Problem ... x A simply supported beam is subject to a distributed load w = −wo * cos 2π L Figure shown below a) Determine reaction forces at the ends b) Plot shear-force and bending moment diagrams c) Model the distributed load as a set of four concentrated loads determined by integrating over each quarter length. Locate the load at the mid length of each segment. I.e. L 2 F2 = ∫ w( x )dx located at x = L 4 3 L 8 Comment on the static equivalency of this model of the distributed load (is it equivalent in force and moment?) d) Plot shear-force and bending moment diagram for this loading. Comment on the comparison with b) above. Solution .... wo := 1 L := 10 x w( x) := −wo⋅cos 2⋅π⋅ L x := 0, 0.1 .. L as shown, w is positive up but negative in value 1 w ( x) 0 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 x R0 RL L ⌠ sum_forces := w( x) dx ⌡ sum_forces = 0 R0 + RL = 0 0 L ⌠ moment_wrt_R0 := x⋅ w( x) dx ⌡ moment_wrt_R0 = 0 0 a) RL⋅L − moment_wrt_R0 = 0 b) equilibrium RL := 0 R0 := 0 x ⌠ R0 + w( ξ ) dξ − V = 0 ⌡ w(x) 0 M V R0 x ⌠ shear_force( x) := w( ξ ) dξ ⌡ 0 2 hold this as shear_force( x) shear_force1(x) := shear_force( x) 2 w1( x) := −wo⋅cos or ... analytically 0 0 5 10 x x x ⌠ ⌠ L x x shear_force( x) = w1( ξ ) dξ = −wo cos 2⋅π⋅ dξ = −wo⋅ ⋅sin 2⋅π⋅ ⌡ L L 2⋅π 0 ⌡ 0 2 curves overlap shear_force( x) − w o⋅ L 2⋅π ⋅sin2⋅π⋅ x 0 L 2 0 5 10 x x equilibrium ⌠ R0 + w( ξ ) dξ − V = 0 ⌡ 0 x ⌠ bending_moment( x) := shear_force( ξ ) dξ ⌡ 0 0 bending_moment( x) 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 x hold this as : bending_moment1(x) := bending_moment( x) or ... analytically: x ⌠ x L ⌠ bending_moment( x) = shear_force( ξ ) dξ = −wo⋅ ⋅ sin 2⋅π⋅ dξ ⌡ L 2⋅π 0 ⌡ x 0 2 L x bending_moment( x) = wo⋅ ⋅ cos 2⋅π⋅ − 1 L 2⋅π the 1 is from the lower limit 0 bending_moment( x) 2 2 L ⋅ cos2⋅π⋅ x −1 L 2⋅π w o⋅ 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 x c) model in segments: i := 0 .. 3 ξ i , 0 := i⋅ following the notation in the notes: L = 10 L ξ i , 1 := (i + 1)⋅ 4 ξi, 1 ⌠ f := i ⌡ξ w( x) dx i,0 −1.592 1.592 f= 1.592 −1.592 located at L 4 0 2.5 ξ= 5 7.5 xx := i 2.5 5 7.5 10 ξi, 1 + ξi, 0 2 1.25 3.75 xx = 6.25 8.75 x := 0, 0.1 .. L ll := 0 ul := 3 ul shear( x) := ∑ fi⋅(x ≥ xxi) 2 i = ll plotted with value from distributed shear( x) shear_force1( x) 0 2 0 5 10 x ul bending_moment( x) := ∑ fi⋅(x − xxi)⋅(x ≥ xxi) i = ll 0 bending_moment( x) bending_moment1( x) 5 10 0 5 10 x comment ... shear at the quarter points right on! bending moment a bit underestimated bending_moment L 2 = 0.785 L bending_moment1 2 about 20 % low .. but with just 4 segments do the same but with 8 segments: (not expected) i := 0 .. 7 ξ i , 0 := i⋅ L 8 L = 10 ξ i , 1 := (i + 1)⋅ L 8 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 ξ= 5 6.25 7.5 8.75 1.25 2.5 3.75 6.25 7.5 8.75 5 10 −1.125 −0.466 0.466 1.125 f= 1.125 0.466 −0.466 −1.125 ξi, 1 ⌠ f := i ⌡ξ w( x) dx i,0 x := 0, 0.1 .. L ll := 0 located at xx := i ξi, 1 + ξi, 0 2 0.625 1.875 3.125 4.375 xx = 5.625 6.875 8.125 9.375 ul := 7 ul shear( x) := ∑ fi⋅(x ≥ xxi) 2 i = ll plotted with value from distributed shear( x) shear_force1( x) ul bending_moment( x) := ∑ i( i) ( f ⋅ x − xx ⋅ x ≥ xx i = ll i) 0 2 0 5 10 x 0 bending_moment( x) bending_moment1( x) 5 10 0 5 x comment ... shear at the quarter points right on! bending moment a bit underestimated bending_moment L 2 = 0.948 L bending_moment1 2 about 5 % low .. with 8 segments 10