From: AAAI-82 Proceedings. Copyright ©1982, AAAI ( All rights reserved. An Expert Renato 0 De Mario, Istituto Massimo 10142 -TORINO has novel been solution is cues acoustic GiordanaO,Pietro Lafaces, far 42 proposed extraction is performed an expert Torino to im- the of the organization erstanding System structured and straction, the duces been the a general and on P is control phonetic strategy for a set applied that This has paper features of rules in a a to set of speech which tion between cues the have task-independent giving Japanese system be results were that as new is presently is as knowledge hoped introduced care has 2. A tic by the automatic language system them con- is can of ving also rules be can enriched Knowledge updating designers, learning but will BETWEEN CUES. proposed PHONETIC is represented For is and "slopes of algebraic relathe acou- it is associated with "lax". and In general both example, rule describes in the relation by the the form: + . "pal-pseudo-loci". the and importance by a dot of the ) follow- + indicates logical acoustic Let F2B and third F3A be burst, and descriptions F3B formant the be the before pseudo-loci intervocalic with the nonsonorant of the acoustic pseudo-loci the just "pal-pseudo-loci" in conjunction it be of the plosive after p6."high-pseudo-loci where a "high-pseudo-loci defined in the plane and "high-pseudo-loci defined AND a set of phonephoneme /g/ is consonant: before" . after" ; before" is the after" "pal-slopes" "pal-slopes" = p7."rising consonant is defined as follows, feature "lax" in a single before" a coordinates is another of the coordinates Analogously, SB 107 in the plane of cues. second and let F2A, the = p4."high-pseudo-loci p5."high-pseudo-loci after" + application. FEATURES cases + (indicated "high-pseudo-loci which involved "compact- cues "pal-pseudo-loci" and are defined by other relations involjudgements expressed on parameters contained cues. for controlling ACOUSTIC phoneme an "pal-slopes" been taken in selecting rules easily detectable and possibly RELATION features. sake with cues "pal-pseudo-loci" acoustic speaker-invariant planning the disjunction. in thefuture. robust, frame set which acquired. some that present kernel is which A a performed Particular use the or the following Pl, p2, logical conjunction tests on the English and The interesting aspect of Languages. considered For feature on wheter "pal-slopes" ; p3 are measures of ing good limited is related introduced acoustic phonetic "tense" in the detailed the are = pl."pal-pseudo-loci"."pal-slopes" of which have been tested exresults for the Italian good Surprisingly, the L "palatal" the P2. "compact-burst" P3. "compact-burst" cues. the system the has "palatal" hypotheses. These relations between implementation Language. with be "pseudo-loci" transition".The depends feature relation rules tensively obtained and account. will feature with formant stic The a NI into rules phonetic relation any speaker in any lansentence it produces a and acoustic In the present tains taken the -burst-spectrum", intro- interpreting structured phonetic using are obtained hypotheses is brevity, in of ab- system for speech decoding. should be capable the system principle, palatal(P)" features cues by context-independent rules involved in a relation in which also context the second accepting any sentence of guage. For every analyzed of Und- are the representation several levels of framework succesfully lattice of a Speech efficiently. describes multi-speaker In (SUS) knowledge patterns set: example. knowledge use 24 by the following phonetic The to Abruzzi Italy acoustic while by a gram- INTRODUCTION Central degli lax(L), , The of frames. 1. Duca 10129 prob- processes represented _ CENS /g/ = flnonsonorant-interrupted-consonant(NI)- the extraction of this paper. This by parallel system Generale di Torino Corso con- SaittaO di Elettrotecnica represented in an unsolved on in and Lorenza Politecnico Italy so Patterns §Istituto dell'Informazione d'Azeglio based plementing mar Speech ABSTRACT syllabic hypothesization speech A for Interpreting di Torino torso Efficient lem. Attilio di Scienze Universita tinuous System is defined SB" + fuzzy set F2B, F3B fuzzy set F2A, F3A. as follows: + p8."falling P9 . "rising SB" . "falling SA" ; is the slope of the second formant SA" + transition SA is the slope after the burst. before the consonant and second formant transition Context syllabic dependencies segments. segments Semantic Directed Fu[l] ) which ses from is phonetic : back : central SON : sonorant consonant SNCL : cluster of sonorant NI : nonsonorant interrupted NA : nonsonorant affricate (see : nonsonorant continuant of of a Tai and hypothe- hypotheses can be are: vowel vowel Primary phonetic similarity consonants consonant with Fig. consonant for . are as lexical access work by Shipman a recent a Actions with Term and lexical of brevity, hypotheses this paper. Nevertheless that lexical hypotheses cation of labic level involving of PARALLEL The ledge ted of gene- discussed worth relations at used by of an of expert rela- by expert well as system. the in a collection cues the frames one are The the expert system to be tem has been ted problem Parallel number of vation Some by a fra- work a very or the of of accomplished can facing of possible some by is may decominto The make a by sent is the ambiguous that is by a society the the signal the same system The data and tains written TE in a into a descriptions difficult of auditory task and the end-point LTM of a grammar to which of the is -syllabic 108 are computed spectral description trans- of the of the (TE- of descri- total energy of and valleys. At on, transforms and signal signal energy has the task sends a another message is repeated TE-DESCRIPTOR, GTEDES that denoted controls and valleys, of to until a expert signal called conof This grammar and energy are (TE) "GSF-DESCRIPTOR1l, the acoustic cues acoustic cues and LTM2, a coding in [3]. the These bounds a freis sto- is detected. "SYLLABIC-CUE-EXTRACTOR" experts. which signal operation described provides sentence. and the goes of peak another it of peaks signal This Descriptions Sent reliable AEDPST starts to obtain (GSF) total in terms time, in terms a for the evolution (TE) its use were hypotheses computations time detection AEDPST enough part of the a synchronization Expert of of a sentence into the "GSF-STM". denoted LTMl contains detection long TE-DESCRIPTOR of sentence (STM). of bing of features transformed, to the point end-points in order AEDPST, a TE-DESCRIPTOR. solutions. write of evolution portion main moti- model signal end-point been time on a accomplished knowledge and intermediate signal are experts. tasks (LTM) extraction speech has sys- simulated distributed uses Term Memory The LTM for the STM. End-Points De(AEPDST). detected, and stored formation.After of distribu- generation Subtasks a Memory results of of paral- conceived hypothesis variety expert Term Short are to real-time large been for been spectral DESCRIPTOR). called execution Each Long of using close has the for starting has the spectra rules computer. programs parallel degree decoding.The the of rules point gross from into Expert representation into the "SPECTRA-STM". red know- structure in a framework algorithms task for the a certain and subtasks. reasoning the in speech conceived solving the and allow achieved DEC VAX 11/780 posing language for a set The frame Shortarrows. Transformation" Signal looks this of writing quency-domain the integra- described from dashed experts is represented by contains pointers to a message "Auditory transforming ap- under The procedural structural of and a using When performed by signal and AEDPST FOR GENERATING is reading is sampled, quantized, stoand transformed by an "SIGNAL-STM" called tection predictions. acoustic between a experts. and represented the action into red The me language. lelism When The speech the syl- these into are passing presenting appli- of articulation. cues relations docie-ty between the arrow is established STM, a link representing a message passing and the arrow re- in mentioning the the auditory writing Memories Message HYPOTHESES of as is on top-down extraction plication be constrain places ALGORITHMS SYLLABIC control it may acoustic can be based the problem won't context-dependent extraction 3. of arrows. For the sake tions 1 shows Fig. used Zue [2]. rating d - Expektd 0,j the auditoty consonant hypotheses constraint preliminary some effect hypotheses VB pseudo- bounds phonetic These VC NC side primary cues. Primary ambiguous. VF : front vowel a to of Translation generates acoustic limited detection pseudo-syllabic Syntax are The of the for segmenting are sent which determines extracts, sometimes to the pseudo- upon re- Table ing I received into := (t NAME) (SLOT-LIST)) := ((SLOT) ((SLOT)) ) := ((NAME) [( DESCRIPTION )I) := ( described-as (NAME )) (DESCRIPTIO#') := (( CONNECTIVE) := (not{ DESCRIPTION) ) := (filled-by ( NAME)) := (CONDITIONAL) := (result-of ( PROC)) := (when{ NAME) (DESCRIPTION) (DESCRIPTION) [ (else( DESCRIPTION) ) 1) := (when< PREDICATE EXPRESSION) DESCRIPTION (else DESCRIPTION ) ) := (unless DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION FRAME SLOT-LIST SLOT DESCRIPTION CONDITIONAL CONNECTIVE := PROC from cues to tion. a the instantiation Table be used Syllabic k)' times of ) ) EXPERT tations and cues lexical degrees (SE) which an is unambiguous sends syllabic These hypotheses performed by lexical expec- ted any of of LTM of the next the GSF-DESCRIPTOR stored is KNOWLEDGE IN THE LONG AUDITORY in slot AND PROCEDURAL TERM MEMORIES an dural integration knowledge the gross time evolution TE for spectral : the energy R12 : the ratio work obtaining features energy El2 The denoted Bl a knowledge of plans con- tion description represented in LTM3 represented grammar B2 a part of the the LTM of description letters the frame slots is created in the output queue QUOUT. a is received of the description of a total energy by the GSF-DESCRIPTOR, an instan- frame GSF-DESCRIPTOR FRSTR of of a is created attempt sequentially descriptions frame DPTE. the causes PKTE and into of The execution then initiated. is fill dip the GSFDFR. plan to PKTE by (INPUT result-of the network ing to represents a grammar which acoustic A knowledge cues from frame is a frame-name a control frequency are P-READ(PARAMETERS)) (filled-by DPTE)))) P-APPEND(QUOUT)))) (TERM(result-of (PKTE ; peak of total eneru (INTPTE (result-of F-INTCINPUT))) (PEAKE12 (result-of F-DESCRPEAK(Fa,Fb,INTpTE of frames. and spectral an strategy is applied a number for accord- (VINT (result-of F-CVINT(PEAKE12,HR))) (PCONT (unless (filled-by (or extracting (V~CPEAK)(SONPEAK)(NSPFAK)(BRSTPEAK))) information. information (described-as structure of slots. made A slot UPK(INTPTE))))) of (VOCPEAK is the ; Vocalic peak (WCONT (when (and (HDURPKTE-P)(HPR12P)) holder i tern of information called concerning a particular "slot-filler" (Minsky r4]). Slot- -fillers may lations or results slots are fill the tion. A be made (fille'd-by (o~(VOCCUESET) ((LEFT~~W))(C~NSVOW)))))) (V~CCUESET descriptions of of procedures. during events, re- (LOWR (result-of F-FLOWR(INTPTE))) Attempts to a frame instantia- (TRNINT (result-of F-TRNFCINTPTE))) (VWINT (result-of F-INTCVCINT)) (HGR (result-of F-CONSHR(INTPTE,VWINT))) simple frame instantiation reasoning program of can an be of PKTE. instantia- (filled-by PKTE)) (when DP-P(INPUT) band, started expert after by a (VCONT (filled-by (O~(VOW) (C~NSV~W)(V~WC~NS))))) hav- 109 the of the corThis process slots DPTE the STM filling (HR (result-of F-FHGRlZ(INTPTE))) The by by semantic informally. (OSFDFR net- of GSF-DESCRIPTOR. Table II = 5 - 10 KHz. any a langua- The LTM of GSF-DESCRIPTOR the 1 con- repeated defines in of by is a hierarchical by be (FRSTR (or (when PK-PCINPUT) in the KHz, in Table can filling a node parameters: energies 0.9 Brackets which and proce- 3 - 5 KHz frequency the 0.2 - relations. frame-structure indicated in capital with -P and are defined which will be described for with of the signal, in the of = LTM3, structural of the following : the total bands the se- indicated by names starting with are indicated by names starting P-.Whenever the frame GSFDFR is instantiated attempts of slots are responding OF THE EXPERTS. The LTM of GSF-DESCRIPTOR, attibute this are Receiving tains the LTM knowledge. stored ending tiation OF STRUCTURAL the of times. items Whenever peak Section. INTEGRATION fill in created 1. The asterisk means that absent, present, or repea- be contains a process of 4. slots Procedures with into introduced II Functions F-. acou- to the affected by knowledge the which of times. frames along of number optional attachments a hypotheses are all expert to of rules than can words of plausibility. organization greater expression Predicates acoustic description and the ge for representing hypothesiza- receives level. The the pseudo-syllable is instanis created structures are precisely defiof a grammar defining all the the Table detailed hypothesization SYLLABIC stic for the attempts Frame rules a frame structure beginning and The frame-structure ( not PREDICATE ) ( CONNECTIVE PREDICATE F- function P- procedure LTM The exponent K>l of an expression means grammar. that the expression can be rewritten any number number expert, the empty shows After its composition 1 tain syllabic are of At STM the quest STM. the acceptable PREDICATE := := := := the copy quentially. ned by the := or := and := xor PREDICATE EXPRESSION a message. , a tiated 1) ) complex Attempting structures. the extraction INTPTE is filled the cation of INPUT. This time the the PEAKTE time in the than in time of the applithe argument of beginning, duration ot the peak is written into the fills of which the the of PKTE. by the result which F-FHGR12 describes ratio THl).The of 5. the peak slot HR.It R12 is high be filled instantiations called Each invoked more detailed tempting frame to the is F-CVINT computhe peaks in of an A SONPEAK, the are frame consisting UPK peak is the detected in at- of with descriptime the in more refer to hundred similar network of plans is used the slots of DPTE. of more detailed execution has been show of the slots verification tes HDURPKTE-P the duration of VOCPEAK of the and of HPR12-P is true R12 INTPTE in threshold filled is truth HPR12-P. the for at- plans 6. if there whose the appear least conditionned energy is at maximum least TR-EE if at day analy- a general solving. an average syllabic Predegree hypothesization, can be done in multi-microprocessors one peak is higher for Pictorial ,Purdue 1981. 81-38, Large of slots acoustic of which cues are - which a total energy peak containing F-TRNF(INTPTE) extracts an VINT. The been found Implication Recognition time interval fills the The maximum default cues energy interval when the two in time peak and the description Comments cues F-FLOWR De Mori, R.,"Computer Models Fuzzy Algorithms." New interval for in both HGVINT-P which R12 is true when have 1982. cognition on after If the VWINT and above is is the is described INTPTE are predicates are as a vocalic one is VOC(VWINT). the colons in Table II IEEE and Machine the band Fa-Fb is high in the AEQ-P(VWINT,INTPTE) is true intervals Speech Plenum 5 - De Mori,R.,Giordana,A.,Laface,P. extra- the functions of York: and Vi- Sait- in extracts is low, F-CONSHR Systems",Proc. - Minsky,M., "A Framework for Representing Knowledge" In The Psychology of Computer sion, Winston,P. Ed.,McGraw Hill, 1975. VINT. coincident. the these VWINT. R12 value predicate time true, vocalic in which slot in which consonantal The of of for Advanced 1982,pp.546-549. ta L., "Parallel the intervals the description Report Using Press vowel. the University and Zue,V.W.,"Properties Lexicons: Isolated-Word the beginning for Syntax-DirecPattern than of a peak where cues of typical for example of transient, F-INT(VCINT) found. been has sounds, plosive both with and Fu,K.S.,"Semantic - Shipman,D.W. is high, consonantal almost ex- by is true peak value has extraction in one interval zero. were 90% REFERENCES. 1 - Tai,J.W. for of the two predica- HDURPKTE-P signal TH2.VOCCUESET by usually cts every with problem standard ICASSP-82,Paris high. syllables processing, using Recognition" the looks the simulated that 12, signal ted Translation filling a of than syllables architectures. to fill The at and one interpretation value sentences syllable INTPTE. tempting a introduced. of four male right for parallel parallelism real-time by the Sys- talker. results excluding the using results than program liminary has been hundreds speech spoken More and Understanding evidence The system purpose condi- PCONT from cues several gave highest cases. The frame a default in filling UPK(INTPTE). uncertain no the the a Speech continuous zed for each of for slots.If speakers language. BRSTPEAK. executed female tracted frame to a hierarchy can be completed, assumed interval VOCPEAK, of in of representing of on uttered with for of acoustic Experiments (greater disjunction which fill description tion a corresponds plans instantiations tion by model knowledge tem in terms inside in which R12 is high.The last plan of the attempts to fill the slot PCONT. This sequence can new syllabic PEAKE12 slot CONCLUSIONS. A gives intervals function inside intervals time the time the the a threshold tes causes frequency band Fa-Fb and in the INTPTE.Successively, written in description INTPTE on is filled F-DESCRPEAK function the slots in the instantiation interval the result F-INT and the INTPTE slot of PKTE energy the ending function of by function INPUT. their cues. gives in STM after fill function of described The next to of acoustic help 110 in Algorithms Continuous Transactions Intelligence. for Syllable Speech", on Pattern To Re- appear Analysis