorrect prediction - that light will continue In this case, the level of explanation needed situation shutter, additional 542 already appears in the is a barrier to light barrier, as in Figure / SCIENCE flow. model; the model supports to reach to handle an the film. the new lens cap, like the My system instantiates this 7. The refined explanation now 4 Issues In this section, I discuss a set of issues of constructing and refining which is inconsistent. explanations relevant from to the problem a domain theory Limits 4.1 on Perception and Use of Empirical Ev- idence The justification soning for employing in a given schema used, situation comes and partially ate the existentially The justification an explanation partially to support from the explanation from the perceptions quantified terms in that due to the explanation rea- which domain theory; the theory stops short of a full physical accounting of the laws which govern the behavior of physical systems. This instanti- explanation schema gas behavior in terms of the motions of molecules and in terms of the macroscopic properties of volume, temperature, and pressure. Aggregations currently do not appear in the causal mechanism schema. may be compro- mised by approximations. The justification due to perception may be compromised when the instantiations of terms in an explanation are unobsetoable due to limits in the available percep- inary. enumeration A recent different of abstraction investigation abstraction types [Smith types, and is admittedly prelim- et al 85: also has described has investigated how explana- tions fail because of them. I have described in this paper an appreach to explanation construction and refinement from domain theories which incorporate approximations and qualitizations. tion equipment. For example, thermal conducting air, which may be unobservable, serves as a medium for heat flow in a toaster. A causal explanation for a toaster tially instantiated. based on heat flow might be only par- 4.3 Incomplete Even the theory. The loss of justification due to an uninstantiable be countered by gathering empirical evidence that tion is consistent, e.g., confirming that bread placed does indeed become i.e., explanation-based, methods. term can an explanain a toaster terms in an explanation level For example, on a camera. imply Intractable a barrier Abstractions missing of explanation also can be countered applicable also be arguably the uninstantiable Even complete domain proximations. A complete For example, flow mechanism in a toaster should be disabled between the coils and the bread. level can strongly ma1 conducting Types 4.2 level of ex- that heat when a thermal insulator Confirming observations the presence flow exists at this of the unobservable ther- medium. of Abstraction Approximation ing between main theory. suggest the barrier indicates is the most prevalent type of abstraction levels of explanation in the causal Approximations are assumptions appear- mechanism that some docon- dition holds or that some constraint is satisfied. For example, the approximation between the quantity types and medium levels of explanation causal mechanism be correct is that an appropriate medium to support a is in place. A more detailed explanation may in situations A different and variable kind barrier where an approximate of abstraction levels. Here appears explanation between a continuous is not. t,he barrier description is col- lapsed into a discrete one. At the barrier level, a barrier either completely disables a mechanism or has no effect at all. At the variable barrier level a barrier may also partially affect a mechanism. This kind of abstraction might qualitization. be called Under barrier explanation. aggregation, complex planation are subsumed single terms, at higher under levels. grain example size. The oft-used structures at one level of ex- simpler structures, perhaps even Aggregations involve changes in is the alternate explanations e.g. a UV filter level of a domain refinement described detail of knowledge, theory in this pa- perhaps analogy. theories domain as to be intractable. fining those explanations 4.4 Learning Given an inconsistent of such explained light either a theory into allows plausible exa capability for re- 851. Experiments domain than one plausible, tions. For example, giv- might make use of layered aptheory may involve so much A structuring [Tadepalli from Simply appropriate. several approximating levels of explanation planations to be constructed, and maintains theory, it is possible partially justified a glowing taillight by the electrical to derive more explanation in many situaon an automobile might be system of the car or by reflected from the sun. I am developing guishing planation an experiment competing design capability for distin- multiple explanations. This capability utilizes the exrefinement method described in this paper. It appears similar in spirit to that my method, refinements explanations proposed in [Rajamoney et al 851. In are proposed to one or more of a set of until the explanations support divergent predictions. The refinements specify further instantiations at the same or at an elaborated level. For example, an experiment to distinguish Some situations may not even be describable, much less correctly described, by explanations which incorporate qualitizations. For example, the variable flow out of a bathtub drain or the way the aperture in a camera lens affects light flow cannot be described by the on/off be selective, per has no recourse when an incomplete domain theory ‘Lbottoms out”. A possible course of action in this circumstance is to resort to an inductive method. Another is to invoke some other means of accessing term. Theories knowledge. ing up may in the heat may at the lowest by elaborating an explanation. More detailed levels of explanation can suggest how to obtain indirect empirical evidence for planation Domain of explanation in a domain theory may This is true of the causal mechanism abstractions. The method hotter. This is one way in which analytical, methods can be combined with empirical Uninstantiable lowest incorporate and light the glowing flow explanation taillight explanations from the medium might elaborate level and specify the the in- stantiation of an opaque barrier to disable the hypothesized light transmission. This barrier, importantly, would have no predicted effect on the electrical This approach single explanations. system of the car. to experiment design Even an explanation applies equally with no rivals well to may be only partially justified because of perception limits. Empirical evidence for the correctness of such an explanation may be gathered via experiments which specify refinements involving LEARNING addi- / 543 tional observable instantiations of terms in the explanation. Such an experiment, involving a toaster, is described in the section on perception above. Experimenting greater can justification be viewed as the active for fewer and fewer plausible gathering of explanations. completeness of a domain theory, and designing experiments to distinguish and gather justification for plausible explanations. In addition, a better understanding is needed of the kinds of domain theories which admit to decomposition via layered abstractions. and of the principles which govern the placement of orderings on abstractions. 5 Relation to Other Work 7 Acknowledgements Patil has investigated multi-level causal explanation in a medical domain [Patil et al 811. He identifies five levels of explanation and Patrick describes methods for moving between levels in both directions. The kind of abstraction employed by Patil’s system ABEL is ag- tion. Randall Davis, Bob Hall, David Kirsh, Rick Lathrop, Jintae Lee and Tomas Lozano-Perez have all engaged in discussions of gregation; the ideas nodes into fewer nodes in ABEL supports and allows detail and/or causal the reasoning to a user. failure-driven approximations, links at one level are condensed and links at the next higher level. Elaboration confirmation of diagnoses to greater resolution of the system Elaboration to be revealed in greater in ABEL is not intended refinement of explanations through as described in this paper. ior of digital circuits the troubleshooting are described at several system the removal of both aggreand behav- levels of aggregation; with different grain sizes at which to examine a circuit. Fault models indicate how to lift approximations concerning the possible “paths of interaction” in circuits. Davis’ fault models appear to be well-described in my representation for causality. His notions of spurious and inhibited causal pathways correspond to my concepts of medium and barrier. In general, there may be many ways to repair failed approx- imate explanations. Smith et al [Smith et al 851 have explored how the task of isolating the source of an explanation failure can be constrained. They show how different types of abstraction in an explanation schema propagate along dependency links to instantiated explanations and lead to different types of failure. 6 I have presented two types an approach from inconsistent of abstraction constraints to explanation domain is guided construction theories - the suppression and the discretization which of domain relevant representations. are elaborated from failures. by the structuring and incorporate of potentially of continuous In this approach, explanations reasoning tasks and to recover process to support new The elaboration theories into layers This work is taking place in the context of an investigation into the formation of causal models of physical systems. Causal involves the construction and refinement planations of the behavior of physical systems theory describing the mechanisms which operate The levels of explanation in this domain a representation for causality in physical in this paper. 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