WhiteBear: An Empirical Study of Design Tradeoffs for ... Trading Agents

From: AAAI Technical Report WS-02-06. Compilation copyright © 2002, AAAI (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
WhiteBear:An Empirical Study of Design Tradeoffs for AutonomousTrading
Ioannis A. Vetsikas and Bart Selman
Departmentof ComputerScience
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY14853
{vetsikas,selman} @cs.comell.edu
oneof the top-scoringagents
in the 2"’i InternationalTradingAgentCompetition
TACwasdesignedas a realistic complextest-bed for designingagentstradingin e-marketplaces.
an adaptive,robustagentarchitecturecombining
methodsand empiricalknowledge.
Theagent faced several
the optimalquantitiesto buy
andsell, the desiredpricesandthe timeof bidplacement
onlypart of its design.Otherimportantissues that weresolvedwerebalancingthe aggressiveness
of the agent’sbids
againstthe costof obtainingincreasedflexibilityandthe integration of domainspecific knowledge
withgeneral agent
designtechniques.Wepresentour observationsandbackour
The Trading Agent Competition (TAC) was designed and
organized by a group of researchers at the University of
Michigan, led by MichaelWellman(Wellmanet al. 2001).
In earlier work, e.g. (Anthonyet al. 2001), (Grecnwald,
Kephart, &Tesauro 1999), (Preist, Bartolini, &Phillips
2001), researchers tested their ideas about agent design in
smaller market gamesthat they designed themselves. Time
was spent on the design and implementationof the market,
but there was no common
marketscenario that researchers
could focus on and use to comparestrategies. TACprovides such a common
framework.It is a challenging benchmarkdomainwhichincorporates several elements found in
real marketplacesin the realistic setup of travel agents that
organize trips for their clients. It includes several complementaryand substitutable goodsI traded in a variety of
auctions by autonomousagents that seek to maximizetheir
profit while minimizingexpenses. These agents must decide the bids to be placed. The problemis isomorphicto
variants of the winnerdeterminationproblemin combinatorial auctions (Greenwald&Boyan2001). However,instead
of bidding for bundlesand letting the auctioneer determine
the final allocation that maximizes
income(for this problem
Associationfor Artificial Intelligence(www.aaai.org).
All rights reserved.
tickets are substitutable,whilehotels, planeandentertainment
tickets are complementary
see (Fujishima, Leyton-Brown, & Shoham1999), (Sandholm&Suri 2000)), in this setting the computationalcost
movedto the agents whohave to deal with complementarities and substitutabilities of goods.
Participating in TACgave us the opportunity to experiment with general agent design methodologies. Westudy
design tradeoffs applicable to most market domains. We
examinethe tradeoff of the agent paying a premiumeither
for acquiring informationor for havinga widerrangeof actions availableagainstthe increasedflexibility that this informationprovides. In addition, using the information known
about the individual auctions and modellingthe prices helps
the agent to judgeits flexibility moreaccurately and allows
it to strike a balancebetweenthe cost of havingan increased
flexibility and the benefit obtained fromit, whichin turn
improves overall performance even more. Wealso examine howagents of varying degrees of bidding aggressiveness
performin a range of environmentsagainst other agents of
different aggressiveness.Wefind that there is a certain optimal level of"aggressiveness":an agent that is just aggressive enoughto implementits plan outperformsagents who
are either not aggressive enoughor too aggressive. As we
will see, the resulting agent strategy is quite robust andperformswell in a range of agent environments.
Wealso showthat even thoughgenerating a goodplan is
crucial for the agent to maximize
its utility, it is not necessary to computethe optimal plan. Wewill see that a randomizedgreedy search methodsproducesplans that are very
close to optimal and morethan goodenoughfor effective
bidding. In fact, mostof the time the agent has only rather
incompleteknowledgeof the various price levels (auctions
are still open), therefore solving the optimizationtask optimally does not necessarily lead to better overall performance.Our results showthat it is actually moreimportant
to be able to quickly update the current plan whenevernew
information comesin. Our fast planning strategy allows us
to do so (plan generationgenerally in less than 1 second).
Onesubstantial benefit of our modularagent architecture
is that it is also able to combineseamlesslyboth principled
methodsand methodsbased on empirical knowledge.Overall our agent is adaptive, versatile, fast and robust and its
elements are general enoughto workwell under any situation that requires biddingin multiple simultaneousauctions.
Wehavedemonstratedthis not only in the controlled experi-
mentsbut also in practice by performingconsistently among
the top scoring agents in the TAC.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section,
we describe the TACmarket gameformally. After that we
present our agent design architecture. In the sections afterwardswe present the results of the competitionand weexplain the experimentsperformedto validate our conclusions.
Finally we discuss possible directions for future workand
TAC: A description
of the Market Game
In the Trading Agent Competition, an autonomoustrading
agent competesagainst 7 other agents in each game.Each
agent is a travel agent with the goal of arranginga trip to
Tampafor CUSTcustomers. To do so it must purchase
plane tickets, hotel roomsand entertainmenttickets. This is
done in simultaneousonline auctions. The agents send bids
to the central server runningat the Universityof Michigan
and are informedabout price quotes and transaction informarion. Eachtype of commodity
(tickets, rooms)is sold
separate auctions (for a surveyof auction theory see (Klemperer 1999)). Eachgamelasts for 12 minutes(720 seconds).
There is only one flight per day each waywith an infinite amountof tickets, whichare sold in separate, continuously clearing auctions in which prices follow a random
walk. For each flight a hidden parameterz is chosenuniformlyin [10, 90]. Theinitial price is chosenuniformlyin
[250, 400] and is perturbed by a value drawnuniformlyin
[-10, 10 + r--~o " (z - 10)], wheret (sec) is the timeelapsed
since the gamestarted. Theagents maynot resell tickets.
There are two hotels in Tampa: the TampaTowers
(cleaner and more convenient) and the Shoreline Shanties
(the not so goodand expected to be cheaper hotel). There
are 16 roomsavailable each night at each hotel. Roomsfor
each of the days are sold by each hotel in separate, ascending, open-cry, multi-unit, 16th-price auctions. A customer
must be given a hotel roomfor every night betweenhis arrival andthe night before his departingdate and they are not
allowed to changehotel during their stay. Theseauctions
close at randomlydeterminedtimes and more specifically
at minute4 (4:00) a randomlyselected auction closes, then
anotherat 5:00, until at 11:00the last one closes. Noprior
knowledgeof the closing order exists and agents maynot
resell roomsor bids.
Entertainmenttickets are traded (bought and sold) among
the agents in continuousdoubleauctions (stock markettype
auctions) that close whenthe gameends. Bids matchas soon
as possible. Eachagent starts with an endowment
of 12 randomtickets and these are the only tickets available in the
r~ anda
Eachcustomeri has a preferred arrival date PR~
preferred departure date PR
She also has a preference
for staying at the goodhotel representedby a utility bonus
UHias well as individual preferences for each entertainmentevent j represented by utility bonuses UENTi,j.Let
DAYSbe the total numberof days and ET the number of
different entertainmenttypes.
Theparametersof customeri’s itinerary that an agent has
to decide uponare the assigned arrival and departuredates,
AAi and ADi respectively, whether the customer is placed
in the goodhotel GHi(whichtakes value 1 if she is placed
in the Towersand 0 otherwise) and ENTi,j whichis the day
that a ticket of the event j is assignedto customer/ (this is
e.g. 0 if no suchticket is assigned).
Theutility that the travel plan has for eachcustomeri is:
= 1000 + UH~¯ GHi
+ ~ n~ax { UENT, d. I(ENT,,j
= d)}
-- 100. ([PR.~"~ - Amil + IPRai*" - AD,[)
if 1 < AA~ < AD~< DAYS,
else utili = 0, becausethe plan is not feasible.
It should be noted that only one entertainmentticket can
be assigned each day and this is modeledby taking the
utility from each entertainment type on each day.
Weassume that an unfeasible plan means no plan (e.g.
AAi = ADi = 0). The function I(bool_expr) is 1 if the
bool_expr =TRUE
and 0 otherwise.
The total incomefor an agent is equal to the sum of
its clients’ utilities. Eachagents searches for a set of
itineraries (represented by the parameters AAi, ADi, GHi
and ENTi,j) that maximizethis profit while minimizingits
The WhiteBear Architecture
The optimization problemin the 2nd TACis the sameas the
one in the first one, so weknewstrategies that workedwell
in that setting and had someidea of whereto start in our
implementation (Greenwald &Stone 2001). However,the
newauction rules were different enoughto introduce several issues that markedlychangedthe gameand madeit impossible to import agents without makingextensive modifications. For an agent architecture to be useful in a general
setting, it mustbe adaptive,flexible andeasily modifiable,
so that it is possible to makemodificationson the fly and
adapt the agent to the systemin whichit is operating. These
were lessons that we incorporated in to the design of our
In addition, as informationis gained by participation in
the system, the agent architecture mustallow andfacilitate
the incorporation of the knowledgeobtained. During the
competitionwe changedmanyparts of our agent to reflect
the knowledgethat we obtained. For example,we initially
experimentedwith bidding based mainlyon heuristics, but
it did not take us too long to realize that this approachwas
not able to adapt fast enoughto the swift pace required by
bidding in simultaneousauctions. Biddingwithout an overall plan is quite inefficient, becauseof the complementarities
and substitutabilities betweengoods. Wetherefore decided
to formulate and solve the optimization problemof maximizingthe utility of our agent (see Planner section). Such
2Theoriginal architecture proposedby the TAC
an appropriatestarting point (witha number
of necessarymodifications).
a fundamentalchange wouldbe difficult and quite timeconsuming,if our architecture did not support interchangeable parts.
Theagent architecture is summarized
as follows:
while (not end of game)
1. Get price quotes and transaction information
2. Calculateprice estimates
3. Planner: Formand solve optimization problem
4. Bidder: Bid according to plan and price estimates
Our architecture is highly modularand each component
of the agent can be replacedby anotheror modified.In fact
several parts of the components
themselvesare also substitutable. This highly modularand substitutable architecture
allowedus to test several different strategies and to run controlled experimentsas well. Also note our agent repeatedly
reevaluates its plan and bids accordingly,since in mostdomainsit is crucial to react fast to informationon the domain
and to other agents actions and the TACgameis no exception to this rule. Wefurthermoredesigned our components
to be as fast and adaptiveas possiblewithoutsacrificing efficiency.
In the next subsection we describe howthe agent generates the price estimate vectors. In the subsectionafterwards
we explain howthe agent forms and then solves the optimizationproblemof maximizing
its utility. In the last subsection we present the biddingstrategies used by the bidder
to implementthe generatedplan.
these are also considered ownedby the planner. For the
plane tickets the PEV’sare equal to the current ask price,
for tickets not yet bought, but for hotel roomsit is higher
than that. In fact, we estimate the price of the next room
boughtas a function of the current price and for each additional roomthe price estimate increases by an amount
proportional to the current price and the day and type the
room(rooms on days 2 and 3 or on the goodhotel are estimated to cost more than roomson days 1 and 4 or on the
t (x) = O, if x <0d,t
ent and
bad hotel). Wealso set PEVd~
PEV~t(x) 200, if x > d, t +O elrl~
1, because all we are
certain fromobservingthe current ask and bid prices is that
there is at least one ticket up for buyand sale, but we’renot
sure if there are any more.Alsonote that entertainmenttickets ownedby the agent do not havea value of 0, since they
can be sold. By using them, the agent loses a value equal
to the price at whichit could have sold them. Thereforethe
PEVof ownedtickets is equal to the price at whichthey are
expectedto be sold.
The planner is another modulein our architecture. It uses
the PEV’sto generate the customersitineraries that maximizethe agent’s utility. Therefore,it also providesthe type
and total quantity of commoditiesthat should be purchased
or sold to achievethis. In order to do this the plannerformulates the followingoptimizationproblem:
Price Estimate Vectors
In order to formulatethe optimizationproblemthat the planner solves, it is necessaryto estimate the prices at which
commoditiesare expected to be boughtor sold. Westarted
from the "priceline" idea presented in (Greenwald&Boyan
2001) and we simplified and extendedit whereappropriate.
Weimplementeda modulewhich calculates price estimate
vectors (PEV).Thesecontain the value (price) of Zth
unit for each commodity.For somegoodsthis price is the
samefor all units, but for others it is not; e.g. buyingmore
hotel roomsusually increases the price one has to pay.
Let O~~r, Vd
and PEV2"~(x),
’ obadh,
’ Vd
PEVd~P(x), PEV~°°dh(x), PEVbdaah(x), PEV~,~’(x)
respectively the quantities ownedand the the price estimates
of the xth unit for the plane tickets, the hotel roomsand the
entertainmenttickets for event t for each day d. Let us also
theoperator z) = EL1/(0.
E "utile-COST}
wherethe cost of buyingthe resourcesis
COST= E [a( PEVff’~(x)’
+a(PEV:’P(x), ~-~ I(AD~ = d))
EIGHt. I(AA. _< d < AD.)])
. I(AA~ <_ AD~) ])
+ Ea(PEV2,~t(x),
Theprice estimate vectors are
< current bid price ifx < 0~"t
PEV~,’~t(x) > current ask price if x --> OdJ
ifx < yp~
PEV~YP,(x) ~ =
> current ask price ~pe
ifx > O~
wheretypeE{ arr, dep,goodh,badh}.
Since onceboughtan agent cannot sell plane tickets nor hotel roomsto anyoneelse, this meansthat their value is 0
for the agent; it has to treat the moneythat it has already
paid for them as a "sunk cost". The agent must buy all
roomsthat it is currently winningif the auction closes, so
Oncethe problemhas been formulated, the next step is
solving it. This problemis NP-complete,but for the size
of the TACprobleman optimal solution usually can be producedfast. In order to create a moregeneral algorithmwe
realized that it shouldscale well withthe size of the problem
and should not include elaborate heuristics applicable only
to the TACproblem. Thus we chose to implementa greedy
algorithm: the order of customers is randomiTedand then
each customer’sutility is optimizedseparately. This is done
a few hundredtimes in order to maximiTethe chances that
the solution will be optimalmostof the time. In practice we
havefoundthe followingadditions to be quite useful:
(i) Compute
the utility of the plan 791fromthe previousloop
before considering other plans. Thusthe algorithm always
finds a plan 792that is at least as goodas 791and there are
relatively few radical changesin plans betweenloops. We
observed empirically that this prevented someradical bid
changesand improvedefficiency.
(ii) Weaddeda constraint that dispersedthe bids of the agent
for resources in limited quantities (hotel roomsin TAC).
Plans, which demandedfor a single day more than 4 rooms
in the samehotel, or morethan 6 roomsin total, were not
considered. This leads to someutility loss in rare cases.
However,bidding heavily for one room type means that
overall demandwill very likely be high and therefore prices
will skyrocket,whichin turn will lowerthe agent’sscore signiticantly. Weobservedempiricallythat the utility loss from
not obtainingthe best plan tends to be quite small compared
to the expectedutility loss fromrising prices.
Wehave also verified that this randomizedgreedy algorithm gives solutions whichare often optimal and never far
fromoptimal. Wecheckedthe plans (at the game’send) that
were produced by 100 randomlyselect runs and observed
that over half of the plans wereoptimal and on averagethe
utility loss was about 15 points (out of 9800to 10000usually3), namelyclose to 0.15%.Compared
to the usual utility
of 2000 to 3000that our agents score in most games,they
achieved about 99.3%to 99.5%of optimal. These observations are consistent with the ones about a related greedy
strategy in (Stoneet al. 2001).Consideringthat at the beginning of the gamethe optimization problemis based on inaccurate values, since the closing hotel prices are not known,
an 100%-optimalsolution is not necessary and can be replaced by our almost optimal approximation. As commodities are boughtand the prices approachtheir closing values,
most of the commoditiesneededare already bought and we
haveobservedempirically that biddingis rarely affected by
the generationof approximatelyoptimalsolutions instead of
optimal ones.
This algorithm takes approximately 1 second to run
through 500 different randomizedorders and computean allocation for each. Our test bed wasa cluster of 8 Pentium
HI 550 MHzCPU’s, with each agent using no more than
one cpu. This systemwas used for all our experimentsand
4 Henceit is verified that our
our participation in the TAC.
goal to providea plannerthat is fast andnot domainspecific
is accomplishedand not at the expenseof the overall agent
Bidding Strategies
Oncethe plan has beengeneratedthe bidder places separate
bids for all the commoditiesneededto implementthe plan.
Duringthe competitionevery team, including ours, used empirical observationsfromthe gamesit participated in (over
rl’hesewerethe scoresof the allocationat the endof the game
(no expenseswereconsidered).
the competitiononlyoneprocessorwasused,but duringthe experimentations
weusedall 8, since8 differentinstantiations of the agentwererunningat the sametime.
1000)in order to improveits strategy. Weexperimentedwith
several different approaches. In the next sections we describe the possiblebiddingstrategies for the different goods
and the tradeoffs that wefaced.
Paying for adaptability The purchase of flight tickets
presents a very interesting dilemma.Wehave verified that
ticket prices are expectedto increase approximatelyin proportion to the square of the time elapsed since the start of
the game.This meansthat the moreone waits the higher the
prices will get and the increaseis moredramatictowardsthe
end of the game.Fromthat point of view, if an agent knows
accuratelythe plan that it wishesto implement,it shouldbuy
the plane tickets immediately.Onthe other hand,if the plan
is not known
accurately(whichis usually the case), the agent
shouldwait until the prices for hotel roomshavebeendetermined.This is becausebuyingplane tickets early restricts
the flexibility (adaptability) that the agent has in forming
plans: e.g. if somehotel roomthat the agent needs becomes
too expensive,then if it has already boughtthe corresponding plane tickets, it must either wastethese, or pay a high
price to get the room.Anobvioustradeoff exists in this case,
since delaying the purchase of plane tickets increases the
flexibility of the agent and henceprovidesthe potential for a
higher incomeat the expenseof somemonetarypenalty.
Our initial attempt was similar to someof our competitors (as wefound out later, during the finals): we decided
to bid for the tickets between4:00 and 5:00. This is because most agents bid for the hotel roomsthat they need
right before 4:00, therefore after this time the roomprices
approximatesufficiently their closing prices and a plan created at that time is usually similar to the optimalplan for
knownclosing prices. Wetried waiting for a later minute,
but weempirically observedthat the price increase wasmore
than the benefit from waiting. A further improvement
is to
buysometickets at the start of the game.Thesetickets are
boughtbased on the prices and the preferences of the customers (preference is given to tickets on days 1 and 5, to
cheapertickets and to customerswith shorter itineraries).
About 50%of the tickets are bought in this way and we
have observedthat these tickets are rarely wasted. Another
is to bid for 2 less tickets per flight than reqttired by the plan until 4:00 and for 1 less until 5:00; this
providesgreater flexibility andit is highly unlikelythat the
final optimalplan will not makeuse of these tickets.
A further improvementwas obtained by estimating the
hidden parameter x of each flight. Let {yi,ti},Vi E
{1 ..... N}be the pairs of the price changesyi observed
at times ti and let N be the numberof such pairs. Let A =
x - 10. Then A E {0,..., 80} and P[A = z] = ~l,VZ
{0,..., 80} and P[A= z] = O, Vz q~ {0,..., 80} since x is
uniformlychosenamongthe integers in [10, 90]. Since A is
independentof the times {ti = Ti} whenthe changesoccur,
=P[A= z] P[A
= I{A,=l(ti
z N
= 7"/)}]. Also
yi is uniformlychosenin {-10,..., 10+ IAr~0J}, therefore
P[Yi = Yd(A = z) ^ (ti = T~)]
~, if Yi is an
integer in [-10,10 + zr~0] and P[yi = YiI(A= z) ^ (ti
Ti)] = 0, otherwise. In addition the price changeyi only de-
pendson time ti and is independentof all tj, Vj¢i, therefore P[yi = YiI(A = z) A (ti = T/)] = P[y, = Yd(A
N (ti = 7"/)}]. Giventhe observationsmadeso far,
z) A {Ai=l
the probability that A = z for any z E {0,..., 80}is
P[A = I{A
z =l(t,
= Ti)} A
~°o {P[A:~IA~ffi,(t,=T,)I.pc}
= ~°=o ~’pc =
= T,)}].
= YOI(A =
Giventhe value of A, {yi = Y/} are independent of each
N =
other, thusp~ = I-[~=x P[yi = Y/I(A = z) {Ai=a(t,
T,)}] = 1-I~=, PlY, = Y/I(A= z) A (ti = T,)]. Since p: is
a product, that meansthat if anyof conditionalprobabilities
whomakeup the product is zero then Pz = 0 as well. Therefore forpz # 0 it must be that Vi,-10 < Y/<10+ A.T,720~
Vi,A__>720.(Yi-10)Ti ~ A_>maxi
720.(Y/Ti-10) . Therefore
andp~= 0,
Pz = YI~=I
, ffA > maxi
otherwise. So we concludethat
wherepz---- I-INI
Z > max
= ~¢=io PC
10 and z < 90. OtherwisePz = O.
In practice we haveobservedthat just the knowledgeof the
smallest value of z for whichp~ > 0 is enoughto estimate
the price increase and that we obtain
this knowledgequite
fast (around2:00 to 3:00 usually). This informationis then
usedto bid earlier for tickets whoseprice is verylikely to increase and to wait morefor tickets whoseprice is expected
to increaselittle or none(they are boughtwhentheir useful5ness for the agent is almostcertain).
Bid Aggressiveness Bidding for hotel roomsposes some
interesting questions as well. The mainissue in this case
seems to be howaggressively each agent should bid (the
level of the prices it submitsin its bids). Originallywedecided to havethe agent bid an incrementhigher than the current price. Theagent also bids progressivelyhigher for each
consecutive unit of a commodityfor which it wants more
than one unit. E.g. if the agent wants to buy 3 units of a
hotel room,it mightbid 210for the first, 250for the secondand 290for the third. This is the lowest (r.) possible
aggressivenesswe havetried. Anotherbidding strategy that
wehave used is that the agent bids progressivelycloser to
the marginalutility 5Uas time passes6. This is the highest
(H) aggressiveness level that we have tried. As a compromise betweenthe two extreme levels we also implemented
a versionof the agent that bids like the aggressive(H) agent
5If this procedureis not used,thenthe agentpaysan average
extra cost of 240to 300becauseit waitsuntil minutes4 and5 to
buythe last tickets.If it is used,thenthis costis almosthalved.
6"rhemarginalutility 5Ufor a particular hotel roomis the
in utility that occursif the agentfails to acquireit. In fact
for eachcustomer
i that needsa particularroomwebid -~ instead
of 5U,wherez is the numberof roomswhichare still neededto
her itinerary. Wedo this in ordernot to drive the prices
up prematurely.
N (t~=T~)]
P[A=zl AN, (ti=Ti)l.p.
-~ .p=
P[x = I{A,=,(t,
z N =
, i
>~ 2500
I Ji
2000 t
Agent Types
Figure 1: Averagescores for someagents that do and some
that do not modelthe flight ticket prices in twoexperiments
for roomsthat have a high value of 5Uand bids like the
non-aggressiveness (L) agent otherwise. This is the agent of
medium(M) aggressiveness. For more details into the behavior of these variants werun several experimentsand the
results are presentedlater in the paper.
Asfar as the timingof the bids is concerned,there is litfie ambiguityabout whata very goodstrategy is. Theagent
waits until 3:00 (and before 4:00) and then places its first
bids basedon the plan generatedby the planner. The reason
for this is that it doesnot wishto increasethe prices earlier than necessarynor to give awayinformationto the other
agents. Wealso observed empirically that an added feature whichincreases performance
is to place bids for a small
numberof roomsat the beginningof the gameat a very low
price (whetherthey are neededor not). In case these rooms
are eventuallybought,the agent pays only a very small price
andgains increasedflexibility in implementing
its plan.
EntertainmentThe agent buys (sells) the entertainment
tickets that it needs(doesnot need)for implementing
its plan
at a price equal to the current price plus (minus)a small increment.Theonly exceptionsto this rule are:
(i) At the game’sstart and depending on howmanytickets the agent beginswith, it will offer to buytickets at low
prices, in orderto increaseits flexibility at a smallcost. Even
if these tickets are not used the agent often managesto sell
themfor a profit.
(ii) Theagent will not buy(sell) at a high(low) price,
if this is beneficialto its utility, becauseotherwiseit helps
other agents. This restriction is somewhat
relaxed at 11:00,
in order for the agent to improve
its scorefurther, but it will
still avoid somebeneficial deals if these wouldbe veryprofitable for anotheragent.
To verify our observations and showthe generality of our
conclusions, we decided to perform several controlled experiments. Thus we gain more precise knowledgeof the
behaviorof different types of agents in various situations.
Statistically Significant Difference?
Average Scores
#WB-M2H 1
0 (178) 2614 2638 24902463 2421 2442 2526 2455 2466
2 (242) 2339 2350 2269 2265 2229 224112347 2371 2251
4 (199) i2130 2073 2072 2029j2046 2098 2048 2033 2051
6 (100) 1112 1165 796 843 920 884 848 898
Table 2: Scores for agents WB-M2L,WB-M2M
and WB-M2H
as the number of aggressive agents (WB-M2H)participating
increases. In each experiment agents 1 and 2 are instances of WB-M2M.
The agents above the stair-step line are WB-M2L,
while the ones below are WB-M2H.
The averages scores for each agent type are presented in the next rows. In the last
rows, ¢" indicates statistically significant difference in the scores of the corresponding agents, while × indicates similar scores
(statistically significant).
2600 "’----.......
2400 .......... "------.
8 20OO
tn 1800
WB-M2H WB-M2M....
~ 1600
# Aggressive
Figure 2: Changes in agent’s average scores as the number
of very aggressive agents participating in the gameincreases
Experiments WB-N2L WB-M2L WB-M2MWB-M2E
agent l
Exp 1 agent 2 2087
(1 44) average 2087
Exp 2 (200)
Table 1: Average scores of agents WB-N2L,WB-M2L,WBM2Mand WB-M2H.For experiment 1 the scores of the 2
instances of each agent type are also averaged. The number
inside the parentheses is the total numberof gamesfor each
experiment and this will be the case for every table¯
To distinguish between the different versions of the agent,
we use the notation WB-zyz, where (i) :r is Mif the agent
models the plane ticket prices and N if this feature is not
used, (ii) V takes values 0, 1 or 2 and is equal to the maximumnumberof plane tickets per flight which are not bought
7before 4:00, in order not to restrict the planner’s options
and (iii) z characterizes the aggressiveness with which the
agent bids for hotel rooms and takes values L,M and H for
low, mediumand high degree of aggressiveness respectively.
To formally evaluate whether an agent type outperforms an7In the bidding section, wementionedthat until 4:00 the agent
buys PL~’~ - y and PL~ep - y plane tickets, where ~
PLy", PL~
are the total numberof plane tickets neededto implement
the plan.
In that case we used y = 2. Other options are y = 0 (the agent
buyseverything at the beginning)and y = 1 (one ticket per flight
is not boughtuntil after 4:00).
other type, we usepaired t-tests for all our experiments; values of less than 10%are considered to indicate a statistically
significant difference (in most of the experiments the values
are actually well below 5%). If more than one instances of
certain agent type participate in an experiment, we compute
sthe t-test for all possible combinationsof instances,
The first set of experiments were aimed at verifying our
observation that modeling the plane ticket prices improves
the performance of the agent. This is something that we expected, since the agent uses this information to bid later for
tickets whoseprice will not increase much(therefore achieving a greater flexibility at low cost), while bidding early for
tickets whoseprice increases faster (therefore saving considerable amount of money). We run 2 experiments with the
4 agent types: WB-N2L, WB-M2L, WB-M2M
and WB-M2H.
In the first we run 2 instances of each agent,
while in the second we run only one and the other 4 slots
were filled with the standard agent provided by the TAC
support team. The result of this experiment are presented
in table 1. The other agents, which model the plane ticket
prices, perform better than agent WB-N2L,which does not
do so (figure 1). The differences between WB-N2L
and the
other agents are statistically significant, except for the one
between WB-N2Land WB-M2Lin experiment 2. We also
observe that WB-M2Lis outperformed by agents WB-M2M
and WB-M2H,
which in turn achieve similar scores; these
results are statistically significant for experiment1.
Having determined that modeling of plane ticket prices
leads to significant improvement, we concentrated our attention to agents WB-M2L,WB-M2M
and WB-M2Hin the
next series of experiments. For all experiments, the number
of instances of agent WB-M2M
was 2, while the number
of aggressive agents WB-M2H
was increased from 0 to 6.
The rest of the slots were filled with instances of agent WBM2L.The result of this experiment are presented in table 2.
By increasing the number of agents which bid more aggressively, there is more competition between agents and the
hotel roomprices increase, leading to a decrease in scores.
While the number of aggressive agents #WB-M2H_<4,
decrease in score is relatively small for all agents and is approximately linear with #WB-M2H;
The aggressive agents
do relatively better in less competitive environSThismeansthat 8 t-tests will be computedif we have 2 instances of type A and 4 of type B etc. Weconsider the difference
betweenthe scores of A and B to be significant, if almostall the
tests producevalues below10%.
ments and non-aggressive agents (WB-M2L)
do relatively
better in morecompetitiveenvironments,but still not good
enough compared to WB-M2M
and WB-M2H
agents. Overall WB-M2M
(mediumaggressiveness) performs comparably or better than the other agents in every instance (figure 2). Agents WB-M2L
are at a disadvantage comparedto
the other agents becausethey do not bid aggressivelyenough
to acquire the hotel roomsthat they need. Whenan agent
falls to get a hotel roomit needs, its score suffers a double
penalty:(i) it will haveto buyat least one moreplane ticket
at a highprice in order to completethe itinerary, or else it
will end up wasting at least someof the other commodities it has alreadyboughtfor that itinerary and(ii) since the
arrival and/or departure date will probablybe further away
from the customer’spreference and the stay will be shorter
(hence less entertainmenttickets can be assigned), there
a significant utility penalty for the newitinerary. Onthe
other hand, aggressive agents (WB-M2H)
will not face this
problemand they will score well in the case that prices do
not go up. In the case that there are a lot of themin the
gamethough, the price warswill hurt themmorethan other
agents. Thereasons for this are: (i) aggressiveagents will
pay morethan other agents, since the prices will rise faster
for the roomsthat they needthe mostin comparisonto other
rooms, whichare needed mostly by less aggressive agents,
and (ii) the utility penalty for losing a hotel roombecomes
comparableto the price paid for buyingthe room, so nonaggressiveagents suffer only a relatively small penalty for
being overbid. Agent WB-M2M
performs well in every situation, since it bids enoughto maximize
the probability that
it is not outbid for critical rooms,and avoids"price wars"to
a larger degree then WB-M2H.
Thelast experimentsintendedto further explorethe tradeoff of biddingearly for plane tickets against waitingmorein
order to gain moreflexibility in planning.Initially werun an
experimentwith 2 instances of each of the followingagents:
and WB-M2H
(since they performed best in the
previous experiments) together with WB-M1M
(an agent
that bids for most of its tickets at the beginning)and WBM0H
(this agent bids at the beginningfor all the plane tickets it needsand bids aggressivelyfor hotel rooms.9 Weran
78 gamesand observed that WB-M2M
scores slightly higher
than the other agents, while WB-M2H
scores slightly lower.
Theseresults are howevernot statistically significant. For
the next experimentwe ran 2 instances of WB-M2M
6 of WB-MOH
to see howthe latter (early-bidding agent)
performsin the systemwhenthere is a lot of competition.
Weobservedthat instances of WB-M2M
lay to stay clear of
roomswhoseprice increases too much(usually, but not always,successfully), whilethe early-biddersdo not havethis
choicedueto the reducedflexibility in changingtheir plans.
The WB-M2M’s
average a score of 1586 against 1224, the
average score of the WB-MOH’s;
we ran 69 gamesand the
differences in the scores werestatistically significant. We
then changed the roles and ran 6 WB-M2M’s
against 2 WB-
of the Trading Agent Competition
The semifinals and finals of the 2nd International TACwere
held on October 12, 2001 during the 3~a ACMConference on e-Commerceheld in Tampa. The preliminary and
seeding rounds were held the monthbefore, so that teams
wouldhavethe opportunityto improvetheir strategies over
time. Out of 27 teams (belonging to 19 different institutions), 16 team~wereinvited to participate in the semi-finals
and the best 8 advancedto the finals. The 4 top scoring
agents (scores in parentheses) were: livingagonts (3670),
ATTae(3622), WhiteBear (3513) and tJrlaub01 (3421).
The White Bear variant we used in the competitionwas WBM2M.
Thescores in the finals were higher than in the previous
rounds, because most teams had learned (as we also did)
that it was generally better to have a moreadaptive agent
than to bid too aggressively.H Asurprising exceptionto this
rule was Iivingagonts whichfollowed a strategy similar to
with the addition that it used historical prices to
approximateclosing prices. This agent capitalized on the
fact that the other agents werecareful not to be very aggressive and that prices remainquite low. Despite bidding
aggressively for rooms, since prices did not go up, it was
not penalizedfor this behavior. Theplans that it had formed
at the beginningof the gamewere thus easy to implement,
since all it had to do was to makesure that it got all the
roomsit needed, whichit accomplishedby bidding aggressively. In an environmentwhereat least someof the other
agents wouldbid moreaggressively, this agent wouldprobably be penalizedquite severely for its strategy. Weobserved
this behaviorin the controlled experimentsthat weran. ATTae went muchfurther in its learning effort: it learned a
modelfor the prices of the entertainmenttickets and the hotel roomsbasedon parameterslike the participating agents
and the closing order for hotel auctions in previous games.
Of course this makesthe agent design moretailored to the
mustbe aggressive,becauseif it fails to get a
room,it will paya substantialcostfor changing
its plan,dueto the
lackof flexibilityin planning.
l°Thisis a restriction of the gameandthe TAC
nThiswasdemonstratedby the secondcontrolled experiment
that weranas well.
to see howthe latter performedin a setting where
they werethe minority. Weran 343 gamesand the score differences werestatistically not significant. Weobservedthat
the WB-MOH’s
scored on average close to the score of the
and that in comparisonto the previous experimentthe scores for the WB-M2M’s
had decreaseda little bit
(1540) while the scores for the WB-MOH’s
had increased
significantly (1517). Theseresults allowus to concludethat
it is usuallybeneficialnot to bid for everythingat the beginning of the game.
Weare continuingour last set of experimentsin order to
increasethe statistical confidencein the interpretationof the
results so far. This is quite a time-consuming
process, since
each gameis run at 20 minuteintervals l°. It took close to
2000runs (about 4 weeksof continuousrunningtime) to get
the controlled experiment results and some1000 more for
our observations during the competition.
particular environmentof the competition,12 but it does improve the performanceof the agent.
In this paper we have proposedan architecture for bidding
strategically in simultaneous auctions. Wehave demonstrated howto maximizethe flexibility (actions available,
informationetc.) of the agent while minimizing
the cost that
it has to pay for this benefit, and that by using simpleknowledge (like modelingprices) of the domainit can makethis
choice moreintelligently and improveits performanceeven
more. Wealso showedthat bidding aggressively is not a
panaceaand established that an agent, whois just aggressive
enoughto implement
its plan efficiently, outperformsoverall
agents whoare either not aggressive enoughor whoare too
aggressive.Finally weestablished that eventhoughgenerating a goodplan is crucial for the agentto maximize
its utility,
the greedy algorithmthat we used wasmorethan capable to
help the agent producecomparableresults with other agents
that use a slowerprovablyoptimalalgorithm.Oneof the primarybenefits of our architectureis that it is able to combine
seamlessly both principled methodsand methodsbased on
empirical knowledge,whichis the reason whyit performed
so consistently well in the TAC.Overall our agent is adapfive, versatile, fast and robust and its elementsare general
enoughto workwell under any situation that requires bidding in multiple simultaneousauctions.
In the future we will continueto run experimentsin order
to further determineparametersthat affect the performance
of agents in multi-agent systems. Wealso intend to incorporate learning into our agent to evaluate howmuchthis improves performance.
AcknowledgementsWewould like to thank the TACteam
for their technical supportduring the runningof our experiments and the competition (over 3000 games). This research was supported in part under grants 1]S-9734128(career award)and BR-3830(Sloan).
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