Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Agricultural Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Subject Engineering Principles and Professional Pract ices: Circuit s; Cont rols; and Sensors Engineering Principles and Professional Pract ices: Codes; Graphics; and Safet y Engineering Principles and Professional Pract ices: Economics and St at ist ics Engineering Principles and Professional Pract ices: Physical Operat ions Facilit y Engineering: Plant ; Animal; and Commodit y Environment s and St ruct ures: Environment Facilit y Engineering: Plant ; Animal; and Commodit y Environment s and St ruct ures: St ruct ures Machine Syst ems: Power; Elect rical-Elect ronic; Machines; Cont rols; and Sensors: Agricult ural Machines Machine Syst ems: Power; Elect rical-Elect ronic; Machines; Cont rols; and Sensors: Machine Syst em Design Machine Syst ems: Power; Elect rical-Elect ronic; Machines; Cont rols; and Sensors: Power Syst ems Machine Syst ems: Power; Elect rical-Elect ronic; Machines; Cont rols; and Sensors: Power Transmission Syst ems Nat ural Resource Engineering: Soil; Wat er; and Plant Syst ems: Applicat ions Nat ural Resource Engineering: Soil; Wat er; and Plant Syst ems: Fundament als Nat ural Resource Engineering: Soil; Wat er; and Plant Syst ems: Int eract ions among Nat ural Resources Process Engineering: Food; Feed; Fiber; and Fuel Product s: Energy Sources (e.g. Fossil Fuels; Solar; Wind; Biomass; Hydro) Process Engineering: Food; Feed; Fiber; and Fuel Product s: Facilit ies Layout s; Including Funct ional and Space Requirement s for Processing Facilit ies (e.g. Animal Product s; Plant Product s; Grain; Layout ; St orage) Process Engineering: Food; Feed; Fiber; and Fuel Product s: Mass Transfer Bet ween Phases (e.g. Drying; Ext ract ion; Leaching; Evaporat ive Cooling) Process Engineering: Food; Feed; Fiber; and Fuel Product s: Mat erial Propert ies Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Agricultural *Institutio n Natio nal 1 1 100 23 18 78 Carnegie Co mparato r 15 10 67 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** 4 50 66 0.8 63 2 0 76 0.6 70 4 75 72 0.9 75 6 50 69 1.3 67 6 67 69 1.4 64 6 67 64 1.4 67 5 60 65 1.3 63 6 50 60 1.3 57 4 25 80 1.0 80 5 80 59 0.9 59 9 56 71 1.8 65 6 67 71 1.1 68 9 67 73 1.3 69 1 100 61 0.5 53 1 100 87 0.3 87 3 100 75 0.8 71 3 100 75 0.6 76 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Agricultural Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject Eart hwork Const ruct ion & Layout Est imat ing Quant it ies & Cost s Const ruct ion Operat ions & Met hods Scheduling Mat erial Qualit y Cont rol & Product ion Temporary St ruct ures Worker - Healt h & Safet y & Environment Ot her Topics *Institutio n 1 0 0 Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Co nstructio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 7 4 1 1 14 25 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional Quest ions AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 8 8 8 8 8 63 63 50 38 38 55 39 54 52 57 1.4 1.2 1.9 2.0 1.9 69 41 66 63 63 4 7 6 7 4 5 3 100 29 67 86 50 20 100 57 49 62 84 64 34 71 1.5 1.6 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 81 43 62 86 75 35 75 4 0 39 1.0 31 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Agricultural Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Enviro nmental *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 1 6 4 0 3 2 0 50 50 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard Correct % Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** Subject Wat er: Basic Principles Wat er: Wast ewat er Wat er: St ormwat er Wat er: Pot able Wat er Wat er: Wat er Resources Solid Wast e: Basic Principles Solid Wast e: Municipal and Indust rial Solid Wast e Solid Wast e: Hazardous Wast e Solid Wast e: Medical; Radioact ive; Ot her Wast e Air: Basic Principles Air: Pollut ion Cont rol Sit e Assessment and Remediat ion: Basic Principles Sit e Assessment and Remediat ion: Sit e Assessment Sit e Assessment and Remediat ion: Remediat ion Environment al Healt h and Safet y Associat ed Engineering Principles 4 10 4 10 4 3 6 75 50 25 60 0 67 67 67 55 63 65 50 56 61 1.0 1.6 0.8 1.6 1.7 0.5 1.6 69 55 63 60 31 58 71 6 3 7 16 6 50 33 57 50 33 69 78 67 66 47 1.2 0.8 1.8 2.6 1.5 62 75 57 64 54 3 33 44 1.0 42 3 67 78 0.5 83 8 7 75 71 81 79 1.0 1.0 81 75 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Water Reso urces and Enviro nmental Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 19 8 13 4 68 50 71 Agricultural Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 1 0 0 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject 8 8 8 8 8 38 63 50 63 63 67 56 56 61 83 1.6 1.5 1.9 2.3 1.3 50 56 52 50 81 Hydraulics -- Closed Conduit Hydraulics -- Open Channel Hydrology Groundwat er and Well Fields Wast ewat er Treat ment Wat er Qualit y Wat er Treat ment Engineering Economics 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 1 83 33 67 100 17 50 67 100 71 54 72 79 51 56 74 79 1.2 1.4 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.5 1.0 0.4 62 54 69 83 54 58 67 75 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Chemical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Subject Mass Energy Balances and Thermodynamics: Mass Balances Mass Energy Balances and Thermodynamics: Energy Balances and Thermodynamics Heat Transfer: Mechanisms Heat Transfer: Applicat ions Kinet ics: React ion Paramet ers Kinet ics: React ors Fluids: Mechanical-Energy Balance Fluids: Flow and Pressure Measurement Techniques Mass Transfer: Phase Equilibria Mass Transfer: Cont inuous Vapor-Liquid Cont act ors Mass Transfer: Miscellaneous Mass Transfer Processes Plant Design and Operat ion: Economic Considerat ions Plant Design and Operat ion: Design Plant Design and Operat ion: Operat ion Plant Design and Operat ion: Safet y; Healt h; and Environment Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Chemical *Institutio n Natio nal 1 1 100 201 118 59 Carnegie Co mparato r 54 32 59 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** 8 75 63 2.0 63 10 70 63 2.0 63 7 6 5 4 10 3 4 6 1 1 8 3 4 71 50 80 25 50 33 0 67 100 100 38 67 50 62 71 63 52 55 64 53 45 86 80 61 74 66 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 2.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.4 0.4 1.5 0.8 1.0 58 72 59 52 56 59 53 42 78 87 62 77 69 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject Eart hwork Const ruct ion & Layout Est imat ing Quant it ies & Cost s Const ruct ion Operat ions & Met hods Scheduling Mat erial Qualit y Cont rol & Product ion Temporary St ruct ures Worker - Healt h & Safet y & Environment Ot her Topics *Institutio n 13 8 62 Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Co nstructio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 816 223 358 104 44 47 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional Quest ions AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 8 8 8 8 8 71 58 72 64 74 67 56 67 64 64 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 68 56 66 64 64 4 7 6 7 4 5 3 71 73 82 77 58 34 90 73 56 74 76 55 36 75 1.0 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.1 0.7 74 57 75 77 57 34 78 4 52 43 1.0 47 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Geo technical *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 4 389 89 4 211 50 100 54 56 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard Correct % Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject Subsurface Explorat ion & Sampling Engineering Propert ies of Soils & Mat erials Soil Mechanics Analysis Eart hquake Engineering Eart h St ruct ures Shallow Foundat ions Eart h Ret aining St ruct ures Including Temporary St ruct ures Deep Foundat ions Ot her Topics 8 8 8 8 8 69 88 100 72 81 65 71 73 65 67 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.9 68 74 76 66 67 3 5 5 2 4 6 7 58 75 55 63 100 42 61 65 65 49 61 72 54 57 0.9 1.0 1.3 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.8 69 65 47 58 74 56 58 4 4 81 50 54 48 1.2 1.0 54 48 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Structural Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 731 203 490 137 67 67 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 4 1 25 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al 8 8 8 8 8 78 56 91 59 59 73 66 86 72 74 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.7 74 68 88 73 74 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 45 35 50 55 43 35 70 70 64 69 65 50 52 70 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.1 1.2 70 60 70 65 52 53 69 PM Subject Loadings Analysis Mechanics of Mat erials Mat erials Member Design Design Crit eria Ot her Topics * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - T ranspo rtatio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 1,469 456 727 270 49 59 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject Traffic Analysis Geomet ric Design Transport at ion Planning Traffic Safet y Ot her Topics *Institutio n 15 11 73 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 8 8 8 8 8 71 55 67 83 69 61 53 62 74 67 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 64 54 64 77 70 9 12 3 6 10 73 72 80 68 72 66 67 63 63 62 1.8 2.1 0.9 1.2 1.7 69 70 66 66 66 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Civil - Water Reso urces and Enviro nmental Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 871 243 479 138 55 57 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 5 2 40 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Const ruct ion Geot echnical St ruct ural Transport at ion Wat er Resources & Environment al PM Subject 8 8 8 8 8 65 48 65 60 68 61 58 64 66 76 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.6 62 58 66 64 76 Hydraulics -- Closed Conduit Hydraulics -- Open Channel Hydrology Groundwat er and Well Fields Wast ewat er Treat ment Wat er Qualit y Wat er Treat ment Engineering Economics 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 1 50 53 50 80 57 23 60 100 66 57 69 76 53 50 66 80 1.2 1.4 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.3 1.3 0.4 67 57 70 78 52 51 67 80 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Electrical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Electrical and Co mputer: Po wer *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 7 1,101 322 4 617 201 57 56 62 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** Subject General Power Engineering: Measurement & Inst rument at ion General Power Engineering: Special Applicat ions General Power Engineering: Codes & St andards Circuit Analysis: Analysis Circuit Analysis: Devices & Power Elect ronic Circuit s Rot at ing Machines & Elect romagnet ic Devices: Rot at ing Machines Rot at ing Machines & Elect romagnet ic Devices: Elect romagnet ic Devices Transmissions & Dist ribut ion: Syst em Analysis Transmissions & Dist ribut ion: Power Syst em Performance Transmissions & Dist ribut ion: Prot ect ion 6 71 71 1.1 71 8 10 9 7 10 57 66 59 51 47 58 65 67 52 63 1.5 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.8 60 67 69 54 64 6 57 61 1.3 63 10 6 56 67 58 66 1.8 1.1 59 67 8 70 68 1.5 71 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Materials Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Subject Foundat ion Topics: St at ist ics Foundat ion Topics: Physical-Engineering Sciences Foundat ion Topics: Mechanics of Mat erials Foundat ion Topics: Process Fundament als St ruct ure & Propert ies: St ruct ure-Phase-Transformat ions St ruct ure & Propert ies: Mechanical Propert ies of Met als & Mat erials St ruct ure & Propert ies: Applicat ions & Specificat ions of Met al & Mat erials Select ion Processing: Heat Treat ment s Processing: Surface Modificat ion Processing: Forming & Fabricat ion Performance: A Mat erial Test ing Performance: Mat erial Degradat ion Performance: Wast e Process Cont rol & Environment al Impact Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Metallurgical and Materials *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 1 18 9 0 7 3 0 39 33 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** 4 9 4 9 8 8 25 11 0 44 38 38 46 40 24 45 38 47 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 39 43 22 47 33 50 8 50 50 1.4 44 6 4 7 6 6 1 50 75 29 0 67 0 62 64 44 47 42 44 1.2 0.9 1.7 1.3 1.4 0.5 54 61 40 50 39 44 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Fire Pro tectio n *Institutio n Natio nal 3 2 67 89 44 49 Carnegie Co mparato r 30 22 73 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** Subject Fire Prot ect ion Analysis: Types of Analysis Fire Prot ect ion Analysis: Informat ion Sources for Analysis Fire Prot ect ion Management : Risk management Fire Prot ect ion Management : Inspect ion; t est ing; and maint enance procedures and frequencies Fire Dynamics: Fire and smoke behavior Fire Dynamics: Fire growt h Fire Dynamics: Combust ion Fire Dynamics: Plume ent rainment (e.g. axisymmet ric; balcony spill; window; corner; wall) Fire Dynamics: Mat erial propert ies (e.g. heat of combust ion; ignit abilit y; t hermal; mechanical; flammable and explosive limit s) Fire Dynamics: Heat t ransfer from fire and smoke Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Wat er-Based Fire Suppression Syst ems Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Special Hazard Syst ems Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Fire Det ect ion and Alarm Syst ems Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Smoke Management Syst ems Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Explosion Prot ect ion and Prevent ion Syst ems Act ive and Passive Syst ems: Passive Building Syst ems Egress and Occupant Movement : Means of Egress Egress and Occupant Movement : Human Behavior 7 9 2 2 57 63 100 67 63 59 76 74 1.5 1.8 0.7 0.7 70 65 80 83 3 1 1 2 44 33 67 67 60 72 93 72 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.6 61 77 87 77 1 33 51 0.5 63 2 12 50 56 51 59 0.7 2.3 57 63 8 6 71 67 66 58 1.6 1.2 68 61 4 50 53 1.0 60 2 67 78 0.5 75 8 7 3 75 62 67 74 59 58 1.7 1.4 1.0 80 65 71 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Mechanical - HVAC and Refrigeratio n *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 6 478 139 3 339 92 50 71 66 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG Correct % Correct Nat ional St andard Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Basic Engineering Pract ice Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Principles Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Applicat ions Hydraulics & Fluids: Principles Hydraulics & Fluids: Applicat ions Energy & Power Syst ems: Principles Energy & Power Syst ems: Applicat ions HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Principles HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Applicat ions PM Subject 12 5 3 79 43 56 71 41 57 2.0 1.1 0.9 72 41 58 3 4 3 3 4 3 44 50 50 33 63 72 50 68 60 44 69 76 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.7 48 67 62 43 68 74 Principles: Thermodynamics Principles: Psychromet rics Principles: Heat Transfer Principles: Fluid Mechanics Principles: Compressible Flow Principles: Energy Balances Applicat ions: Equipment and Component s Applicat ions: Syst ems Applicat ions: Support ive Knowledges 3 6 5 3 1 4 8 7 3 56 56 50 50 0 38 52 67 56 58 53 58 66 45 55 66 61 66 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.5 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.7 58 52 55 68 43 52 65 61 66 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Basic Engineering Pract ice Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Principles Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Applicat ions Hydraulics & Fluids: Principles Hydraulics & Fluids: Applicat ions Energy & Power Syst ems: Principles Energy & Power Syst ems: Applicat ions HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Principles HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Applicat ions PM Subject Principles: St at ics (free-body diagrams) Principles: Kinemat ics (linear & rot at ional mot ion) Principles: Dynamics (part icle & rigid body) Principles: Mat erials Propert ies (physical) Principles: St rengt h of Mat erials (st ress & st rain) Applicat ions: Mechanical Component s Applicat ions: Joint s & Fast eners Applicat ions: Vibrat ion & Dynamic Analysis Applicat ions: Mat erials & Process Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Mechanical - Mechanical Systems and Materials *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 1 432 119 1 271 82 100 63 69 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG Correct % Correct Nat ional St andard Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 12 5 3 75 100 67 75 62 66 1.8 1.2 0.9 77 65 69 3 4 3 3 4 3 33 75 100 67 75 100 53 66 57 44 51 58 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 55 67 62 46 54 60 6 3 100 67 71 59 1.4 0.9 75 64 4 4 7 75 100 43 71 77 57 0.9 0.9 1.6 74 80 60 4 4 4 4 100 75 75 100 76 60 65 67 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 81 66 67 72 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Mechanical - T hermal and Fluids Systems *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 2 460 139 1 284 87 50 62 63 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG Correct % Correct Nat ional St andard Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Basic Engineering Pract ice Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Principles Mechanical Syst ems & Mat erials: Applicat ions Hydraulics & Fluids: Principles Hydraulics & Fluids: Applicat ions Energy & Power Syst ems: Principles Energy & Power Syst ems: Applicat ions HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Principles HVAC & Refrigerat ion: Applicat ions PM Subject Principles: Mat erials Propert ies (densit y) Principles: Fluid Mechanics Principles: Heat Transfer Principles (convect ion) Principles: Mass Balance Principles (evaporat ion) Principles: Thermodynamics Principles: Relat ed Principles Applicat ions: Equipment Applicat ions: Syst ems Applicat ions: Codes & St andards 12 5 3 71 40 33 71 47 57 2.0 1.2 0.9 72 45 59 3 4 3 3 4 3 33 63 67 50 63 33 59 77 63 46 55 63 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 59 76 65 48 58 64 2 4 4 100 63 63 73 66 60 0.6 1.0 1.2 71 67 58 3 83 62 0.8 64 4 1 7 13 2 25 100 57 46 100 48 60 61 60 78 1.2 0.5 1.7 2.5 0.6 51 64 61 60 81 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. Oct ober 2012 NCEES Principles and Pract ice of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mining/Mineral Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % Subject Explorat ion: Apply explorat ion met hods & t echniques Explorat ion: Charact erize sit e geologic & geot echnical condit ions Explorat ion: Est imat e & charact erize & evaluat e resource reserves Mine Planning & Operat ions: Plan & design & implement mining met hods and layout s Mine Planning & Operat ions: Plan & design & select and-or const ruct mine equipment and facilit ies and syst ems Mine Planning & Operat ions: Evaluat e & design ground cont rol Mine Planning & Operat ions: Operat e & manage mines & syst ems Mineral Processing: Perform laborat ory & pilot t est ing and analysis Mineral Processing: Design & evaluat e process flow sheet s Mineral Processing: Plan & design & select and-or const ruct plant equipment and facilit ies and syst ems Mineral Processing: Operat e & manage plant s & facilit ies Environment & Reclamat ion: Charact erize sit e & mining & process environment Environment & Reclamat ion: Plan & design t o mit igat e explorat ion & mining & processing impact s Environment & Reclamat ion: Operat e & manage environment al & reclamat ion plan Environment & Reclamat ion: Close & reclaim t he sit e Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam PE - Mining and Mineral Pro cessing *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 9 52 28 5 37 18 56 71 64 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Nat ional Prof +A&S/HGC Quest ions AVG % AVG St andard AVG % Correct % Deviat ion Correct *** Correct ** 3 3 56 11 58 41 0.8 1.0 57 24 4 39 66 1.1 57 8 57 59 1.6 58 13 56 60 2.3 60 7 67 79 1.3 79 4 61 72 0.9 65 4 47 56 1.2 54 9 57 61 2.3 58 7 62 63 1.7 66 4 4 53 53 63 53 1.0 1.0 57 51 5 49 65 1.3 64 3 59 68 0.8 62 2 39 69 0.7 61 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and propiertary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES.