From: AAAI-82 Proceedings. Copyright ©1982, AAAI ( All rights reserved. CIRCUMSCRIPTIVE IGNORANCE Kurt Konolige Artificial Intelligence Center SRI International ABSTRACT the puzzle is being circumscribed; In formal systems that reason about knowledge, inferring that an agent actually does not know a particular fact can be problematic. Collins [l] has shown that there are many different modes of reasoning that a subject can use to show that he is ignorant of something; some of these, for example, involve the subject reasoning about the limitations of his own information-gathering and memory abilities. This paper will consider a single type of inference about ignorance, which we call circumscriptive ignorance. We present a partial formalization of circumscriptive ignorance and apply it to the Wise Man Puzzle.’ 1. Circumscriptive to an agent will be called ignorance. Circumscriptive Man solution part of a problem of the Missionaries and only a single river; this, invoke using limitations formalization For Puzzle, is available to solve the puzzle. the first-order an unstated abstraction. Cannibals boat one cannot Sudan there is a limited amount or strategies available for is often problem a helicopter has axiomatizations of (Goad However, there statements to capture that that this is the only knowledge the initial situation; puzzle it should that in an adequate such as unstated of this puzzle), be possible possible-world McCarthy procedures, [6], and no formalization including first-order semantics Sato for [7]). in a modal of using a modal and the ability to decision developed for modal we outline a modal procedures, logic. In formalization the of ignorance. The it is modal of languages Pr for Fool, agents a fictitious shall Sp. use is a propositional agent by the choice of propositional 0 E Sp is a reserved name whose knowledge is common knowledge. For a particular language K4 is the propositional choice of Pr and Sp, the calculus over Pr, together with a set of indexed unary modal operators [S], S E Sp. The intended meaning of [S](Y is that agent S knows a. The axiom schemata of the to prove that each wise man is where for K4 are (Al) All propositional (A4 WV (A4 (A5) [SIC-~ [Sla3 PI w [wm~wlaw~ Pl~xolcsl~ Q and ,f3 denote an arbitrary ‘This short note describes current research collected in 141. The work presented here was supported by grant N0014-80-C-0296 from the Office of Naval Research. we parameterized and wise men have about ignorant of the color of his own spot in the initial situation. In effect, the knowledge that is available to the agents in logic modal logic based on Sato’s K4 [7], which includes an axiomatization of common knowledge.2 K4 is a family is at least one of the puzzle formalization in 2. The Modal Logic K14 from the each man can see his neighbors’ spots and knows from the king that there white spot. It is an unstated condition for the Wise especially formalized has been circumscriptive letters for a full statement knowledge a [a], have been few sections the on resources. 3 below common that next that across In puzzles that involve reasoning about the knowledge there are often unstated conditions on agents possess, the initial information given an agent, as well as on the information he can acquire. In the Wise Man Puzzle (see Section been by circumscriptive in the [5] has investigated of problem schema people of the essential brigade McCarthy a circumscription but example, it is important to ferry ignorance, Puzzle, knowledge reasoning logic of knowledge. The advantages formalization are clarity of expression Ignorance one would say (or -p), then S does not know whether p is true. Proving ignorance based on a limitation on the knowledge available use inference The premise that information, resources, informally “The only facts that agent S knows about proposition p are F.” If from the facts F it is not possible for S to infer p agent. arbitrary Axioms tautologies 7 sentences, Al-A4 2For simplici t y we use K4 rather than Sato’s which deals explicitly with time. 202 (1) and S denotes give the system more complicated S4 KT4, for each modality axiom: knows. [S], while A5 is the common knowledge then so is K14. what any fool knows, any fool knows everyone The two rules of inference are modus ponens and necessitation (from (Y, infer [Slay). with reasonable by analogy with Kripke procedures In K4 and other modal logics of knowledge, an agent’s as a theory, that is, as a set of knowledge is described formulas that contain rules of inference. [S](r for which that modus the term th .e axioms To see this, ponens agent’s in which all instances no proper itself. axioms axioms (i.e., of is a Hilbert (A8) of K4. We write are allowed; an agent’s we can assert formulas ~+$9 iY4, i.e., cy>/?’ is a theorem h-4 bY circumscriptive itself of ignorance, the proper axioms that knowledge in an agent’s if p is in the a-theory to sufficient of the a-theory theory. the schemata paper. of The represent but there take be used to derive The extended terms, [a] is intended language to mean is called K14. this in K4 of K4, is, [cr]/3 holds just in case p is in the a-theory the notion The of provability is explicitly axiomatization of K4. introduced of [cr] is problematic, sufficient set of axioms use of the intended K4. The axioms for KI4 interpretation that are simply W) [4P, where +$ (A7) -[4A for KI4 decidable; axioms further, (2) only form it is obvious the If we translates into For example, if q1 or 42, assert [a][S]p, interesting properties related to its is complete: Thus KI4 (with it has no consistent circumscription atoms given by the theorems of K4. The Wise Man Puzzle can be stated as follows [6]: A king wishing to know which of his three wise men is in the wisest, (2) set if K4 that is decidable, white dots on each of their at least one spot is white, the color of his own spot. announces that his spot foreheads, and asks each After is white, a while reasoning as follows: “Suppose my spot were black. The second wisest of us would then see a black and a white and would are the same as K4. a recursive paints tells them that the wisest if K4 this theory. from of K4. 3. The Wise Man Puzzle reason The either operators extension. to determine The rules of inference of [LL] comes of this nature. For every atom of the form it or its negation is provable in KI4. of the language K14 whose atoms are all only) has a single model, together . axioms in the remainder operator, he knows circumscription with the schemata where Q ,&.P of the logical to the a-theory of an agent’s p is that proper by making those of K4, (3) it of [CL] as provability of K14 of Al-A5 A10 and All are modus quality of its meaning NY14 has several of K4 are However, a can be obtained all instances A6 and A7 directly circumscriptive [a]@, either Every subset Thus since that cr to be a knowledge about into K14. involves formalizing not only which sentences provable, but also which sentences are not. could with cr = [S]q1v[S]q2. In informal the a-theory is more in a = [Sl%[aI P'lc ks out the agent’s theory for which q is the only proper axiom. More complicated statements are possible; for example, to say that the only knowledge S has K4 is extended To express circumscriptive ignorance, modal operators of new unary indexed bY a family These are called circumscriptive by sentences of K4. modalities, and are written as [cy], where Q is a sentence of K4. /3 an instance of K4 are present; a circumsciption If we look at a particular is also no way to express axiomatization language circumscriptive restriction th eory for an agent, where the only proper axiom is cr, it to derive proofs of certain formulas within is impossible that theory; itself. of A6 that modal ponens and necessitation, respectively, for K4. However, there is no similar characterization of A7. We will use since there is no way of limiting could conceivably characterization [cr]p, A8 and A9 ensure theory of the of K4. not 1s in [A]. system form [S]P).~ We define the a-theory of K4, for a fixed sentence cr, as the set of formulas p for which cr>/!? is a theorem are detailed W) bla w4 bl(P~7D@lPx47) (All) blP~b][S]P . Q for the axiomatization K4 computational those given by be given as follows: and We shall use by A4. in K4. between and K4 An alternative are provable, theory to mean the set of formulas theory allows proper that of K4 is implemented which [S]cy can be proven There is a difference an agent’s note [3] for S4. These the style of typical and are closed u nder the (Y is an axiom Sato [7] gives a proof that K4 is decidable, and decision procedures properties can be found is that if his spot were black, the least wise would see two black spots and would conclude that his spot is white on the basis of the king’s assurance. He would have announced 3This difference becomes apparent in the rules of inference: necessitation is not included as a rule of inference in an agent’s theory, since it would allow the derivation of [O]p from [S]p. simplify it by now, so my spot this puzzle by having in turn what color his spot is, starting 203 must be white.” We the king ask each wise man with the least wise. To formalize the puzzle, we use the language K14 with Sp = {O,S1,&,S3} and Pr = {pl,p2,p3}. pi is the sentence asserting that Si has a white spot on his forehead. A handy abbreviation is [Sl]pk [S]pv[S]-p, knows whether or not p is true. Then the following suffice for the initial about time): worrying conditions of the puzzle 4. Conclusion This i.e., S axioms formalized (without It then Wise ciyl) pl Ap2Ap3 (w2) [o](PlvP2vP3) brief in a modal becomes Man where knowledge that about at least the basis of common knowledge own spot. in K14, provable that it suffices procedure sentence, S1 does not know looks for a K4-model and indeed finds one. in K4, and -[a][S,jjp, under [l] is provable the decision a> [Sll]pl. -[lS1npl, axioms for this situation utility of K14 this modification; hearing Goad, C., of a Theory in Proceedings “A Formal needs of Human Plaus- of Theoretical Stanford, [4] California Issues B. (June Methuen Ii., “Modal (February 1982). McCarthy, J., Stanford M. J., An Introduction Ltd., Logics for Belief,” Artificial Uni- 1976). and Company “Circumscription-A Reasoning,” for Situations note, (December G. E. and Cresswell, Konolige, notes Representation unpublished Knowledge,” Hughes, London, unpublished Form Intelligence McCarthy, J. et al., “On the Model Theory (5) [B]ledge,” A!emo AIM-312 , Stanford University, of Non13 (1980). of KnowStanford (1978). [7] Sato, M., .4 Study of Kripke-type Modal Logics by Gentzen’s Institute a = ~2A~3A~7A~8A[S3]pl would work Massachusetts [3] S2 does not know Sl’s reply, further of other K14 Cambridge, versity, does not know the color of his spot. able to deduce that his own spot is white. are WlLW3 and that R. (eds.), Involving in the decidable theory K4, it is -((Y > fS2jp2) has a model; thus S2 the color of his spot after obvious and Schank, Monotonic S3 knows that could reason of knowledge , Nash-Webber, [5] In the final situation, In this way agents 1975). along with Again, by reasoning possible to show that facts. Processing are WI-W3, Q = ~2/\~3A~5A[s,]p,A[s2]p3. various of K14 occurs if the operator are taken from Language [a] i.e., S1 (~6) bw2nP2-us2nP2, to derive of the state A., “Fragments 1968. where K14. in the in Natural The decision of the negation of this Hence a >[rS1npl is not is a theorem of K14 by by W4, that Collins, ible Reasoning,” The second situation is similar, except that S2 has heard Sl’s reply to the king that he does not know his The The of be References to Modal Logic, color. called nonknowledge logic. it is no longer does not know the color of his own spot. spot’s idea could to be done on this problem. the color of his by A6 and A7 to apply implies, However, be decidable to prove, through or its negation for K4 to the sentence This in turn this by an agent (W2 and W3) and his own it is possible To see if [~][S,l]p~ procedure A6. situation, needed the limitations agents. one observations. use of W4, within K14 itself, ra.ther than K4. spot is white; W3 says that everyone knows that each can see the spots of the others. W4 is the circumscription axiom: it says that S1 knows whether pl holds solely on the of knowledge to infer An interesting modification sentences in the circumscriptive & = W2AW3A[Sl]pzA[Sl]ps. it’s common In this initial introduced the showing how it logic possible Puzzle knowledge that has ignorance, is not limited to this puzzle, however; it should be possible within this logic to do general reasoning about the state of (4 IV2 says note circumscriptive Kyoto, and so S3 is The axioms here A[S3]p2. It is possible to prove in K4 that (~>[&]ps, and so W9 simply asserts that S3 knows the color of his spot. 204 for h4athematical Japan, July 1976. Sequential Sciences, Models for Some Method, Research Kyoto University,