From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Automatic Goal-Directed Stephen Progrem ‘bvnsformetion Fickas USC/Information Sciences Institute* Marina del Rey, CA 90291 1. INTRODUCTION This paper focuses on a major semi-automatic, system: to take automating of is low some portions system of the a large specialized high level library research program (or refining level carried out which both to apply [8] by transformation. point the first into and for to apply ensures the left a facility in hand side applies the for sequence In using small the TI system, of high programmers level which of lines only transformations final sequence applicability a relatively are employed is conditions generally of small in a typical quite employ only a conceptual steps or include position to the conditionals,loops) the Jittering ways: it disrupts to a myriad his high of details. some sections actually process it consumes or There all will discuss implement such a level of the is the types a system as the Jitterer). a invoked inputs are goal state G corresponding a library of Jltterer’s return state value from state This L which possibly and applied then some in remains a high priority of in C will item for future result its STRIPS determined and unbale proposed [9] in S. from a simple Improving Sacerdoti a S. in some inefficient or of instantiated be removed each techniques (see process. message in state problems. the domains jittering currently in solving jittering solvers started user. C, 2) a state a sequence as specified can be both certain other a failure of sub-goals approach using is either Tk will the LHS of Tk, and 3) in the when is unable by program L to use then is employed for current G and is successful, approach order. the TI system Tk selected to the mismatched S matching Jltterer solwtlons 1) the transformations If G is a conjunction like whenever for to find this process, by problem a survey), research. conceptual Because transformation out LHS of a transformation Jitterer’s suspended ones TI development, lengthy. to low level equivalent. automating following is initially the transformations transformations, of The used I call these statements kth (eg. in several for BOX DESCRIPTION If the number the where SYSTEM carry him to attend 4.1. BLACK The that produce a large refinement or optimization. Examples are changing a control structure from iterative to recursive, merging a number of loops into one, maintaining a set incrementally, or making non-determinism these explicit. Typically transformations have complex effects on the program; they may even have to interact with the user. Although from and effort; known The reverting from alternative generally time thenceforth to match AND JITTERING “conceptual” jittering statements to motivation process. program number difficult JITTERING by forcing The Jitterer reasoning. 3. CONCEPTUAL TRANSFORMATIONS TRANSFORMATIONS adjacent level states of quite two two loop generators his mechanisms into to prove, lower program a programmer and actually various a to and the context that provides explore to in that is applicable can purpose) of of program Examples a block two his performance strong Jittering program and optimization transformations is semi-automatic in the development programmer this planning then More programmer portion up of can be applied. steps. within merging from the commuting blocks. one, or making large in a high GIST massage of properties is made transformations a statement the a number sequence include position, detracls of involves written the used the transformation point context with “jittering” nested moving It Implementation LISP). Refinement TI system steps Requiring to programming specification is being The TI system previous level a larger (Currently, applying it; the of Transformational leg. (LHS) of the transformation to some low which 4. AN AUTOMATIC part a program process choose environment usually development steps unfolding the in a real generalized TI approach language This is language language base fragments. must the and optimizing particular are here through 21. Briefly, specification run of the jittering A prototype goal state. of preparatory by program specialized, much the set of conceptual it is user knowledge a given both the sequence. employs will of that quite transformations TO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT discussed specification of a transformations. development TI) [I, of user argue off development a system 2. THE TI APPROACH The I will burden in achieving such containing this by the program-development details. which domain that level of introduced transformation is assumed faced transformation-based management feasible problem may the 4.2. THE GOAL LANGUAGE the Contained be in the TI system [53. The Differencer goal 9; This research was supported by Defense Advaked Research Projects Agency contract DAHCIS 72 C 0308 Views and conclusions contained in this document are fhooe of the authors and should not be interpreted as repreeenting the official opinion or policy of DARPA, the U.S. Government, or any other person or agency connected wilh them. pattern, between element detail, 68 the and two of the list and is written takes is a subsystem as input returns (an empty a list list is a description called a current of for taken in a goal language the Differencer state pattern and a difference-descriptions an exact match). at a particular I call GLl. For Each level of example, suppose that current the Differencer pattern, notation and SX stands statement). context; any to to produce position J, J being descriptions slightly wider the returns narrow Other of GLl not used Dlfferencer FOLD to 5. JiTTERIf’& the more between plans to by the is the by the Jitterer, three or 3) pattern2, pattern Similar jittering the This for goal is a extract 2) extract pattern1 Here, of pattern2. we of the two goals of the example. can be defined to Ai+l for for the all but plans form (see a particular Each [4], goal I call a STRATEGY. [7] STRATEGY for similar the The been are transformation’s takes the constructs . . . Tactic(n) ... a match for the attempt expected bound. that to change both We would STRATEGY plans CHANGE-PREDICATE Suppose that the three of of we wanted True goal into scope STRATEGY untried be cases header: change-predicate-from-a-to-b NOT (Predl=True NOT (Predl-Fa h I se Pred2=Fa A I se) on ordered goal. Lcngfh A by 69 goal. the the Transformations is then state as achieved the with define fashion: called by the a once are bound and in to see if and the is a mismatch, by instantiated application of then the disjunction will be marked Differencer as SCHEDULER goal might is called (ones is posted it in. a list solve the has been not to methods (transformations and it. It this the is The Scheduler with at least to employ. Scheduler at first one achieved), point must decide untried the that among all which to method) it must decide A set of domain make be which of the dependent metrics decision in both an intelligent identified. among competing of path: the types Ti do (marked of Once a goal IS chosen, methods help transformation Pred2=True) along construct, chaining current if there which 6.1. Choosing Pred2) the G is marked to on next. which (Predl functions a goal G, variables The Differencer between attaches work to Relevant-god: CHANGE-PREDICATE .&n!:cability-conditions: similar and in disjunctive jittering, STRATEGY backward produced goals and that parameters STRATEGY move an arbitrarily a particular RHS matches active to False or False to True, for the for solving a new Scheduler informally on goals get the following actions do not the STRATEGY’S available through 6. THE JITTERlNG to rule out working CHANGE-PREDICATE’s exist of be OR. achievement. Whenever a to achieve in sub-goals awaiting described list or CHAINING transformation. Tactics) let us package we to take exists Jitterer To illustrate, construcl. in parallel the LHS is instantiated. in Relevant-goal: goal the strategy matches Applicability-condition: used to narrow solving of actions an Action can specify LHS. If so, then Tactic(l) the a sequence applied the strategy’s bind any unbound goal parameter 6 execute to AND POST(G), then There available plans name Default-bindings: I 1 a sub-goal either achieved. transformations have construct G as to G has been 5.2. BACKWARD most domains.): STRATEGY says form In general, Each of the planning goal match An) executing methods solving as a Tactic. known following for a construct the will ... Tactics introduced available (Predl 1 second AND TACTICS into A2 list of actions goals of GLl. 5.1. STRATEGY mark if Ai is of the until form. Since in our case rule limit goal. NOT (VARIABLE POST (EXTRACT tPred2 Predl) says SEQUENCE(A1 more can further matching formally *ANY-PRED scqucntlally; something out POST(G) achieved. pattern1 in the SEQ (POST (EMBED (Predl (#ANY-PRED fr Pred211) POST (EXTRACT tPred2 (#ANY-PRED Predl Pred21 specific this which achieving change-predicate-from-a-to-b it many solving in patternil, for the other plans Q). plans variable, exist example embed and then plans become Each Tactic (31 embed-and-then-extract Applicabihy-condition: none Action: goal CHANGE-PREDICATE(pattern1 basic first is a simple for of solving of a set of constraints Tactics Toceic or goal. Taceic(2) extract Applicability-condition: include GLl plans CHANGE-PREDICATE Tactic (1) enlbed Applicabhty-condition: none Action: POST (EMBED (Predl Pred21) a DISTRIBUTE, differences are capable 1) embed pattern1 goal: organized plans the two. we take general are the and an Actron for STRATEGY - ._ .1 goal and example Because states CHANGE-PREDICATE(P In general, above pattern goal Suppose containing other Our three control higher 1 t various tactics the individual jittering is composed three attempts achieve applicability at gives then COMMUTE, UNFOLD. desired of jittering There detailed in the describe interface pattern2, plan. Jitterer the next ADD, of GLl. of general above of which define Action: section pattern2). from $A” will PLANS number instance the to solve and both acts as a common goals Q then The each its surrounding If it is successful, included and describe previous goals, Currently DELETE, PROVE-PROPERTY, A small “if must construct from current $A” J), ie. use the Differencer. of goal first. EXTRACT, language at which 0); the now the list is exhausted. goals EMBED, of Q then matching by the to TI. If not, it attempts each out We following SA”), ie. change looking a conditional perspective. most so on until is including a disjunction a single be the none (The CHANGE-PREDICATE(P without going De fault-bindings: FOO” as a pattern matching would FOO” “if Q then bound form P then a goal pattern GLl: another necessary, context, solve “if PRODUCE-ACTION-AT-POSITION(“if means The a variable P then conditional passed SA” as of the Differencer in CHANGE-ACTION(“if one was Q then for The output descriptions three the “if generally steps. goals of problems involve Clcnce, presented a large as a (over path to the .litterer 10) number of (sequence of transformations) continuing Conflict a fixed threshold, the desirability of 8. FURTHER There with high level motivation: if the determine the user’s rule out certain is known current goal states a number to achieve would continue the which be given of achieving: attached no easy way another by taking the is made 5 give some be able to Even so, in some cases Jitterer will if it acceptable structure Such minimum exactly that cost estimate the final any method the user a of cost the cost to there associated the has been user among competing Ease of application: method may complex a rough be to is the apply. User assistance: needed user static case many of of how properties methods The call preference difficult the a transformation, must how many sub-goals some information. estimate In the LHS (eg, how In the case of a Tactic, for methods the is to avoid to Neil supply which a large pattern to “flatten” hand, something which matching nothing a goal over large to produce the a current has very surrounding besides of knowledge Ordering takes TactdN) when type for Goldman their reasoning when proposes type can in solution the such a transformation be are being jittering until obtained. Both actively studied systems. have Bob Balzer, Martin contributions provided Ill implementation little 2. Balzer, Information On the other statement into side-effect; context. Prefer it to willing Feather, this and Phil London work. able Lee and Erman assistance and to the effort. known to the “Try STRATEGY at match Tactic(J) before The Scheduler among competing makes use Tactic(K)” of this time 4. Research Report RR-79-79, 1979. P., Williams, C. Hearsay-Ill: A for Expert Systems. First Intelligence, 1980. J. GOAL: A Coal Oriented Command language Proff Constructlorr. Ph.D. Th., Computer Science Standford University, 1979. Bulrss-Rozas, for Int ractue Dept., and 5. Chiu, W. Structure Comparison and Semantic Interpretation of Differences. First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, , 1980. or “Try information tactics for a particular R. TI: An example. Sciences Institute, 3. Aalzcr, R., Erman, L., London, Domain-Independent Framework National Conference on Artificial small ones. the form last”. choosing solutions. guidance [6] to and allow ie. it tends Tactic ordering rules: a STRATEGY writer may provide rules for form ordering the Tactics. These take rules “if Condition then Ordering”, where Condition can refer to any piece solution may be to “delay” jittering the user 1. Balzer, R., Goldman, N., and Wile, D. On the Transformational Implementation Approach to programming. Second International Conference on Software Engineering, October, 1976. a method a certain side effect, of the program. changes pattern the take For instance, a large structure simply to disturb side effects body as having the functional will a method judgment)? procedure is seen a method does actions one (a qualitative unfolds and delayed in future until an incorrect jittering information one the subsequent until fold/unfold approach allow not the 9, REFERENCES Side effects: What undesirable of goal a (and solutions to (Feather contextual like to thank Wile Hearsay as much as possible. the desired guidance for to wait give for another level inclusion Dave bothering invoked Still high I would be proven)? user but initially is them. a solution approach a particular the search want produce presenting jittering in ordering Acknowledgments how must be achieved? for not a given help minded approach like about mechanism system). will lead to a solution. may keep better presented, is guidance with is to A to guide user Jitterer is A simple he didn’t information fact, more 6.2. Choosing employed) what the user. ik satisfied. specify untried because to the currently to try loop. of achieving of section lhts estimate of ways The metrics his control still many goal. For example, to optimize to it. This is a rough or in fact it may RESEARCH generally to low priority. to compute any method, goal, are is able into one, it may be unwise produces A rough goal methods level Scheduler as un-productive. of loops a sub-goal sub-goal high the user is trying that by merging Ease over grows it decreases. goal. Feather, M. A System For Developing Programs by Transformatron. Ph.D. Th., Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, 1979. 6. 7. CONCLUSION The purpose Jitterer the of with types of environment. being this enough jittering The implemented language [3] paper systems will deal example the next been knowledge problems prototype in the and has domain much typically Jitterer Hearsay-ill represents more to a with present a prototype to deal competently encountered described knowledge is in 7. Friedland, P. Knowledge-based Hierarchical Planning in Molecular Genetics. Ph.D. Th., Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1979. with a TI currently representation preliminary system. performance issues 8. Goldman, N., and Wile, D. A Data Base specification. International Conference on the Kntity-Relational Approach Systems Analysis and Design, UCLA, 1979. Future (see for section). 9. Sacerdoti, E. Problem SRI, July 1979. 70 Solving Tactics. Technical Note to 189,