From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved. HEARSAY-III: A Domain-Independent Framework for Ex Robert Balzer Lee Ermzrn Philip London Chuck Williams USC/Information Sciences Institute* Marina del Rey, CA 90291 Abstract Hearsay-Ill is a conceptually simple extenslon of the basic ideas in the Hearsay-II speech-understanding system [a]. That domaindependent expert system was, in turn, a product of a tradition of increasingly sophisticated production-rule-based expert systems. The use of production systems to encapsulate expert knowledge in manageable and relatively independent chunks has been a strong recurrent theme in Al. These systems have steadily grown more sophisticated in their pattern-match and action languages, and in their conflict-resolution mechanisms [la]. In this paper, we describe the Hearsay-Ill framework, concentrating on its departures from Hearsay-II. scheduler, the provided workspace, structuring called of blackboard two major To this heritage, the the provided incrementally bhckboard search, via a building -in the structuring Hearsay, scheduling interpretations motivate most of - Through simple generalization, the Hearsay can be made domain independent. - Scheduling Hearsay is itself so complex blackboard-oriented is needed Our generalizations the approach a task that the knowledge-based to build adequate schedulers.*** for of the main blackboard consist of systematizing activities: The structure two-dimensional hierarchical that of and mechanisms. we bring two notions our changes: approach advances action of KS.** 2. The Directions for Hearsay-III 1.The Heritage From Hearsay-II Hearsay-II the which at each point chose for execution one previously-matched - aggregating a composite the several interpretations at one level interpretation at a higher level, into utterance: - manipulating alternative interpretations (by creating a placeholder for an unmade decision, indicating the alternatives of that decision, and ultimately replacing the placeholder by a selected alternative), and - levels which contained different representations (and levels of abstraction) of the domain (phones, syllables, words, phrases, etc.). - a location utterance) interpretation Knowledge agents dimension (the time within the positioned each which within its level. sources (KSs), relatively which reacted large to blackboard spoken partial The production changes - criticizing rules, produced complexity dynamically by other both of the created domain blackboard, encompassing on the scheduling level partial syllables interpretations into higher-level interpretations a word) (e.g., and phrase also provided a they the to organizing process, Hearsay-II competing critics same interpretations addition or activations ones writer; from competed evaluators, had around to as paradigm, of alternatives. a resources expertise necessitated a partial in generators nodes interpretations, adopt the more neutral for among is a the These include the regular, to react to changes The organization of these etc.) is left to the application only the basic mechanisms (competence knowledge) search (performance for as the with the knowledge). creating units and on the were blackboard, which called hypotheses. term unit. Hearsay-Ill aggregating them, represented In Hearsay-Ill, provides i.e., complex INTERLJSP), called A83. ‘This research wss supported by Defense Advrnced Research Projects Agency contrect DAK15 72 C 0308 View.s and conclusions contained in this document ere those of the authors and rho&l not be interpreted em representing the official opinion or policy of DARPA, the U.S. Government, or eny other person or egency connected with thorn. AP3 has a pattern-matching “A good discussion of scheduhng WI Hearsay-II “‘This notlon, in one form owemple, [6], (21. and [III 108 another, we primitives associating hierarchically. The blackboard is implemented in purpose, typed, relational database system (built in the form of more data Thus domain KSs can be viewed KSs controlling In Hearsay-II, level; Thus, provides introducing KSs. react KSs, which as well. priorities, of which by base 3. Blackboard Structure the interpretation-building allocate This required and locations move records and scheduling systems. handled whose KSs, blackboard Hearsay-Ill scheduling for exploring alternative conflicted if Interpretations activation (with agendas, building expert on the basis legal overlapping activity also interpretations. and word lower- contiguous interpretation-building method i.e., handling search. conflicting three lower-level an edjacent interpretations, occupied nearby interpretation). Within this aggregation-based Hearsay-II aggregating producing ones (e.g., predicting of an exisiting from several is blackboard domain-dependent KSs and in turn produced new changes. The expertise was thus organized around the activity of building higher-level, more partial interpretations. scheduling scheduling separate, were proposed them a generalon top of language; this csn be found in (51 is common to 8 number of others, for is used for retrieval the triggering from the blackboard. pattern part of the definition The blackboard somewhat an of the class tree of Unit serve other some been to define are declared is a system from informal DomainUnit by the For example, for building formal [l], specifications is ControlFragment, Loop, Conditional, is, The these blackboards. one of the subclasses of Sequence, The semantics of the unit classes other than Unit, DomainUnit, and SchedulingUnit are left to the application Any Demon, etc. writer. unit may interpretations. serve to denote choice point in the problem-solving. holder for the interpretation any other unit, including higher-level units. it represents; alternatives of the choice. they The Choice with Choice Set. operation When on a alternative. function appropriate, Choice The as a component a Choice Set These may be explicit may be implicit in a generator Set, a KS Selection can it be existing done in with the ability to Select another alternative. Contexts selected destructive, retaining are described more in Section 5. Hearsay-II’s the location dimension speech-understanding Hearsay-III blackboard. dimension, either units or flexibility of the time-within-utterance is The application inherently explicitly (e.g., domain) in the as values underlying not writer associated to have first-class in KS triggering patterns. the such a structure the database in on may create with relational such constructs imposed interconnection system allows of to be used execution: created Hearsay-II’s basic containing the information of the match. sequencing may be selected needed and saecuted, is arbitrary code, is run. The executing blackboard data that to execute At some later of KS triggered the KS in i.e., the KS’s action, it, which usually serves interrupted effect for the execution of any other is an updated of a KS execution which activations of the same KS can pursue retrieving (potentially private) The lndpendent information from by The system, select problem is: the appropriate given the activation current record state to execute of the of a a context if, for Hearsay 109 that in KS switches and are inherited example, in a wait state poison and constraint the (e.g., KS discovers whose executing arise are serve to context to diagnose run to poison domain is poisoned is unpoisoned. allowed from attempting a violated execution until the context handlers, specifically for Poisoned contexts In addition, a KS can explicitly units). in Special poisoned and correct the that gave rise to the poisoning. A common application alternative of it explicitly as unsuitable denoted A KS activation called problems next. unless of (highest ixecution are made in that context sometimes conflicting contexts, scheduling are violation is placed blackboard. and, lines context the leaves. aggregate KSs, context with the context alternative in the most general a condition called poisoned. constraint. the same of matches. in and CONNIVER [9]. interacts pursuit its pattern its changes Contexts KSs -- and is not the same exploration state in the that, mechanism similar to those found controlled in which down toward as the KS activation. blackboard. tree) a method For independently. by which KS triggering A KS triggers the is indivisible; it runs to completion building an unmade we still need such as QA4 [lo] languages reasoning. contexts, to it the a context allows occurs initial focus for the activity of the execution. Each KS execution application for a means for representing alternatives mechanism the time, the activation KS has available features added in Hearsay-Ill: interpretations, those supports Al programming pattern of a KS is matched by a of data on the blackboard, an activation record is the environment record investigating Hearsay-Ill When the triggering configuration about alternative The method retains mechanisms were While Choice Sets provide decision 4. Scheduling Hearsay-Ill To allow the problem-solving for 5. Context Mechanism of The units. status, for example, allows of activations - The application writer provides a base scheduler procedure that actually calls the primitive Eaecute We intend operation for executing KS activations. the base scheduler to be very simple; most of the knowledge about scheduling should be in the scheduling KSs. For example, if the scheduling KSs organize the activation records into a queue, the base scheduler need consist simply of a loop that removes the first element from the queue and calls for its execution. If the queue is ever empty, the base scheduler simply terminates, marking the end of system execution. the Select a the a the units or execute with into are associated may replacing unit manner, or it can be done in a new contezt, irrevocable a Set is a place- it can be dealt with as its incorporation Associated alternative competing a Choice Set, represents Such a unit, called from which to select). to use the Hearsay triggering collection - When executed, scheduling KSs are expected to make changes to the scheduling blackboard to facilitate organizing the selection of activation records. In addition to triggering on changes to the domain blackboard, scheduling KSs can trigger on changes to the scheduling blackboard, including the creation of activation records. The actions a scheduling KS may take include associating information with activation records (e.g., assigning priorities) and creating new about the units that represent meta-information domain blackboard (e.g., pointers to the current highest-rated units on the domain blackboard). The scheduling blackboard is the database for the scheduling problem. of programs and it has subclasses from (i.e., a large writer, in the SAFE application, specifications execution - Each activation record is a unit on the scheduling blackboard. The application writer supplies, as part of the definition of each KS, code to be executed when the triggering pattern is matched; this code computes a scheduling-blackboard class (level) in which the activation record will be created. by immediate application KS schemes such schemes, several The SchedulingUnit; the domain and scheduling to his domain. which and unit of that class. class Unit. DomainUnit of schedultng may be available writer generalized The separation complex as Each unit is created class. is the general are subclasses appropriate Parallel, have of classes. of supplies into an AP3 demon. Hearsay-II instance writer also an instance of all superclasses subclasses All of The AP3 also has demons; application of a KS is turned levels as inheritance, classes the into a tree-structure permanently apex which interpretations for the context mechanism lack good “locality”. arises First consider when the exampfe of SAFE% Pfanning represent alternative Phase, which uses for control interpretations Choice Sets to knowledge In required fragments. applications the case of the input sentence “Send an acknowledgment message on to the host.” a Choice Set served sentence include existing well. being structure; identically The since all or would structure, locality be toward an positioned Set unit will go. An example The possible occurrance an the message, interpretations of r triggers existing procedure this resides (“After r at same the place to put the alternatives. Instead, put them in brother the a it to demon Since structural KSs Set these contexts, 1. the there representing producing alternative earlier, the blackboard data structures database. In addition, KS firing because must also KSs are by activity The and all publicly are represented be represented in the AP3 demons, and their which This AP3 database is similar to those is controlled available the relational arguments relational in both assertion capabilities the application are for These modeling directly in implementation mechanisms and is implemented INTERLISP language needed constraints, [12]. strong Hearsay-Ill Hearsay-Ill’s initial implementation AP3 of considerations Hearsay-Ill has tested and as described SAFE system [l]. a system system for program producing for a the Hayes-Roth, F., and V. R. Lesser, “Focus of Attention in the Hearsay-II System,” in Proc. 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intefligence, pp. 27-35, Cambridge, MA, 1977. 6. Hayes-Roth, small demons applications: decoding are currently is the reimplementation “jitterer” language which so tHat a transformation a underway. descriptions chosen by a user used as transforms Rulifson, J. F., R. J. Waldinger, and J. A, Derksen, “A Language for Writing Problem-Solving Programs,” in ZFIP 71, pp. 201-205, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1972. 11. Stefik, M., Planning with Constraints, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Computer Science Department, January 1980. 12. Teitelman, W., lnterlisp Reference ManuaL, Xerox Research Center, 1978. 13. Waterman, a is applicable 143. The Hearsay-Ill separation of 10. fnference architecture competence Reference of expert= is being automatically McDermott, D., and G. J. Sussman, The CONNIVER Manual, MIT Al Laboratory, Memo 259a, 1974. The of the is being used as the basis for Finally, the system 9. problem. efforts natural Mann, W. C., and J. A. Moore, Computer as Author -- Results and Prospects, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Technical Report RR-79-82, 1979. of effort. above, [8]. 8. an efficiency implementation two Hewitt, C. E., Description and Theoretical Analysis (Using Schemata) of PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems and Manipulating Models in a Robot, MIT Al Laboratory, Technical Report TR-258, 1972. the design B., and F. Hayes-Roth, Cognitive Prooesses in The Rand Corporation, Technical R-2366-ONR, 1979. 7. is being largely However, a cryptogram Second, Hearsay data structures basis on as contained was almost trivial, a substantial major implementation first of these, the been problem chosen (e.g., contexts, In fact, conventions. have forced cryptarithmatic Three usage was already typing). a set AP3 it because to support and in AP3, which in turn Conf., 5. Phning, 7. Implementation and Current Status implemented Balzer, R., N. Goldman, and D. Wile, “Informality in Program Specifications,” IEEE Trans. Software Enp. SE-4, (21, March Report system problem-solving Fickas, S., “Automatic Goal-Directed Program Transformation,” in 1st NationaL Artificial Intelligence Palo Alto, CA, August 1980. (submitted) domain. The Hearsay-Ill overall 4. for each of and retrieval. available the toward Erman, L. D., F. Hayes-Roth, V. R. Lesser, and D. R. Reddy, “The Hearsay-II Speech-Understanding System: Integrating Knowledge to Resolve Uncertainty,” Computing Surveys 12, (2), June 1980. (To appear) in languages typing of gives go a long way 3. is in the database. such as PLANNER [7], but also includes strong typed is to cause database. triggering aspect architecture will undoubtably and issue. Davis, R., Meta-Rules: Reasoning About Control, MIT Al Laboratory, Al Memo 576, March 1980. accessible in the AP3 relational any domain information this is a difficult 2. so that each can be 6. Relational Database As mentioned simplifying Hearsay-III algorithms larger 1978. is these independently. Hearsay-Ill the the this out, References in demon as would be embedded, that scheduling seem to bear (scheduling) knowledge with (“The the level that performance expert We wish to thank Jeff Barnett, Mark Fox, and Bill Mann for their contributions to the Hearsay-Ill design. Neil Goldman has provided excellent and responsive support of the AP3 relational database system. Steve Fickas, Neil Goldman, Bill Mann, Jim Moore, and Dave Wile have served as helpful and patient initial users of the Hearsay-Ill system. is the to be embedded y”). Choice interpretations pursued do into which the sequence no convenient include y”) and a sequence procedure interpretation for the imp passes development the experience Acknowledgments input sentence, “After receiving the host.” formulating Pretiminary process. eventually is lacking. flexibility developing this with the Choice the chosen interpretation In some cases, however, for in sequence alternatives in the existing aggregate can be placed where interpretations in parallel in rapidly now under seem to indicate to the imp and pass the The possible put helps for a solution. seems to be a helpful one. The knowledge from p.erformance 110 D. A., and F. Hayes-Roth, Palo Alto Pattern-Directed Systems, Academic Press, New York, 1978.