From: AAAI-84 Proceedings. Copyright ©1984, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A MECHANICAL SOLUTION OF SCHUBERT'S STEAMROLLER BY MANY-SORTED RESOLUTION Christoph Walther Institut fiir Informatik UNIVERSITET I KARLSRUHE Postfach 6380 1 D-7500 Karlsruhe we obtain the following set of clauses as Abstract We demonstrate the advantage of using a many-sorted resolution calculus by a mechanical solution of a challenge problem. This problem known as "Schubert's Steamroller" had been unsolved by automated theorem provers until now. Our solution clearly demonstrates the power of a many-sorted resolution calculus. The proposed method is applicable to all resolution-based inference systems. 1, SCHUBERT'S In 1978, a predicate (1)IWh)l (2){F(f)) (2){B(b)) !4)fC(cj 1 (5) {S(s) 1 (6; iG(q) 1 (7)tik,) of the University of the prob- lem: PROBLEM L. Schubert logic formulation (8){Fby ),A(Xj)1 ,A(x,)) (lO){~(xl),A(xl)) (9)thq) ,A(x,)1 of (12)G(x,),P(x1)3 (ll)C%x,),A(x,)) Alberta set up the following challenge (13)rA(x,),P(x2),A(x3),P(xq) problem: ,E(x1x2),M[x3xl), E (x3x4) $3 (x,x3) 1 Wolves, foxes, birds, caterpillars, and snails are animals, and there are someof each of them. Also there are some grains, and grains are plants. Every animaleither likes to eat all plants or all animals much smaller than itself that like to eat some plants. Caterpillars and snails are much smaller than birds, which are much smaller than foxes, which in turn are much smaller than wolves. Wolves do not like to eat foxes or grains, while birds like to eat caterpillars but not snails. Caterpillars and snails like to eat some plants. Therefore there is an animal that likes to eat a grain-eating animal. (14)+%x,),B(x2),M(x,x2)! (15)i~(x,),~(x,),M(x,x2)) (16)Ih,) ,M(x1x2) 1 (17)@(xl) @(x2) ,M(x,x2)) (19)~~(x,),W(x2),~(x2x~)~ (20){B(x,),~(x2),E(x1x2)} (21)~~(x,),s(x2),~(xlx2)~ (22) Ih,) (23)cCk+ ,P(h(xl) 11 (24)IS(x1),P(i(xl))J ,E(xlh(xl))3 (25)Cs(x,) ,E(xli(xl) )) (26) 6(x-,),x(x2) ,G(j (x,x,) )1 (27) G(x,) ,%x2) ,E it turned (x1x2),E(x2j (x1x2) 1) where w,f,b,c,s and g are skolemconstants, x1,x2,x3 are universally and variables This problem became well known since in spite of its apparent simplicity &x2) (18)~~(x,),~(x,),~(x,x1)) Figure ~4 quantified and h, i and j are skolemfunctions. 2.1 out to be too hard for existing theorem Schubert's problem in clause notation provers because the search space is just In the fall of 1978 too big. L. Schubert spend his sabbatical at the University of Karlsruhe Using the following predicates as an and a first-order abbreviation: A(x) -xisananimal Procedure W(x) - x is a wolf Refutation F(x) - x is a fox B(x) - x is a bird resolution-based C(x) - x is a caterpillar S(x) - xis a snail under development p (xl - xis aplant Karlsruhe. GM - xisagrain axiomatization of his Problem was given to the Markgraf Karl (MKRP) CBES811, a automated theorem prover at the University The system generated of the clause M(xy)-x is much smallerthan y set of figure 1.1, but failed to find a E(xy)-x likes to eaty refutation. 330 Though several significant improvements MKRP-system have been incorporated cidentally, into the during the last six years, it is still unable to find a refutation enables a human to find a solution: Given a many-sorted of the universe, which consists of sorts of objects like above clause set today. The same is true for wolves, animals, grains, plants etc. and all the other automated theorem provers we certain relations between these objects, know about, which were confronted with this e.g. wolves are animals and grains are problem. But there exists a refutation plants, everything asit which is true foranimals can be seen from Schubert's hand computed (or plants), automatically deduction of the empty clause (or grains respectively). CSch78,Wa184al Looking at the clause set of figure 1.1 the handcomputed refutation and we talk about the preferences of the problem, the reason for the difficulties of anauto- ences of a22 objects, which satisfy "is a wolf" and "is a grain". ion become apparent: can compute 102 Hence a many-sorted distinct clauses, of woZves of eating grains and not about these prefer- mated theorem prover in computing a solut- *The size of the initial search space holds for wolves In this scenario (we first-order calculus more suitable for a formalization Schubert's problem. 94 re- is of In such a calculus the solvents and 8 factors already inthefirst domains and ranges of functions, predicates generation) and variables and *the search depth necessary to compute the empty clause (which is 20 in Schubert's handcomputed solution) are restricted sets of the universe hierarchy of sorts) where these restrictions are respected by the inference rules. In a many-sorted leads to such a axiomatization (in clause notation) *rapidly growing search space that the time and/or space boundaries to certain sub- (which are given as a (1) of an automated (3) theorem prover are exceeded before the empty clause can be deduced. This holds true even if we use some refine- the problem reads as follows: R;ypew:w (2) Xgpe b:B (4) ;type c:c type f:F (5) -type s:s (6) fypc (7) aoti W<A (8) au&X F<A (9) hoti B<A (10) auti C<A (12) noti G<P g:G ments, like for instance set-of-support (11) hoti %A CWRC651, which reduces the initial search (13) {E(a,p,),fi(a2a,),E(a2p2),E(a,a2)~ space to 28 potential (14) iM(c,b,)) (16) potential 2, resolvents and 2 factors. A MANY-SORTED The first-order (18) SOLUTION axiomatization in figure 1.1 reflects a specific view of the given problem: We consider an unstructured universe, (15) {M(s,b,)) (M(blfl)) (17) INflW,)I {E(w,f$) (19) mw,g, 11 (20) 03 b,c-, 1) (21) IE(b,s,)} (22) -typeh(C):P (23) 02 (c,h k, ) ) 1 (24) type i(S):P (25) (E(s,i(s.,))) (26) Xype j(AA):G (27) IE(a,a2) the objects of which are associated with properties Figure (expressed by unary predicates) - for instance "is a wolf", The many-sorted Schubert's (a.,a2) 1 version of problem in clause "is an animal", notation "is a grain" etc. - and where relations between these properties 2.1 ,E(a,j In this axiomatization are given by im- S,A,G plications. the symbols W,F,B,C, and P are used as sort symbols are ordered by the subsort But there is another, more natural way of to the subsort declarations looking at the given scenario, which, in- 331 which order according (7) - (12), i.e. W,F,... ,S are subsorts of A and G is a sub- Figure sort of P. The type declarations (1) - (6), e.g. Xyp& w:W, define a signature in which The MKRP-solution of the many- version of Schubert's problem For this proof the system uses the replace- for instance w is a constant of sort W. The type declarations 2.2 ment principle (22), (24) and (26) [Rob651 the set-of-support (cf. clause 28) and strategy CWRC651 with denote an extension of the given signature clause 27 as the set of support. Having computed by the system for the skolem- computed the 5th resolvent, functions h, i and j, e.g. h is an unary the control of the search was taken over by function of sort P with domainsort the terminator module C. The lower case letters, e.g. alfa2, .. .. are universally quantified variables C~0831, which had subscripted found a unit-refutation PI clause set. of the sort denoted by the corresponding for the remaining But why does the system find a solution for upper case letter, e.g. A,P,... . The MKRP-system i.e. clause 32, the many-sorted was extended to a many- formulation, when it didnot find one for the unsorted type? The reason sorted theorem prover on the basis of the is the significantly many-sorted as cornparted to the clause set of figure 1.1: calculus as proposed In this calculus, the subsortorder signature cause a restriction cation procedure in CWa1831, and the For the many-sorted outermost CWa184bl: A variable xcan clauses with 65 literals. The resulting as the sort of the symbol of t) is a subsort of or figure 2.1 and 27(l) search space is further reduced by the constraints procedure: equals the sort of x. For instance we can resolve upon the literals 20(l) case there are only 12 clauses with 16 literals instead of 27 of the unifi- only be unified with a term t iff the sort of t (which is determined reduced search space imposed on the unification For instance we can compute the resolvent upon the literals 20(3) and 21(3) in using the most general unifier in figure 1.1 yielding I~(x,),c(x2),S(x2)1 from which we obtain {?(x2),s(x2)> {a,+b.,,a2+c11 (but not {b,+a,,c,+a21). by re- solution with clause 3. But c(x2)Cz(x2)1 However there is no such resolvent upon the can only be resolved upon 4(l) C5(1)1 literals 20 (1) yielding resolution and 21(l) in the many-sorted calculus since there is no sub- a pure clause z(c) C?(s)1 ineither step. In the many-sorted case these deadends sort relation between C and S. As a conse- are quence the variables c1 and s1 are not step upon the literals 20( 1) impossible: unifiable. figure 2.1 Using the clause set of figure 2.1 c1 and s the MKRP- 1 the correspondins resolution and 21(l) in is blocked because the variables are not unifiable. system computed the following refutation As a result the size of the initial search within space is totally reduced to 12 potential (28) 10 resolution steps: rE(a,p,),i;i(a2a,),E(a2j(a,a2))} ;13(4) + 27(l) resolvents (compared to 94 potential resol- (29) {f(w,p,),E(f,j(w,f,))) ;17(1) + 28(2) vents and 8 potential (30) {E(f,j(w,f,))l :19(l) + 29(l) can be reduced to 3 potential resolvents (31) {~(flp,),E(b,j(f,h~))} ;16(1) + 28(2) (compared to 28 plus 2 potential factors) (32) ;30(1) + 31(l) if the set-of-support IE(b,j(f,~,))l _ factors), which again strateqy is used. The (33) IE_(b2p,),;(s1b2),E(s,p2)1 ;13(4) + 21(l) following diagram compares the statistical (34) {M(s,b,),E(s,p,)1 :32(l) + 33(l) values of both solutions, where the values (35) IE(s.,p, ;15(1) + 34(l) of the handcomputed :25(l) + 35(l) the black boxes. The relation between the size of the corresponding boxes is propor- (36) i 1 11 continue next page 332 solution are given in x is a variable of sort Q in the given tional to the ratio of the values: clause . For instance clause 13 of figure initial search 1.1 space figure 2.1. I search depth 8 1 of clause 13 in is a relativization Defining S as the set of all clauses of figure 2.1, !? as the set of all relativized clauses of S and AC as the set of all sort clauses axioms for the signature and the subsort generated order defined in figure 2.1, literals verified that it is easily (t U A') is the set of all generated clauses of figure 1.1 deductions naminqs). performed ness- and the Sort-Theorem for the many- sorted resolution CWa1831 we obtain (up to variable From the Soundness-, deduced clauses calculus S 17" iff (^sU A') re- the Complete- I- q in proof (where 1, length of denotes a refutation sorted calculus and refutation Figure q 2.3 I- denotes a refutat- ion in the ordinary resolution The statistical values of both Moreover solutions is constructive, one direction TtIE EENERAL SOLUTION into a refutation calculus). of this equivalence i.e. there exists an algo- rithm which translates 3, q in themany- each refutation of S of (6 U A'). Hence by Having found a solution of a many-sorted solving the many-sorted version of Schubert's problem, a solution of the original problem steamroller, we have version of Schubert's to verify that this solution also solves is also obtained using the above transfor- the original problem. mations. It is well known how to compare a many- 4, CONCLUSION sorted calculus with its unsorted counterpart by so-called zations sort axioms Most mathematical andrezativi- ted structure and it is not a mere accident (cf. CObe62, Wa1831): The sort that almost all mathematical axioms serve to express the signature and written the subsort order in terms of first-order formulas (viz. implications). problems have a many-sor- in a many-sorted textbooks language are (albeit often very implicit). The relativi- zation of a formula expresses the sort of The advantage of many-sorted each variable by atomic formulas using sort ving was also recoqnized by CHay71, Hen72, symbols as unary predicates. Wey77, Cha78, BM79, Coh831. Many-sorted first-order In clause notation we obtain for instance figure 2.1 1.1 to the type declaration by Obe62, Ide641 and CWa1831 extends the re- 1 of sults to the resolution and we obtain clause 7 of figure as the sort axiom for the subsort decla- ration 7 of figure 2.1. calculi were investigated LHer30, Sch38, Sch51, Wan52, Hai57, Gi158, clause 1 of figure 1.1 as the sort axiom corresponding theorem pro- calculus with para- modulation. The advantage of this calculus for automated The relativization of a clause is obtained by extending the theorem proving was demonstrated clause with all literals of form Q(x), where Schubert's 333 steamroller. here using Of course, the real power of a many-sorted only obtained, theorem prover is Ideison. A.V. Calculi of Constructive Logic with Subordinate Variables. American Mathematical Society Translations (2) 99 (1972) - translation of Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov 72 (1964) CObe621 OberscheZp, A. 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