MSU channel 2 brightness temperature trend when calibrated using simultaneous nadir overpasses Cheng-Zhi Zou, Mitch Goldberg, Zhaohui Cheng*, Norman Grody, Jerry Sullivan, Changyong Cao, and Dan Tarpley NOAA/NESDIS/Office of Research and Applications, NOAA Science Center, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746 * QSS Group Inc., Lanham, MD 20706 3. Calibration algorithm 1. Purpose • To re-calibrate MSU observations at level 0 using simultaneous nadir overpasses • To generate well-calibrated and well-merged multi-satellite MSU 1B data for use by the climate community • To investigate the MSU trend derived from the well-merged 1B dataset • To compare with previous trend studies and identify problems with previous use of the MSU data • To provide a guidance on the future use of MSU data • To provide the climate community an observed reference on the tropospheric temperature trend 5. Results Rl = Rc + S (Ce − Cc ) (1) Æ Linear calibration equation; 254 -1 N12 = 0.16 K Dec , 254 -1 N14 = 0.58 K Dec NOAA10 -1 Rc Æ Cold Space Radiance, fixed value; Cc Æ cold space raw counts; 252 Ce Æ Earth-view raw counts; n12 251 Linear (NOAA12) Rw − Rc C w − Cc Linear (NOAA14) (2) Æ slope; Rw Æ Blackbody target radiance; Cw 250 1987 Re = Rl − δR + u S 2 (Ce − Cc )(Ce − Cw ) = Rl − δR + uZ 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 (3) Æ nonlinear calibration equation; Five-day averages of ascending and descending orbits for NOAA 11 for the period of October 1-5, 1988. Pixels 5, 6, and 7 are used in generating the pentad data Æ observed radiance R by satellite j at time and location (t j , X j ) 16 Rk (t k , X k ) = Rk' (t k , X k ) + ε k 8812 9012 9212 9412 9612 9812 0012 Schematic viewing the overpasses between two NOAA satellites -7 ∆Rl − ∆δR + uk Z k − u j Z j = ε k − ε j + ∆R(∆X) NOAA14 1989 ∆δR and ∆u = uk − u j regression method. Therefore, (4) Æ Error equation for any SNO data pairs 1991 1993 1995 Linear (NOAA11) 1997 1999 2001 Linear (NOAA14) 2003 = 0 and u = 5 252 Linear (NOAA11) Linear (NOAA12) 251 Linear (NOAA14) 250 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 250 1987 2003 using regression method; however, colinearity between Z k and Z j Scatterplot showing relationships of the Z factor between NOAA 10 and NOAA 11 for their SNO data pairs. Unit for Z and ζ is 10-6 (mW)2 (sr m2 cm-1)-2. The regression coefficients for the fitting line is expressed as Z j = β Zk + α for reference satellite NOAA 10. 1.4 (b) N10 and N12 N11 and N12 0.8 Ntn and N6 0.6 N7 and N8 N8 and N9 0.4 N6 and N9 N11 and N14 0.2 Number of Points STD (K) S TD (K ) N10 and N11 0.2 N12 and N14 NOAA12 NOAA14 Linear (NOAA10) Linear (NOAA11) 249 -1 Trend: N10 = -1.10 K Dec , N11 = 0.88 K Dec -1 N12 = 0.22 K Dec , 248 1987 1989 1991 N14 = 0.37 K Dec 1993 1995 Linear (NOAA12) -1 -1 Linear (NOAA14) 1997 1999 2001 2003 Time series and trend for the pentad dataset of the global ocean-averaged MSU channel 2 brightness temperature for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14 with NESDIS operational calibration algorithm. 244 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance (km) (a) 140 160 180 200 220 -1 N12 = 0.33 K Dec , 253 N14 = 0.18 K Dec -1 NOAA10 -1 NOAA11 -1 Trend: N10 = -0.39 K Dec , N11 = -1.31 K Dec -1 N12 = 0.62 K Dec , NOAA10 -1 N14 = 0.46 K Dec NOAA11 243 NOAA12 NOAA12 NOAA14 252 NOAA14 242 Linear (NOAA10) Linear (NOAA10) Linear (NOAA11) Linear (NOAA11) 251 241 Linear (NOAA12) Linear (NOAA12) Linear (NOAA14) Linear (NOAA14) 250 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Pentad time series and trend for the global ocean-averaged MSU channel 2 brightness temperature for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14 calibrated by Grody et al. (2004) calibration algorithm. The nonlinear adjustment is directly on the global ocean-averaged pentad time series with linear calibration at level 0. Combined trend is 0.19 K/Decade. 240 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Pentad time series of the global ocean-averaged MSU channel 2 brightness temperature for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14 with Christy et al. (2004) empirical calibration algorithm. The adjustment is directly on the global ocean-averaged pentad time series with linear calibration at level 0. Combined trend is 0.02 K/Decade. • Use new nonlinear calibration equation to convert raw counts to radiance. Coefficients for reference satellite N7 and N8 1000 N8 and N9 N6 and N9 100 N9 and N10 N10 and N11 N10 and N12 10 N11 and N12 N9 and N10 N11 and N14 N12 and N14 1 0 0 2003 Ntn and N6 N6 and N7 1 0.4 2001 6. Summary and Future work 10000 1.2 0.6 1999 NOAA11 -1 Latitudinal difference vs longitudinal difference for the SNO pairs for some satellite overlaps. Unit is in degree N6 and N7 1997 251 Trend: N10 = -0.41 K Dec , N11 = 0.52 K Dec Brightness temperature of nonlinear calibrated (Tb), offset and u are included. 1 1995 (b) -1 0.8 1993 Time series and trend for the pentad dataset of the global ocean-averaged MSU channel 2 brightness temperature for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14 with nonlinear calibration algorithm. (a) Individual time series and trends for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14. (b) Combined time series and trend for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14. The mean biases between different satellites as shown in Table 6 have been removed with NOAA 10 as the reference satellite 254 Scatter plots showing effects of the nonlinear calibration on the error statistics and distribution of the brightness temperature difference between NOAA 10 and NOAA 11. (a) SNO data between Tl (N10) and Tl (N11 ); (b) SNO data between Tl (N10) and Tl (N11 )-Tl (N10). (c) SNO data between Tb(N10) and Tb(N11); (d) SNO data between Tb(N10) and Tb(N11)- Tb(N10); (e) SNO data of versus ∆Tb-∆Tl versus Tl (N10). (a) 1991 Time series of NOAA 10, 11, 12, and 14 before correction (ocean averages) 253 250 for reference satellite Scatterplot of the brightness temperature difference versus the center distance between two nadir pixels of the overpass satellites for some selected overlaps. The pixel center distance has been extended to 222 km from 111km and the time window is still set to be 100 sec. The brightness temperature is computed using the linear calibration equation. 1989 (a) NOAA10 can be reliably obtained from δR and u Combined -1 Linear (Combined) Linear (NOAA10) 251 Global ocean-averaged pentad time series and trend of the nonlinear Z term for NOAA 10, 11, 12, and 14. Unit for Z is 106 (mW)2 (sr m2 cm-1)-2 . Brightness temperature of linear calibrated (Tl) 1.2 2003 253 Æ noise; have to be determined a priori from pre-launch calibration. 1.4 2001 Year has to be considered (see figure). With colinearity, only Here δR 1999 NOAA14 Linear (NOAA10) Trend: N10 = -0.13, N11 = -1.67 N12 = 1.18 , N14 = -2.15 252 ∆δR = δRk − δR j , uk , and u j Trend = 0.17 K Dec NOAA11 252 Using (3) Relationship of the Channel 2 Tb differences between NOAA 10 and 11of the nadir pixels versus time window for the SNO dataset. The maximum spatial distance for the SNOs is set to be 111 km. Note that when the time difference is larger than about 100 seconds, not many SNO data pairs can be found. 1997 NOAA12 -10 1987 ∆R = Rk' (t j , X j ) − R 'j (t j , X j ) + ε k − ε j + ∆R (∆t , ∆X) We solve 1995 NOAA10 -1 Linear (NOAA12) (tk , X k ) Taking differences The local equator crossing time (LECT) of the ascending orbit of NOAA satellites N14 = 0.31 K Dec 253 NOAA12 -9 Æ observed radiance R by satellite k at time and location R ' Æ error free measurement; ε 0301 Time 1993 254 -1 N12 = 0.43 K Dec , NOAA11 -1 Trend: N10 = -0.39 K Dec , N11 = 0.58 K Dec NOAA10 -8 12 8612 1991 (b) 254 Ch 2 Z Time Series and Trend for NOAA 10, 11, 12, and 14 (ocean averages) -5 Z R j (t j , X j ) = R (t j , X j ) + ε j 14 1989 Æ constant offset; u Æ nonlinear calibration coefficient ' j 18 250 1987 2003 Time series and trend for the pentad dataset of the global ocean-averaged MSU channel 2 brightness temperature for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14 with linear calibration algorithm. (a) Individual time series and trend for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14. (b) Combined time series and trend for NOAA 10, 11, 12 and 14. The mean biases between different satellites has been removed with NOAA 10 as the reference satellite. Re Æ Earth-view radiance by nonlinear calibration; -6 20 2001 (a) Æ Blackbody target raw counts 4. Calibration with SNO dataset n14 Linear (Combined) 252 Linear (NOAA11) -1 n11 Combined Linear (NOAA10) -4 n10 22 -1 253 NOAA12 251 S= δR 24 Trend=0.32 K Dec NOAA11 253 NOAA14 2. SNO dataset Hour -1 Trend: N10 = -0.35 K Dec , N11 = 1.05 K Dec Æ Earth-view radiance by linear calibration Rl 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance (km) (b) 140 160 180 200 220 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Distance (km) (c) STD of channel 2 brightness temperature differences between satellite pairs versus center distance of the nadir overpass pixels. (a) Satellite pairs that have a well defined relationship, (b) satellite pairs that do not show well defined SDT-distance relationship for smaller distance due to sampling size problems, and (c) SNO numbers used in the STD computation for a corresponding distance. (c) (d) (e) are determined by pre-launch calibration but non-reference satellites are determined by post-launch SNO data. • Very-well calibrated and merged MSU channel 2 data are generated. Biases for pentad global ocean-averages are on the order of 0.05 to 0.1 K between satellite pairs, compared to 0.5 to 1 K with NESDIS operational algorithm. • Global ocean trend with this merged dataset is 0.17-0.20 K/Decade, consistent with surface temperature trend. Reference: Zou,C.-Z., M. Goldberg, Z. Cheng, N. Grody, J. Sullivan, C. Cao, and D. Tarpley, 2005:MSU channel 2 brightness temperature trend when calibrated using simultaneous nadir overpasses, to be submitted as NOAA Technical Report. Email: