Sticks, Plates, and Blobs: A Three-Dimensional Object

From: AAAI-80 Proceedings. Copyright © 1980, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Sticks,Plates,and Blobs: A Three-Dimensional
Object Representation
for Scene Analysis
Linda G. Shapiro
PrasannaG. Mulgaonkar
John D. Moriarty
RobertM. Haralick
VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteand State University
Departmentof ComputerScience
how the parts fit together. Our models have three
kinds of three-dimensional
Parts: sticks,Plates.
and blobs.
Sticksare long, thin&-g
In this paper, we describea relationalmodelonlv one significantdimension. Plates are flating techniquewhich categorizesthree-dimensional
ish-wideparts consistingof two nearly flat surobjectsat a gross level.
These models may then
faces connected by a thin edge between them.
be used to classify and recognizetwo dimensional
Plateshave two significantdimensions. Blobs are
views of the object, in a scene analysissystem.
neitherthin nor flat; they have three significant
dimensions. All three kinds of parts are "near
convex"; that is a stick cannot bend very much,
the surfacesof a plate cannot fold too much, and
a blob can be bumpy, but cannothave large concavI. Introduction
ities. Figure 1 shows severalexamplesof sticks,
plates,and blobs.
The recognition of three-dimensionalobjects
from two-dimensional
views is an important and
still largelyunsolvedproblem in scene analysis.
This problemwould be difficulteven if the twodimensionaldata were perfect,but the data can be
noisy, distorted, occluded, shadowedand poorly
segmented,making recognitionmuch harder. Since
the data is so rough it seems reasonablethat very
rough models of three-dimensionalobjectsshould
be used in the process of trying to classifysuch
In this paper we describea relational
model and discuss its use in a scene analysissystem.
There have been many approachesto modeling
For a comprehensive
collectionsee the proceedings of the Workshopon
of Three-DimensionalObjects [13].
Also see Voelckerand Requicha [ll] and Brown [4]
for mechanicaldesign;York [14] for curved
surface modelingusing the Coons surface patch
151; Horn [6] and Waltz [12] for study of light
and shadows;Badler [2] for study of human
body modeling; and Pgin and Binford [1] and Nevatia and Binford [7] for the generalizedcylinder
approach. The models we suggestare relatedto
the generalizedcylindermodels, but are rougher
descriptions that specify less detail about
shape than do generalizedcylinders.
Figure 1 illust
rates several examples each of
sticks, plates and blobs.
In describingan object, we must list the
parts, their types (stick, plate, or blob), and
their relativesizes; and we must specifyhow the
parts fit together. For any two primitiveparts
that connect, we specifythe type of connection
and up to three angle constraints. The type of
connectioncan be end-end,end-interior, end-center, end-edge, interior-center,or center-center
where "end" refers to an end of a stick, "interior" refersto the interiorof a stick or surface
of a plate or blob, "edge" refersto the edge of a
plate, and "center"refers to the center of mass
of any part.
Sticks,Plates,and Blobs in RelationalDt?Siptions
A relationaldescriptionof an object consists
of a set of parts of the object,the attributesof
the parts,and a set of relationsthat describe
This research was supportedby the NationalScience Foundation under grants MCS-7923827 and
For each type of pairwise connection, there
are one, two, or three angles that, when specified
as single values, completelydescribethe connection. For example,for a stick and a plate in the
end-edgetype connection,two angles are required:
the angle betweenthe stick and its projectionon
the plane of the plate and the angle betweenthat
projectionand the line from the connectionpoint
to the centerof mass of the plate.
to two-dimensional
models is a well-definedoperation. See Barrow,Ambler,and Burstall [3] for a
discussionof exact relationalmatching, Shapiro
[8] for relationalshape matching,and Shapiroand
Haralick [lo] for inexact matching. Our problem
in scene analysisis to match two-dimensional
perspectiveprojections of objects (as found in an
image) to the three-dimensionalmodels stored in
the database. Our approachto this problem is to
analyze a single two-dimensional view of an
object,producea two-dimensional
description, use the two-dimensional
to infer as much as possibleabout the corresponding three-dimensionaldescription, and then use
inexact matchingtechniques in trying to match
incomplete and possibly erroneous three-dimensional objectdescriptionsto our stored three-dimensionalrelationalmodels.
Requiringexact angles is not in the spirit of
our rough models. Insteadwe will specifypermissible ranges for each required angle. In our
relationalmodel, binary connectionsare described
relation which contains
lo-tuplesof the form (Partl, Part2, SUPPORTS,
HOW, VLl, VHl, VL2, VH2, VL3, VH3) where Part1
connectsto Part2, SUPPORTSis true if Part1 supports Part2, HOW gives the connectiontype, VLi
gives the low-valuein the permissible range of
angle i and VHi gives the high value in the permissiblerange of angle i, i = 1, 2, 3.
We decomposea two-dimensionalview into simple parts by a graph-theoreticclusteringscheme
as describedin [9].
To match a two-dimensional
object descriptionto a three-dimensional
model is
to find a mapping from the tm-dimensionalsimple
parts of the object to the sticks, plates and
blobs of the model so that the relationships
the two-dimensionalparts are not inconsistent
with the relationships
among the three-dimensional
parts. For example, a binary CONNECTSrelation
can be constructedfor the two-dimensional
For a pair (pl,p2) of three-dimensionalmodel
parts where (pl,p2,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,)
is an element
relation and a mappingh
from three-dimensionalmodel parts to two-dimensional object parts, if (h(pl),h(p2))is not an
elementof the two-dimensional
then an error has occured.
If a mappingaccumulates too many errors from variousn-tuples of
various relationsnot being satisfied, that mapping cannot be considereda match.
relation is not sufficient to describea three-dimensional
object. One
shortcoming is its failureto place any global
constraintson the resultingobject. We can make
the model more powerfulmerely by consideringtriples of parts (sl,s2,s3) where sl and s3 both
touch s2 and describingthe spatialrelationship
between sl and s3 with respectto s2, Such a des,riptionappearsin the TRIPLECONSTRAINTrelation
and has two components: 1) a boolean which is
true if sl and s3 meet s2 on the same end (or surface) and 2) a contrainton the angle subtendedby
the center of mass of sl and s3 at the center of
mass of s2. The angle constraintis also in the
form of a range.
Our current relational description for an
object consistsof ten relations. The A/V relation or attribute-value
table containsglobal proOur A/V relationscurpertiesof the object.
rentlycontainthe followingattributes:1) number
of base supports,2) type of topmostpart, 3) number of sticks,4) numberof plates, 5) numberof
blobs, 6) numberof uprightparts, 7) numberof
horizontalparts, 8) number of slantedparts. The
A/V relationis a simplenumericvector, including
none of the structural informationin the other
relations. It will be used as a screeningrelation in matching;if two objectshave very different A/V relations, there is no point in comparing
the structure-describing
relations. We are also
using the A/V relations as featurevectors to
input to a clusteringalgorithm. The resulting
clusters representgroups of objectswhich are
similar. Matchingcan then be performedon cluster centroidsinsteadof on the entiredatabaseof
Other relations includeSIMPLE PARTS,
As an example, supposethe three-dimensional
model of a simple chair containstwo plates (the
back B and seat S) and four sticks (legsLl, L2,
The relation obtainedfrom just the
L3, L4).
first two columnsof the CCNNECTS supportsrelation is {(S,B), (B,S), U-J,S), (S,Ll), (L2,S) r
(S,L2),(L3,S)I (S,L3) (L4,S),(S,L4)]. Now consider the two-dimensionaldecompositionof Figure
2. We can construct the hypotheticalconnection
relationC = {(sl,s2),(s2,sl),(s3,s2), (s2,s3),
(s4,s2), (s2,s4), (s4,sl),
(s3,sl), (sl,s3)
(sl,s4), (s5,s2), (s2,s5)]. Then the mapping f
definedby {(S,s2), (Btsl)
(Ll,s3), (L2,s4),
(L3,s5), (L4,s4))accumulatesno error while the
mapping g definedby {(S,sl),(B,s2), (Ll,s3),
(L2,s4),(L3,s5),(L4,s4)]accumulateserror since
(L3,S)is in the model, but (f(L3),f(S))
= (s5,sl)
is not in C.
Not all of the three-dimensional
be directlyconstructedfrom two-dimensional
(If they could, the entire scene analysisproblem
would be much easier.) For example,only an estimate of whether one part supportsanother can be
computed. Relations like PARRALLEL PAIRS and
LENGTHCONSTRAINT can also be estimated. Relations involvinganglesare probablythe most dif-
III. Matching
Relationalmatchingof two-dimensional
2. Badler,NaI.I J. O'Rourke,and H. Toltzis,"A
SphericalRepresentationof A Human Body
For VisualizingMovement", Proceedings-of
the IEEE, Oct. 79.
3. Barr==,
A.P. Ambler,and R.M. Burstall,
"Some Techniquesfor RecognizingStructure
in Pictures", Frontiersof PatternRecognition,S, Watanabe (ed),AcademicPress,
New York, 1972, pp. l-29.
Requicha and H.B.
4. Brown, C.M., A.A.G.
Voelcker, "GeometricModelingSystemsfor
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing",
Proc. ACM 1978, WashingtonD.C., Dee 4:6,
-5. Coons, S.A., "Surfaces for Computer-Aided
Design of Space Forms,"M.I.T. Project
MAC, MAC-TR-41,June 1967 (AD 663504).
6. Horn, B., "ObtainingShape From ShadingInformation", in The Psychologyof Computer
Vision, (P.H. Winston,ed.),McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1975, pp. 115-155.
7. Nevatia,R.K. and T.0, Binford, "Structured
Descriptionsof ComplexObjects", Proc.
Third International
Joint Conference on
ArtificialIntelligence,Stanford,1973.8. Shapiro,L.G., "A StructuralModel of Shape",
IEEE Transactionson PatternAnalysisand
Machine Intelligence,
No. 2,
9. Shapiro,L.G. and R.M. Haralick,"Decomposition of Two-DimensionalShapesby GraphTheoretic Clustering,"IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analysisand Machine IntelligenZ&XX.
PAMI- pp- lo-?Z&-ZZi.m
10. Shapiro,L.G. and R.M. Haralick,"Structural
Descriptionsand InexactMatching", Technical Report CS79011-R,Departmentof Computer Science,VirginiaPolytechnicInstitute and State University,Blacksburg, VA
24061,Nov. 1979.
11. Voelcker,H.B. and A.A.G. Requicha,"Geometric
Modeling of Mechanical Parts and Processes",Computer,Vol. 10, No. 12, Dec.
1977, pp.48-57.
12. Waltz, D., "Understandinq
Line Drawinqsof
Sceneswith Shadows",in The Psychologyof
ComputerVision, (P.H.Winston,
York, 1975.
13. Workshop on Representationof Three-Dimensional Objects, (R. W-Y,
Universityof Pennsylvania,
May l-2, 1979.
14. York, B., A. Hanson,and E.M. Riseman,"Representation of Three-DimensionalObjects
with Coons Patchesand Cubic B-Splines",
Department of Computer and Information
Science, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst,MA 01003.
Figure 2 illustratesthe decomposition of a twodimensional chair by graph-theoretic
ficult,since a perspectiveprojectionwill change
the angles betweenparts. Such .information
be left out of initial matchingattemptsand used
later to try to validatea given match or to
"hoose betweenseveralpossiblematches. The precise definitionof an inexactmatch from a two-dimensionaldescriptionto a three-dimensional
descriptionis the subjectof our currentresearch.
IV. Sumnaryof Currentand Future Research
We have described a relational model for
objects, in which the parts of
an object are very grosslydescribed as sticks,
plates, or blobs. We are buildinga databaseof
The objects in
the databaseare being clusterdinto groups, using
clustering algorithm. Instead
of comparing a two-dimensionalview to every
object in the database, it will be comparedinitiallyonly to a centroidobjectsin each group.
Only in those groups where the unknown object is
most highly relatedto the centroidwill any full
relationalmatchingtake place.
Relational matchingwill be a form of the
inexactmatchingwe described in [lo]. The general method will be to obtain estimatesof the
three-dimensionalrelationsfrom the two-dimensional shape and match these estimatesagainstthe
models. Derivingthe algorithms
and heuristicsfor the matching is one of our most
1. Agin, G.J. and T.O. Binford, "ComputerDescriptionsof Curved Objects", IEEE Transactinson Computers, Vol. 25x03,
-April 1976.