REAL TIME CAUSAL MONITORS FOR COMPLEX PHYSICAL SITES* Chuck Rieger and Craig Stanfill Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 ABSTRACT GOALS Some general and specific ideas are advanced. about the design and implementation of cau;llmn;ltorlng s stems for complex sites such as a Such '*c,P:% p P ant or NASA missions control room. monitors" are interesting from l;idth;zEl;heoretical greatly viewpoints, and engineering improve existing man-machine interfaces to complex systems. An ideal causal monitoring system does not replace humans, F,ut rather 'x;;$$&~~$,b,'oad~;; process their abi:;j-;;s to collect and synthesize enhances ability critical situations. relevant information in time would ap ear The ideal system to the human controllers as a small number o I; color CRT displays and a keyboard. The system would INTRODUCTION sense and symbolically 1. continually characterize all sensors in a way ttCi reflected their relative importance acceptable ranges in the current operating context large complex Human understandin of physical facility, sue a as a ~NASA mission control room or a nuclear power plant, is often a hapk;;a:d affair. Traditionally, once a site is knoyledge about. it resides ,in technical manual; $hlch tend to sit on the-she1 ) and in the minds the experts. As technlcal staff turnover occurs over an extended period of time, this knowledge tends to get misplaced, rearranged, or altogether forgotten, - at least - as da--to-day working knowledge. The result is usua P ly that no single the individhl fully appreciates or understands system as a whole; the operators learn simply to cope with it to the extent required for daily operations Of course, thisa;;;;; and maintenance. that when an emergency occurs, or when need the required to perform some unusual maneuver, human ex ertise is often hard to locate. Manuals on the she1 P are virtually worthless in most contexts, especially those in which time is critical. Even ~JF the on the site, it may take him too to perceive the context of an emergency and per P orm the synthesis of a lar e set of parameters necessary to diagnose the prob 9 em. 2. continually verify that sensor groups obey ex ressin the nature re P ations Fiip 3. be aware of the human onerator's exoressed "runn'ing preventative intent (e.g.; mornin maintenance check 32", "executin power-up") and adiust causal rela f ions an 8 parametric and- lower-level ex ectations to P erances accordingly 4. have a knowledge of component and sensor failure modes and limit violations, their their i..iicators, &&e;table precursors, their probable corrective proceduresc8%%'in the forma;: automatic correction algorithms recommendations to the huma:) "maneuvers", 5. have a knowledge of standard sequences expressed with action cog?irmable consequences (for ste wise and as an bot f: automatic execution archival reference for the human) Given this state of high technology, which produces systems too deep1 or broadly complex for an individual or reasona 41ly sized group of individuals to comprehend, -there is a clear need secondary systems for monitoring for "intelligent" the primary systems. To develop such intelligent systems, we need (1) flexible representations for causality, (2) good human interfaces that physical accept descriptions of the physical world andrnk;;ii $szrlptions In tkese representations, (3) ComDrehension that are capable of relating the myriad * states of site to the the causal description, relevant and then passing along only to the human operators, and information ~~por%:t efficient symbolic computation environments to support items l-3 in real time. s nthesize important 6. continually all aspects of and from t;k,s tK e system of synthesis, identify which aspects system to display to the human controllers (in the absence of specific requests from the humans) on the most appropriate screen 7. decide and displayu;;c,nique for each allocation the current piece of information context Most procedural knowledge about the primar would be on-line, and in a form meaningfu P t:YE:etmh The s stem would play the hu;nTeando:he corn uter. continually inte P ligent watt ifl er the hundreds of sensors and refating them to monitorin the causa H model for the cur:;zt o crating context. sP te s state via The system would summarize well-managed CRT displays, and would be capable not of detecting irregularities Otll and suggesting pro 4: able consequences and corrective causes, of automatically carrying out measures, but also both routin: ;;2a;m;rge:;z c;;;z;tive measures w",;; given the - would ge "self aware"c~~t~~~~efimited physical s !?te sense. This paper brief1 desc;;kes*the CAM (Causal Monitor) to develop a Project, w ?I ose 1s framework for the construction of intelligent, causal1 -b;s;zs real-time monitors for ar~;:;~;~ physica P The project is under funding by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and will result in a rototype causal monitor generator Our aim K ere is to advance some specific ?%kEm*about the conceptual architecture of such a Background ideas on the concept of causal ~~~~~~*for man-made devices can be found in [6]. * The research described here is funded Their support is gratefully acknowledged. by related causally symbolic rules their causal of NASA. 215 ARCHITECTURE OF THE CAM GENERATOR --- SYSTEM In the CAM Project we are concerned not with modelin specific * but rather with that can be develop P ng z general-purp~~~e'model imported to any site. Once there, it will interact with the site experts as they define the site's causal structure v~~si.~t~nte;~cti;;~sframe-driven system. From the knowledge acquisition phase, the specific site CAM is generated. The CAM generator pieces: system consists of operator start-up, Some event in the model ',,"L,;zFputation at a no 6 E'HA'the net) identi-ffieFhz , R, that deals with some aspect e.g., the ru~es~~;t describe environment, modeled relationships the causal Rules in ti?s set are then Cht%dr Pressure S stem. on even;t;ll; r; Fe ;p,;gtzd azd from which they wi3 1 all evaluated. several 1. A collection of frame-like knowledge uni;; that collectively virtually any fj hysica incorporate Actuator, Component, -* FailureMode; ActionStep, Maneuver, Operatingcontext, Dis laypacket, OperatorIntent. Others wil !f emerge as the project progresses. structural An important PDM concept is of the network as a natural byproduct augmentation of a node's evaluation: evaluation of a newly ueued rule causes the rule to be structurally knit s nto the PDM network. During a node's evaluation, present in the net are any ex ressions not alread create B as new net nodes, P*inked to the referencing node via Above links and placed in expression's P process themselves. This for expansion "downward chaining" structurally introduces t:e rule into the PDM net. 2. A collection of procedz;s for interact;;5 with site engineers scientists will interactively describe the site by filling in frames. interface is semi-active * in a methodical way from the site engineers. The information compiled by the frame-driven interface results in a collection of data objects and production rule-like knowledge about their interrelationships. of display primitives 3. A collection display handling techniques Once the instz$l.Fd by. downward chaining, rule's value to receive constant PDM begin evaluation via "upward chaining": changes in lower nodes' values in the net ropagate upward Will throu h this structure, causing hig R er nodes to be reeva f uated. Nodes subject to reevaluation by this mechanism are queued on Q. By using the same for both structural integration of rules in;~~~~~ current context and for the ropagation of a P lows the PDM scheme values, a graczfil and d namic context-shifting mechanism. it 0 i: viates run-time pittern the need for most and 4. ,A,iollection of *primitive sensor-reading actuator-driving schemata (i.e., code schemata) 5. A system for corn iling the production rule description of t R e site onto an efficient lattice-like data structure that obviates most run-time pattern matching matching. To illustrate, suppose some node's evaluation k$s called for zfrule set for monitoring the degree 0 enness Relief-Valve-14 (RV-14) to be swappe x in. The PDM system will, say, then ueue up and evaluate others) a rule, R? for (among . comparing the RV-14 again;t the Pipe-P"4sii$?14yf ressure of This leads to R nitting process: Rl looks for RV-14 and PP-lz run-time 6. A maintenance system for coordinatin the real time of the symbolic monitor. causal mode 9 The frames and the nature of the knowledge acquisition interface are described in [3]. Since the real-time efficiency of the generated system is a critical issue, we devote the remainder of discussion here to the architecture of the Ek real-time monitor s stem which we have termed the Propagation Driven ifi achi;e (PDM). PROPAGATION DRIVEN determinin trigger a higher node, e.g., a display for communicating the results to operators. MACHINES CAM will require an extre;Eky hi,p$ throughput from its runtime system. reason, we cannot tolerate much f eneral pattern matchin f,i; the basic machine cyc e. To e iminate the nee attern mate hing, we base our machine on a form of d"ependency lattice similar in structure described in [l], [2],[4] and [5]. The e%enE?% such a scheme is to re reient antecedent-consequent relations b~ac~wa~,ra~~~sohhi~~ is useful in both forward and ,~reirn;~;; R This dual-purpy;: use of the PDM queue, nam;;; for staking out net and structure performing co;~~:~~ion;ak~; pf-ygztion of changes in net node topologically g;;pagating ",,y~lz,ic system. AE~ .&tsp;ft;heoBett;;e upward R sprouting, while others are atrophying garbage collected). The system is,tizi$g sompi ed production rule system, but one in compilation" is as dynamic as the propagation of as values. Rule sets can come and go as naturally values can be changed. The central data structure of the PDM is a graph whose nodes represent the current value of some parameter or proposition (e. ., "the current value of sensor 23 is X" K condition in chamber 19"ih'rghesl~~e~~ef,p:~~s~~ network nodes are the primitive sensor readers real time clocks whose spontaneous ticking se uences all propagation in the net. Nodes in the PD8 are connected by Above and Below links which reflect computational dependencies among noies. For example, if node Nl represents knowledge of the form A and B and C) causes D then in the PDM net E wtidi E-o-1, aTZlT?lrwiil be Above each of A, . , Semantically, the lowest nodes of the PDM network, and those that are present initially are spontaneously ticking real-time clocks whose Lb ove pointers gob;;iEensor-reading nodes. Additionally, mon*toring expressions are certain represented by nodes initially in the net. As the site's state changes, these 'caretaker" rules (net not nodes) will make reference to other rules queuing them up.':,' ;kE;,turally part of the net references ----. come to bg evaluated. their evalua tion draws them into the PDM net, where they begin to participa te in the monitoring process. 216 shifts in a way that causes the When the context paged-in ;a;Et&;r node to be uninterested in the , the caretaker node drops its reference to effectively cutting the Below link iktwe?!?tsE?f"and the top members of the rule set. Nodes with no Above pointers and which are not are subject to PDM marked as "permanent" collection. Garbage.collection is effectivef;rbX inve:;: oEu:E origmzl;ddownward chaining that knit structurally removes the in set, entire rule set by following Below pointers. SUMMARY of A CAM generator system is a s ecial R do:z: l;,s knowledge acquisition ~ornpl~~"~~"hys~cZ~~~ sites. causality in large, from requires (1) models of knowled e elicitation of the (2)alframe-li 3 e models the site experts, physical sites and their to conce ts common causa T topology, and (3) an efficient, yet flexible en ineering solution to thEfproblems of controll+ng production rule-like a!? arge symbolic The PDM model appears to knowledge in rea?y~~~~. be a realistic approach to real-time monitoring: it exhibits the breadth and thorou hness of classical rule system, % ut without thz production matching and database usual problems of pattern maintenance. The area of data driven real-time causal models of corn lex ph sical sites appears to be a very fertile an 8 large I y unexplored area of AI research. Research in this area will he1 brin following areas of AI closer together: E rame- %a:: modeling, systems, knowledge acquisition, causal for and efficient implementation techniques real-time manipulation. The domain ' symbol manageable because we are modeling s stems in whit; deep problem solving is not a % issue, and its theoretically becausEY of interesting breadth-wise complexity. REFERENCES ill London, P. E., Dependency Networks as Representation Modelling in Genera? for Department of Computer I?~?~~~~ Solvers,. of Maryland, Technical University Report ?R-698, 1978. [21 McDermott, D., Flexibility and Efficiency Computer Pro ram for Designing Circuits, AIM-402, 197 7 . E31 Rieger, C. and Stanfill, C., A Causal Monitor Generator System, Forthcoming TR, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, 1980. [41 Shortliffe, E. H., MYCIN: A Based Rule for Advising Physicians Computer Program Regardin Antimicrobial Therapy Selection, Memo Artificial Intelligence ifi IM-251, Laboratory, Stanford University, 1974. [51 Sussman, G. J. Holloway J. and Knight, I. F. Desi n for Computer Aided Evolutionar iZ*:tal K IT, AHM-526, Integrated Systems, 1999. [61 Rieger, System Design, hinTa , C., and Grinberg, M. of Representation $orACo$??~;E~~~~~ Artificial Intelligence and Pattern puteran~:d~~7D~gn, J. co 217