Dynamics of Sound Waves in Interacting Bose Gases Dirk - André Deckert Department of Mathematics University of California Davis March 19, 2014 Joint work with J. Fröhlich (ETH), P. Pickl (LMU), and A. Pizzo (UCD). D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 1 / 20 Dynamics of Sound Waves D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 2 / 20 Model of the Bose Gas i∂t Ψt (x1 , . . . , xN ) = HΨt (x1 , . . . , xN ) N X X ∆xj − +α U(xj − xk ) H= 2 j=1 k<j with U ∈ Cc∞ , and initially the gas particles are quite regularly arranged: Ψ0 is “close” to a product state Ψ0 (x1 , . . . , xN ) = N Y Λ−1/2 ϕ0 (xj ), kΨ0 k2 = 1 j=1 for a smooth one-particle wave function ϕ0 with: kϕ0 k∞ = 1 and supported in a box of volume Λ ⊂ R3 . D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 3 / 20 Model of the Bose Gas i∂t Ψt (x1 , . . . , xN ) = HΨt (x1 , . . . , xN ) N X X ∆xj − +α U(xj − xk ) H= 2 j=1 k<j with U ∈ Cc∞ , and initially the gas particles are quite regularly arranged: Ψ0 is “close” to a product state Ψ0 (x1 , . . . , xN ) = N Y Λ−1/2 ϕ0 (xj ), kΨ0 k2 = 1 j=1 for a smooth one-particle wave function ϕ0 with: kϕ0 k∞ = 1 and supported in a box of volume Λ ⊂ R3 . D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 3 / 20 A physically relevant scaling Gas density: ρ = N Λ. For the product state Ψ0 one finds * + N ϕ 2 X 0 Ψ0 , α U(x − xk )Ψ0 = N α U ∗ 1/2 (x) = ρ α U ∗ |ϕ0 |2 (x). Λ k=1 For U ∈ Cc∞ (R3 ) one formally has: − X ∆xj +α U(xj − xk ) = O(1) + O(αρ) 2 k<j Hence, for α∼ 1 , ρ one can expect non-trivial dynamics for ρ 1. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 4 / 20 A physically relevant scaling Gas density: ρ = N Λ. For the product state Ψ0 one finds * + N ϕ 2 X 0 Ψ0 , α U(x − xk )Ψ0 = N α U ∗ 1/2 (x) = ρ α U ∗ |ϕ0 |2 (x). Λ k=1 For U ∈ Cc∞ (R3 ) one formally has: − X ∆xj +α U(xj − xk ) = O(1) + O(αρ) 2 k<j Hence, for α∼ 1 , ρ one can expect non-trivial dynamics for ρ 1. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 4 / 20 A physically relevant scaling Gas density: ρ = N Λ. For the product state Ψ0 one finds * + N ϕ 2 X 0 Ψ0 , α U(x − xk )Ψ0 = N α U ∗ 1/2 (x) = ρ α U ∗ |ϕ0 |2 (x). Λ k=1 For U ∈ Cc∞ (R3 ) one formally has: − X ∆xj +α U(xj − xk ) = O(1) + O(αρ) 2 k<j Hence, for α∼ 1 , ρ one can expect non-trivial dynamics for ρ 1. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 4 / 20 Microscopic dynamics: i∂t Ψ(x1 , . . . , xN ) = HΨ(x1 , . . . , xN ), H= N X j=1 X ∆xj 1 − + U(xj − xk ) 2 ρ k<j Macroscopic dynamics: i∂t ϕt (x) = h[ϕt ]ϕt (x), hx [ϕt ] = − ∆x + 1 · U ∗ |ϕt |2 (x). 2 For ρ 1 one can hope to control the micro- with the macro-dynamics in a sufficiently strong sense, e.g., ϕt Trx ,...,x |Ψt ihΨt | − ϕt ≤ C (t)ρ−γ , for γ > 0, ρ 1. 2 N kϕt k2 kϕt k2 For fixed volume Λ, i.e., ρ = O(N), many results are available, e.g., Hepp ’74, Spohn ’80, Rodniaski & Schlein ’09, Fröhlich & Knowles & Schwarz ’09, Pickl ’10, Erdõs & Schlein & Yau ’10, . . . Spectrum for large volume: Dereziński & Napiórkowski ’13 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 5 / 20 Microscopic dynamics: i∂t Ψ(x1 , . . . , xN ) = HΨ(x1 , . . . , xN ), H= N X j=1 X ∆xj 1 − + U(xj − xk ) 2 ρ k<j Macroscopic dynamics: i∂t ϕt (x) = h[ϕt ]ϕt (x), hx [ϕt ] = − ∆x + 1 · U ∗ |ϕt |2 (x). 2 For ρ 1 one can hope to control the micro- with the macro-dynamics in a sufficiently strong sense, e.g., ϕt Trx ,...,x |Ψt ihΨt | − ϕt ≤ C (t)ρ−γ , for γ > 0, ρ 1. 2 N kϕt k2 kϕt k2 For fixed volume Λ, i.e., ρ = O(N), many results are available, e.g., Hepp ’74, Spohn ’80, Rodniaski & Schlein ’09, Fröhlich & Knowles & Schwarz ’09, Pickl ’10, Erdõs & Schlein & Yau ’10, . . . Spectrum for large volume: Dereziński & Napiórkowski ’13 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 5 / 20 Microscopic dynamics: i∂t Ψ(x1 , . . . , xN ) = HΨ(x1 , . . . , xN ), H= N X j=1 X ∆xj 1 − + U(xj − xk ) 2 ρ k<j Macroscopic dynamics: i∂t ϕt (x) = h[ϕt ]ϕt (x), hx [ϕt ] = − ∆x + 1 · U ∗ |ϕt |2 (x). 2 For ρ 1 one can hope to control the micro- with the macro-dynamics in a sufficiently strong sense, e.g., ϕt Trx ,...,x |Ψt ihΨt | − ϕt ≤ C (t)ρ−γ , for γ > 0, ρ 1. 2 N kϕt k2 kϕt k2 For fixed volume Λ, i.e., ρ = O(N), many results are available, e.g., Hepp ’74, Spohn ’80, Rodniaski & Schlein ’09, Fröhlich & Knowles & Schwarz ’09, Pickl ’10, Erdõs & Schlein & Yau ’10, . . . Spectrum for large volume: Dereziński & Napiórkowski ’13 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 5 / 20 Open Key Questions 1 Can the control be maintained for large volume Λ? 2 Is the approximation good enough to be able to see OΛ,ρ (1) excitations of the gas, e.g., sound waves, for large Λ? 3 Can the thermodynamic limit, Λ → ∞ for fixed ρ, and the mean-field limit, ρ → ∞, be decoupled? We demonstrate how to control the microscopic dynamics of excitations in the following large volume regime: Λ, ρ 1 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) such that Λ 1 ρ Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick and N = ρΛ. March 19, 2014 6 / 20 Open Key Questions 1 Can the control be maintained for large volume Λ? 2 Is the approximation good enough to be able to see OΛ,ρ (1) excitations of the gas, e.g., sound waves, for large Λ? 3 Can the thermodynamic limit, Λ → ∞ for fixed ρ, and the mean-field limit, ρ → ∞, be decoupled? We demonstrate how to control the microscopic dynamics of excitations in the following large volume regime: Λ, ρ 1 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) such that Λ 1 ρ Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick and N = ρΛ. March 19, 2014 6 / 20 Tracking Excitations for large Λ Coherent excitation of the gas: Ψ0 (x1 , . . . , xN ) = N Y Λ−1/2 ϕ0 (xj ), for ϕ0 = Ω0 + 0 , given: j=1 A smooth and flat reference state Ω0 : supp Ω0 = O(Λ), kΩk∞ = 1 with sufficiently regular tails; A smooth and localized coherent excitation 0 : supp 0 = O(1). D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 7 / 20 Splitting of the dynamics: given the macroscopic dynamics ϕt use ∆x i∂t Ωt = − + U ∗ |Ωt |2 − 1 Ωt . 2 (reference) as reference state and define the excitation by t = ϕt e ikUk1 t − Ωt (excitation) Control of approximation: define (micro) ρt ED 1/2 Ψt Λ1/2 Ψt proj⊥ = proj⊥ Ωt Trx2 ,...,XN Λ Ωt , (macro) = |t iht |, (micro) (macro) and control ρt − ρt for large Λ, ρ. ρt . . . which turns out to be not so easy. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 8 / 20 Splitting of the dynamics: given the macroscopic dynamics ϕt use ∆x i∂t Ωt = − + U ∗ |Ωt |2 − 1 Ωt . 2 (reference) as reference state and define the excitation by t = ϕt e ikUk1 t − Ωt (excitation) Control of approximation: define (micro) ρt ED 1/2 Ψt Λ1/2 Ψt proj⊥ = proj⊥ Ωt Trx2 ,...,XN Λ Ωt , (macro) = |t iht |, (micro) (macro) and control ρt − ρt for large Λ, ρ. ρt . . . which turns out to be not so easy. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 8 / 20 Splitting of the dynamics: given the macroscopic dynamics ϕt use ∆x i∂t Ωt = − + U ∗ |Ωt |2 − 1 Ωt . 2 (reference) as reference state and define the excitation by t = ϕt e ikUk1 t − Ωt (excitation) Control of approximation: define (micro) ρt ED 1/2 Ψt Λ1/2 Ψt proj⊥ = proj⊥ Ωt Trx2 ,...,XN Λ Ωt , (macro) = |t iht |, (micro) (macro) and control ρt − ρt for large Λ, ρ. ρt . . . which turns out to be not so easy. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 8 / 20 New mode of approximation: Though weaker, it is strong enough to answer most physical questions in a satisfactory way. Theorem (Micro approximated by Macro) e t with Suppose kϕt k∞ is bounded on [0, T ]. There is a trajectory t 7→ Ψ (micro) corresponding reduced density matrix ρet such that: Λ 2 e t ≤ C (t) ; Ψt − Ψ 2 ρ 1/2 (micro) (macro) − ρt ρt , ≤ C (t) Λρ e for all times t ∈ [0, T ] and sufficiently large Λ and ρ. This implies that the actual quantity (micro) (macro) − ρt ρt is typically small, provided Λ, ρ 1 such that D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Λ ρ 1. Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 9 / 20 Strategy of Proof Similar to Pickl’s ’10 technique we count “bad” particles, i.e., particles that do not follow the macroscopic dynamics given by ϕt . For this we employ the orthogonal one-particle projectors: p ϕt = 1 |ϕt ihϕt |, kϕt k2 q ϕt = 1 − p ϕt , and define the N-particle operators: k Pkϕt = (q ϕt ) (N−k) (p ϕt ) , N X Pkϕt = id, k=0 which projects onto wave functions with exactly k “bad” particles. A quantity that was successfully used to control fixed-volume mean-field limits is + * N X k ϕt ϕt hΨt , q1 Ψt i = Ψt , P Ψt , N k k=0 the expected ratio of “bad particles” over N. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 10 / 20 Strategy of Proof Similar to Pickl’s ’10 technique we count “bad” particles, i.e., particles that do not follow the macroscopic dynamics given by ϕt . For this we employ the orthogonal one-particle projectors: p ϕt = 1 |ϕt ihϕt |, kϕt k2 q ϕt = 1 − p ϕt , and define the N-particle operators: k Pkϕt = (q ϕt ) (N−k) (p ϕt ) , N X Pkϕt = id, k=0 which projects onto wave functions with exactly k “bad” particles. A quantity that was successfully used to control fixed-volume mean-field limits is + * N X k ϕt ϕt hΨt , q1 Ψt i = Ψt , P Ψt , N k k=0 the expected ratio of “bad particles” over N. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 10 / 20 Strategy of Proof Similar to Pickl’s ’10 technique we count “bad” particles, i.e., particles that do not follow the macroscopic dynamics given by ϕt . For this we employ the orthogonal one-particle projectors: p ϕt = 1 |ϕt ihϕt |, kϕt k2 q ϕt = 1 − p ϕt , and define the N-particle operators: k Pkϕt = (q ϕt ) (N−k) (p ϕt ) , N X Pkϕt = id, k=0 which projects onto wave functions with exactly k “bad” particles. A quantity that was successfully used to control fixed-volume mean-field limits is + * N X k ϕt ϕt hΨt , q1 Ψt i = Ψt , P Ψt , N k k=0 the expected ratio of “bad particles” over N. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 10 / 20 Strategy of Proof However, to silhouette the O(1) excitation t against the reference state Ωt we need much finer control on the ratio of bad particles over ρ: Only less than ρ particles may behave badly! Therefore, we regard * + N X ϕt ϕt b it := Ψt , hm m(k)Pk Ψt , ( m(k) = k=0 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick k ρ for 0 ≤ k ≤ ρ 1 otherwise March 19, 2014 . 11 / 20 Strategy of Proof However, to silhouette the O(1) excitation t against the reference state Ωt we need much finer control on the ratio of bad particles over ρ: Only less than ρ particles may behave badly! Therefore, we regard * + N X ϕt ϕt b it := Ψt , hm m(k)Pk Ψt , ( m(k) = k=0 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick k ρ for 0 ≤ k ≤ ρ 1 otherwise March 19, 2014 . 11 / 20 One can show: Lemma – same conditions – Define: X ϕ e t := Ψ P k t Ψt 0≤k≤ρ = Ψt projected onto the subspace with at most ρ bad particles. Then: et b ϕt it ; Ψt − Ψ 22 ≤ hm p (micro) (macro) b ϕt it . ρt − ρt e ≤ C (t) hm Hence, it is sufficient to prove: Lemma (Expected ratio of bad particles over ρ) – same conditions – D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Λ b ϕt it ≤ C (t) . hm ρ Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 12 / 20 d b ϕt it = hm dt * Ψt , H − N X + b t Ψt hxj [ϕt ], m j=1 + N 2 X X N |ϕt | 1 b t Ψt U(xj − xk ) − U ∗ (xj ), m = Ψt , ρ ρ Λ j=1 j<k * + N2 |ϕt |2 |ϕt |2 b t Ψt ≈ Ψt , U(x1 − x2 ) − U ∗ (x1 ) − U ∗ (x2 ), m 2ρ Λ{z Λ | } * =:Z (x1 ,x2 ) 2 N b tϕt ] Ψt i hΨt , [Z (x1 , x2 ), m 2ρ N2 b ϕt ] id idΨt , = Ψt , id id [Z (x1 , x2 ), m 2ρ = for id = p1ϕt + q1ϕt = p2ϕt + q2ϕt , = 16 terms. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 13 / 20 g d b ϕt it ≤ hm dt b + Z g g b b + Z g g b b Z g b + h.c. + diagrams that conserve the particle numbers Λ b ϕt i ≤C (t) 0 + hm + . ρ This yields: d Λ ϕt ϕt b it ≤ C (t) hm b it + hm dt ρ and, thanks to Grönwall’s Lemma, concludes the proof. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 14 / 20 The term determining the structure of the macroscopic equation is: g b Z g g = N2 b ϕt ] p1ϕt q2ϕt Ψt , Ψt , p1ϕt p2ϕt [Z (x1 , x2 ), m 2ρ and one finds p1ϕt p2ϕt Z (x1 , x2 )p1ϕt q2ϕt = p1ϕt p2ϕt |ϕt |2 |ϕt |2 U(x1 − x2 ) − U ∗ (x2 ) − U ∗ (x1 ) p1ϕt q2ϕt Λ Λ |ϕt |2 = p1ϕt p2ϕt p1ϕt U(x1 − x2 )p1ϕt −U ∗ (x2 )p1ϕt q2ϕt Λ {z } | ϕt =Λ−1 U∗|ϕt |2 (x2 )p1 − p1ϕt U ∗ |ϕt |2 (x1 )p1ϕt p2ϕt q2ϕt Λ | {z } =0 =0 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 15 / 20 Effective Equation for the Excitation ∆x 2 2 ∗ i∂t t = − + U ∗ |Ωt | − 1 + U ∗ |t | + U ∗ 2<t Ωt t 2 + U ∗ |t |2 + U ∗ 2<∗t Ωt Ωt , (excitation) If there are no blow-ups for t ∈ [0, T ] and the L2 norm is small enough, we find a simple effective equation for the excitation: Theorem (Small Excitations) Let ηt solve i∂t ηt = − ∆x ηt + U ∗ 2<ηt , 2 η0 = 0 . Then: ! −1/3 kt − ηt k2 ≤ C (t) Λ + sup kt k2 s∈[0,T ] for all t ∈ [0, T ]. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 16 / 20 The evolution equation i∂t ηt = − ∆x ηt + U ∗ 2<ηt 2 for Fourier transform ηbt can be given by i∂t ηbt (k) ηbt ∗ (−k) ηbt (k) = H(k) , ηbt ∗ (−k) H(k) = ! b b ω0 (k) + U(k) U(k) , b b −U(k) −ω(k) − U(k) where ω0 (k) = k 2 /2. The eigenvalues ω(k) of H(k) fulfill b ω(k)2 = ω0 (k) ω0 (k) + 2U(k) . D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 17 / 20 One can explicitly solve for the dispersion relation: r k2 b + U(k). ω(k) = |k| 4 first discovered by Bogulyubov. For small momenta |k| we can distinguish two cases: b Repulsive potential, i.e., U(0) > 0: vsound q d b = = U(0). ω(k) dk k→0 Sound waves with arbitrary small modes travel at a strictly positive speed. b Attractive potential, i.e., U(0) < 0: b Modes with wave vectors k such that k 2 /4 = U(k) become static. b Modes such that k 2 /4 < U(k) become dynamical unstable. D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 18 / 20 D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 19 / 20 Outlook Show that the actual ground state of the gas is “close” to a product state much like our initial state. Uncouple the scales Λ 1 and ρ 1. Treat the case of non-zero temperature. Thank you! D.-A. Deckert (UC Davis) Sound Waves in BECs @ Warwick March 19, 2014 20 / 20