From: AAAI-82 Proceedings. Copyright ©1982, AAAI ( All rights reserved. ARGUMENT A FUNCTIONAL MOLECULES: REPRESENTATION Lawrence OF ARGUMENT STRUCTURE Birnbaum Yale University Department of Computer Science New Haven, Connecticut Understanding an utterance in an argument requires determining the evidential prior and subsequent propositions argument crucially (Birnbaum et al., 1980; Cohen, 1981). The memory representation of an argument should, accordingly, indicate which propositions a given proposition counts as for (a support evidence relation), and which turn. The viewed as a network or attack sort of propositions can whether can connected graph). simply of an argument, such argument cases, better chances probably lie elsewhere. be rebuttal by support Although focus by the the it seems (and of the representation only understanding For example, if) it serves or generating it seems likely of the argument would of an argument is useful One used if to possible those propositions in an argument first be planning supposed, of this sort is not as central however, because as might engaging in can in the is on argument input structure is to occurring patterns of that encompass several propositions, among those are worth trying to attack or thus to be used generate both to help expectations plan about an rebuttals. is an are opponent’s between is described argument ad absurdum an Arab in Flowers molecule argument inference et at., involving to attack rule in support he cannot exchange an 63 of and an Israeli accept. For example, in a mock argument over Middle East affairs: [I] Israeli: Israel can’t negotiate with the PLO because they don’t even recognize Israel’s right to exist. at a an The attack is effected by showing that reasoning can also be used to support some proposition that consider the following likely candidates for an arguer himself to attack or support, and thus play a role in planning a rebuttal. Explicit contention attack use of a plausible one of his points. also which structural must be to of possible commonly relations (Th e other of reductio opponent’s the help identify of any planning, direct investigate opponent’s A stand-off holds. should to and kind structure rebuttal of explicit points no specify which in the molecule, rebutting. be useful in reducing the number of with which an input must be compared of argument way They would potentially prior propositions A representation good Two kinds of molecules have been identified thus far. The rest of the paper will illustrate the use of one of them in understanding and how an relation a a key function opportunistically. rebuttals, 1982.) or not an evidential producing Thus, on other when support. structure should provide expectations as to which prior propositions, if any, a given input would be likely to attack, support, or be supported by. Such information whether for to identify .and attack contained utterance relates, via support or attack links, to other propositions in the argument (Flowers et al., 1982; Reichman, 1981). That is, a representation of argument to determine that input. is that if a propositions. Because of their relatively fiied structure, et at., 1982) can be these argument molecules (Flowers some functional role in utterances in the argument. that some structural features play a role in determining attention attempt support Identifying “useful” structural properties depends, of course, on having some notion of what uses they might have. In ,a process model of argumentation, a structural property understand processing and hence enter into such that argument discovered might useful structural properties, any from the specific propositions they relate. abstracted planning, considerations this graphs et al., (McGuire direct attack on an input is not found at understanding time, it will most likely be difficult to find one. In these it in thus process is required simply in order to One implication of opportunistic attack (an or attack be motivated content the to ask possess support of an argument (an argument relations to represent natural further or against propositions representation of representation need relation) opportunistic is an 1981), in which a good rebuttal to an input can often be discovered as a side-effect of the memory processing that relations it bears to in the argument [2] Arab: Israel doesn’t recognize the PLO [l) is clearly an attack is being attacked? is that the PLO’s Presumably, an Israeli would find this negotiations. proposition as unacceptable as an Arab would find the Israeli’s original claim. Thus, if the Arab is successful, either. The some Israeli’s kind, explicit utterance but what content exactly of the utterance to recognize Israel is blocking turn is based on the assumption is always this The explicit content by itself does not force of the utterance stems instead to a prerequisite the interpretation notion rule of which failure negotiations, and this in that recognition of some However, for negotiations. sort appeal of The attack anything. from an implicit responsibility, can informally be using an stated as neither disputant hurting his own position called a stand-off. for the PLO is responsible utterance, for blocking support of attribution negotiations t I <------- for to recognize blocks Israel the has [l] consists / The becomes response to recognize blocks negotiations. recognize utility However, relations attribution is similar to that Now, the point using Israel the same as well proposed failure be structure if such be time. an attack discovered in planning a rebuttal were possible, it opportunistically If so, there then is no need the possibility negotiations, would on the support relation claim that [lb] supports [la]. no point in trying to support that the PLO does indeed Israel by Toulmin, response the PLO in of would at to plan of attacking be pointless, between [2a] would entail an attack on attribution rule, which would be fatal “unless” clause of the (This analysis of support of the Arab’s reasoning can the rule. failure to recognize a [2b] or because the thrust of the Arab’s argument is not that [2a] must be accepted, but that [2a] must be accepted if [la] is. An is not justified. [lc] represents [2cl Israel's is not justified. of this if not, because Proposition responsibility failure Israel negotiations. the Ara.b’s argument, in this case [2b] or [2c], for example by arguing that Israel does in fact recognize the PLO. attack \ [lcl The PLO's to blocks [2c] seems remote, and so should not be attempted. An attack on the Arab’s claim [2a], that Israel is responsible attribution Israel the PLO clear when we examine the Israeli’s options to [2]. One possibility is to attack the basis response; \ / failure [lb] The PLO's failure to recognize is not justified. presumably understanding Responsibility \ [2b] Israel's negotiations. for blocking / support -- which negotiations. support: ------> failure [lc] The PLO's is responsible blocking attack I [lb] The PLO's investigated the role of other interpretation rules of this sort in ideology-based reasoning about political events.) [la] The PLO for negotiations. I is that this claim, by appeal to rule. (Carbonell, 1981, Thus, the proper representation of utterance of the following fragment of argument graph: blocking t et al., 1982)on the Arab of the utterance counts as is a personal attack (Flowers position. The explicit content evidence in responsibility therefore, is responsible negotiations. to recognize of the Israeli’s for the exchange [2al Israel is responsible follows: The point graph structure: [la] The PLO blocking use this line of reasoning without -- which is why this molecule is The argument has the following I support Responsibility atttibution: If an actor performs some action (or refrains from performing some action) which causes (prevents) some state of affairs, then that actor is responsible for causing (blocking) that state of affairs, unless its action (failure to act) was justified by some previous state of affairs. can 1958.) [2] is that, that the Israeli invokes held responsible for by in [l], blocking the And finally, there is clearly [lb] or [ICI, e.g., by proving refuse to recognize Israel, within the has he evidence. the point did not [2b] and scope of this stand-off molecule, the Israeli actually only one option if no rebuttai arises opportunistically: can attempt responsible Arab between the responsibility to the Israeli’s own to re-support for blocking dispute it. Thus, his claim [la], that the PLO is negotiations, using different Failing that, he can of course or change the subject. The stand-off molecule either can play a similar concede role in the process of Consider exchange: understanding the But will the PLO PLO is just discover is a accounted argument. the draft. above a bunch for of trying [2c], the claim is not justified, the PLO response be course Israeli must relate recognize the PLO recognize the can in the he an of his belief terrorist is simply an that Israel’s to memory. failure to In doing Israel’s by virtue on failure play in determining how it relates to the argument cannot attack are possible the it to of the L., Arbor, graph. there is a relatively small number out of molecules, that then R. 1981. utterance some or an exchange molecule. For example, “But X does Y also” stand-off which the typically an utterance is probably a good The examples presented potential would some logical force, and would not. We can conclude that arguments do possess useful structural properties, abstracted from the specific propositions they encompass. Many of the ideas in this paper grew Acknowledgments: out of discussions with Rod McGuire. Mark Burstein and Steven Salzberg provided useful comments Research pp. Computer Press, Investigation analysis of processing Ann strategies Birnbaum, M., McGuire, arguments W. Lehnert and and Language and the of L. 1982. logic of personal M. Ringle, for In Proceedings of arguments. R., University on for In essence, a molecule rebutting. about the logical structure of an in a way that makes explicit which have Understanding: UMI Flowers, Toulmin, of a an argument can be extremely useful in focusing attention propositions in the argument graph, both responses CA, eds., Processing, attacks. Strategies Lawrence for Erlbaum, NJ, pp. 275-294. R., Birnbaum, processing L., and Flowers, in arguments. Vancouver, B.C., M. 1981. In Proceedings pp. 58-60. In pp. 19-24. of the form understanding and packages knowledge argument fragment which indeed Stanford, signal indication here show that R. 1980. In Proceedings Modeling informal debates. Reichman, R. 1981. Proceedings of the Seventh IJCAI, Vancouver, B.C., molecule. molecule relevant Conference, Systems. of the Seventh IJCAI, A more interesting features of an might McGuire, CA, pp. 71-75. Opportunistic most straightforward method would simply be to attempt to match the templates of all of them against the most recent portion of the argument graph. approach would involve identifying and Subjective J. 1981. Adversary such structures If it turns M., Stanford, McGuire, of recognizing in an argument. Foundation the 19th ACL Conference, In the problem arise Science of argumentation. AAAI the structural Hillsdale, they by the NO001475- MI. Cohen, In order to employ the constraints associated with argument molecules to understand or produce responses, remains contract by the National Flowers, of Belief Naturut there under by the Defense monitored IST7918463. First Models targets. when in part in part Agency, Research an AI model Carbonell, only [2b] and [2c] link: and Projects 313-315. above analysis of the Israeli’s immediately follows that [3] [2a] or the support Naval grant Towards This is not the case, however, because the representation of the Arab’s utterance [2], when its implications are understood, consists of three distinct propositions, plus a link. From for rebuttal, of Birnbaum, Because this Arab’s previous the was supported References of the fact that organization. attack opportunism, [2], the that is justified, by to understand work Research C-1111, of utterance, a possibility which should always be expected, it might seem that the stand-off molecule has no role to support options This Advanced under response because so, in continuation Office [3] Israeli: terrorists. This utterances following on an earlier 65 S. 1958. Press, The Uses of Argument. Cambridge, England. Cambridge