Assimilation of radiance data at JMA: recent developments and prospective plans Kozo Okamoto, Hiromi Owada, Toshinobu Ishibashi and Takumu Egawa Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) 1. 1. Outline Outline of of NWP NWP systems systems at at JMA JMA Satellites operationally assimilated Data introduced after ITSC15 are shown in red, and those under development or suspended are in parentheses Deterministic models and analysis schemes * TCWV : total column water vapor, RR : rain rate, AMV : atmospheric motion vector Satellite/Instrument Global Anal (GDAS) Meso Anal (MDAS) NOAA15-17 AMSU-A/-B Radiance Temperature retrieval NOAA18 AMSU-A/MHS Radiance (2007.4) Temperature retrieval Aqua/AMSU-A Radiance X Metop AMSU-A/MHS radiance (2007.11) Temperature retrieval (2008.1) Aqua/AIRS (Radiance) Model Global Model (GSM) Meso-scale Model (MSM) Horizontal res. TL959 (20km) 5km Vertical res. (model top) 60 (0.1hPa) 50 (21.8km) Forecast range (Initial time) 84h (00,06,18UTC) 216h (12UTC) 15h (00,06,12,18UTC) 33h (03,09,15,21UTC frequency 4/day 8/day Target One-week forecast Short-range forecast Aeronautical forecast Disaster prevention information 4D-Var (TL959/T159 or 20km/80km) 4D-Var (10/20km) Aqua/AMSR-E Radiance TCWV,RR (DMSP16/SSMIS) (Radiance) (TCWV,RR) AMV Data Assimilation (outer/inner loop) X Metop/IASI (Radiance) X DMSP13,14/SSMI Radiance TCWV,RR TRMM/TMI Radiance TCWV,RR Assimilation window 6h 6h MTSAT-1R, Meteosat-7,9, GOES-11,12 AMV, (CSR 2007.6) Radiance assimilation RTTOV7, VarBC X Aqua,Terra/MODIS AMV X Cut off time Early Analysis (EA) : 2h25m Cycle Analysis (CA): 11h15m(00,12), 5h15m(06,18) 50m QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Sea surface wind Sea surface wind Assimilate Assimilate radiances radiances that that are are less lesscloud-affected cloud-affectedand and less lesssurface-dependent surface-dependent as as other other ATOVS ATOVS on onNOAA. NOAA. Static Static scan-dependent scan-dependent Bias Bias Correction Correction (BC) (BC) and and adaptive adaptive air-mass air-mass dependent dependent BC BC using using aa Variational Variational Bias Bias Correction Correction (VarBC) (VarBC) method method Significantly Significantlypositive positive impact impact on onforecast, forecast, especially, especially, of of the the geopotential geopotentialheight height even even when when NOAA15-18 NOAA15-18 and and Aqua Aqua ATOVS ATOVS were were already alreadyassimilated. assimilated. Moreover, Moreover, great great benefits benefitsof of early earlyand and stable stable data datadissemination dissemination T850 Z500 X X Channel Channelselection selectionisisbased basedon onEntropy EntropyReduction Reduction(Rodgers (Rodgers2000) 2000) Detection Detection of of cloud-affected cloud-affected radiances radiances using usingaa 2-step 2-step schemes schemes [1] [1]Clear Clearpixel pixeldetection detectionusing using At Atdaytime, daytime,cloud cloudcover coverfrom fromVIS~NIR VIS~NIRch ch AT night, TB difference AT night, TB differencebetween betweenshortwave shortwavech chand andlongwave longwavech chand and between betweenSST SSTpredicted predictedand andSST SSTanalyzed analyzedat atnighttime nighttime [2] Cloud-affected channel detection based on McNally and Watts (2003) [2] Cloud-affected channel detection based on McNally and Watts (2003) AIRS CloudSat 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 cloud top height [km] Frequency of cloud top height from AIRS Better Worse AIRS AIRSclouds cloudstend tendto tobe behigher higherthan thanCloudSat CloudSatclouds. clouds. AIRS, AIRS,generally, generally,more morefrequently frequentlyfinds findsclouds cloudsthan thanCloudSat CloudSat but often misses low clouds. but often misses low clouds. These Thesecharacteristics characteristicsof ofthe thescheme schememay maynot notbe beaccurate accurateenough enough to toestimate estimatethe thecloud cloudtop topheight heightbut butsafe safefrom fromthe theview viewpoint pointof of avoiding avoidingthe theinclusion inclusionof ofcloud cloudcontaminated contaminatedchannels channelsininthe theassimilation. assimilation. to 7 2007. The frequency is normalized by their total numbers. Bias Bias correction correctionscheme schemeisis the the same same as as ATOVS ATOVS except except VarBC VarBC predictors predictors VarBC VarBCpredictors: predictors:background backgroundTB, TB,1/cosθ, 1/cosθ,constant constant Positive Positive impact impact on on analysis analysis but but neutral neutral or or negative negative on onforecast forecast Reduce Reducemodel modelbiases biasesof oftemperature temperatureand andhumidity humidityininthe theanalysis analysisand andfirst-guess first-guess Degrade Degradeforecast forecastskills skillsof ofthe thelower lowertropospheric tropospherictemperature temperature Assimilates Assimilates12 12 AP-RARS AP-RARS stations stationsin in Japan(2), Japan(2), China(4), China(4), Australia(5) Australia(5) and andKorea(1), Korea(1), and and EARS EARS AP-RARS AP-RARS ATOVS ATOVS data data improve improveEarly EarlyAnalysis Analysis (EA) (EA) (a) (b) reduce reducethe thedifference differencefrom fromdata-richer, data-richer,more moreaccurate accuratecycle cycleanalysis analysis(CA) (CA) but butindiscernible indiscernibleimpact impacton onforecast forecast EARS EARS ATOVS ATOVS data data have have aamore more positive positive impact impacton on EA EA and andforecast forecast AIRS Comparison of cloud top height from AIRS and CloudSat/CPR closest to the center of AIRS FOV from 1 to 7 2007. (a) (c) (b) (d) NOAA18 Difference between EA and CA for geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500) when AP-RARS ATOVS not assimilated (left) and when assimilated (right) at 18UTC on 26 June 2007. Blue (red) shades depict positive (negative) value of the difference and contours indicate Z500. The area of ATOVS used in this analysis are surrounded by dashed lines. NOAA15 6 Assimilate Assimilateclear clear radiances radiances of of 54ch/324ch 54ch/324ch oover verthe theseaice-free seaice-freesea sea 2.2 2.2 RARS RARS ATOVS ATOVS impact impact (( AP-RARS AP-RARS 2007.2, 2007.2, EARS EARS 2007.8) 2007.8) NOAA15 7 Verification Verification of of the the cloud cloudtop top height height derived derivedfrom from AIRS AIRS against against CloudSat CloudSat and CloudSat/CPR (2B-GEOPROF) from 1 Forecast hours Forecast Improvement rate when Metop/AMSU-A and MHS are assimilated in GDAS. The rate is calculated with (Cntl-Test)/Cntl with respect to RMSE for 1-9 day forecasts. Cntl uses NOAA15-18 and Aqua, and Test adds Metop to Cntl. Dots on lines indicate that the rate is statistically significant. The assimilation period is 23 May to 13 July 2007. more moreavailable availabledata dataused used Frequency of cloud top height from AIRS and CloudSat 3.1 3.1 AIRS AIRS radiance radiance assimilation assimilation Wsp250 Wsp850 (Sea surface wind) (Refractivity) CloudSat Psea (Sea surface wind) (Refractivity, 2007.2) (Metop/GRAS) frequency [%] 2.1 2.1 Metop/AMSU-A Metop/AMSU-A & & MHS MHS (2007.11) (2007.11) Metop/ASCAT (CHAMP, GRACE) Anal (use AIRS) Guess (use AIRS) Anal (no AIRS) Guess (no AIRS) Fits of analysis and first-guess to RAOBs with and without AIRS radiance assimilation. (a) Biases of temperature in the Southern Hemisphere and (b) biases of relative humidity in the tropics are calculated from a one-month cycle experiment in August 2007. Time sequence of the forecast at day-1and -5 for Z500 (a, b) and T850 (c, d) from 1 to 31 August, 2007. Test run assimilates AIRS radiances and Control run does not. NOAA16 NOAA18 Same as above , but for EARS ATOVS assimilation at 12UTC on 17 June 2007. 3.2 3.2 MW MW window window channel channel assimilation assimilation Operational Operational use use of of SSM/I, SSM/I, TMI TMI and and AMSR-E AMSR-E since since May May2007 2007 TCWV TCWVin in clear clear areas areas and and precipitation precipitation in inother other areas areas in in MDAS MDAS (2003.10) (2003.10) Less cloud-affected radiances in GDAS (2006.5) Less cloud-affected radiances in GDAS (2006.5) Only Onlyvertical verticalpolarized polarizedchannels channelsassimilated assimilated Biases Biasesare areremoved removedwith withVarBC VarBC 2.3 2.3 Clear Clear Sky Sky Radiances Radiances (CSRs) (CSRs) of of WV-ch WV-ch from from geostationary geostationary satellite satellite imagers imagers (2007.6) (2007.6) Increase Increase humidity humidityin in the the midmid-to to upper-troposphere upper-troposphere in in wet wet areas, areas, and and even even in in the thelower-troposphere lower-troposphere in in dry dryareas areas Frequent Frequentmeasurements measurementsover overthe theland landcompliment complimentmicrowave microwaveradiometer radiometer Bring Bring analysis/guess analysis/guess humidity humiditycloser closer to to RAOB RAOB around around 500hPa 500hPa and and MHS/AMSU-B MHS/AMSU-B ch3 ch3 Positive Positive impact impact on onforecast, forecast, especially especiallyat at day day11 to to 33 Impact Impactfrom from55satellites satellitesare aremuch muchgreater greaterthan thanthat thatfrom from11satellite satellite(MTSAT-1R) (MTSAT-1R) Cycle Cycle assimilation assimilation experiment experiment in in August August2007 2007 and and January January2008: 2008: test2 cntl cntl: cntl:no noCSRs CSRsfrom fromgeostationary geostationarysatellites satellites test1: test1:add addCSRs CSRsfrom fromMTSAT-1R MTSAT-1Ronly only test2: add CSRs from MTSAT-1R, test2: add CSRs from MTSAT-1R,GOES11,12 GOES11,12and andMeteosat7,9 Meteosat7,9 Psea Psea T850 T850 Z500 Z500 Wsp850 Wsp850 Monthly averaged TCWV between test2 and cntl in August 2007 Time sequence of TB O-B STD of test2 and cntl 2 TCWV, TCWV,Ts, Ts,Ts Ts2, ,ocean oceansurface surfacewind windspeed, speed,1/cosθ, 1/cosθ,constant constant Test1: Test1: Improve Improve QC QC and and BC BC Stricter Strictercloud cloudscreening screening&&addition additionof ofTotal TotalColumn ColumnCloud Cloud Liquid LiquidWater Water(TCCLW) (TCCLW)predictor predictorininVarBC VarBC Reject Rejectpixels pixelswith withretrieved retrievedTCCLW TCCLWover over0.18 0.18kg/m2 kg/m2 More Moresymmetric symmetricdistribution distributionof ofO-B O-Bininradiance radiancespace space Small Smallbut butconsistent consistentpositive positiveimpact impacton onthe theforecast forecastof ofT850 T850 Test2: Test2: Add Add SSMIS SSMIS window window channels channels to to Test1 Test1 19V, 19V,22V, 22V,37V 37Vand and 92V 92Vradiances radiancesare areassimilated assimilated Neutral Neutralimpact impact O-B of AMSR-E 37V on 1st August 2007 before (upper panel) and after (lower panel) improved QC and BC Time sequence of the forecast at day-1, -3 and -5 for T850 from 131 Aug, 2007. Test run adds improved QC and BC to Control run (“Test1 in the main text ) 4. 4. Plans Plans on on radiance radiance assimilation assimilation Improve Improve AIRS AIRS assimilation assimilation processing processing and andintroduce introduce IASI IASI Wsp250 Wsp250 test1 vs cntl Forecast Improvement rate when MTSAT CSRs are added in GDAS. The rate are calculated from one month forecast of August 2007. test2 vs cntl The same as above but for CSRs of five geostationary satellites added. Implement ImplementRochon’s Rochon’sJacobian Jacobianmapping mappinginstead insteadof ofnearest nearestneighbor neighbormapping mappingininthe thevertical verticalinterpolation interpolationscheme scheme Review Reviewbias biascorrection correctionpredictors predictorsand andtune tuneobservation observationerrors errorsespecially especiallyof ofshort shortwave wavechannels channels How to address the conflict with model biases? How to address the conflict with model biases? Introduce Introduce SSMIS SSMIS window window channels channels and and evaluate evaluate sounding sounding channel channel impact impact Improve Improve AMSU-A/-B/MHS AMSU-A/-B/MHS assimilation assimilation Switch Switchthe thecurrent currentretrieval retrievalassimilation assimilationto tothe theradiance radianceassimilation assimilationininMDAS MDAS IsIsVarBC VarBCgoing goingtotobe beintroduced introducedas asGDAS GDASdoes? does? => =>Need Needtotoexamine examineeffect effectofofsampling samplingerrors errors Land/snow Land/snowemissivity emissivitymodel modelor orretrieved retrievedvalues valuesare arebeing beingtested tested Optimize Optimizestatic staticobservation observationerrors errorsininaavariational variationalscheme scheme Assimilate Assimilatecloud cloud affected affected radiances radiances of of IR/MW IR/MW sounders sounders and and imagers imagers