April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Agricultural Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer *Institutio n 1 1 100 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 10 5 8 5 80 100 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 95 63 82 88 63 90 75 60 63 75 88 73 88 68 58 76 79 89 66 56 42 55 50 75 52 66 2.5 1.4 0.8 1.3 0.9 1.8 2.2 1.0 1.3 1.8 1.1 2.2 1.8 74 48 73 80 85 70 45 44 58 50 78 56 78 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 100 20 67 100 50 57 89 86 78 77 52 47 68 49 56 76 54 58 1.3 1.1 0.7 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.5 83 48 53 80 58 57 87 60 58 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Bio lo gical-(no t Bio -Medical) *Institutio n Examinees Taking 1 Examinees Passing 1 Examinees Passing % 100 # Exam Quest ions AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 21 9 16 7 76 78 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 74 63 64 88 88 80 50 60 50 63 63 64 50 76 61 70 80 82 62 67 52 48 60 64 55 55 2.6 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.2 2.5 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.6 2.0 77 61 70 79 86 63 61 51 33 54 60 42 54 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 83 80 33 83 63 57 78 29 44 80 66 60 67 63 64 66 50 59 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.9 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 81 60 56 70 50 62 65 40 51 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 3 3 100 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Civil Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 1,561 373 776 195 50 52 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 82 46 58 67 71 63 63 27 75 46 83 30 58 61 43 53 64 80 54 52 35 51 50 60 36 37 3.2 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.4 2.2 1.9 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.8 61 44 54 65 82 54 53 35 50 50 61 36 36 PM Subject Surveying Hydraulics & Hydrologic Syst ems Soil Mechanics & Foundat ions Environment al Engineering Transport at ion St ruct ural Analysis St ruct ural Design Const ruct ion Management Mat erials 7 7 9 7 7 6 6 6 5 71 62 63 48 43 44 39 61 47 49 46 52 53 42 39 52 66 42 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 51 47 53 52 44 38 51 67 44 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Civil Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 2 0 0 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 472 98 163 33 35 34 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 63 31 41 44 94 60 38 40 50 38 63 45 19 62 44 52 62 79 54 49 34 49 46 57 40 38 3.1 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.4 2.2 1.8 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.7 62 46 55 65 83 55 49 33 48 45 56 39 36 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 75 50 50 50 56 43 56 14 33 66 46 35 54 54 49 57 34 46 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.5 65 43 35 55 55 47 57 33 48 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Electrical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 8 4 50 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Electrical Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 874 224 426 109 49 49 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 72 45 49 81 84 54 50 20 27 45 48 64 36 69 46 55 74 79 54 49 35 35 46 48 65 42 3.4 1.7 2.2 1.9 1.4 2.4 1.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.8 70 45 56 76 81 55 49 34 34 46 46 64 41 10 8 4 6 5 5 9 7 6 56 64 53 35 15 48 47 43 71 53 54 52 37 40 53 52 55 54 2.1 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.4 53 56 53 36 37 53 53 54 56 PM Subject Circuit s Power Elect romagnet ics Cont rol Syst ems Communicat ions Signal Processing Elect ronics Digit al Syst ems Comput er Syst ems * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Electrical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 2 2 100 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 268 57 96 33 36 58 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 87 69 68 100 94 70 31 20 38 50 63 73 69 65 45 52 68 80 55 45 30 36 44 51 59 43 3.1 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.3 2.3 1.8 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.9 69 49 54 73 84 58 52 32 39 46 53 62 48 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 92 70 67 67 38 64 56 86 61 70 48 39 57 43 46 51 54 46 1.2 1.2 0.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.6 73 54 43 60 45 48 55 64 52 PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Mechanical Design & Analysis Kinemat ics & Dynamics & Vibrat ions Mat erials & Processing Measurement s & Inst rument at ion & Cont rols Thermodynamics & Energy Conversion Processes Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machinery Heat Transfer Refrigerat ion & HVAC Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Mechanical *Institutio n Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 3 995 242 3 736 172 100 74 71 # Exam Inst it ut ion Nat ional Quest ions AVG % AVG Correct % Correct Nat ional St andard Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 89 63 76 88 75 67 75 53 71 71 88 73 71 73 56 64 80 83 61 69 53 58 64 70 52 59 3.2 1.8 2.1 1.6 1.2 2.4 1.9 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.0 71 55 65 79 84 62 68 52 56 62 69 51 57 9 9 6 6 9 56 63 56 72 74 66 54 56 56 61 1.7 2.1 1.3 1.5 1.9 65 54 55 53 61 9 6 6 44 61 61 57 55 61 1.8 1.2 1.3 55 53 61 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mechanical Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer *Institutio n 5 2 40 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 368 88 223 59 61 67 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 69 40 45 63 80 44 55 40 43 55 60 36 48 67 47 57 72 81 59 61 43 53 57 65 47 50 3.3 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.3 2.4 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.0 66 49 59 73 84 58 62 43 49 58 64 46 51 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 73 64 53 20 58 57 51 26 53 73 49 45 62 58 57 63 46 58 1.2 1.3 0.8 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 74 50 47 59 53 59 61 44 59 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mining/Mineral *Institutio n Examinees Taking 1 Examinees Passing 0 Examinees Passing % 0 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Civil Natio nal Carnegie 1 0 0 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Co mparato r 1 0 0 Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 47 38 64 75 88 30 50 40 13 38 50 27 25 47 38 64 75 88 30 50 40 13 38 50 27 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47 38 64 75 88 30 50 40 13 38 50 27 25 PM Subject Surveying Hydraulics & Hydrologic Syst ems Soil Mechanics & Foundat ions Environment al Engineering Transport at ion St ruct ural Analysis St ruct ural Design Const ruct ion Management Mat erials 7 7 9 7 7 6 6 6 5 71 29 67 57 29 33 67 67 40 71 29 67 57 29 33 67 67 40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 71 29 67 57 29 33 67 67 40 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES. April 2013 NCEES Fundament als of Engineering Examinat ion ABET - Accredit ed Programs Graduat es Engineering Subject Mat t er Report by Major and PM Examinat ion Board Code: Major 71 Mining/Mineral Examinees Taking Examinees Passing Examinees Passing % *Institutio n 4 1 25 # Exam Quest ions Inst it ut ion: University o f Kentucky, Lexingto n School Code: 7101 PM Exam FE - Other Disciplines Natio nal Carnegie Co mparato r 16 9 10 5 63 56 Inst it ut ion Nat ional AVG Nat ional AVG % % Correct St andard Correct Deviat ion ** Prof +A&S/HGC AVG % Correct *** AM Subject Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics Chemist ry Comput ers Et hics & Business Pract ices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics (St at ics) Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) St rengt h of Mat erials Mat erial Propert ies Fluid Mechanics Elect ricit y & Magnet ism Thermodynamics PM Subject Advanced Engineering Mat hemat ics Engineering Probabilit y & St at ist ics PM Biology Engineering Economics PM Applicat ion of Engineering Mechanics Engineering of Mat erials Fluids Elect ricit y & Magnet ism PM Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 19 8 11 8 8 10 8 5 8 8 8 11 8 62 59 70 75 88 70 56 45 38 59 66 36 56 67 60 68 76 88 71 65 43 51 61 75 43 55 3.1 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.7 2.3 1.9 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.5 1.7 68 63 68 81 88 77 61 44 47 65 76 41 61 6 5 3 6 8 7 9 7 9 71 40 50 62 41 64 67 36 61 82 48 50 70 52 58 65 47 54 1.1 1.5 0.7 2.1 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.2 1.8 80 53 44 70 51 60 70 51 60 * 0 examinees have been removed from this data because they (1) Answered fewer than 10% of the questions or (2) were flagged as a Random Guesser. ** The standard deviation of the above is based on number of questions correct not percentage of questions correct. *** Indicates schools in your Carnegie classification, see www.carnegiefoundation.org TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DATA USE This report contains confidential and proprietary NCEES data. Any use of the data unrelated to accreditation review requires prior approval by NCEES.