From: AAAI-82 Proceedings. Copyright ©1982, AAAI ( All rights reserved. REPRESENTING SMOOTH IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANE CURVES FIGURE-GROUND FOR RECOGNITION: REVERSAL* D. D. Hoffman & W. A. Richards Artificial Intclligcncc I .ahorntory Mass&usctts and Dcpartmcnt Institute Cambridge, of Psychology of’I’cchnology Massnchusctts 02139 To be useful A rcprcscntntion of smooth The basic rcprcscntation “codons”, IS a linked list of four primitive which arc invariant scaling. Psychophysical ground reversals pldnc curves for recognition is proposed. shapes, under rot&ltions. translations observations are prcscntcd regarding to suggest should invariant called of figure- the pcrccption a description scntation could bc used by the human visual system. I shape without constrain bcnclit based upon its curvature and rotation must compute the set of posslblc useful for recognition. predict the contents rccogniLcd. matches with memory should of a indcpendencc rules tllat provide initi‘itc the recognition process. shape descriptions where translation 0 and translation (u, v), + 21 , > which can bc used to However, Such rules for smooth plant curves are senting because curvature is scale dependent. K(S) in a scale invariant orders into memory. ofn(a) since the property translations maxiina, for repre- Kather, In ad- function if the representation into units which can bc described is to exploit singular points miIlilni1 and Lcrocs of curvature of being a singular and uniform a means still must be sought. not be a continuous A r~ason~~l~lc approach 1 and 0, i.e. II manner itself should should provide aI1 articulation qualit;lti\cly. point iE in\,arinnt under of [3. 41, rotations, scaling. MAXIM 2 ---L MINIM/~ -ANI) I’A’I‘ ION” AL. .-- CUKVI-‘ ~_ --L “OI~II~N’ ---1--.-__ Some shapes rccogniLable without benctit of context, Which points orientation quantity, paper I-aboratory describes research and Psychology Advanced Rcscarch dcr Oficc of Naval Rcsc,uch and AFOSR done at the Artificial Department contract un- and by NSF D.D. Hoffman was also sup- doctoral the cnrly descriptions an should dccouplc rotation, and allows their cffccts on the recognition invariance an oricntiltion. of orientation mints of a shape cur\cs The oric‘ntation cl~mgc in CilIlllOt affect ‘I’hus knowing vature. as 5 is usually orientation spcclficd co~lvcx ~11~11 the a sign to of 3 for in figure\ J~~IIC curve the sign of In J)articuJar maxima adopted hcrc is that which side is figure dctcnnincs choosing an orientation Minima closed for minima curves, in the choice dctcr- in-c rhcn typically of the figure, maxi1n.r with convcxitics oricntrltion by in which the curl c is ‘1‘1~ con\ cntion a curve or, convcrscly. uith concavities as in tlic case of its [l]. on the to the right as the curve is travcrscd figure 2). It is J,ossiblc howcvcr for ex- it is J>ossiblc to aG?n cvc~~y~sl~rc a1011g the cur\c. and vice-versa. on dcpcnds cur\ aturc ic an unsigned once one of the t\j’n possible orientations which side is figure by con\cntion. associated process to bc discntanglcd. for shape descriptions, in no way implies that the rotation intcrprctation of plant figure is to the left and ground scaling and shape to bc made explicit scparatcly, Thus the goal of rotational Ijy a chnngcs minima bcco~nc the position, of curvature arrow on thc~ curve pointin, n in the direction tbc curvature and ovcrnll scaling of a shape from the shape itself. ‘l‘his allows the position, chosc11. or minima ‘l’hough in gcncral CuI’vC. con+stcntly to bc tra\,crscd. fellowship. arc maxilna tllc in the cast the curve is in part by the of Dcfcnsc of the curvature Institute N00014-SO-C-0505 under grant 7923110-MCS. **More prcciscly, is prokidcd Projects Agency of the Dcpnrtmcnt ported by a Hughes Aircraft Company Intelligence of the Massachusetts SuJ>port for this rcscarch of ‘I’cchnology. ample, a rcpre- Such namely a ways, +(s) =Jws +0 of context- it is to ‘serve as an index rotation conditions, sin $(s)ds dition the representation “l‘his K(S) is attractive. [2]. For any rotation Although in many diffcrcnt J the subject here. Figure 1. which are scaling and should +u, (Jcos~(s)ds if they arc to be implies the cxistcncc the initial rules given by -i(s)= highly For cxaniplc. though one cannot rcasonnbly of figure 1 prior to seeing it, the shapes arc readily This simple demonstration indcpcndcnt its initial descriptions Yet these descriptions and uniform satisfies two of the invariance lN’I’ROI~UCTlON of context. rotations** process 1 icld descriptions = (z(s), y(s)) can bc specified r(s) is uniquely A vision system somctimcs should a first index into a table of shap’cs in memory. plane curve r(s) that a similar representation the recognition on images, under translations, provide and unifonn for triggering be computable (SW to have positive curvature, or maxima to have ncgativc of the convex closed curve is rcvcrsed. cur- If desired, codons of the maximum 31 2: Figure 2. malizcd qualitatively minima and zeroes of curvature arc all candidate a curve into kinits in a manner translations and uniform 3-I) p;rrts arc joined bc crcatcd concavities to the head, imas immcdiatcly or 7crocs segmentation of curvature. at minima as is ncccssary. in traversing and the other minimum of the maximum For a segment label the “head”. can bc given crudely as much closer much closer to the tail, or approximately in the middle. This gives the “skew” of the curve. Zeroes can similarly bc described closer to the maximum point, closer to the head/tail, in the middle bctwccn the maximum as or approximately and the head or tail. points for under among complex them rotations, WC require objects concakitics Scgmcntation cncodcs of tl!c natural PJO~CJ~Y encountcrcd nor- be done parts of shapes [5, 61. Fortunntcly, to crcatc in the silhoucttc. thcrcforc an important invariant To choose scaling. that the units should reflect natural generally This should at first and then more quanGtativcly the “tail” of the scgmcn!. the positions SEGMENTATION partitioning when by noting within the scgmcnt, of the scgmcnt. label the first minimum Then the position orientation. Maxima, described of curvature ZCJOCS by lhc total arc length example, Minima of curvature (indicated by slashes). Arrows indicate curve III can bc further and any in a straightforward manner world that is not captured This is our will of the image at by max- argument ge1fe177Zpusiliu~~ Figure 5. for Cune segments with identical smgularities but different shapes. of curvature.* As shown in figure 5. two segments ima and zeroes, identical appear quite different. bctwccn invariant can have identically placed max- at the maxima and minima, The difference is the behavior and yet of the curvature points. This behavior manner by the integral of curvature the singular propriately curvatures can be dcscribcd in an ap- between each of the singular points: b n(s)ds = B(b) - B(a), a I Figure 3. Joming parts generally produces concavitlcs in the resulting silhouette. where 1V ---A Dt’SCl~IPTION Minima whcrcas mcnt. arc used to break There four basic types of scgn~cnts. arc I’urthcrmorc, only certain CODONS a curve maxima and zcrocs arc used to describe codons”. arc of curvature OF PAl~l’S~ CONTOUR into vature scgmcnts, which WCcall “contour There connections) First, all with no segments curve %CJOCS arc type 2 codons. cncountcrcd contain scgnlent has cxactty either before (type l-) thcrc one 7~~0, that when K(.s) = or 0). arc when traversing four or one Scgmcnts ZCJO, the zero nfter (type l+) the curve may will give different descriptions for on how codons may be joined at minima. a, b E (0, l-, a o b, l+, 2) to the tail of b. Note connected b o a and hence the codon sequence is critical. Not all c’onccivable codon joins are possible (figure 6). The fact that not all conccivablc-codon be that the codon rcprcsentation the maximum in the chosen points that the head of a is smoothly that in general a o b # two points of zero cur- 0, K’(S) # called type 0 codons, those with two zcrocs arc called If a point of the scgmcnt tion. Thus are restrictions indicating (This assumes the singular a codutl @in by the operation Define allowable. vaturc. between curves A and B in figure 5. the shape of each scg- codon joins (pairwisc B(s) is the angle of the tangent at r(s) given by B(s) = which notes the integral of curA re p rcscntation tan-‘(y’(s)/z’(s)). niques. orienta- Consider, for example, all codon joins wcrc allowable basic codon Lypcs (figure 4). values (0 l+ l- 2) rcgardlcss the value of Cj would 1 however, joins may bc amenable the codon string . . . cj-1 of its context. the context Figure 4. Contour codons (as dcfincd in section 4). Zcrocs of curvak~re are indlcatcd by do& on the curves, minima ‘by slashes. considered 6 here. cI is actually uniquely position and dcscribc tech- cj c3+1 . . . . If of the values of ~~-1 and cJ+l. be indepcndcnt one can show that in actuality *When gcncral parlition suggests then cj could take any one of the four its range of possible values to two on average. one third of the contexts allowable iiJC to error correction is violated the resulting special Thus Using figure 6, of a codon restricts One can also show that in determined. rules may bc nccdcd image contour to [S].. This will not be 0 + 1 1- The perceptual 2 significance a simple modification of minima of Rubin’s can also be demonstrated ambiguous the locations of minima are indicated face-goblet by occlusions, then the perception of the curve is biased toward one of its two orientations 0 face or goblet impression becomes by illusion [9]. If more apparent and either the (figure 8). However, when this figure is viewed at a distance so the added lines are not visible, then the classical nor highlighting 1- correspdnd m + instability returns. the maxima to natural Neither has comparable highlighting the zeroes effect because they do not points for segmentation. + + 1 2 Figure 8. Fiigure 6. Table of allowable codon joins Rows and columns are labclled by odon type, with the intended codon join scqucncc at cxh table entry being (row ype, column type). Legal joms are indicated by a +, others by a -. VI V The rcprcscntation RF,1 .A’TION TO PEKCI:PI’ION dcpcnding [7]. ‘l’hc explanation because its rcprcscntations plctcly difTcrcnt. not invariant under parts by zcrocs of curvature tour from its disposition hcrc can shape description scaling of the contour. of a contour of curvature of traversal) in its rcprescntation contour arc com- shape description arc of a The question [8], or by minima TRANSFORMS to decouple rotation, the shape of a con- translation as dctnonstratcd is not invariant the and uniform in figure 7b, the shape when the direction It is not difficult naturally mirror rcvcrsal of traversal to convince oncsclf along the also that the under a mirror reversal of the contour. arises, Arc thcrc simple rules that define how the is transformed or a reversal when the contour in direction of traversal undergoes (change a in oricnta- tion)i nrzd maxima [3, 4, lo], the parts would not differ under a change in orientation under llowcvcr, codon string of a contour can bc quite (SW figure 7b). If one chnsc to define is designed is not invari,lnt is rcvcrscd. IUWERSAI, in space and its overall size. Conscqucntly is invariant is that a curve looks diffcrcnt Since the positions of the minima a change in oricnt;ltion (direction for the two orientations. AN11 MIRROR as figure and which as ground under the two possible orientations curve, the PJI ts of a curve as spccificd different proposed that a curve can look very diffcrcnt on which side is perccivcd (SW figure 7a). LOCK-KEY ‘l’hc codon rcprcscntation of plane curves for recognition explain the well known observation Rubin’s face-goblet illusion segmented at minima to reduce the in- stability. of a curve. In the case of a mirror transform of a codon rcvcrsal string the rule is quite simple. is obtained by rcvcrsing The mirror the direction in which the string is read (right to left rather than left to right) and reversing the sign attached of < I+ 2 l- to each type 1 codon. l+ 0 l- > is < l+ can also bc used to find symmctrics cxamplc, ----------e--m I 0 b 1’ 1+ 1’ symmetric 1+ within 1+ 2 l- transform >. This rule a single contour. one half of a codon string is found to bc the mirror of the rcmaindcr m---e---- Thus the mirror 0 l- of the string, a necessary has been found. long as zeroes of curvature condition If, for transform for the curve to be Note that this applies to skew symmetry arc not made to appear or disappear as by the skew. When string but codon shng : 1+21-1+01- the apparently as a map codon string : 01-1+022 The codon ((00, 01+, If} sense of traversal transformation rule, not from simple. pairs which l-l+) and {(l+l-, the lock-key It is perhaps of concatenated doublets l-0, of a curve called 1+2, map codons to t--+ O}, {(Ol-, 21-, each is reversed the codon transform, is unique most easily to codon codon 02) H l-}, specified singletons. singleton {(lt-0, 22) H 2}. This lock-key are 20) i--r mapping can: 1 be used, for example, Figure 7. (a) Figure-ground reversal makes bounding curve appear different. (b) Diffcrcnt codon string descriptions are assigned to a curve in its two orientations. into the other. 7 to transform each of the codon strings of figure 7b. VII An approach to the representation been sketched. to break quite It is suggested a curve into parts, to describe the parts. different the approach Richards SUMMARY of plane curves for recognition that minima and that maxima This approach when figure has can be used and zeroes can be used explains and ground to piecewise-smooth [ll]. Extensions of curvature why a curve can appear are reversed. Extensions curves are presented in Hoffman of and to surfaces are desirable. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank J. Rubin, Bobick for comments J. Scheuhammcr, on previous S. True, K. Stevens and A. drafts. REFERENCES [l] Rock, 1.: The perception of disoriented figures, Sci. nrjt., 230, 1, 7% 85 (1974). [2] 110 Carmo, M.: D&7hwtial geontelrqt of curves and surfices, Prcntice- Hall, New Jersey (1976). [3] Attneave. Some F.: informational aspects of visual pcrccption, I’sychol. Rev., 61, 183-193 (1954). [4] Duda, R., Hart, P.: Patkrn chssijcarion and scene analysis, Wiley, New York, 337-341 (1973). 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