From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Meta-planning Robert Wilensky Computer Science Division De artment of EECS University oF California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 1.0 strikes most Likewise, (2) strange since John should have rea%",z'Fo t:z intruder more strongly. The unusualness of this ;;;ry is due not to kno;r;dge ;,";utthe plans ap arent involved, goals unproductive scheduling of these plans. 1 more intelligent planner would have dealt with t?e threat immediately, and then perhaps returned to ;+s meal when that situation had been disposed . INTRODUCTION This paper is concerned with the problems of planning and understanding. These problems are related because natural language understander must apply knEwledge about people s goals and lans in order to make the inferences necessary fo explain the behavior of a character in a sto u~er~~~~;;;ky, 19,;3Fa). Thus while story a planner, it mus? embody a theory of plilning knowledge. Thus to understand the behavior of character, or to enerate an intelligent plana th;! take into account it is necessary f0 interacti ns between goals. y;;;py;+f;g programs.9e.g., Sussman 1975, interactions bv deal providi&tkpec??-!E pr~&a~~%emechanisms to deal situations. with particular Sussman s HACKER has a celebrated FZL tZ""~iEt knows about goals clobbering "brother oalslt, and detects this bug in plans suggested $Y the plan synthesizer. I have dt?;e+;get construction PIZYhApp?ieZh$Z rl anliZm> * F": story understanding rogram. This paper is concerned not with tR e understanding mechanism itself, but that part of its lanning knowledge which is inde endent of wheif her that knowledge is used to 21 * someone's behavior or to generate a p% "f,'", one's own use. One part of this theory of plan;;i;fg knowledge is essentially world knowled e. includes a classification of infentional The difficulty with this ty e of solution is that burying this knowledge at out how to plan in a rocedure assures that such knowled et;o;zi not %e shared by a program that wishe2 this knowledge to understand someone else's complicated situation. behavior in a addition, as I hope to show there is a lot i"f structure to this knowle6ge that is missed in this fashion, and which is extreme~l.l~sefulboth as plan to the tasks of planning as understanding. them, plans are used to achieve goals, etc.) and an actual body of knowledge about particula; elements (e'f'2 asking for som thing is a way of getting some hing from someone7 . When one attempts to use this world knowledge to understand the intentions of a story's characters, a number of problems soon become apparent. particular, what ' difficult in understan%ng a person s behavii: so much understanding the goal and iz iE':perating under, but the fact that t#$% are usually numerous oals and plans present in a situation. It is fhe interactions between these intentional elements that cause much of complexity in both understanding and planning. For stories: example, consider the 2.0 META-PLANNING One solution to this problem is to create a second body of planning knowledge that is called meta-planning. By this I mean that knowledge about now to plan should itself be expressed in ;;ys,;f a set of g alsaf,;rthesg;an;pg recess E meta-goals'5, P achieve th e~re~m~~Z1~n~~.atheMe~~~~oa~~~~~~~~ meta-plans mechanism (or plan understa der) that is u ed to or explanation7 from produce a plan of action if ordinary plans. following (1) John was in a hurr to get to Las Vegas, but he noI* iced that there were a lot of cops around so he stuck to the speed limit. following the For example consider situation, either Prom the point of view of plan understanding or plan generation: (2) John was eating dinner when he noticed that a thief was ti$;;f to break in to his house. he finished his dessert, John called the police. (7) John's wife called him and told him they were all out of milk. He decided to pick some up on his way home from work. Most intelligent planners would come up with they knew that they pass John's -plan, assumi by a grocery store onT he ;;ute home. In order is necessary to go to produce this plan, through the following processes: 1. 334 2. 2.1 A&j;sting one's plans according1 case, the plan is modifie3' so Ia: to Produce a route that takes the planner near the grocery store. 2. The "go home" plan is suspended at the point at which the grocery store is reached. 3. The "get milk" plan is executed. 4. The "go home" plan is resumed. Kinds Of Meta-goals The following is a brief description of the more important meta-goals so far encountered, along with the situations in which the arise and some standard plans applicable I o them. This list is not meant to be cornlete. merely reflects the current sta?e of 0:: analysis. META-GOALS, SITUATIONS, AND META-PLANS 1. Don't Waste Resources Situations to Detect 1. In terms.of meta-planning, this situation an has the ;f;;o;;; structure: There ' d "Don't Waste Resou*Ees". imnortant Goal Overlap Associated meta-plans: 1. 2. meta-pian fulfills the 'Don't Waste Resources" meta-goal. Schedule Common Subgoals First 2. Plan Integration 'a Plan Piggybacking (find a new g~~nflalls k",;kgoa~;~ultaneously Multiple Planning Options (more plan is applicable to a l%tin g:l) Associated meta-plans: 1. The advantage of the meta- lanning approach eal with complex is that the problem of how to Ei goal interactions can be stated as a problem to be solved ,,by the same planning mechanism one applies to ordinary" goals. For example, one may first try out a number of canned sol;;;ons, lf then some standard planning procedures, all else fails, try to construct a novel solution. 3. Select Less Costly Plan Plan Non-integrability situations in which the execution o two plahs will adversely affect one another undoes subgoal one e.5, established by the otherB Associated meta-plans: Note that there are at least three important differences between meta-plannin and + planning using constraints Constraints and plan generators Ze asGike:ZE in that constraints reject plans, but they don't In constrast themselves propose new ones. meta-goals not only pick up violations, but plans to fix the problem. su gest new Me fa-goals are declarative structures, and thus may be used in the ex lanation process as well In a3dition, meta-goals are as in planning. independent, encoding only knowledge domain about planning in general. 1. 4. Schedule Sequentially Recurring Goals repeatedly) (A goal arises Associated meta-plans: 1. McDermott's notion of a secondary task comes closest to *AotP,'n 0; meta-planning I propose here. A policy is essentially ex licitly r;epeEezz;ted ifferences constraint. Theli;;rnaryx* polic and a - oal are that meta-goal: tha'i are not necessarily inclu3e goals constraints meta-goals refer CXI;T,;~ facts about pE,"~ni~~'as their domain, include domain specific policies may information; policies often entail the creation psuedo-tasks, whereas meta-goals have of meta-plans that deviate less from the structure of normal plans. -5. ubsume Recurring Goal that state fulfills a re:ondition for a plan for rhe goal and which ndures over a of time 7see Wilensky, P%~ 9Establish Recursive subgoals (a subgoal is identical to a higher level goa , causing a potential infinite loop$ Associated meta-plans: 1. 2. Select Alternate Plan Achieve As Many Goals As Possible Situations to detect Hayes-Roth and Hayes-Roth (1978) uses the term meta-nlannina to refer to decisions about the planning process. While my use of the term similar to theirs the include all types of cyanning decisions under tK is name, and their meta-planning is not formulated in terms of explicit meta- oals and meta-plans. I use the re5er only to a subset of this term to and only when that knowledge is knowledge conveniently expressable in terms of explicit meta-goals and meta-plans. 1. Goal Conflict Associated meta-plans: various conflict resolution plans (see Wilensky 1978a) 2. 335 Ass mme;;$;otGoal Conflict (Both be accomplished‘if A goa3[ s erformed beff;;;B, but B being kgrFormed poses no difficulty) Ef a stored lan for this oal is to wear rotective clotRing, it woufd be scheduled % efore the initial plan. If not, then we could establish a subgoal of getting a raincoat. This mia:; spawn a plan that involves going outside, would violate the Recursive Subgoals to choose condition. The ~;ta--~la;ai~e;; * lan. t?nd one, the another "Achieve x: s Many Subgoals As Possible" meta-goal is activated, as a goal conflict is now seen to exist. The meta-plans for goal conflict resolution are attempted. If they fail, then an unresolvable goal conflict situation exists, and Maximize the Goals Achieved is activated. The meta-plan here is to abandon the less important goal. The nlanner selects whichever goal he values more and then abandons the other. Associated meta-plans: Schedule Innocuous Plan First 2. 3. Plan Splicing (If one plan has already been started, suspend it divert to the other plan, 6 original plan when ie"wp%?%s been executed) Goal Competition (Goal interference with the goal of another planner) Associated meta-plans: 1. 2. 3. various anti-plans (plans to deal specificly with opposition) 3 .O various plans for resolving the competition Maximize Achieved the Value of the use We are currently attemptin meta-planning in two programs. FAM,? sto understanding uses kno;;EtfEsabout w Y involving interactions ?$StE:derstand goalS. As PAM has been discussed :Ytple length elsewhere, we will forego a discussion of rts use of meta-planning here. Goals Meta- lanning is also being used in the developmenP of a planning program called PANDORA (Plan ANalyzer with D namic Organization, Revision and Applicationai. PANDORA is given a d,,esrcrit ;io;ozfsa $tuation and. creates. a plan may have in that situation. R PANDORA . dynamically told about new developmen$z, and changes it plans accordingly. Situations to detect 1. Unresolvable Goal Conflict Associated meta-plans: 1. 4. APPLICATIONS Abandon Less Important Goal Don't Violate Desireable States Situations to detect 1. Danger Associated meta-plans: 1. 2. Create a preservation goal Maintenance Time Associated meta-plans: 1. 3. Perform Maintenance References Anticipated Preservation Goal performance of another plan $?? cause the plann r to have a preservation goale Associated meta-plans: 1. Select Alternate Plan 2. Protective Modification (Modify original plan so as n t to provoke preservation goalP 11 Hayes-Roth, B. and Hayes-Roth, F. (1978). Cognitive Processes in Planning. RAND Report R-2366-ONR. 21 McDermott, Drew (1?78>. PLanning and $cting. In Cognitive Science vol. 2, no. . 31 Sacerdoti, E. D. (1977). A Structure for Plans and Behavior. ElZevier North-H?iIlanu,Amsterdam. 41 Schank, R. C. and Abelson, R. P. %%%%in~?@~'L%%&e%$lbaum Billsdale, N.J. 51 61 336 (1977). Press, Sussman G. J. (1975). A Cornuter Model of $%:l~o~;quisition. Aiiie?&&ETs~,Wilensky R. (1978). Understanding goal-based stories. Yale University Research Report #140.